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引种植物朱缨花的访花者及其活动时间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在动植物关系中,复杂的相互作用影响着访花动物的资源获取和植物的繁殖成功。引种植物朱缨花Calliandra haematocephala在冬季开花,具有多样的访花动物类群,包括鸟类、蜜蜂、蚂蚁和蝴蝶等,大蜜蜂为其最主要的拜访者。不同拜访动物的形态特征和访花行为不同,在花上的最早活动时间和持续期也存在差异,但相似类群动物的活动时间格局类似。总体上观测到的时间生态位重叠并不显著(P0.05),但中华蜜蜂等访花者采集行为表现明显低于潜在活动能力。访花者行为和对花的占有时间直接决定了食物的获取,竞争和环境因素等是决定访花者活动格局的主要因素。在物种引入过程中需更多地关注植物与访花者以及访花类群之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

南京郊区小菊访花昆虫的行为与活动规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王伟  刘勇  陈发棣  戴华国 《生态学杂志》2008,27(7):1167-1172
2006年6-10月对中国菊花种质资源保存中心内栽培小菊的访花昆虫进行了观察.结果表明:小菊的访花昆虫有32种,多数隶属于膜翅目、鳞翅目、双翅目和半翅目;不同月份访花昆虫的种类不同;不同种类访花者的形态特征、访花目的及访花行为有所不同,在植物传粉中的作用有很大差异;西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)为小菊的主要传粉者,其种群数量大,平均访花频率达16朵·min-1;晴天,西方蜜蜂和大红蛱蝶(Vanessa indica)的访花蜂数与温度的变化呈显著正相关(r=0.876,0.887);气温骤降、阴天及降雨会影响访花昆虫的种类和数量;同一天内不同时间,访花昆虫的访花频率有差异,一般每天11:00-13:00的访花频率最高.  相似文献   

黄猄蚁Oecophylla smaragdina,织叶蚁属,是热带亚洲地区很常见的一种捕食性蚂蚁。在西双版纳地区黄猄蚁常见在多种榕树上筑巢繁衍和生活。研究榕树上生活黄猄蚁的生活习性对于了解黄猄蚁与榕蜂互惠系统间的相互影响具有重要意义。本文选取西双版纳最常见的垂叶榕和高榕两种榕树和树上筑巢的黄猄蚁作为研究材料。观察研究黄猄蚁在一年内三个季节的活动情况;黄猄蚁在榕树上的筑巢位置;黄猄蚁对食物和光的选择;黄猄蚁对榕小蜂的捕食。结果发现:(1)黄猄蚁的活动在三个季节间有明显差异,其活动强度、活动时间依次为雨季>干热季>雾凉季;(2)黄猄蚁在不同的榕树会选择不同的位置筑巢,在垂叶榕上,它们主要在树顶部筑巢,而在高山榕上则在杈下垂的小枝条上筑巢;(3)黄猄蚁食性的研究中我们进一步证实了黄猄蚁为肉食性蚂蚁。在黄猄蚁的光反应实验中我们发现黄猄蚁偏好光亮处,而且在光亮处的黄猄蚁活动强度明显大于黑暗处;(4)榕小蜂是榕树上黄猄蚁重要的食物来源,而且黄猄蚁捕食榕小蜂的种类是与榕树的发育时期密切相关,在花前期和间花期黄猄蚁以捕食非传粉榕小蜂为主,而在雌花期和雄花期会捕食传粉榕小蜂,所以榕树上栖息的黄猄蚁在花前期和间花期对榕树-榕小蜂互利共生有利,而雌花期和雄花期由于取食传粉榕小蜂,则对榕蜂互利共生产生负面影响。  相似文献   

阿魏传粉昆虫及其访花行为的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对新疆阿魏访花昆虫种类、昆虫访花频次、昆虫访花时间及昆虫访花行为进行了初步研究。在盛花期观察中,(1)发现有5目、23科、45种昆虫进行了访花,其中传粉昆虫4科7种,均属蜜蜂总科;(2)各类昆虫访花频次在不同观察时间变化较大,传粉蜜蜂仅出现在其中一个观察日中;(3)不同种类昆虫在花上的停留时间差异很大,传粉昆虫停留时间很短,鞘翅目昆虫停留时间最长。进入始果期后,昆虫的访花行为是围绕花盘的蜜腺展开的。  相似文献   

