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目的:分析HIV合并肺结核患者的临床特征及抗结核治疗的疗效。方法:将我院收治的HIV感染合并肺结核初治患者53例作为A组,将同期收治的单纯肺结核患者176例作为B组,对两组患者临床资料、实验室检查结果以及治疗效果等进行回顾性分析。结果:A组患者并发症发生率以及肺外结核发生率显著高于B组(P0.05),A组咳嗽发生率低于B组,但发热发生率高于B组(P0.05);A组患者斑点实验、PPD实验、痰查抗酸杆菌阳性率均低于B组(P0.05),A组患者肝功能异常、肾功能异常以及CD4+计数200发生率高于B组(P0.05);A组抗结核治疗的临床疗效低于B组(P0.05);两组患者治疗后CD4+水平均高于治疗前,且B组高于A组(P0.05)。结论:与单纯感染肺结核的患者相比,HIV合并肺结核患者并发症以及肺外结核发生率较高,实验室相关检查敏感性较低,抗结核治疗的效果较差,临床应给予重视。  相似文献   

目的:回顾性分析成人不典型肺结核的CT表现,探讨与其他同影性疾病的鉴别方法,做到早诊断早治疗,减低病人的治疗成本和思想负担。方法:选择性收集病变不典型。CT影像检壹曾误诊或诊断困难的病例30例做回顾性分析。所有病例均有最后治疗结果或术后病理结果证实。结果:节段性阴影12例,局灶性斑片及斑点状影8例,散在少数小结节样影4例,多发结节并空洞影3例,肺内弥漫分布的粟粒结节影3例,肺内阴影伴有肺门淋巴结及纵隔淋巴结肿大者9例以青壮年病人吸收较快,病程较短,以粟粒影和大片影表现者吸收最快。讨论:对于不典型的成人肺结核,不能片面的强调或突出某一方面征象,年龄因素、临床症状、实验室检查如结核茵素试验(PPD)、痰结核茵培养、抗结核抗体阳性在鉴别诊断中有着重要意义。进一步正确认识及探究病变的影像特点,对于正确的诊断提供了强有力的理论根据。  相似文献   

莫燕燕  陆梅然 《蛇志》2015,(2):218-219
目的总结艾滋病合并肺结核患者的临床特点及诊治方法。方法对2014年1~10月我院收治的艾滋病合并肺结核患者40例的临床资料进行回顾性分析,总结其症状体征、影像学特点、感染途径、治疗方法和效果等。结果本组患者以青壮年居多,人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染途径主要是血液接触、性接触、静脉注射毒品;主要症状为持续发热(82.5%),明显消瘦(92.5%),纳差、乏力、全身酸痛(100%),咳嗽、咳痰(72.5%)。肺结核经X线检查均有结核影像学表现,无典型病变部位;痰培养或痰涂片检查,19例阳性;结核菌素(PPD)实验,16例呈阳性。结论艾滋病合并肺结核无典型的临床表现,临床上应提高认识,加强检测,避免二者相互作用。治疗上尽可能同时进行抗结核与抗HIV治疗,以降低死亡率,延长患者的生存期。  相似文献   

目的:探讨和评价经纤维支气管镜局部注药对耐药肺结核合并支气管内膜结核患者的可行性和疗效.方法:对120例确诊为耐药肺结核合并支气管内膜结核患者,在进行全身抗结核治疗的同时依据患者志愿,随机分为两组,一组即单纯化疗者,另一组化疗+支气管镜注药组.比较两组病人在临床症状、痰菌阴转、影像学及纤维支气管镜下的疗效差异.结果:耐药肺结核合并支气管内膜结核经全身抗结核治疗辅以支气管镜局部给药,疗效显著优于单纯全身抗结核治疗.结论:使用支气管镜治疗耐药支气管内膜结核,可明显提高疗效、缩短病程,值得在临床上广泛应用.  相似文献   

马苗  罗百灵  顾其华  李瑛  李玉屏 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7043-7047
目的:评价结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT.TB)对肺结核病的临床诊断价值。方法:选择2012年2月~8月湘雅医院呼吸科住院病人中92例可疑肺结核患者进行T—SPOT.TB检测、结核菌素试验(PPD试验)、结核抗体、血沉及影像学检查及病史收集。分析和比较T.SPOT.TB与传统结核诊断方法的阳性率、特异度、灵敏度并对其检测结果进行相关性分析。结果:92例患者中,48例被确诊为肺结核,其中41例T.SPOT.TB结果阳性,44例非肺结核患者中5例T.SPOT.TB结果阳性。T—SPOT.TB检测的敏感度为85.4%,特异度为88.6%。T-SPOT.TB检测在结核组的阳性检出率(85.4%)显著高于传统检查方法PPD(37.5%,P〈0.01)、结核抗体(16.7%,P〈0.01)、血沉(66.7%,P〈0.05),在非结核病组中的特异性(88.6%)显著高于血沉(36.6%,P〈0.0J)。PPD与T-SPOT.TB联合可提高诊断结核的阳性率(89.6%)。T.SPOT.TB检测仅与PPD试验的结果存在显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论:T-SPOT.TB诊断肺结核的敏感性及特异性较传统的PPD实验、结核抗体更高,具有重要的I临床应用价值。  相似文献   

HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核与单纯肺结核患者临床对照分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高对HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核临床表现的认识。方法:选取1998年以来我院收治的HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核的病例共47例为观察组(A组),及同期住院的HIV(-)单纯肺结核病例50例为对照组(B组)进行回顾性对照分析。结果:(1)A组发烧和体重下降较B组更常见,而咳嗽和咯血较B组少见;(2)A组痰抗酸杆菌阳性率显著低于B组;(3)A组结核杆菌培养阳性率显著低于B组,而耐多药结核(MDR-TB)所占比率显著高于B组;(4)肺结核的X线表现为弥漫性浸润或粟粒性阴影的,A组多于B组,而A组影像学空洞率显著低于B组;(5)A组合并肺外结核较B组多见,A组淋巴系统较B组常发生结核病变,A组全身血液播散性结核病的发病率明显高于B组;(6)PPD结核菌素反应阳性率A组显著低于B组,A组PPD阳性率与外周CD4+T淋巴细胞数相关。结论:HIV(+)/AIDS患者并发肺结核临床表现不典型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨吸毒肺结核患者临床特点及吸毒对肺结核的影响.方法:对比两组结核病类型分布、临床症状、检验结果、胸部X线特点,统计学处理用SPSS11.0软件,p<0.05为差异有显著性.结果:吸毒组中临床症状、痰涂片阳性率、PPD皮试阳性率、PPD皮试强阳性率、胸部X线病变分布范围、空洞、支气管播散及病变形态有显著性差异(p<0.05).而结核病类型分布及结核抗体阳性率无显著差异(p>0.05).结论:吸毒患者肺的感染易感性明显增加,肺部防御功能受损,而吸毒能明显加重肺结核病情.  相似文献   

目的:尽可能减少肺结核的传染和扩散,保护易感者.方法:对首例患者同一车间的密切接触者采取PPD试验和拍摄X胸片的方法进行筛查.结果:在密切接触者中确诊1例进行抗结核治疗,对16例PPD强阳性者予以预防性投药.结论:在结核暴露的高危人群中,对PPD强阳性者予以预防性投药,可以有效降低发病率,防止续发病例的产生.  相似文献   

本文介绍以无毒人型结核菌菌悬液大剂量(80mg/ml)经皮下多点、静脉注射免疫家兔。获得凝集效价1:160—1:320免疫血清。提取免疫球蛋白制备免疫荧光抗体。用该抗体检查结核菌,其敏感性与荧光素染色和抗酸染色基本相似。与22种抗酸菌和3种非抗酸菌进行交叉试验,除与牛型结核菌、堪萨斯杆菌有交叉反应外,其它被试细菌均呈阴性反应。用该抗体检查肺结核病人痰标本155例,阳性率为43.87%,培养法阳性率27.74%,两法差异显著(P<0.005)。结果表明,结核菌免疫荧光抗体可用做肺结核病细菌学的快速诊断。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺结核合并糖尿病的临床表现及其糖尿病控制对结核病治疗的影响.方法:回顾性分析我院收治的54例肺结核合并糖尿病患者的临床资料.结果:肺结核合并糖尿病以2型糖尿病为主,肺结核X线表现以大片渗出、干酪病变为主,痰菌阳性率高,合并症多为临床特点,血糖大多数控制在7.8mmol/L以下.结论:对肺结核合并糖尿病患者应进行早期正规抗结核治疗,并适当延长疗程,同时有效控制血糖是治疗结核合并糖尿病的关键.  相似文献   

IgG antibody to Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the sera of patients with 'definite' pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) was isolated and coupled with Cyanogen bromide-Sepharose 4B. Using an immunoabsorbent affinity chromatography, 14 kDa antigen was recovered from the culture filtrates of M. tuberculosis. With this mycobacterial antigen, a dot immunobinding assay (Dot-Iba) was developed for the detection of specific antibody to M. tuberculosis in the sera of patients with PT and controls. The assay gave positive results in all the 12 sputum-smear positive [acid fast bacilli (AFB)] patients with PT and gave negative results in the 50 sera from control groups. The Dot-Iba as described in this study, is simple, rapid and specific for laboratory diagnosis of PT.  相似文献   

