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黄土高原地区植被与气候的关系   总被引:46,自引:6,他引:40  
李斌  张金屯 《生态学报》2003,23(1):82-89
利用地理信息系统技术结合典范对应分析和数量区划的方法。研究了黄土高原地区植被与气候之间的关系。排序结果表明:CCA的第一轴代表黄土高原植被和气候梯度的纬向变化,水分梯度是决定植被分布的最主要气候因子,热量梯度中的全年月平均最低气温、月平均最高气温、年均温也对植被的纬向性分布有较大的影响,黄土高原植被与气候梯度表现出明显的纬向性;CCA的第二轴代表黄土高原植被和气候梯度的经向性变化,热量梯度是决定植被经向性分布的最主要气候因子,水分梯度中的全年最大蒸散量对植被的经向性分布有较大的影响。黄土高原植被与气候梯度表现出明显的经向分布规律性。  相似文献   

基于气候的植被空间分布的数字模拟——以内蒙古为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
牛建明 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1064-1071
介绍了一种在GIS支持下,基于气候的植被空间分布的数字模拟方法。研究以内蒙古为例,结果表明,内蒙古植被的空间分布与气候存在明显的相关性。以气候因子为变量,对植被类型的判别较好,地带性植被、山地植被、沙地植被和低湿地植被的判对率分别为61.82%、64.44%、82.72%帮77.44%,数字模拟的结果较好,k值为0.50。对植被地带的判别和模拟的准确性明显提高,判对率达86.84%,k值为0.57,模拟结果属很好,判别和模拟的错误主要出现在因基质、地形、人类干扰等因素而产生的非地带性和次生、退化的植被中,该方法适于分析大尺度空间中植被地带与气候的关系。与传统的植被-气候研究方法相比,所使用的植被和气候因子数字图象具备空间和数值上的连续性,结果客观且可以重复、使用精准的专题数据如数字遥感信息,以及引入更多的专题数据如土壤、植被生产力、样地资料等,是提高判别和模拟准确性的有效途径。  相似文献   

孙艳玲  延晓冬 《生态学杂志》2012,31(7):1685-1690
C值是崔启武(1981)提出的一个水热联系方程的参数,代表了一个地区的干湿状况。本研究根据150个气象站点资料,计算了内蒙古自治区1961—1990年30年平均C值和>5℃积温,并生成空间分布图。结合内蒙古自治区植被地带分布图,绘制了内蒙古10个植被地带的C值和>5℃积温的散点图,较好地表现了内蒙古各植被带与气候指标的关系,并确定了内蒙古各植被带的C值和>5℃积温的界限。根据确定的各个植被带的C值和>5℃积温的界限,模拟了内蒙古自治区植被带的空间分布。通过Kappa一致性检验结果表明,C值与>5℃积温结合可以较好地反映内蒙古植被地带的空间分布状况。作为一个综合气候指标,C值为模拟内蒙古植被带分布提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

内蒙古地处生态环境脆弱区,对气候变化尤为敏感。在全球气候变暖背景下,探究极端气候变化及其影响显得尤为重要。基于内蒙古地区115个气象站点1982—2020年的逐日气象数据,从强度、持续时间、频率3个维度出发计算了18个极端气候指数,在综合分析极端气候的时空变化特征的基础上,运用地理探测器和皮尔逊相关分析方法,定量评估极端气候对该区植被的影响。结果表明:(1)极端暖指数均呈增加趋势,说明1982—2020年期间内蒙古地区极端偏暖现象增多。(2)持续干旱日数与持续湿润日数呈减少趋势,说明39年来内蒙古地区连续性无降水天数和降水天数均减少。(3)极端气候指数与归一化植被指数(NDVI)的相关关系表现出明显的空间异质性,表明内蒙古不同区域NDVI对各极端气候指数的响应程度不同。(4)因子探测器结果表明极端降水指数相对于极端气温指数来说,对内蒙古植被生长变化的影响较大。研究结果可为内蒙古地区防灾减灾与生态修复工程提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

