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利用扫描电镜对红环瓢虫Rodolia limbata Motschulsky成虫与幼虫的触角形态及化学感受器进行了观察,结果表明,红环瓢虫成虫的触角为棒状,由柄节、梗节和6个鞭节组成。其上发现有毛形、刺形和锥形3种感器,各种感器长短不一,分布不同,其中锥形感器集中分布于鞭节的4~6亚节,以末节端部最为密集;幼虫触角短,圆锥状,分为3节,感器只有毛形和锥形2种,且数量极少。雌雄成虫与幼虫个体间触角感器的类型、分布均无明显差异。  相似文献   

越冬代七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫的飞翔能力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在室内用飞行磨吊飞技术测定了七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫越冬代自然种群的飞翔能力。个体间飞翔特性差异极大。36.5%的七星瓢虫和23.7%的异色瓢虫每次飞翔都不到30分钟,而这两种瓢虫中都有累计飞翔20小时以上的个体。最长持续飞翔时间达8小时以上和12小时以上的个体在七星瓢虫中分别为9.4%和1.2%,在异色瓢虫中分别为21.1%和13.2%。大于30分钟的飞翔累计时间为6小时以上和12小时以上的个体在七星瓢虫中分别为20.0%和7.1%,异色瓢虫则达47.4%和28.9%。雌性个体在卵发育期间表现出很强的飞翔能力。吊飞124小时,飞翔能力的最高纪录是,七星瓢虫累计飞翔22小时27分,飞翔距离94.464km;异色瓢虫为24小时,92.550km;飞翔速度都达到2m/秒。  相似文献   

韩宝瑜  陈宗懋 《生态学报》2000,20(3):495-501
采用培养皿,①承接茶蚜自然分泌蜜露;②惧蜜露浓缩后点于培养皿中心。逐头释放瓢虫于分别胃这2类蜜露的培养皿中心进行生物测定,两个试验均证明:①蜜露强烈地吸引七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫,随着蜜露浓度呈梯并地增大,搜寻时间极显著地延长(P〈0.01);②蜜露可激发瓢虫的搜索行为由广域搜索型转换为地域集中搜索型。前0 ̄5s局限在较小范围内不断地转向,即搜索速度小,转动角度大。七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫 变种最敏感,搜索和  相似文献   

韩宝瑜  陈宗懋 《生态学报》2000,20(3):495-501
采用培养皿 ,1承接茶蚜自然分泌蜜露 ;2收集蜜露浓缩后点于培养皿中心。逐头释放瓢虫于分别盛有这 2类蜜露的培养皿中心进行生物测定 ,两个试验均证明 :1蜜露强烈地吸引七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫 ,随着蜜露浓度呈梯度地增大 ,搜寻时间极显著地延长 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;2蜜露可激发瓢虫的搜索行为由广域搜索型转换为地域集中搜索型。前 0~ 5s局限在较小范围内不断地转向 ,即搜索速度小 ,转动角度大。七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫显明变种最敏感 ,搜索和滞留时间也最长。用高效液相色谱定性定量地分析出蜜露中有茶氨酸等 1 3种氨基酸和蔗糖等 7种糖分。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫与隐斑瓢虫的区别及其色斑型和横脊的频率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虞国跃 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):568-575,F0004
异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)和隐斑瓢虫H.yedoensis(Takizawa)是亲缘关系很近的姐妹种,在中国(北京到南岭,西至甘肃南部和西藏东部)、日本(北海道以南)和南韩等地同域分布,常常在松树等植物上共存。长期以来,隐斑瓢虫被认为是异色瓢虫的一个异名。有时从外形上很难区分这2种瓢虫,因此对于依据野外数据,分析异色瓢虫色斑型和鞘翅横脊的发生频率及小进化会产生一些错误。本文从没有隐斑瓢虫分布的东北地区的材料及其他数据,报道异色瓢虫的色斑型及鞘翅横脊发生频率。异色瓢虫的花斑型在我国东部地区(从东北至广东北部,西至甘肃和云南)发生率很低,而在新疆西北部发生率较高。鞘翅横脊的发生率从东北佳木斯的98.85%降低到云南大理的78.26%。本文列出了区分这2种瓢虫的形态特征及自然分布。如果鞘翅具横脊,则属于异色瓢虫,但如果标本来自2种瓢虫的共存区,鞘翅没有横脊,鞘翅的斑纹呈花斑型、四窗型或二窗型,则很难从外部形态上对它们进行鉴定。但这2种瓢虫的幼虫很容易区分。本文还提供了2种瓢虫的雄性外生殖器形态图、幼虫和成虫。  相似文献   

