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水稻对重金属元素的吸收与分配机理的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪以来, 随着工业的快速发展及人口的大幅度增加, 重金属在环境中快速地积累。水稻(Oryza sativa)作为我国最重要的粮食作物, 稻田重金属污染不仅导致水稻生长发育受阻, 产量下降, 更为严重的是重金属在水稻体内大量累积, 并通过食物链传递, 危害人的健康, 直接影响我国的粮食安全。本文就水稻对有毒重金属元素的吸收、运输和分配及其机理方面的最新研究进展进行综述, 同时对今后的研究提出看法。  相似文献   

有机物料对污染土壤上水稻生长和重金属吸收的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用盆栽试验,研究了施用有机碳源、菜籽饼和猪粪对污染土壤上水稻生长和重金属吸收特性的影响.结果表明:施用菜籽饼和猪粪均能缓解重金属对水稻的毒害作用,促进水稻生长,显著增加地上部生物量和籽粒产量,降低糙米中重金属浓度;而有机碳源抑制水稻生长.与施用化肥相比,施用菜籽饼和猪粪处理的水稻籽粒产量分别增加128.3%和67.9%;施用菜籽饼处理的糙米Cd、Cu和Zn浓度分别降低47.6%、35.2%和21.5%,施用猪粪处理分别降低9.5%、21.2%和9.3%.土壤中DTPA提取态重金属浓度与水稻地上部生物量和重金属积累总量呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

Zhao B  Shen LB  Cheng MM  Wang SF  Wu LH  Zhou SB  Luo YM 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2725-2731
采用黑龙江黑土、河南潮土和浙江水稻土等我国粮食主产区典型土壤开展盆栽试验,研究小麦/伴矿景天间作、水稻轮作模式下Zn、Cd超积累植物伴矿景天对当季小麦和后茬水稻生长及重金属吸收性的影响,探索粮食作物主产区污染土壤边生产边修复技术的可行性.结果表明:麦季间作伴矿景天,土壤硝酸钠提取态Zn、Cd浓度较小麦单作处理显著提高,间作处理下水稻土、潮土与黑土的提取态Zn较单作处理分别提高55%、32%和110%,水稻土与黑土提取态Cd较单作分别提高38%和110%,潮土的提取态Cd与对照处理没有差异.间作处理水稻土、潮土和黑土上小麦地上部重金属浓度是单作处理的1.1~1.9倍.麦季间作伴矿景天对后茬水稻生长及其地上部重金属吸收性无显著影响,虽然后茬水稻糙米中Cd含量仍高于0.2 mg·kg-1的“食品中污染物限量”标准,但种植过伴矿景天处理的水稻糙米重金属与前季单作小麦处理相比呈下降趋势.表明通过伴矿景天/小麦-水稻的间作和轮作种植模式,可吸取修复污染土壤中有害重金属,降低后茬水稻的食物链风险.  相似文献   

植物防御素调控水稻镉积累的新机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄新元  赵方杰 《植物学报》2018,53(4):451-455
镉是我国农产品的主要重金属污染物之一。随着我国土壤重金属污染问题日益突出,包括稻米在内的农产品重金属超标时常发生。如何防控重金属在作物可食部位的积累,在保证农产品安全的同时将农田重金属进行移除修复,已成为我国农业生产急需解决的问题。最近,中科院上海生命科学院植物生理生态所龚继明研究组和中国水稻所钱前研究组克隆到1个特异调控镉在水稻(Oryza sativa)叶片中积累的主效QTL基因CAL1。CAL1编码1个植物防御素类似蛋白,通过与镉进行螯合,将镉从维管束木质部薄壁细胞中分泌出来,进入木质部参与长距离转运,从而定向调控镉在水稻叶片等营养器官的积累而不影响籽粒镉的积累。该研究加深了人们对重金属镉在植物体内的转运和再分配机理的认识,同时也为培育秸秆镉高积累而籽粒镉含量达标的"修复型"水稻品种提供有价值的新基因。研究成果具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