近10年来蒙古高原植被覆盖变化对气候的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
缪丽娟  蒋冲  何斌  刘强  朱枫  崔雪锋 《生态学报》2014,34(5):1295-1301
基于东亚干旱半干旱地区内蒙古和蒙古国67个气象站的观测资料和SPOTVEGETATION归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,借助线性趋势、MK趋势性检验、最大化合成法和相关分析等常用数理统计方法,研究了内蒙古和蒙古国地区的植被覆盖变化和气候变化及其响应关系。结果表明:①近49年内蒙古和蒙古国地区年均气温显著上升,降水变化不明显。年均气温在空间上呈现出南高北低的空间分布格局,降水量表现出由西向东递增趋势。②空间分布上,内蒙的植被覆盖状况好于蒙古国。时间变化上,该地区植被覆盖变化分为2个阶段,1998—2001年NDVI呈整体退化趋势,2002—2012年波动上升,其中2009—2012年连续3a上升。空间变化上,内蒙古境内植被退化的区域主要集中在锡林郭勒盟周边地区,蒙古国境内退化的区域分布在中西部地区。③蒙古国境内荒漠和草原植被NDVI与降水呈正相关关系,与气温呈负相关。而对于内蒙古而言荒漠和草原植被的NDVI也与降水呈正相关关系,森林植被与气温呈正相关。就政策层面:内蒙古区域近年来受国家重大生态政策退耕还林、退牧还草的影响,大部分东部和西部植被恢复较快。在今后如果增强两国的文化和政策交流学习,将会对未来的游牧民族文化的保留和发展提供契机。  相似文献   

本研究以位于内蒙古东部典型半干旱草原区——呼伦贝尔鄂温克族自治旗为研究区,结合野外取样调查和实验室检测分析获取了55组植被和土壤理化性质参数,利用多元统计典范对应排序分析(CCA)法探讨土壤理化性质对植被群落结构空间分布的影响。植被空间分布上表现出轻微退化的趋势,其中退化样方表现出高生物量低多样性特征,过渡样方表现出高多样性低生物量特征,原生样方生物量和多样性都稳定在中间状态。土壤物理性质如颗粒组成、容重等在空间变异不大,而有机质含量、总磷、总氮和土壤水表现出明显的空间差异。在水平方向上,植被变化主要受土壤水含量、总磷、有机质含量及总氮的影响,其中土壤水含量影响作用最大。因此,进一步分析了土壤水垂向分布特征对植被空间变异的影响,表层(0~20 cm)土壤水含量是最重要群落结构影响因子(贡献率为38%),其次是深层(60~80 cm)土壤水含量(贡献率为36.4%),表明植被群落结构不仅受短期降水影响,还受长期气候形势影响。总之,半干旱区草原植被群落结构变化最重要的控制因素是土壤水,其次是土壤有机质、总氮、总磷。  相似文献   

中国气候-植被关系初探   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
 气候—植被分类必须强调气候因子的综合影响及其指标的区域性。一般的气候观测缺乏在生物学上具有重要与综合的作用或代表性,而区域潜在蒸散包括从所有表面的蒸发与植物蒸腾,并涉及到决定植被分布的两大要素:温度和降水。因此,区域潜在蒸散具有作为植被—气候相关分析与分类的综合气候指标的功能。本文首次根据区域潜在蒸散对气候—植被关系的热量与水分指标进行了初步探讨,提出了进行气候—植被关系的热量指标(TI)和区域湿润指标(RMI),并据此对中国气候—植被关系进行了初步的定量研究。该研究对于了解气候—植被之间的相互关系,正确地评估和预测全球变化对人类及生物所赖以生存的生态环境的影响具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

