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用动态模型研究森林群落中物种间的竞争   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
桑卫国 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1802-1807
研究了以过程为基础的模型在物种竞争试验模型及实践中的应用。应用森林动态林窗模型模拟了群落内物种竞争规律。结果表明:同一群落中具有不同生物、生态学特征的物种竞争过程与环境条件有密切关系。由此确定,竞争是与外部条件密切相关的,不是一个单独稀量物种特征的指标;具有相似生物和生态学特性的物种,在森林植被发育过程中,存在绝对竞争,具有较弱更新与生长能力的物种,始终处于竞争劣热,不宜于在这样的群落中生长,而且有较强更新和生长的树种在群落中处于优势地位。  相似文献   

西双版纳20公顷样地热带森林植被数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了区分热带森林的群落特征并了解其群落特征与地形因子之间的相互关系,以西双版纳20 hm2森林动态监测样地为研究对象,对样地内500个森林群落样方采用Cluster聚类分析方法进行分类和采用除趋势对应分析(DCA)、典范对应分析(CCA)方法进行排序。结果表明:(1)西双版纳热带森林动态监测样地森林群落分为2个类型:热带季节雨林和热带山地常绿阔叶林;(2)植被类型的划分与CCA排序的结果相吻合,CCA排序轴第一、二轴呈现了海拔和凹凸度的梯度变化,并且两者总体上可以对83.9%的植被分布格局进行解释,表明海拔和凹凸度因子对该地区植被类型的分布起着决定性作用;(3)对优势物种的DCA和CCA排序表明不同物种对地形的要求存在差异,其分布格局同样主要受海拔和凹凸度的影响;(4)聚类分析与DCA和CCA排序的结果,同时表明了该地区森林植被的垂直分布格局。此方法可有效解释植被分布格局与地形之间的内在联系,为热带森林的管理和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

孙德鑫  刘向  周淑荣 《生物多样性》2018,26(7):655-1265
已有大量研究利用功能性状或系统发育来推断群落构建机制, 然而不同过程可能会导致相似的格局。本文基于对甘南高寒草甸植物功能群去除处理后群落恢复过程的跟踪调查, 对比了物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性的动态变化, 并分析了物种定殖与消失过程对功能多样性和系统发育多样性变化的影响。结果表明: 去除不同数量功能群的群落中: (1)包括物种丰富度(SR)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H°)和Simpson指数(D)在内的传统物种多样性均随时间快速上升并与自然群落趋同, 不同群落的均匀度指数(J)随时间呈增加趋势并趋于相似; 功能多样性(FD)与系统发育多样性(PD)呈现出与物种多样性相似的动态变化趋势, 而平均配对距离(MPD/MPDa、MFD/MFDa)则向中等程度聚集。(2)不同群落的功能群和物种组成在短期内均恢复到与自然群落非常相似的程度。(3)物种定殖与消失过程的功能格局是群落恢复过程中趋同效应的主要驱动力。本研究揭示了高寒草甸植物功能群去除停止后群落短期内快速恢复的过程, 说明在小尺度且周边具有大范围未退化草甸的情况下, 无论物种多样性、功能多样性还是系统发育多样性都具有较快的恢复能力, 同时说明了利用群落系统发育多样性格局来推断群落构建机制的局限性。  相似文献   

植物病原菌在森林动态中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
付先惠  曹敏  唐勇 《生态学杂志》2003,22(3):59-64,69
植物病原菌作为森林生态系统的重要组成成分及调控因子之一,在森林动态中扮演着重要的角色。植物病原菌通过侵染过程导致寄主植物的幼苗及成熟个体死亡、成熟个体的种子量降低或不实,或造成植物个体或群落中不同物种不同程度的病害,影响它们之间的营养竞争,从而导致群落结构、物种及个体数量的变化。感染散布前、后的种子和土壤种子库中的种子,以及由种子萌发产生的幼苗,它们的存活率降低,进而影响森林中的种子散布、幼苗更新与增补格局。在天然林中,先锋树种比顶极树种对病原菌更敏感,群落演替的早期阶段对病原菌比较敏感。植物病原菌主要通过密度依赖机制造成森林树种不同的死亡格局,从而参与森林的动态过程。  相似文献   

