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本文报道蔬菜地潜叶绳寄生蜂的姬小蜂科Eulophidae的羽角姬小蜂亚科Eulophinae和猜面姬小蜂亚科Elachetinae5属8种寄生蜂。其中豌豆潜绳姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea是蔬菜潜叶蝇寄生蜂优势种。寄主主要是豌豆彩潜绳、美洲斑潜蝇和葱斑潜蝇等的幼虫和蛹。植物寄主涉及各种蔬菜作物。兰克瑟姬小蜂Cirrospilus lyncus Walker为中国新记录种,另有5个寄主新记录。  相似文献   

本报道姬小蜂科Eulophidae的凹面姬小蜂亚科Entedontinae和啮小蜂亚科Tetrastichinae的6属10种蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生蜂。底比斯釉姬小蜂Chrysocharis pentheus Wallker、美丽新姬小蜂Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood)和潜蝇纹翅姬小蜂Teleopterus erxias(Walker)是蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生性小蜂的3个优势种。曼丹啮小蜂Tetrastichus mandanis(Walker)和卡拉啮小蜂Tetrastichus chara Kostjukov为中国新记录种。另有寄生蜂的2个寄主新记录。  相似文献   

基于18S基因序列的姬小蜂分子系统发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文基于18S rDNA部分序列,用MP和Baysian方法研究了姬小蜂科的系统发育,对姬小蜂科的单系性及其与其它小蜂科间的关系进行了讨论。姬小蜂亚科、灿姬小蜂亚科和啮姬小蜂亚科形成三个独立的支系,研究结果支持它们各自的单系性,但本结果没有明确姬小蜂科的单系性。研究结果同时还支持瑟姬小蜂族、扁股姬小蜂族和狭面姬小蜂族三个族的地位,但不支持姬小蜂族的地位。姬小蜂科的单系性及其与其它小蜂间的关系还需更多的形态学数据和更多的基因序列来进一步研究[动物学报52 (2) : 288 -301 , 2006]。  相似文献   

本文报道姬小蜂科 Eulophidae的凹面姬小蜂亚科 Entedontinae和啮小蜂亚科 Tetrastichinae的 6属 10种蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生蜂。底比斯釉姬小蜂 Chrysocharis p entheus Walker、美丽新姬小蜂 N eochrysocharisformosa(Westwood)和潜蝇纹翅姬小蜂 Teleopterus erxias(Walker)是蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生性小蜂的 3个优势种。曼丹啮小蜂 Tetrastichus mandanis(Walker)和卡拉啮小蜂 Tetrastichuschara Kostjukov为中国新记录种。另有寄生蜂的 2个寄主新记录。  相似文献   

本文描述盾沟姬小蜂属Holcopelte Forster2新种:丽盾沟姬小蜂Holcopelte pulchra sp.nov.和长腹盾沟姬小蜂Holcopelte longiventrissp.nov.。此属为我国及东洋区拉首次记录。模式标本何存于四川省自然资源研究所。  相似文献   

中国凹胸姬小蜂属研究(膜翅目:姬小蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了中国的1新记录属,凹胸姬小蜂Alophomorphella Girault。该属原来只分布在澳大利亚,其分类学位置及其和姬小蜂亚科和其它属的关系并不明确。有些研究人员认为它属于狭面姬小蜂属Elachertus Spinola。通过扫描电镜观察和比较外部形态学研究,作者发现该属具有下列稳定的性状:1)中胸小盾片上有一条纵沟;2)前胸侧板腹面上有一对对称的斜沟。因此确认该属为姬小蜂科中一个特殊属,它和Elachertus之间没有非常近的亲缘关系。本文重新描述了A.illustris Girault的雌性,并首次描述了该种的雄性。  相似文献   

