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试验测定了分离自中国小麦赤霉病常发生地区病麦穗上的47个禾谷镰刀菌(Fusariumgraminearum)菌株的产毒紊能力。结果表明,它们可以产生25种包括单端孢霉烯族化合物(Trichothecenes)、倍半萜类化合物(sesquiterpenes)、赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone)和丁烯羟酸内酯(Butenolide)等类的已知次生代谢物。这些菌株属于化学型 I,其中,来自我国温暖麦区的菌株都属化学型IA (deoxynivalenol,3-acetyl),并在气候冷凉地区发现化学型IB(de-oxynivalenol,15-acetyl)菌株。  相似文献   

用转座子Tn5gusA5对野油菜黄单胞菌野油菜致病变种(Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris,简称Xcc)野生型菌株8004进行诱变,分离到一批胞外多糖(EPS)合成减少的突变体。采用TAIL-PCR(thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR)分析突变体的Tn5gusA5插入位点,发现其中一株编号为151D09的突变体的插入位点位于Xcc 8004菌株的基因组编号为XC3695的ORF内,该ORF功能尚未见报道。序列分析表明,该ORF演绎的编码产物与Serratia marcescens的kdtX基因和Klebsiella pneumoniaewaaE基因演绎的编码产物分别具有52%和50%的相似性,并具有第2家族糖基转移酶的功能域, 因此暂将该ORF命名为waxE基因。用同源双交换方法构建了waxE基因的缺失突变体,并采用PCR和Southern杂交的方法对突变体进行了验证。waxE基因缺失突变体在营养丰富培养基的生长繁殖不受影响,但其EPS产量与野生型菌株8004相比,降低35%左右,并且一段PCR合成的包含waxE基因的DNA片段能反式互补waxE基因缺失突变体,恢复缺失突变体的EPS产量,表明Xcc waxE基因与EPS的生物合成有关。  相似文献   

香港养殖海鲷弧菌致病菌药物敏感性及耐药质粒研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从发病海鲷(Sparus sarba)中共分离到51株弧菌(\%Vibrio)\%,经API20E细菌快速鉴定系统及Alsina和Blanch关键生理生化特性分析鉴定为7个种,它们分别是:溶藻胶弧菌(\%V.alginolyticus)(24株),创伤弧菌(V.vulnificus)(12株)和副溶血弧菌(V.parahaemolyticus)(7株),火神弧菌(V.logei)(4株),远洋弧菌Ⅱ菌(V.pelagius Ⅱ)(2株),河弧菌(V.fluvialis)(1株)和地中海弧菌(V.mediterranei)(1株)\%。其中3种优势菌溶藻胶弧菌创伤弧菌和副溶血弧菌证实对海鲷有致病性。另外采用平板稀释法检测了51株菌对16种抗菌素的敏感性。发现所有菌株对ceftriaxone,链霉素,萘啶酮酸和利福霉素敏感,几乎所有菌株对ceftazidime, netilimicin,氯霉素和sulfamethoxazole敏感.大部分菌株对氨苄青霉素 (60.8%),cefuroxime(667%),丁胺卡那霉素(55%),卡那霉素(588%)和三甲氧苄氨嘧啶(765%)等具有较强的耐药性。通过对菌株中所含有的耐药质粒进行分析,发现15株菌株含有1~4个质粒,分子量范围为9~123kb之间,对12株既含有较大分子量质粒又具有耐药性的菌株进行了质粒转化试验,结果其中9株菌的质粒具有转化能力,转化率为10-11~10-9,表明所分离的菌株的抗药性是由于细菌染色体相关突变造成的。  相似文献   

构建了植物甜蛋白des-pGlu1-Brazzein高效表达的工程菌株,对其乳糖诱导条件进行了优化。乳糖浓度、诱导时间和诱导温度对菌株生长和目的蛋白表达的试验结果显示,高浓度乳糖对菌株生长有抑制作用(P<0.01),对目的蛋白的表达无显著影响(P>0.05),时间延长对于菌株生长有利(P<0.01),对目的蛋白的表达因温度不同而不同。进一步的研究表明,以0.5% 乳糖在28℃~30℃诱导4h对菌株生长和目的蛋白的表达有利,目的蛋白的表达量可达20%左右。  相似文献   

