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野生动植物贸易活动的特点及影响因子研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
不受控制的贸易可能导致野生动植物面临生存危机。探讨野生动植物贸易活动的特点和影响因子有利于提高野生动植物贸易的管理水平。本文从生物因素、社会因素、经济因素和文化因素等角度综合分析了除木材与海洋渔业以外的野生动植物贸易活动的特点。与一般贸易相比,这些野生动植物贸易活动具有传统性、地域性、流动的方向性、季节性、分散性、替代效应、反馈效应和补充性等特征。影响某一野生动植物物种进入野生动植物贸易活动的生物因子包括种群大小、易获得性、个体大小、周期性波动、耐受性、替代性等;社会因子包括政策、执法力度、社会心理、收入水平、猎捕技术等;同时,文化传统也会影响人们利用野生动植物和进行相关贸易的方式与范围。对野生动植物贸易活动特点和影响因子的分析为管理相关野生动植物贸易活动提供了依据。  相似文献   

蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2011,19(5):495-496
物种保护是生物多样性保护的核心问题之一.威胁野生动植物生存的主要因素有栖息地丧失、商业开发以及野生动植物国际贸易等.通过各种贸易活动实现经济利益,是人们开发利用野生动植物的主要原动力之一.因而,对野生动植物贸易活动进行科学有效的管理,是保护生物多样性、实现可持续发展的重要基础.  相似文献   

森林生态系统健康与野生动植物资源的可持续利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐燕  张彩虹  吴钢 《生态学报》2005,25(2):380-387
研究了森林生态系统健康与野生动植物资源之间的关系,以及人类活动对森林生态系统健康的影响,提出了以下三个论点:(1)野生动植物资源是构成森林生态系统的基本物质内容。野生动植物资源对森林生态系统具有不可估量的影响和作用。(2)野生动植物资源的减少是森林生态系统健康状况下降的“显示器”。森林生态系统健康状况的下降或衰退,会导致野生动植物资源数量或种类的减少甚至种群灭绝。(3)森林生态系统是野生动植物资源与人类活动关系的集合体和反映体。人类与野生动植物资源是对立又统一的矛盾综合体,而森林生态系统健康与否就取决于这二者的关系。如果人类对野生动植物资源在保护的基础上进行合理的利用,就能保证森林生态系统的结构的完整和功能的良好,因此森林生态系统处于健康的状态;但若人类对野生动植物资源过度利用而不加保护,那么随着野生动植物资源的逐渐衰竭,森林生态系统将逐渐失去某些功能且变得支离破碎,也就无法保持健康的状态。提出了维持森林生态系统健康并实现野生动植物资源可持续利用的解决途径:(1)实行森林的可持续经营。森林可持续经营是指长期保持森林的生产力和可再生性,以及森林生态系统的物种和生物多样性。(2)发展“接近自然的林业”。近自然林业是在服从自然规律的前提下为人类的木材及林产品利用目的而设计的容许有一点偏离自然的森林模式,以森林生态健康为目标的建设方法。  相似文献   

引用宗教是保护好野生动植物的有效途径   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
刘德望 《生物多样性》1996,4(2):123-124
引用宗教是保护好野生动植物的有效途径野生动植物保护是一项社会公益事业,其兴衰成败直接影响到人类的生存和发展。我国野生动植物资源十分丰富,面临的保护任务艰巨而繁重。要保护好野生动植物,从措施上讲,一靠充裕有效的资金投入,二靠广泛自觉的公众参与。由于我...  相似文献   

王献溥   《广西植物》1986,(Z1):147-150
最近,不少开发公司拟开展野生动植物国际贸易,这就必需了解和熟悉“濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约”的规定,办理必要的手续。为此,把这个公约略作介绍,以供有关方面参考。 一、“公约”产生的背景和经过 “濒危野生动植物贸易公约”(以下简称公约,英文缩写CITES,这几个字母的艺术写法似一头大象)是1972年联合国在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开的人类环境会议上,鉴于国际野生动植物的贸易年产值已高达10亿美元,说明许多地方野生动植物已被过度开发利用,如不注意控制,就会引起许多动植物濒临灭绝的危险。为了控制贸易的规模,避免过分的利用,以保护野生动植物的生存,从而提供永续的利用,会议通过了一项提案:建议在各国政  相似文献   

