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不同小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜的抗性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用网罩麦长管蚜Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi)的观测方法,对15个不同抗性小麦品种(系)进行苗期不选择性、抗生性测定;选择其中5个代表性品种(系)观测了田间扬花期麦长管蚜的产蚜量,测定了小麦旗叶和穗部中单宁与槲皮素的含量以及麦长管蚜羧酸酯酶(CarE)与谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)的活性。结果表明,代表性品种(系)在苗期对麦长管蚜的产蚜量的影响与扬花期的呈显著正相关(r=0.956*)。穗部槲皮素的含量与不同抗性品种(系)上的产蚜量呈显著负相关(r=-0.941*);单宁含量在不同抗性品种(系)间存在显著差异,其含量变化与产蚜量无显著相关。取食不同抗性品种(系)后麦长管蚜的CarE和GST酶活力存在显著差异。结论认为小麦不同品种(系)对麦长管蚜产蚜量(生殖力)的抑制作用是其抗蚜的重要特性,尤其是中4无芒和冀保一号对麦长管蚜抗生性较强。  相似文献   

主要抗蚜小麦品种(系)的抗性类型及其生化抗性机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对10个抗麦蚜品种(系)室内苗期生命参数、抗性类型和抗蚜次生物质的研究,明确了不同抗性级别的品种对麦蚜种群控制力及部分生化抗蚜机制。实验结果表明,参试的抗蚜品种(系)中30%左右为不选择性:表现为爬行频繁,定殖率低,但是定殖个体生长发育良好;70%为抗生性;表现为使麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(F.)和禾谷缢管蚜只Rhopalosiphum padi(L.)的发育历期分别延长2.1%~28.2%和3.7%~13.9%,若蚜死亡率增加1.0~3.6倍和1.0~2.25倍,平均寿命缩短10.2%~96.5%和37.5~97,1%,繁殖力下降3.4%~72.8%和25%~97.2%。苗期生化测定结果表明:不同抗源的单宁和总酚含量明显高于感蚜品种,其总酚含量与抗麦长管蚜级别呈显著负相关,以抗生性为主的品种其总酚含量亦与麦长管蚜的内禀增长力(rm)呈显著负相关(P<0.05),表明总酚是小麦抗长管蚜的关键因子之一,而与禾谷缢管蚜抗性水平无关;单宁含量与麦蚜抗性关系不密切。  相似文献   

小麦品种抗性对麦长管蚜种群增长的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
高崇省 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):201-205
本研究采用室内、外结合的方法,分苗期和拔节期,对大田抗蚜性鉴定中表现不同的10个小麦品种的抗性对麦长管蚜种群增长的影响进行了研究。研究结果显示,品种抗性对麦长管蚜的存活率、发育进度、繁殖力有一致的抑制作用;品种间抗蚜性存在显著差异。同时通过组建不同品种上麦长管蚜繁殖特征生命表,从量的角度揭示了小麦品种抗性与麦长管蚜种群增长之间的关系。  相似文献   

【目的】麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)是我国麦区常发性的一种害虫,其寄主范围广、繁殖力强,适应机制多样,每年都对我国的小麦产量造成重大损失。【方法】为选育优良抗性品种小麦,比较不同品种小麦对麦长管蚜生长发育的影响,本实验在室内选取了5种抗蚜性未知的不同小麦品种,观察并统计麦长管蚜在不同品种小麦上的发育历期及成蚜体重和繁殖力。【结果】不同品种小麦对麦长管蚜若蚜的生长发育影响不同,其中,用绵阳31号饲养的麦长管蚜若蚜平均发育历期最长为180.86 h,用棉农4号饲养的若蚜平均发育历期最短172.92h,且差异显著。川麦55号上的麦长管蚜的成虫平均发育历期最高为20.93 d,棉麦1403上的麦长管蚜的成虫平均发育历期最低为15.57 d,差异显著。棉农4号上的麦长管蚜成蚜平均体重最大为0.70 mg,荣麦4号上的成蚜平均体重最小为0.50 mg,其余3个处理间差异不显著。川麦55号上的麦长管蚜的平均产蚜量最高为23.1只,显著高于其他4个处理,而其余4个品种小麦上的麦长管蚜繁殖力差异不显著。【结论】麦长管蚜取食棉农4号后缩短了其若蚜的发育历期,其种群增长速率可能加快从而加重对小麦的危害;而取食绵阳31号的若蚜发育历期延长,种群增长延缓,为害减弱。就繁殖力和成虫发育历期来说,麦长管蚜在川麦55的适合度更高,为害更重。  相似文献   