用显微操作技术进行 Saccharamyces cerevisisae 系 2.576 (mel-)与 S. carlsbergensis 2.500 (MEL+)以及 S.Cerevisisae Stole 系(mel-)与S. microelltpsoides 2.699—2—3(MEL+)种间杂交。获得的杂种能全发酵棉子糖,而亲株只系与Stolc系仅能发酵此糖1/3。两个不同杂交系的杂种H808与H824-14用孢子×孢子交配法进行杂交,所有的杂种酵母H868、H869,H875和H876发酵糖蜜醪比生产菌株日系及Stole系快。H875菌株生成酒精量比其亲株高3一10%。将H875菌株与生产菌株S. cerevisiae DT菌系杂交,获得H946和H948两株杂种,其中H948酒精发酵力比DT系高3%,比H875高2%,是一株酒精生产优良新品系。  相似文献   

nifA基因是固氮基因nif的调节基因, 其产物NifA蛋白是固氮过程的中心调节因子. 将多拷贝组成型表达的苜蓿中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobium meliloti, Sm) nifA基因或阴沟肠杆菌(Enterobacter cloacae, Ec) nifA基因引入苜蓿中华根瘤菌野生型菌株Sm1021和苜蓿中华根瘤菌nifA突变型菌株SmY中, 并检测这些苜蓿中华根瘤菌感染苜蓿之后根瘤的表型及固氮酶活性. 实验结果表明, 苜蓿中华根瘤菌NifA蛋白和阴沟肠杆菌NifA蛋白在苜蓿中华根瘤菌中的功能有明显差异. 在野生型菌株Sm1021中, 引入多拷贝Sm nifA基因对宿主根瘤固氮效率的促进作用明显优于引入多拷贝Ec nifA基因的作用. 引入多拷贝Sm nifA基因的SmY菌株(nifA突变型)能够共生固氮, 而引入Ec nifA基因的SmY菌株仍然不能固氮. 氨基酸序列同源性分析显示, N末端结构域是Sm NifA蛋白和Ec NifA蛋白同源性最低的功能域. 进一步研究表明, Sm NifA蛋白的N末端结构域在互补苜蓿中华根瘤菌nifA突变型菌株SmY的固氮功能时是必需的.  相似文献   

Vip3A蛋白是苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)在营养期分泌的一类新型杀虫蛋白。用PCR方法从114个Bt菌株和41个Bt标准菌株中筛选到39株即约25%的菌株含有vip3A基因。利用所制备的Vip3A蛋白的多克隆抗体对以上含有vip3A基因的Bt菌株进行Western印迹分析,发现多数PCR反应为阳性的菌株都产生89 kD大小的蛋白,其中有4株没有Vip3A蛋白的表达。从以上菌株中挑选2个对夜蛾科害虫具有较高和较低毒力的菌株,即S101和611,并分别进行vip3A基因的克隆和测序,再与GenBank上所登录的其它6个全长vip3A基因和2个已报道的但未登录GenBank的vip3A基因进行核苷酸和氨基酸序列比较,结果表明,vip3A是一个极其保守的基因。将以上所克隆的2个vip3A基因即vip3AS101和vip3A611分别插入表达载体pQE30构建了表达质粒pOTP-S101和pOTP-611,转化到大肠杆菌M15,经1 mmol/L IPTG诱导后均表达89 kD大小的Vip3A蛋白。蛋白可溶性试验表明,Vip3A-S101和Vip3A-611分别有48%和35%的蛋白是可溶的。将Vip3A-S101和Vip3A-611蛋白和已报道的Vip3A-S184蛋白对初孵斜纹夜蛾 (Spodoptera litura) 幼虫进行生物测定,结果表明,3个Vip3A蛋白对斜纹夜蛾幼虫毒力没有显著性差异,这说明了Vip3A个别氨基酸的变化对蛋白的杀虫活性没有影响。  相似文献   