猎物密度对七星瓢虫与异色瓢虫种间竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过单种群与混合种群饲养,研究了猎物密度对七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata和异色瓢虫Leis axyridis种间竞争影响,并用Lotka-Volterra种间竞争模型对两种瓢虫在猎物相对充足与不足条件下的种间竞争进行模拟,结果表明:猎物充足,两种瓢虫的种群增长呈线性增长趋势;猎物不足时,单独饲养时,两种瓢虫的种群增长趋势呈Logistic曲线,混合饲养时异色瓢虫的种群增长呈上升趋势,七星瓢虫趋于下降。在两种瓢虫的种间竞争中,异色瓢虫占相对优势,竞争的结局是二者可以形成一个稳定的平衡局面而得以共存。  相似文献   

捕食性瓢虫是农田生态系中一类重要的天敌昆虫,种内自残和集团内捕食现象在捕食性瓢虫中普遍存在。本研究在室内通过选择性和非选择性试验比较分析了异色瓢虫、七星瓢虫及龟纹瓢虫成虫对卵的种内自残和集团内捕食作用以及卵表面的化学物质对集团内捕食作用的影响。结果表明:在非选择性试验中,3种捕食性瓢虫成虫对卵表现出相似的取食现象,即对龟纹瓢虫卵取食最多,其次为七星瓢虫卵,对异色瓢虫卵取食相对较少;在选择性试验中,七星瓢虫和龟纹瓢虫较偏好取食同种卵,对异色瓢虫卵取食均较少;而异色瓢虫喜欢取食异种卵,对同种卵取食相对较少。3种瓢虫卵经正己烷漂洗后,异色瓢虫、七星瓢虫和龟纹瓢虫成虫却未对卵表现出取食偏好性。本研究可为捕食性瓢虫组合释放与协调利用、田间集团内捕食作用评定及其在生物防治中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜观察七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata的唇须和附节,以便确认在感应农药残留时起主要作用的化学感受器。研究证明分布在下颚须上的感器类型包括两种锥形感器(兼有机械感受器和化学感受器的功能)和一种钟形感器。同时本文首次报道了对这些感器精确的形态测量,明确了其性二型性。对下颚须的测量表明其左右末节的长度差异与七星瓢虫的性别之间有明显的相关性。文中还记述了下唇须上一种新的钟形感器,其在每个下唇须上的数量大约为12~17个。经测量这些机械感受器的平均直径为2.4 μm。早期研究中所记述的锥形感器被证实是下唇须上仅有的化学感应器,并且首次证明这些锥形感器的数量与性别相关,雄性平均为18个,雌性平均为16个。附节上也存在性别差异: 第2跗节跗垫的宽度在雄性中是从后向前逐渐增大,而在雌性中刚好相反。本文还就这些差异的意义以及新发现感器的功能进行了讨论。  相似文献   

韩宝瑜  陈宗懋  张钟宁 《生态学报》2001,21(12):2131-2135
触角电位(EAG)研究和选择性行为反应表明茶梢受茶蚜(Toxoptera aurantti Boyer)为害后能释放引诱异色瓢虫LLeis axyridis(Pallas)]的互利素,茶蚜、萝卜蚜Lipaphis erystmi(Kaltenbach)体表和茶蚜蜜露中含有吸引异色瓢虫的利它素,其中的少数特异性组分引诱活性较强.源于茶园、桑园和菜园的互利素或利它素对各自生境中的异色瓢虫更具刺激性,显示了生境特定性.EAG剂量反应表明茶园中的显明变种比显现变种稍敏感,这可能是由于前者触角上的化感器数量较多所致.  相似文献   