访花昆虫不同的访花与飞行行为导致其访花频率小同,进而对植物传粉产生不同的影响.意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica)、苍蝇和食蚜蝇是腊梅(Chimonanthus praecox)最常见的访花类群(或种类),但是它们的访花行为却有很大不同.意大利蜜蜂主要以快速飞行为主,偶见爬行,苍蝇访花时主要以快速飞行、爬行和跳跃为主,而食蚜蝇以长时间单花访问和悬空飞行以及间歇性休息为主.根据访花类群(或种类)在一朵花上的访花时间和花间飞行时间进行推算,每只意大利蜜蜂、苍蝇和食蚜蝇每分钟分别可以访问4.57、2.65和0.53朵花.结合每种(类)昆虫的访花数量推算出意大利蜜蜂、苍蝇和食蚜蝇每分钟分别可以访问498.19、1,089.74和99.78朵花.传粉效力(相同条件下单位时间内相同数目访花者能够授粉的花朵数)实验结果证明苍蝇和意大利蜜蜂分别是93%、100%(n=30),而食蚜蝇只有13%(n=30).苍蝇和意大利蜜蜂可携带大量花粉且具有很高的传粉效力,因此,访花速度的快慢是二者访花能力强弱的主要限制因素.由此,我们认为苍蝇可能是腊梅最主要的传粉者,意大利蜜蜂次之(数量偏少),食蚜蝇再次(访花与飞行行为的影响以及访花效力较低是限制其访花能力的主要因素).  相似文献   

【目的】蜜蜂等传粉昆虫是生态系统的关键种,其种群下降趋势是目前全球关注的热点问题,探讨传粉昆虫现状和保护途径具有重要实践意义。【方法】对四川地区城市园林里中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana进行调查,记录其拜访行为、蜜粉源植物和营巢生境特征,并观察主要植物的其他访花昆虫。【结果】城市园林中有大量开花植物,花期持续时间长,是蜜蜂可利用的食物资源;中华蜜蜂在城市中广泛活动,所调查城市都观测到采集蜂进行有效采集,在冬季中华蜜蜂蜂群也能正常活动;城市中其他访花昆虫以鳞翅目和双翅目为主,蝴蝶等会竞争食物资源,行为分析认为蜜蜂具有竞争优势;部分人工绿地和半自然生境可成为中华蜜蜂的营巢地。【结论】城市园林可为中华蜜蜂提供适宜的生存环境,建议改善城市景观和园林管理以更好地发挥园林生境的保护作用。  相似文献   

张文庆  杨沛  陈东  温瑞贞 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):678-680
阳春砂仁(Amomum villosumLour.)是我国四大南药之一,但花的形态结构较特殊,不易自然授粉。通过野外调查,在3个砂仁种植场共采集到砂仁的访花昆虫21种,其中蜜蜂类11种,蚂蚁类10种。蜜蜂类中,以黄绿彩带蜂Nomia strigataSmith和东方蜜蜂中华亚种Apis(Siamatapis)cerana ceranaFabricius较常见;蚂蚁类中,以细纹小家蚁Monomorium destructor(Jerdon)和黑头酸臭蚁Tapinomamelanocephalum(Fabricius)较常见。此外,还观察记录了黄绿彩带蜂、东方蜜蜂和蚂蚁的访花行为,以及黄绿彩带蜂的筑巢行为。  相似文献   

传粉昆虫行为的研究方法探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
昆虫访花行为能对植物与传粉者相互作用的很多方面产生直接的影响,因此相关研究对于理解植物的多样性和植物生殖生态过程非常重要。本文介绍了主要的传粉昆虫种类及其特征,并探讨了昆虫访花行为及其影响因素的研究方法。同时还探讨了进行夜间传粉昆虫和群落水平上昆虫行为研究的方法,以期能为植物—传粉者相互作用这一多学科交叉领域的学者,尤其是植物学家和昆虫学家提供有益的参考资料。  相似文献   