近年来,国家越来越重视野生动植物保护与利用,对野生动植物的利用也逐渐产业化.通过收集资料和实地走访的方式,从野生动植物驯养繁殖、生产加工、观赏三方面,透析四川省宜宾市野生动植物各产业经营活动企业的经营状况、经营规模以及物种种类、数量、地理分布等现状,并通过主成分分析(PCA)对经济效益进行分析,结果显示:(1)投资规模是影响产业化企业经济效益的第一主成分,其中投入总资金对经济效益的影响程度最高,达0.594;(2)第二主成分主要反映企业的养殖规模,以产业化企业的养殖种类对经济效益的影响程度最大,为0.708;(3)产业化经营企业经济效益的综合评分结果显示,经济效益回报最高的企业分值为3.330,综合反映了投入资金与投资规模之间的综合作用关系.  相似文献   

野生蜜蜂及其传粉作用的研究现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
传粉是维持与提升生物多样性的重要生态过程。膜翅目蜜蜂总科昆虫是自然界中最重要的传粉者, 但对野生蜜蜂的研究一直以来非常薄弱, 如野生蜜蜂类群的资源调查、种类的准确鉴别、营巢生物学与传粉生物学研究等方面。目前, 生物多样性与保护生物学方面的工作越来越多地涉及野生蜜蜂与植物的相互关系, 地方植物区系与农林作物的传粉生物学基础研究与应用项目也引起重视。本文综述了国内外野生蜜蜂的研究现状, 期望从分类学、营巢生物学与传粉生物学等方面推动野生蜜蜂传粉在农林业生产实践中的应用。  相似文献   

中国、老挝野生动植物边境贸易现状及加强管理的建议   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过对中国、老挝边境地区野生动植物贸易的资料收集和调查研究,结果表明,中老野生动植物年贸易额超过1000万美元,合法贸易额约500万美元,其中有380.63万美元是经过西双版纳州边贸局或勐腊海关登记的。常见的野生植物种类有51种,其中有35.3%野生植物是老挝禁止出口种类,43.14%的种类是属限量贸易种类;常见的野生动物种类134种,其中哺乳类56种,鸟类45种,爬行类31种,鱼类和两栖类各1种。交易的动物种类中,有71种动物是国际上禁止贸易种类, 属于〖WTBZ〗CITES规定的一级保护种类有19种,二级保护种类有32种。在野生动植物合法贸易中,从采集者到老挝集镇的一级商贩,价格提高20%~70%,到达中国云南省勐腊,价格一般为原价的2.7倍,到达云南省以外市场,价格增加到原价的约3.6倍,非法贸易的价格变化幅度是同级合法贸易的2.7~4.5倍。动植物贸易的主要获利者是中间商贩,采集者的获利相对较小,但采集的劳动日收益仍达0.6~2.8美元/天,比当地种水稻和旱稻收益高。文章针对该地区野生动植物贸易的有效管理提出若干建议。  相似文献   

疥螨病是一种呈世界性分布的传染性外寄生虫病,暴发流行时可引起野生哺乳动物的大量死亡,导致种群数量急剧下降,严重时甚至可能威胁到整个种群的生存。了解并分析野生哺乳动物疥螨病的发病规律、传播与增殖的影响因素、监测与防控等一般手段,既为未来科研工作者对该病的深入研究,为我国野生哺乳动物疥螨病的监测和防控提供科学依据,也为促进我国野生哺乳动物保护工作的逐渐完善,保护我国野生哺乳动物的生物多样性奠定基础。  相似文献   

<正>生物多样性在物种水平上所体现的野生生物种质资源是在亿万年的地质历史中适应进化产生的,是现有农作物、栽培植物、家养动物和人工培养微生物的资源宝库,是培育动植物新品种的遗传物质基础。这些资源一旦消失,将不可逆转,并有可能在根本上影响生态文明建设和人类社会的持续发展。因此,通过野生生物种质资源保藏体系的建立,抢救性地保护生物多样性,对于维持生态平衡、应对全球变化具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

青藏铁路、公路对野生动物活动的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
殷宝法  淮虎银  张镱锂  周乐  魏万红 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3917-3923
2003年8月和2004年8月,在不冻泉保护站(35°17′N;93°16′E)至五道梁(35°13′N;93°04′E)一带调查青藏公路的运营和青藏铁路的建设对野生动物活动的影响,并分析了野生动物对青藏铁路上所建立的动物通道的利用情况。结果表明,青藏铁路的建设增加了青藏公路的交通运输量,青藏公路在铁路修建期间会对藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsoni)、藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)和藏野驴(Equus kiang)的活动产生部分影响。同时,野生动物通过自身的适应和行为调节可以减少环境改变产生的影响,如公路两侧动物的活动高峰正好是公路上车流量较少的时段、动物可以利用野生动物通道来通过青藏铁路等。藏野驴、藏羚羊与藏原羚均可利用通道穿越铁路,而藏羚羊对通道的利用频次和通道到公路的距离显著的正相关(p<0.5),大多数的动物通道因其高度、宽度和到公路的距离以及人类活动等因素的影响而不能被动物利用。总的看来,动物能够通过自己的适应和行为调节,可以适应青藏铁路修建对该地区的环境所带来的变化。  相似文献   