采用贵州黄壤、石灰土和浙江水稻土,通过盆栽试验探讨了在3种土壤上施用含不同浓度重金属的污泥对小麦、水稻生长及锌(Zn)镉(Cd)吸收性的影响.结果表明:不同土壤施用同种污泥所产生的重金属污染风险不同,在黄壤和水稻土上施用高浓度重金属污泥对作物的污染风险较高.一次施用Zn、Cd浓度分别为1789、8.47 mg·kg-1的污泥1.6%,使黄壤小麦籽粒中Zn、Cd浓度分别达109、0.08 mg· kg-1;第二次施用后种植水稻,糙米中Zn、Cd浓度达52.0、0.54 mg·kg-1.而施用污泥后石灰性土壤的两种作物其可食部分均无重金属污染风险.土壤醋酸铵提取态Zn是影响麦粒和糙米中Zn浓度的主要因素,而土壤醋酸铵提取态Cd对麦粒和糙米中Cd浓度无明显影响.施用高浓度重金属污泥使3种土壤Zn、Cd全量显著提高,且两次施用后土壤全量Zn均超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准.  相似文献   

伴矿景天-水稻轮作及磷修复剂对水稻锌镐吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,将锌镉超积累植物伴矿景天与镉低积累水稻中香1号轮作种植于重金属污染土壤,并向土壤添加钙镁磷肥和磷矿粉,研究两种磷修复剂对伴矿景天和锡低积累水稻生长及地上部重金属积累性的影响.盆栽试验结果表明,在轻污染土壤上施用50g"kg-'磷矿粉时伴矿景天地上部的Zn,Cd吸收量分别达到每盆11.5和0.79 mg,效果好于施用4g·kg(-1)钙镁磷肥处理.在重金属污染土壤上种植伴矿景天使后茬水稻地上部Zn、Cd浓度上升,但钙镁磷肥的施用显著降低了水稻体内的Zn,Cd积累量.种植伴矿景天后添加钙镁磷肥稳定调控剂对土壤中水溶态及NH4 OAc提取态Zn、Cd的稳定效果明显优于磷矿粉,且在高污染土壤上效果更佳.田间试验结果显示,施用钙镁磷肥不仅可增加水稻产量,且可一定程度上降低水稻地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量.  相似文献   

太湖地区水稻土的健康质量问题及调控对策   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
从可持续生产安全、营养农产品角度 ,比较系统地阐述了土壤健康质量的概念和内涵 .同时根据土壤健康质量的概念 ,对太湖地区 13个省市级水稻丰产示范方及其灌溉河流淤泥进行了调查 .结果表明 ,太湖地区水稻土N、P含量相对较高 ,但引起面源污染的可能性较小 ,同样水稻土中的重金属含量基本上在环境背景值范围内 ,但点源污染不可忽视 .DDT和六六六的残留也在标准允许范围内 ,生命有益元素Se处于相对缺乏程度 .然而 ,由于乡镇企业的发展 ,三废的肆意排放 ,灌溉河流的富营养化及重金属污染极为严重 .部分河流淤泥中重金属Cu和Zn的含量分别高达 5 4和 7 2mg·kg-1.针对上述情况及发展趋势 ,提出了一些相应的主要控制措施 .  相似文献   

伴矿景天-水稻轮作及磷修复剂对水稻锌镉吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽试验,将锌镉超积累植物伴矿景天与镉低积累水稻中香1号轮作种植于重金属污染土壤,并向土壤添加钙镁磷肥和磷矿粉,研究两种磷修复剂对伴矿景天和镉低积累水稻生长及地上部重金属积累性的影响.盆栽试验结果表明,在轻污染土壤上施用50 g·kg-1磷矿粉时伴矿景天地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量分别达到每盆11.5 和0.79 mg,效果好于施用4 g·kg-1钙镁磷肥处理.在重金属污染土壤上种植伴矿景天使后茬水稻地上部Zn、Cd浓度上升,但钙镁磷肥的施用显著降低了水稻体内的Zn、Cd积累量.种植伴矿景天后添加钙镁磷肥稳定调控剂对土壤中水溶态及NH4OAc提取态Zn、Cd的稳定效果明显优于磷矿粉,且在高污染土壤上效果更佳.田间试验结果显示,施用钙镁磷肥不仅可增加水稻产量,且可一定程度上降低水稻地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量.  相似文献   