侧姬小蜂属Ceranisus Walker,1841隶属膜翅目Hymenoptera、小蜂总科Chalcidoidea、姬小蜂科Eulophidae、凹面姬小蜂亚科Entedoninae,是蓟马幼虫重要的寄生蜂,迄今世界上已知16种。该属颜面凹陷,额V字形,槽沟伸达中单眼水平,侧单眼后部有1条完整的沟横穿颅顶,颚眼沟一般不分叉,上颚退化;雌性触角索节2分节,棒节2或3分节;盾纵沟不明显,一般中胸盾片中叶着生2对刚毛,小盾片1对刚毛;前翅缘毛短于翅宽,后翅末端尖锐;腹柄短,宽明显大于(或至少等于)长等特征明显,较易识别。本文首次报道该属伊朗的3种类:月侧姬小蜂Ceranisus menes(Walker,1839),平侧姬小蜂C.planitianus Erds,1966和爱侧姬小蜂C.amanosus Doganlar et al.,2009,这也是该属在伊朗的首次记录。并对近缘种爱侧姬小蜂C.amanosus Doganlar et al.,2009和乌侧姬小蜂C.udnamtak Tryapitsin,2005的鉴别进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

记述狭面姬小蜂科Elachertidae 1中国新记录属:敌奥姬小蜂属Diaulinopsis Crawford和新中国记录种:潜蝇敌奥姬小蜂Diaulinopsis arenaria Erdos,标本均保存于浙江大学应用昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

本文就蚕豆上潜蝇姬小蜂白昼活动规律进行了研究,在午间13:00-14:00时气温最高时,为潜蝇姬小蜂的活动高峰期,种群(Y)和温度(X)的白昼活动模式为Y=-2.41+1.38x-0.09x2,r=0.7221··;在蚕豆成熟时,潜蝇姬小蜂种群数量最大.  相似文献   

本文报道蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生蜂的姬小蜂科 Eulophidae的羽角姬小蜂亚科 Eulophinae和狭面姬小蜂亚科 Elachetinae5属 8种寄生蜂。其中豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂 Diglyphus isaea是蔬菜潜叶蝇寄生蜂优势种。寄主主要是豌豆彩潜蝇、美洲斑潜蝇和葱斑潜蝇等的幼虫和蛹。植物寄主涉及各种蔬菜作物。兰克瑟姬小蜂 Cirrospiluslyncus Walker为中国新记录种 ,另有 5个寄主新记录  相似文献   

The slipper lobsters belong to the family Scyllaridae which contains a total of 20 genera and 89 species distributed across four subfamilies (Arctidinae, Ibacinae, Scyllarinae, and Theninae). We have collected nucleotide sequence data from regions of five different genes (16S, 18S, COI, 28S, H3) to estimate phylogenetic relationships among 54 species from the Scyllaridae with a focus on the species rich subfamily Scyllarinae. We have included in our analyses at least one representative from all 20 genera in the Scyllaridae and 35 of the 52 species within the Scyllarinae. Our resulting phylogenetic estimate shows the subfamilies are monophyletic, except for Ibacinae, which has paraphyletic relationships among genera. Many of the genera within the Scyllarinae form non-monophyletic groups, while the genera from all other subfamilies form well supported clades. We discuss the implications of this history on the evolution of morphological characters and ecological transitions (nearshore vs. offshore) within the slipper lobsters. Finally, we identify, through ancestral state character reconstructions, key morphological features diagnostic of the major clades of diversity within the Scyllaridae and relate this character evolution to current taxonomy and classification.  相似文献   

