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牡丹冬季室内催花过程中内源激素含量的变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
牡丹品种朱砂垒(PaeoniasuffruticosaAndr.cv.Zhushalei)在冬季室内催花过程中7种内源激素含量变化不同。玉米素核苷(Z ZR)、生长素(IAA)和赤霉素(GA3)的含量在花生长发育过程中处于较高水平;而脱落酸(ABA)、异戊烯基腺苷(IP IPA)、二氢玉米素核苷(DHZ DHZR)、赤霉素(GA4)的含量低于上述3种内源激素。激素平衡方面,GAs/ABA、CTKs/ABA、IAA/ABA处于较高水平,变化幅度较大。在催花过程中,内源激素以及其平衡影响牡丹花的生长发育。本研究结果对牡丹花期调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

多效唑(PP333)对山葵根茎膨大和内源激素含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山葵植株经100 mg*L-1 PP333处理后,山葵根茎重显著增加,根茎中内源吲哚乙酸(IAA)和赤霉素(GAs)含量降低,玉米素核苷(ZR)和脱落酸(ABA)含量增加,ZR/IAA、ZR/GAs、ABA/IAA和ABA/GAs比值提高.  相似文献   

以玉米脱落酸(ABA)缺失突变体vp5及其野生型Vp5的叶片为材料,分别采用ABA、碘化钾(H2O2清除剂)、钨酸钠(ABA抑制剂)预先处理,对干旱+高温复合胁迫下玉米叶片小热休克蛋白(sHSPs)基因表达进行研究,以确定H2O2和ABA对干旱+高温复合胁迫诱导的玉米叶片sHSPs基因表达的影响。结果显示:(1)与对照和干旱相比,高温、干旱+高温复合胁迫显著诱导了sHSP16.9、sHSP17.2、sHSP17.4、sHSP17.5、sHSP22和sHSP26等6种sHSPs的表达。(2)H2O2清除剂KI和ABA抑制剂钨酸钠预处理,仅略微抑制高温、干旱+高温复合胁迫诱导的6种sHSPs表达。(3)与未用100μmol/L ABA预处理的vp5相比,100μmol/L ABA预处理仅略微提高了高温、干旱+高温复合胁迫诱导的6种sHSPs的表达水平。研究表明,在干旱+高温复合胁迫条件下H2O2和ABA参与了干旱+高温复合胁迫诱导的玉米叶片sHSPs表达,但并无显著影响,暗示了H2O2和ABA不是干旱+高温复合胁迫诱导sHSPs表达的重要调控因子。  相似文献   

在温室条件下,研究叔胺类活性物质DCPTA和DTA-6喷施处理后对大豆和玉米苗期叶片内源激素与氧自由基代谢的影响.实验结果表明:(1)DCPTA和DTA-6处理使玉米和大豆叶片IAA、GA和ZR含量增加,ABA含量降低,提高了叶片中IAA/ABA、GA/ABA、ZR/ABA之比.(2)DCPTA和DTA-6处理提高了玉米和大豆叶片SOD和POD活性,降低了MDA含量.(3)同一浓度DCPTA和DTA-6处理玉米和大豆后,叶片中IAA、GA、ZR的含量以及SOD、POD活性呈现先增后降的趋势,ABA的含量呈现一直上升的趋势,叶片中IAA、GA含量以及SOD、POD活性在第12天达到最大,叶片中ZR的含量在第9天达到最大.同一浓度DCPTA和DTA-6处理玉米和大豆后,MDA含量呈现先降后增的趋势,叶片中MDA含量在第12天最小.  相似文献   

以玉米根尖为材料,经匀浆,分级离心得到微粒体,用丙酮、Triton X-100分步抽提得到富含脱落酸(ABA)结合蛋白的粗制品,再过ABA-BSA-Sepharose 4B亲和层析柱,用7mol/L尿素解脱得到纯化的ABA结合蛋白。ELISA阻断试验结果表明,玉米根尖微粒体ABA结合蛋白粗制品能部分阻断抗体对ABA-OA的结合,而经亲和层析得到的ABA结合蛋白高浓度能完全阻断抗体对ABA-OA的结合反应。  相似文献   

