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宁夏枸杞果实生长发育期内源激素变化及关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘宁杞1号’枸杞为材料,采用高效液相色谱技术,对不同发育时期宁夏枸杞果皮和种子内源激素(ZT、GA3、IAA、ABA)含量进行测定,以揭示其变化规律.结果显示:(1)种子中的生长素与果实横径和果实单粒重均呈极显著的正相关关系,与果实纵径呈显著正相关关系,即种子中的生长素在果实的增大中起着重要的作用.(2)果皮和种子中的赤霉酸含量都远远大于其他3种激素含量,且从第一次快速生长期(花后2~8 d)到缓慢生长期(花后8~25 d),其含量与种子中的生长素含量变化较为一致,进入第二次快速增长期(花后25~33 d)以后,果皮和种子中赤霉酸的含量则迅速下降,而种子中的生长素含量却急速上升,这可能是果皮和种子中的赤霉酸促进了种子内生长素的合成,而种子内的生长素可以直接调节果实细胞的伸长.研究表明,‘宁杞1号’种子中的内源激素在果实生长发育中起着重要的作用,且各激素间存在着平衡关系,果皮和种子中各种激素相互影响,共同促进果实的生长发育.  相似文献   

肖家欣  彭抒昂 《广西植物》2007,27(5):775-779
以单性结实的国庆1号温州蜜柑和自花结实的华农本地早橘为材料,研究了果实生长发育过程中果实不同部位的吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)、赤霉素(GA1/3)和玉米素核苷(ZR)含量的变化。结果表明:(1)国庆1号果皮IAA、GA1/3和ZR含量在幼果阶段均相对较高,随后果皮和果肉IAA含量均趋下降,而在果实膨大期内果肉ABA和果皮、果肉GA1/3、ZR含量均出现上升峰值,果实成熟采收时果皮和果肉ABA含量均明显回升。(2)华农本地早种子、果皮和果肉IAA及其种子ABA含量均在果实膨大期内出现明显峰值,在幼果阶段至果实膨大初期内种子GA1/3和ZR含量均居较高并出现明显上升,对应的果皮、果肉4种内源激素水平均相对较低且变幅小。还就两结实类型柑橘果实生长发育与其内源IAA、ABA、GA1/3和ZR含量动态的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

同一株大核和焦核"桂味"荔枝的果实生长型均呈"单S型",其果实大小差异主要由种子大小不同引起.果实发育期间,两者果皮中内源激素变化的规律大体上一致,大核果皮中GA3、IAA含量和(IAA ZRs GA3)/ABA比值均高于焦核果皮,但ZRs含量和ZRs/ABA比值则比其低,ABA含量的差异无规律可循.  相似文献   

以新疆主栽品种灰枣和骏枣的花芽为材料,测定不同分化时期花芽的可溶性糖、还原糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量,SOD、POD、PPO、CAT活性以及内源GA3、IAA、ABA、ZT水平的变化,并分析它们与花芽分化的关系,为枣花芽分化调控提供理论参考。结果表明:(1)灰枣和骏枣花芽可溶性糖、还原糖和淀粉含量在花芽分化过程的变化趋势基本相似,于花原基分化期至雌蕊分化期先降低后升高,至雌蕊分化期到达峰值;而可溶性蛋白质含量变化趋势相反,在花原基分化期至雌蕊分化期先上升再降低。(2)在整个花芽分化过程中,其POD、PPO、CAT活性变化趋势基本一致,从花芽开始分化后逐步降低,最低点出现在雌蕊分化期;两个品种花芽SOD活性在花原基分化期至分化初期时显著上升,之后SOD活性在灰枣中不断降低,而在骏枣中则显著上升。(3)两品种花芽IAA、GA3、ZT含量在分化过程中的变化规律基本相似,它们均在萼片分化期前呈下降趋势,之后GA3、ZT含量及灰枣中IAA含量逐渐上升,而骏枣IAA含量在萼片分化期至花瓣分化期呈先显著上升后下降再上升;灰枣ABA含量在花原基分化期至萼片分化期显著上升,而同期骏枣则显著降低,随着分化进程的推进,灰枣ABA含量在萼片分化期后逐步降低,而骏枣则逐步上升并在雌蕊分化期达到峰值。(4)花芽分化开始后,骏枣ABA/IAA、ZT/IAA、GA3/IAA比值快速上升,但GA3/ABA、ZT/ABA的比值呈下降趋势;灰枣ZT/IAA、GA3/IAA在花原基分化期至萼片分化期显著上升后降低,分化结束后低于花原基分化期。研究认为,枣花芽开始分化后会消耗大量的营养物质,导致花芽的可溶性糖、淀粉和还原糖含量降低,且整个分化过程中淀粉含量始终高于可溶性糖和还原糖含量;两个品种枣花芽分化过程中POD、CAT、PPO活性下降以及骏枣花芽分化过程中SOD活性的上升均有利于枣营养生长向生殖生长的转变,且枣花芽分化过程中低水平的GA3和IAA、中等水平的ABA、较高水平的ZT,以及较高的ZT/IAA、ABA/IAA和GA3/IAA有利于枣花芽分化和花芽形成。  相似文献   