【目的】南美斑潜蝇Liriomyza huidobrensis为我国重要的入侵害虫,我们于2017年7月首次发现其已扩散至西藏。本研究旨在了解西藏地区南美斑潜蝇的发生现状及其寄生蜂种类。【方法】2017和2018年6月上旬-9月中旬对西藏拉萨、林芝、山南和日喀则4个地区的南美斑潜蝇的发生危害及其寄生蜂组成进行了调查采样。【结果】调查的西藏这4个地区均发现南美斑潜蝇分布和危害;温室发生时间为6月上旬-9月中旬,而露地的发生高峰在7月下旬-8月上旬。其寄主植物有9科21种,主要有豆科(Fabaceae)、茄科(Solanaceae)和伞形科(Umbelliferae)等,主要嗜好经济作物有豇豆Vigna unguiculata, 扁豆Lablab purpureus , 莴笋Lactuca sativa var. angustana和白菜Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis。其寄生蜂包括姬小蜂科(Eulophidae)、茧蜂科(Braconidae)和瘿蜂科(Cynipidae)共计3科9属16种,分别为双斑潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus bimaculatus, 豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea, 小斑潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus minoeus, 万氏潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus wani, Diglyphus sp., 纵纹瑟姬小蜂Cirrospilus vittatus, Hemiptarsenus sp., 芙新姬小蜂Neochrysocharis formosa, 底比斯姬小蜂Chrysocharis pentheus, 普金姬小蜂Chrysocharis pubicornis, Chrysocharis sp., 潜蝇柄腹姬小蜂Pediobius metallicus, Pnigalio sp., 西伯利亚离颚茧蜂Dacnusa sibirica, Dacnusa sp.和Gronotoma sp.;其中优势种为西伯利亚离颚茧蜂、双斑潜蝇姬小蜂和豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂,其个体数量占比分别为总采集个体数的48.7%, 22.1%和12.9%。【结论】西藏南美斑潜蝇的寄生蜂种类丰富,发挥着重要的自然控制作用。建议进一步加强优势寄生蜂生物学、控害潜力评价以及利用研究,为南美斑潜蝇的绿色防控提供指导。  相似文献   

选择28S rDNA D2区基因,针对GenBank中姬小蜂科总计542条相关序列,借助Blast Align、MUSCLE及TNT等生物信息学软件进行计算分析,提出了一种基于亚科水平的姬小蜂科快速DNA分类鉴定方法。建树结果对目前分类系统中姬小蜂科4亚科分类体系(Bouek,1988)予以支持;综合分析结果基本支持对于姬小蜂亚科以及灿小蜂亚科的分族、分属方法。同时对地位不明的两属Anselmella和Ophelimus的分类学地位提出了假设。  相似文献   

Urticaceae is a family with more than 2000 species, which contains remarkable morphological diversity. It has undergone many taxonomic reorganizations, and is currently the subject of further systematic studies. To gain more resolution in systematic studies and to better understand the general patterns of character evolution in Urticaceae, based on our previous phylogeny including 169 accessions comprising 122 species across 47 Urticaceae genera, we examined 19 diagnostic characters, and analysed these employing both maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood approaches. Our results revealed that 16 characters exhibited multiple state changes within the family, with ten exhibiting >eight changes and three exhibiting between 28 and 40. Morphological synapomorphies were identified for many clades, but the diagnostic value of these was often limited due to reversals within the clade and/or homoplasies elsewhere. Recognition of the four clades comprising the family at subfamily level can be supported by a small number carefully chosen defining traits for each. Several non-monophyletic genera appear to be defined only by characters that are plesiomorphic within their clades, and more detailed work would be valuable to find defining traits for monophyletic clades within these. Some character evolution may be attributed to adaptive evolution in Urticaceae due to shifts in habitat or vegetation type. This study demonstrated the value of using phylogeny to trace character evolution, and determine the relative importance of morphological traits for classification.  相似文献   

Diglyphus isaea ( Walker 1838 ) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a primary parasitoid of agromyzid leaf miners (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and has been commercialized as a biological control agent. Diglyphus isaea occurs throughout much of the world and different populations are morphologically identical. Using nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences, we examined variation among Chinese populations of D. isaea . Phylogenetic analyses combined with an analysis of sympatry indicated that D. isaea consists of at least four species in mainland China. The results imply that ITS1 is an efficient marker for identifying congeneric species of parasitic waSPS, and that cryptic species could be common in temperate and subtropical regions.  相似文献   

