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植物耐盐基因工程研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐害是影响植物生长和作物产量的主要因素之一。用于提高植物耐盐性的基因工程方法很多,最常见的就是在植物中过量表达抗盐相关的功能基因,包括植物信号传导蛋白基因、植物离子通道蛋白基因和合成小分子渗透剂的酶基因等。归纳了近年来植物耐盐基因工程的研究进展,并展望了植物耐盐基因工程的研究前景。  相似文献   

植物耐盐相关基因克隆与转化研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
土地盐渍化是农作物产量降低的一个重要因素。从盐分对植物的伤害、植物耐盐的机理、耐盐相关基因的克隆及转耐盐基因植物等方面论述了植物的耐盐机理及转耐盐基因植物的研究现状,分析了耐盐性状的复杂性,并对前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

植物耐盐蛋白的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物耐盐蛋白的研究邵宏波,初立业(四平师范学院生物工程研究所,吉林四平136000)关键词植物耐盐蛋白迄今为止,世界上还没有真正育成一种耐盐的作物品种。究其原因,就是不了解植物耐盐的分子生物学基础。近年来,有关植物在盐胁迫条件下基因表达变化的研究引起...  相似文献   

耐盐转基因植物研究进展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
高盐是限制作物生长、发育和产量的最严重的非生物胁迫之一。长期以来,改善作物的耐盐性一直是一个伟大的目标。然而,由于耐盐反应是一个极为复杂的过程,过去,通过传统的育种和遗传工程取得的成功有限。近十年来,由于分子生物学的发展,发现了一些与耐盐相关的新基因,对于这些基因的表达方式及其在耐盐反应中的作用已逐步得到了解,这为转基因工程提供了新的材料。通过控制耐盐相关基因在植物体内的表达,已获得了一些提高耐盐性的转基因植物,展示了诱人的前景,但该领域研究仍然存在许多困难和问题,文章重点讨论耐盐转基因植物的进展。  相似文献   

植物耐盐研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述了盐胁迫对植物的损伤和其中的各种生理生化过程,以及植物在抵抗盐胁迫过程中的耐盐机理。新的研究成果表明,植物自身的miRNA可能在植物抗逆境过程中起到了重要作用,甲基化过程参与了抗逆境相关的甜菜碱等小分子有机物质的合成。  相似文献   

盐生植物是研究植物耐盐分子机制和分离耐盐基因的良好材料,可以反映植物对盐胁迫的适应策略。综述盐生植物响应盐胁迫的转录因子、渗透平衡调节、离子平衡调节、氧化还原平衡调节、光合作用调节及代谢变化,反映盐生植物在多个方面适应盐胁迫的策略。此外,还对盐生植物耐盐分子机制的研究前景作了展望。  相似文献   

植物耐盐相关基因克隆的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着植物分子生物学快速发展,植物耐盐性研究已深入到耐盐相关基因的克隆、基因的结构分析以及基因表达特性等领域.目前,耐盐相关基因的克隆工作进行的如火如荼,有很多植物的耐盐基因已经被克隆,这些已克隆的耐盐相关基因涉及盐胁迫信号传导、基因表达的调控因子、渗透调节物质、胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白LEA(Late-embryogensiS-abundant)等,本文就盐胁迫涉及的信号传导基因、基因表达调控因子等的克隆研究进展作一简要概述.  相似文献   

红树植物耐盐机理研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从形态、生理生化和分子水平综述了红树植物的耐盐机理。红树植物具有盐腺、叶片肉质化等形态特征,通过离子选择性积累、盐分区域化、泌盐和拒盐等机制降低体内的盐分浓度,积累或合成渗透调节物质(主要是松醇和甘露醇)来维持渗透平衡,增强抗氧化系统以清除活性氧。在分子水平上,红树植物的耐盐能力与参与合成渗透调节物质关键酶和抗氧化酶等基因的表达相关。  相似文献   

