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不同生计方式农户的环境感知——以甘南高原为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵雪雁 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6776-6787
准确的环境感知是合理环境行为的前提,利用参与式农村评估方法,研究了甘南高原不同生计方式农户的环境感知。结果发现:(1)甘南高原农户生计方式较单一,生计多样化指数仅为1.76,纯牧区、半农半牧区、农区农户的非农化水平依次提高,但非农活动均以外出打工为主;(2)随着非农化水平的提高,农户的生态关注度、生态保护认知度以及生态变化感知度发生有规律变化,纯农户、兼业户、非农户的生态关注度、生态恶化感知度依次降低,但生态保护认知度依次增强; 3) 非农户、兼业户的环保活动参与度强于纯农户。  相似文献   

王亚茹  赵雪雁  张钦  雒丽  薛冰 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2392-2402
气候变化加剧了高寒生态脆弱区农户的生计脆弱性,为应对气候变化,农户已采取了各种响应措施,当前急需评估农户所采取适应策略的效果,以便选择更有效的适应策略。以甘南高原为研究区,基于入户调查数据分析了农户所采取适应策略的特征,采用模糊综合评价法分析现行适应策略的效果,并利用多准则决策模型确定了最优的气候变化适应策略。结果显示:(1)甘南高原农户多采取组合型策略应对气候变化,尤以调整+扩张型策略为主;(2)甘南高原农户所采取气候变化适应策略的效果较好,效益指数为3.43。其中,农区农户的适应策略效果最好、半农半牧区次之、纯牧区最差;(3)甘南高原不同区域农户筛选的最优策略存在差异。其中,纯牧区和半农半牧区农户筛选的最优策略为调整农牧业结构,而农区农户为完善农牧业基础设施。最后,提出了提高农户适应策略效果的对策建议及未来研究中需进一步关注的问题。  相似文献   

牧民对草地生态补偿政策的满意度实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王丽佳  刘兴元 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5798-5806
实施草地生态补偿政策是恢复退化草地、建设生态安全屏障、提高牧民生活水平,促进牧区社会经济发展的重要手段。研究牧民对草地生态补偿政策的满意度及其影响因素,对完善我国草地生态补偿政策,提高补偿绩效具有重要意义。选取甘肃牧区中甘南、肃南和天祝三地500户牧民作为样本数据,结合问卷调查与深度访谈,构建有序Logit模型,从牧民一般社会经济特征、对其居住与放牧地区生态环境评估,以及对生活满意度评估三方面入手研究了牧民对草地生态补偿政策实施的满意度及其影响因素。结果表明,影响牧民对补偿政策满意度的显著因素包括牧民受教育水平、牲畜养殖数量与体重变化情况、补偿金额、牧民对环境与经济重要性的评估,以及对社会福利满意度的主观评价。从政策角度看,提高牧民受教育水平,改变牧民传统放牧观念;改善贫困牧民生活水平,提高牧民社会福利;优化补偿方式,构建补偿政策监管体系,有利于草地生态补偿政策的进一步完善与有效实施。  相似文献   

胡兵辉  廖允成 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4902-4910
农、牧户单元生态经济系统作为最基层的生产单位,关系着国家大政方针政策的落实和实施.运用能值理论及其分析方法,选择毛乌素沙地偏牧区的内蒙古自治区乌审旗苏力德苏木典型牧户生态经济系统和偏农区的陕西省榆阳区牛家梁镇典型农户生态经济系统作为研究对象,对两种不同产业偏重区产业模式的能值投入、产出结构状况进行对比分析,结合净能值产出率、能值投资率、环境负荷力、能值功率密度、单位面积生产力、人均能值用量、人均能值占有量、系统生产优势度、系统稳定性指数和系统可持续性指数共10项能值分析综合指标体系,全面系统地对农、牧户单元生态经济系统进行比较研究,定量描述典型农、牧户单元生态经济系统格局及其发展的总体特征.旨在为毛乌素沙地偏牧区和偏农区农、牧户经营层面的产业模式优化及发展提供策略选择.  相似文献   

