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Three anti-keratin MAbs were used to identify keratins expressed in early embryos of Bufo bufo gargarizans .MAb AF5 recognized three polypeptides of keratin in oocytes,fertilized egge up to neurula stage three other keratins(62,58and 54Kd) began to express and could be detected by AF5,MAbs D10 and K12 gave different results both of them could identify four keratinlike molecules with unusual molecular weights(Mr 98,95,30and 27K),Moreover,D10 could also detect a 54 Kd keratin in neurula and taibud stage embryos while K12 could reveal,beside 54Kd keratin,Other four more keratins(68,65,62 and 60Kd).The possible interpretion of these results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Résumé Les types cellulaires de l'adénohypophyse du Crapaud (Bufo bufo L.) ont été identifiés et étudiés avec deux fixateurs différents. La fixation au tétroxyde d'osmium permet l'identification de cinq types de cellules, alors que celle à la glutaraldéhyde suivie d'une postfixation met en évidence six catégories cellulaires.Les résultats différents obtenus avec ces deux fixateurs portent essentiellement sur la structure (forme et densité) des granulations; une meilleure conservation des grains de sécrétion est obtenue avec la glutaraldéhyde.La libération et l'élaboration des produits de sécrétion sont discutées. Le problème de la libération des granules des cellules hypophysaires a été abordé sous un angle nouveau. Il a été observé dans d'autres organes (pancréas endocrine, cellule à gastrine de l'intestin) que les grains de sécrétion subissent une lyse intracytoplasmique sans destruction de la membrane limitante du granule. Il est suggéré que le même processus pourrait aussi se réaliser au niveau de l'hypophyse.
On the ultrastructure of the adenohypophysis in the toad, Bufo bufo L.I. Identification of cell types and comparison of the results obtained with different fixations
Summary Two different fixatives have been used to identify the various cell types contained in the anterior pituitary of the toad (Bufo bufo L.) and to investigate their ultrastructure. Five cell types were distinguished after simple osmium tetroxid fixation, whilst glutaraldehyde fixation with postosmification revealed six distinct cell types.The results obtained by these two techniques differed mainly in the structure (shape and electrondensity) of the secretory granules, which seemed to be better preserved after combined glutaraldehyde-osmium fixation.The modes of synthesis and release of the secretory products are discussed. The problem of the mode of release of secretory granules from pituitary cells has been envisaged under a new aspect. It has been observed in other organs (endocrine pancreas, gastrin cells of the intestinal wall) that secretory granules may undergo intracytoplasmic lysis without destruction of their limiting membrane. It is suggested that the same process may operate in the pituitary.
Travail réalisé avec l'aide du Fonds national suisse de la Recherche scientifique (Crédit No 5344.3).Nous remercions tout particulièrement Mme Sidler-Ansermet, M. Oberson, photographes, et Mme Baumann, secrétaire, de l'aide qu'ils ont apportée à la réalisation de ce mémoire.  相似文献   

Résumé Cinq types de cellules granulées se différencient au cours de la métamorphose dans la pars distalis de l'hypophyse du têtard de Crapaud.A la prémétamorphose apparaissent les deux types de cellules protidiques, les cellules glycoprotidiques de type II et des cellules glycoprotidiques d'un type intermédiaire. Cette dernière catégorie cellulaire disparaît au climax.A la prométamorphose se différencient les cellules glycoprotidiques de type IV.Au climax s'observent les cellules glycoprotidiques de type III.Les cellules glycoprotidiques de type II sont vraisemblablement responsables de la sécrétion de l'hormone thyréotrope (TSH). Il n'est pas encore possible de préciser la fonction des autres types cellulaires.Des fibres nerveuses ont pu être observées dans la pars distalis entre les cellules granulées.
The ultrastructure of the adenohypophysis in the toad, Bufo bufo L.III. Cell differentiation in the pars distalis during larval growth
Summary Five granulated cell types can be distinguished in the Toad's pars distalis during larval growth.During premetamorphosis the two types of protidic cells appear, the glycoprotein containing cells of type II and an intermediary cell type which disappears during the climax.During prometamorphosis the glycoprotein cells of type IV are apparent.During the climax the glycoprotein cells of type III can be observed.The glycoprotein containing cells of type II probably produce the thyroid-stimulating-hormone (TSH). The function of the other cell types can not be specified for the moment.Nervous fibers have been observed in the pars distalis between granulated cells.
Tous nos remerciements vont à Mme Sidler-Ansermet photographe, Mlle Schorderet secrétaire, et Mlle Schutz technicienne, de l'aide qu'elles ont apportée à la réalisation de ce mémoire.  相似文献   