根际促生菌提高水稻对非生物胁迫耐受性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着极端气候的不断出现和环境污染的日益严重,水稻在种植过程中受到了多种非生物胁迫(如干旱、重金属和高盐等),导致生长受到抑制,产量降低。近些年,减缓胁迫影响的技术受到越来越多的关注,根际促生菌(PGPR)作为从根际土壤中筛选出的微生物,可有效降低非生物胁迫对水稻生长的影响。它们不仅能够通过自身的生理特性阻碍重金属迁移,减轻重金属对水稻的毒害作用,还能通过产1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸脱氨酶、嗜铁素、植物激素或固氮解磷解钾作用,使水稻在形态或生理等方面发生改变,从而提高对重金属、干旱、高盐等非生物胁迫的耐性,促进其生长。该文介绍了PGPR及其种类,并对非生物胁迫下PGPR提高水稻耐受性的研究进展进行总结,为进一步研究和利用PGPR缓解非生物胁迫对水稻的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻对土壤中镉的吸收及其调控措施   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
对土壤 水稻系统镉污染的影响和植物对重金属镉吸收的研究现状进行综述 ,系统阐述土壤受镉污染后水稻生长性状的变化以及水稻吸收的镉在各器官中的分配规律 ,同时分析水分控制、肥料施用和缓解镉污染的改良剂等农业管理措施对水稻吸收镉的影响  相似文献   

转基因水稻的生物安全性问题及其对策   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用DNA重组技术将外源基因导入栽培稻创造转基因水稻的方法为提高水稻产量、抗性和品质,解决日益增长的人口和粮食紧缺矛盾以及农业可持续发展开辟了一条崭新的途径。由于稻米在我国食物结构中的重要性和水稻起源的特殊地位,按照人类意志创造的转基因水稻可能对人类健康和生态环境造成不可预料的灾难,因此,转基因水稻安全性问题已成为人们关注的焦点。本回顾了转基因水稻的研究进展,分析了转基因水稻可能产生的食品安全隐患及其可能对栽培稻其它品种、野生稻和稻田杂草以及非靶生物造成的危害,从现代科学技术的正副效应出发,客观地分析了转基因水稻的利弊关系,并针对转基因水稻的潜在危害提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the levels of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in the environment and several important food sources grown and consumed in the vicinity of Dabaoshan mine in Southern China, and evaluate potential health risks among local residents. The Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations of arable soils and well water near the mines exceeded the quality standard values. The concentrations of Cd and Pb in some food crops (rice grain, vegetable and soybean) samples were significantly higher than the maximum permissible level. The Cd and Pb concentrations in half of the chicken and fish meat samples were higher than the national standard. The residents living near Dabaoshan mine had higher Cd and Pb levels in hair than those of a non-exposed population. The intake of rice was identified as a major contributor to the estimated daily intake of these metals by the residents. The hazard index values for adults and children were 10.25 and 11.11, respectively, with most of the estimated risks coming from the intake of home-grown rice and vegetables. This study highlights the importance of multiple pathways in studying health risk assessment of heavy metal exposure in China.  相似文献   

Major contribution (over 90 %) to the world’s rice production is coming from Asia, where metal contamination of agricultural lands is often reported. Thus the present paper reviews the sources and current status of heavy metal contamination of paddy lands in the region. Apart from the natural sources, agrochemicals, wastewater irrigation, sewage sludge application, livestock manures, mining and fly ash etc., could be identified as the key sources of metal contamination in Asia. Accumulation of heavy metals and metalloids (Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Fe, Zn, Co, Hg and As) in different parts of the rice plant (roots, straw, hull and grain) is reported at varying degrees. Rice grain accumulates the least amount of toxic metals compared to hull, straw and roots. Most importantly, a greater number of investigations confirmed that the metal contents in rice grains are within the permissible limits of Codex recommendations of joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Food Standards Programme and/or food regulations imposed by the respective governments. However, due to the fact that rice is a main route of human exposure to heavy metals, appropriate preventive and remedial measures should be enforced in the areas with potential risk of metal contamination.  相似文献   