3,4-二羟基苯乙酮(DHAP)是天山云杉(Picea schrenkiana ssp. tianschanica)叶和凋落物中存在的主要自毒物质, 是导致天山云杉林天然更新障碍的原因之一。为了解释自毒物质发生作用的生理机制, 该文设计多个浓度梯度的DHAP溶液处理天山云杉种子, 以发芽率和发芽势为种子萌发参数, 运用反相超高效液相色谱(UPLC)分析技术, 检测了种子萌发过程中内源植物激素玉米素(ZT)、赤霉素(GA3)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)和脱落酸(ABA)含量水平的变化。研究结果表明: DHAP处理对天山云杉种子萌发影响具有浓度效应, 表现为5.0 mmol·L-1 > 0.1 mmol·L-1 > 1.0 mmol·L-1 >对照, 即5.0 mmol·L-1 DHAP处理组对种子萌发的抑制作用最强、0.1 mmol·L-1 DHAP处理组次之、1.0 mmol·L-1 DHAP处理组最弱; DHAP处理组的种子内源ZT、GA3浓度水平降低, ABA含量升高, GA3浓度峰值出现时间延迟, IAA浓度在高浓度(5.0 mmol·L-1 DHAP)处理组短时间内(3-6天)过量积累, 1.0和5.0 mmol·L-1 DHAP处理组的种子内源ABA浓度峰值出现时间延迟; DHAP处理种子萌发1-6天时, ZT/(GA3+IAA)比值降低, IAA/ZT、ABA/ZT比值增大; ABA/(ZT + GA3 + IAA)比值在0.1 mmol·L-1 DHAP处理组增大, 在5.0 mmol·L-1 DHAP处理组降低。DHAP处理引发种子内源激素含量水平及激素含量间比值变化, 可能是抑制、延迟天山云杉种子萌发的主要原因。  相似文献   

植物内源激素在调节种子休眠和萌发过程中具有极其重要的作用。本研究运用反式高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)与紫外检测器联用的方法对小花草玉梅干种子、吸胀种子和露白种子中的赤霉素GAs、脱落酸ABA、玉米素ZT和生长素IAA含量进行了检测,旨在研究植物内源激素水平在种子萌发过程中的变化是否直接关系着小花草玉梅种子在光照或黑暗条件下的萌发能力。结果显示,种子吸胀过程中,光照促进了ZT同时抑制了ABA的积累,并且ZT对ABA萌发抑制作用的解除也受光的促进,露白种子中的ABA/ZT,ABA/GAs和(ABA+IAA)/(GAs+ZT)水平在黑暗条件下高于光照条件,上述均是导致光照条件下种子萌发率较高的重要原因;相对于干种子,IAA含量在种子吸胀初期急速下降,(ABA+IAA)/(GAs+ZT)在种子萌发过程中有所降低,而ABA/GAs却表现出明显的上升趋势;各激素水平所受光照的影响均在种子开始露白时显著减弱,另外,吸胀第9天是小花草玉梅种子萌发过程中激素变化的一个关键的时间节点。总之,种子萌发并非直接关系着GA含量的升高和ABA含量的降低。因光照直接促进了小花草玉梅种子的萌发,本研究认为高寒草甸充足的光照和较强的太阳辐射通过调节种子内源激素水平在一定程度上对种子萌发过程中的休眠解除具有重要作用。  相似文献   

