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簇毛麦的利用价值和染色体操作   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
簇毛麦是小麦的一个野生近缘种,蛋白质和赖氨酸含量高,抗逆性和抗病性强,特别是对小麦白粉病的绝大多数生理小种表现免疫或高抗,是小麦品种改良中的一种潜在的抗性基因源。本文详细介绍了簇毛麦研究的历史和现状、簇毛麦染色体形态学、生化标记、分子细胞遗传学、分子标记等识别技术,以及簇毛麦与小麦组其它染色体组的关系  相似文献   

簇毛麦基因组特异性PCR标记的建立和应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以普通小麦中国春、簇毛麦、中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系和代换系为材料进行RAPD分析,筛选出一个簇毛麦基因组特异性RAPD片段OPFO2757,该片段分布于簇毛麦所有染色体上。在对OPFO2757进行克隆、测序的基础上,设计一对PCR引物,建立了簇毛麦基因组特异性PCR标记。用这对PCR引物对不同普通小麦品种、不同硬粒小麦品种、不同居群的簇毛麦、中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系、中国春-簇毛麦二体代换系、普通小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体、硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体等材料进行扩增,凡具有簇毛麦染色体的材料都能扩增出一条长为677bp的DNA片段,而不具簇毛麦染色体的材料包括大麦、黑麦、长穗偃麦草、中间偃麦草等不能扩增出该片段。所以,该特异性PCR标记可用于快速跟踪检测小麦背景中的簇毛麦染色体。  相似文献   

小麦近缘种簇毛麦携带许多尚未克隆的抗病(R)基因。NBS-LRR类型的R基因占已克隆植物R基因的绝大多数,因此,本研究根据NBS-LRR类型R基因的保守序列设计引物,从簇毛麦基因组DNA和cDNA中扩增获得23条相关序列。基于其中5条抗病基因同源序列(RGAs)H-56/d6、H-66/b2和CDS40设计引物,对小麦、簇毛麦、硬-簇双二倍体及其杂种以及已知携带个别簇毛麦染色体或染色体臂的小麦材料进一步进行PCR扩增,结果表明:3对引物均可对簇毛麦、硬-簇双二倍体进行特异扩增;同时,源于序列H-66/b2的引物可对1VL和6VL染色体臂进行特异扩增;源于序列CDS40的引物可在同时携带1VL和2VS或同时携带2VS和4V的小麦材料以及具有6VL的小麦材料中特异扩增,而H-56/d6的引物在携带1VL、2VS、4V和6V染色体臂或染色体的小麦背景中都不能获得目的片段的扩增。这些结果不仅为外源染色体臂在小麦背景中的追踪与鉴定提供了新的分子标记,而且这些标记还与外源染色体或染色体臂上的抗病基因或抗病基因同源物紧密连锁或共分离。  相似文献   

利用小麦微卫星引物建立簇毛麦染色体组特异性标记   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
刘成  杨足君  冯娟  周建平  迟世华  任正隆 《遗传》2006,28(12):1573-1579
选位于普通小麦1A-7A、1B-7B、1D-7D染色体上的102对微卫星引物对多年生簇毛麦、二倍体簇毛麦、小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体与后代和普通小麦中国春、R25、R111、MY11进行了PCR扩增, 发现引物对Xgwm301可以在含簇毛麦染色体的材料中扩出一条长415 bp的特异片段(命名为Xgwm301/415), 而所有供试小麦均未扩出此片段。进而用一套中国春-二倍体簇毛麦附加系来进行扩增, 发现1V-7V染色体均可以扩出该片段, 说明该片段为簇毛麦1V-7V染色体所共有。因此, Xgwm301/415是簇毛麦染色体组上的一个特异片段, 可以用来快速跟踪检测导入到普通小麦背景中的簇毛麦染色体。  相似文献   

簇毛麦染色体组特异性RAPD标记的筛选、定位和应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以普通小麦中国春、中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系以及不同来源的簇毛麦为材料,用100个10碱基随机引物进行RAPD扩增。引物OPF02能在不同来源的簇毛麦及所有中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系中扩增出一条长约750bp的片段OPF02 750。普通小麦和硬粒小麦不能扩增出该片段。因此,OPF02 750为分布于簇毛麦所有染色体上的一个簇毛麦染色体组特异片段。用引物OPF02对普通小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体、硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体以及几个普通小麦的簇毛麦二体代换系、二体附加系进行检测,发现NAU302已经丢失了其所附加的簇毛麦3V染色体。  相似文献   