The effect of traffic and railway construction on the activities of wild animals during the daytime along the Qinghai-Tibetan highway between Budongquan (35°17′ N; 93°16′ E) and Wudaliang (35°13′ N; 93°04′ E) was studied in August 2003 and August 2004. Furthermore, passageways cross the Qinghai-Tibetan railway were monitored to determine the relationship between the usage frequency of the passageways and the distance to the Qinghai-Tibetan highway and the dimension of the passageways. The results showed that the traffic during the daytime had some effects on the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni), Tibetan gazelle (Procapra picticaudata) and Kiang (Equus kiang) when they were crossing the road, and especially it is significant on the Tibetan antelope. At the same time, they could adapt themselves to the changes in the surroundings by learning and by adjusting their behavior. Most of their activities took place in the morning in order to avoid the effects of traffic, and they could also find and use the passageways cross the Qinghai-Tibetan railway. The dimensions of the passageways, the distance to the Qinghai-Tibetan highway, the surrounding habitat, and human activities could influence the efficiency of the passageways. Most passageways cross the Qinghai-Tibetan railway could not be effectively used by the wildlife because of the short length and low height or because of human activities in the contiguous areas of the passageways. However, the wildlife could adapt themselves to the changes in the surroundings caused by the construction of the Qinghai-Tibetan railway by learning and by adjusting their behavior.  相似文献   

Yin B F  Huai H Y  Zhang Y L  Zhou L  Wei W H 《农业工程》2006,26(12):3917-3923
The effect of traffic and railway construction on the activities of wild animals during the daytime along the Qinghai-Tibetan highway between Budongquan (35°17′ N; 93°16′ E) and Wudaliang (35°13′ N; 93°04′ E) was studied in August 2003 and August 2004. Furthermore, passageways cross the Qinghai-Tibetan railway were monitored to determine the relationship between the usage frequency of the passageways and the distance to the Qinghai-Tibetan highway and the dimension of the passageways. The results showed that the traffic during the daytime had some effects on the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni), Tibetan gazelle (Procapra picticaudata) and Kiang (Equus kiang) when they were crossing the road, and especially it is significant on the Tibetan antelope. At the same time, they could adapt themselves to the changes in the surroundings by learning and by adjusting their behavior. Most of their activities took place in the morning in order to avoid the effects of traffic, and they could also find and use the passageways cross the Qinghai-Tibetan railway. The dimensions of the passageways, the distance to the Qinghai-Tibetan highway, the surrounding habitat, and human activities could influence the efficiency of the passageways. Most passageways cross the Qinghai-Tibetan railway could not be effectively used by the wildlife because of the short length and low height or because of human activities in the contiguous areas of the passageways. However, the wildlife could adapt themselves to the changes in the surroundings caused by the construction of the Qinghai-Tibetan railway by learning and by adjusting their behavior.  相似文献   

Crop damage caused by wild boar (Sus scrofa) in many agroforestry regions of the world has affected agricultural development and farmers' livelihoods. Understanding the patterns of wild boar crop damage is important for properly managing these conflicts, and can improve the effectiveness of existing prevention strategies. We collected a comprehensive dataset from Guizhou Province, China, from 2017 to 2020, obtained from motion-sensitive camera monitoring, transect surveys, interview surveys, and wildlife management administrations. These data include 3,156 records of wild boar activity in natural areas and 576 records of crop damage. We applied a multi-scale MaxEnt model to map the regional distribution of wild boar habitat suitability and crop damage risk in Guizhou Province and focused on the role of habitat suitability in wild boar crop damage from a regional perspective. Wild boar habitat suitability exhibits a divergent pattern, expanding from the central area of Guizhou Province to the eastern, northern, southern, and northwestern regions, with a gradually increasing trend. Suitability of habitat for wild boar was associated with composite topographic index, mean coldest season temperature, isothermality, Shannon diversity index, edge density, and distance to village roads. Similarly, crop damage caused by wild boars in agroforestry areas is mainly concentrated in the northeast, with the risk increasing from west to east. The risk of damage was associated with temperature seasonality, roughness, distance to village roads, precipitation in the warmest quarter, edge density, and contagion index. Furthermore, in agroforestry areas, there is a positive correlation between wild boar habitat suitability and crop damage risk, with Spearman rank correlation coefficients ranging from 0.5759 to 0.5932. This correlation is not perfectly synchronized on a regional scale. This study indicates that the relationship between habitat suitability and crop damage caused by wild boar in Guizhou Province is primarily influenced by changes in population size rather than the habitat. Consequently, we emphasize the importance of controlling wild boar populations through hunting as a way to effectively reduce the risk of crop damage in agroforestry areas, without neglecting the need for proper habitat management.  相似文献   