中国潜在植被空间分布格局   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
李飞  赵军  赵传燕  郝君明  郑佳佳 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5347-5355
潜在植被作为一种与所处立地达到平衡的演替终态,反映的是无人类干扰情况下,立地所能发育形成的最稳定成熟的一种顶极植被类型,是一个地区现状植被的发展趋势。潜在植被的研究能够真实反映气候条件对植被形态变化的影响,是植被-环境分类与关系研究的起点,也是全球变化与陆地生态系统研究的关键。以综合顺序分类法为基本理论基础,在GIS研究方法支持下,利用我国2348个气象台站1961~1990年30a的气候资料,对我国潜在植被类型进行了划分,得出以下结论:(1)分布在我国的潜在植被类型有41类,表现出了我国潜在植被的多样性特征;从面积相对比例来看,我国潜在植被在分布面积上很不均匀,面积最大的寒冷潮湿多雨冻原、高山草甸类分布面积达到1526188km^2,面积最小的炎热微干稀树草原类分布面积仅为13km^2。(2)海拔0~6800m之间,是我国潜在植被主要分布的海拔界限,并且此海拔段植被多样性随海拔变化呈现出一定的规律性,即随海拔增加植被多样性显著下降。(3)我国潜在植被的空间分布很好的体现了三向地带性规律,而决定这种分布的主要原因是太阳辐射的纬度性变化、距离海洋的远近引起水分条件变化以及由海拔高度引起的从基带向上热量和干湿变化。(4)我国潜在植被空间格局在重心分布上,主要表现为空间聚集(P1、P2、P3、P4、P5、P6)和空间线型邻接(L1、L2、L3)两个主要特征。  相似文献   

中国气候-植被关系初探   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
气候-植被分类必须强调气候因子的综合影响及其指标的区域性。一般的气候观测缺乏在生物学上具有重要与综合的作用或代表性,而区域潜在蒸散包括从所有表面的蒸发与植物蒸腾,并涉及到决定植被分布的两大要素:温度和降水。因此,区域潜在蒸散具有作为植被-气候相关分析与分类的综合气侯指标的功能。本文首次根据区域潜在蒸散对气侯-植被关系的热量与水分指标进行了初步探讨,提出了进行气候-植被关系的热量指标(TI)和区域湿润指标(RMI),并据此对中国气侯-植被关系进行了初步的定量研究。该研究对于了解气候-植被之间的相互关系,正确地评估和预测全球变化对人类及生物所赖以生存的生态环境的影响具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

浙江省植被覆盖时空动态及其与生态气候指标的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1982—2006年间浙江省归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空变化及其与关键生态气候指标(生物热量指数和生物干湿度指数)的相关性进行了研究.结果表明:研究期间,浙江省植被覆盖总体呈缓慢下降趋势,NDVI显著减少的地区约占全省面积的30.71%;生态气候指标与滞后一年的NDVI显著相关,其中生物热量指数与NDVI呈显著负相关,生物干湿度指数与NDVI呈显著正相关,说明研究区湿度的增加可促进植被长势,而过高的热量对植被生长则具有明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   

植被对改善黄土高原脆弱的生态环境有着关键作用,系统研究黄土高原归一化植被指数(NDVI)空间分布和环境因子的空间关联性,可为新时代黄土高原植被高质量建设提供科学依据。以黄土高原2000-2017年年均植被NDVI为研究对象,选取气候要素、地形因素、土壤类型和植被类型等自然环境因子,运用GIS和地理探测器技术手段,在剔除土地利用类型发生变化栅格的基础上,研究黄土高原年均NDVI与环境因子的空间关联性,结果表明:2000-2017年黄土高原年均NDVI值在0.016-0.72之间,呈地带性分布,由西北部向东南部逐渐升高,大于0.3的区域占50.23%;2000-2017年黄土高原年均植被NDVI分布具有空间异质性,且在不同植被区、地貌区、土壤区和气候区中,NDVI空间分布的主要环境驱动因子具有差异性。年均降雨量对NDVI空间分布具有强解释力,是黄土高原85.20%的区域植被生长的主要制约因子;约12.01%的区域主要受土壤类型影响,为中等解释力,其余区域的植被生长主要受年均气温,日照时数或海拔影响。建议综合考虑不同环境条件下植被NDVI的空间分布与环境影响因子的空间关联性,明确不同区域中植被NDVI的环境制约因子,以制约因子定植,在防止土壤干燥化、贫瘠化的前提下,提高植被覆盖率和生物多样性,以期促进黄土高原植被建设高质量发展。  相似文献   

