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杨明  赵宝刚 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):73-75
 记述了采自我国四川省的蝇科秽蝇属一新种,冯氏秽蝇Coenosia fengi sp.nov.。新种 具有触角较短、雄蝇阳基后突较弱、肛尾叶和侧尾叶细长等特征,应隶属白角秽蝇种团(C oenosia albicornis\|group)。新种近似于分布在俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的Coenosia ora lis Schnalb,1915,但新种雄蝇侧颜较窄,仅为触角宽的2/5,中胫前背鬃1,后股后腹鬃 仅分布于基部2/3,后胫具2根长的前腹鬃,肛尾叶侧面观较宽等即可区别。模式标本保存于 沈阳师范学院生物系。  相似文献   

杨明  赵宝刚 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):73-75
记述了采自我国四川省的蝇科秽蝇属一新种,冯氏秽蝇Coenosia fengi sp.nov.。新种具有触角较短、雄蝇阳基后突较弱、肛尾叶和侧尾叶细长等特征,应隶属白角秽蝇种团(Coenosia albicornis-group)。新种近似于分布在俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的Coenosia oralis Schnalb,1915,但新种雄蝇侧颜较窄,仅为触角宽的2/5,中胫前背鬃1,后股后腹鬃仅分布于基部2/3,后胫具2根长的前腹鬃,肛尾叶侧面观较宽等即可区别。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院生物系。  相似文献   

本文记述采自云南省的秽蝇属四新种,即:①狭叶秽蝇C.angustiifolia sp.nov.,新种外形特征近似于欧洲的C.gracilis Stein,1916,但雄各胫节基部1/5黄色,中胫前背鬃1,后胫后背鬃2;雄肛尾叶和侧尾叶细长等与后者不同。②暗腹秽蝇C.obscuriabdominis sp.nov.,新种外形特征近似于长足秽蝇C.longipeda Wu et xue,1996,但新种胫节全黄色,前胫中位后鬃1,中股后腹鬃1;第一腹板裸;肛尾叶末端较尖等不同。③离叶秽蝇C.sparagmocerca sp.nov.,新种外形主要特征近似于C.oralis Schnabl,1915,但新种雄侧颜等于触角宽的1/2,髭角位于额角之后;前侧片鬃2;中股无前腹鬃,近中位具1根长的后腹鬃,中胫前背鬃1,后股近中位具1根短小的毛状后腹鬃,后胫后背鬃1;雄肛尾叶和侧尾叶短小等不同。④束秽蝇C.sponsasp.nov.,该新种近似于冯氏秽蝇C.fengi Yang et Zhao,2002,但新种额宽为头宽的0.42,侧颜为触角宽的4/5,口上片不突出,髭间距短于髭至眼缘间距;翅内鬃0+2;中股基部具2-3根长的后腹鬃,后股无明显后腹鬃,后胫前腹鬃1,跗节长于胫节;腹部无明显斑条;肛尾叶中部较宽等不同。模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

薛万琦  杨明  冯炎 《昆虫学报》2000,43(4):417-420
报道了采自我国四川省雅安的蝇科秽蝇属二新种,均具触角较短、雄蝇阳基后突较弱、肛尾叶和侧尾叶细长等特征,应隶属白角秽蝇种团(Coenosia albicornis group),模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院生物系。寡斑秽蝇Coenosia unpunctata新种,雄蝇下颚须黄色,腹部无斑条,第5腹板侧叶不宽大。鹰爪秽蝇Coenosia unguligentilis新种,间额棕色,触角和下颚须褐色,侧颜约为触角宽的1/2,盾片无纵条,中股无明显前腹鬃;雄肛尾叶后面观端半部变狭,侧尾叶末端向前方弯曲。  相似文献   