The karyotypes in spermatogonial and leukocyte metaphases of the toads Bufo bufo, B. viridis and B. calamita (all 2n=22) were analysed and the DNA content of colchicine treated and Feulgen stained spermatogonial metaphase chromosomes measured microspectrophotometrically. The toad species possess similar karyotypes, but the chromosomes of B. bufo are somewhat longer than the chromosomes of B. viridis and B. calamita. All chromosomes of B. bufo contain significantly more than, but in no case twice as much DNA as their homologues in the other two species. Eight chromosomes of B. bufo contain 30–40%, three about 50% more DNA than their homologues in B. viridis. Exactly the same DNA-differences between both sets of chromosomes were found in B. bufo × B. viridis hybrids. Significant differences in the DNA amount of B. viridis and B. calamita exist only between the large chromosomes of these species. The ratio of the total DNA amount of the genomes in the three species is 1.49∶1.07∶1. These DNA-differences between the three toad species are confirmed by microspectrophotometric DNA measurements of their erythrocyte nuclei. It is supposed that these interspecific differences in DNA content of the toads are not a consequence of differential polyteny but are caused during the evolution process by local increase in DNA in all chromosomes of B. bufo and in the large chromosomes of B. viridis.  相似文献   

Two congeneric anurans with highly overlapping geographical ranges, Bufo bufo and B. calamita, were investigated with respect to isolating mechanisms during the terrestrial phase of life in the three habitat types in which both species occur in Britain. Marked spatial niche separations were observed in all three habitats (coastal dunes, upper saltmarshes and lowland heaths). B. bufo was associated with complex, dense vegetation structures and had a relatively wide niche, while B. calamita had a narrower niche and occurred mostly on open, poorly-vegetated ground. Food niche overlap was high at all three study sites. Animals translocated into atypical habitats returned to their preferred type whenever possible, and suffered increased mortality or loss of condition if prevented from doing so. B. calamita operated at significantly higher body temperatures (by an average of 1.4° C) than B. bufo when hunting at night. Experiments in outdoor vivaria indicated that B. calamita survived in open habitats because individuals escaped desiccation in daytime by burrowing into the substrate, whereas B. bufo lacked this behaviour and perished on the inhospitable surface. By contrast, B. calamita individuals lost mass and became hyperactive in densely-vegetated conditions because their hunting efficiency was selectively reduced relative to that of B. bufo. Taken together, the data indicated that spatial niche separation between these species during the terrestrial phase of life was dictated primarily by behavioural and physiological factors, and not by competition.  相似文献   

蝌蚪(Bufo bufo andrewsi)血红细胞微核和...   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
滇池是云南高原最大的淡水湖,是昆明地区工农业生产及人民生活用水的水源,又是昆明市的重要风景区。近年来,滇池水质污染,越来越引起人们的关注。昆明市的工业废水和生活污水经大观河等流入滇池,其中有毒有害物质多达30多种,包括镉、汞、砷、铅、铬、氟、有机磷、氰货物等。其中砷(Léonard et al.,1980;Katsuhiko,et al.,1981;贺维顺等,1988),铅(刘明韬等,1983;黄旭培等,1984),铬(Léonard,1980;Nakamuro et al.,Wild,1978;贺维顺等,1987),氟(贺维顺等,1983),有机磷(贺维顺等,1982)等都是业经证实或可疑的致突变物。这些物质对人体健康的远期效应,尤其是潜在的致癌效应如何?是人们普遍关心的问题。利用蝌蚪血有核红细胞微核和核异常,来检测大观河污水的致突变性,以预测流入滇池的污染物对人体健康的潜在致癌性,是本工作的主要目的。  相似文献   

本文报道了中华大蟾蜍血淋巴细胞的培养及其在植物血球凝集素(PHA)的刺激下所引起的转化,并初步查明了转化的淋巴细胞的S期、G_2期所占时间。用氚标记放射自显影手段测定了细胞的转化率。用姐妹染色单体区分着色的方法决定细胞的分裂次数。实验结果表明,在新鲜血液中有0.1—0.2%的白细胞具有合成DNA的能力。培养3天后,淋巴细胞转化率为14.8%,第5天达48%。培养的第6天有6—10%为第2次分裂。在秋水仙素处理3小时的情况下,有丝分裂指数为7%,延长处理时间至10—15小时,则平均达10%。最高有丝分裂指数为29%。转化淋巴细胞的S期为16小时,G_2期为3小时。  相似文献   