热带森林植被生态恢复研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
臧润国  丁易 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6292-6304
热带森林是地球上生物多样性最高和生态功能最为强大的植被类型之一,在维护全球生态平衡中起着至关重要的作用,同时也为人类社会提供着多种多样的物质资源和生态系统服务。然而热带森林是目前生物多样性消失最快和生态功能退化最为严重的生态系统之一,如何有效地保护现存的热带森林不再进一步退化,以及如何使已经退化的生态系统尽快得到恢复是生态学工作者面临的重要议题。不同方式、规模和强度的干扰对热带林的破坏程度及其以后的恢复过程产生的影响不同。除少数大型自然干扰事件外,采伐、刀耕火种、农业开发用地等人为干扰是造成当前热带森林植被大面积退化的主要原因。多种干扰交互作用、杂草与外来物种入侵、退化植被和土壤状况、残存植被组分及土壤种子库、退化植被周围的景观格局以及全球气候变化等因素都能够影响热带森林植被恢复的速度和方向。基于功能群的研究思想将可能为物种丰富的热带森林植被恢复的研究提供一个全新途径。  相似文献   

长白山森林/沼泽生态交错带群落和环境梯度分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
揭示了森林沼泽过渡带群落的结构、生产力、植物多样性等群落梯度和交错带环境梯度的相关规律,并结合交错区环境梯度分析这些群落特征形成机制,为维持、保护与经营管理这一交错带生物资源提供了理论依据.将长白山地区森林和高、中、低位沼泽所形成的三大类型过渡带作为研究对象,采用样带网格的调查方法,并应用系统软件分析方法建立了经验回归模型,研究了森林/沼泽生态交错带群落的种类组成、群落建群种径级结构与年龄结构、植物多样性、群落生产力及其随生态交错带环境梯度变化趋势.结果表明,森林/沼泽生态交错带群落结构特征、植物多样性、群落生产力均随着交错带环境梯度的变化而呈现有规律的分布格局.沿着沼泽至森林方向的交错区环境梯度,群落建群种发生更替现象;群落种类数目呈现指数递增趋势;群落的径级结构呈现双曲线分布规律性;年龄结构一般呈三次式分布规律;植物多样性呈二次式递增分布趋势;群落生物量均呈现三次式函数曲线递增趋势,表现出群落梯度和环境梯度的高度相关性.  相似文献   

梁友嘉  刘丽珺 《生态学报》2020,40(24):9252-9259
社会-生态系统(SES)模拟模型是景观格局分析和决策的有效工具,能表征景观格局变化的社会-生态效应及景观决策的复杂反馈机制。文献综述了森林-农业景观格局的SES模型方法进展发现:(1)多数模型对景观过程与社会经济决策的反馈关系分析不足;(2)应集成多种情景模拟和景观效应分析方法,完善现有SES模型的理论方法基础;(3)通过集成格局优化模型和自主体模型会有效改进SES模型功能,具体途径包括:集成情景-生态效应的景观格局模拟方法、完善景观决策的理论基础、加强集成模型的不确定性分析、降低模型复杂性和综合定性-定量数据等。研究结果有助于理解多尺度森林-农业景观格局在社会-生态系统中的重要作用,能更好地支持跨学科集成模型开发与应用。  相似文献   

森林景观生态研究现状与展望   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
综述了国内外森林景观及其动态研究的4个领域:森林景观管理与景观质量控制、森林景观格局与功能相互关系、森林景观生态过程模拟模型和决策模型、河岸景观生态的研究。并进一步指出了我国在森林景观生态研究领域中存在的问题:森林景观的研究基础不足,研究手段、方法相对落后,研究案例和成果有限。同时,还提出了森林景观生态研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