白桦雌花发育过程中内源激素动态变化(简报)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定七年生白桦嫁接幼树雌花发育过程中脱落酸(ABA)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、玉米核苷素(ZR)及赤霉素(GA)的含量结果表明:ABA的含量先升后降,高浓度ZR分别与低浓度的IAA、GA协同作用可促进白桦雌花分化.  相似文献   

以"先玉335"和"鑫鑫2号"为试验材料,于花后25 d喷施噻苯隆和噻苯隆-乙烯利复配剂,清水为对照,探究噻苯隆-乙烯利复配对玉米籽粒灌浆后期灌浆特性的影响及其激素调控机理。结果表明:噻苯隆-乙烯利复配可以缩短籽粒灌浆快增期和缓增期的灌浆持续时间,提高灌浆平均速率和籽粒重量,显著增加春玉米灌浆后期籽粒中生长素(IAA)和赤霉素(GA)含量,降低脱落酸(ABA)和细胞分裂素(CTK)含量;同时显著提高灌浆期籽粒IAA与ABA、GA与ABA比例,降低CTK与IAA、CTK与GA比例,对CTK与ABA、GA与IAA比例影响较小。相关分析表明,噻苯隆-乙烯利复配处理后,春玉米籽粒中ABA和CTK含量与灌浆快增期速率呈显著负相关。本研究表明,噻苯隆-乙烯利复配主要通过影响籽粒中IAA、ABA、CTK和GA含量及其比例,从而调控春玉米籽粒灌浆进程,最终实现春玉米产量提高,熟期提前的功效。研究为噻苯隆-乙烯利复配应用到玉米生产上提供理论及试验依据。  相似文献   

通过组织化学染色、电镜观察、酶活性分析对水分胁迫诱导玉米叶片质外体产生H2O2进行了研究。结果表明:水分胁迫能够诱导玉米叶片内源ABA的积累,ABA参与了水分胁迫诱导的玉米叶片H2O2的产生,质膜NADPH氧化酶、细胞壁过氧化物酶(POD)以及质外体多胺氧化酶(PAO)是水分胁迫诱导玉米细胞在质外体产生H2O2的来源,其中质膜NADPH氧化酶是主要来源;内源ABA的积累参与了水分胁迫激活的质膜NADPH氧化酶、细胞壁POD和质外体PAO活性的提高。研究认为,水分胁迫诱导玉米细胞在质外体产生H2O2可能是由于水分胁迫下内源ABA的积累通过激活质膜NADPH氧化酶、细胞壁POD以及质外体PAO的活性而实现的。  相似文献   

以红橘、朱橘、土橘、枳、枳橙、实生酸柚、实生甜橙、黄柑为材料,进行不同降水量的长期干旱胁迫后,测定生物量、抗旱系数及叶片中赤霉素(GA1+3)、玉米素核苷(ZR)、生长素(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)含量,分析GA1+3、ZR、IAA、ABA的相对含量变化及ABA/GA1+3、ABA/ZR、ABA/IAA与8个种类柑橘抗旱性的关系.结果表明:在降水量低于1200 mm(对照)条件下,随降水量的减少不同种类柑橘的生物量明显降低,其抗旱系数及抗旱力大小顺序为朱橘红橘枳土橘枳橙实生酸柚实生甜橙黄柑.不同种类柑橘叶片中ABA含量随降水量的减少而增加,GA1+3、ZR和IAA含量随降水量的减少而降低.在抗旱性强的柑橘种类中,ABA/GA1+3和ABA/ZR的增加幅度大,ABA/IAA变化与种间抗旱力的关联度不大.ABA和GA1+3的相对含量与柑橘抗旱系数分别呈极显著正相关和极显著负相关,ZR的相对含量与抗旱性系数呈极显著或显著负相关,IAA的相对含量与抗旱性系数相关性不明显.对柑橘抗旱性的促进效果,以ABA最大,其次为GA1+3和ZR,IAA最小.  相似文献   