果实制干是宁夏枸杞炮制的主要过程,宁夏枸杞不同品种在制干特性方面存在一定的差异。该研究以宁夏枸杞栽培中制干差异较大的品种‘宁杞1号’(易制干)和‘宁杞5号’(不易制干)果实为材料,采用扫描电镜技术和GC-MS技术对2个宁夏枸杞品种不同发育时期(青果期、色变期、成熟期)的果实果皮结构以及果皮蜡质微形态、含量和组分进行了观测,从果皮蜡质微形态及组分的积累变化初步揭示枸杞果皮蜡质的积累规律,以明确不同枸杞品种果皮蜡质组分差异,为不同品种适宜促干剂的筛选以及促干剂的合理使用提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)‘宁杞1号’和‘宁杞5号’枸杞表皮细胞外侧细胞壁均呈现脊状突起的结构,在果实青果期脊状突起不连续,脊和脊之间排列紧密;随着发育时期的延后,脊状突起的连续性逐渐增强,且脊与脊之间的间距逐渐变宽,蜡质呈膜状覆盖于凸起的脊和两脊之间的沟内。(2)‘宁杞1号’和‘宁杞5号’两个枸杞品种在果实发育过程中,果皮单位面积蜡质含量均呈先下降后上升的趋势,在成熟期单位面积蜡质含量最高,且‘宁杞1号’3个发育时期果皮单位面积蜡质含量均高于同期‘宁杞5号’,呈现出与扫描电镜观察到的蜡质分布基本一致的变化趋势。(3)2个品种3个时期的果实表皮蜡质组分均由烷烃类、酮类、醇类、酸类、醛类、酯类和碘代烷烃类组成,两品种青果期和色变期果皮蜡质组分相同,主要由烷烃类、醇类和碘代烷烃类组成,它们成熟期的果皮蜡质组分主要由烷烃类、醇类和酯类组成。(4)主成分分析结果显示,3个生育时期‘宁杞5号’果皮蜡质组分多为烷烃类物质,较‘宁杞1号’更利于阻挡果实水分的散失。研究发现,影响枸杞果实制干的原因在于枸杞果皮蜡质含量、结构和蜡质组分,烷烃类组分能够有效阻止果实体内水分的散失,‘宁杞5号’果皮蜡质中烷烃组分含量更高,果皮保水性更强,致果实不易制干。  相似文献   

沙棘果实发育过程中内源激素水平的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜维  丁健  阮成江 《植物学报》2018,53(2):219-226
沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)是荒漠化防治和水土保持的重要经济树种, 其果实中含有丰富的生物活性成分。内源激素生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA4)、脱落酸(ABA)和茉莉酸(JA)在沙棘果实发育过程中起着重要的调控作用, 但不同发育期内源激素的动态变化及其对果实生长发育的影响仍不清楚。以亲缘关系近且含油量差异明显的2个沙棘品系不同发育期果实为材料, 利用液相色谱串联质谱法检测了4种内源激素含量的动态变化。结果表明, 在果实发育过程中, 80%–85%的含水量有利于内源激素浓度的相对稳定; 果实含油量在不同发育期增速基本一致, 2个品系含油量在中后期开始出现明显差异。IAA和JA含量在果实成熟过程中呈先高后低的趋势; ABA含量在果实发育中后期始终处于较高水平; 而GA4含量一直处于较低水平。高ABA/GA4有利于果实油脂的合成与积累。研究结果为揭示不同内源激素对沙棘果实发育的调节作用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

扁桃幼果发育过程中的内源激素含量变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用高效液相色谱测定扁桃幼果发育过程中脱落与否的果实中内源生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA3)和脱落酸(ABA)含量变化的结果表明,幼果发育初期,脱落幼果中IAA和GA3含量均明显低于未脱落的,而ABA含量则明显高于未脱落的果实。  相似文献   

