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分子标记在图谱构建,QTL分析,基因定位以及标记辅助育种中起着越来越重要的作用。研究者都期望一个分子标记位点代表一个特定的基因,甚至与某种性状联系起来,这样,通过对某个分子标记的筛选即能对性状进行筛选,此即功能型分子标记。而目前广泛使用的基于PCR基础的分子标记如RAPD、SSR、AFLP等或是扩增非编码区域,或是随机在基因组中扩增,得到的位点一般与目标性状基因距离较远,这使得分子标记在应用上与其目标有一定的偏差。研究建立了一种基于基因中内含子序列的功能型分子标记,试图使标记位点与基因序列联系起来以达到其功能型的目的。它利用内含子剪接位置的保守一致序列作为其引物的核心序列,其上下游引物均为18bp,上下游引物间通过组合配对的方式作为扩增的引物对,对真核生物的基因序列进行扩增。为了验证ISAP的功能性,研究设计了17条引物(9条上游引物,8条下游引物,共计72个引物组合)对棉花F2群体进行扩增并构建遗传连锁图谱,其中67个显示了多态性,共得到212个位点。我们用此212个位点连同164个SRAP位点构建了一张包含276个位点的遗传连锁图谱,ISAP标记在整个连锁群中分布比较均匀,部分区域呈现标记高饱和现象,可能为编码序列富集区。另外对20个片段进行测序的结果表明,85%的序列显示了与已公布EST序列的同源性,说明扩增是跨越了外显子进行的,得到的序列与表达序列紧密连锁。结果显示,ISAP标记是简单,可靠,具有较高多态性,并且扩增基因区域的一种功能型分子标记。同时,还使用ISAP标记对其他植物进行了扩增,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

目前广泛使用的基于PCR基础的分子标记多为扩增非编码区域,或是随机基因组中扩增,在QTL定位中得到的位点一般与目标性状基因距离较远,我们开发了一个新的基于启动子序列目的基因型分子标记技术——启动子区域相关序列多态性(SCRP),试图使标记能够更为准确的反映不同品种的遗传基础。它利用启动子位置保守一致序列 (“Kozak”序列) 作为其上游引物,利用内含子富含“AATT”的特性,作为核心序列设计下游引物,上下游引物均为18bp,引物间通过组合配对的方式作为扩增引物对。设计了14条上游引物和10条下游引物,共140对引物组合,对34个苜蓿品种进行扩增,研究了34个苜蓿的遗传多样性。每个PCR反应产生3~16个50~2000bp的条带,结果表明该标记简单、可靠、具有较高多态性,并且扩增区域为一种目的基因型分子标记,在种质资源研究中具有重要价值。  相似文献   

白桦RAPD遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以80个来自欧洲白桦(Betula pendula Roth)×中国白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk)的F1个体为作图群体。利用2个亲本和10个F1个体对1,200个10 bp的随机寡核苷酸引物进行筛选, 确定了208个多态性引物。利用RAPD标记, 按照拟测交的作图策略, 分别构建了欧洲白桦和中国白桦的分子标记连锁图谱。对2个亲本和80个F1代作图群体进行随机扩增, 共获得了364个多态性位点。χ2检验结果表明有307个位点符合1∶1分离的拟测交分离, 26个位点符合3∶1分离, 31个位点属偏分离位点。拟测交位点中有145个位点来自欧洲白桦, 有162个位点来自中国白桦。利用2点连锁分析, 欧洲白桦中的145个连锁标记构成了14个不同的连锁群(4个以上标记), 6个三连体和6个连锁对, 37个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为955.6 cM (centimorgan), 平均图距14.9 cM。而来自中国白桦的162个标记构成了15个连锁群(4个以上标记), 4个三连体和6个连锁对, 21个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为1,545.8 cM (centimorgan), 平均图距15.2 cM。该图谱的建立为进一步将两个图谱整合为一个高密度图谱及重要基因的定位奠定了基础。  相似文献   

综合SCoT和ISSR分子标记技术开发了一种既能将标记位点与表达序列紧密联系,又具有相对较高的多态性的新的分子标记技术——起始密码子一微卫星扩增多态性(start codon-simple sequence repeat, SC-SSR)。SC—SSR标记是基于PCR的目的基因标记系统.上游引物用SCoT标记引物,瞄准基因区域,下游引物用ISSR标记引物,上下游引物间可自由组配。引物设计原则同SCoT标记和ISSR标记。使用50℃的退火温度,保证了扩增结果的稳定性。PCR结果采用琼脂糖凝胶电冰和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测。SC—SSR分子标记结合了ISSR标记和SCoT标记的优点,具有操作简单、成本低廉、多态性丰富、重复性好、引物设计简单且通用性良好、同时与表达序列紧密连锁等诸多优点,可用于种质资源的鉴定评价、遗传图谱的构建、重要性状基因标记、gDNA与cDNA指纹分析乃至图位克隆等方面。  相似文献   