蟾蜍皮肤的构造基本上与蛙类相同。只是在蟾蜍的真皮上层除去有筛层而外还有大而圆的物体,在形态及染色反应上与筛层相近似,我们名之为粘液团(因为有粘液反应)。 依大蟾蜍的生活习性,我们把它在一年之中的生活分为三期——冬眠期、生殖期及生殖后期。 冬眠期表皮的厚度增加,层数多,细胞也增大。很少见细胞分裂。表层细胞角化得很均匀,其程度比生殖期略强而比生殖后期为弱。这一层与下面一层连接得很紧密,没有任何脱落的迹象。瓶状细胞很少,如果看到总是处于不太分化的状态,除去它的细胞质比较清明而外,与表皮细胞的差别不大。在表皮与真皮之中色素细胞极度扩张。真皮乳头高而显著。 生殖期表皮比冬眠期薄,脱皮不断迸行。与脱皮相关的瓶状细胞数量增加,并且显现非常强烈的分泌过程。在中层及下层中有许多的无丝分裂。分裂的方式多为陷沟式。一般所见的无丝分裂即核拉长,中间缢缩,然后分开的情形也能见到,不过远比陷沟式为少。有丝分裂很少见到。表皮与真皮中的色素细胞多少有些收缩。 生殖后期表皮的厚度界于冬眠与生殖二期之间。由于陆地的干燥表皮表层细胞角化程度加深。有时表面集聚三层高度角化的细胞,而在其他季节中表层总是一层。有丝分裂与无丝分裂皆有,但前者远比后者为多,真皮中的游走细胞穿入  相似文献   

Summary Previous experiments have shown that during prey-catching behavior (orienting, snapping) in response to a worm-like moving stripe common toads.Bufo bufo (L.) exhibit a contrast-and direction-dependent edge preference. To a black (b) stripe moving against a white (w) background (b/w), they respond (R*) preferably toward the leading (l) rather the trailing (t) edge (R l * > R t * ), thus displaying head preference. If the contrastdirection is reversed (w/b), the stripe's trailing edge is preferred (R l * < R t * ), hence showing tail preference. In the present study, neuronal activities of retinal classes R2 and R3 and tectal classes T5(2) and T7 have been extracellularly recorded in response to leading and trailing edges of a 3 ° × 30 ° stripe simulating a worm and traversing the centers of their excitatory receptive fields (ERF) horizontally at a constant angular velocity in variable movement direction (temporo-nasal or naso-temporal).The behavioral contrast-direction dependent edge preferences are best resembled by the responses (R) of prey-selective class T5(2) neurons (Rl Rt=101 for b/w, 0.31 for w/b) and T7 neurons (RlRt=61 for b/w, 0.41 for w/b); the T7 responses may be dendritic spikes. This property can be traced back to off-responses dominated retinal class R3 neurons (RlRt=61 for b/w, 0.51 for w/b), but not to class R2 (RlRt =1.21 for b/w and 0.91 for w/b). The respective edge preference phenomena are independent of the direction of movement.When stimuli were moved against a stationary black-white structured background, the head preference to the black stripe and the tail preference to the white stripe were maintained in class R3, T5(2), and T7 neurons. If the stripe traversed the ERF together with the structured background in the same direction at the same velocity, the responses of tectal class T5(2) and T7 neurons were strongly inhibited, particularly in the former. Responses of retinal R2 neurons in comparable situations could be reduced by about 50%, while class R3 neurons responded to both the stimulus and the moving background structure.The results support the concept that the prey feature analyzing system in toads applies principles of (i) parallel and (ii) hierarchial information processing. These are (i) divergence of retinal R3 neuronal output contributes to stimulus edge positioning and (in combination with R2 output) area evaluation intectal neurons and to stimulus area evaluation and (in combination with R4 output) sensitivity for moving background structures inpre tectal neurons; (ii) convergence of tectal excitatory and pretectal inhibitory inputs specify the property of prey-selective tectal T5(2) neurons which are known to project to bulbar/spinal motor systems.Abbreviations ERF excitatory receptive field - IRF inhibitory receptive field - N nasal - T temporal - R w response to a worm-like stripe moving in the direction of its longer axis - R A response to an antiworm-like stripe whose longer axis is oriented perpendicular to the direction of movement - R l response to the leading edge of a worm-like moving stripe - R t response to the trailing edge of a worm-like moving stripe - b/w black stimulus against a white background - w/b white stimulus against a black background - sm structured moving background - ss structured stationary background - u minimal structure width of a structured background consisting of rectangular black and white patches in random distribution - HRP horseradish peroxidase  相似文献   

