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量子点是一种具有纳米尺寸的半导体晶体。与传统的荧光染料相比,量子点拥有许多独特的光学特性,如宽的吸收谱、窄而对称的发射谱、耐漂白、亮度高和荧光寿命长等。由于其出色的光物理特性和相对较小的尺寸,量子点可作为生物学研究的荧光探针。随着量子点合成与修饰技术的发展,其在生物和医学领域的应用已从探索阶段逐步发展到了应用阶段。将量子点应用于活细胞标记,将为揭示细胞内的复杂生命现象提供全新的视野。该文重点介绍了量子点的荧光特性、用量子点标记活细胞所要克服的障碍及基本的标记策略和方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨量子点荧光技术对人肾癌细胞株(ACHN)中不同HSP进行标记的可行性应用。方法利用量子点的荧光特性,免疫细胞化学方法检测体外培养的ACHN细胞中量子点特异性标记的HSP70、HSP90、HSPgp96的表达情况。结果共聚焦荧光显微镜下可见ACHN细胞中HSP70、HSP90、HSPgp96均有明显表达,呈现均匀分布的橙红色强荧光,且量子点在持续激发30分钟后无荧光淬灭发生。结论量子点荧光标记技术能够对不同HSP进行标记,且与传统的标记方法相比具有显著优点,可作为一种新型的检测技术应用于科研及临床标记检测中。  相似文献   

半导体量子点具有长时间、多目标和灵敏度高等独特的光化学性质,这些特性使量子点成为细胞标记和生物应用中得到了广泛的应用。利用量子点目标定位癌细胞,对于寻找癌变部位具有指导的作用。近年来,利用量子点作为光动力学治疗癌症的能量供体也得到了一定的研究。简单地介绍了量子点独特的光学性质,并从量子点标记癌细胞、可视化癌细胞表面功能和在光动力学治疗癌症等方面综述了量子点在癌症诊断和治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

为了为利用量子点标记细胞、组织,进一步研究其功能提供新的方法,本实验观察了3种发射波长的量子点(quautum dost,QDs)对所标记的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞和正常皮肤的影响。利用发射波长610mm的红色荧光水溶液(量子点610)、发射波长为523mm的绿色荧光水溶液(量子点523)和发射波长576nm的黄色荧光脂溶性溶液(量子点576)的3种量子点(5mg/ml)以及具有吞噬能力的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞、正常皮肤为载体,观察不同的除菌方式、温度、封片剂及固定剂对量子点标记细胞、组织的影响,为量子点在生物体内的应用及在生物制片过程中对其性能的影响等研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

与传统的荧光染料相比,量子点作为一种新型的无机荧光纳米材料,具有激发光谱宽而连续、发射光谱窄而对称、光稳定性好、荧光寿命长、量子产率高和生物毒性小等优点,被广泛地应用于生命科学的许多领域,其在细胞标记(固定细胞和离体活细胞)和活体示踪成像领域具有独特的应用优势.它突破了传统的有机荧光染料在荧光性能及生物毒性等方面的不可克服的缺陷.它的应用,极大地推动了生命体系高灵敏、原位、实时、动态示踪成像研究的发展.该文综述了量子点的荧光性质及其在细胞标记(固定细胞和离体活细胞)和活体实时动态示踪成像中的应用,并对其在荧光原位杂交,流式细胞术,实时荧光定量pcr等方面的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

光激活荧光蛋白是指用特定光照射时,其荧光特性发生显著改变的一类荧光蛋白。借助光激活荧光蛋白的这种特性,可以实现对活细胞、细胞器或胞内分子的时空标记和追踪。该文介绍了目前光激活荧光蛋白的性质,并从多个方面对其应用进行了概括,包括分子标记与动态分析、蛋白质相互作用、细胞器及细胞组分动态研究、细胞追踪以及在光激活定位显微镜中的应用等,且对目前光激活荧光蛋白在植物分子细胞生物学中的应用进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

光激活荧光蛋白是指用特定光照射时, 其荧光特性发生显著改变的一类荧光蛋白。借助光激活荧光蛋白的这种特性,可以实现对活细胞、细胞器或胞内分子的时空标记和追踪。该文介绍了目前光激活荧光蛋白的性质, 并从多个方面对其应用进行了概括, 包括分子标记与动态分析、蛋白质相互作用、细胞器及细胞组分动态研究、细胞追踪以及在光激活定位显微镜中的应用等, 且对目前光激活荧光蛋白在植物分子细胞生物学中的应用进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

