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塔里木盆地北部早白垩世孢粉组合   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据建组部面和4个钻井剖面舒善河组孢粉化石的研究,建立5个孢粉组合,自老而新为Classopollis-Schizaeoisporites组合,Classopollis高含量组合,Classopollis-Dicheiropollis组合,Classopollis-Dicheiropollis-Lygodium-sporites组合和Dicheiropollis高含量组合。根据舒善河组的时代为早白  相似文献   

本文对新疆吐鲁番-哈密盆地3口石油探井中黄山街组、郝家沟组共108块样品进行了孢粉分析研究。自下而上建立了晚三叠世两个孢粉组合,即Aratrisporites-Alisporites组合和Os-mundacidites-Chordasporites组合,讨论了组合特征及其时代,并与国内外有关层位及化石群进行了分析比较;探讨了孢粉植物群所反映的古植被和古气候。  相似文献   

甘肃玉门旱峡早白垩世孢粉组合   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文研究了甘肃玉门旱峡沟口剖面下沟组,中沟组的孢粉化石,共鉴定孢粉37属53种;藻类化石2属2种。根据上孢粉化石建立了Cicatricosisporites-Schizaeoisporites-Classopollis-Jiaohepollis组合,包括下亚组合,包括下晋组合(下沟组)和上亚组合(中沟组)。鉴定组合地质时代为Hauteriv-ian-Barremian。推测气候属于温暖湿润的亚热带  相似文献   

中国晚三叠世孢粉植物群地理分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尚玉珂 《古生物学报》1998,37(4):427-445
我国晚三叠世孢粉化石十分丰富,经研究划分为南北两个孢粉植物群地理区,南方孢粉植物群自上而下由3个组合带构成:1)Micrhystrdium-Zebrasporites组合带,2)Aratrisporites-Taeniaesporites组合带,3)Kyrtomisporis-Ovalipollis组合带;北方孢粉植物群由2个组合带构成:1)Duplexisporites-Parataeniaes  相似文献   

本文对新疆吐鲁番-哈密盆地3口石油探井中黄山街组,郝家沟组共108块样品进行了孢粉分析研究。自下而上建立了晚三叠世两个孢粉组合,即Aratrisporites-Alisporites组合和Osmundacidites-Chordasporites组合,讨论了组合特征及其时代,并与国内外有关层位及化石群进行了分析比较;探讨了孢粉植物群所反映的古植被和古气候。  相似文献   

民和盆地早白垩世晚期的孢粉组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民和盆地的甘肃兰州柴家台地区,下白垩统河口组上亚组含有较丰富的孢粉化石。上亚组上部是以Schizaeoisporites-Cicatricosisporites为代表的孢粉组合,并可划分出上下两个亚组合,分别以Classopollis-Schizaeoisporites和Piceapollenites-Cicatricosisporites来表示。通过对主要孢粉属种地史分布规律的分析和与国内外各地同时代孢粉组合的对比,认为其地质时代是早白垩世晚期的Aptian-Albian 期,上部的第二亚组合可能更晚,为Albian 期;孢粉化石产出的这段地层是迄今民和盆地所发现的下白垩统最高的层位  相似文献   

宁夏中卫晚石炭世维斯发期孢粉组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了宁夏中卫下河沿上石炭统羊虎沟组孢子花粉化石55 属98 种,建立了两个孢粉组合带,即Laevigatosporites m edius-Cyclogranisporites aureus (MA)带和Torispora securis-Punc-tatisporiteshians(SH)带,其地质时代分别相当于维斯发A-B期和维斯发C-D期.根据孢粉植物群特征,结合古地磁证据,认为中卫维斯发期为温暖潮湿的热带-亚热带气候  相似文献   

广东省龙归盆地早第三纪孢粉   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文论述广东省龙归盆地下第三系心群一组和二组的化石孢粉组合。根据孢粉组合特征,划分出2个孢粉组合:Ulmipollenites-Pterisisporites组合和Quercoidites-Pentapollenites组合,后者又分为3个亚组合。它们所代表的地质时代,分别为晚古新世和早、中始新世,所反映的古气候为亚热带型和亚热带-热带型.  相似文献   