大叶铁线莲访花昆虫调查及盗蜜昆虫行为研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia DC. 的花朵大多下垂,需要传粉昆虫为其传粉,目前尚无关于其访花昆虫研究的报道。 通过2年的野外观察研究,共观察到27种昆虫访问大叶铁线莲。 发现有盗蜜行为的昆虫7种, 其中1种同时具有初级盗蜜和次级盗蜜行为,2种具有初级盗蜜行为,4种具有次级盗蜜行为;黄胸木蜂Xylocopa appendiculata Smith是主要的盗蜜昆虫,其盗蜜行为影响了其它昆虫的访花行为,对大叶铁线莲的传粉造成一定的影响。 在其余20种访花昆虫中,双带弄蝶Lobocla bifasciata (Bremer et Grey)、贡尺蛾Gonodontis aurata Prout、熊蜂Bombus sp.和姬蜂虻Systropus sp.是优势种; 而小青花金龟Oxycetonia jucunda Faldermann和日本条螽Ducetia japonica (Thunberg)访花频率最低,且访花目的只是取食花朵。 通过对大叶铁线莲访花昆虫的调查和盗蜜昆虫行为的研究,为大叶铁线莲的传粉生物学和保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

蜜蜂等传粉昆虫是生物多样性的重要组成部分,关系植物繁殖和农业生产.为探讨城市园林在土著蜂种中华蜜蜂保护中的作用,对川南地区冬季中华蜜蜂的活动格局、访花行为和蜜粉源植物等进行观测.结果表明:工蜂在冬季适宜天气积极外出采集,活动持续时间长,出巢、回巢和未带粉采集蜂数量在14:00—15:00最多,呈双峰格局,而采粉蜂数量在11:00达到峰值,呈单峰格局,时间对蜜蜂活跃程度影响显著;蜂群对花蜜和花粉采集投入存在差异,只有近20%的采集蜂携带花粉;温湿度对蜜蜂活动具有一定影响;不同日期蜂群活动格局大体相似,但个别时段体现出差异.冬季园林生境中开花植物较少,但多种类群皆为可采集的蜜粉资源,中华蜜蜂通过调节其行为策略可实现有效采集;山茶等主要园林植物花上蜜蜂的拜访表现出较强规律性.可通过科学的园林管理增加冬季蜜粉资源,以利于营造中华蜜蜂的适宜生境和维持野外种群.  相似文献   

1. Sympatric flower visitor species often partition nectar and pollen and thus affect each other's foraging pattern. Consequently, their pollination service may also be influenced by the presence of other flower visiting species. Ants are solely interested in nectar and frequent flower visitors of some plant species but usually provide no pollination service. Obligate flower visitors such as bees depend on both nectar and pollen and are often more effective pollinators. 2. In Hawaii, we studied the complex interactions between flowers of the endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae) and both, endemic and introduced flower‐visiting insects. The former main‐pollinators of M. polymorpha were birds, which, however, became rare. We evaluated the pollinator effectiveness of endemic and invasive bees and whether it is affected by the type of resource collected and the presence of ants on flowers. 3. Ants were dominant nectar‐consumers that mostly depleted the nectar of visited inflorescences. Accordingly, the visitation frequency, duration, and consequently the pollinator effectiveness of nectar‐foraging honeybees (Apis mellifera) strongly decreased on ant‐visited flowers, whereas pollen‐collecting bees remained largely unaffected by ants. Overall, endemic bees (Hylaeus spp.) were ineffective pollinators. 4. The average net effect of ants on pollination of M. polymorpha was neutral, corresponding to a similar fruit set of ant‐visited and ant‐free inflorescences. 5. Our results suggest that invasive social hymenopterans that often have negative impacts on the Hawaiian flora and fauna may occasionally provide neutral (ants) or even beneficial net effects (honeybees), especially in the absence of native birds.  相似文献   

