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棕色田鼠的配偶选择和相关特征   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
为了确定野外生态研究中对棕色田鼠婚配制度为单配制的预测,在实验室观察记录了棕色田鼠的配偶选择箱内对配偶鼠(与选择鼠交配刚生过仔,雌鼠产后动情)与陌生鼠、熟悉鼠(雌雄田鼠山居一段时间后,开始进行交配)与陌生鼠的选择,发现棕色田鼠访问、追逐、嗅闻、爬胯配偶鼠和熟悉鼠以及与配偶鼠和熟悉鼠交配和相伴的时间明显地多于对 陌生鼠,而且攻击陌生鼠的时间明显多于配偶鼠和熟悉鼠(Wilcoxon检验,P<0.05)。结果表明:雌雄棕色田鼠特异性地选择配偶鼠和熟悉鼠,对陌生鼠表现出较多的排斥,从而在配偶选择上呈现单配制特征。通过统计计算棕色田鼠社会组织特征和室内的个体形态、幼仔发育、交配行为、双亲育幼行为、社交倾向等参数,然后把这些参数和婚配制度较明确的草原田鼠、松田鼠、山地田鼠、草甸田鼠的相关数据进行比较,发现它与多配制种类差异较大,而与单配制的田鼠各类相似,通过以上实验分析结果推断棕色田鼠的婚配制度可能呈单配制,和野外生态研究的推测相一致。  相似文献   

熟悉性对棕色田鼠和根田鼠择偶行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以两性配对共居至交配或生仔作不同熟悉处理,在Y字型选择箱中分别观察棕色田鼠,根田鼠的择偶行为和配偶识别。结果如下:(1)棕色田鼠雌雄两性均表现出对熟悉异性或配偶的喜好倾向;(2)在根 中,只有雌性表现出对熟悉雄鼠或配偶的选择倾向,雄鼠无明显的选择取向;(3)每种雌性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雄性的嗅舔时间均有显著差异性,而每种雄性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雌性的嗅舔时间均无显著差异性。这些结果表明:(1)熟悉性对棕色田鼠择偶行为的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(2)嗅舔时间差别可反映不同田鼠的配偶识别能力,熟悉性对棕色田鼠配偶识别能力的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(3)2种田鼠配偶识别的性别差异的一致性,提示这2种田鼠的雌性配偶识别能力均强于雄性田鼠,而雌鼠的配偶识别能力可能取决于雌鼠受酱或分娩刺激的生理状态;(4)棕色田鼠室内所表现的择偶行为的两性熟悉性特征与其单配制有关,根田鼠所表现的择偶行为的雌性熟悉性特征与其一雄多雌制有关。  相似文献   

把棕色田鼠或沼泽田鼠暴露于同种个体底物(个体饲养箱内的锯末)1h,不同组别的田鼠在间隔15min、30min、60min后,记录对暴露过的熟悉底物和另一个陌生底物的访问、嗅闻、挖掘等社会探究行为(每组在每一个时间间隔只试验1次),统计分析发现,田鼠在暴露于同种异性底物,然后间隔不同的时间后,总是倾向于选择熟悉同种异性底物;田鼠在暴露于同种同性底物,然后间隔不同的时间后,总是倾向于选择陌生同种同性底物;棕色田鼠在暴露于同性底物1h,然后间隔60min后,对陌生的同性底物有明显多的探究行为,但沼泽田鼠在同种情况下却没有表现出这种选择倾向。在暴露底物1h,然后间隔60min后,雌性田鼠比雄性田鼠表现出更明显的选择倾向。以上结果表明不同种类和性别的田鼠对气味表现出不同的识别模式。这种差异可能表明不同种具有木同的社会组织、生态和生活史对策。  相似文献   

以两性配对共居至交配或生仔作不同熟悉处理,在Y字型选择箱中分别观察棕色田鼠、根田鼠的择偶行为和配偶识别.结果如下:(1)棕色田鼠雌雄两性均表现出对熟悉异性或配偶的喜好倾向;(2)在根田鼠中,只有雌性表现出对熟悉雄鼠或配偶的选择倾向,雄鼠无明确的选择取向;(3)每种雌性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雄性的嗅舔时间均有显著差异性,而每种雄性田鼠对2种熟悉性不同的同种雌性的嗅舔时间均无显著差异性.这些结果表明:(1)熟悉性对棕色田鼠择偶行为的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(2)嗅舔时间差异可反映不同田鼠的配偶识别能力,熟悉性对棕色田鼠配偶识别能力的影响大于对根田鼠的影响;(3)2种田鼠配偶识别的性别差异的一致性,提示这2种田鼠的雌性配偶识别能力均强于雄性田鼠,而雌鼠的配偶识别能力可能取决于雌鼠受交配或分娩刺激的生理状态; (4)棕色田鼠室内所表现的择偶行为的两性熟悉性特征与其单配制有关,根田鼠所表现的择偶行为的雌性熟悉性特征与其一雄多雌制有关.  相似文献   