山西洪涛山地区早二叠世山西组孢子花粉组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西洪涛山地区山西组孢粉组合,共发现孢粉41个属106个种,其中包括5个新种。组合特征是蕨类植物孢子占优势,是孢粉总量的92.59%;裸子植物花粉含量很少,仅占6.96%。根据孢粉含量及其在垂直方向上的变化,本组合自下而上划分成2个组合带:Ⅰ.Laevigatosporites-Calamospora组合带;Ⅱ.Calamospora-Gulisporites组合带。  相似文献   

江苏句容深层早侏罗世孢粉植物群的发现   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文对在江苏句容钻井中发现的早侏罗世孢粉植物群进行了系统的分析研究,共获孢子花粉39属77种,组成以Chasmatosporites-Piceites-Podocarpidites-Quadraeulina为特征的孢粉组合。根据孢粉组合特征,认为其时代应归为早侏罗世晚期。对组中主要孢粉属种可能的母体植物的生长环境进行分析,推测江苏句容地区在早侏罗晚期为温带-亚热气候。  相似文献   

新疆吐哈盆地北缘黄山街组孢粉组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆鄯照壁山沟口和柯柯亚剖面黄山街组的孢粉化石,经研究,共有52属77种。命名为Dictyophylli-dites-Aratrisporites-Parataeniaesporites组合(简称DAP组合)。根据组合主要分子的已知时代分布、含量高低变化,以及与有关已知时代孢粉组合进行对比,鉴定其地质时代为晚三叠世早中期。根据孢粉组合恢复古植被,反映当时的气候为温暖潮湿的温带类型。  相似文献   

对四川盆地东北缘宣汉七里峡剖面须家河组进行了详细的孢粉学研究,发现丰富的孢粉化石,共计59属113种,其中包括蕨类植物孢子35属62种,裸子植物花粉22属47种,苔藓类植物孢子1属3种,以及藻类化石1属1种。据此建立一个孢粉组合,命名为Dictyophyllidites-Lunzisporites-Chasmatosporites组合(简称DLC组合),并进一步分为上、下两个亚组合。根据孢粉组合内一些重要分子的地质时代延限及与国内外有关孢粉组合的对比,提出其地质时代属于晚三叠世诺利期—瑞替期(Norian—Rhaetian)。该孢粉植物群反映了一个以蕨类植物的真蕨类、石松类和裸子植物的松柏类和苏铁类群等占主导且较为繁盛的植被面貌,揭示出温暖潮湿的亚热带—热带气候环境。  相似文献   

This paper is resulted from a systematic study of sporo-pollen of Ordos Basin of Northwest China has been found. Single spore assemblage in the Taiyuan Formation contains abundant Pteridophic and Pteridosperm spores and a few Gymnosperm pollen. 11 new species are described. New sporopollen taxa include, Punctatisporites gansuensis, Auritulinasporites ningxiaensis, Gulisporites discersus, Trivolites scabratus, Psomospora anulatus, Gravisporites rugu- laris, Velamisporites breviradidlis, Murospora strialatus, Foveomonoletes foveolatus, Cy- clogranisporites microtriagulus (comb. n.), Cycadopites pachyrrhachis (comb. n.) and Punatatisporites sp., Tantillus sp., Converrucosisporites sp., Columnisporites sp.. and Zono- spheridium reticulatoides and Z. granuloides of Acritarchs. There are some differences between spore assemblages of eastern and western parts of Ordos Basin. Western part is characteristic by more abundance of cingulum spores. The age of the microfossil is considered to be of the Late Carboniferous.  相似文献   