用生物素标记的簇毛麦(Haynaldiavillosa)染色体组DNA(totalgenomicDNA)作探针,以普通小麦染色体组DNA作遮盖(用量1:200左右),进行有丝分裂中期和减数分裂中期I染色体的分子原位杂交(GISH),经抗生物素蛋白-辣根过氧化物酶复合物(bio-streptavidin-horseradishperoxidase)和联苯胺四盐酸(DAB)检测显色后,小麦-簇毛麦双倍体、附加系、代换系和易位系中的簇毛麦染色体及染色体片段显棕色,与显浅蓝色的小麦染色体可明显区分。用GISH不仅可以检测导入小麦中的簇毛麦染色质,而且可以清楚地显示出易位染色体断裂点的确切位置。将GISH用于减数分裂期染色体配对分析,还可以清晰形象地显示出同源和非同源染色体之间的配对和分离情况。  相似文献   

筛选利用小麦微卫星标记追踪簇毛麦各条染色体   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张伟  高安礼  周波  陈佩度 《遗传学报》2006,33(3):236-243
选用定位于普通小麦7个部分同源群上的276对微卫星引物对普通小麦中同春和簇毛麦的基因组DNA进行扩增分析,有148对引物可在两个物种间检测到多态性。利用上述显示多态性的引物进一步对7个中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系进行扩增分析,筛选出分别可用来追踪簇毛麦1V至7V染色体的引物wmc49(1BS)、wmc25(2BS)、gdm36(3DS)、gdml45(4AL)、wmc233(5DS)、wmc256(6AL)和gwm344(7BL)。此外还发现6DS上的微卫星引物gwm469可以用来追踪簇毛麦的2V染色体;2DS上的微卫星引物gdm107可用来追踪簇毛麦的6V染色体。进一步用涉及不同簇毛麦和小麦背景的小麦一簇毛麦染色体附加系、代换系和易位系进行扩增分析,这些微卫星标记也可用来鉴定簇毛麦的各条染色体。因此,这然簇毛麦染色体特异的微卫星标记可用来追踪普通小麦背景中的簇毛麦染色体。  相似文献   

马渐新  周荣华 《遗传学报》1997,24(5):447-452
用荧光素标记的簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa)基因组总DNA作探针,以普通小麦基因组总DNA作封阻,与花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ制片的染色体进行原位杂交。结果表明,抗白粉病小麦品系GN22是普通小麦-簇毛麦二体代换系;用已定位在小麦第6部分同源群上的RFLP探针psr113、psr371进行Southern分析,进一步证明,小麦品系GN21、GN22是普通小麦-簇毛麦6A(6V)代换系;结合同工酶等电聚焦电泳分析,首次把簇毛麦编码的α-淀粉酶-1生化位点定位在簇毛麦6V染色体长臂上,暂命名为α-Amy-Ⅴ1。研究结果表明,原位杂交与RFLP技术相结合是全面、准确鉴定小麦外源染色体及其与小麦染色体部分同源关系的有效方法。  相似文献   

簇毛麦(Dasypyrum villosum,VV,2n=14)属禾本科小麦族小麦亚族簇毛麦属,分蘖力比较强,多花,籽粒蛋白质含量高,耐旱,抗寒性好,高抗锈病、全蚀病和白粉病。硬簇麦(AABBVV,2n=42)是利用硬粒小麦和簇毛麦杂交人工合成的双二倍体,保留了簇毛麦的优良性状和特点,是进行小麦遗传改良的优良中间材料。人工合成小麦Am3(AABBDD,2n=42)是利用波斯小麦与粗山羊草杂交后染色体加倍而形成的双二倍体,但它所具有的A、B、D染色体组可能与经过多年分化的普通小麦所含的A、B、D染色体组不同,  相似文献   

余波澜  黄朝峰等 《遗传学报》2001,28(6):550-555,F003
选取大麦1H染色体的STS标记MWG913特异性扩增小麦,把得到的片段进行克隆。用Taq Ⅰ酶切分类并测序,把得到的序列同大麦的序列进行比较,依据比较结果,选取对大麦特异的内切酶,用该酶来酶切大麦、小麦、黑麦、长穗偃麦草、中间偃麦草、簇毛麦的MWG913扩增产物,获得对大麦1H染色体特异的CAPs标记。同时,依据酶切位点碱基的差异设计引物对扩增的产物进行第二次扩增,得到该位点的一对染色体特异性ASA标记。  相似文献   