基于参与性调查的农户对退耕政策及生态环境的认知与响应   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:29  
连纲  郭旭东  傅伯杰  王静  何挺 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1741-1747
采用参与性农户评估方法(PRA)对黄土丘陵区107户农户进行了分层随机抽样调查,并根据研究区内地形等条件将所调查农户分为旱地农户和川水地农户两组,就目前农户对退耕还林还草政策的态度及农户对生态环境的意识及行为的异同进行分析比较。尝试从农户行为角度研究区域发展问题,并基于对农户行为的分析,对区域相关政策制定、实施以及生态环境建设等提出相关建议。研究表明:研究区农户对于土地依赖性较大,旱地农户表现尤为突出,大多数农户对于退耕持支持态度。农户进行的相关水土保护措施,很大程度上并不是农户经过决策后有意识的自觉行为,而是农户为了保证基本农业生产,采取的相应的对策所产生的效应。在土地管理及水土保护措施方面,除了相关的种植措施外,旱地农户更多倾向于通过工程措施来获取好的回报,而川水地农户更多注重于现有土地质量的管护,来进一步提高现有耕地的质量。农户对于环境重要性的认识较为明确,川水地农户认识要比旱地农户更充分一些。与10a前相比,近80%的农户认为当地的生态环境有所好转,然而近45%的农户在生产活动过程中根本不考虑对生态环境的影响,两组农户之间差异不大。超过55%的农户认为生态环境恶化首要原因是气候的影响,干旱是关键因子,其次是过度放牧(24.5%)和水土流失(22.5%)等,两组农户对于生态环境恶化原因的认识具有较大的差别,旱地农户认为生态环境的恶化主要原因是干旱和水土流失,而川水地农户认为生态环境的恶化主要原因是干旱和过度放牧。  相似文献   

雒丽  赵雪雁  王亚茹  张钦  薛冰 《生态学报》2017,37(2):593-605
气候变化作为人类当前面临的最严峻挑战,已对生态脆弱区农户生计产生严重的负面影响,明确农户对气候变化的感知对于制定有效的气候变化适应政策非常关键。以甘南高原为研究区,基于入户调查数据,构建了农户对气候变化的感知度指数,分析了甘南高原农户的气候变化感知特征,并采用经济计量模型分析了影响农户气候变化感知的关键因素。结果表明:(1)甘南高原农户对气温变化的感知能力强于对降水变化的感知,并对近期发生的、规模较大、影响较严重的极端天气记忆较深;(2)农户对气候变化的严重性及可能性感知较强烈,感知到的适应成本与适应功效也较高,但感知到的自我效能较弱,其气候变化严重性、可能性、适应功效、自我效能及适应成本感知度指数分别为3.76、3.34、3.43、2.85、3.53,且农区农户对气候变化的风险感知与适应感知均最强,半农半牧区次之,纯牧区最弱;(3)气候变化信息、农户的客观适应能力、农户对社会话语的信任度、适应激励均会影响农户的气候变化感知,其中,适应激励为最关键的影响因素,其与农户的气候变化适应功效感知、自我效能感知均呈正相关,而与风险感知、适应成本感知呈负相关。最后,针对如何提高农户气候变化感知的准确度,增强农户应对气候变化的能力,提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

封面图片是由中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所研究员李玉强于2017年5月拍摄于内蒙古自治区赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗北部.阿鲁科尔沁旗是内蒙古自治区东部气候变化的敏感区,更是我国治沙生态问题的主战场,对生态战略的要求极高.由于滥垦和滥牧,目前该区退化草地面积占草地总面积的三分之一.近年来,由于大面积开垦荒地和过度放牧利用,致使一部分农田和草牧场出现了沙化、退化现象,突出表现为野生植被低矮稀疏,农作物和牧草产量下降,生态环境质量日趋恶化.为了可持续发展,必须努力控制人口,节约资源和保护环境,使经济发展与人口增长、资源利用和环境保护相适应.  相似文献   