The micropaleoflora from the Middle Carbonate Rock Formation of Jiezha Group has been firstly studied in this paper. The abundance sporopollen and variform acritarch characterizing the formation contain 62 genera and 91 species, in which 20 gen. and 31 sp. belong to sporopollen, 42 gen and 60 sp. acritarch. Among them one is affinis, twelve conformis and five species, in addition, four species indeterminata. The sporopollen assemblage is consisted of the dominant gymnospermous pollen of 49.0% in the amount, spore 18.8% and acritarch 32.2%. In detail, the spore is mainly made from Punctatisporites, Apiculatisporis, Marattisporites, the pollen Pinaceae, Ovalipollis, Cycadopites and a few Chordasporites, Taeniaesporites, the acritarch Hystrichosphaeridium, Micrhystridiura, Favososphaeridium, besides Leiofusa Quadratimorpha, Scolecodonts, Taenitum, Lignum and so on. The geological time is middle upper Triassic. The Carbonate Rock Formation is composed of a suite of the epicontinental sedimentary strata being 1303 m thickness and formed in the stably olepositional enviroment. The region should, then, lie in the shore of Paleomediterranean sea or near the geosyncline round the Pacific. Based on the abundance gymnospermous spore fron Jiezha Group, the climate at that time should be humid torrid or subtorrid zone marine.  相似文献   

The sediments, overlain by the Middle Jurassic strata in the Wangjia-shan Basin, are a sequence of grey-green sandstones and mudstones and sum more than700 m. It was originally refered to Late Triassic in age. The palynomorph-bearingsamples were collected from the upper part of the sequence in a bore hole. Three sam-ples yielded a, bundant plant microfossils. The sporepollen assemblage consists of 63 species (types) and 51 genera, including 3 new species, namely, Cyclogranisporites callosus, Verrucosisporites wangjiashanensis and Longdongspora jingyuanensis. The component and constituent percentages of palynological assemblage are listedin Tab. 1, in which Pteridophytic spores hold predominant place (67.1%), Gymnospermous pollen reach 32.9%. Among the Pteridophytic spares Punctatisporites (8 forms)plays an important role in assemblage up to 32.3%, followed by Verrucosisporites, Calamospora, Duplexisporites and Apiculatisporis. Besides, Lundbladispora, Kraeuselis-porites and Aratrisporites are represented only by individual specimens. In Gymnospe-rmous pollen Disaccites hold 11.3%, Disaccite striatiti 13.1%, by amplification of Tae-niaesporites reaching 7.2%,others are Piceites, Protoconiferus and Parataeniaesporites.Angustisulcites and Chordasporites are a few in the assemblage. The present assemblage is quite different from the early and upper Triassic paly-nological assemblages of Shan-Gan-Ning Basin, (Qu Li-fan, 1980, 1982) but rather similar to that of the middle Triassic Tongchuan Formation. (Qu Li-fan, 1980; Liu Zhao-sheng et al, 1981) There are 33 genera and 18 species in common between the present assemblage and that of the Tongchuan Formation. Therefore, the present assemblage maybe assigned to the younger age of Middle Triassic. The bearingbed of the spore-pollen assemblage is called the Nanyinger Group. Thisgroup was compared originally with the Yanchang Group of Shan-Gan-Ning Basin, referring to Late Triassic. Based on present data, the Nanyinger Group may include se-diments of younger age of Middle Triassic.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirteen species of spores and pollens belonging to 58 genera were found from 66 core samples taken from two boreholes of the Early and Middle Jurassic deposits in the Qiquanhu coal-field of the Turpan Basin, Xinjiang have been investigated in this paper. Two of the species are described as new. Three sporo-pollen zones from lower to upper are described as follows: Sporo-pollen zone Ⅰ (equivalent bed: Badaowan Formation) . The pteridophytic spores are slightly more abundant than the gymnospermous pollen in this assemblage. The most abundant spores are Cyathidites minor, C. australis and Undulatisporites pflugii, U. taenus and so on. The second important fern spores are Osmundacidites, Lycopodiumsporites, Apiculatisporis and Duplexisporites. The most important gymnospermous genus is Cycadopites which ranks highest in the assemblage and includes C. nitidus and C. typicus.The other gymnospermous pollen include Classopollis, Pinuspollenites, Protoconiferus Piceites. Besides, there are a few pollen grains of Taeniaesporites and Chordasporites surviving from the Late Triassic in this assemblage. The present assemblage may be compared with the Early Jurassic sporopollen assemblage from the Daling Formation of the North-East Guangxi. Therefore, the Badaowan Formtion may be referred to Early Jurassic in age, probably Early Lias. Sporo-pollen zone Ⅱ (equivalent bed: Sangonghe Formation) In this assemblage the gymnosperms are predominant.Of them, Podocarpidites and Pinuspollenites increase obviously, and Quadraeculina and Protoconiferus are common. Few surviving elements are observed. The most abundant spores are those of Cyathidites, and the particularly abundant pollens are those of Cycadopites, This assemblage may be compared with the Late Lias sporo-pollen assemblage from the Fuxian Formation of the Northern Shangganning Basin. Therefore, the Sangonghe Formation should belong to Early Jurassic, probably Late Lias in age. Sporo-pollen zone Ⅲ (equivalent bed: Xishanyao Formation). The contents of the spores and pollens are almost equal in this assemblage. Cyathidites and Cycadopites are the most important spores and pollen. Osmundacidites and Quadraeculina are common. Neoraistrickia, Lycopodiumsporites and Eucommiidites troedssonii are present. Ancient striate bisaccate pollen disappears. The characteristics of this assemblage show some resemblances to those of the Middle Jurassic Yanan Formation in Chongxin county of Gansu province. So the Xishanyao Formation should belong to Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地晚石炭世孢粉组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了鄂尔多斯盆地晚石炭世太原组的孢粉组合,共计68属,148种(类型)。本文描述了其中的9个新种,2个新组合和4个未定种,并建立一个组合带,即 Pseudolyosporaradialis-Gulisporites discersus-Thymospora thiessenit。根据孢粉组合情况,可看出盆地东部更接近于华北,西部则发生区系上的变化。整个孢粉组合可与盆地北缘、华北地区的太原组以及欧美等地区的维斯法期 C-D 和斯蒂芬期的孢粉组合比较。地质时代当属晚石炭世。  相似文献   