Résumé Les cellules de l'organe de Bidder, observées à l'aide du microscope électronique, contiennent dans leur cytoplasme des structures granulaires qui sont inconnues dans les ovocytes des ovaires d'Amphibiens. Ces structures sont formées de grains disposés concentriquement autour de vésicules allongées du réticulum lisse. Les grains, chacun de 140 Å, sont reliés entre eux par des fibrilles dans des plans circulaires et superposés, formant ainsi des réseaux cylindriques ou fusiformes. Ces réseaux peuvent être rassemblés et orientés pour constituer des faisceaux. Ils peuvent perdre le reticulum qui axe leur structure et fusionner, tandis que les grains s'associent étroitement et prennent l'aspect de fibres. Ils peuvent aussi être associés avec un matériel dense et amorphe, qui ressemble au ciment intermitochondrial. L'hypothèse d'une organisation de ribosomes est discutée.
Granular networks in the cells of Bidder's organ in Bufo bufo L.
Summary The cells of the Bidder's organ, observed with the electron microscope, reveal in their cytoplasm granular structures unknown in Amphibian oocytes. These structures are formed of granules concentrically organized around lengthened vesicles of smooth reticulum. The granules, each about 140 Å, are linked to each other by fibrils in circular and superposed planes constituting cylindrical or spindle-shaped networks. These networks may be rassembled and directed in a way to constitute fasciculi. They may lose the reticulum which support their structure and blend into one another, while the granules closely associate each other and take the appearance of fibers. They may be connected with a dense and amorph material, which looks like intermitochondrial cement. The hypothesis about an organisation of ribosomes is discussed.