姚雪玲  李龙  王锋  刘书润  吴波  郭秀江 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1663-1671
浑善达克沙地榆树疏林是分布于草原地带的隐域植被类型,相较周边的典型草原区,其植被更加茂密,乔灌丛生,水草丰美,千百年来一直是牧民的优质冬季牧场。近半个世纪以来,因人类的过度开垦以及不合理的放牧管理,浑善达克沙地植被遭到空前的破坏,沙丘活化,载畜能力降低,生态价值和经济价值严重受损。近年来,随着国家草畜平衡以及禁牧政策的推广落实,放牧的牲畜总量得到一定程度的遏制,然而大面积草场还在继续退化。在牧民对生产生活的基本需求下,牲畜总量不可能无限制的压制。另外,适度的放牧对草原生态系统健康是有益的。因此,如何改良放牧方式,合理利用草场,在保持生态良好的基础上合理发挥草场的畜牧价值,是我们亟待探索的问题。以浑善达克沙地的典型天然植被榆树疏林为例,对不同放牧方式下的植被进行调查,基于沙地特殊的基质和植被特征,探讨适合沙地的放牧利用方式。研究表明,在相似的放牧强度下,把沙地作为冬营地,其榆树种群更新正常,植被覆盖度以及植物种类等均能保持良好,而把沙地作为夏季营地,榆树疏林植被退化严重,具体表现为:(1)榆树种群自然更新受阻;(2)灌木群落大量死亡或消失;(3)草本覆盖度显著降低,植物种类减少,多年生草本比例减少,一、二年生草本比例增加;(4)裸沙面积增加,沙丘趋于活化。本研究认为目前沙地植被的退化主要由不合理的放牧引起,并非气候因素所致。沙地适合于冬季放牧而不适合其他季节放牧。借鉴牧民的传统放牧方式,建议配合周边的典型草原区实行季节性倒场放牧,仅将沙地作为冬季营地使用,既能有效保护沙地植被又能充分发挥其畜牧价值。  相似文献   

张钦  赵雪雁  王亚茹  雒丽  薛冰 《生态学报》2017,37(5):1688-1698
气候变化对以自然资源为生计基础的农业人口的影响尤为显著。明确农户对气候变化的适应需求,对于制定有效的气候变化适应政策、增强农户的气候变化适应能力非常重要。基于500份农户调查问卷,分析了甘南高原不同区域和不同生计方式农户对气候变化的适应需求,并利用二元logistic回归模型分析了影响农户适应需求的关键因素。结果表明:(1)在适应气候变化过程中,甘南高原农户对基础设施的需求最强烈,对信息和生产技术的需求次之;(2)不同区域农户对气候变化的适应需求存在差异。其中,纯牧区农户和农区农户对基础设施的需求均最强烈,半农半牧区农户对信息的需求最强烈;(3)不同生计方式农户对气候变化的适应需求也存在差异。其中,纯农户对信贷保险的需求最强烈,一兼户和二兼户均对基础设施的需求最强烈;(4)自然资本和物质资本是影响农户对生产技术需求的关键因素,自然资本和人力资本是影响农户对信息需求的关键因素,人力资本和金融资本是影响农户对基础设施需求的关键因素,自然资本、人力资本、金融资本、物质资本和社会资本均是影响农户对信贷保险需求的关键因素。提出了提升农户适应气候变化能力的政策建议。  相似文献   