Abstract. A spatially explicit, climate-sensitive vegetation model is presented to simulate both present and future distribution of potential natural vegetation types in Switzerland at the level of zonal forest communities. The model has two versions: (1) a ‘basic’ version using geographical region, aspect, bedrock (represented by soil pH), and elevation, and (2) a ‘climate-sensitive’ version obtained by replacing elevation (complex environmental gradient) with temperature (climatic factor). Version 2 is used to predict vegetation response under different (today's and projected) climatic conditions. Two regional climate scenarios are applied: (1) assuming an annual mean temperature increase of 1.1 — 1.4 °C, and (2) assuming an increase of 2.2 — 2.75 °C. Both scenarios result in significant changes of the spatial vegetation patterns as compared with today's climatic conditions. In scenario 1, ca. 33 % of the sample points remain unchanged in terms of the simulated zonal forest community; in scenario 2, virtually all sample points change. The most noticeable changes occur on the Swiss Plateau with Carpinion forests (zonal vegetation of present colline belt) expanding to areas that are occupied today by submontane and low-montane Fagus forests. To estimate the reliability of the simulation, quantitative (comparison with field mapping) and qualitative (comparison with climate types in the Alpine region) tests are performed and the main limitations of the approach are evaluated.  相似文献   

In ‘zonal’ vegetation, climatic factors are the main influence on growth and performance and the climate determines the vegetation type completely, which makes this vegetation dominant in the landscape. If vegetation is ‘azonal’ however, local stresses are assumed to have an overwhelming influence on plant performance and climatic influences will be minimal; typically, this vegetation occurs only in small patches in the landscape. In this study I ask whether wetland plant communities, as they are described for South Africa, are evenly distributed among different terrestrial vegetation types, to test whether they are zonal or azonal. Three contingency tables were construed based on the counts of wetland vegetation records, defined on three hierarchical levels (Main Clusters, Community Groups and Community) and their occurrence in the country (at the level of Biome, Bioregion and terrestrial vegetation type). An ‘azonality index’ was calculated as the sum of all Chi‐square values for each wetland vegetation type divided by the total number of records. The overall correlation between hydroperiod and the azonality index was very weak. At the finest level, terrestrial vegetation types were clustered on the basis of having similar combinations of wetland community types. Eighteen different ‘wetland ecoregions’ have been defined, on the basis of wetland vegetation types occurring within them. Instead of regarding wetland vegetation as azonal, it should rather be regarded as ‘intrazonal’, meaning that climate does have an impact but many vegetation types are widespread across climatic regions. The reason why community types in wetlands are widespread is due to the monodominance of a single widespread, often clonal, species. The different wetland ecoregions do not correspond to terrestrial biomes, so it is expected that wetland vegetation responds differently to climate than terrestrial vegetation.  相似文献   

陈强  陈云浩  王萌杰  蒋卫国  侯鹏  李营 《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2811-2818
基于MODIS-NDVI遥感数据,利用CASA模型分析黄河流域2001—2010年植被净第一性生产力(NPP)的空间分布格局,并结合同期气温和降水量数据,分别从不同空间和时间尺度上分析了黄河流域6种生态系统类型区域植被NPP的变化趋势,并对其与气候因素的相关关系进行分析.结果表明: 植被NPP空间分布呈西北低、东南高的分布特征,平均NPP年总量为108.53 Tg C,植被NPP的分布与生态系统类型呈现较高的相关性;2001—2010年,植被NPP总体呈上升趋势但波动较大,55.4%的面积呈现增加趋势,不同生态系统类型区域呈现不同的变化趋势;在年际水平上,黄河流域植被NPP变化与气候因素没有显著相关性,但在月际水平上呈现了较高的相关性,降水量和气温对植被NPP变化的影响作用相当;不同生态系统类型对气候因素呈现不同的相关性质以及时滞效应,草地对降水量的响应存在一定程度的时滞效应,荒漠对气温存在时滞效应.  相似文献   