IgG antibodies against purified cord factor (trehalose-6,6'-dimycolate, TDM) in sera of 99 patients infected with mycobacteria (42 patients with tuberculosis excreting tubercle bacilli in the sputum, 11 patients with non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis excreting acid-fast bacilli in the sputum, and 46 patients without bacilli in the sputum but diagnosed as having pulmonary tuberculosis by chest X-ray films and physical examination), five patients with lung cancer, and 100 healthy controls which included subjects positive and negative for the tuberculin test were tested by the ELISA with TDM purified from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv as the antigen. Of the 99 cases of mycobacteriosis, 83 patients (83.8%) had positive results (48 samples from 53 patients, or 90.5%, with bacilli in the sputum, and 35 samples from 46 patients (76%) with tuberculosis diagnosed clinically). The sera of the five patients with lung cancer and the 100 controls all gave negative results. Thus, the sensitivity and specificity were 83.8% and 100%, respectively. ELISA with TDM as the antigen is simple, reproducible, and useful for the rapid serodiagnosis of general mycobacterial infections including tuberculosis, because it does not involve the cultivation of bacteria.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of skeletal tuberculosis in human remains has traditionally been based upon the detection of secondary skeletal lesions which result from hemotogenous dissemination of tubercle bacilli (e.g., Pott's disease). Since such lesions develop in less than 7% of cases of human tuberculosis, the paleodemography and paleoepidemiology of this disease have been difficult to assess from skeletal remains. This study presents a new diagnostic approach to tuberculosis, focusing on the skeletal manifestations of chronic pulmonary disease (which comprises approximately 90% of human-form tuberculosis). Four hundred forty-five skeletal remains from persons dying of tuberculosis during the first half of the 20th century were examined. A total of 70/445 (16%) exhibited skeletal lesions in one or more locations as a response to infection. Of these 70, 39 (56%) were found to display a specific set of lesions restricted to the internal aspect of the ribs. These lesions take one of two forms: (1) diffuse periostitis or (2) localized abscess, and appear to correspond to areas of chronic pulmonary infection. The diffuse type of rib lesion is more commonly observed than the localized type. In our observations (and according to the natural history of tuberculosis) the occurrence of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis is usually mutually exclusive with hematogenous dissemination to secondary bone locations. Thus, the detection of rib lesions in cases of chronic pulmonary disease increases the absolute sample size of skeletal tuberculosis by a factor of two in this study.  相似文献   



Clinical suspects of pulmonary tuberculosis in which the sputum smears are negative for acid fast bacilli represent a diagnostic challenge in resource constrained settings. Our objective was to validate an existing clinical-radiographic score that assessed the probability of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (SNPT) in high incidence settings in Peru.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We included in two referral hospitals in Lima patients with clinical suspicion of pulmonary tuberculosis and two or more negative sputum smears. Using a published but not externally validated score, patients were classified as having low, intermediate or high probability of pulmonary tuberculosis. The reference standard for the diagnosis of tuberculosis was a positive sputum culture in at least one of 2 liquid (MGIT or Middlebrook 7H9) and 1 solid (Ogawa) media. Prevalence of tuberculosis was calculated in each of the three probability groups.684 patients were included. 184 (27.8%) had a diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. The score did not perform well in patients with a previous history of pulmonary tuberculosis. In patients without, the prevalence of tuberculosis was 5.1%, 31.7% and 72% in the low, intermediate and high probability group respectively. The area under de ROC curve was 0.76 (95% CI 0.72–0.80) and scores ≥6 had a positive LR of 10.9.


In smear negative suspects without previous history of tuberculosis, the clinical-radiographic score can be used as a tool to assess the probability of pulmonary tuberculosis and to guide the decision to initiate or defer treatment or to requesting additional tests.  相似文献   

目的:研究肺结核患者血清γ干扰素(IFN-γ)、白介素-1β(Il-1β)以及肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)水平的临床检测价值。方法:选择2015年1月~2018年12月在北京市顺义区医院治疗的25例肺结核患者作为肺结核组,并且选择同期在该院进行体检的25例健康人作为对照组。采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测并且比较肺结核组以及对照组研究对象的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β和TNF-α水平,比较痰菌阴性组(n=14例)以及痰菌阳性组(n=11例)、无空洞组(n=15例)以及有空洞组(n=10例)的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平。结果:肺结核组患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平均明显高于对照组(P0.05);痰菌阳性组肺结核患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平均明显高于痰菌阴性组患者(P0.05);有空洞组肺结核患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平均明显高于无空洞组患者(P0.05)。结论:肺结核患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β和TNF-α水平明显高于健康者,有助于判断疾病进程,这些细胞因子可能在结核病的发病中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