三江源牧户参与草地生态保护的意愿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李惠梅  张安录  王珊  张雄  杨海镇  卓玛措 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5943-5951
牧民对环境保护的响应是生态保护战略有效实施的关键,主体参与意愿直接影响生态保护项目实施的成效和可持续性,是区域生态经济可持续发展的前提。通过对三江源地区约283户藏族牧民通过翻译进行结构式访谈,采用Logistic模型从主体角度探讨了牧户愿意参与生态保护行为响应的主要影响因素。结果表明:(1)三江源区域约87%的牧户认为生态保护对牧户有好处,但受各种内外部因素的影响只有近70%的牧户是在政府主导下基于有限理性而被动的参与生态保护行为响应。(2)三江源牧户参与生态保护行为响应的意愿主要受当地政府的保护力度及牧户对生态保护外部性的认知水平、生计水平、外界接触程度、工作机会的正影响,并受牧户的年龄、离中心城镇的距离和区域气候恶劣情况等因素的负影响,系数依次为:2.22、3.98、1.93、2.26、1.48、-1.63、-2.43、-0.92。(3)牧户的生计水平、退化感知和外部性认知是影响三江源牧户参与生态保护意愿的关键因素,牧户参与生态保护意愿的概率不仅仅是牧户出于自身利益和未知风险考虑下被动的响应,更是当地政府的环境知识宣传和保护投入影响下个体的抉择结果。(4)创造更多的就业机会和解决牧户的单一化生计问题,构建完善地生态补偿机制让牧户分享生态保护的外部性效益,并激励牧户主动参与生态保护行为响应,才能最终实现区域生态保护、牧户幸福和生态经济可持续发展的多赢局面。  相似文献   

Zhao X Y 《农业工程》2010,30(3):141-149
Identifying the specific forces driving environmental impact is a hot topic in the field of sustainable development in the pasturing area. In the paper, the ecological footprint was taken as the index of environmental impact, and a series of index like population quality, prosperous, using intensity, livelihood tactics are considered as the main human factors. Using the STIRPAT model and temporal series data from 1980 to 2007, the author analyzes the effects of the human driving forces of environmental impact.
The ecological footprint method presents a simple framework for national natural capital accounting, and it has been used as a comprehensive index of human activity impact, which indirectly reflect human activity’s pressure on the environment. Our analyses showed that the ecological footprint increased from 238736.9 to 877716.1 ha and per capital ecological footprint also increased from 0.854 to 1.961 ha/per during 1980–2007 in Gannan pasturing area. However, in the meantime, the ecological footprint intensity was inclined from 25.396 to 3.025 ha/ten thousand yuan.
With a view of dismantling the human driving forces of ecological footprint, the modified IPAT-called STIRPAT has been employed as a common analytic framework. Our analyses showed that population quantity and using intensity was a major driver of ecological footprint, their coefficients were greater than 1.0 in model (1); In addition, promoting the prosperous lever and the primary industry proportion, the impact of environment will be increased, but their coefficients are less than 1.0 in model (1). At the same time, the technological eco-efficiency of sample regions was discussed in details, the range ability of the technological eco-efficiency was wider, and 15 years went beyond the average level, but the other was less than the average level. Another important finding in the empirical study is that there are some evidences of an environmental Kuznets curve for ecological footprint within the range of calculated data. Some potential improvements in some further researches and suggestions to alleviate the environment pressure, and it is put forward in the last section.  相似文献   