枇杷叶片胚性愈伤组织诱导与内源激素含量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为揭示胚性愈伤组织发生过程中内源激素的变化规律,本研究以枇杷叶片为实验材料,通过诱导胚性愈伤组织获得体细胞胚,采用高效液相色谱法测定枇杷叶片及愈伤组织的赤霉素(GA3)、生长素(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)和玉米素(ZT)4种内源激素的含量,探讨胚性愈伤组织发育过程中4种内源激素的动态变化。结果显示,不同成熟度叶片内IAA/ZT比值对胚性愈伤组织的发生有正效应,而GA3/IAA的比值具有负效应。胚性愈伤组织的发生需要较低含量的GA3及高含量的IAA和ABA,IAA/ZT比值高有利于胚性愈伤组织形成,培养后期及时添加一定量的外源激素有利于胚性保持。本研究可为离体培养时选择外植体、添加外源激素及控制继代时间提供理论指导,并为快速获得枇杷胚性材料、开展基因转化研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

In the present report, we described the effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), zeatin (ZT), gibberellin (GA3), and abscisic acid (ABA) on in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth in Torenia fournieri L. The results showed that IAA and GA3 stimulated in vitro pollen tube growth, ABA inhibited pollen tube growth, and ZT had no significant effect on the process. The stimulating effect of exogenous IAA was particularly distinct, and led to synchronous growth of straighter and more slender pollen tubes compared with the controls. However, no significant changes were found in the germination of the treated pollen. The auxin efflux inhibitor, 10 μM 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), was also found to stimulate pollen tube growth. We measured the content of hormones (free IAA, ZT, GA3, and ABA) in the stigmas and styles before and after pollination. The hormone contents of stigmas measured 0.5 h after pollination (0.5 HAP) showed that ABA content decreased, whereas the content of IAA, ZT, or GA3 did not change significantly. The hormone level in pollinated styles (4 HAP) when pollen tubes had grown into the middle part of style was characterized by an increase in free IAA and GA3 and a decrease in ABA, which was in agreement with the results that IAA and GA3 promoted but ABA inhibited pollen tube growth in vitro. Furthermore, the change of IAA level in styles was most notable, which was accordant to the fact that auxin stimulated significantly pollen tube growth in vitro. Using immunoenzyme and immunogold labeling techniques and an anti-IAA monoclonal antibody, we confirmed that free IAA was present throughout style tissues, and distributed in the nucleus and cytoplasm of style cells. All these results suggested that hormones, especially IAA, play important roles in pollen tube growth of T. fournieri. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

(-)-Jasmonic acid was identified as a plant growth inhibitor of the pericarp of Vicia faba by means of gas-liquid chromatography, high resolution mass spectrometry, 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), and 13C-NMR. Additionally, the pericarp contains very small amounts of abscisic acid (ABA) and 4-dihydrophaseic acid. The highest level of jasmonic acid was reached prior to full pericarp length. This amount (3 g g-1 fresh weight) is similar to the maximal ABA content in the developing seed. Jasmonic acid is a plant growth inhibitor possessing a relative activity in the wheat seedling bioassay of 1–2.5%, compared to ABA. Contrary to ABA, jasmonic acid does not cause retardation of leaf emergence. The possible physiological role of jasmonic acid in the pericarp is discussed and compared with the assumed function of ABA in developing seeds.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DPA 4-dihydrophaseic acid - DPAMeTMS methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether of DPA - EtOAc ethyl acetate - Et2O ether - MS mass spectrometry - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TLC thin-layer chromatography - UV ultraviolet light  相似文献   

该研究采用ISSR分子标记,对黄枝油杉7个自然种群的遗传多样性进行了分析。结果表明:用12条ISSR引物对218个黄枝油杉个体进行扩增,共扩增出125个位点。在物种水平上,多态性位点百分数( PPL)为100.00%,Shannon信息多样性指数( I)为0.4177,Nei’ s基因多样性指数( H)为0.2666;在种群水平上,多态性位点百分数(PPL)在71.20%~92.00%之间,平均值为80.69%,Shannon信息多样性指数(I)在0.3273~0.3886之间,平均值为0.3548,Nei’ s基因多样性指数( H)在0.2139~0.2478之间,平均值为0.2291。这说明黄枝油杉在物种水平和种群水平上均显示出较高的遗传多样性。 Nei’ s遗传多样性分析( Gst=0.1433)和AMOVA分析(Φst=17.91%)表明,黄枝油杉的遗传变异主要存在于种群内,种群间的遗传分化程度较低,种群间保持一定的基因交流( Nm=2.9890>1)。 Mantel分析显示,黄枝油杉种群间的遗传距离和地理距离之间不存在显著的相关关系( r=0.4567, P=0.0610>0.05)。  相似文献   