成年布氏田鼠对个体气味信号的识别与记忆   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
林琳  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(1):52-56
将配对饲养的成年雌雄布氏田鼠分离, 通过分开单独饲养12 h , 1 d、2 d、3 d、5 d 和7 d 后雌、雄鼠对原配偶异性和陌生异性气味信号的选择实验, 探讨布氏田鼠对气味信号的识别和记忆。实验表明: 在分离12 h 和1 d 后, 雄鼠对陌生雌性气味的选择和探究行为显著多于对熟悉雌鼠气味, 而雌鼠对两种气味并未表现显著的探究差异; 布氏田鼠对气味信号的记忆维持的强度和时间随个体不同而产生差异, 雄鼠在分离后12 h、1d、2 d 中对陌生雌鼠气味均表现出差异明显的探究行为, 而后, 各项探究行为的差异均不明显。雌鼠探究行为变化比较缓慢。据此推测雄鼠对气味的记忆维持在2 d 左右。  相似文献   

根田鼠的熟悉性及其自然动情下的配偶选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了在室内雌鼠自然动情条件下根田鼠两性个体配偶选择的3种熟悉性效应的5组实验结果,包括雌性对熟悉和陌生雄鼠、配偶和陌生雄鼠、配偶和熟悉雄鼠的择偶行为实验 , 雄性对熟悉和陌生雌鼠、配偶和陌生雌鼠的择偶行为实验。在实验前, 将1对性成熟的雌雄鼠 (非亲缘关系) 每天关养8 h 共8 d 建立熟悉性; 配对雌雄鼠至少生育1胎则为配偶关系。在 Y 形迷宫内的30 min 实验中, 两个被选择鼠分别以项链拴在横跨选择箱顶端中央的一根铁丝上, 限制它们在各自箱内活动; 而允许异性选择鼠从中立箱自由进入两个选择箱。记录选择鼠对异性被选择鼠的访问、社会探究、攻击、交配和友好行为的频次和时间。经Wilcoxon 关联样本 T 检验发现, 除交配行为不显著外, 雌性根田鼠均选择熟悉性较高的雄鼠; 而雄鼠不具这种选择性。该结果提示雌雄根田鼠的不同择偶行为也许就是反映该种婚配制度特征的直接行为过程。因此, 在择偶行为中, 雌性根田鼠表现的单配性倾向和雄鼠的多配性倾向, 只能以其婚配制度为一雄多雌制的假设来解释。我们的实验还说明在多配制田鼠中, 一雄多雌制与混交制在雌鼠择偶行为上是不同的, 而与单配制的相似或相近, 故简单地比较多配制与单配制则不能反映田鼠亚科动物婚配制度的多样性。  相似文献   

和熟悉选择试验比较了两个种群的情绪、运动能力以及对熟悉鼠和陌生鼠的选择。统计结果表明,程村种群的雌性个体比雄性个体重,而新郑种群的雄性体重比程村种群的重。在旷场实验中,程村种群比新郑种群表现出较多的焦虑样行为。配偶选择实验中,新郑种群不论雌雄都表现出了对陌生异性的喜好。程村种群雄性则更愿意选择熟悉的个体。而且,程村的雌性待在陌生箱攻击陌生鼠的时间远大于熟悉鼠。以上结果表明,两个野生种群在体重、情绪以及对熟悉鼠和陌生鼠选择上都表现出了明显的种群间差异。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠的择偶行为   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
尹峰  房继明 《动物学报》1998,44(2):162-169
在实验室通过布氏田鼠对配偶与陌生异性鼠,已交配「刚刚和别的雌(雄)鼠进行交配」和未效配异性鼠,熟悉和陌生异性鼠三种情况下配偶选择的实验研究。结果表明;雌性布氏田鼠对与配偶的造反地要多于陌生雄鼠;虽然对陌生和熟悉雄鼠选择差异不显著,但对陌生鼠的选择强度要高于熟悉雄鼠;同时对已交配和未交配雄鼠的选择地显著差异。  相似文献   