Xue-Yan Zhao 《生态学报》2010,30(3):141-149
Identifying the specific forces driving environmental impact is a hot topic in the field of sustainable development in the pasturing area. In the paper, the ecological footprint was taken as the index of environmental impact, and a series of index like population quality, prosperous, using intensity, livelihood tactics are considered as the main human factors. Using the STIRPAT model and temporal series data from 1980 to 2007, the author analyzes the effects of the human driving forces of environmental impact.
The ecological footprint method presents a simple framework for national natural capital accounting, and it has been used as a comprehensive index of human activity impact, which indirectly reflect human activity’s pressure on the environment. Our analyses showed that the ecological footprint increased from 238736.9 to 877716.1 ha and per capital ecological footprint also increased from 0.854 to 1.961 ha/per during 1980–2007 in Gannan pasturing area. However, in the meantime, the ecological footprint intensity was inclined from 25.396 to 3.025 ha/ten thousand yuan.
With a view of dismantling the human driving forces of ecological footprint, the modified IPAT-called STIRPAT has been employed as a common analytic framework. Our analyses showed that population quantity and using intensity was a major driver of ecological footprint, their coefficients were greater than 1.0 in model (1); In addition, promoting the prosperous lever and the primary industry proportion, the impact of environment will be increased, but their coefficients are less than 1.0 in model (1). At the same time, the technological eco-efficiency of sample regions was discussed in details, the range ability of the technological eco-efficiency was wider, and 15 years went beyond the average level, but the other was less than the average level. Another important finding in the empirical study is that there are some evidences of an environmental Kuznets curve for ecological footprint within the range of calculated data. Some potential improvements in some further researches and suggestions to alleviate the environment pressure, and it is put forward in the last section.  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林郭勒牧区发酵乳制品抗生素抗性基因多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究锡林郭勒牧区发酵乳制品中的常见抗生素抗性基因丰度,揭示抗生素在当地的使用情况以及抗性基因对当地生态环境的污染程度,为后续探索环境中抗生素抗性基因来源、传播和扩散机制提供一定的数据基础。【方法】应用荧光定量PCR技术(q-PCR)对采集自内蒙古锡林郭勒牧区的6份传统发酵酸牛乳和5份酸马乳中的抗生素抗性基因进行绝对定量分析。【结果】22种常见抗性基因均有检出,绝对含量范围在(1.028±0.338)-(8.648±0.087)lg(copies/m L)之间。通过对比酸牛乳和酸马乳样品发现,前者红霉素类(erm B)、链霉素类(str A、str B)、万古霉素类(gyr A)、四环素类(tet O)、氟喹诺酮类(yidy)、氯霉素类(cat)抗性基因丰度显著高于后者(P0.05),其余15种常见抗性基因丰度在两组样品之间无显著差异。【结论】发酵乳制品可能是潜在的抗性基因储存库,有必要对上市的发酵乳制品从表型和基因水平进行抗生素抗性分析。  相似文献   

多伦县土壤营养元素有效态含量的影响因素研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在对该区土壤进行全面调查、分析、评价的基础上,对影响土壤中元素有效态含量的因素如土壤类型、地貌类型、土地利用类型,以及砂化等进行讨论。结果表明,这些因素均影响到元素有效态含量。过度开垦和放牧是造成土壤沙化和肥力下降的主要原因。研究认为全理利用土地资源,实行退耕还草、还林、改善生态,以控制沙化和优化农、林、牧结构比,并结合配方施肥。则是提高粮食、牧草单产及经济效益的关键。  相似文献   

Alpine transhumance or droving livestock to mountainous areas during summer months is highly relevant for Austrian agriculture but also for other countries in Alpine regions. Access of rearing stock to mountain pastures is often claimed to be beneficial with respect to health and longevity, but the robust evidence is scarce. Therefore, its effect was tested by including it in the routine genetic evaluation data set for longevity. Alpine transhumance records from 2004 to 2013 were used. After several plausibility checks and restriction to animals with sire and dam known, records of 871 287 dual-purpose Fleckvieh cows sired by 9953 bulls were available. Data were analysed by means of survival analysis accounting for the time-dependent fixed effects of region-year-season, relative performance within herd, change of herd size, and Alpine pasturing of cows, the fixed effects age at first calving and Alpine pasturing of rearing stock, the random time-dependent effect of herd-year and the random genetic effects of sire and maternal grandsire. Fleckvieh cows that had access to Alpine pasture during their rearing period at least once for a minimum of 60 days had functional longevity that was nearly 2 months prolonged compared with cows that had always stayed on the farms as calves or heifers. In a more detailed analysis, the lowest relative culling risk among the significant estimates was observed for cows that had been Alpine pastured in years 1 and 3; it was about 15% below that of cows that never had access to mountain grazing. Evidence for the beneficial effect of Alpine pasturing of rearing stock on the animals’ later fitness, indicated by longevity, could thus be provided.  相似文献   