紫外辐射对两种体色型麦长管蚜生物学特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫外辐射对蚜虫产生了强烈的选择压力,可导致蚜虫种下遗传分化,而紫外辐射对蚜虫种下体色分化的影响尚不清楚.本研究选定两种不同体色型的麦长管蚜初生若蚜经过30 W紫外线(UVB波)照射5 d,每天30 min,在不同温度(15 ℃、20 ℃和25 ℃)和不同小麦品种(小偃-22、Astron)条件下,通过在人工智能控制温室内单头饲养,分别测定了各处理麦长管蚜的发育历期、体质量差及相对日均体质量增长率等生物学参数.结果表明:在品种小偃-22上,温度较低时,紫外辐射显著延缓了绿色型麦长管蚜生长,而温度较高时,紫外辐射显著延缓了红色型麦长管蚜生长;在品种Astron上,温度较低时,紫外辐射显著延缓了绿色型麦长管蚜生长,而温度较高时,紫外辐射对两种体色型麦长管蚜生长均无显著影响.说明两种体色型蚜虫对紫外胁迫的反应不同,且紫外胁迫对麦长管蚜的影响与温度和小麦品种有关.  相似文献   

小麦品种对麦蚜主要生命参数影响的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
选用经田间鉴定抗蚜性表现不同的10个小麦品种,在室内外较系统地研究了其对禾谷缢管蚜和麦长管蚜存活、生长发育和生殖的影响,分析了室内外试验结果的相关性.结果表明,小麦品种的抗生性并不能造成若蚜个体的直接死亡,但对若蚜发育历期、成蚜寿命和产仔数影响显著,差异均达极显著水平或显著水平.其中对两种蚜虫若蚜发育历期的影响室内外表现了较好的一致性,可作为小麦品种抗蚜性鉴定的主要指标;其次是对成蚜产仔数的影响,禾谷缢管蚜室内外试验结果比较的吻合性也较好  相似文献   

3个新引进小麦品种对麦长管蚜抗性的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以小偃-22和Amigo(美国)为对照对麦长管蚜在3个新引进小麦品种Astron、Batis和Xanthos(德国)上的抗蚜性进行了测定。在室内控制条件下,麦长管蚜在5个品种上的发育历期(DD)、体重差(dW)、相对日均体重增长率(MRGR)和生殖力(F)的测定结果表明,Astron、Xanthos与Amigo、小偃-22的抗性水平相当,均优于Batis;在大田自然条件下,通过对不同品种在不同生育期的感蚜指数以及感蚜量动态曲线的监测分析表明,Astron、Xanthos在我国的抗蚜水平与抗性品种Amigo的抗蚜性水平相当,优于Batis和小偃-22。可初步说明Astron、Xanthos在我国也具有较好的抗蚜性,可作为我国抗蚜育种材料。  相似文献   

小麦抗蚜品种(系)或材料的抗性遗传测定及筛选   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
测定了部分小麦品种(系)或材料的丁布(DIMBOA)含量及几个和抗蚜性有关的物理性状(叶、叶毛长度和密度,蜡质含量),同时对这些品种(系)或材料进行抗麦长管蚜(Macrosiophum avenae(F.))鉴定,统计其累计蚜量。结果表明,丁布含量及各物理性状与累计蚜量均成负相关关系,通过多目标综合决策分析,认为1粒小麦(Triticum monococcum)和材料98-10-9是比较好的抗性种质资源,生产上广泛推广的千斤早是感蚜的品种。  相似文献   