Diglyphus isaea is one of the primary parasitoids of agromyzid leafminers. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences from 10 Chinese localities were used to investigate geographic variation within this widespread and morphologically uniform parasitoid. Phylogeographic analyses and sequence variation indicated that this species was actually a species-complex. We used an amber fossil record of the genus Entedon (Eulophidae: Entedoninae) as a reference to estimate the divergence time of major clades within D. isaea. With reference to the fossil record of its hosts, our results indicate that associations between parasitoids and leaf-miners could have been possibly established 38.2 million years ago.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals have long been assumed to be a monophyletic group characterized by the possession of an aragonite skeleton. Analyses of skeletal morphology and molecular data have shown conflicting patterns of suborder and family relationships of scleractinian corals, because molecular data suggest that the scleractinian skeleton could have evolved as many as four times. Here we describe patterns of molecular evolution in a segment of the mitochondrial (mt) 12S ribosomal RNA gene from 28 species of scleractinian corals and use this gene to infer the evolutionary history of scleractinians. We show that the sequences obtained fall into two distinct clades, defined by PCR product length. Base composition among taxa did not differ significantly when the two clades were considered separately or as a single group. Overall, transition substitutions accumulated more quickly relative to transversion substitutions within both clades. Spatial patterns of substitutions along the 12S rRNA gene and likelihood ratio tests of divergence rates both indicate that the 12S rRNA gene of each clade evolved under different constraints. Phylogenetic analyses using mt 12S rRNA gene data do not support the current view of scleractinian phylogeny based upon skeletal morphology and fossil records. Rather, the two-clade hypothesis derived from the mt 16S ribosomal gene is supported.  相似文献   

Parasitoids (Hymenoptera) associated with agromyzid leafminers (Diptera: Agromyzidae) were studied in three rural farms located in northern Italy. The parasitoids were reared from mined foliage of weeds growing in field margins. We reared 998 Hymenoptera specimens, representing five families, 23 genera, and 53 species, from leafminers infesting weeds. Eulophidae was the most abundant family (67.64%), followed by Braconidae (28.86%), Eucoilinae (1.40%), Tetracampidae (1.40%), and Pteromalidae (0.7%). Braconids was the most species rich family, accounting for 28 species; eulophids were represented by 19 species, pteromalids by four species, and eucoilins and tetracampids by one species each. The dominant parasitoid was the eulophid Pediobius metallicus (Nees), representing 18.17% of the total, followed by Diglyphus isaea (Walker) (12.73%), and Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood) (10.82%). The most abundant braconid parasitoid was Dacnusa maculipes Thomson (9.62%). More than 80% of parasitoids were recovered from 10 plant species: Cirsium arvense (L.) Scopoli, Plantago lanceolata L., Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, Papaver rhoeas L., Picris echioides L., Lactuca serriola L., Myagrum perfoliatum L., Ranunculus velutinus Tenore, Arctium lappa L., and Medicago sativa L. The retention and the management of wild plants within field margins can be crucial tools to enhance the populations of biological control agents of agromyzids and to conserve rare parasitic wasp species.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Saururaceae based on mitochondrial matR gene sequence data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA sequences of matR gene from three species of Saururaceae and the selected outgroups, Chloranthus holostegius and Zippelia begoniaefolia, are reported. All DNA sequences of six species in four genera of Saururaceae and the two outgroups are analyzed on PAUP 4.0 8b to reconstruct the phylogeny. A single matR gene tree is generated from parsimony, distance, and likelihood analyses, respectively. The three trees with the same topology are slightly different in bootstrapping support for some clades. The result indicates that Saururaceae is monophyletic. Anemopsis is sister to Houttuynia, and the two genera form the first diverging lineage of the family. The sister group relationship between Saururus and Gymnotheca is also supported by a relatively high bootstrap value. The result is different from all the former phylogenetic opinions on Saururaceae based on morphology, but it is supported by the evolution of flower-bract stalk in Saururaceae. In addition, some characteristics of the matR gene are analyzed. The MatR gene is a relatively better tool to reconstruct the molecular clock because the base substitution bias greatly decreases in the gene.  相似文献   

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