虎秽蝇种团隶属于双翅目蝇科的秽蝇属,全世界已记录有7种。通过对我国虎秽蝇种团进行整理,总结我国该种团共8种(亚种),编制了分种检索表,并对其中的l新种和2新亚种分别予以记述,即:(1)白瓣秽蝇,新种Coenosiaalbisquamasp.nov.,该新种近似c.breviaedeagusWu et Xue,1996,但间额黑色无粉被,侧颜宽约为触角第三节宽l/3(后为2/3),小盾片背面灰色,仅后端缘棕色,中股前腹鬃较短,近端后背鬃l,腹部侧斑近三角形等可相区别。(2)褐瘦弱秽绳,新亚种Coenosia attenuata brunneasubsp.nov.,本新亚种与其指名亚种瘦弱秽蝇C.attenuata Stein,1903,雄性尾器大体相同,但以下方面区别明显:额、颜、侧颜和颊的粉被为棕褐色(不为灰白色),额狭于头宽的l/3,额三角达额上方的l/3(不在下方l/3),触角和下颚须黑褐色(不为完全黄色);胸部粉被褐色(不为灰色),盾片具3黑条,分别在中鬃和背中鬃列上(指名亚种无),腋瓣淡棕色;各足的基节、转节、股节和胫节的基半部为黑褐色(不为黄色),后股具短小的前腹鬃列;腹部粉被均暗褐色(不为灰色)。(3)版纳秽蝇,新亚种Coenosia strtitpes bannaensis subsp.nov.,该新亚种与主要分布于古北区的指名亚种毛足秽蝇C.strigipes和Sten,1916区别在于:雄性和雌性的额三角前端达额中部,侧颜较狭;触角第三节完全黄色;各足股节较细,中、后股节腹面无细长毛,后足胫节较直,各足跗节约等于胫节长;第l 2合背板具1对侧斑,第一腹板裸等。模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

中国池蝇属(双翅目:蝇科)分种团研究及三新种记述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据池蝇属雄性成虫的额宽、上眶鬃及后背中鬃等特征,将中国池蝇属Limnophora R.-D.分为5个种团,即三角池蝇种团L.triangula-gr.、掠池蝇种团L.spoliata-gr.、斑板池蝇种团L.exigua-gr.、黑池蝇种团L.nigripesgr.和锐池蝇种团L.scrupulosa-gr.等。编制了池蝇属分种团检索表。记述了采自云南省蝇科池蝇属的三新种,即:①分布于云南中甸的长匙池蝇L.longispatula sp.nov.,该种隶属于掠池蝇种团L.spspoliata-gr.,近似于该种团的净池蝇L.purgata Xue,1992,但新种雄额宽约为头宽的1/9(大于或等于后方单眼外缘间距),侧额、侧颜、下侧颜及颊具棕灰色粉被,胸具浓密的棕褐色粉被,腋瓣棕色,肛尾叶后面观其端部较平滑,侧尾叶端部长匙状,第五腹板侧叶侧面观端部较尖等不同。而后雄额宽约为头宽的1/15,侧额、侧颜具银白色粉被,胸部粉被灰色,腋瓣淡黄色,肛尾叶后面观外缘波曲,侧尾叶端部圆匙状,第五腹板侧面观其端部较圆。②分布于云南玉龙雪山的玉龙雪山池蝇L.yulongxueshanna sp.nov.,该种隶属于三角池蝇种团L.triangula-gr.,近似于银额池蝇L.argentifrons Shinonaga et Kano,1977 ,但新种雄额宽为头宽的4/7,复眼裸,下眶鬃3,腋瓣淡黄色,腹部第四背板的前缘,而后雄额宽度为0.45,复眼具微毛,下眶鬃2,腋瓣白色,腹部第四背板的斑不达前缘等不同。③分布于云南高黎贡山的云南池蝇L.yunnanensis sp.nov.,该种隶属于掠池蝇种团L.spoliata-gr.,近似于硫球池蝇L.ryukysensis Shinonaga et Kano.1977,可据下列特征与后相区别:新种额宽约等于后单眼外缘间距,翅内鬃0 2,R4 5脉背面小刚毛列超过r-m横脉,第1 2合背板后缘具一对不明显的黑斑。模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

本文记述采自贵州省梵净山的蝇科秽属二新种 ,模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。短跗秽蝇Coenosiabrevimanasp .nov .近似CoenosialongipedaWuetXue ,1 996 ,但与后者有如下不同 :两个翅内鬃 ;跗节均明显短于胫节 ;腹部背面观呈阔卵形 ;第五腹板具密集的长毛。梵净秽蝇Coenosiafanjingensissp .nov .相似于CoenosiataibaishannaCuietWang,1 996 ,可据下列特征与后者相区别 :额三角几乎达额前缘 ;两个翅内鬃 ;前股大部黑色 ;后胫中部无明显的后背鬃 ;腹部具两对侧斑。  相似文献   

