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不同灌溉方式对玉米根毛生长发育的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在盆栽条件下,采用分根装置,在光学显微镜和电子显微镜下对均匀灌水、固定部分根区灌水和根系分区交替灌水3种方式下各1/2根区的根毛发育状况进行观察并采样照相,研究不同根区根毛的生长发育特征.结果表明:处理40 d时,固定部分根区灌水条件下,非灌水区的根毛有明显退化脱落现象,退化区所占比例为20.96%,明显大于其他根区;灌水区的根系发黄,有腐烂斑,且根分枝有退化现象,根毛密集区的密集程度不如非灌水区,但根毛退化区所占比例小(15.72%),退化程度轻.均匀灌水根系的根毛发育状况与固定灌水的灌水区类似.交替灌水条件下,先灌水区和后灌水区根毛密集区的密集程度均较高,根毛退化脱落区分别占9.77%和10.38%,明显小于均匀灌水和固定灌水.说明采用交替灌水方式可促进根系根毛的生长发育,而持续湿润或干燥不利于根系根毛的生长发育.  相似文献   

采用固定滴灌(根区一侧固定供水)、控制性分根区交替滴灌(根区两侧交替供水)和常规滴灌(紧贴幼树基部供水)3种灌水方式和3种灌水定额(固定滴灌和交替滴灌均为10、20和30 mm,常规滴灌为20、30和40 mm),对比研究了控制性分根区交替滴灌对苹果幼树形态特征与根系水分传导的影响.结果表明:交替滴灌的根区两侧土壤出现反复干湿交替过程,常规滴灌的根区两侧土壤含水率差异不显著.在灌水定额相同时,灌水侧的土壤含水率在3种灌水方式间差异不显著.与常规滴灌和固定滴灌相比,交替滴灌显著增加了苹果幼树的根冠比、壮苗指数和根系水分传导,在30 mm灌水定额处理下,交替滴灌的根冠比分别增加31.6%和47.1%,壮苗指数增加34.2%和53.6%,根系水分传导增加9.0%和11.0%.3种灌水方式下,根干质量和叶面积均与根系水分传导呈显著线性正相关.控制性分根区交替滴灌增强了苹果幼树根系水分传导的补偿效应,促进了根系对水分的吸收利用,有利于干物质向各个器官均衡分配,显著提高了根冠比和壮苗指数.  相似文献   

采用固定滴灌(根区一侧固定供水)、控制性分根区交替滴灌(根区两侧交替供水)和常规滴灌(紧贴幼树基部供水)3种灌水方式和3种灌水定额(固定滴灌和交替滴灌均为10、20和30 mm,常规滴灌为20、30和40 mm),对比研究了控制性分根区交替滴灌对苹果幼树形态特征与根系水分传导的影响.结果表明: 交替滴灌的根区两侧土壤出现反复干湿交替过程,常规滴灌的根区两侧土壤含水率差异不显著.在灌水定额相同时,灌水侧的土壤含水率在3种灌水方式间差异不显著.与常规滴灌和固定滴灌相比,交替滴灌显著增加了苹果幼树的根冠比、壮苗指数和根系水分传导,在30 mm灌水定额处理下,交替滴灌的根冠比分别增加31.6%和47.1%,壮苗指数增加34.2%和53.6%,根系水分传导增加9.0%和11.0%.3种灌水方式下,根干质量和叶面积均与根系水分传导呈显著线性正相关.控制性分根区交替滴灌增强了苹果幼树根系水分传导的补偿效应,促进了根系对水分的吸收利用,有利于干物质向各个器官均衡分配,显著提高了根冠比和壮苗指数.  相似文献   

水肥异区交替灌溉对夏玉米生理指标的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以夏玉米品种‘户单4号'为材料,通过防雨棚内微区试验研究了两种灌水量(450 m~3/hm~2和900 m~3/hm~2)条件下水肥异区交替灌溉和均匀灌溉对夏玉米生长以及某些生理指标的影响.结果显示:(1)在节水50%的条件下,水肥异区交替灌溉与高灌水量均匀灌溉的夏玉米生物量、产量均无显著差异.(2)低灌水量时,水肥异区交替灌溉下的玉米根系伤流液、叶片可溶性蛋白含量、硝酸还原酶活性、光合速率、蒸腾速率等均高于均匀灌溉施肥处理,而植株全氮含量及叶片水分利用效率与均匀灌溉施肥的差异不显著.(3)高灌水量时,水肥异区交替灌溉处理除根系活力、光合速率以及蒸腾速率高于均匀灌溉处理外,其他指标均低于后者.研究表明,在低灌水量条件下,水肥异区交替灌溉能使夏玉米保持较高的根系活力和正常生理代谢,提高其叶片水分利用效率,从而达到了节水增产的目的.  相似文献   