量子点因其独特的纳米尺寸效应、光学特性和生物相容性,既能作为纳米载体与目的基因结合,又能作为纳米荧光标记物跟踪记录其在转染过程中的位置,给基因工程的发展带来了新的契机。在阐述量子点用于基因转染的优势、标记基因的方法等基础上,作者系统综述了量子点在基因转染中的应用,并对其发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

荧光蛋白研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荧光蛋白在生物学众多研究领域中有着广泛的应用,基于荧光蛋白的分子探针和标记方法已成为活细胞或活体内动态成像研究生物大分子或细胞功能的重要工具。本文对现有荧光蛋白的种类和理化特性,及其在生物学研究中的应用进行了综述介绍。重点介绍了近年来荧光蛋白在亮度、Stokes位移、光谱改变等方面的研究进展,介绍了光转换与光活化荧光蛋白及其在超分辨荧光成像技术中的应用。最后对荧光蛋白未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的量子点是近年来发展起来的一种新型的荧光纳米材料,与传统的材料相比具有独特的性质,所以在生物传感器、实时追踪、多色标记及成像等方面有着广泛的应用。本文主要对量子点在细菌标记和抗菌等方面的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Fluorescent nanocrystals, specifically quantum dots, have been a useful tool for many biomedical applications. For successful use in biological systems, quantum dots should be highly fluorescent and small/monodisperse in size. While commonly used cadmium-based quantum dots possess these qualities, they are potentially toxic due to the possible release of Cd2+ ions through nanoparticle degradation. Indium-based quantum dots, specifically InP/ZnS, have recently been explored as a viable alternative to cadmium-based quantum dots due to their relatively similar fluorescence characteristics and size. The synthesis presented here uses standard hot-injection techniques for effective nanoparticle growth; however, nanoparticle properties such as size, emission wavelength, and emission intensity can drastically change due to small changes in the reaction conditions. Therefore, reaction conditions such temperature, reaction duration, and precursor concentration should be maintained precisely to yield reproducible products. Because quantum dots are not inherently soluble in aqueous solutions, they must also undergo surface modification to impart solubility in water. In this protocol, an amphiphilic polymer is used to interact with both hydrophobic ligands on the quantum dot surface and bulk solvent water molecules. Here, a detailed protocol is provided for the synthesis of highly fluorescent InP/ZnS quantum dots that are suitable for use in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

量子点荧光标记技术的研究热点及面临的挑战   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
半导体量子点作为新型荧光标记物,在生物医学领域具有重要应用.与传统的有机染料及荧光蛋白等荧光标记物相比,半导体量子点具有发光颜色可调、激发范围宽、发射光谱窄、化学及光稳定性好、表面化学丰富以及生物偶联技术成熟等诸多优势,为生命体系的靶向示踪,高灵敏、原位、实时、动态荧光成像,DNA及蛋白质检测,靶向药物,临床医学,生物芯片和传感器等研究提供了新的发展契机.基于作者在半导体量子点生物荧光成像和安全性评价研究的基础,综述了半导体量子点荧光标记物在生命科学与医学领域应用的研究热点,并对半导体量子点荧光标记技术走向实用面临的挑战进行了评述.  相似文献   

Quantum dots are bright, photostable fluorophores used extensively to investigate biological processes. In this study, we report that bromocresol green (BCG) at low micromolar concentrations rapidly, efficiently and reversibly quenches the fluorescence of commercial quantum dots having a wide range of functionalities. The broad utility of BCG quenching of quantum dots in cell biology is showed in quantitative assays of trafficking of the β(2) -adrenergic receptor (β(2) AR) and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR).  相似文献   

Water-soluble quantum dots for biomedical applications   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Semiconductor nanocrystals are 1-10nm inorganic particles with unique size-dependent optical and electrical properties due to quantum confinement (so they are also called quantum dots). Quantum dots are new types of fluorescent materials for biological labeling with high quantum efficiency, long-term photostability, narrow emission, and continuous absorption spectra. Here, we discuss the recent development in making water-soluble quantum dots and related cytotoxicity for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

荧光量子点探针及其标记技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
量子点作为一种新型荧光标记物,与有机染料和荧光蛋白质相比,它们具有可调谐且宽的吸收光谱,激发可产生多重荧光颜色、强荧光信号、抗光漂白能力强等独特的光学特性,使其广泛应用在生物和医学领域。该文就量子点探针的表面修饰和功能化及其标记技术的研究进展进行了阐述。  相似文献   