本文记述采自吉林和辽宁的秽蝇属4新种。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院生物系。薛氏秽蝇Coenosia xuei sp.nov.雄性尾器近似Coenosia apukaensis Henning 1961,但间额具明显的淡灰色粉被;中、后股节仅端部1/4背面黑褐色;中、后胫节各具1后背鬃。锥秽蝇Coenosia conica sp.nov.近似Coenosia hispaniensis Henning 1961,但至少具3对较强下的眶鬃;盾片背面粉被呈棕黄色;股节均为黄色;背面观腹部呈锥形。黑额秽蝇Coenosia nigrifrons sp.nov.近似Coenasia manschurica Henning 1961,但额高约为复眼高的1/4;盾片具明显的纵条;后胫呈棕色;中胫具前背鬃:后股具完整的后腹鬃列。脊秽蝇Coenosia carinata sp.nov.雄性尾器近似Coenosia baicalensis(Schnabl 1926),但盾片具灰色粉被;翅无棕色,基半部不狭;中股仅具1亚端位后鬃。  相似文献   

四川白角秽蝇种团二新种(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道采自四川省西部山区的蝇科秽蝇属2新种,定名为歪叶秽蝇Coenosia ansymmetrocerca Xue et Feng,sp.nov.和暗翅秽蝇Coenosia obscuripennis Xue et Feng,sp nov.,它们共同特征是雄肛尾叶和侧尾叶细长,侧尾叶端部向后方弯曲,阳基后突很小,呈退化状,触角较短等,隶属于白角秽蝇种团C.albicornis-group。模式标本保  相似文献   

云南省花蝇科二新种(双翅目:花蝇科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
薛万琦 《动物学研究》2001,22(4):306-309
记述采自云南省花蝇科2新种,即:(1)分布于云南省禄劝的黑腹地种蝇Delia nigriabdomi-nis sp.nov.,(2)颁上于云南泸水片马的匙叶蕨蝇Chirosia fortipispatula sp.nov.。前者雄性尾器近似梯叶地种蝇Delia quadrilateralis Fan et Zhong,1982,但新种雄性侧额邻接,下眶鬃10对,芒短羽状,口前缘稍突出于额前缘;盾片具5个黑条,肩后鬃 2,腹侧片鬃0 2;前缘刺缺如,平衡棒和腋瓣褐色;胫节褐色,跗节暗褐色,前胫后背鬃5-6根,3根后鬃和2根后腹鬃;腹部各背板呈煤黑色;肛尾叶端半部两侧具很长的鬃毛等不同,匙叶蕨蝇近似于黑足蕨蝇Chirosia nigripes Bezzi,1895,但新种雄性额宽,接近头宽的一半,为触角第3节长的2倍,间额黑色,为一侧额宽的4倍;上眶鬃3对;芒毛稍长;后头背区具毛;前缘刺长大;肩后鬃1 0;后股中部具2根前腹鬃;后胫后腹鬃1-2;腹部细长,呈棒状;第5腹板形状不同,雄性侧尾叶侧面观末端成圆形,后面观基部内侧有突起,模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

薛万琦  冯炎 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):86-87
报告了采自四川省二郎山的棘蝇属(Phaonia Robineau Desvoidy,1830)一新种和辽宁东部山区一新纪录种。新种命名为片尾棘蝇P.lamellicauda sp.nov.,应隶属于尖嘴棘蝇种团P.oxystomagroup,其种团特征是髭角位于额角之前;前中鬃强壮,后背中鬃3,小盾不带黄色,背侧片、前胸基腹片和后气门前肋裸;各足胫节、中股和后股黄色,中胫无后腹鬃,后胫无端位后腹鬃。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   


1. 1. A new and simple device for measurements of thermal conductivity of fur and blubber is described.

2. 2. The device measures temperature differences across the sample and across a polyethylene plate with known conductivity which is placed in series with the sample.

3. 3. The conductivity of the polyethylene was determined from the steady state temperature difference and heat flux through the wall of a polyethylene pipe with a central heat source.

4. 4. The accuracy of the device is ±4.0%.

5. 5. The thermal conductivity of harp seal (Phoca groenlandica) and minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber, as determined by use of this device, is very close to previously reported values.