Starting in 1994, a wholesale wild meat market developed in north-eastern Ecuador, involving Waorani and Kichwa people in the area of influence of a road built to facilitate oil extraction within Yasuní National Park. Between 2005 and 2007, we recorded the trade of 11 717 kg of wild meat in this market, with pacas Cuniculus paca , white-lipped peccaries Tayassu pecari , collared peccaries Pecari tajacu and woolly monkeys Lagothrix poeppiggi accounting for 80% of the total biomass. Almost half of the wild meat brought to the market was transported by dealers for resale at restaurants in Tena, a medium-sized town 234 km west of the market. Prices of wild meat were 1.3–2 times higher than the price of meat of domestic animals, suggesting that it is a different commodity and not a supplementary protein source in the urban areas where it is consumed. The actual price of transportation between the local communities and the market was a significant predictor of the amount of meat sold in Pompeya. Based on this relationship the Waorani hunters sold exceptionally larger amounts of wild meat than would be expected if they would not have the transportation subsidies provided by the oil companies. Although the scale of this wild meat wholesale market is still relatively small, its dynamic reflects the complex interactions that emerge as the overriding influence of oil companies or other private industries modify the culture and subsistence patterns of marginalized indigenous groups, increasing their potential impacts on wildlife and natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

The European wild boar Sus scrofa was first introduced into Uruguay, in southern South America during the early decades of the last century. Subsequently, and starting from founder populations, its range spread throughout the country and into the neighbouring Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul. Due to the subsequent negative impact, it was officially declared a national pest. The main aim in the present study was to provide a more comprehensive scenario of wild boar differentiation in Uruguay, by using mtDNA markers to access the genetic characterization of populations at present undergoing rapid expansion. A high level of haplotype diversity, intermediate levels of nucleotide diversity and considerable population differentiation, were detected among sampled localities throughout major watercourses and catchment dams countrywide. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two different phylogroups, thereby reflecting two deliberate introduction events forming distantly genetic lineages in local wild boar populations. Our analysis lends support to the hypothesis that the invasive potential of populations emerge from introgressive hybridization with domestic pigs. On taking into account the appreciable differentiation and reduced migration between locales in wild boar populations, management strategies could be effective if each population were to be considered as a single management unit.  相似文献   

荞麦及其野生种遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荞麦起源于我国西南地区,该地区分布有大量荞麦地方品种和野生近缘种。本研究利用SSR分子标记,对从我国西南地区收集的81份荞麦及其野生资源进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示,利用19对SSR引物共检测出84个等位基因,每对SSR引物平均扩增出4.421个等位基因,19对SSR引物的平均Shannon's信息指数为0.985,平均PIC为0.478。81份荞麦及其野生资源的相似系数范围为0.500~1.000,分析发现大粒组荞麦种(甜荞及其近缘种、苦荞及小米荞、金荞)与小粒组硬枝万年荞亲缘关系比较近。通过聚类分析在遗传相似系数为0.732时,可将81份荞麦种质分为4个类群,第Ⅰ类由小粒组齿翅野荞、细柄野荞、小野荞麦、疏穗小野荞麦和硬枝万年荞组成;第Ⅱ类由甜荞和甜荞近缘种组成;第Ⅲ类都是由金荞组成;第Ⅳ类是由苦荞和小米荞组成。在遗传系数为0.920时,小粒组荞麦种可以明显区分出疏穗小野荞麦、硬枝万年荞、齿翅野荞及其细柄野荞。研究表明,19对SSR引物多态性较高,能较好反应荞麦及其野生种质的遗传多样性,本研究的结果为荞麦属种之间的亲缘关系分析和荞麦起源进化研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Two new wild potato species from Bolivia, belonging to Solanum section Petota are described.  相似文献   

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