刺吸式昆虫在刺吸作物韧皮部取食后会影响作物的正常生长发育,随着作物抗性及昆虫种类的不同,作物反过来也会对昆虫造成或正或反的影响,然而一种刺吸式昆虫取食后对后来者有什么样的影响目前尚不确定。本研究通过严谨的实验方法,即选定3个不同国家的小麦抗性品种98-10-30、Amigo和Batis,在所有条件严格统一的人工智能控制温室内,通过各处理在同一植株上先后不同的接蚜方式,分别测定了麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)和麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae Fab.在前期被蚜虫危害的抗虫品种98-10-30、Amigo和Batis上的发育历期、体重差及相对日均体重增长率(mean relative growth rate MRGR)等生物学参数。结果表明:品种不同,蚜虫在不同处理条件下取食作物时受到的影响也不同,即在品种98-10-30上,通过与前期不接虫的对照及前期接不同麦蚜的相关处理比较,麦长管蚜对后期取食的麦二叉蚜(MRGR=0.0974±0.0071)具有抑制作用,而麦二叉蚜对后期取食的麦长管蚜(MRGR=0.1614±0.0048)却有促进作用;在品种Amigo上,前期麦蚜的危害对麦长管蚜的取食具有促进作用,而在品种Batis上前期危害对麦二叉蚜的取食具有促进作用。同时明确了3个品种对两种蚜虫的抗性状况,即在前期无蚜虫危害时,品种98-10-30和Batis对两种麦蚜的抗性相当;在前期有麦蚜危害时,品种98-10-30对麦二叉蚜的抗性较好,而品种Batis对麦长管蚜的抗性较好;品种Amigo无论在任何处理下均对麦二叉蚜的抗性较好。  相似文献   

我国小麦抗麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae)研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麦长管蚜是我国小麦的重要害虫之一。选育和种植抗虫品种是防治麦长管蚜的理想方法。本文就我国小麦抗麦长管蚜种质资源筛选、抗性机制和小麦品种对麦蚜种群动态影响等方面的研究进展进行了概括,同时指出今后应加强小麦抗麦长管蚜基因的研究。  相似文献   

First instar nymphs and adults of the grain aphid Sirobion auenae that had been reared at 10°C and 20°C over a number of generations, were cooled to -5°C and -10°C for 1 h and 6 h and returned to 20°C to assess the effects of brief exposures to low temperatures (cold-pulses) on their survival. rate of development, longevity and fecundity. A strong acclimation response was observed in first instar nymphs, with significantly less mortality in groups reared to 10°C compared to 20°C. Mean development time from first instar to adult was not significantly affected by low temperature exposure at the first nymphal stage. Longevity in all groups cooled as first instars was reduced by the sub-zero cold-pulses, and was also dependent on temperature and exposure time. Acclimated aphids survived longer than non-acclimated individuals. Reproductive rate, in terms of the number of nymphs born per aphid per day, was unaffected by cold stress applied at the first instar stage. Total fecundity was however reduced, being a function of the number and longevity of the survivors. Adult aphids were less cold hardy than nymphs; mortality was higher at -10°C than -5°C increasing with duration of exposure from 1 h to 6 h. Mean fecundity was reduced significantly in aphids cooled at the adult stage, the number of aphids born per day decreasing as the exposure period of the cold-pulse increased, suggesting that low temperature had affected embryogenesis. All the nymphs born to adults surviving exposure to -5°C for 6 h died within 48 h of birth, indicating that low temperature has a pre-natal effect on mortality.  相似文献   

The short‐term starvation tolerance of alate and apterous morphs and the effect of periods of starvation on the longevity and fecundity of alate adults were evaluated in the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Alate adults exhibited a proportionally larger length of survival compared with apterous adults under continuous starvation conditions. Newly molted pre‐reproductive adults were starved for 0–96 h and their survival rate on the 1st day after recovering with food was not significantly different from that of control aphids. Starvation reduced lifetime fecundity, but increased the reproductive rate immediately after nutrition being improved. Fecundity and longevity after 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of starvation were significantly higher than after 120 or 144 h of starvation. However, no significant differences were observed for alate adults after 24, 48, 72, or 96 h of starvation. This study suggests that the ability of alatae to adapt to brief periods of starvation could be one of the important factors affecting the reproductive success of aphids during delays in locating host plants.  相似文献   