为克服组成型启动子启动外源基因过量表达引起的诸多问题,同源克隆(Mo-molybdopterin cofactor sulfurase)基因(ABA3)的启动子(ABA3s)序列,并用PlantCARE软件分析其非生物逆境应答元件, 实时定量PCR检测ABA3基因在非生物逆境诱导下的差异表达后。然后,用该启动子构建启动GUS(β-glucuronidase)基因的表达载体, 基因枪法转化玉米愈伤组织。经组织化学染色法检测其表达后, 在高渗、高盐、低温胁迫处理及ABA诱导下检测GUS酶荧光值与荧光素酶(内参)发光值的比值(GUS/LUC), 以此评价ABA3s启动子在非生物逆境胁迫下的启动活性。结果表明, ABA3基因在模拟干旱、低温、高温、高盐胁迫及ABA、乙稀诱导下差异表达, 说明该基因的启动子(ABA3s)具有非生物逆境诱导活性。序列分析表明, ABA3s启动子全长777 bp, 含有ARE、HSE、MBS、TGA、Circadian等多种非生物逆境胁迫应答元件。用ABA3s启动GUS基因构建的表达载体转化的玉米愈伤组织, 响应干旱、低温、高温、高盐胁迫等多种非生物逆境胁迫, 及ABA和乙稀诱导, GUS检测呈阳性。在8%甘露醇高渗条件下, GUS/LUC比值比空白对照高6倍。上述结果表明, ABA3s启动子具有非生物逆境诱导特性, 经进一步验证其功能后, 可用于玉米抗逆转基因研究。  相似文献   

玉米早期根系构型及其生理特性对土壤水分的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了探明玉米早期根系结构及其对土壤水分的生理响应,揭示玉米幼苗的抗旱机理,以蠡玉18为材料,采用盆栽试验,设置轻度胁迫(LS)、中度胁迫(MS)、重度胁迫(SS)和正常供水(CK)4个水分处理,系统研究从播种开始持续水分处理对夏玉米苗期根系形态结构及活力、保护酶系统及生理调节物质的影响。结果表明:随着水分胁迫程度的加剧,玉米根长、根表面积、根体积和根干重等各形态指标较CK下降幅度逐渐增大,不同水分胁迫使夏玉米苗期根系结构存在差异。轻度和中度胁迫显著增加了细根(0.05—0.25 mm)根长和根表面积比例,重度水分胁迫显著降低粗根(0.50 mm)根长与根表面积比例。玉米苗期根冠比、根系活力和丙二醛(MDA)含量随水分胁迫程度的增强而上升,随着胁迫时间的延长,根冠比逐渐降低。根系可溶性蛋白含量随土壤水分含量的下降而下降,MS、SS处理较CK显著降低(P0.05)。夏玉米根系中SOD对水分胁迫较CAT、POD更敏感,轻度水分胁迫下主要依赖CAT、中度水分胁迫下主要依赖POD、重度水分胁迫下主要依赖SOD来降低氧化伤害;且重度胁迫下,随着胁迫时间的延长保护酶活性下降。苗期玉米通过增加根冠比、增强根系活力和不同保护酶活性及降低可溶性蛋白等渗透调节物质来协同减少水分胁迫的危害。  相似文献   

土壤水分胁迫对玉米形态发育及产量的影响   总被引:58,自引:1,他引:57  
未来气候变化可能加剧的干旱化将对我国主要粮食和最重要的饲料作物玉米产生严重影响。为增进玉米对干旱化响应与适应的理解及制定应对策略 ,利用大型活动遮雨棚及池栽对玉米进行了全程水分控制试验研究。对不同土壤水分胁迫下的玉米形态表征、生长发育及产量的分析表明 ,玉米受干旱胁迫的影响程度因受旱轻重、持续时间以及生育进程的不同而不同 ,受旱越重 ,持续时间越长 ,影响越甚。大喇叭口期前 ,玉米株高和生物产量受有限供水或轻度干旱影响不算很大 ,但从大喇叭口期后直至抽雄和灌浆期 ,轻度干旱胁迫持续久了也会对株高和生物产量产生较大不良影响。严重干旱胁迫则从拔节始至灌浆期均对株高和生物产量影响更为不利。进而引起果穗性状恶化 ,穗粒数和百粒重减小 ,最终导致经济产量大幅下降。说明玉米生育前期(大喇叭口期前 )进行有限的控水可行。而玉米生育前期干旱胁迫将使生育进程明显延缓 ,严重干旱胁迫可使抽雄、吐丝期较水分充足滞后 4 d左右 ,并引起成熟期推迟  相似文献   

