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王雪娇  高宇  赵艳梅  林圆  单爱慧  雪妮 《生物磁学》2011,(15):2961-2963,2954
目的:分析部队疗养院非现役文职护理人员的现状并给出相应对策。方法:采用不记名问卷形式对92名非现役文职护理人员进行调查。结果:部分非现役文职护理人员在业务能力、军事素质、身心健康等方面存在不足。结论:应采取有效措施提升非现役文职护理人员的综合素质,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

目的:非现役文职作为军队疗养院的聘用制人员已成为医护工作的主要力量。本文通过调查军队疗养院非现役文职人员的工作满意度,分析其对自身职业的潜在需求,为提高医疗服务质量提出可行对策。方法:采用问卷调查的方式对我院聘用的100名非现役文职人员调查该群体工作满意度及对自身职业的潜在需求。结果:非现役文职人员对管理制度、工作环境、团队合作及人际关系等方面表示满意,其中最满意的是工作环境;而对工作压力、工资福利、奖惩制度、职称晋升及个人发展等方面表示不满,其中最不满意的是工资福利。非现役文职人员对优化人事编制、提高福利待遇及减轻工作负荷的需求度较高,而对职业情感、临床带教及军事知识的需求度较低。结论:军队疗养院的管理人员应完善管理机制,充分了解非现役护理队伍对职业的潜在需求,积极的为其创造良好的晋升政策和发展平台,建立绩效考核制度以提高该群体的工作满意度,进而提升军队疗养院护理服务的质量。  相似文献   

目的:调查军队医院非现役编制医务人员的军事素质和卫勤保障意识,探讨提升该群体卫勤保障能力的重要性和必要性,为军队医院卫勤管理提供参考。方法:采用问卷调查的方式对我院154名非现役编制医务人员进行调查,主要包括军事理论、卫生勤务、突发事件应急管理及战伤急救等,分析非现役编制医务人员缺乏的基本军事素质,并提出针对性的加强军队医院文职人员卫生勤务保障能力的可行性培训计划,在培训结束时对医护人员的军事素质进行测评。结果:问卷调查结果:非现役文职人员的军事素质评分为(3.70±0.46)、卫生勤务能力评分为(2.48±0.91)、突发事件应急管理评分为(2.61±0.53)、战伤急救技能评分为(2.42±1.02)。测评结果:军事理论知识评分为(4.11±1.04)、卫生勤务能力评分为(4.78±1.37)、突发事件应急意识评分为(4.56±0.56)、战伤急救技能评分为(4.68±0.91)。培训后,非现役医务人员的卫勤保障能力显著提高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:非现役文职作为军队医院的聘用制人员已成为医务工作的主要力量,因此军队医院应加强非现役医务人员的卫生勤务保障能力,提高我军后勤医疗保障的坚固力量。  相似文献   

目的 分析在新形势下军队医院卫生技术人员的稳定性及影响因素。方法 对某省5家军队医院现役卫生技术人员进行问卷调查,采用卡方检验进行统计学分析。结果 有21.4%的现役卫生技术人员有转业倾向,其中医疗岗位占93.5%。与地方比福利待遇偏低、职称晋升困难、改非现役文职人员的不确定性显著影响人员的稳定性。结论 通过组织谈心和政策约束,稳定医疗岗位人才。对于选择提前退休或自主择业人员,积极创造条件返聘,通过各种途径稳定卫生技术人员,确保军队医院稳步转型。  相似文献   

目的:分析军队医院文职人员的社会性质及地位,调查现役干部对文职人员性质地位的认知情况,为开设针对性的教育管理工作提供理论指导。方法:对我院56名现役干部和78名文职人员进行问卷调查,对结果进行汇总研究,分析医院文职人员的现状及干部对其性质地位的认知情况。结果:现役干部对文职人员缺乏足够的理解,存在受阻、延迟和弱化的现象;文职人员本身由于对自身权利义务认识不足以及在情感上难以融入军营,身份认同存在难度。结论:提高对军队文职人员的认识,充分发挥军队文职人员队伍的作用,必须提升文职人员的社会效应,加强教育管理,完善培养机制,多方面提升对军队文职人员的认知。  相似文献   