空间直观景观模型LANDIS在大兴安岭呼中林区的应用   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:25  
应用空间直观景观模型(LANDIS),研究有采伐和无采伐预案下大兴安岭呼中林区的森林景观的长期变化。用APACK计算每一个物种及各年龄级的分布面积。为了研究物种分布格局的变化,计算了物种分布的聚集度指数。研究结果如下:(1)在无采伐预案下。火干扰模式为低频率大面积高强度火烧;在有采伐预下,火干扰模式为高频率小面积低强度火烧;(2)在无采伐预案下,火会造成各种群分布面积的强烈波动,但是对种群的年龄结构没有很大影响;在有采伐预案下,火对种群分布面积和年龄结构都没有很大的影响;(3)采伐能完全改变各种群的年龄结构。降低种群分布的聚集度,但是对各种群的分布面积并没有很大影响;(4)在有采伐预案下,各种群为增长型种群,增长量通过采伐取走,群落处于演替的干扰顶极状态;在无采伐预案下,各种群为稳定型种群(樟子松和偃松除外),大面积高强度火烧使群落产生较大的波动。结果表明,在呼中林业局,在没有人为干扰情况下,火干扰是森林景观变化的主导因素。自从有了人为干扰,采伐开始逐渐取代火干扰成为影响森林景观变化的主导因素。空间直观景观模型的一个挑战是模型的验证。由于缺乏详细的空间数据及模型模拟中的随机性,很难通过模型模拟结果与实地调查或遥感数据的比较进行验证。通过对火模拟、物种分布和物种组成的生态或生物学实现对模型进行验证。  相似文献   

长白山森林/沼泽生态交错带群落和环境梯度分析   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
揭示了森林-沼泽过渡带群落的结构、生产力、植物多样性等群落梯度和交错环境梯度的相关规律,并结合交错区环境梯度分析这些群落特征形成机制,为维持、保护与经营管理这一交错带生物资源提供了理论依据。将长白山地区森林和高、中、低位沼泽所形成的三大类型过渡带研究对象,采用样带网格的调查方法,并应用系统软件分析方法建立了经验回归模型,研究了森林/沼泽生态交错带群落的种类组成、群落建群种径级结构与年龄结构、植物多样性、群落生产力及其随生态交错带环境梯度变化趋势。结果表明,森林/沼泽生态交错带群落结构特征、植物多样性、群落生产力均随着交错带环境梯度的变化而呈现有规律的分布格局,沿着沼泽至森林方向的交错区环境梯度,群落建种种发生更替现象;群落种类数目呈现指数递增趋势;群落的径级结构呈现双曲线分布规律性;年龄结构一般呈三次式分布规律;揿样性呈二次式梯增分布趋势;群落生物量均呈现三次函数曲线递增趋势,表现出群落梯度和环境梯度的高度相关性。  相似文献   

研究群落构建机制是群落生态学的一个重要目标, 群落动态过程中的构建规律对于了解群落演替机理有重要的作用。该文以海南岛刀耕火种干扰后自然恢复的10 hm 2热带低地雨林为研究对象, 通过比较不同恢复阶段的次生林(15年、30年和60年)和老龄林在幼苗、幼树和成年树群落的物种组成, 揭示次生演替过程中的群落构建规律。研究结果表明, 老龄林中不同径级群落的物种多样性及不同径级间的物种相似度显著高于各恢复阶段的次生林, 但优势种在群落中的比例低于各恢复阶段的次生林。随着自然恢复过程的进行, 次生林群落物种组成与老龄林的相似性也逐渐增大, 支持演替平衡理论。所有恢复阶段样地中幼苗的个体、物种丰富度和基于多度涵盖估计量(ACE)都低于幼树和成年树群落, 幼苗层物种组成与幼树、成年树也有较大差异, 说明新增到幼苗群落可能是一个难于预测的过程。研究结果说明了确定过程和随机过程共同决定了次生演替的群落构建。  相似文献   