滇池是云南高原最大的淡水湖,是昆明地区工农业生产及人民生活用水的水源,又是昆明市的重要风景区。近年来,滇池水质污染,越来越引起人们的关注。昆明市的工业废水和生活污水经大观河等流入滇池,其中有毒有害物质多达30多种,包括镉、汞、砷、铅、铬、氟、有机磷、氰化物等。其中砷(Léonard et al., 1980;Katsuhiko,  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Durch simultane visuelle Bewegungsreize, die von mehreren Beutetieren (z.B. Mehlkäferlarven) ausgehen, wird der Beutefang der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.) gehemmt. An diese Verhaltensheobaehtung anknüpfend, wurde die Abhängigkeit dieses inhibitorischen Umfeldeffektes von verschiedenen visuellen Reizparametern im Attrappen versuch quantitativ gemessen: Im frontalen Gesichtsfeld der Kröte rotierte vor dunklem Hintergrund eine weiße, rechteckige, 2,5 × 20° große Beuteattrappe (Zentralattrappe, z) mit dem Rechteckzentrum im Drehpunkt. Zusätzlich konnten mehrere Kreisscheiben von 5 bzw. 10° (Peripherattrappen, p) um die Zentralattrappe bewegt werden.Die Beutefangaktivität R z [Beutefangreaktionen x min–1] auf die allein gebotene Zentralattrappe war bei einer Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit v s der distalen Attrappenkanten 10v s30 [grad x see–1] maximal und sank für kleinere oder größere Winkelgeschwindigkeiten wieder ab. Eine mit v s=25 [grad x sec–1] allein bewegte Peripherattrappe löste maximale Beutefangaktivität R p aus. Mit zunehmender Anzahl n p simultan bewegter Peripherattrappen sank die Beutefangaktivität ab.Mehrere, um den gleichen Drehpunkt bewegte Peripherattrappen, deren Abstand untereinander =10° betrug, blieben von der Kröte unbeantwortet. Sie bildeten ein inhibitorisches Umfeld und hemmten dadurch die Reaktion auf die gleichzeitig bewegte Zentralattrappe z. — Die im Simultanreizungsversuch gemessene Beutefangaktivität R zp war abhängig vom Abstand [grad] zwischen Zentralattrappe und Peripherattrappen ( : Kürzester Abstand zwischen z und p): Für =10° war R zp0 und stieg für >10° an. — Kontrollversuche, die jeweils auf die Simultanreizung mit z allein folgten (R z), ließen eine -abhängige Nachhemmung erkennen. — Die hemmende Wirkung auf die Beantwortung von z war auch von der Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit v s der Peripherattrappen abhängig; sie war bei derjenigen Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit (v s=25 [grad × sec–1]) maximal, mit der die Zentralattrappe, allein geboten, maximale Beutefangaktivität auslöste; für v sg25 [grad × sec–1] nahm die Hemmung wieder ab.Die Versuchsergebnisse lassen auf inhibitorische Verknüpfungen innerhalb des zentralen visuellen Systems schließen. Es wird vermutet, daß die Reiz-Verhaltens-reaktionsbeziehungen in den visuellen Simultanreizungsversuchen durch eine Art zentrale laterale Inhibition bestimmt werden.
Inhibitory effect of simultaneously moved prey dummies on the prey catching behaviour of the common toad (Bufo bufo L.)
Summary The prey catching behaviour of the toad (Bufo bufo L.) is generally inhibited by simultaneously visual moving stimuli caused by a group of prey animals (mealworms). According to this behavioural observation the dependence of this inhibitory effect on several visual parameters were quantitatively measured in dummy experiments: in the frontal visual field of the toad a white rectangular prey dummy of 2,5×20° (central dummy, z) was rotating in a centre against dark background. In addition several disks of 5 or 10° diameter (peripheral dummies, p) could simultaneously rotate around the central dummy (Figs. 1 and 7).The prey catching activity R z [catching reactions x min–1] released by rotation of only the central dummy z increased with increasing angular velocity v s of the stimulus distal edges, reaching a maximum for 10vs30 [degrees x sec–1] and decreasing for v s>30 [degrees x sec–1] (Fig. 5).A single peripheral dummy p, moved at v s=25 [degrees x sec–1], released maximal catching activity R p. The activity R p decreased with the increasing number n p of simultaneously offered dummies (Fig. 6).The prey catching behaviour of the toad was inhibited, when several peripheral dummies p were moved around the centre with a distance =10° from each other. They caused an inhibitory field and they also inhibited the response to a simultaneously moved central dummy z. The prey catching activity, measured in experiments in which z and p rotated simultaneously, depends on the distance [degrees] between z and p ( being the shortest distance between z and p). For =10°, R zp was zero; R zp increased for >10° (Figs. 9 and 10). — Control experiments carried out with z allone — after having applied the simultaneous stimulation — showed a - dependent after-inhibition (Fig. 9). — The inhibitory effect on the response to z also depended on the angular velocity v s of p; the inhibition was at a maximum for v s25 [degrees x sec–1], and it decreased for v s25 [degrees x sec–1] (Fig. 11).The experimental results suggest inhibitory interactions within the central visual system. It is supposed that the relation between stimulus and behavioural reaction in simultaneous stimulating experiments results from some kind of central nervous lateral inhibition.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ew 7/4+5).