分根区干湿交替对玉米光合速率及蒸腾效率的影响   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
以玉米为材料研究了分根区干湿交替对叶片光合速度及蒸腾效率的影响,结果发现控制1/2根区交替供水和固定1/2根区供水在减少用水量的同时,叶片蒸腾速度明显下降,而光合速度不明显,蒸腾效率提高;控制1/2根区交替供水比固定1/2根区供水在光合维持高水平稳定时所要求的土壤含水量低,其蒸腾效率较高。干湿交替能够增加根冠比、根干重和根九。证明控制性分根交灌溉可提高玉米腾效率达到节水的目的。  相似文献   

为了阐明根区交替控制灌溉(CRDAI)条件下玉米根系吸水规律,通过田间试验,在沟灌垄植模式下采用根区交替控制灌溉研究玉米根区不同点位(沟位、坡位和垄位)的根长密度(RLD)及根系吸水动态。研究表明,根区土壤水分的干湿交替引起玉米RLD的空间动态变化,在垄位两侧不对称分布,并存在层间差异;土壤水分和RLD是根区交替控制灌溉下根系吸水速率的主要限制因素。在同一土层,根系吸水贡献率以垄位最大,沟位最低;玉米营养生长阶段,10—30 cm土层的根系吸水速率最大;玉米生殖生长阶段,20—70 cm为根系吸水速率最大的土层,根系吸水贡献率为43.21%—55.48%。研究阐明了交替控制灌溉下根系吸水与土壤水分、RLD间相互作用的动态规律,对控制灌溉下水分调控机理研究具有理论意义。  相似文献   

 为了探讨不同滴灌方式和土壤盐分对苹果(Malus pumila)幼树生长和水分传导(简称水分传导K)的影响。采用3种滴灌方式(交替滴灌(ADI, 根区两侧交替灌水)、固定滴灌(FDI, 根区固定一侧灌水)和常规滴灌(CDI, 根区两侧均灌水))和4个NaCl浓度梯度(0 (CK)、0. 2% (S1)、0. 3% (S2)、0. 4% (S3))。结果表明: 滴灌方式和NaCl浓度对苹果幼树生长和水分传导有显著影响。在相同的滴灌处理下, 随着NaCl浓度的增大, 苹果幼树的干物质、叶面积和净生长量及水分传导均显著的下降。根系水分传导(Kr)与总根干重间, 冠层水分传导(Ksh)与冠层干重间均呈显著的线性相关关系。在相同的NaCl处理下, 与CDI处理相比, ADI处理节水达50%, 平均根系干重、冠层干重、总干重、叶面积、净生长量和Kr仅分别下降了8.7%、19.24%、13.47%、11.87%、32.96%和10.72%; 这说明ADI处理对果树的生长和Kr具有明显的促进作用。在高盐分S2和S3处理下, ADI处理的叶水分传导(Kl+p)分别降低了33.56%和44.26%, 但ADI处理的Kr反而高出了CDI达1.13%和10.91%, 说明ADI处理增强了苹果幼树根源水力信号的传输效率和调控苹果幼树体内水分平衡的能力及抗盐分胁迫能力。ADI处理的生长状况和Kr均高于FDI。采用ADI处理进行灌溉不仅提高了节水调控能力, 而且也增强了抗盐分胁迫能力。  相似文献   

以矮化红富士苹果幼苗为试验材料,采用交替滴灌(ADI)、固定滴灌(FDI)和常规滴灌(CDI)3种滴灌方式和3种灌水量对苹果幼苗的生理特性和水分利用效率进行了研究,以阐明根系分区交替灌溉下苹果幼苗生理特性和节水机理.结果表明:与CDI方式相比,当灌水定额由20 mm增大到30 mm时,ADI方式提高了苹果幼苗根干重、根系导水率、叶水势和净光合速率,降低了其蒸腾速率、棵间蒸发量和蒸散量,从而使得ADI方式下的叶片水分利用效率、总水分利用效率和灌溉水分利用效率较CDI方式大大提高;3种滴灌方式的根系导水率均存在显著的季节变化,并以8月份最大,12月份最小;与CDI方式相比, ADI和FDI方式在节水达33.3%时的平均根系导水率仅分别降低了5.81%和14.7%,但水分利用效率、灌溉水利用效率分别较CDI方式高出16.31%和14.48%、40.52%和27.65%.可见,局部根区灌溉方式能促进苹果幼苗生长和光合作用,并主要通过提高根系导水率的途径来提高水分利用效率.  相似文献   