该研究以二倍体三色堇和角堇为亲本杂交产生的66株F2代分离群体为作图群体,采用SRAP标记技术进行基因分型,利用JoinMap4.0软件构建了首张三色堇与角堇的种间遗传连锁图谱。结果表明:(1)从256对SRAP引物组合中筛选获得50对多态性好、标记位点清晰且稳定的引物组合。(2)通过对三色堇F2代群体的PCR扩增,共获得118个SRAP多态性标记位点,其中偏分离标记率为24.6%,符合遗传作图需要。(3)成功构建了三色堇和角堇的种间分子遗传连锁图谱,该图谱有15个连锁群,67个SRAP标记,连锁群长度范围1.6~52.2 cM,覆盖基因组总长度327.9 cM,标记间平均图距为4.9 cM。研究结果为三色堇和角堇高密度遗传图谱构建和重要性状的基因定位及分子标记辅助选择育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

结合SADF与RAPD标记构建家蚕连锁图   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用40个选择性扩增多态性引物和137个随机性扩增多态性引物对家蚕Bombyx mori F2群体进行分子标记的筛选。获得544个符合遗传分离比的多态性位点,并用Mapmaker软件进行连锁分析。在最小LOD值为4,最大重组值为0.2条件下拆分连锁群,并对处于同一连锁群的位点进行合理排序,计算出位点间的重组值后转换为图谱距离,构建了一个家蚕的分子连锁图。  相似文献   

白桦AFLP遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高福玲  姜廷波 《遗传》2009,31(2):213-218
以80个中国白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk)×欧洲白桦(Betula pendula Roth)的F1个体为作图群体, 利用扩增片段长度多态性(Amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP)标记, 按照拟测交作图策略, 分别构建了中国白桦和欧洲白桦的分子标记遗传连锁图谱。从64对AFLP引物组合中筛选出34对多态性丰富的引物组合, 这些入选的引物组合在分离群体中共检测到451个多态性位点。χ2检验结果表明, 有362个位点符合1∶1分离(拟测交分离位点), 41个位点符合3∶1分离, 20个位点符合1∶3分离, 28个位点属偏分离位点。在符合拟测交分离的位点中, 201个位点来自中国白桦, 161个位点来自欧洲白桦。利用2点连锁分析, 来自中国白桦的201个标记构成了14个连锁群(4个以上标记), 10个三连体和14个连锁对, 45个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为1 296.1 cM, 平均图距15.5 cM。而来自欧洲白桦的161个标记构成了17个不同的连锁群(4个以上标记), 8个三连体和4个连锁对, 15个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为1 035.8 cM, 平均图距12 cM。  相似文献   

为了系统性地开发和拓展柑桔SSR标记,通过对公布的柑桔BAC文库末端序列(BAC-End sequence,BES)进行SSR分析,选择1500个SSR位点设计合成并检测323对引物。结果表明:(1)从总长度为28.1 Mb的46 339条序列中共检测出22 403个SSR位点,约每2条序列就会出现一个SSR位点,发生频率为48%,相当于平均1.25kb的序列中就会出现1个SSR,频率约为柑桔EST的2倍,且不同核心重复序列的SSR发生特点与EST也不同。(2)所合成的323对引物中,有效扩增316对,扩增率约98%,173对表现多态性,总多态性比率约55%,多态性引物中单核苷酸重复类型15对,双核苷酸重复类型100对,三核苷酸及以上重复类型58对,表明柑桔BES中具有较为丰富的多态性SSR标记。(3)结合已发表的遗传作图数据,对总计349个多态性位点进行遗传连锁分析,获得的新遗传连锁图谱共含有9个连锁群、334个SSR标记、总长844.2cM、平均图距2.53cM,延长和加密了先前的图谱。该研究开发的新SSR标记为开展柑桔遗传鉴定分析和遗传图谱构建提供了新的标记来源,加密的遗传图谱为柑桔的基因定位、图位克隆和标记辅助育种等奠定了基础,SSR分析结果也为其他物种SSR标记的开发提供了参考。  相似文献   

采用序列标志位点(sequence-tagged sites,STS)引物,对35个小麦品种的Wx-B1基因位点上的近第4个内含子区域的序列进行了扩增,用限制性内切酶BamHI切割.结果表明,扩增片段有的能被酶切,有的不能.酶切片段出现两种长度多态性,其长度与直链淀粉含量(AC)呈负相关.AC在约20%以上的小麦品种扩增的片段能够被BamHI切割,而在约20%以下的不能.以上结果表明,Wx-B1基因在扩增序列区域有多态性,这可以作为一种分子标记在育种中预测不同小麦品种的直链淀粉含量,以改良小麦品质.  相似文献   