Author Keywords: Seal; whale; thermoregulation; energetics; thermal conductivity; blubber; fur  相似文献   

A specific method is presented for the assay of leucine-enkephalin (Leu-Enk) and its metabolites by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on a μBondapak C15 column with a mobile phase of methanol—water and 0.005M tetrabutylammonium phosphate. The four substances are resolved by a linear program from 8 to 70% methanol in 25 min. Detection is achieved by monitoring the absorbance at 280 nm. Time of analysis can be reduced by means of a new high-speed liquid chromatography package.

This method allows the study of the effect of Phe-Ala on the cerebral metabolism of Leu-Enk. For this purpose, membrane preparations from rat striatum were incubated in the presence of [3H]Leu-Enk with different concentrations of Phe-Ala from 10−7 to 10−3M during 1 h at 37°C. Collected eluates were counted by liquid scintillation. The results suggest the presence of three membrane enzymes which generate the three metabolites, Tyr, Tyr-Gly-Gly and Tyr-Gly, in order of abundance. Maximum inhibition of [3H]Leu-Enk degradation is obtained at a concentration of 10−3M Phe-Ala.  相似文献   

Two new multi-cobalt-containing polyoxotungstates K4Na6Co2(H2O)12{Co(H2O)4[Co2(H2O)10Co4(H2O)2(B--SiW9O34)2]2} · 40H2O (1) and K10Na2[Co4(H2O)2(GeW9O34)2] · 20H2O (2) have been obtained by the routine synthetic reactions in aqueous solution. The polyoxoanion framework of 1 consists of two sandwich-type polyoxoanions [Co4(H2O)2(B--SiW9O34)2]12− connected together by a [CoO2(H2O)4] cluster to constitute the sandwich dimer, and then, four isolated Co(H2O)5 cations coordinate to the dimer through four μ2-O atoms. The polyoxoanion 2 is isomorphic to the sandwich-type polyoxoanion [Co4(H2O)2(B--SiW9O34)2]12− in 1. The magnetic property of compound 1 has been studied by measuring its magnetic susceptibility in the temperature range 2.0–300.0 K, indicating the existence of intramolecular ferromagnetic Co–Co interactions, and, the electrochemical properties of 1 and 2 are detected in the pH 4 buffer solution.  相似文献   

CGS 20267 is a new non-steroidal compound which potently inhibits aromatase in vitro (IC50 of 11.5 nM) and in vivo (ED50 of 1–3 μg/kg p.o.). CGS 20267 maximally inhibits estradiol production in vitro in LH-stimulated hamster ovarian tissue at 0.1 μM with an IC50 of 0.02 μM and does not significantly affect progesterone production up to 350 μM. In ACTH-stimulated rat adrenal tissue in vitro, aldosterone production was inhibited with an IC50 of 210 μM (10,000 times higher than the IC50 for estradiol production); no significant effect on corticosterone production was seen at 350 μM. In vivo, in ACTH-treated rats, CGS 20267 does not affect plasma levels of corticosterone or aldosterone at a dose of 4 mg/kg p.o. (1000 times higher than the ED50 for aromatase inhibition in vivo). In adult female rats, a 14-day treatment with 1 mg/kg p.o. daily, completely interrupts ovarian cyclicity and suppresses uterine weight to that seen 14 days after ovariectomy. In adult female rats bearing estrogen-dependent DMBA-induced mammary tumors, 0.1 mg/kg p.o. given daily for 42 days caused almost complete regression of tumors present at the start of treatment. Thus compared to each other, CGS 16949A and CGS 20267 are both highly potent in inhibiting estrogen biosynthesis in vitro and in vivo. The striking difference between them is that unlike CGS 16949A, CGS 20267 does not affect adrenal steroidogenesis in vitro or in vivo, at concentrations and doses several orders of magnitude higher than those required to inhibit estrogen biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The synthesis and a preliminary biological characterization of a new class of N-benzyl-aminoalcohols which have serotonin (5-HT2) and dopamine (D2) receptor affinity is described. In vitro competition binding studies were conducted with the new molecules and 3H-spiperone on crude membrane preparation from rat striatum and frontal cortex. One of these compounds, 3-benzylamino-1-(4-fluoro-2-iodophenyl)-propan-1-ol (6f), whose IC50 values are in the micromolar range for both the D2 and 5-HT2 receptors, was prepared in iodine-125 labelled form (6i) by nucleophilic substitution of the bromine atom of 3-benzylamino-1-(2-bromo-4-fluorophenyl)-propan-1-ol (6d). In the in vivo studies, conducted on rats, the radiolabelled molecule 6i shows a good capacity to cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB) with a mean value of first pass cerebral extraction (E) of ca. 50% when the regional cerebral blood flow, measured with microsphere technique, is in the experimental animal's physiologic range (0.8–1 mL/min/g). A preliminary in vitro autoradiographic distribution on coronal rat brain slices of the radioiodinated molecule showed that it was preferentially localized in the striatum and in the cerebral regions rich in dopamine- and serotonin receptors, even if a high non-specific binding was observed.  相似文献   