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.), die sich in Beutestimmung befindet, antwortet auf ein kleines, in der Horizontalen um sie herum bewegtes visuelles Muster S zmit orientierenden Wendereaktionen R z, Sz Rz. Die Reaktivität im Zuwenden R zist von verschiedenen Parametern des visuellen Reizes S zabhängig: u. a. von der Winkelgeschwindigkeit, der Gestalt, der Flächengröße und dem Vorzeichen des Reiz-Hintergrund-Kontrastes. Die Winkelgeschwindigkeit. Für Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeiten von 30–60°/sec ist R zmaximal; R z=0, wenn die Geschwindigkeit=0 oder >200°/sec. Die Gestalt. Die Auslösewirkung einer Rechteckfläche ist von ihrer Horizontal-(h) und Vertikalausdehnung (v) abhängig. Verlängerung der Vertikalkante wirkt auf R zgrundsätzlich hemmend, Verlängerung der Horizontalkante dagegen stimulierend. So wird R zz.T. durch das Kantenlängenverhältnis h/v bestimmt: R zsinkt, wenn h/v<1 und steigt, wenn h/v>1. Die Flächengröe. Für h/v=1 ist die Reaktivität R zauf Flächen von h·v=4°·4° bis 8°·8° maximal. Wenn h·v>32°·32°, antworten die Kröten oft mit Bewegungen, die ein Abwenden R avom Reiz S azum Ziele haben, S a R a (Funktionskreis: Flucht). Die Reaktivität im Abwenden R aist ebenfalls von der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit und der Flächengröße des visuellen Musters abhängig. Das Vorzeichen des Reiz-Hintergrund-Kontrastes (weiße Fläche auf schwarzem Hintergrund oder umgekehrt). Bei schwarzen Flächen ist die Abhängigkeit der Reaktivität R zvom Kantenlängenverhältnis h/v deutlicher ausgeprägt als bei weißen. Dementsprechend lösen weiße Flächen allgemein stärker aus als schwarze. Die Reaktivität im Abwenden R aist dagegen auf schwarze Flächen sehr viel höher als auf weiße.Durch Erhöhung der Beutestimmung bei zusätzlicher olfaktorischer Reizung (Mehlwurmkotduft) wird die h/v- und h·v-abhängige Spezifität von R zreduziert.Beutefangbewegungen (Zuwenden, Schnappen) lassen sich auch durch punktförmige elektrische Reizung des retinalen Projektionsfeldes im Tectum opticum auslösen. Fluchtbewegungen (Abwenden, Ducken, Springen) werden dagegen überwiegend durch elektrische Reizung der praetectalen Region oder des caudalen dorsalen Thalamus aktiviert.Nach Ausschaltung der praetectalen Region und des dorsalen Thalamus fällt das visuelle Fluchtverhalten aus; die Visuomotorik im Beutefang ist dagegen enthemmt. Die Tiere beantworten dann auch große visuelle Bewegungsmuster mit Beutefangreaktionen (S a Rz), die vor der Operation Flucht ausgelöst hatten (S a Ra). Unabhängig vom Verhältnis h/v steigt R zmit zunehmender Flächengröße h·v an und nähert sich dabei einem Sättigungswert.Die Versuchsergebnisse geben weitere Einblicke in die Reizverarbeitung der Visuomotorik im Beute- und Fluchtverhalten der Anuren. Die verhaltensphysiologischen Ergebnisse werden mit neurophysiologischen Befunden an der Froschnetzhaut verglichen (Grüsser et al.). Der mutmaßliche Reiz-Reaktionsmechanismus wird diskutiert.
The influence of diencephalic lesions on visually released movements in prey-catching and escape behaviour of the common toad (Bufo bufo L.)
Summary The prey-catching behaviour of Anura is released by small visual patterns. When toads (Bufo bufo L.) are about to catch food, their first action is turning movement (R z) towards prey (S z), visual stimulus pattern): S z Rz. It was found that the following stimulus parameters determine the reactivity R z: angular velocity, stimulus size, and direction of the contrast. Angular Velocity. For angular velocities of 30 to 60°/sec is R zat a maximum. R z=0 if the velocity=0 or >200°/sec (Fig. 3). Angular Size. Horizontally moved horizontal rectangular patterns have a greater releasing value than vertical rectangular patterns (Figs. 5A–7A). The releasing effect of a rectangular pattern depends on its horizontal h and vertical v expansion. On principle, an elongation of the vertical edge has inhibiting effects on R z(Fig. 6A), an elongation of the horizontal edge, however, has stimulating effects (Fig. 5A). R zpartly is determined by the proportion of the edge lengths h/v; R zis decreasing if h/v}<1 and it is increasing if h/v>}1 (Fig. 8). For h/v=1 R zis at a maximum, if h·v = 4°·4° to 8°·8° (Fig. 4A). If h·v}>32°·32° the toads often react by movements aiming at turning away (R a) from the stimulation locality (S a): Sa Ra (escape behaviour). The reactivity of turning away R adepends as well on the angular velocity and the angular size of the visual pattern (Figs. 3 and 10). Direction of Contrast (white pattern on black background or vice versa). In case of black patterns (Figs. 4A, b to 7A, b) the reactivity R zdepends to a far greater extent on the ratio h/v than in case of white patterns (Figs. 4A, a to 7A, a). Consequently white patterns have in general a greater releasing value than black ones. The reactivity of turning away R a, however, is much stronger in case of black patterns than in case of white ones.In stimulation the prey-catching behaviour by motivational factors (additional olfactory stimulation) the characteristic depending on h/v is reduced (Fig. 9a and b).Prey-catching movements (turning towards prey, snapping) can be also released by electrical point stimulation of the projection area of the retina in the tectum opticum. Escape movements (turning to flight, crouching, jumping), however, are mainly activated by electrical stimulation of the pretectal region or the caudal dorsal thalamus (Fig. 13).After disturbing the pretectal region and the dorsal thalamus, TP-Iesion (Figs. 2, 11 and 12), escape behaviour fails, whereas the visually released movements in prey-catching behaviour are disinhibited (Fig. 10). The animals then respond also to great moving patterns by prey-catching reactions (S a R z), which before the operation would normally have caused escape (S a Ra). Independent of the ratio h/v R zis increasing with growing area h·v and approaching to a saturation value (Figs. 4B–7B).The data obtained in behavioural experiments are compared with findings of corresponding neurophysiological experiments with the frog's retina (Grüsser et al.). The presumable stimulus/reaction mechanism is discussed (Fig. 15).