梾木种子低温层积过程中内源激素含量的动态变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)研究了梾木种子低温层积过程中内源激素含量的动态变化,分析了内源激素与种子休眠与发芽的关系。结果表明:(1)梾木种子中IAA含量在层积处理初期剧烈降低,持续一段时间后又显著升高,但后期下降,且IAA/ABA也出现同样的变化;种子中ABA含量在层积处理前期较高,但随着处理时间的延长趋于下降;种子内GA1/3含量以及GA1/3/ABA均随层积处理时间的延长逐渐增大;种子内ZRs和iPAs含量的变化相对较为平稳,尽管有一定的波动,但整体呈渐趋增高趋势。(2)梾木种子发芽率及发芽势在未经层积处理以及处理时间少于90d的条件下均为0,但随着层积处理时间的延长二者明显上升,层积处理的时间长短对梾木种子萌发有显著影响。(3)相关分析表明,梾木种子内GA1/3含量与种子的发芽率、发芽势均呈显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.688、0.662;种子内GA1/3/ABA增大有利于种子休眠解除和萌发。  相似文献   

This study explores the unique growth-regulatory roles of two naturally occurring auxins, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA), and their interactions with gibberellin (GA) during early pea (Pisum sativum L.) fruit development. We have previously shown that 4-Cl-IAA can replace the seed requirement in pea pericarp growth (length and fresh weight), whereas IAA had no effect or was inhibitory. When applied simultaneously, gibberellin (GA3 or GA1) and 4-Cl-IAA had a synergistic effect on pericarp growth. In the present study, we found that simultaneous application of IAA and GA3 to deseeded pericarps inhibited GA3-stimulated growth. The inhibitory effect of IAA on GA-stimulated growth was mimicked by treatment with ethephon (ethylene releasing agent), and the inhibitory effects of IAA and ethylene on GA-mediated growth were reversed by silver thiosulfate (STS), an ethylene action inhibitor. Although pretreatment with STS could retard senescence of IAA-treated pericarps, STS pretreatment did not lead to IAA-induced pericarp growth. Although 4-Cl-IAA stimulated growth whereas IAA was ineffective, both auxins induced similar levels of ethylene evolution. However, only 4-Cl-IAA-stimulated growth was insensitive to the effects of ethylene. Gibberellin treatment did not influence the amount of ethylene released from pericarps in the presence or absence of either auxin. We propose a growth regulatory role for 4-Cl-IAA through induction of GA biosynthesis and inhibition of ethylene action. Additionally, ethylene (IAA-induced or IAA-independent) may inhibit GA responses under physiological conditions that limit fruit growth.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Epicotyl dormancy break in seeds that have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy (MPD) requires radicle emergence and even a certain root length in some species. However, the mechanisms by which root length affects epicotyl dormancy break are not clear at present. This study aims to explore the relationship between root length and epicotyl dormancy release in radicle-emerged seeds of Tibetan peony, Paeonia ludlowii, with discussion of the possible mechanisms.


Radicle-emerged seeds (radicle length 1·5, 3·0, 4·5 and 6·0 cm) were incubated at 5, 10 and 15 °C. During the stratification, some seeds were transferred to 15 °C and monitored for epicotyl–plumule growth. Hormone content was determined by ELISA, and the role of hormones in epicotyl dormancy release was tested by exogenous hormone and embryo culture.

Key Results

Cold stratification did not break the epicotyl dormancy until the root length was ≥6 cm. The indole-3-actic acid (IAA) and GA3 contents of seeds having 6 cm roots were significantly higher than those of seeds with other root lengths, but the abscisic acid (ABA) content was lowest among radicle-emerged seeds. GA3 (400 mg L−1) could break epicotyl dormancy of all radicle-emerged seeds, while IAA (200 mg L−1) had little or no effect. When grown on MS medium, radicles of naked embryos grew and cotyledons turned green, but epicotyls did not elongate. Naked embryos developed into seedlings on a mixed medium of MS + 100 mg L−1 GA3.