新疆3种藜科盐生植物NHX基因的克隆与序列分析比较   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
从新疆野生植物盐角草(Salicornia europaea)、盐爪爪(Kalidium foliatum)和盐穗木(Halostachys caspica)中分别克隆了约1.7kb的NHX基因cDNA片段,此片段均包含了NHX完整基因,三者之间有较高的同源性,盐角草NHX基因与盐爪爪NHX基因同源性达92.81%,盐角草与盐穗木同源性达92.19%,盐爪爪与盐穗木同源性达97.66%.它们与其它几种藜科盐生植物如滨藜、碱蓬、灰绿藜的NHX基因同源性也很高,达到80%以上,与拟南芥同源性也达到86%.此基因在植物尤其是藜科盐生植物中高度保守,其编码的功能性蛋白可能在影响植物耐盐中起作用.  相似文献   

甜菜碱提高植物抗盐性的作用机理及其遗传工程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
张波  张怀刚 《西北植物学报》2005,25(9):1888-1893
系统地讨论了甜菜碱在提高植物抗盐性中的作用机理及其国内外研究进展,并对甜菜碱生物合成过程中关键酶及其遗传工程的研究进展进行了综述。提出在进一步弄清甜菜碱提高植物抗盐性作用机理的基础上,应在重要作物中开展甜菜碱合成相关基因的导入,以期获得耐盐植物新品种。  相似文献   

宏基因组学应用于耐盐酶类及耐盐基因研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耐盐酶在高盐浓度下仍具备催化活性和稳定性,在高盐食品和海产品加工、洗涤及其它高盐环境生物技术领域被广泛应用;耐盐基因在高盐条件下可以使微生物维持正常功能,获取并研究不同环境中的耐盐基因对揭示微生物的耐盐机制,以及实现其在高盐环境中的定向应用具有的重要意义。宏基因组学避开纯培养技术探知微生物的多样性及其功能,为我们提供了一种发现新基因、开发新的微生物活性物质和研究微生物群落结构及其功能的新技术。文中结合本课题组的研究工作,综述了利用宏基因组学获取耐盐酶类及耐盐基因的策略,同时着重介绍利用宏基因组学从海洋、土壤、胃肠道等环境中获取耐盐酶类及耐盐基因的研究。  相似文献   

Abstract. Arthrocnemum macrostachyum is a perennial species acting as a primary colonizer of salt pans in Mediterranean high salt marshes. Salicornia ramosissima, an annual, occurs in salt pans under Arthrocnemum canopies and in open areas. The aim of this study was to analyse, in wild populations and a transplant experiment, how S. ramosissima population dynamics and growth are affected by A. macrostachyum. The environmental conditions within the patches of Arthrocnemum were less stressful than in the open areas, with lower radiation levels and salinity concentrations. In the inner areas of A. macrostachyum patches, density‐dependent mortality processes of S. ramosissima seedlings led to low densities of adult individuals with greater morphological development and reproductive success than in open areas. However, at the edges of Arthrocnemum patches facilitation of seedling survival favoured high densities. Environmental stress hindered development, decreased reproduction and premature death. These results are in agreement with the general theory of factors controlling vegetation distribution that biotic interactions dominate in low stress environments, while abiotic interactions dominate under harsher environmental conditions. A. macrostachyum plays an essential role in the succession in these salt pans, facilitating seed production and stimulating nucleation processes in S. ramosissima.  相似文献   

By perfusion of entire sunflower stems with NaCl solutions of various concentrations, we studied the phenomenon of sodium decrement, i.e., sodium retaining in the stem and leaf petioles. Such retaining could comprise up to 50–80% of initial sodium concentration. It depended on the rate of perfusion, the length of xylem vessels, and NaCl concentration. When perfusion with 100–500 mM NaCl concentrations (high for glycophytes) lasted for 10–12 days, we did not observe any decrease in the degree of sodium decrement. Simultaneously with sodium decrement, other ions (K+ and Ca2+) were secreted into the perfusate, thus providing for physiological equilibrating the monosalt solution supplied to the stem base. The high salt concentration in the perfusate induced a decrease in the hydraulic conductance of the vessels. The conclusion is that stressful NaCl solutions attain the shoot meristem and reproductive organs as an “equilibrated” salt solution and at a declined rate of xylem flow. The mechanisms of observed phenomenon of glycophyte salt resistance are discussed, the main of them being related to osmosis-dependent responses of stem living cells and the processes of ion exchange between the cells and xylem vessel content.  相似文献   