N. Gupta, K. Sharma, A. Barwad, M. Sharma, A. Rajwanshi, P. Dutta and A. Sharma
Thyroid tuberculosis – role of PCR in diagnosis of a rare entity Background: Tuberculosis is a rare cause of granulomatous thyroiditis, whose diagnosis may be difficult with routine cytopathology and staining for acid‐fast bacilli (AFB). Study design: Amongst 7962 cases of various thyroid lesions subjected to fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) over a period of 12 years, 34 cases (0.43%) were found to have cytological features of granulomatous inflammation with or without necrosis, which could be due to tuberculosis, granulomatous thyroiditis or other causes of granulomatous inflammation such as sarcoidosis or fungal infections. DNA was extracted from the material available on May‐Grünwald–Giemsa‐stained smears from the archival material. PCR for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was performed for insertion sequence IS6110. Results: The age of the patients ranged from 32 to 58 years (median 48 years); 24 were female and 10 male. FNAC from thyroid swellings showed epithelioid granulomas with giant cells and/or necrosis. Although acid‐fast bacilli were only seen in smears in two cases, 19/34 (55.9%) showed the presence of 123 bp DNA band under ultraviolet transillumination. Five control cases were negative. Conclusion: Our study of archival cytological material illustrates the importance of PCR as a potentially useful tool for the detection of M. tuberculosis DNA from FNAC of thyroid lesions, which could provide an alternative for rapid diagnosis of thyroid tuberculosis in AFB‐negative cases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Enterobius vermicularis is known to produce perianal and ischioanal abscesses and invade the peritoneal cavity via the female reproductive system, causing pelvic peritonitis. However, there are only rare case reports on the cytodiagnosis of these parasitic lesions. CASE: A 28-year-old woman was admitted with a tender left iliac fossa mass and greenish vaginal discharge. Ultrasonogram and computed tomography scan confirmed the presence of a mass lesion suggestive of a tuboovarian abscess. Cytologic examination of the pus obtained during left salpingo-oophorectomy revealed the presence of ova of E vermicularis and fragments of the adult worm in an inflammatory exudate consisting predominantly of neutrophils, eosinophils and occasional epithelioid cell granulomas. Paraffin sections of the tuboovarian mass showed necrotizing epithelioid cell granulomas, but neither ova nor any worm section was identified. Although the possibility of tuberculosis was considered histologically, Ziehl-Neelsen (Z-N) stain for acid-fast bacilli was negative. Z-N staining of the smear and mycobacterial culture of the pus also did not yield positive results. CONCLUSION: E vermicularis may cause tuboovarian abscess with necrotizing epithelioid granulomas mimicking tuberculosis. Cytologic examination of the pus is helpful in the diagnosis.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨结核分枝杆菌/利福平耐药实时荧光定量核酸扩增检测技术(Xpert MTB/RIF)对肺外结核性脓肿的诊断价值。方法:收集2020年1月至2021年12月无锡市第五人民医院住院的122例高度疑似肺外结核性脓肿患者为研究对象,在超声引导下对脓肿病灶进行针吸穿刺活检,脓液标本分别进行Xpert MTB/RIF检测、结核杆菌脱氧核糖核酸(TB-DNA)检测、MGIT 960培养以及涂片抗酸染色。以临床综合诊断作为参考标准,比较Xpert MTB/RIF检测、TB-DNA检测、MGIT 960培养以及涂片抗酸染色四种方法对肺外结核性脓肿的诊断效能。对比Xpert MTB/RIF检测和MGIT 960药敏试验对利福平的耐药性。观察各类肺外结核性脓肿患者的诊断延迟时间。结果:122例疑似患者中,最终确诊肺外结核性脓肿患者73例,非结核性脓肿者49例。Xpert MTB/RIF检测、MGIT 960培养、TB-DNA检测以及涂片抗酸染色四种方法在肺外结核性脓肿标本中的阳性检出率结果分别为89.04%、20.55%、58.90%、36.99%,四种方法的阳性检出率整体比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),Xpert MTB/RIF检测的阳性检出率明显高于MGIT 960培养、TB-DNA检测以及涂片抗酸染色法,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。以临床综合诊断作为参考标准,Xpert MTB/RIF检测诊断肺外结核性脓肿者的临床诊断价值最高,其敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为89.04%、100.00%、100.00%、85.96%。Xpert MTB/RIF检测与MGIT 960药敏试验对利福平耐药率之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。肺外结核性脓肿诊断存在明显延迟,尤其以关节结核性脓肿诊断延迟时间最长,平均为103.5天;但在结核性脓胸患者中诊断延迟时间最短,平均为7.6天。结论:与MGIT 960培养、TB-DNA检测以及涂片抗酸染色比较,Xpert MTB/RIF在肺外结核性脓肿中的阳性检出率较高,临床诊断价值最佳,表明其可用作为疑似结核性脓肿患者的快速诊断工具,同时在结核耐药性方面亦可以做到快速筛查。  相似文献   

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