在以前的工作中,采用转座子Tn5gusA5对野油菜黄单胞菌野油菜致病变种(Xcc) 8004菌株进行诱变,获得一批胞外多糖(EPS)合成减少的突变体,对这些突变体的Tn5gusA5的插入位点进行分析后,发现有两株突变体是wxcA基因不同插入位点的突变体。以前认为wxcA基因与脂多糖(LPS)的O抗原合成有关而与EPS的合成无关。为明确wxcA基因的功能,对8004菌株的wxcA基因进行缺失,获得的ΔwxcA突变体的EPS产量与野生型菌株相比,减少了50%,并且一段PCR合成的包含wxcA基因的DNA片段能反式互补ΔwxcA突变体,恢复突变体的EPS产量。这证实了8004菌株的wxcA基因与EPS的合成产量有关。  相似文献   

苏芸金杆菌云南变种(Bacillus thurtngtensts subsp. Yunnanensis)113菌株的H-抗原和 H-抗血清均与已知苏芸金杆菌H一血清型l到19的所有参考标准菌株的H一抗血清和H一抗原不发生交叉凝集反应。113菌株的生化反应结果与所有参考标准菌株也不相同。此外,113菌株对致倦库蚊(Culex pipiens var. quinquefaseiatces)(双翅目)(Bombyx mori) (鳞翅目)幼虫均无毒性。 因此,113菌株是一个新血清型20,即苏芸金杆菌云南变种,血清型20(Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Yunnanensis H20)。  相似文献   

经生物信息学分析, 在假单胞菌M18(Pseudomonas sp. M18)菌株的藤黄绿菌素(pyoluteorin, Plt)生物合成基因簇上游定位了一个属于LysR家族的调控因子编码基因pltR. 运用同源重组技术, 构建了pltR失活的突变菌株M18TRG, 在King’s B培养基中, 与野生型菌株相比, Plt合成能力下降了70%, 而吩嗪-1-羧酸(phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, PCA)的合成能力不受影响. 反式互补pltR的突变株能回复Plt的合成能力达到野生型水平. 在菌株M18中过表达pltR, Plt产量提高13倍, PCA产量没有改变. 这些结果表明pltR基因表达产物是Plt生物合成的特异性正调控因子. 在野生型菌株M18和不产Plt的突变株M18T中, pltR基因表达量无显著差异, 表明pltR基因的表达不受Plt调控. 与野生株相比, 突变株M18TRG中的转录融合plt-lacZ表达量显著降低, 表明PltR对Plt的正调控作用主要发生在转录水平上. 对pltR基因在gacA突变株M18G和rsmA突变株M18R中的表达量的进一步研究发现, PltR参与了gacA基因对Plt的合成的正调控, 但不参与rsmA基因对Plt合成的负调控.  相似文献   