Bile salt evolution   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Viewed against the background of known or supposed biosynthetic pathways for cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids in man and laboratory animals, the chemical nature of bile salts in more primitive animals clearly indicates that evolution from C(27), 5alpha-alcohol sulfates to C(24), 5beta-acids has taken place. Stages in this evolution, some of which are intermediates in the biosynthesis of C(24) bile acids, are described for representatives of all the chief vertebrate groups. "Unique" primary C(24) bile acids may be considered as hydroxylated chenodeoxycholic acids; the possible taxonomic significance of these is discussed. A closer study of the biochemical mechanisms underlying bile salt differences may be expected to throw new light on the nature of the evolutionary process itself.  相似文献   

Plant salt tolerance   总被引:156,自引:0,他引:156  
Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress in plant agriculture worldwide. This has led to research into salt tolerance with the aim of improving crop plants. However, salt tolerance might have much wider implications because transgenic salt-tolerant plants often also tolerate other stresses including chilling, freezing, heat and drought. Unfortunately, suitable genetic model systems have been hard to find. A recently discovered halophytic plant species, Thellungiella halophila, now promises to help in the detection of new tolerance determinants and operating pathways in a model system that is not limited to Arabidopsis traits or ecotype variations.  相似文献   

Drosophila larvae change from exhibiting attraction to aversion as the concentration of salt in a substrate is increased. However, some aversive concentrations appear to act as positive reinforcers, increasing attraction to an odour with which they have been paired. We test whether this surprising dissociation between the unconditioned and conditioned response depends on the larvae's experience of salt concentration in their food. We find that although the point at which a NaCl concentration becomes aversive shifts with different rearing experience, the dissociation remains evident. Testing larvae using a substrate 0.025 M above the NaCl concentration on which the larvae were reared consistently results in aversive choice behaviour but appetitive reinforcement effects.  相似文献   

生物炭调控盐胁迫下水稻幼苗耐盐性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤盐渍化降低土壤生产力。探索生物炭对盐胁迫下水稻幼苗耐盐性能的影响,对调控盐渍区水稻生产潜力具有重要意义。本研究通过生物炭介入盐胁迫稻田土壤的盆栽试验,调查了生物炭对盐胁迫下土壤环境和水稻幼苗耐盐性能的影响。盐胁迫设置4个水平,分别为0 g NaCl·kg-1土(S0),1 g NaCl·kg-1土(S1),2 g NaCl·kg-1土(S2),3 g NaCl·kg-1土(S3)。生物炭设置2个水平,分别为0 g生物炭·kg-1土(C0),3 g生物炭·kg-1土(C1)。结果表明:生物炭介入盐胁迫土壤,显著提高了水稻幼苗地上部干物重,有效改善了水稻幼苗农艺性状,显著提高了水稻幼苗茎秆中全钾含量,显著提高水稻幼苗钾钠比79.61%,提高了水稻幼苗耐盐性。生物炭介入也对水稻幼苗抗氧化性能有改善作用,显著降低了水稻幼苗中丙二醛含量,平均显著降低14.25%,抑制膜脂过氧化作用,提高抗氧化能力,减轻盐胁迫对水稻幼苗的伤害。水稻幼苗收获后土壤中水溶性氯离子和水溶性钠离子含量在生物炭介入条件下分别显著降低9.13%、17.77%。因此,添加适量生物炭能有效降低土壤水溶性盐含量,改善土壤盐胁迫环境,提升水稻对盐渍土壤的适应能力。  相似文献   

Improving salt tolerance of economically important plants is imperative to cope with the increasing soil salinity in many parts of the world. Mutation breeding has been widely used to improve plant performance under salinity stress. In this study, we have mutagenized Echinochloa crusgalli L. with sodium azide and three selected mutants (designated fows A) with salt tolerant germination. Their vegetative growth was compared to that of the wild type after short-term and long-term salt stress. The germination of the three fows A mutants in the presence of inhibitory concentrations of NaCl, KCL, and mannitol was better than that of the wild type. Early growth of the mutants in the presence of 200 mM NaCl was also better than that of the wild type perhaps due to improved K+ uptake and enhanced accumulation of sugars particularly sucrose at least in two mutants. But the three mutants and the wild type responded similarly to long-term salt stress. The tolerance mechanisms during short-term and long-term salt stress are discussed.  相似文献   

Plants and salt.     

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