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Ew 7/1b, 7/2 und 7/4.

Herrn Dr. O.-J. GRÜSSER (Dozent am Physiologischen Institut der Freien Universität Berlin) danke ich für kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts.  相似文献   

在精子形成过程中,精子细胞的细胞核高度浓缩成结构致密,体积很小的细胞核(精子核)。为了研究这种极度浓缩之染色质的组分和结构,我们用凝胶电泳法分析了黑斑蛙和蟾蜍的经过提纯之精子的染色质碱性蛋白和用电镜铺片法观察这些精子染色质的亚显微结构。我们发现黑斑蛙精子含有五种组蛋白,即H_1、H_3、H_(2B)、H_(2A)和H_4。H_3、H_(2A)、H_(2B)和H_4是核小体的主要组分。用电镜观察黑斑蛙精子染色质的结果说明,黑斑蛙精子染色质含有核小体结构,反之电泳分析结果说明,蟾蜍精子含有4条碱性蛋白带,其中1条带染色很深、宽度很大,迁移率远较组蛋白为大而与鱼精蛋白相似,而另外3条带染色既浅、宽度又狭,其中有1条从其迁移率来看相当于H_(2B)。用电镜观察时,这种蟾蜍精子染色质没有核小体结构。  相似文献   

Bataillon(1929,1930)和朱洗等(1942,1950,1956)曾报告过两棲类卵的受精和卵胶膜有密切的关系。他们的研究都证明蛙和蝾螈的卵,如没有外面的胶膜或用人工方法去除胶膜后都没有受精能力。由此可见,两棲类卵外的胶膜对受精作用是有很重要意义的。关于蟾蜍卵胶在受精时的机制问题,Kambara(1953)和朱洗等(1956)已作过报道。Kambara证明去掉胶膜后的蟾蜍卵,如在卵的表面涂上6%  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die neurophysiologischen Grundlagen der taxisspezifischen Ermüdung beim Beutefang der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.) mit Hilfe von Hirnausschaltungen näher untersucht. Die Befunde wurden mathematisch-statistisch ausgewertet.Nach wiederholter Auslösung der Richtbewegung durch Reizung eines konstanten Retinabereiches mit einer bewegten Beuteattrappe sinkt die Reaktionsbereitschaft ab. Das Maß für die Bereitschaft ist die Anzahl vergeblicher Richtbewegungen dieser Reizserie. Innerhalb einer Reizserienfolge (mehrere Reizserien, getrennt durch Erholungspausen konstanter Dauer) zeigt die Abnahme der Reaktionsanzahlen je Reizserie einen exponentiellen, periodisch gedämpften Verlauf. Dem periodischen Ausschwingen der Reaktionsbereitschaft innerhalb einer Reizserienfolge kann die Verknüpfung von zwei Vorgängen zugrunde liegen: einem stetig abklingenden, exponentiellen, und einem periodischen Vorgang (Oszillation).Der exponentielle Verlauf läßt sich durch Variation der Erholungspausen ändern. Bei kurzen Erholungspausen sinken die Reaktionsanzahlen in aufeinanderfolgenden Reizserien schneller ab als bei langen Pausen.Durch triebbestimmende Faktoren, wie Jahreszeit, Tageszeit und Sättigungsgrad, läßt sich die allgemeine Reaktionshöhe verändern. Einflüsse auf den exponentiellen Verlauf konnten meistens nicht nachgewiesen werden.Nach partiellen Vorderhirnexstirpationen sinken die Reaktionsanzahlen im Verlauf der Reizserienfolge schneller als vor der Operation. Die Amplitude der Oszillation hat sich gegenüber den Normaltieren erhöht. Vorderhirnlose Kröten versagen beim Beutefang; das Fluchtverhalten bleibt jedoch erhalten.Nach Defekten im dorsalen Bereich des Zwischen- und des Mittelhirns (tammhirndefekte) vermindern sich die Reaktionsanzahlen innerhalb einer Reizserienfolge oft sehr viel langsamer als bei intakten Tieren. Amplitude, Frequenz und Dämpfung der Oszillation haben sich häufig verringert. Stammhirndefekte Kröten zeigen gesteigerte (enthemmte) Beutefangreaktionen. Sie schnappen nach beliebig großen, bewegten Gegenständen. Das Fluchtverhalten fällt aus. Je nach der Größe und der Lage des Defektes kann das Beuteverhalten selektiv für ein Auge, für beide Augen oder auch für getrennte Retinabereiche enthemmt werden. In gleicher Weise reagieren auch stammhirndefekte vorderhirnlose Kröten.Die taxisspezifische Ermüdung der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.) läßt sich als Folge einer reizspezifischen Nachwirkung deuten, die während einer Reizserie laufend zunimmt und die Ausführung der zugeordneten Reaktion hemmt. Das zentrale Wirkungsgefüge wird erörtert.
Investigations on central nervous actions to the taxis-specific fatigue in the prey-catching behaviour of the common toad (Bufo bufo L.)
Summary In the experiments described in the present paper, the author tried, by means of brain lesions to become nearer acquainted with the neurophysiological fundamentals of the taxis-specific fatigue in the prey-catching behaviour of the Common Toad (Bufo bufo L.). In statistical analyses, the results could be treated.When the release of the turning movements, by stimulating a constant part of the retina with a moving prey-dummy, is repeated, the responsiveness decreases (Fig. 4). Index of this responsiveness is the number of futile turning movements in a certain stimulus series. Within a sequence of series (several stimulus series separated by recovery intervals of constant duration), the decrease of response numbers in each series takes an exponential (Figs. 6 and 18 b normal), periodically (Figs. 6 and 18c normal) quenched course. This leads to the conclusion that an exponential process interferes with an oscillation.The exponential course can be altered by varying the recovery intervals. When the intervals are short, the response numbers decrease, in successive stimulus series, faster than when the pauses are long (Fig. 6).The general level of reaction can be changed by factors which determine the motivation, e.g. by season, temperature, and degree of satiation. Influences upon the exponential course could, mostly, not be ascertained.After the telencephalon has been partially extirpated, the response numbers diminish faster than before the operation (Figs. 10 and 11). The amplitude of the oscillation is higher than it is with normal individuals (Fig. 18a–c VH/E2 and VH/E3). Toads having no telencephalon fail to catch prey; the escape behaviour, however, is maintained.As a result of lesions in the dorsal regions of the diencephalon and mesencephalon (STH-lesions, Fig. 3), the response numbers often diminish, within a sequence of stimulus series, much slower than they do with intact animals (Fig. 12 STH/D1). Amplitude, frequency and quenching of the oscillation often have decreased (Fig. 19a–c Sth/D 1+VH). Toads operated in this way show excessive prey catching reactions. They snap at moving objects of whatever size (Fig. 15). The escape behaviour fails. According to the size and localization of the defect, the prey-catching behaviour can be intensified selectively for one eye, for both of them, or for separated parts of the retina. Toads defective in the dorsal regions of their diencephalon and mesencephalon (STH-lesion) and deprived of their telencephalon, react in the same manner (Figs. 13 and 20 STH/D1, 2-VH).The taxis-specific fatigue of Bufo bufo L. can be interpreted as a consequence of a stimulus-specific after-effect (Fig. 17), which increases continuously during a series of stimuli and inhibits the realization of the coordinated reaction. Finally, the author discusses the central meachnism (Fig. 16).