A root length of ≥6·0 cm is necessary for epicotyl dormancy release by cold stratification. The underlying reason for root length affecting epicotyl dormancy release is a difference in the GA3/ABA ratio in the epicotyl within radicle-emerged seeds, which is mainly as a result of a difference in ABA accumulation before cold stratification.  相似文献   

In this study, the contents of fructose, glucose, sucrose, Lycium barbarum polysaccharide (LBP) and total sugar were determined in the fruits of different cultivated varieties of L. barbarum and of the congeneric species Lycium chinense from different regions. The results showed that the sugar accumulated mainly in the form of hexoses (glucose & fructose). Significant correlations among metabolism-related sugars, LBP and total sugar in the fruit of Ningqi No.1 implied the important role of sugar metabolism in the syntheses of LBP and total sugar. The LBP content of Ningqi No.1 in Ningxia region was the highest among all the cultivated varieties and species. The sugar accumulation was significantly affected by ecological factors such as HCO3, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl in soil total salt, pH, soil organic matter and available nitrogen. These findings have profound implications for proper fertilization management and any attempt to grow L. barbarum in new sites.  相似文献   

以开花期的椒样薄荷(Mentha × piperita)、薄荷(M. haplocalyx)和苏格兰留兰香(M. × gentilis)叶片部位提取的精油为研究对象, 通过GC-MS分析, 并采用纸片扩散法研究了3种精油单独使用及与抗生素联合使用时对金黄色葡萄球菌、蜡状芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌和肺炎克雷伯氏菌的抑制情况。结果表明, (1) 椒样薄荷与薄荷精油中含量最高的成分为薄荷醇、薄荷酮和异薄荷酮, 苏格兰留兰香精油的主要成分为香芹酮和柠檬烯。薄荷和苏格兰留兰香精油符合欧洲药典与ISO标准, 椒样薄荷需要继续改良以提高其精油品质与抑菌功能。(2) 精油单独使用时, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442对椒样薄荷精油和薄荷精油敏感; P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853对薄荷精油和苏格兰留兰香精油敏感。精油与抗生素联合使用时抑菌范围和强度均有所改变: 绿脓杆菌的2个菌株对精油与抗生素的组合最为敏感, 其中, 椒样薄荷精油与头孢他啶的组合对P. aeruginosa ATCC 15442显示出最强的增效作用, 薄荷精油与头孢他啶混合之后对P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853出现拮抗作用。Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923对所有精油以及精油与抗生素混合物均有抗性。(3) 椒样薄荷、薄荷和苏格兰留兰香精油的不同成分及其含量差异不仅对精油品质有影响, 而且影响精油对测试菌种的抑制作用, 可考虑将其作为薄荷属植物品质育种的参考指标。  相似文献   

In pea (Pisum sativum), normal fruit growth requires the presence of the seeds. The coordination of growth between the seed and ovary tissues involves phytohormones; however, the specific mechanisms remain speculative. This study further explores the roles of the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis and catabolism genes during pollination and fruit development and in seed and auxin regulation of pericarp growth. Pollination and fertilization events not only increase pericarp PsGA3ox1 message levels (codes for GA 3-oxidase that converts GA20 to bioactive GA1) but also reduce pericarp PsGA2ox1 mRNA levels (codes for GA 2-oxidase that mainly catabolizes GA20 to GA29), suggesting a concerted regulation to increase levels of bioactive GA1 following these events. 4-Chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA) was found to mimic the seeds in the stimulation of PsGA3ox1 and the repression of PsGA2ox1 mRNA levels as well as the stimulation of PsGA2ox2 mRNA levels (codes for GA 2-oxidase that mainly catabolizes GA1 to GA8) in pericarp at 2 to 3 d after anthesis, while the other endogenous pea auxin, IAA, did not. This GA gene expression profile suggests that both seeds and 4-Cl-IAA can stimulate the production, as well as modulate the half-life, of bioactive GA1, leading to initial fruit set and subsequent growth and development of the ovary. Consistent with these gene expression profiles, deseeded pericarps converted [14C]GA12 to [14C]GA1 only if treated with 4-Cl-IAA. These data further support the hypothesis that 4-Cl-IAA produced in the seeds is transported to the pericarp, where it differentially regulates the expression of pericarp GA biosynthesis and catabolism genes to modulate the level of bioactive GA1 required for initial fruit set and growth.  相似文献   

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