本实验利用免疫组织化学方法,以FOS阳性反应作为神经元活动的标志,研究了棕色田鼠在受到同性和异性尿液刺激后主嗅球和副嗅球的神经元活动,表明两大嗅觉系统均有感知社会性化学信号的功能.通过比较棕色田鼠在同性和异性尿液刺激后副嗅球和主嗅球的嗅小球细胞层(GL)、僧帽细胞层(MIT)、颗粒细胞层(GRL)中FOS阳性神经元数量,发现不同性别尿液刺激后棕色田鼠的副嗅球各细胞层FOS阳性神经元数量比对照组明显增加;棕色田鼠受到异性尿液刺激后其副嗅球各细胞层的FOS阳性神经元数量均多于同性尿液刺激组.不同性别尿液刺激后棕色田鼠的主嗅球各细胞层FOS阳性神经元数量相较于对照组有增加或增加显著;异性尿液刺激组主嗅球各细胞层的FOS阳性神经元数量均多于同性尿液刺激组.说明棕色田鼠的副嗅球和主嗅球均参与了通过尿液介导的性别个体的识别.  相似文献   

啮齿动物的社会识别包括对化学信号的辨别、学习和记忆。田鼠属动物雌雄成年个体共居一定时间后,可以利用气味信号来识别配偶。本研究将成年雌雄布氏田鼠配对饲养12 h、18 h、24 h,确认发生交配行为形成配对关系后,分开单独饲养6 h,取配偶雄鼠和陌生雄鼠巢垫物作为个体气味,在气味选择箱中观察雌鼠对配偶雄鼠和陌生雄鼠气味信号的探究和选择行为,从而探讨不同共居时间雌性布氏田鼠对配偶气味信号的识别与记忆的影响。研究结果表明:共居时间影响雌性布氏田鼠对配偶气味的识别与记忆;共居时间越长,雌鼠在气味探究和选择时间上对配偶气味偏好越明显;共居24 h 后,雌性布氏田鼠能够识别出配偶雄鼠的气味信号并形成记忆,这样的记忆维持时间至少是6 h。  相似文献   

The ownership signature in mouse scent marks is involatile   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Male house mice advertise their territory ownership through urinary scent marks and use individual-specific patterns of major urinary proteins (MUPs) to discriminate between their own scent and that of other males. It is not clear whether recognition occurs through discrimination of the non-volatile proteins or protein-ligand complexes (direct model), or by the detection of volatile ligands that are released from MUPs (indirect model). To examine the mechanism underlying individual scent mark signatures, we compared investigatory and countermarking responses of male laboratory mice presented with male scent marks from a strain with a different MUP pattern, when they could contact the scent or when contact was prevented by a porous nitrocellulose sheet to which proteins bind. Mice investigated scent marks from other males whether these were covered or not, and biochemical analysis confirmed that the porous cover did not prevent the release of volatiles from scent marks. Having gained information through investigation, mice increased their own scent marking only if they had direct contact with another male's urine, failing to do this when contact was prevented. Individual signatures in scent marks thus appear to be carried by non-volatile proteins or by non-volatile protein-ligand complexes, rather than by volatiles emanating from the scent.  相似文献   

This study examined whether neonatal paternal deprivation (PD: father was removed and pups were raised just by mother) or early deprivation (ED: pups were raised by both parents except separated from not only the dam but also the peers for three hours a day from PND 0 to 13) has long-term effects on anxiety and social behaviors of adult mandarin voles. Newborn mandarin voles of F2 generation were randomly assigned to one of three groups: bi-parental care (PC: pups were raised by both parents), PD and ED. The parental care behaviors of F1 generation were observed at the age of 0, 13 and 21 days (PND 0, 13, 21) of F2 generation of PC and PD groups. Moreover, each mandarin vole of F2 generation received an open field test and a social interaction test on PND 70 and PND 75, respectively. No significant differences of parental behavior were observed between mothers and fathers from PC families, showing typical parental behavior of socially monogamous rodents. In addition, no significant differences of maternal behaviors were found between mothers from PC and PD families, indicating no maternal compensation towards pups for the absence of the paternal care. In the open field test, mandarin voles from both PD and ED families displayed higher levels of anxiety and lower locomotor activity, relative to offspring of PC family. In the social interaction test, both PD and ED mandarin voles also showed lower levels of social behavior and higher levels of anxiety. Thus, both PD and ED significantly increase anxiety and reduce social behavior of adult mandarin voles, suggesting that variation in parental investment may lead to variation in anxiety and social behaviors in rodents with different mating systems.  相似文献   

植物不育剂是由具有抗生育作用的天然植物中的提取物配制而成,用不育剂配制的混合饵料,不仅对雌雄鼠生殖机能均有一定的破坏性,起到了阻断生殖的作用,而且又不污染环境和破坏生态平衡(张春美等,2001),所以这类混合饵料称为绿色环保型抗生育鼠药(简称环保型鼠药).  相似文献   