滁州地区杀虫植物资源调查初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用杀虫植物做成多种农药,有药效和肥效,但无残毒和药害又无污染,对防治农作物蔬菜害虫有良好效应,充分利用皇甫山,凤阳地区植物资源丰富的优势,全面调查杀虫植物资源。  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of the external nuclei of the pretectal area was studied in four species of the sturgeons: great sturgeon, Huso huso L., Kura sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, stellate sturgeon, Ac. stellatus Pall. and barbel sturgeon, Ac. nudiventris Lov. Study of morphological organization of the structures was carried out using routine Nissl staining and Bilschowski impregnation technique in Viktorov’s modification. Similar structure of this pretectal area was found in the species. Five nuclear formations were described in this pretectal area: parvocellular and magnocellular external pretectal nuclei, laminiform nucleus of pretectum, dorsal pretectal nucleus, and the accessory optic nucleus. Comparison of the obtained data with the literature revealed a high level of differentiation of the area of pretectum in the sturgeons. Also, a general conclusion is given on the organization of the whole pretectal area in the sturgeons.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of periventricular and central nuclei of the pretectal area was studied in four species of the sturgeons: the great sturgeon Huso huso, L., the Russian sturgeon Acipenser gъldenst?dti persicus n. kurensis, Belyaeff, the starred sturgeon Ac. stellatus, Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris, Lov.; this pretectum part has a similar structure. Study of these parts of the pretectal area was carried out by methods of Nissl and Bielshowskii modified by Viktorov. In this part of the pretectal area, nine nuclear structures were described, eight of them—nuclear; these are ventral periventricular pretectal nucleus and its dorsal component, dorsal periventricular pretectal nucleus, nucleus of medial longitudinal bundle, subcomissural organ, medial and lateral intercalate nuclei, and central and posterior pretectal nuclei. The main attention has been paid to the issue of the evolutional progression of this part of the pretectal area in the sturgeons as compared with other Actinopterygii.  相似文献   

The compulsory dispute settlement regime included in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention is recognized as one of the most comprehensive in a modern international convention. Yet, in the recent application of this regime, the question has arisen as to whether the procedural prerequisites associated with the LOS Convention's compulsory dispute settlement mechanism are so arduous as to avoid binding and compulsory jurisdiction in most instances. This article addresses that question by examining, in particular, the reasoning of the Southern Bluefin Tuna arbitration tribunal, which found Article 281 of Section 1 of the LOS Convention to bar jurisdiction to the compulsory dispute settlement mechanism prescribed by the Convention, and offers suggestions as to how states might distinguish or overcome the barriers imposed by the Southern Bluefin Tuna tribunal in future cases.  相似文献   

深圳市景观生态安全格局源地综合识别   总被引:63,自引:30,他引:33  
吴健生  张理卿  彭建  冯喆  刘洪萌  赫胜彬 《生态学报》2013,33(13):4125-4133
城市生态安全格局是景观生态学研究的热点和重点之一,识别源地是构建生态安全格局的首要环节.在总结已有研究中重要斑块识别方法的基础上,提出了结合景观连通性分析、生物多样性服务评估和生境质量评估来提取重要斑块的方法.以深圳市为研究区,采用基于图论的景观连通性指数、生物多样性服务当量、InVEST模型生境质量评估模块和GIS技术相结合的方法识别生态用地重要斑块.结果表明:深圳市生态斑块依照连通性、生物多样性和生境质量的综合评估分为五级,其中最重要斑块主要分布在龙岗区、盐田区和罗湖区;现行基本生态控制线政策可以保护大部分重要斑块.  相似文献   

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