构建高密度遗传连锁图谱是冰草抗性、品质、产量等重要性状QTL精细定位及标记辅助育种研究的基础。该试验以四倍体杂交冰草F2群体的202个分离单株及其亲本为材料,利用SRAP分子标记技术和Join Map 4.0作图软件对冰草的遗传连锁图谱进行了构建。结果表明:(1)共筛选出22对多态性好、标记位点清晰稳定的SRAP适宜引物,对冰草杂种F2分离单株的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,共获得510个SRAP多态性标记位点,其比率占88.2%。(2)偏分离分析表明,偏分离标记比率仅为14.12%,符合遗传作图的要求。(3)成功构建了冰草的SRAP分子标记遗传连锁图谱,该图谱有14个连锁群、510个标记,连锁群间长度范围86.4~179.0cM,覆盖基因组总长度1 912.9cM,标记间平均间距3.75cM,为高密度遗传图谱。  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility caused by Dongbu cytoplasmic and genic male-sterility (DCGMS) cytoplasm and its nuclear restorer-of-fertility locus (Rfd1) with a linked molecular marker (A137) have been reported in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). To construct a linkage map of the Rfd1 locus, linked amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were screened using bulked segregant analysis. A 220-bp linked AFLP fragment sequence from radish showed homology with an Arabidopsis coding sequence. Using this Arabidopsis gene sequence, a simple PCR marker (A220) was developed. The A137 and A220 markers flanked the Rfd1 locus. Two homologous Arabidopsis genes with both marker sequences were positioned on Arabidopsis chromosome-3 with an interval of 2.4 Mb. To integrate the Rfd1 locus into a previously reported expressed sequence tag (EST)-simple sequence repeat (SSR) linkage map, the radish EST sequences located in three syntenic blocks within the 2.4-Mb interval were used to develop single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for tagging each block. The SNP marker in linkage group-2 co-segregated with male fertility in an F(2) population. Using radish ESTs positioned in linkage group-2, five intron length polymorphism (ILP) markers and one cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker were developed and used to construct a linkage map of the Rfd1 locus. Two closely linked markers delimited the Rfd1 locus within a 985-kb interval of Arabidopsis chromosome-3. Synteny between the radish and Arabidopsis genomes in the 985-kb interval were used to develop three ILP and three CAPS markers. Two ILP markers further delimited the Rfd1 locus to a 220-kb interval of Arabidopsis chromosome-3.  相似文献   

A potato molecular-function map for carbohydrate metabolism and transport   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10  
Molecular-linkage maps based on functional gene markers (molecular-function maps) are the prerequisite for a candidate-gene approach to identify genes responsible for quantitative traits at the molecular level. Genetic linkage between a quantitative trait locus (QTL) and a candidate-gene locus is observed when there is a causal relationship between alleles of the candidate gene and the QTL effect. Functional gene markers can also be used for marker-assisted selection and as anchors for structural and functional comparisons between distantly related plant species sharing the same metabolic pathways. A first molecular-function map with 85 loci was constructed in potato based on 69 genes. Priority was given to genes operating in carbohydrate metabolism and transport. Public databases were searched for genes of interest from potato, tomato, or other plant species. DNA sequence information was used to develop PCR-based marker assays that allowed the localization of corresponding potato genes on existing RFLP linkage maps. Comparing the molecular-function map for genes operating in carbohydrate metabolism and transport with a QTL map for tuber starch content indicates a number of putative candidate genes for this important agronomic trait. Received: 19 March 2000 / Accepted: 16 May 2000  相似文献   

 DNA sequences encoding type-I thionins were isolated from Triticum aestivum L. cv ‘Chinese Spring’ using PCR with consensus primers. Blunt-end cloning, sequencing and PCR-based chromosome assignment of these fragments uncovered the three orthologous sequences corresponding to the single-copy genes at the Pur-1 loci on each of the group-1 chromosomes. Comparison with two previously published cDNA sequences revealed the presence of two introns that contain most of the polymorphic nucleotide sites. The observed orthologous DNA sequence variation among Pur-1 loci, encoded by each of the A, B and D genomes, enabled us to establish interlocus relationships and to construct locus-specific primer sets. Analogously, the Pur-R1 sequence from rye was isolated, and a locus-specific primer pair was constructed as well. Hence, four locus-specific primer sets are now available as molecular markers for the homoeologous 1AL, 1BL, 1DL and 1RL chromosome arms. Amplification from several diploid and tetraploid wheat species showed that the primers can be used as molecular tools for studying wheat phylogeny. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