Zum Teil mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ew 7/1 a u. b und Ew 7/2).  相似文献   

Using a set of methods (C-banding, DAPI-staining, fluorescence hybridization in situ (FISH) with probes of 26S and 5S rDNA, and analysis of meiosis), the first comparative cytogenetic study of three species of Macleaya, producers of complex isoquinoline alkaloids, cordate Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. (2n = 20), small-fruited Macleaya microcarpa (Maxim.) Fedde (2n = 20) and Macleaya kewensis Turrill (2n = 20), was first carried out. On the basis of morphometric analysis, formulas of karyotypes were made for each species. Species ideograms for M. cordata, M. microcarpa, and M. kewensis were constructed taking into account the polymorphic variants of the C-banding patterns and indicating the location of 26S and 5S rDNA sites. A comparative study revealed that the karyotypes of M. microcarpa and M. kewensis have more in common with each other than with M. cordata. Analysis of meiotic chromosomes suggests of genetic stability of Macleaya genomes. The results of chromosome analysis were used to confirm the close relationship of Macleaya and to clarify their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The Gō-like models of proteins are constructed based on the knowledge of the native conformation. However, there are many possible choices of a Hamiltonian for which the ground state coincides with the native state. Here, we propose to use experimental data on protein stretching to determine what choices are most adequate physically. This criterion is motivated by the fact that stretching processes usually start with the native structure, in the vicinity of which the Gō-like models should work the best. Our selection procedure is applied to 62 different versions of the Gō model and is based on 28 proteins. We consider different potentials, contact maps, local stiffness energies, and energy scales—uniform and nonuniform. In the latter case, the strength of the nonuniformity was governed either by specificity or by properties related to positioning of the side groups. Among them is the simplest variant: uniform couplings with no i, i + 2 contacts. This choice also leads to good folding properties in most cases. We elucidate relationship between the local stiffness described by a potential which involves local chirality and the one which involves dihedral and bond angles. The latter stiffness improves folding but there is little difference between them when it comes to stretching.  相似文献   

A thermosensitive uracil requiring mutant of Bacillus subtilis Marburg 168 thy trp2 ts42 was examined as to the colony forming ability at the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. The viability of the mutant cells decreased rapidly at the restrictive temperature in the modified Woese’s (MW) medium. However, the cells retained viability when sodium succinate or potassium chloride was added to the medium at that temperature although uracil deficiency was unchanged. A little but significant incorporation of adenine-8-14C into RNA still continued even after the incorporation of N-acetyl-3H-d-glucosamine into acid insoluble fraction of the cells terminated in the MW medium at 48°C. Both incorporations as well as increase of absorbance were slowed down in the presence of sodium succinate at 48°C. This mutant, ts42, was more sensitive to deoxycholate (DOC) than the parent strain. The restoration of colony forming ability after the temperature shift back from 48 to 37°C was suppressed by the addition of DOC to the medium. However, the cell became resistant to DOC when uracil was added to the medium prior to the temperature shift.  相似文献   

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