Sexuality and genetic identity in the Agaricus section Arvenses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twelve wild collections and one commercial strain were used to characterize breeding systems and to develop molecular identities in the Arvenses section of the genus Agaricus, which includes the "horse mushroom" A. arvensis. Two morphotypes were identified based on macro- and micromorphological features. However, not all collections could be delimited by conventional taxonomic characters. Sequencing of the small subunit intergenic spacer (ITS) region (368 to 370 bp) of the rRNA genes clearly resolved the 13 collections into two clusters consistent with the identified morphotypes. Single-spore progenies and mating type testers were established and used to test intra- and interstock compatibility. The two compatibility groups identified were consistent with ITS clusters. Compatibility group I stocks readily interbred within the constraints of a unifactorial heterothallic system with a multiallelic mating type factor. Compatibility group II had a more restricted breeding pattern, and interactions were difficult to predict on the basis of mating type. Morphological data, ITS sequences, and the ability to interbreed suggest that these collections are part of a complex of interrelated species. Single-spore, homokaryotic isolates from both compatibility groups were able to fruit in compost culture, and two of the collections may represent natural homokaryotic fruiting. We conclude that species from the section Arvenses have versatile unifactorial heterothallic life cycles that permit both interbreeding and homokaryotic fruiting.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-eight isolates of Microsporum canis, obtained from humans and animals in 12 countries, were paired with the two Japanese tester strains of Nannizzia otae (= M. canis), VUT 74037 (CDC B-2094+) and VUT 74039 (CDC B-2095–). One hundred and forty-one (72%) produced either gymnothecia or pseudogymnothecia in crosses with VUT 74037. Fifty-seven (28%) were nonreactive. None of the paired isolates reacted with VUT 74039. The number of nonreactive isolates decreased to 17% when 104 of the 198 isolates were paired with one additional tester strain of each mating type. All sexually reacting strains, however, belonged to the (–) mating type. Crosses between nonreactive isolates did not result in ascocarp formation.The F1 generations from three different strongly reactive crosses were all characterized by poor ascospore germination. Most of the monoascospore progeny that germinated to form mature colonies were nonreactive in crosses to determine their mating type. Others reacted predominantly as the (+) mating type, thereby precluding the likelihood of an associated lethal factor accounting for the lack of this mating type in our clinical isolates. Several explanations for this phenomenon are presented.  相似文献   

The Brazilian almond mushroom is currently cultivated for its medicinal properties but cultivars are suspected all to have a common origin. The objective of this work was to assess the potential of wild isolates of Agaricus subrufescens Peck (Agaricus blazei, Agaricus brasiliensis) as a source of new traits to improve the mushroom yield and quality for developing new cultures under European growing conditions. The wild European strains analysed showed a good ability to be commercially cultivated on wheat straw and horse manure based compost: shorter time to fruiting, higher yield, similar antioxidant activities when compared to cultivars. They have a valuable potential of genetic and phenotypic diversity and proved to be interfertile with the original culture of the Brazilian almond mushroom. Intercontinental hybrids could be obtained and combine properties from both Brazilian and European germplasm for increasing the choice of strains cultivated by the mushroom growers.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effectiveness of using single-protoplast isolates (SPIs) to study the mating phenomena of Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IC and IA. SPIs obtained from three field isolates (F-1, Rh28, and RO2) of AG-1 IC were paired with representative single-basidiospore isolate (SBI)-M1/-M2 testers, each from their own field isolates, or paired in all possible combinations. Tufts were formed between SPIs and SBI-M1/-M2 testers and between SPIs-M1 and -M2. The separation ratios of SPIs-M1 and -M2 were approximately 1:1, which were similar to the results obtained with SBIs. SPIs obtained from three isolates (GNSD, R59, and Tr8) of AG-1 IA, which failed to form basidiospores, were paired in all possible combinations. Although no tufts formed among SPIs from Tr8 and R59, tufts did form between SPIs from GNSD. SPIs from GNSD were separated into homokaryotic (-M1 or -M2) and heterokaryotic isolates, and the separation ratio of -M1 and -M2 was also around 1:1. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) phenotypes of the tuft isolates formed between GNSD SPIs-M1 and -M2 suggested that these tuft isolates were all heterokaryotic. These results indicate that all three isolates of AG-1 IC and one isolate GNSD of AG-1 IA are heterokaryotic, and that the other two isolates of Tr8 and R59 of AG-1 IA are homokaryotic. Single-protoplast isolates are effective for studies of the mating phenomena of isolates belonging to different AGs of R. solani that could not form a perfect stage.  相似文献   