Understanding community assembly patterns with regard to functional traits, which may be common to different species, allows us to compare ecological communities in a wider range of environmental and phytogeographic conditions. Moreover, a functional approach may facilitate the comprehension of the relation between biotic changes and ecosystem functions in complex systems such as tropical forests. Considering the lack of information in relation to the influence of environmental conditions on lichen functional traits, on lichen functional patterns in tropical forests and the potential usage of this approach in bioindication studies, this paper aims at (i) determining the functional structure of the lichen communities along the forest succession gradient, (ii) assessing the relation of lichen functional traits to this gradient and (iii) verifying the potential of using lichen functional traits as indicators of successional stages in tropical rainforests. Lichens were sampled in 24 sampling units of three successional stages (6–10; 12–20; and 40–60 years of recovering). The results corroborated our main hypothesis that the functional structure of the lichen communities responds to structural changes along a forest regeneration gradient. Growth forms (foliose, fruticose and crustose) as well as some reproductive trait states (lirella, isidia and perithecia) were the most suitable lichen traits to be used as indicators of forest succession in the southern edge of the Atlantic Rainforest. Lirella, fruticose and foliose were more related to earlier successional stages; isidia was more related to intermediate stages, while perithecia and crustose were more related to older stages. These results reinforce the ability of lichens to be used as bioindicators of forest conditions.  相似文献   

Fragmentation is a major threat factor for plant–frugivore communities in tropical and subtropical forests. Resulting changes in the distribution of traits within these communities, e.g., a loss in large‐bodied frugivores, may lead to strong changes in plant–frugivore interactions in fragmented forests. Yet, we still lack a thorough understanding of the interplay between forest fragmentation, the trait‐composition of communities and resulting plant–frugivore interactions on a community‐scale. In a fragmented South African landscape comprising different forest categories—i.e., continuous natural forest, forest fragments surrounded by natural grassland, and forest fragments surrounded by sugarcane—we investigated the relationship between communities of fruiting plants and their frugivore visitors in response to forest fragmentation, as well as the interactive effects of forest fragmentation and fruit size of the plants on the number of frugivore visitors and their body size. Neither the fruit size of plant nor the body mass of frugivore communities differed between natural forest sites and forest fragments. Moreover, in‐depth analyses of frugivore assemblages visiting plant species revealed no effect of forest category on the number of frugivore visits or their mean body mass. The number of visits and body mass of frugivores were merely determined by the crop and fruit size of the focal plant species. Overall, our results suggest that frugivory of plant species with differently sized fruits was not reduced in forest fragments. Thus, fragments with high fruit availability may be key elements maintaining the functional connectivity of a heterogeneous forest landscape.  相似文献   

During community assembly, plant functional traits are under selective pressure from processes operating at multiple spatial scales. However, in fragmented landscapes, there is little understanding of the relative importance of local-, patch- and landscape-scale processes in shaping trait distributions. Here, we investigate cross-scale influences of landscape change on traits that dictate plant life history strategies in re-assembling plant communities in a fragmented landscape in eastern China. Using forest dynamics plots (FDPs) on 29 land-bridge islands in which all woody plants have been georeferenced and identified to species, we characterized and derived two composite measures of trait variation, representing variation across the leaf economics spectrum and plant size. We then tested for trait shifts in response to local-, patch- and landscape-scale factors, and their potential cross-scale interactions. We found substantial community-wide trait changes along local-scale gradients (i.e. forest edge to interior): more acquisitive leaf economic traits and larger sized species occurred at edges, with a significant increase in trait means and trait range. Moreover, there were significant cross-scale interaction effects of patch and landscape variables on local-scale edge effects. Altered spatial arrangement of habitat in the surrounding landscape (i.e. declining habitat amount and increasing patch density), as well as decreasing area at the patch level, exacerbated edge effects on traits distributions. We suggest that synergistic interactions of landscape- and patch-scale processes, such as dispersal limitation, on local-scale environmental filtering at edges, together shape the spatial distributions of plant life history strategies in fragmented plant communities.  相似文献   