Flowers exhibit symmetrical patterns, and innate preferences for symmetry in pollinators like honeybees are documented. Most previous studies of symmetry preferences in honeybees, Apis mellifera, tested levels of asymmetry using artificial flowers or stimuli. Here we investigated the effect of flower asymmetry on flower preferences of honeybees in a novel approach using real flowers, incorporating their spectral properties and how the receivers process the visual signals. Importantly, we also tested the response of an ‘eavesdropping’ predator, the crab spider Thomisus spectabilis, that also utilizes the same flower to prey on honeybees. Flowers (Chrysanthemum frutescens) were manipulated to contain asymmetrical and symmetrical patterns, excluding olfactory cues. Both crab spiders and honeybees exhibited a significant preference for symmetrical flowers. Moreover, honeybees exhibited a significant preference for radial symmetry over bilateral symmetry, but no corresponding effect was recorded in crab spiders. Further analyses demonstrated that flower reflectance and orientation of the axis of symmetry did not affect crab spider decisions. Field observations on T. spectabilis revealed that the natural variation in C. frutescens symmetry had no effect on the choice of crab spiders. This indicates that spiders and honeybees may use other flower characteristics, for example, olfactory cues, together with flower symmetry, to make their foraging decisions.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on honeybees foraging on plant flowers. Results showed significantly higher foraging response of honeybees (Apis mellifera) in genetically divergent narcotic plant opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Of the 18 mutants and two locally adapted cultivars of diverse genotypes screened, eight revealed significantly greater foraging response manifesting honeybee's preference towards specific plant morphotypes. The number of flower bloom did not correspond to number of foraging bees in both mutant and cultivar plant types of opium poppy. The genotype specific foraging response of honeybees could be attributed to physico-chemical properties of opium poppy flowers. This could have implications for the development of opium alkaloid fortified honeys for novel pharmaceuticals and isolation of natural spray compounds to attract honeybee pollinators for promoting crossing and sustainable hybridity in crops.  相似文献   

Crop pollination by animals is an essential ecosystem service. Among animal-pollinated crops, distylous plants strongly depend on animal pollination. In distylous pollination systems, pollinator species are usually limited, although flowers of some distylous plants are visited by diverse animals. We studied the pollination biology of common buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum ), a distylous crop mainly pollinated by honeybees and visited by many insect species, to evaluate the effects of non-honeybee species on pollination services. We focused on insects smaller than honeybees to determine their contribution to pollination. We applied pollination treatments with bags of coarse mesh to exclude flower visits by honeybees and larger insects and compared the seed set of bagged plants with that of untreated plants for pin and thrum flower morphs. We found a great reduction of seed set only in bagged pin flowers. We also confirmed that small insects, including ants, bees, wasps and flies, carried pin-morph pollen. These small insects transfer pollen from the short anthers of pin flowers to the short styles of thrum flowers, leading to sufficient seed set in thrum flowers. Consequently, small, non-honeybee insects have the potential to maintain at least half of the yield of this honeybee-dependent distylous crop.  相似文献   

Elucidating the factors determining the occurrence of florivorous organisms is an essential step for comprehending arthropod–plant interactions, especially when considering florivores that use flowers/inflorescences as microhabitats. In this study, we characterize the interaction between florivorous thrips (Thysanoptera) and Palicourea rigida (Rubiaceae), a distylous hummingbird-pollinated shrub. We investigated the relative role of different factors in determining thrips occurrence in the flower and inflorescence microhabitats. Furthermore, we experimentally examined the protective role of corolla influencing thrips exploration of floral buds. Frankliniella musaeperda (Thripidae) was the only species recorded on P. rigida, feeding on floral tissue, pollen and nectar. Thrips occurrence was not related to distyly, but rather to floral stage. Open flowers presented the highest abundance of thrips, followed by senescent flowers and then buds. The experimental opening of buds translated in increased thrips occurrence, indicating that F. musaeperda manage to explore the microhabitat offered by the floral chamber, as long as there is an opening in the corolla. In inflorescences, thrips abundance was negatively related to the number of ants visiting extrafloral nectaries. We found that the marked difference between floral morphs of distylous plants is not necessarily reflected in the abundance of florivores. Thrips seek for floral cavities, preferentially those with fresh tissue, which may confer nutrient-rich food and protection. Buds also provide this; however, the enclosed petals are an effective barrier against F. musaeperda entrance. At inflorescence scale, presence of mutualistic ants in high numbers can drive away these flower-feeding insects. Despite the abundance of thrips in the flowers, there was no evidence of any functional relationship, either of pollination for flowers or of breeding for insects. We demonstrate here that in the flower/inflorescence microhabitat, structural and biotic factors play a key role in the exploitation and occupation by insect florivores.  相似文献   