Our recent study reported that maize acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the coleoptile node is enhanced through a post-translational modification response to heat stress and transgenic plants overexpressing maize AChE gene had an elevated heat tolerance, which strongly suggests that maize AChE plays a positive, important role in maize heat tolerance. Here we present (1) maize AChE activity in the mesocotyl also enhances during heat stress and (2) maize AChE mainly localizes in vascular bundles including endodermis and epidermis in coleoptile nodes and mesocotyls of maize seedlings.  相似文献   

Chilling stress is an important constraint of global production of maize. This study was undertaken to compare the chilling responses of different maize seedling tissues and to analyze changes in polyamines as a result of chilling stress. Reponses to chilling were characterized in two maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines, ‘HuangC’ and ‘Mo17’, that putatively differ in chilling sensitivity. Seedlings were exposed to low temperature (5°C) and chilling injury was estimated by electrical conductivity (EC), malonaldehyde (MDA) concentration, and by changes in putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) concentrations in root, mesocotyl, and coleoptile tissues. Membrane permeability (as measured by EC), MDA concentrations and Put concentrations in the three tissue of maize seedlings increased after chilling stress, except for the Put concentration in roots. Spd and Spm concentrations in the three tissues of seedlings decreased after chilling stress. The EC for cold stressed tissues were lower in HuangC than Mo17. Also, the EC of coleoptile tissues were lower than for mesocotyl in both inbred lines. We suggest that mesocotyl tissue can be used to evaluate cold tolerance in maize. Stepwise regression analyses showed that chilling injury in roots was generally correlated with Spd concentration while in the mesocotyl injury was mainly correlated with Put and Spd concentrations. Spermidine and Spm concentrations in the coleoptile were correlated with chilling injury. Characteristics changes of polyamines in chill-tolerant maize seedling combined with regression analysis are a reliable method for evaluating chill tolerance in maize lines.  相似文献   

Phytohormones play critical roles In regulating plant responses to stress. We Investigated the effects of water stress Induced by adding 12% (w/v) polyethylene glycol to the root medium on the levels of abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acid (IAA), zeatin (ZT), and gibberellin3 (GA3) in maize leaves. The results suggested that water stress had significant effects on the four hormone levels. There was a transient increase in the IAA content during the initial stage of adaptation to water stress in maize leaves, but it dropped sharply thereafter in response to water stress. ABA content increased dramatically in maize leaves after 24 h of exposure to water stress, and then the high levels of ABA were maintained to the end, The contents Of ZT and GA3 rapidly declined in maize leaves subjected to water stress. The effects of water stress on chlorophyll content, electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde levels in maize leaves were also studied. The variation of cell damage was negatively correlated with ZT and GA3 levels in maize leaves under water stress. Thus, we explored the roles of ZT and GA3 on the growth of maize seedlings under water stress by exogenous application. It is possible that both ZT and GA3 were effective in protecting maize seedlings from water stress, which would be of great importance for the improvement of drought tolerance in maize by genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

Calcineurin B‐like (CBL) and CBL‐interacting protein kinase (CIPK) play a crucial role in biotic and abiotic stress responses. However, the roles of different CIPKs in biotic and abiotic stress responses are less well characterized. In this study, we identified a mutation leading to an early protein termination of the maize CIPK gene ZmCIPK42 that undergoes a G to A mutation at the coding region via searching for genes involved in salt stress tolerance and ion homeostasis from maize with querying the EMS mutant library of maize B73. The mutant zmcipk42 plants have less branched tassel and impaired salt stress tolerance at the seedling stage. Quantitative real‐time PCR analysis revealed that ZmCIPK42was expressed in diverse tissues and was induced by NaCl stress. A yeast two‐hybrid screen identified a proteinase inhibitor (ZmMPI) as well as calcineurin B‐like protein 1 and protein 4 (ZmCBL1, ZmCBL4) as interaction partners of ZmCIPK42. These interactions were further confirmed by bimolecular fluorescence complementation in plant cells. Moreover, over‐expressing ZmCIPK42 resulted in enhanced tolerance to high salinity in both maize and Arabidopsis. These findings suggest that ZmCIPK42 is a positive regulator of salt stress tolerance and is a promising candidate gene to improve salt stress tolerance in maize through genetic manipulation.  相似文献   