海南稻田土壤硒与重金属的含量、分布及其安全性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采集了海南省18个市(县)代表性的稻田土壤耕作层(0—20cm)样品280个,研究了硒(Se)和5种有毒重金属元素(Hg、Cd、Cr、Pb和As)的含量、分布及其相关关系,并对Se和重金属的安全性进行评价,可为合理区划清洁且富Se稻田提供理论依据。结果表明:海南稻田土壤中Hg、Cd、Cr、Pb和As平均含量均低于国家土壤环境质量一级标准值和全国土壤背景值,以绿色食品产地环境技术条件限量标准为标准,用单项污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数法评价海南稻田土壤重金属的污染状况,结果都是清洁的。但以海南省土壤背景值做参比值,Hakanson潜在生态危害指数达到211.54,属于强生态危害,从潜在生态危害系数来看,Hg(102.61)和Cd(98.89)达到强生态危害,分别比海南省土壤背景值增加1.56和2.3倍,今后应注意控制Hg和Cd污染源。稻田土壤Se含量从痕量到1.532mg/kg之间,平均值为0.211mg/kg,占47.5%的稻田土壤Se含量处于中等及以上水平(>0.175mg/kg)。Se含量高的稻田土壤主要集中在东北部的海口及其周边的澄迈、定安、文昌和琼海,还有东南部的万宁和保亭。由于重金属平均含量还比较低,可暂时忽略重金属污染,故可在上述Se含量高的稻田土壤上种植富Se水稻。稻田土壤Se含量与Hg、Cd和As含量呈极显著或显著正相关,因此今后应加强研究稻田土壤Se与Hg、Cd和As的有效性及其相互作用,以便生产出绿色的富Se优质大米。  相似文献   

Human exposure to toxic heavy metals via dietary intake is of increasing concern. In this regard, the bioavailability of heavy metals in the soil–crop system is considered to be a key factor controlling plant uptake and, therefore, public health risk through food chain transfer [J. Environ. Sci. Health B 34(4) (1999) 681]. In 2002, a pot experiment was conducted to elucidate the relative significance of soil types and rice genotype on the bioavailability, uptake and partitioning of Cd by two rice cultivars with distinct affinity for Cd. The results indicated that the total uptake of Cd and accumulation in grain was dependent on both soil type and genotype effects. Cd spiking enhanced high Cd uptake and partitioning in grain. Inherent differences in soil type effecting Cd bioavailability were less significant under the Cd spiking regime as compared to non-Cd spiking. In the case of Soil-P, with low Cd bioavailability as indicated by the comparatively lower MgCl2 extractableCd, differences in metal affinity between genotypes dominated uptake. Conversely, inherent differences in soil type affecting Cd bioavailability dominated uptake in the low metal affinity cultivar treatments. Under the experimental conditions evaluated, the positive interaction between soil type and genotype results in elevated levels of Cd in rice grain with the Cd values exceeding the Chinese food guideline limit of 0.2 mg kg–1. The results indicated that Cd bioavailability and plant uptake is dependent on soil chemical and physical properties affecting Cd mobility, rice genotype and soil pollution status. The results further suggested that caution should be paid to rice production with the new high metal affinity genotypes on soils with inherent Cd bioavailability as with acidic Red Soils of Jiangxi Provinces, China.  相似文献   

In an attempt to know whether highly consumed food might contribute to metal exposure, we analyzed cadmium, lead, and mercury in 27 rice grain samples commonly consumed in Saudi Arabia by atomic absorption spectrometry after acid digestion. The mean concentrations and ranges of cadmium, lead, and mercury in tested rice samples were 20.261 (range <DL-178.026 μg/kg), 134.819 (range 23.1–1529.0 μg/kg), and 3.186 (range <DL-43.573 μg/kg), respectively. The results showed high concentrations of metals and in some cases exceeded the Provisional Tolerance Weekly Intake (PTWI) recommended by FAO/WHO. It was also noted that different rice grain samples had varying concentrations of these metals. Because the bulk of literature warns against the cumulative effects of prolonged heavy metal exposure, regular consumption of rice by local populations might pose potential health problems.  相似文献   

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