钾局部供应对玉米根系生长和钾吸收速率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自制培养装置,在玉米种子根的局部根段供应含钾营养液。研究证明钾局部供应不影响地上部和总根系干物质的积累。试验开始后第10 天钾局部供应使供钾区的根系总长明显增加,这是由于二次侧根长度和数量的增加,但一次侧根生长增加不明显。试验开始第3 天起,钾供应区的钾吸收速率明显加快。因此,早期可能主要通过钾吸收速率的加快来补偿由于钾局部供应的不足,二次侧根长出以后,根系生长的增加可能部分补偿供钾的不足。14 C示踪试验表明,钾局部供应时,植株中的光合产物运向供钾根区的量多于无钾根区  相似文献   

玉米幼苗种子根局部供磷可明显改变根系的形态。供磷区侧根生长增加,无磷区侧极生长减少。供磷区1次、2次侧根长度与2次侧根数量明显增加;而1次侧根数量则不增加。供磷区缩小时,根系生长加快,单位根区磷吸收速率增加,但单位根重磷吸收速率的增加不很明显。磷局部供应植株主要通过供磷区根系的生长来增加磷的吸收,以满足植株对磷的需求。局部供磷植株中转运到供磷根区的光合产物明显多于无磷根区。  相似文献   

Effects of partial root-zone irrigation (PRI) on the hydraulic conductivity in the soil-root system (L(sr)) in different root zones were investigated using a pot experiment. Maize plants were raised in split-root containers and irrigated on both halves of the container (conventional irrigation, CI), on one side only (fixed PRI, FPRI), or alternately on one of two sides (alternate PRI, APRI). Results show that crop water consumption was significantly correlated with L(sr) in both the whole and irrigated root zones for all three irrigation methods but not with L(sr) in the non-irrigated root zone of FPRI. The total L(sr) in the irrigated root zone of two PRIs was increased by 49.0-92.0% compared with that in a half root zone of CI, suggesting that PRI has a significant compensatory effect of root water uptake. For CI, the contribution of L(sr) in a half root zone to L(sr) in the whole root zone was ~50%. For FPRI, the L(sr) in the irrigated root zone was close to that of the whole root zone. As for APRI, the L(sr) in the irrigated root zone was greater than that of the non-irrigated root zone. In comparison, the L(sr) in the non-irrigated root zone of APRI was much higher than that in the dried zone of FPRI. The L(sr) in both the whole and irrigated root zones was linearly correlated with soil moisture in the irrigated root zone for all three irrigation methods. For the two PRI treatments, total water uptake by plants was largely determined by the soil water in the irrigated root zone. Nevertheless, the non-irrigated root zone under APRI also contributed to part of the total crop water uptake, but the continuously non-irrigated root zone under FPRI gradually ceased to contribute to crop water uptake, suggesting that it is the APRI that can make use of all the root system for water uptake, resulting in higher water use efficiency.  相似文献   

刘水  李伏生 《生态学报》2014,34(18):5249-5256
由于作物需水随生育期的变化,分根区交替灌溉(AI)的节水效果也会随生育期而发生变化,探明不同生育期分根区交替灌溉对玉米生长和水分养分利用的影响,以期为分根区交替灌溉的实施和充分发挥其节水节肥效果奠定理论基础。通过盆栽试验,在2种灌水水平(正常灌水和轻度缺水)和2种有机无机氮比例(100%无机氮和70%无机氮+30%有机氮)下,以常规灌溉(CI)为对照,分别研究苗期—灌浆初期、苗期—拔节期以及拔节期—抽雄期进行AI对玉米干物质量、氮钾含量和吸收量以及土壤碱解氮和速效钾含量的影响。结果表明,在轻度缺水和有机无机氮肥配施下,与CI相比,拔节期—抽雄期分根区交替灌溉玉米地上部和总干物质量分别增加29.6%和27.4%,地上部和总N吸收量增加50.7%和50.4%。与单施无机氮肥相比,有机无机氮肥配施会在不同程度上增加地上部和总N吸收量,但是一般降低土壤碱解氮和速效钾含量,这说明在轻度缺水和有机无机N肥配施下,拔节期—抽雄期进行分根区交替灌溉提高玉米总干物质量和N吸收量。  相似文献   