Heavy metal (HM) contamination of the environment is a serious threat to sustainable crop production. Among the HMs, chromium (Cr) is one of the most toxic HMs that is known to negatively affect growth and metabolic activities of diverse crop plants. The present study was designed to investigate the ameliorative role of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) under Cr stress in two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars showing differential sensitivity to Cr tolerance. ALA is a biosynthesis precursor and it has a dominant regulatory effect related to physiological, respiratory, and photosynthesis processes in various plant species. Three concentrations of Cr (0, 5, and 10 mg kg−1) were tested under the graded levels of ALA application (0, 12.5, and 25 mg L−1). The results indicated that Cr stress differentially reduced plant growth attributes, gas exchange characteristics, photosynthetic pigments, and biomass in both the cultivars. Oxidative stress increased as evidenced in the form of electrolyte leakage, malondialdehyde, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) accumulation in plants. The anti-oxidative enzyme activities, that is, catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and peroxidase (POD) both in the leaves and roots of maize cultivars decreased due to Cr stress. The concentration of Cr increased in roots and shoots of maize under Cr levels without ALA. Under Cr stress, ALA exogenous application markedly enhanced plant growth, photosynthetic pigments, gas exchange capacity, and biomass. Furthermore, ALA application decreased the Cr-induced oxidative stress in maize cultivars by improving the activities of CAT, POD, and SOD in plants. After ALA application, the Cr concentrations and total Cr uptake by plants differently decreased in both cultivars. The 6103 cultivar of maize was found to be a tolerant cultivar against Cr stress due to its strong defensive system with a higher rate of antioxidant enzyme activities. On the other hand, the other maize cultivar (9108) was found to be a sensitive cultivar against Cr stress due to its weak defense system with higher contents of reactive oxygen species. These findings suggest that ALA can play a regulatory role in maintaining optimum plant growth and efficient photosynthetic processes under Cr-challenged habitats in maize. Thus, ALA application may be used as a sustainable remedial strategy to alleviate Cr-induced stress in maize cultivars.


Improvement of plant performance under drought stress is crucial to sustaining agricultural productivity. The current study investigated the ameliorative effects of foliar-applied kinetin, an adenine-type cytokinin (CK), on growth and gas exchange parameters, water relations and biochemical attributes of maize plants under drought stress. Eighteen-day-old maize plants were subjected to drought by maintaining soil moisture content at 25% field capacity for 8 days followed by foliar application of kinetin at 0, 75, 150 and 225 mg L−1 (CK0, CK75, CK150 and CK225, respectively) to the plants for two-times at the 9-day interval. Results revealed that drought stress markedly reduced stem diameter, dry weight, chlorophyll content, gas exchange parameters and water balance but increased proline, malondialdehyde and soluble sugar contents, electrolyte leakage and senescence in maize leaves. Application of exogenous CK remarkably improved maize performance by modulating growth, gas exchange- and water relation-related parameters in a dose-dependent manner under drought stress. CK225 increased chlorophyll content (by 61.54%), relative water content (by 49.14%), net photosynthesis rate (by 39.94%) and transpiration rate (by 121.36%) and also delayed leaf senescence but decreased internal CO2 concentration (by 7.38%), water saturation deficit (by 40.40%) and water uptake capacity (by 42.49%) in both well-watered and drought-stressed plants. Nevertheless, CK application considerably decreased electrolyte leakage, proline, malondialdehyde and soluble sugar levels in drought-stressed maize plants, as also supported by heatmap and cluster analyses. Taken together, exogenous CK at proper concentration (225 mg L−1) successfully improved maize performance under drought conditions, thereby suggesting CK application as a useful approach to alleviate drought-induced adverse effects in maize plants, and perhaps in other important crop plants.  相似文献   

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