目的:通过对哈尔滨市10家综合医院手术室护理人员绩效考评现状研究,发现存在的问题,为医院手术室护理人员绩效考评体系的改进提供有价值的参考.方法:采用现场问卷调查和专家访谈法了解手术室护理人员绩效考评现状.结果:通过对目标手术室182人的调查显示:在二、三级医院中开展护理人员绩效考评的医院所占的比例分别为71.43%和82.73%,其中有67.98%的医院护理人员绩效考评工作与其他科室的考评指标相同,缺乏专门性.被调查者中有60.34%的护理人员认为科室的绩效考评指标不合理、有61.24%的护理人员认为科室护理人员绩效考评工作留于形式,并有大部分护理人员对科室的绩效考评指标不满意,占总人数的62.29%0结论:哈尔滨市10家综合医院手术室护理人员绩效考评现状调查数据显示:手术室洗手护士与巡回护士通用一套考评指标,指标没有体现出不同护理岗位的特点,其内容不能够全面、合理的覆盖两个不同岗位的关键工作目标、职责与内容;绩效考评缺乏科学、规范的管理;绩效考评与其他人力资源管理工作相脱节;绩效考评结果应用单一;绩效反馈不够.  相似文献   

为了解我院护理人员对绩效考核的评价及满意度,以更好的修订和完善绩效考核评价指标体系.方法:采用任意抽样的方法,运用医院护理人员对绩效考核评价调查问卷,对我院262名护理人员进行调查.结果:基本工资和奖金是护理主要收入来源;工作能力和工作年限是培训和晋升机会主要依据;护理人员对医院绩效考核满意度较低.结论:对护理人员绩效考核评价体系进行全面改革,以调动护理人员积极性,提高满意度.  相似文献   

目的:探讨神经内科护理人员对脑卒中康复护理的认知度。方法:2015年3月-2015年4月期间我院选取了神经内科60例护理人员作为研究对象,向护理人员发放康复护理认知功能的表格进行调查,观察神经内科护理人员对护理中认知功能的掌握程度。结果:神经内科护理人员对脑卒中患者实施康复护理的过程中对患者认知观察能力的护理知识还存在一定错误认识。结论:神经内科护理人员对脑卒中患者进行康复护理干预的过程中要积极学习增强患者认知能力的相关知识,从而促进患者及时康复。  相似文献   

吴小琼 《蛇志》2014,(3):345-347
目的:探讨留置尿管患者非计划拔管的原因及对策。方法对20例留置气囊导尿管患者非计划性拔管的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果导尿管非计划拔管的主要原因为尿管堵塞、气囊漏气或破裂致尿管自行脱落、患者难以忍受留置尿管、约束不当、医护操作不当及宣教不到位。结论护理人员应针对非计划拔管的危险因素采取有效的预防措施和健康教育,以降低非计划拔管的发生。  相似文献   

目的: 观察分层次管理应用于临床护理管理中的效果。方法: 随机选取我院120名护理人员作为本次研究对象,分为研究组(n=60)和对照组(n=60),对照组采取常规管理,而研究组则则采取分层次管理,对比两组护理人员的管理效果。结果: 经过护理管理后,研究组护理人员理论知识、操作技能较对照组高;工作积极性较对照组高;护理满意度较对照组高,两组对比,差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论: 分层次管理在临床护理管理中的应用,不仅能够提升护理人员理论知识和操作技能,同时能够激发护理人员的积极性,提高临床护理满意度,保证临床护理质量。  相似文献   

随着部队医疗机构人事编制的调整,军队医院及疗养院为缓解人员严重短缺的问题,通过公开考核面向社会招聘具有专业资格的非现役文职人员。文职人员作为军队疗养院的聘用制人员已成为医护工作的主要力量。因此,完善文职人员的管理工作是提高医院医疗质量的重点。本文通过分析文职人员聘用、教育、生活福利待遇及公务事业、社会保险等文职人员管理制度,探讨各项管理制度的特点及作用,提出适合我院推行的文职人员管理制度,即充分利用社会人才资源,建立健全文职人员管理评价体系,提高文职人员献身部队、服务军队的积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