Detecting the mating types in shiitake, Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler, is important for making progress in the breeding of this mushroom and determining the compatibility of the pair to cross. Shiitake is a tetrapolar fungus with two unlinking mating factors, A factor and B factor. We screened molecular markers linked to the mating factors using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method to develop the mating type identification procedure. Using 147 oligonucleotide primers, a total of 6 linkage markers for the shiitake mating factors, 4 markers for the A factor and 2 markers for the B factor, were discovered with a logarithm of the odds threshold of 3.0 for linkage. Two RAPDs that perfectly segregated with each mating factor among 72 basidiospore strains were detected. Both of these RAPDs were cloned and sequenced to convert them to the sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. Four primers, two sets of primers, were designed according to the internal sequences of two RAPDs tightly linking to the A factor or B factor. Consequently, we determined the polymerase chain reaction condition for multiplex analyses of these SCAR markers.  相似文献   

The mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata (Wood) (Diptera: Phoridae), is a key pest in mushroom farming in most parts of the world. Studies on the mushroom phorid fly have focused on its life history within mushroom growing houses, but little is known about the fly's activity outside mushroom growing houses. In this study, daily activity and distribution of adult M. halterata in the areas surrounding mushroom growing houses was studied using yellow sticky traps. Results suggest that M. halterata focuses its flight activity over turf areas rather than windbreaks and spent compost piles, possibly for mating purposes. Our study found no evidence of M. halterata breeding in turf areas surrounding mushroom growing houses. In addition, flight activity is highest in the afternoon until midnight at higher temperatures, yet at lower temperatures activity ceases after sunset. Establishing temperature and daylight thresholds for M. halterata flight activity may be useful in developing integrated pest management (IPM) tactics for this species. The most successful IPM tool that mushroom growers use at present is fly exclusion. Exclusion can be improved by focusing farm operations around temperature and daylight thresholds when fly activity is at its lowest.  相似文献   

H H?ger 《Jikken dobutsu》1992,41(2):215-220
Survey in protein polymorphism in the nucleus colony of the Him: OF 1-mouse outbred stock showed that 8 of 53 loci were variable in the stock. Allele frequencies of these eight loci (Idh-1, Mup-1, Pgm-1; Ldr-1, Gpi-1s, Hbb, Mod-1, Ce-2) changed between generations investigated. The average percentage of heterozygote animals for these loci decreased with generation. These suggested that genetic drift occurred in the breeding stock. Examination in the breeding record sheets showed that genetic drift was caused by mistakes in mating probably due to repeated personnel changes and insufficient training of the animal technicians. Mice had not been paired according to the schemes prescribed, pairing among relatives and reduction of the number of litters used for mating occurred. The increase in homozygosity showed only little effect on breeding parameters: The interval between pairing and first and second litter increased significantly.  相似文献   

本文报道麦根腐平脐蠕孢Bipolaris sorokiniana(有性型为Cochliobolus sativus)人工诱导形成子囊座,并获得该菌A和a两种不同交配型。子囊座形成的最佳条件是:以麦秆浸汁琼脂为培养基(pH6—6.5)。以透析袋为培养基物,24℃培养1周,移至20℃培养2周。培养中光照不是重要因素。在无培养基物的培养基上不形成子囊座。对不同地区、不同寄主植物上麦根腐平脐蠕孢72个菌株交配型测定结果,两个不同交配型在自然界分配比例为1:1,交配型菌株的分布与地理、寄主植物的差异无相关性。  相似文献   

掘氏疫霉同宗配合、异宗配合特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对掘氏疫霉的同宗配合、异宗配合特性进行了研究,发现新分离的掘氏疫霉A~2交配型菌株,不经过配对培养可以产生卵孢子;菌种在15℃下保存,自身可孕性能力逐渐减退。菌株通过接种黄瓜后,异宗配合特性可以恢复,同宗配合特性不能恢复。经过营养生长,无性繁殖,菌株后代的交配型不引起改变。通过对疫霉属有关种不同交配型与掘氏疫霉各菌株不同交配型配对培养,以及菌种不同保存时间、不同培养基、疫霉属有关种的种间和种内配对,讨论了掘氏疫霉同宗配合、异宗配合特性的影响因素。  相似文献   

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