Host selection, development, survival, and reproduction of the turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), on selected green and red cabbage varieties, Brassicae oleracea L. variety capitata, were studied in the laboratory. Although numbers of alate L. erysimi on different varieties varied generally, more alate adults and nymphs were observed on green than on red varieties on day 3; whereas, these differences were not so significant on day 15. There were no significant differences in alate adults on all six varieties on day 15. Numbers of nymphs and apterous adults of L. erysimi varied among the varieties. When mean numbers of those aphids on green varieties were compared with those on red varieties, the green varieties had more nymphs and apterous adults than those on the red varieties. Developmental durations of L. erysimi nymphs also varied among all varieties, and the nymphs fed on green varieties developed longer than those fed on red varieties. Adult longevities on these cabbage varieties were not significantly different; whereas, the adult fecundities were. Survival rates of L. erysimi varied greatly among all varieties, but there are no significant differences between the green and red varieties. Factors that might affect aphid host selection, growth, longevity, fecundity, and survivorship were discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Snowdrop lectin ( Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, GNA) confers partial resistance to several aphid species when incorporated into an artificial diet and/or expressed in transgenic potato. First-tier laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to assess the potential effect of GNA on the longevity and fecundity of female parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis (Dalman) that had developed in Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) fed artificial diet containing 0.1% GNA (w/v). In a previous study it was shown that GNA ingested by A. abdominalis larvae is not acutely toxic. It was also shown that GNA has a host-size mediated effect on parasitoid sex ratio and larval development, but no apparent direct effect.         In this study, we report that A. abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids that were smaller than control aphids of the same age, produced smaller adults with a reduced longevity and fecundity. Aphelinus abdominalis larvae that developed in GNA-dosed aphids older than the control but of the same size, produced adults of similar size that lived as long as the control but had a reduced fecundity.         Our results suggest that GNA fed to aphids in artificial diet has both a host-mediated effect (via aphid-size) and a direct effect on adult parasitoid fecundity. It is not known how GNA affects parasitoid larval development and subsequently adult fecundity, but it is hypothesized that GNA acted as an antifeedant to parasitoid larvae, thus disturbing nutrient assimilation and conversion necessary for egg maturation.  相似文献   

Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is one of the three most important cereal aphid species in Germany and central European countries. High temperature is known to play a detrimental role in the reproduction and survival of aphids. Detailed experiments were conducted to assess the effects of high temperatures (27, 29, 31, and 33 °C), exposure pattern (8 h day?1 for 1, 2, 4, and 6 days), and exposure development stage (2nd, 3rd, 4th instar larvae, and adult) on the reproduction and longevity of M. dirhodum. All three factors have a significant influence on the aphids. Increasing the temperature to over 29 °C significantly decreases their lifetime fecundity and longevity. Mature aphids are more sensitive to high temperatures than younger ones. A high temperature pulse to treat aphids older than 3rd instar larvae greatly shortened their longevity and lessened their lifetime fecundity. Lifetime fecundity and longevity was found to be inversely related to exposure pattern. A high temperature pulse lasting longer than 1 week greatly reduced the lifetime fecundity and longevity. The limitation of the data collected from experiments at constant temperatures for aphid forecasting is discussed.  相似文献   

Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), was first discovered damaging seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz) turfgrass in November 2003 at Belle Glade, FL. Inquiries to several golf courses with seashore paspalum turf across southern Florida indicated infestation was wide spread by April 2004. Damage symptoms progress from water soaked lesions surrounding feeding sites within 24 h to chlorosis and necrosis of leaf tips within 96 h. Problems caused by greenbug feeding were initially misdiagnosed as fertilizer, disease, other insects, or water management problems because aphids were not previously found on warm season turfgrasses. Greenbug development and fecundity studies were conducted on six seashore paspalum varieties: 'Aloha,' 'SeaDwarf,' 'SeaGreen,' 'SeaIsle,' 'SeaWay,' and 'SeaWolf.' Greenbug did not survive on 'SeaWolf.' Development rates (mean +/- SEM) ranged from 7.6 +/- 0.2 to 8.2 +/- 0.2 d on the remaining varieties. Greenbug longevity and fecundity on 'Aloha' were significantly less than on the other varieties. The estimated intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) for greenbug ranged from 0.24 to 0.26 across tested varieties. Values for net reproductive rate (R(o)) ranged from 12.3 on 'Aloha' to 40.4 on 'SeaWay.' In feeding trials on indicator plants, the Florida isolate of greenbug exhibited a unique biotypic profile most commonly found on noncultivated grass hosts. It was virulent on the wheat variety GRS1201 that is resistant to the principal agricultural biotypes attacking small grains and to all currently available resistant sorghum varieties.  相似文献   

叶超  王森山 《昆虫知识》2016,(4):901-908
【目的】为了明确不同营养组分配方的人工全纯饲料对桃蚜Myzus persicae(Sulze)生长发育的影响,筛选出适合室内饲养桃蚜的人工饲料配方。【方法】本文以5组不同浓度的氨基酸溶液(A1=50 mmol/L、A2=100 mmol/L、A3=150 mmol/L、A4=200 mmol/L、A5=250 mmol/L)和4组不同浓度的蔗糖混合液(S1=250 mmol/L、S2=500 mmol/L、S3=750 mmol/L、S4=1 000 mmol/L)组配的混合液饲喂桃蚜,测定了桃蚜的存活率、存活时间、平均产仔量和产仔率,并利用生命表技术,分析不同处理对桃蚜实验种群生命参数的影响。【结果】结果表明,不同饲料配方对桃蚜的存活及繁殖均有一定的影响。存活率以A1S3、A1S4和A3S4最高,三者之间差异不显著(P>0.05);存活时间以A1S3、A1S4和A3S4最长,分别达到了(34.00±1.00)d、(33.33±1.15)和(30.6±4.04)d,三者之间差异不显著(P>0.05);平均产仔量和产仔率以A3S1和A3S4的最大,A3S1分别达到了(9.75±2.71)头/成蚜和43.33%±15.28%,A3S4分别达到了(9.43±2.27)头/成蚜和50.00%±10.00%,二者之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。种群生命参数中,A3S1和A3S4的净生殖率分别达到了(4.43±2.31)和(4.63±1.25),二者之间差异不显著(P>0.05),与其他饲料配方差异显著(P<0.05)。【结论】综合所有参数比较,确定A3S4为桃蚜的最佳人工饲料配方。  相似文献   

The effect of the tomato resistance gene, Meu1, on feeding, longevity, fecundity and developmental rate of the pink biotype of the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera, Aphididae), was determined using nearly isogenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, Solanaceae) lines. Aphid mortality was significantly higher on resistant plants, with 60% of the aphids dying by the 4th day of exposure. By the 10th day, all the aphids on the resistant plants were dead whereas 100% of the aphids on susceptible plants were alive. Meu1-mediated resistance resulted in significantly decreased fecundity with a ten-fold decrease in the net fertility rate (4.5 and 45.7 progeny per aphid on resistant and susceptible tomato, respectively). A qualitative analysis showed that honeydew was produced by aphids on resistant and susceptible plants, suggesting that aphids initiate feeding on both plant types. However, significantly lower quantities of honeydew were present when aphids were caged on resistant plants. There were also significant differences in aphid location on resistant and susceptible leaves. Experiments evaluating behavior in less than 24 h showed that aphids left resistant leaves after relatively short exposure (3–6 h). Aphids transferred from resistant to susceptible tomato at intervals between 3 h and 24 h resumed feeding as evidenced by presence of honeydew. Although the mechanism by which Meu1-mediated resistance operates is not yet known, our data suggest that resistance factors act rapidly after initiation of feeding and that lower fecundity and longevity are related to reduction in aphid feeding.  相似文献   

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