EST derived SSR markers for comparative mapping in wheat and rice   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Structural and functional relationships between the genomes of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (2n=6x=42) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) (2n=2x=24) were evaluated using linkage maps supplemented with simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci obtained from publicly available expressed sequence tags (ESTs). EST-SSR markers were developed using two main strategies to design primers for each gene: (1) primer design for multiple species based on supercluster analysis, and (2) species-specific primer design. Amplification was more consistent using the species-specific primer design for each gene. Forty-four percent of the primers designed specifically for wheat sequences were successful in amplifying DNA from both species. Existing genetic linkage maps were enhanced for the wheat and rice genomes using orthologous loci amplified with 58 EST-SSR markers obtained from both wheat and rice ESTs. The PCR-based anchor loci identified by these EST-SSR markers support previous patterns of conservation between wheat and rice genomes; however, there was a high frequency of interrupted colinearity. In addition, multiple loci amplified by these primers made the comparative analysis more difficult. Enhanced comparative maps of wheat and rice provide a useful tool for interpreting and transferring molecular, genetic, and breeding information between these two important species. These EST-SSR markers are particularly useful for constructing comparative framework maps for different species, because they amplify closely related genes to provide anchor points across species.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Inheritance of nuclear DNA markers in gynogenetic haploid pink salmon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe the inheritance of 460 PCR-based loci in the polyploid-derived pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) genome using gynogenetic haploid embryos. We detected a length polymorphism in a growth hormone gene (GH-2) intron that is caused by an 81 bp insertion homologous to the 3' end of the salmonid short interspersed repetitive element (SINE) SmaI. Such insertion polymorphisms within species bring into question the use of SINEs as phylogenetic markers. We confirmed that a microsatellite locus encodes a PCR-null allele that is responsible for an apparent deficit of heterozygotes in a population sample from Prince William Sound. Another set of microsatellite primers amplified alleles of the same molecular weight from both loci of a duplicated pair. In our analysis of several PCR-based multilocus techniques, we failed to detect evidence of comigrating fragments produced by duplicated loci. Segregation analysis of PCR-based markers using gynogenetic haploid embryos ensures that the interpretation of molecular variation is not complicated by heterozygosity, diploidy, or gene duplication. We urge investigators to test the inheritance of polymorphisms in salmonids prior to using them to measure genetic variation.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are valuable molecular markers in many plant species. In common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), which is characteristic of its large genomes and alloploidy, SSRs are one of the most useful markers. To increase SSR marker sources and construct an SSR-based linkage map of appropriate density, we tried to develop new SSR markers from SSR-enriched genomic libraries and the public database. SSRs having (GA)n and (GT)n motifs were isolated from enriched libraries, and di- and tri-nucleotide repeats were mined from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and DNA sequences of Triticum species in the public database. Of the 1,147 primer pairs designed, 842 primers gave accurate amplification products, and 478 primers showed polymorphism among the nine wheat lines examined. Using a doubled haploid (DH) population from an intraspecific cross between Kitamoe and Münstertaler (KM), we constructed an SSR-based linkage map that consisted of 464 loci: 185 loci from genomic libraries, 65 loci from the sequence database including ESTs, 213 loci from the SSR markers already reported, and 1 locus of morphological marker. Although newly developed SSR loci were distributed throughout all chromosomes, clustering of them around putative centromeric regions was found on several chromosomes. The total length of the KM map spanned 3,441 cM and corresponded to approximately 86% genome coverage. The KM map comprised of 23 linkage groups because two gaps of over 50 cM distance remained on chromosome 6A. This is a first report of SSR-based linkage map using single intraspecific population of common wheat. This mapping result suggests that it becomes possible to construct linkage maps with sufficient genome coverage using only SSR markers without RFLP markers, even in an intraspecific population of common wheat. Moreover, the new SSR markers will contribute to the enrichment of molecular marker resources in common wheat.  相似文献   

Nuclear introns are increasingly used as phylogenetic markers. Here, we present a multidisciplinary approach towards optimal locus selection and amplification using Asian pitvipers as an example of a non‐model taxon, and raise the profile of length variant heterozygotes (LVHs) in intron loci. Taxon‐specific primers were identified using a bioinformatic approach, and also designed from existing exon primed, intron crossing (EPIC) primer amplifications. Eleven further universal EPIC primer pairs were assayed using a range of PCR optimization strategies. Taxon‐specific primers yielded the most consistent amplifications, but assaying a large number of universal EPIC primers yielded another appropriate locus for phylogenetic purposes. Modified Taq DNA polymerases such as JumpStart?Taq either significantly improved the specificity and yield of EPIC PCR amplifications (of low copy number nuclear targets), or resulted in amplifications that were not significantly worse than those derived from a generic Taq DNA polymerase. Finally, LVHs were detected in all loci that were sequenced suggesting that they are relatively common in introns. This study provides an efficient and cost effective template for the successful identification of intron markers for molecular systematics which is universally applicable to other non‐model taxon groups. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

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