辽宁义县金家沟义县组砖城子层孢粉组合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
辽宁义县金家沟义县组砖城子层的孢粉组合是以无肋双囊类花粉为主(占组合的70%左右),伴以少量Cicatricosisporites,Jugella,Ephedripites,Jiaohepollis等为特征,其基本面貌与北票黄半吉沟义县组尖山沟层的孢粉组合类似,时代同属早白垩世贝利亚斯期,反映温暖湿润的气候环境。  相似文献   

In this article a microflora discovered in the marine sediment of early Late Triassic at the North-West Sichuan Basin has been described. The samples studied were collected in 1974–1976 from Maantang Formation near Maantang Railway Station in Jiangyou Xian of Sichuan Sheng. Co existing with the microflora found abundant invertebrate fauna of Canic stage, such as Ammonites, matinc Bivalves, Foraminifera, Conodonts. This microflora is characterized by the peculiar zonate spores and numerous acritarchs, including 33 genera and 57 species, among which 4 genera and 20 species are new. The spores are characterized by the abundance of Dictyophyllidites, by the diminution of the zonate spores which are Corollisporites (gen. nov.), Bulbisporites (gen. nov.), Habrozonosporites (gen. nov.), and Compactisporites (gen. nov.), and by the presence of Marattisporites, Annulispora, Lycopodiaciditcs, Zebrasporitcs, Kraeuse- lisporites. The pollen grains are characterized by the abundance of Granosaccus, Verrusaccus Ricciisporites, Taeniaesporites, and by the presence of Ovalipollis, Luecki-sporitcs, Protohaploxypinus. The acritarchs are characterized by the abundance of Micrhystridium, by the diminution of Baltisphaeridium, Veryhachium, Lciopsopho-sphaera. Based on the assemblage feature shown in present microflora samples and associated occurrence of the marine invertebrate fauna (Protrachyceras sp., Buchites sp., Kumatrigonia sp., Halobia austriaca, H. rugosa, Aulotortus bronimanni, Trocholina acuta, Neogondolella polygnatiformis, etc.) the age of Maantang microflora may be considered as early Late Triassic.  相似文献   

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