In this article, we have examined the direct spectroscopic and microscopic evidence of efficient quantum dots‐ α‐chymotrypsin (ChT) interaction. The intrinsic fluorescence of digestive enzyme is reduced in the presence of quantum dots through ground‐state complex formation. Based on the fluorescence data, quenching rate constant, binding constant, and number of binding sites are calculated under optimized experimental conditions. Interestingly, fluorescence quenching method clearly illustrated the size dependent interaction of MPA‐CdTe quantum dots. Conformational change of ChT was traced using synchronous fluorescence measurements, circular dichroism and FTIR spectroscopic methods. Furthermore, the AFM results revealed that the individual enzyme molecule dimensions were changed after interacting with quantum dot. Consequently, this result could be helpful for constructing safe and effective utilisation of QDs in biological applications. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mo  Dan  Hu  Liang  Zeng  Guangming  Chen  Guiqiu  Wan  Jia  Yu  Zhigang  Huang  Zhenzhen  He  Kai  Zhang  Chen  Cheng  Min 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2017,101(7):2713-2733

The marriage of biology with nanomaterials has significantly accelerated advancement of biological techniques, profoundly facilitating practical applications in biomedical fields. With unique optical properties (e.g., tunable broad excitation, narrow emission spectra, robust photostability, and high quantum yield), fluorescent quantum dots (QDs) have been reasonably functionalized with controllable interfaces and extensively used as a new class of optical probe in biological researches. In this review, we summarize the recent progress in synthesis and properties of QDs. Moreover, we provide an overview of the outstanding potential of QDs for biomedical research and innovative methods of drug delivery. Specifically, the applications of QDs as novel fluorescent nanomaterials for biomedical sensing and imaging have been detailedly highlighted and discussed. In addition, recent concerns on potential toxicity of QDs are also introduced, ranging from cell researches to animal models.


CdSe-core, ZnS-capped semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are of great potential for biomedical applications. However, applications in the gastrointestinal tract for in vivo imaging and therapeutic purposes are hampered by their sensitivity to acidic environments and potential toxicity. Here we report the use of coatings with a combination of polythiol ligands and silica shell (QDs PolyT-APS) to stabilize QDs fluorescence under acidic conditions. We demonstrated the stability of water-soluble QDs PolyT-APS both in vitro, in strong acidic solutions, and in vivo. The biodistribution, stability and photoluminescence properties of QDs in the gastrointestinal tract of mice after per os administration were assessed. We demonstrated that QDs coated with current traditional materials - mercapto compounds (QDs MPA) and pendant thiol group (QDs PolyT) - are not capable of protecting QDs from chemically induced degradation and surface modification. Polythiol ligands and silica shell quantum dots (QDs PolyT-APS) are suitable for biological and biomedical applications in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are a new class of fluorescent labels with broad applications in biomedical imaging, disease diagnostics, and molecular and cell biology. In comparison with organic dyes and fluorescent proteins, quantum dots have unique optical and electronic properties such as size-tunable light emission, improved signal brightness, resistance against photobleaching, and simultaneous excitation of multiple fluorescence colors. Recent advances have led to multifunctional nanoparticle probes that are highly bright and stable under complex in vitro and in vivo conditions. New designs involve encapsulating luminescent QDs with amphiphilic block copolymers, and linking the polymer coating to tumor-targeting ligands and drug-delivery functionalities. These improved QDs have opened new possibilities for real-time imaging and tracking of molecular targets in living cells, for multiplexed analysis of biomolecular markers in clinical tissue specimens, and for ultrasensitive imaging of malignant tumors in living animal models. In this article, we briefly discuss recent developments in bioaffinity QD probes and their applications in molecular profiling of individual cancer cells and clinical tissue specimens.  相似文献   

Quantum dots are the nanoparticles that are recently emerging as an alternative to organic fluorescence probes in cell biology and biomedicine, and have several predictive advantages. These include their ⑴broad absorption spectra allowing visualization with single light source, ⑵exceptional photo-stability allowing long term studies and ⑶narrow and symmetrical emission spectrum that is controlled by their size and material composition. These unique properties allow simultaneous excitation of different size of quantum dots with a single excitation light source, their simultaneous resolution and visualization as different colors. At present there are only a few studies that have tested quantum dots in cellular imaging. We describe here the use of quantum dots in mortalin imaging of normal and cancer cells. Mortalin staining pattern with quantum dots in both normal and cancer cells mimicked those obtained with organic florescence probes and were considerably stable.  相似文献   

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