Partial root-zone irrigation creates a dynamic heterogeneous distribution of soil moisture that may affect the numbers and activities of soil microorganisms. In this study, three irrigation methods, i.e. conventional irrigation (CI), alternate partial root-zone irrigation (APRI, alternate watering on both sides of the pot) and fixed partial root-zone irrigation (FPRI, fixed watering on one side of the pot), and three watering levels, i.e. well-watered, mild and severe water deficit, were applied on pot-grown maize. Numbers of soil microorganisms, plant height, stalk diameter, leaf area and biomass accumulation were monitored over the treatment period. A quadratic parabola relationship between the number of soil microorganisms and soil water content was found, indicating the number of soil microorganisms reached a peak at the mild soil water deficit condition, possibly due to better soil aeration. The peak number of soil microorganism was obtained when soil water content was 66, 79 and 75% of field capacity for CI, FPRI and APRI, respectively. Soil microorganisms were evenly distributed in both sides of APRI and their total numbers were always higher than those under other two irrigation methods for the same soil water content. The count of soil microorganisms in the dry root zone of FPRI was reduced by a lack of water. Maximum biomass accumulation was obtained under well watered condition but severe water deficit led to a 50% reduction in the CI treatment. Such reduction was much smaller under APRI and therefore the highest water use efficiency was obtained. Our results suggest that APRI maintained the best aeration and moisture condition in the soil and enhanced the activities of soil microorganisms, which might also have benefited the plant growth.  相似文献   

The objectives of this field experiment were to study the growth characteristics and yield potential of rice plants under non‐flooded irrigation in arid area. Non‐flooded treatments included drip irrigation with plastic mulching treatments (DIs), furrow irrigation with plastic mulching treatment (FIM) and furrow irrigation with non‐mulching treatment (FIN). Conventional flooded cultivation (F) was check treatment (CK). The four drip irrigation treatments differed in the amount of water applied before and after panicle initiation. Root length density, leaf dry weight, shoot dry weight and root activity were generally higher in the non‐flood‐irrigated treatments (especially the drip‐irrigated treatments) than in the flood‐irrigated treatment at mid‐tillering. However, the growth and development of rice plants were limited after jointing in the non‐flooded irrigation treatments. Increasing the root/shoot ratio and root length density in the 20–40 cm depth and decreasing specific root length at 0–20 cm soil layer were important mechanisms for helping the rice plants to adapt to the non‐flooded environmental stresses. Finally, the grain yield in the non‐flooded irrigation treatments was lower than that in the F treatment. These low yields were mainly attributed to the low root length density at 0–20 cm depth and root activity. Generally speaking, the restricted degrees in the DIs were smaller than that in the FIM and FIN treatments. Among the DIs, both the highest grain yield (8223–8900 kg ha?1) and the highest water use efficiency (WUE) (0.63) were observed when the soil water content was kept at ?30 kPa before panicle initiation and at ?15 kPa after panicle initiation (referred to as the DI2 treatment). The yield in the DI2 treatment was not significantly different than that in the flood‐irrigated treatment. However, WUE was 2.5 times higher in the DI2 treatment than in the F treatment. These results suggest that drip irrigation technology can be considered as a better water‐saving cultivation of rice plants in arid region.  相似文献   

为揭示部分根区灌溉与合理密植在棉花产量和水分生产率上的互作效应及其生理学机制,探索旱区节水灌溉植棉的新途径,在内蒙古自治区西部大田条件下,采用两因子试验设计研究了灌溉方式(常规灌溉、亏缺灌溉、部分根区灌溉)和种植密度(13.5万、18.0万、22.5万株·hm-2)对棉花生长发育、产量、水分生产率和相关生理指标的影响.结果表明: 灌溉方式和种植密度及其互作对棉花生物产量、籽棉产量、产量结构和收获指数有显著影响.常规灌溉条件下,提高密度能显著提高生物产量和单位面积铃数,但铃重和收获指数显著降低,高密度与中等密度下的经济产量相当,并显著高于低密度处理;部分根区灌溉可显著提高棉花叶片中脱落酸(ABA)含量,并显著降低吲哚乙酸(IAA)含量,促进同化物向生殖器官的分配,提高收获指数.随着种植密度的提高,部分根区灌溉下单位面积铃数增加、铃重基本不变,高密度较中、低密度籽棉分别增产6.7%和11.5%.高密度下,部分根区灌溉与常规灌溉的籽棉产量相当,霜前花率提高22.5%,节水30%,水分生产率提高49.3%.种植密度对主茎功能叶光合速率没有显著影响,灌溉方式对光合速率有显著影响,亏缺灌溉显著降低了主茎功能叶的光合速率,而部分根区灌溉的叶片光合速率与常规灌溉相当.部分根区灌溉灌水侧根系茉莉酸(JA)含量和水通道蛋白基因(PIP)表达量显著高于常规灌溉,表明部分根区灌溉下,JA作为信号分子参与了灌水侧根系水分吸收的调控,PIP基因上调表达,根系吸水能力增强,保障了地上部叶片的水分平衡,进而维持了较高的光合速率.部分根区灌溉配合适当密植(22.5万株·hm-2)是旱区节水植棉的重要技术途径.  相似文献   