A simulated map of the potential natural forest vegetation of Switzerland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using empirical data (ca. 7500 phytosociological releves), a simple, probabilistic ‘vegetation-site’ model was developed, to simulate geographical distribution of 71 forest community types, representing the potential natural vegetation (PNV) of Switzerland. The model was interfaced to a geographic information system (GIS) and used to generate a numerical vegetation map, on the basis of digital maps of 12 environmental variables including climatic conditions (temperature and precipitation), topography (elevation, slope, aspect), and soil parameters (soil pH and physical soil parameters). The predicted distribution of forest communities was compared with several vegetation maps, prepared for some subregions of Switzerland by means of traditional field methods. Similarity ranged from 50 to 80 %, depending on the community type, level of vegetational hierarchy and the geographical region. The current resolution and accuracy of the simulated vegetation map allows us to study the vegetational patterns on the level of the entire country or its major geographical and climatic regions. The simulated vegetation map is potentially an important tool in ecological risk assessment studies concerning the possible impacts of climate change on the ecological potential of forest sites and biological diversity of forest communities.  相似文献   

In the face of the current changes in land use and climate as well as habitat destruction, it is important to study herbaceous vegetation as an indicator of changes occurring in savanna ecosystems. We investigated the effects of climate, land use and habitat, both alone and in combination, on the diversity and occurrence of West African savanna herbaceous plant communities. Floristic data and environmental variables were sampled in Burkina Faso and subjected to ordination and indicator species analysis to explore the variation in nine vegetation types. Regression analyses showed that climate, land use, humidity gradient, soil fraction and vegetation structure discriminate herbaceous plant communities. Climate, habitat and their interaction had the greatest effect on the occurrence of these communities. Changes in species richness of the studied communities were mainly due to climate, land use and their interaction, which were more important for increasing rather than decreasing diversity. In all cases, climate conditions remained the most important environmental factor driving vegetation variation in West African savannas. Beside this, the effects of habitat degradation in interaction with land use and climatic conditions indicate land use to be a threat for the diversity of the herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   

通过对黄土高原南北样带大面积(北纬34°05'—40°75'、东经107°14'—111°09')土壤含水量(0—500 cm剖面)测定和相应植被类型调查,研究了黄土高原农田、草地、灌木林地和乔木林地4种土地利用类型土壤含水量的空间变化及它们之间的差异性。结果表明:黄土高原4种土地利用类型的土壤含水量皆呈现南北向地带性变化,自南向北土壤含水量有明显递减趋势,与多年平均降雨量、潜在蒸散量、土壤质地等的分布具有一致性;同一地点不同土地利用类型下土壤水分含量具有显著差异(农地草地灌木和乔木林地),不同植被类型根系分布、蒸散耗水量的不同是造成含水量差异性的原因。植被建设应遵循土壤水分分布规律,研究结果对黄土高原植被恢复建设具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Apart from forests, the landscape of the Alps is dominated by grasslands, where they account for up to 40% of the agricultural area. This study focuses on the main man-made grassland plant communities of the Eastern Alps, shows their current spatial distribution and examines how strongly the influence of land use and site factors determines the communities. Discriminant analysis was used to harmonize the phytosociological classification of 1502 vegetation relevés from the literature and 375 own recorded inventories from Western Austria and Northern Italy. Land-use intensity, altitude, slope and pH were also recorded, in order to assess the impact of the factors to plant communities, as calculated in nonmetric multidimensional scaling. We identified 39 plant communities and generated a table with the main ecological and floristic parameters as well as a map showing their present spatial distribution. Contrary to the literature, the pasture communities Crepido-Festucetum commutatae, Deschampsio cespitosae-Poetum alpinae and Rumicetum alpini occur also in fertilized meadows. On the other hand we found meadow communities occurring in pastures, such as the Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei, the Pastinaco-Arrhenatheretum, the Ranunculo repentis-Alopecuretum pratensis and the Trisetetum flavescentis. The most species-rich communities - the Caricetum ferruginei and the Seslerio-Caricetum sempervirentis - occur in unfertilized meadows above calcareous bedrock. Further species-rich communities - the Campanulo scheuchzeri-Festucetum noricae, the Gentianello anisodontae-Festucetum variae, the Pulsatillo alpinae-Festucetum noricae, the Trifolio thallii-Festucetum nigricantis and the Hypochoerido uniflorae-Festucetum paniculatae - are endangered: they are regionally restricted and depend on the absence of fertilizer and on mowing once annually or every second or third year. Therefore agri-environmental measures should focus on unfertilized mountain meadows, in order to conserve these rare grassland communities.  相似文献   