为探究父本剥夺对子代棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)同性间行为及相关脑区神经元活性的影响,本实验观察了父本缺失子代棕色田鼠成年后社会互作实验和相关脑区Fos蛋白的表达情况。社会互作实验结果显示,与雄性对照组相比,雄性父本剥夺组田鼠对另一雄性个体的探究和聚团行为显著减少(P0.01);与雌性对照组相比,雌性父本剥夺组田鼠对另一雌性个体的探究行为有减少的趋势,对视和自饰行为显著减少(P0.05);但父本剥夺组雌雄棕色田鼠静止时间均显著增加(P0.05)。免疫组织化学结果显示,通过短暂社会互作后,与雄性对照组相比,父本剥夺组雄性在终纹床核(bed nucleus of the stria terminalis,BST)、杏仁中央核(central nucleus of the amygdale,Ce)和室旁核(paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus,PVN)Fos阳性神经元数量显著增加(P0.01);与雌性对照组相比,父本剥夺组雌性在终纹床核(BST)和室旁核(PVN)阳性神经元数量也极显著增加(P0.01)。综上,父本剥夺可能导致幼仔成年后社会性和活动性下降,并可能增加成年后应激反应相关脑区的神经元活性。  相似文献   

To gain insight into the function of AOB and MOB during different social interaction and in different vole species,the behaviors and neural activation of the olfactory bulbs in social interactions of mandarin voles Microtus mandarinus and reed voles Microtus fortis were compared in the present research.Mandarin voles spent significantly more time attacking and sniffing their opponents and sniffing sawdust than reed voles.During same sex encounters,mandarin voles attacked their opponents for a significantly ...  相似文献   

Using animal house experiments we demonstrated that urine odor can elicit physiological changes in the maturation rate of Brandt’s vole (Radde, 1861). We showed that the urine of estrous females, anestrous females and non-breeding males had no effect on the time of sexual maturity of young voles. In contrast, the maturation rate of young female voles was accelerated, and the maturation rate of young male voles was slowed, by exposure to the urine of breeding adult males. Headspace analysis revealed significant differences in the levels of a subset of volatile constituents of urine from breeding and non-breeding males. From a total of 50 components, Propanoic acid, 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine, Dimethyldisulfide, 1-Octene, 1-Hexanol, Hexanoic acid and p-Xylene were observed only in the urine of breeding male Brandt’s voles. All other substances were present in the volatiles from urine of both breeding and non-breeding male Brandt’s vole.  相似文献   

The dominant–subordinate hierarchy in animals often needs to be established via agonistic encounters and consequently affects reproduction and survival. Differences in brain neuropeptides and sociality among dominant and subordinate males and females remain poorly understood. Here we explore neuropeptide levels and sociality during agonistic encounter tests in mandarin voles. We found that dominant mandarin voles engaged in higher levels of approaching, investigating, self-grooming and exploring behavior than subordinates. Dominant males habituated better to a stimulus vole than dominant females. Dominant males displayed significantly less oxytocin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular nuclei and more vasopressin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular nuclei, supraoptic nuclei, and the lateral and anterior hypothalamus than subordinates. Dominant females displayed significantly more vasopressin-immunoreactive neurons in the lateral hypothalamus and anterior hypothalamus than subordinates. Sex differences were found in the level of oxytocin and vasopressin. These results indicate that distinct parameters related to central nervous oxytocin and vasopressin are associated with behaviors during agonistic encounters in a sex-specific manner in mandarin voles.  相似文献   

基于交叉抚育的雄性根田鼠对异性同胞尿气味的识别   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过交叉抚育建立室内繁殖种群,在断奶后(80日龄)分别取这些供体的新鲜尿气味作刺激物,在行为观察箱中观察和记录雄性根田鼠对雌鼠气味的行为反应,以研究根田鼠同胞识别的化学通讯机制。结果表明:①在不同的发育时期(2~70日龄),雄性同巢同胞与异巢同胞的体重没有显著差异。②雄性根田鼠对雌性同巢非同胞气味的接近潜伏期显著长于对异巢非同胞的接近潜伏期(P〈0.05),其对异巢非同胞气味的访问时间和嗅舔时间都显著高于同巢非同胞气味(P〈0.05)。③雄性根田鼠对雌性异巢同胞和异巢非同胞气味的不存在明显偏好。其对两者的接近潜伏期、访问频次、访问时间、嗅舔频次和嗅舔时间等行为响应均无显著差异(P〈0.05)。这些结果表明,80日龄时,雄性根田鼠能够识别熟悉和陌生的无亲属关系雌性尿气味,但不能区分陌生的亲属和非亲属,因此,其异性同胞识别的机制为共生熟悉模式。  相似文献   

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