不同色斑型异色瓢虫的同工酶比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张思宇  迟德富  李鹤  宇佳 《昆虫知识》2008,45(3):426-431
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板型电泳技术,对15种不同色斑型异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)的酯酶同工酶(EST)、过氧化氢同工酶(CAT)、淀粉酶(α-AMY)和苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)进行比较研究。结果表明:15份材料共获得25个同工酶位点,其中多态性位点20个,多态位点百分率为80%;根据酶带结果,利用NTSYSpc2·10e软件进行Jaccard相似系数分析,15种不同色斑型异色瓢虫遗传相似度为0·44~0·96,平均遗传距离为0·42;通过UPGMA聚类分析,在相似系数0·65处,15份瓢虫材料分为2大类群;主成分分析结果表明,显现变种、拟月斑变型和眼斑变型3种斑型瓢虫是异色瓢虫遗传变异的主线。  相似文献   

Voracity and feeding preferences of adult Coccinella septempunctata L. and Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, tribe Coccinellini) were evaluated in the laboratory on a common prey, the spirea aphid, Aphis citricola van der Goot (Homoptera: Aphididae), and on the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina: Tetranychidae), a prey previously unrecorded for these two predators. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory on apple saplings (Malus domestica Borkhausen). Adult males and females of H. axyridis consumed significantly more mites than adults of C. septempunctata. For H. axyridis, males consumed 41.3 spider mites in 24 h and females 48.4, whereas for C. septempunctata males consumed 14.1 prey and females 15.2. The consumption of spirea aphids by the males was similar for the two species. Consumption by the females was significantly greater for H. axyridis (46.5) than for C. septempunctata (22.2). The two coccinellids showed a significant preference for A. citricola in the presence of T. urticae. This preference was more pronounced for C. septempunctata. The total number of prey consumed and the percentage of exploited biomass decreased significantly for C. septempunctata and stayed relatively constant for H. axyridis as the number of mites increased in the prey ratio. Our results suggest that T. urticae is only an alternative prey for both predators, and that H. axyridis should be more efficient than C. septempunctata in a prey assemblage with aphids and mites.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Why some exotic species invade successfully while others do not is poorly understood. This study focuses on the inability of the exotic predatory ladybird Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) to establish and spread in Japan. In particular, this study considers the interactions between A. bipunctata and three native Japanese ladybird species, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, Coccinella septempunctata Linn., and Propylea japonica Mulsant.
2. The number of aphids occurring on the host plants declined dramatically over the course of larval development in the presence of H. axyridis or C. septempunctata . In contrast, many aphids remained at the end of the experiment when only A. bipunctata or P. japonica was present.
3. The survivorship of A. bipunctata from second instar to adult was significantly reduced in the presence of H. axyridis , but not in the presence of C. septempunctata or P. japonica . Most deaths were the result of intra-guild predation when H. axyridis or C. septempunctata larvae were present. Larvae of H. axyridis and C. septempunctata suffered very high mortality in this experiment, but survived better when co-occurring with A. bipunctata than when occurring only with conspecifics. In contrast, P. japonica survived better when occurring with conspecifics than with A. bipunctata .
4. The finding that larvae of the exotic species A. bipunctata died at high rates from intra-guild predation by the native Japanese ladybirds H. axyridis and C. septempunctata may bear on the question of why A. bipunctata has not established more successfully in Japan whereas H. axyridis and C. septempunctata have been very successful in establishing themselves in North America.  相似文献   

麦蛾茧蜂触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
应用扫描电镜对麦蛾茧蜂BraconhebetorSay的触角感器进行观察。结果表明:麦蛾茧蜂的触角上存在6种感器,分别为毛形感器,板形感器,刺形感器,鳞状感器,锥形乳头状感器和嗅孔。其中毛形感器和板形感器是主要感器,数量较大,分布较广。雌雄蜂的触角感器差异不明显。  相似文献   