Tropical secondary forests form an important part of the landscape. Understanding functional traits of species that colonize at different points in succession can provide insight into community assembly. Although studies on functional traits during forest succession have focused on trees, lianas (woody vines) also contribute strongly to forest biomass, species richness, and dynamics. We examined life history traits of lianas in a forest chronosequence in Costa Rica to determine which traits vary consistently over succession. We conducted 0.1 ha vegetation inventories in 30 sites. To examine the establishment of young individuals, we only included small lianas (0.5–1.5 cm diameter at 1.3 m height). For each species, we identified seed size, dispersal mode, climbing mode, and whether or not the seedling is self‐supporting. We found a strong axis of variation determined by seed size and seedling growth habit, with early successional communities dominated by small‐seeded species with abiotic dispersal and climbing seedlings, while large‐seeded, animal‐dispersed species with free‐standing seedlings increased in abundance with stand age. Contrary to previous research and theory, we found a decrease in the abundance of stem twiners and no decrease in the abundance of tendril‐climbers during succession. Seed size appears to be a better indicator of liana successional stage than climbing mode. Liana life history traits change predictably over succession, particularly traits related to seedling establishment. Identifying whether these trait differences persist into the growth strategies of mature lianas is an important research goal, with potential ramifications for understanding the impact of lianas during tropical forest succession.  相似文献   

热带森林中的斑块动态与物种多样性维持   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
斑块作为景观要素之一,直接到景观结构的空间格局及其内部各要素之间的相互关系,其动态也将导致景观格局的变化。异质性的斑块在自然森林中是普遍存在的,这就是说,顶极森林中仍然存在着由不同种类或不同生长时期的植物种群组成的森林斑块。由自然或人为干扰所驱动的森林生长循环导致敢这些斑块在空间上的镶嵌,对于持定的地域片段,也导致了不同生长时期的森林斑块的周期性循环。在热带森林中,森林的生长循环由林窗期(gap  相似文献   

The responses of forest communities to interacting anthropogenic disturbances like climate change and logging are poorly known. Subtropical forests have been heavily modified by humans and their response to climate change is poorly understood. We investigated the 9‐year change observed in a mixed conifer‐hardwood Atlantic forest mosaic that included both mature and selectively logged forest patches in subtropical South America. We used demographic monitoring data within 10 1 ha plots that were subjected to distinct management histories (plots logged until 1955, until 1987, and unlogged) to test the hypothesis that climate change affected forest structure and dynamics differentially depending on past disturbances. We determined the functional group of all species based on life‐history affinities as well as many functional traits like leaf size, specific leaf area, wood density, total height, stem slenderness, and seed size data for the 66 most abundant species. Analysis of climate data revealed that minimum temperatures and rainfall have been increasing in the last few decades of the 20th century. Floristic composition differed mainly with logging history categories, with only minor change over the nine annual census intervals. Aboveground biomass increased in all plots, but increases were higher in mature unlogged forests, which showed signs of forest growth associated with increased CO2, temperature, and rainfall/treefall gap disturbance at the same time. Logged forests showed arrested succession as indicated by reduced abundances of Pioneers and biomass‐accumulators like Large Seeded Pioneers and Araucaria, as well as reduced functional diversity. Management actions aimed at creating regeneration opportunities for long‐lived pioneers are needed to restore community functional diversity, and ecosystem services such as increased aboveground biomass accumulation. We conclude that the effects of climate drivers on the dynamics of Brazilian mixed Atlantic forests vary with land‐use legacies, and can differ importantly from the ones prevalent in better known tropical forests.  相似文献   