2006 年至2009 年,在四川西南地区开展小型兽类区系调查时,在普格县、美姑县、泸定县、九龙县采获了11 号鼩鼹类标本。其外形和头骨形态与其他鼩鼹类一致,但牙齿数量和齿式与已知鼩鼹类不同。这批标本上、下颌牙齿均为9 枚,齿式为i2/2,c1 /1,pm3 /3,m3 /3 =36,与少齿鼩鼹上颌9 枚、下颌8 枚(齿式:i2 /1,c1/1,pm3 /3,m3 /3 =34)不同,也不同于长吻鼩鼹与贡山鼩鼹(齿式:i2 /1,c1 /1,pm4/4,m3 /3 = 38)及峨眉鼩鼹(齿式:i2/2,c1 /1,pm4 /3,m3 /3 = 38)上颌10 枚、下颌9 枚,而不能归类于现有任何已知鼩鼹类物种。通过线粒体细胞色素b 基因构建的系统发育关系显示未归类标本形成一单系群,且与峨眉鼩鼹关系最近,构成姊妹关系。为此,我们认为采自于四川普格县、美姑县、泸定县、九龙县的鼩鼹类标本为鼩鼹亚科一新物种。根据新种上、下颌牙齿数量相等命名为等齿鼩鼹(Uropsilus aequodonenia)。  相似文献   

Two new dicyanamide bridged 1D polynuclear copper(II) complexes [Cu(L1){μ1,5-N(CN)2}]n (1) [L1H = C6H5C(O)NHNC(CH3)C5H4N] and [Cu(L2){μ1,5-N(CN)2}]n (2) [L2H=C6H5C(O)CHC(CH3)NCH2CH2N(CH3)2] have been synthesised and structures of both the complexes and their crystal packing arrangements have been established by X-ray crystallography. For complex 1, a tridentate hydrazone ligand (L1H) obtained by the condensation of benzhydrazide and 2-acetylpyridine is used, whereas a tridentate Schiff base (L2H) derived from benzoylacetone and 2-dimethylaminoethylamine is employed for the preparation of complex 2. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurement studies indicate there are weak antiferromagnetic interactions with J values −0.10 and −1.41 cm−1 for 1 and 2, respectively.  相似文献   

A novel radioligand, 6-chloro-3-((2-( S )-azetidinyl)methoxy)-5-(2-fluoropyridin-4-yl)pyridine (NIDA522131), for imaging extrathalamic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) was characterized in vitro and in vivo using positron emission tomography. The Kd and T1/2 of dissociation of NIDA522131 binding measured at 37°C in vitro were 4.9 ± 0.4 pmol/L and 81 ± 5 min, respectively. The patterns of radioactivity distribution in monkey brain in vivo was similar to that of 2-[18F]fluoro-3-(2( S )-azetidinylmethoxy)pyridine (2FA), a radioligand that has been successfully used in humans, and matched the α4β2* nAChRs distribution. Comparison between [18F]NIDA522131 and 2FA demonstrated better in vivo binding properties of the new radioligand and substantially greater radioactivity accumulation in brain. Consistent with [18F]NIDA522131 elevated affinity for nAChRs and its increased lipophilicity, both, the total and non-displaceable distribution volumes were substantially higher than those of 2FA. Estimated binding potential values in different brain regions, characterizing the specificity of receptor binding, were 3–4 fold higher for [18F]NIDA522131 than those of 2FA. Pharmacological evaluation in mice demonstrated a toxicity that was comparable to 2FA and is in agreement with a 2300 fold higher affinity at α4β2* versus α3β4* nAChRs. These results suggest that [18F]NIDA522131 is a promising positron emission tomography radioligand for studying extrathalamic nAChR in humans.  相似文献   

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