The movement patterns of carpenter bees (Xylocopa micans) and bumblebees (Bombus pennsylvanicus) foraging for nectar on vertical inflorescences ofPontederia cordata were studied near Miami, Florida. The floral biology ofP. cordata is unique in several ways: (a) many short-lived flowers per inflorescence, (b) constant nectar production throughout the life span of each flower, and (c) abscence of vertical patterning of nectar and age of flowers. Inflorescences ranged between 3.5 and 15.8 cm long and had between 9 and 55 open flowers. Both carpenter bees and bumblebees arrived mostly on the bottom third of the inflorescence and left after visiting flowers on the top third of the inflorescence. The departure position from the inflorescence was higher up than observed in studies of other insect pollinators foraging on other speces of plants. This pattern of departure probably occurs in the absence of a vertical gradient of nectar or floral morphology.  相似文献   

Honeybees mark with scent and reject recently visited flowers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Experimental evidence is reported for flower-marking by honeybees (Apis mellifera ligustica) while they were foraging on an artificial patch of flowers yielding a continuous and equal flow of sucrose solution. Honeybees marked with scent and rejected all recently visited and nectar-depleted flowers. The short fade-out time of this scent allowed discrimination of flowers that temporarily provided no food. The repellent nature of this scent mark was demonstrated by the use of an air extractor connected to the patch; when the apparatus was turned on, the rejection behaviour disappeared. The movement pattern of foraging bees also contributed to foraging efficiency, as the probability of an immediate return to the flower just abandoned was very low. However, when a quick repeat visit took place, the presence of the repellent scent-mark promoted rapid rejection.  相似文献   

Introduced honeybees have become well established throughout Australia and concerns have been raised about their impact on the native flora and fauna. Such concerns include the possible depletion of nectar resources by honeybees to the detriment of native animals and the ability of honeybees to pollinate Australian plants. The foraging patterns and resource utilization of honeybees (Apis mellifera) and native insects on flowers of yellow Mallee (Eucalyptus costata) (Behr & F. Muell, ex F. Muell.) were studied in Wyperfeld National Park during spring 1994. Seventy-four insect species visited the flowers with the most prevalent being honeybees, native bees (Lasioglossum and Hylaeus) and ants (Iridiomyrmex). Honeybees began foraging at lower temperatures than native bees and hence had initial access to the nectar supply that was primarily produced overnight by E. costata. However, the majority (90%) of early morning visits to flowers by honeybees involved the collection of pollen. Honeybees did not forage for nectar in substantial numbers until after native insects were active. Despite both consumption and evaporation, nectar supplies remained available at midday and at one site remained available for consumption at dusk. Honeybees regularly made contact with the receptive stigmata while foraging for pollen and hence had pollen loads consisting of numerous E. costata grains present on their body. These activities are indicative of the behaviour required by insects to facilitate pollination. Given the unique morphology of many native flowers and the contrasting findings from studies to date, it is critical that generalisations about the effect of honeybees in the Australian environment are not made from studies on a limited number of native plant species.  相似文献   

TSUJI  Kazuki  HASYIM  Ahsol  Harlion  NAKAMURA  Koji 《Ecological Research》2004,19(6):669-673
The Asian weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, is known to have outstanding predatory power. This ant can protect the host plants from attacks of phytophagous insects and therefore has been used for biological control in the tropics. We present evidence for a possible negative effect of Oecophylla on the performance of host plants. Our observation in a fruit orchard of rambutan in Sumatra suggested that the presence of Oecohylla nests on the trees statistically significantly lowered the flower-visiting rate of flying insects, involving the major pollinator Trigona minangkabau. The visiting rate of Oecophylla workers to each flower shoot of rambutan significantly negatively correlated with the visiting rate of flying insects. Empirical evidence of such an inhibitory effect on flower-visiting of pollinators cased by aggressive ants has been scarce so far.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Foraging patterns were studied using honey bees on artificial flower patches to determine if given individuals could change behaviours under differing conditions.
2. Two types of flower patches were used; those simulating a population of flowers, dimorphic for colour, and grids simulating a single colour-dimorphic inflorescence.
3. In the simulated population of flowers bees were individually constant to colour over a range of reward volumes and flower patch sizes.
4. Each bee remained individually constant to a flower morph when visiting a population-type grid but changed to random visitation on the simulated inflorescence.
5. On the simulated inflorescence, with morphs providing unequal qualities of reward, most bees foraged on the higher molarity morph.
6. Most, but not all bees, failed to minimize uncertainty on the simulated inflorescence.
7. On the simulated inflorescence, bees failed to optimize when one morph provided a greater reward volume than did the other.
8. In the population of flowers bees flew from flower to flower, whereas, they walked on the simulated inflorescence.  相似文献   

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