A rapidly increasing effort to merge functional community ecology and phylogenetic biology has increased our understanding of community assembly. However, studies using both phylogenetic‐ and trait‐based methods have been mainly conducted in old‐growth forests, with fewer studies in human‐disturbed communities, which play an increasingly important role in providing ecosystem services as primary forests are degraded. We used data from 18 1‐ha plots in tropical old‐growth forests and secondary forests with different disturbance histories (logging and shifting cultivation) and vegetation types (tropical lowland and montane forests) on Hainan Island, southern China. The distributions of 11 functional traits were compared among these six forest types. We used a null model approach to assess the effects of disturbance regimes on variation in response and effect traits and community phylogenetic structure across different stem sizes (saplings, treelets, and adult trees) and spatial scales (10–50 m). We found significant differences in the distribution of functional traits in highly disturbed lowland sites versus other forest types. Many individuals in highly disturbed lowland sites were deciduous, spiny, with non‐fleshy fruits and seeds dispersed passively or by wind, and low SLA. The response traits of coexisting species were clustered in all sites except for highly disturbed lowland sites where evenness was evident. There were different distributions of effect traits for saplings and treelets among different forest types but adult trees showed stronger clustering of trait values with increasing spatial scale among all forest types. Phylogenetic clustering predominated across all size classes and spatial scales in the highly disturbed lowland sites, and evenness in other forest types. High disturbance can lead to abiotic filtering, generating a community dominated by closely related species with disturbance‐adapted traits, where biotic interactions play a relatively minor role. In lightly disturbed and old growth forests, multiple processes simultaneously drive the community assembly, but biotic processes dominate at the fine scale.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds are important pollinators of many native Neotropical plants but their abundance and diversity in landscapes dominated by intensive human uses such as agriculture have rarely been examined, despite such land‐uses prevailing in the tropics. We examined how tropical deforestation affects hummingbird community structure in premontane forest patches embedded in a tropical countryside of Coto Brus Canton, Costa Rica. We captured hummingbirds in fourteen landscapes representing a gradient in patch size and forest amount, and tested for the effects of these variables on (1) hummingbird captures at flowers (pollinator availability); (2) species richness; and (3) filtering of functional traits. After accounting for sampling effects, both hummingbird availability and species richness declined by 40% and 50%, respectively, across the gradient in deforestation that we observed (9–66% forest within 1000 m). Focal patch size was the strongest predictor, even after statistically accounting for the amount of forest and matrix composition of landscapes. These reductions in availability and richness were well predicted by functional traits; morphologically specialized species with the capacity to transport long‐distance outcrossed pollen and low functional redundancy within the pollinator network showed the greatest sensitivity to landscape change. We hypothesize that declines in hummingbird availability, diversity, and functional traits are important mechanisms driving the observed pollen limitation of ornithophilous flowers in fragmented tropical landscapes. Efforts to conserve large forest patches and enhance matrix permeability are critical for maintaining forest hummingbird communities and pollination services under current and predicted deforestation regimes.  相似文献   

The understanding of global diversity patterns has benefitted from a focus on functional traits and how they relate to variation in environmental conditions among assemblages. Distant communities in similar environments often share characteristics, and for tropical forest mammals, this functional trait convergence has been demonstrated at coarse scales (110–200 km resolution), but less is known about how these patterns manifest at fine scales, where local processes (e.g. habitat features and anthropogenic activities) and biotic interactions occur. Here, we used standardized camera trapping data and a novel analytical method that accounts for imperfect detection to assess how the functional composition of terrestrial mammal communities for two traits – trophic guild and body mass – varies across 16 protected areas in tropical forests and three continents, in relation to the extent of protected habitat and anthropogenic pressures. We found that despite their taxonomic differences, communities generally have a consistent trophic guild composition, and respond similarly to these factors. Insectivores were found to be sensitive to the size of protected habitat and surrounding human population density. Body mass distribution varied little among communities both in terms of central tendency and spread, and interestingly, community average body mass declined with proximity to human settlements. Results indicate predicted trait convergence among assemblages at the coarse scale reflects consistent functional composition among communities at the local scale, suggesting that broadly similar habitats and selective pressures shaped communities with similar trophic strategies and responses to drivers of change. These similarities provide a foundation for assessing assemblages under anthropogenic threats and sharing conservation measures.  相似文献   

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