用于全球变化研究的中国植物功能型划分   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
 植物功能型(Plant functional types, PFTs)作为沟通植物的结构和功能与生态系统属性的桥梁,随着全球变化与植被的关系研究的深入而受到广泛重视。植物功能型的划分依赖于研究的背景、尺度和要解决的问题。为了区域尺度全球变化研究的需要,该文提出了一个基于植物关键特征的植物功能型划分方法。该方法首先选择了6项植物特征,包括3项冠层特征:木本-草本、常绿-落叶和针叶-阔叶,以及3项生理特征:光合途径(C3 / C4)、植物的水分需求和热量需求,作为划分植物功能型的关键特征;然后,先根据植物冠层特征划分得到5个基本类型,再根据水分和热量条件进行详细划分,得到29种备选类型;需要时,再根据研究目的从这29种备选类型中选择所需类型。根据这个方法,在充分考虑了我国季风气候条件下特有的水热配置和高海拔环境对植物的形态和功能特征影响的基础上,从备选类型中选择了一套适合中国气候和植被特征的植物功能型体系。这套体系包括18类植物功能型,其中含7类‘树’功能型、6类‘灌木’功能型和5类‘草’功能型,另根据需要设置2类‘裸地’功能型。并且根据植物的生理生态特征和中国植被的地理分布确定了用于限制植物功能型分布的气候因子,这些气候因子包括绝对最低温度、最暖月平均温度、有效积温、年最热月平均温和最冷月平均温之差、湿润指数、年均降水量。应用表明,这套植物功能型可用于模拟我国植被在当前气候条件下的分布。该研究为发展适于我国的植被模型和区域气候模型、评估全球变化对我国植被的影响及植被变化对气候的反馈作用提供依据与参数。  相似文献   

A combined systematic and stratified sampling design was conducted in mountain forests of the Bavarian Alps to find the principal dimensions of compositional variation of vegetation and their environmental drivers. In 1,505 plots species composition, forest types and soil profiles were recorded. Data from 14 climate stations were included. As we hypothesized that the tree layer is more influenced by management than the understorey and that the former modifies the habitat of the latter, the two matrices were analysed separately and the species composition of the tree layer was used as a structural predictor variable for the understorey. We applied constrained ordination to reveal the main gradients in floristic composition and variance partitioning to examine the portions of climatic, edaphic, spatial and structural components. Ellenberg indicator values and a generalized linear model were used to test whether a significant spatial gradient exists from east to west, the main spatial extent of the investigation area. Forest types were used as an overlay to assess the underlying environmental factors. It turned out that explained variance of the tree layer was considerably lower than in the understorey. Tree layer composition was more influenced by climatic variables than by soil. In the understorey, edaphic and climatic variables contributed almost equally to explained variance, but the tree layer had an additional explanatory power. No continentality gradient could be detected within the investigation area. Plant communities were well separated along gradients of acidity, moisture, nutrients and climate, which broadly confirms the known gradients for montane and subalpine zonal forests in the region. The study provides a quantitative synthesis of the knowledge on a diverse set of community types, which has so far been subject to disparate and sectorial treatment in the Bavarian Alps.  相似文献   

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