Liu C  Qi L  Liu W  Zhao W  Wilson J  Friebe B  Gill BS 《Génome》2011,54(10):836-844
Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy, a wild relative of bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), is the source of many agronomically important genes for wheat improvement. Production of compensating Robertsonian translocations (cRobTs), consisting of D. villosum chromosome arms translocated to homoeologous wheat chromosome arms, is one of the initial steps in exploiting this variation. The cRobTs for D. villosum chromosomes 1V, 4V, and 6V have been reported previously. Here we report attempted cRobTs for wheat - D. villosum chromosome combinations 2D/2V, 3D/3V, 5D/5V, and 7D/7V. The cRobTs for all D. villosum chromosomes were recovered except for the 2VS and 5VL arms. As was the case with the 6D/6V combination, no cRobTs involving 2D/2V chromosomes were recovered; instead, cRobT T2BS·2VL involving a nontargeted chromosome was recovered. All cRobTs are fertile, although the level of spike fertility and hundred kernel weight (HKW) varied among the lines. The set of cRobTs involving 12 of the 14 D. villosum chromosomes will be useful in wheat improvement programs. In fact, among the already reported cRobTs, T6AL·6VS carrying the Pm21 gene is deployed in agriculture and many useful genes have been reported on other cRobTs including resistance to stem rust race UG99 on T6AS·6VL.  相似文献   

利用普通小麦与6x小簇麦杂交转移簇毛麦有利基因的过程中,发现由小麦品系J-11为亲本的杂种F1花粉具有高可育的特性,研究结果表明,它可能是由小麦品系J-11核基因组上所携带的基因与簇毛麦染色体相互作用影响杂种F1减数分裂四分体时期的行为而形成的,导致其花粉育性及结实性的增高和外源染色体传递行为的不同。结果指出了可能存在一类影响远缘杂种减数分裂四分体时期行为的新基因,这种基因与外源染色体的相互作用对控制远缘杂种结实性及其外源基因的转移具有重要意义。  相似文献   

H J Li  B H Guo  Y W Li  L Q Du  X Jia  C C Chu 《Génome》2000,43(5):756-762
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied with total genomic DNA extracted from Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy as a probe to characterize chromosome translocations arising from tissue culture in hybrids of Triticum aestivum x (T. durum - D. villosum, amphiploid). Chromosome translocations between wheat and D. villosum occurred in callus cells at an average frequency of 1.9%. Translocations existed not only in callus cells but also in regenerants. Three plants with translocation chromosomes were characterized among 66 regenerants of T. aestivum 'Chinese Spring' x 'TH1W' and 'NPFP' x 'TH1'. One of them proved to be a reciprocal translocation with an exchange of about one third of a wheat chromosome arm with about one half of a chromosome arm of D. villosum. The breakpoints of the other two translocations were located at, or near centromeres. The results are similar for both callus cells and regenerants and provide further evidence that translocations take place in tissue culture. Other structural chromosomal changes, for example, fragments, telocentrics, dicentromeres, and deletions, as well as numerical alterations including aneuploidy and polyploidy were recorded both in callus cells and regenerants.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization was used to study Triticum x Dasypyrum wide hybrids and derived lines. A cytogenetic investigation was carried out in progenies of (i) amphiploids derived from T. turgidum var. durum (T. durum; 2n = 14; genomes AABB) x D. villosum (2n = 14; genome VV), (ii) three-parental hybrids (T. durum x D. villosum) x T. aestivum (2n = 42, genomes A'A'B'B'D'D'), and (iii) T. aestivum aneuploid lines carrying D. villosum chromosomes or chromatin. The amphiploids derived from T. durum x D. villosum showed a stable chromosomal constitution, made up of 14 V chromosomes, 14 chromosomes carrying the wheat A genome and 14 chromosomes carrying the B genome. High karyological instability was observed in the progenies of three-parental hybrids ([T. durum x D. villosum] x T. aestivum). Plants having the expected 14 A chromosomes, 14 B chromosomes, 7 D chromosomes, and 7 V chromosomes were rather rare (4.5%). Many progeny plants (45.5%) had the hexaploid wheat genome with 42 chromosomes and lacked any detectable D. villosum chromatin. Other plants (50%) had 14 A chromosomes and 14 B chromosomes, plus variable numbers of D and V chromosomes, the former being better retained than the latter in most cases. Some T. aestivum lines carrying D. villosum chromosomes or chromatin, as the result of addition, substitution, or recombination events or even a combination of these karyological events, were found to be stable. Other lines were unstable, and these lines carried 1V, 3V, or 5V chromosomes or their portions. Substitution or recombination events where 1V chromosomes were involved could concern the homeologous counterparts in both the A and B and D genomes of wheat. No line could be recovered where the shorter arm of 3V chromosomes was present. Changes in the morphology and banding pattern of V chromosomes were observed in hybrids that did not carry the entire D. villosum complement. By comparing the results of our cytogenetic analyses with certain phenotypic characteristics of the lines studied, genes for discrete traits could be assigned to specific V chromosomes or V chromosome arms. From the frequency of V chromosomes that were involved in chromatin exchanges with or substituted for one of their homeologous counterparts in the A, B, and D wheat genomes, it was inferred that D. villosum belongs to the same phyletic lineage as T. urartu (donor of the A genome of wheat) and Aegilops speltoides (B genome), and that Ae. squarrosa (D genome) diverged earlier from D. villosum.  相似文献   