Abstract: The comparison between the composition of the volatiles from intact tea shoots (ITS) and that from tea aphid-damaged tea shoots (TADTS) was accomplished, and the difference of both volatiles in attraction to natural enemies of the tea aphid, Toxoptera aurantii , i.e the ladybug, Leis axyridis (Pallas), the aphid parasite, Aphidius sp., and the lacewing, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmeal, was investigated in the current paper. Volatile components from ITS, obtained by air entrainment, were identified by their mass spectra and retention times and comfirmed by comparison with authentic samples. They are E-2-hexenal, ocimene, Z-3-hexenyl acetate, Z-3-hexen-1-ol, butanoic acid-3-hexenyl ester, linalool, 1-octanol, geraniol and indole. Volatiles from TADTS have been identified as E-2-hexenal, ocimene, Z-3-hexenyl acetate, Z-3-hexen-1-ol, linalool, geraniol, indole, benzaldehyde and E-2-hexenoic acid. Z-3-hexen-1-ol is the main component in the two kinds of volatiles, whilst benzaldehyde is the another main component in TADTS volatiles. The air entrainment extracts of TADTS and benzaldehyde elicit the stronger electroantennogram (EAG) responses, and the stronger upwind flight and arresting behaviour from each natural enemy in wind tunnel. EAG responses from Leis axyridis and Chrysopa septempunctata were bigger than those from Aphidius sp., whereas Leis axyridis responds to these odours slightly less than Aphidius sp. and Chrysopa septempunctata in wind tunnel bioassay. So TADTS emits volatile synomones, in which the amount of benzaldehyde is ample and its allurement is the strongest.  相似文献   

Two climate chamber experiments were performed to simulate the effects of global warming on life table parameters of coccinellids. We investigated the effects of two daily temperature profiles during preimaginal development (larval and pupal) and the young adult period (first 10 d) on body weight and fat body content of adult Coccinella septempunctata L. and Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) fed English grain aphids [Sitobion avenae (F.)] ad libitum: 1) normal, i.e., current daily temperatures in central Europe (T0: mean, 17.8°C; maximum, 21.8°C; minimum, 13.4°C) and 2) increased by 3K (T3: mean, 20.8°C; maximum, 25.5°C; minimum, 15.7°C). The first experiment was performed at the same temperatures (T0 or T3) during both periods to establish the responses of the two species to temperature. The second was conducted to identify the period (preimaginal or adult) in which the responses occurred and to confirm the results of the first experiment. Compared with normal temperatures (T0), elevated temperatures (T3) resulted in significant decreases in preimaginal development time and increases in aphid consumption rates in both species. C. septempunctata (10-d-old adults) had the highest weights when reared at T3, H. axyridis at T0. C. septempunctata was significantly heavier than H. axyridis in most cases, particularly in females. The body fat content of C. septempunctata was higher than that of H. axyridis at T0 and T3 temperatures. At T3 temperatures, fat accumulation in C. septempunctata increased, whereas that in H. axyridis remained relatively low. Body weight and fat body content of 10-d-old adults of both species seemed to be determined by temperature conditions during preimaginal development.  相似文献   

室内研究了中华草蛉Chrysopa sinicaTjeder、龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica(Thunberg)和异色瓢虫Leis axyridis(Pallas)对B型烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius)若虫的捕食功能反应和寻找效应。结果表明,3种天敌成虫和幼虫的捕食量均随着猎物密度的增加而上升,当猎物增加到一定水平,捕食量趋向稳定,捕食功能反应曲线符合HollingⅡ型方程。异色瓢虫、中华草蛉和龟纹瓢虫成虫和幼虫对烟粉虱若虫的捕食量差异显著,理论最大日捕食量分别为417,263,156头和625,238,108头。3种天敌对烟粉虱若虫的寻找效应随着天敌密度的增加而下降,干扰作用逐渐增强,其寻找效应表现为龟纹瓢虫(0.5656)>异色瓢虫(0.4371)>中华草蛉(0.4029),对烟粉虱的控制能力表现为异色瓢虫>龟纹瓢虫>中华草蛉。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫4变种成虫对茶和茶蚜气味行为反应   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
用Y形嗅觉仪测定了异色瓢虫4个变种成虫对茶蚜利它素的行为反应,结果表明,供给茶蚜、甘蓝蚜和萝卜蚜的两两组合,茶蚜+蚜害茶梢和正常茶梢,蚜家茶梢和正常茶梢,知敌分别选择茶蚜、茶蚜+蚜害茶梢或蚜害茶梢(P〈0.05);以8 ̄9种质量梯度的茶蚜+蚜害茶梢、蚜害茶梢和茶蚜做味源,瓢虫对味源趋向率与味源质量呈Logistic曲线关系(P〈0.01),其中二班变型、显现变种和十九斑变种对茶蚜的趋向率与蚜数呈左  相似文献   

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