隔沟交替灌溉条件下玉米根系形态性状及结构分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为揭示根系对土壤环境的适应机制,研究了隔沟交替灌溉条件下玉米根系形态性状及结构分布。以垄位和坡位的玉米根系为研究对象,利用Minirhizotrons法研究了根系(活/死根)的长度、直径、体积、表面积、根尖数和径级变化及其与土壤水分、土温和水分利用效率(WUE)的相关关系。结果表明,对于活根,在坡位非灌水区域复水后根系平均直径减小,而根系日均生长速率、单位面积土壤根系体积密度、根尖数和表面积均增大,并随灌水区域土壤水分的消退逐渐减小;对于死根,在坡位非灌水区域复水后根系日均死亡速率、根系体积密度、根尖数和表面积变化均减小,其中根系死亡速率和死根直径随土壤水分的消退逐渐降低,而死根体积密度、根尖数和表面积分布随土壤水分降低呈增大趋势;在垄位,根系形态分布趋势与坡位一致,除根系直径与与坡位比较接近外,其他根系形态值均小于坡位。将根系分成4个径级区间分析根系的形态特征,结果表明在根系长度和体积密度分布中以2.5-4.5 mm径级的根系所占比例最大,在根尖数和根系表面积分布中以0.0-2.5 mm径级的根系为主。通过显著性相关分析,死根直径、体积密度、活根表面积等根系形态与土壤含水率、土壤温度和WUE间均存在显著或极显著的正相关关系,部分根系形态指标(如根系的生长速率、活根体积密度)只与坡位土壤含水量、土壤温度具有明显的相关性,表明隔沟交替灌溉对坡位根系形态的调控作用比垄位显著。  相似文献   

Proper management of water and fertilizer placement in irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) has the potential to reduce nitrate leaching into the groundwater. Potential management practices tested in a two year field experiment included row or furrow fertilizer placement combined with every or alternate furrow irrigation. To understand how fertilizer availability to plants could be affected by these management practices, root growth and distribution in a Ulm clay loam soil were examined. Spring rains were greater than normal in both years providing adequate moisture for early root growth in both irrigated and non-irrigated furrows. As the non-irrigated furrow began to dry, root biomass increased as much as 126% compared with the irrigated furrow. The greatest increase was at lower depths, however, where moisture was still plentiful. When early season moisture was available, roots proliferated throughout the soil profile and quickly became available to take up fertilizer N in both irrigated and non-irrigated furrows. Root growth responded positively to fertilizer placement in the furrow in 1996 but not in 1995. Excessive N leaching in 1995 may have limited the response to fertilizer N.  相似文献   

Root growth and water uptake in winter wheat under deficit irrigation   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Root growth is critical for crops to use soil water under water-limited conditions. A field study was conducted to investigate the effect of available soil water on root and shoot growth, and root water uptake in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under deficit irrigation in a semi-arid environment. Treatments consisted of rainfed, deficit irrigation at different developmental stages, and adequate irrigation. The rainfed plots had the lowest shoot dry weight because available soil water decreased rapidly from booting to late grain filling. For the deficit-irrigation treatments, crops that received irrigation at jointing and booting had higher shoot dry weight than those that received irrigation at anthesis and middle grain filling. Rapid root growth occurred in both rainfed and irrigated crops from floral initiation to anthesis, and maximum rooting depth occurred by booting. Root length density and dry weight decreased after anthesis. From floral initiation to booting, root length density and growth rate were higher in rainfed than in irrigated crops. However, root length density and growth rate were lower in rainfed than in irrigated crops from booting to anthesis. As a result, the difference in root length density between rainfed and irrigated treatments was small during grain filling. The root growth and water use below 1.4 m were limited by a caliche (45% CaCO3) layer at about 1.4 m profile. The mean water uptake rate decreased as available soil water decreased. During grain filling, root water uptake was higher from the irrigated crops than from the rainfed. Irrigation from jointing to anthesis increased seasonal evapotranspiration, grain yield, harvest index and water-use efficiency based on yield (WUE), but did not affect water-use efficiency based on aboveground biomass. There was no significant difference in WUE among irrigation treatments except one-irrigation at middle grain filling. Due to a relatively deep root system in rainfed crops, the higher grain yield and WUE in irrigated crops compared to rainfed crops was not a result of rooting depth or root length density, but increased harvest index, and higher water uptake rate during grain filling.  相似文献   

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