小麦细胞分裂间期外源染色质的检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李洪杰  郭北海 《遗传学报》1999,26(6):666-672
以野生种基因组DNA为探针,用荧光原位杂交研究了间期细胞核里黑麦,中间偃麦草,燕麦和簇毛染色体在普通小麦背景下的行为,易位的黑麦1RS染色体襞在间期表现为不连续的线状杂交信号贯穿细胞核,代换和附加的1R染色体在间期却呈现点状杂交信号,通过易位进入小麦的中间偃麦草和燕麦染色体片段也是点状。  相似文献   

Taxonomic studies in Dasypyrum (Poaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dasypyrum (tribe Triticeae) is revised. Two species are recognized: the annual D. villosum (2n = 14) and the perennial D. breviaristatum (2n = 28). The typification of D. villosum is discussed. The combination D. hordeaceum is demonstrated to be based on a later homonym and for that reason a new combination, D. breviaristatum , is made. A key and a map showing the distribution of the species are presented. Interspecific hybridization and the phylogenetic relationships of the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Yang ZJ  Liu C  Feng J  Li GR  Zhou JP  Deng KJ  Ren ZL 《Hereditas》2006,143(2006):47-54
Dasypyrum breviaristatum and nine related species in Triticeae were analyzed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, in order to understand the genetic relationship and to develop species specific markers. The genome relationship dendrogram shows that D. breviaristatum and D. villosum could not be grouped together, indicating that D. breviaristatum was unlikely to be directly derived from D. villosum, while D. breviaristatum was closest to Thinopyrum intermedium, which implied that they might have similar breeding behaviors when introducing their chromatins into wheat. A D. breviaristatum genome specific RAPD product of 1182bp, was cloned and designated as pDb12H. Sequence analysis revealed that pDb12H was strongly homologuos to a long terminal repeat (LTR) Sabrina retrotransposon newly reported in Hordeum. The pDb12H was converted into a PCR based marker, which allows effectively monitoring the D. breviaristatum chromatin introgression into wheat. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) suggested that pDb12H was specifically hybridized throughout all D. breviaristatum chromosomes arms except for the terminal and centromeric regions, which can be used to characterize wheat -D. breviaristatum chromosome translocation. The genomes repetitive element will also be useful to study gene interactions between the wheat and alien genomes after the polyploidization.  相似文献   

The origin and genomic constitution of the tetraploid perennial species Dasypyrum hordeaceum (2n = 4x = 28) and its phylogenetic relationships with the annual diploid Dasypyrum villosum (2n = 2x = 14) have been investigated by comparing the two genomes using different methods. There is no apparent homology between the conventional or Giemsa C-banded karyotypes of the two Dasypyrum species, nor can the karyotype of D. hordeaceum be split up into two similar sets. Polymorphism within several chromosome pairs was observed in both karyotypes. Cytophotometric determinations of the Feulgen-DNA absorptions showed that the genome size of D. hordeaceum was twice as large as that of D. villosum. Both the cross D. villosum x D. hordeaceum (crossability rate 12.1%) and the reciprocal cross (crossability rate 50.7%) produced plump seeds. Only those from the former cross germinated, producing sterile plants with a phenotype that was intermediate between those of the parents. In these hybrids (2n = 21), an average of 13.77 chromosomes per cell paired at meiotic metaphase I. Trivalents were only rarely observed. Through dot-blot hybridizations, a highly repeated DNA sequence of D. villosum was found not to be represented in the genome of D. hordeaceum. By contrast, very similar restriction patterns were observed when a low-repeated DNA sequence or different single-copy sequences of D. villosum or two sequences in the plastidial DNA of rice were hybridized to Southern blots of the genomic DNAs of the two Dasypyrum species digested with different restriction endonucleases. By analyzing glutamic-oxaloacetic-transaminase, superoxide dismutase, alcohol dehydrogenase, and esterase isozyme systems, it was shown that both Dasypyrum species shared the same phenotypes, which differed from those found in hexaploid wheat. In situ hybridizations using DNA sequences encoding gliadins showed that these genes were located close to the centromere of three pairs of D. villosum chromosomes and that they had the same locations in six pairs of D. hordeaceum chromosomes. We conclude that the autoploid origin of D. hordeaceum from D. villosum, which cannot be defended on the basis of chromosomal traits, is suggested by the other findings obtained by comparing the two genomes. Key words : Dasypyrum hordeaceum, Dasypyrum villosum, phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

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