The 1918 pandemic is still unique in the history of flu pandemics. The pathogenicity of the virus was extreme, and young adults more than infants and old people were its main victims. Many a death was caused by complications. The response of the French authorities didn't live up to the emergency requirements. Hospitals being requisitioned by the military, the civilian population lacked everything: beds, doctors, nurses, ambulances, drugs. For want of preventive or curative medicine, authorities could have done very little at any rate: public health measures (quarantine and isolation of the sicks) were unable to stop contagion. More than the war itself, present day historians indict the war-boosted increase in railways and sea communications between the continents and between the rear and the front. This momentous growth in transportation activities brought about a "bacterial equalization" throughout social categories and regions of the world. A most singular episode, whose historical chances to replicate within the next ten years are rather slim.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of sanitary and epidemiologic measures undertaken in relation to alimentary infections in the military corps of the Croatian Defense Council (Hrvatsko vje?e obrane) and civilian population in Mostar and Tomislavgrad regions during the 1992-1995 War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 25 (4.8%) of soldiers and 7 (7.1%) of non-military personnel were not being granted medical clearance to be employed in the food provision services. We recorded a total of 68 alimentary infections cases in military personnel (with an incidence of 536.2 per 100,000 persons), and 436 in civilian population (573.9 per 100,000 person), without significant difference between them (p=0.647). We did not record any alimentary infection outbreak in the military personnel, while two smaller epidemics of the abdominal typhus were recorded among civilian populations, but without lethal outcomes. The results of this study suggest that even the most basic adherence to the principle of standard sanitary and epidemiologic preventive measures may substantially reduce the probability of alimentary infections outbreaks, even in the highly disruptive, warfare environment.  相似文献   

聘用人员是军队医院发展中不可缺少的支持力量,也为军队医院人力资源管理工作带来了一定的法律风险。从招聘录用、纪律管理、人事管理3个环节着手,分析了军队医院聘用人员管理中容易产生的法律风险,并提出了防范的具体措施。  相似文献   

The paper examines the long-term impact of the India-Pakistan war of 1999 on the educational attainment of children born to families of soldiers who survived the war. Based on the assumption that military families faced higher levels of psychological stress than civilian families during the war period, the paper uses a difference-in-difference methodology with household fixed effects to show that the education of military children exposed to the war during their formative years suffered significantly. An examination of the consumption expenditure pattern of military and civilian households suggests that the effect was unlikely to be via resource-related channels. The improbability of other direct pathways through which the war could affect these families suggests that the negative effect might have resulted from the psychological stress that the war generated for the affected families.  相似文献   

In the United States, nationally representative civilian studies have shown that BMI is associated with select sociodemographic characteristics. Active-duty military personnel are not included in these surveys and the persistence of these associations in military personnel is unknown. Data from the worldwide, representative 2002 and 2005 Department of Defense (DoD) Surveys of Health-Related Behaviors Among Active Duty Military Personnel were used to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity and, the association of BMI with sociodemographic characteristics. The final response bases included 12,756 (2002) and 16,146 (2005) personnel. Results indicated that the combined prevalence of overweight and obesity in military personnel increased to an all-time high in 2005 (60.5%) with higher prevalence of obesity in 2005 compared to 2002 (12.9% vs. 8.7, respectively, P ≤ 0.01). Holding other variables constant, regression analysis indicated that women were significantly less likely than men to be overweight or obese in both survey years (P ≤ 0.0001), which is contrary to civilian data. Similar to civilian data, the prevalence of obesity was significantly associated with increased age, black or Hispanic/Latino race/ethnicity, and being married (P ≤ 0.01). US military personnel are not immune to the US obesity epidemic. Demographic characteristics associated with being overweight should be considered when developing military-sponsored weight management programs.  相似文献   

Exposure of military and civilian populations to inhaled toxic chemicals can take place as a result of deliberate release (warfare, terrorism) or following accidental releases from industrial concerns or transported chemicals. Exposure to inhaled toxic chemicals can result in an acute lung injury, and in severe cases acute respiratory distress syndrome, for which there is currently no specific medical therapy, treatment remaining largely supportive. This treatment often requires intensive care facilities that may become overwhelmed in mass casualty events and may be of limited benefit in severe cases. There remains, therefore, a need for evidence-based treatment to inform both military and civilian medical response teams on the most appropriate treatment for chemically induced lung injury. This article reviews data used to derive potential clinical management strategies for chemically induced lung injury.  相似文献   

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