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随着生物科技的进步,ESTs(表达序列标签)已经成为开发SSR(简单重复序列)标记的重要资源。本文利用NCBI公共数据库下载蔷薇科EST序列22 458条,使用SSRHunter1.3软件进行了SSR搜索,从中获得22 527条SSR,应用Primer5.0软件设计并经由Oligo7.0软件检测,共得到61对EST-SSR引物。利用这些引物对8个华仁杏品种进行了PCR扩增及检测,得到10对能产生清晰多态性条带的EST-SSR标记,标明了10对引物的序列,为进一步开展华仁杏SSR分子标记辅助育种研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用MISA软件对密花香薷转录组42 362条Unigene进行SSR位点搜索,并对其SSR序列结构及分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)密花香薷转录组Unigene序列中共检测到17 564个SSR重复序列,分布于11 903条Unigene上,出现频率为28.10%,平均每3 200 bp出现一个SSR位点。(2)单、二、三核苷酸重复类型为密花香薷转录组SSR位点的主导基序类型,占总SSR位点的97.27%,3种主导基序类型中,单核苷酸所形成基元类型数量最多,共检测到169个基元类型(51.22%),单核苷酸(A/T)n基元类型占明显优势,二核苷酸重复类型(AG/CT)n基元类型占优,分别占总SSR位点的50.60%和12.17%。(3)单核苷酸SSR位点所包含重复次数最多(49),重复次数介于10~66,同一基序类型不同重复次数所形成的SSR位点数量差异较大,随重复次数的增加,SSR位点数呈下降趋势。(4)密花香薷转录组二至六核苷酸基序SSR序列长度集中在12~30 bp区间,共包含有8 190个SSR位点,占所统计SSR位点的95.60%,1 589 (≥20 bp)个SSR序列具有极高的多态性,占所统计SSR位点的18.54%。综合出现频率、分布密度、基元重复次数和长度变异等多个研究结果发现,密花香薷转录组检索到的SSR序列表现出较高的多态性潜能,具有较大的开发价值。该研究为后续密花香薷SSR分子标记引物开发奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

为挖掘番薯(Ipomoea)属EST-SSR资源,从NCBI数据库下载23406条甘薯(Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)EST和62282条牵牛(Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth)EST,利用生物信息学软件预处理、去冗余、拼接处理后得到12812条无冗余的甘薯EST(6.70 Mb)和28422条牵牛唯一序列(17.19 Mb)。对这些序列进行SSR搜索,在甘薯上获得328个SSR位点,发生频率为2.56%;牵牛上筛选到962个SSR位点,出现频率为3.38%。甘薯和牵牛EST-SSR具有多个共同特征:在SSR位点中,主要是二核苷酸重复类型,其次是三核苷酸重复;在二核苷酸重复中,出现最多的重复基序为AG/CT,其次是AT/AT;在三核苷酸重复中,主要基序是AAG/CCT;SSR位点的长度主要集中在20~22 bp。结果表明,这些搜索出的EST-SSR重复基序类型丰富、多态性潜能高,具有较高的开发和利用价值。  相似文献   

目前,国际公共数据库中黄瓜EST序列数量的迅速增加为SSR标记的开发提供了极为便利的资源。本研究从葫芦科基因组数据库下载513,801条黄瓜EST,经EST-trimmer软件和CD-HIT程序预处理,共获得381,022条非冗余EST。利用Perl程序MISA搜索到SSR位点15,665个,检出率为4.11%。利用Primer3软件成功设计了9,145对黄瓜EST-SSR引物,随机抽取10对引物对5个黄瓜品种进行多态性分析发现,其中仅2对引物能检测到多态性。该数据为下一步开发新的黄瓜EST-SSR标记奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

杨曦 《生物技术通报》2012,(11):139-143
分析鲫鱼EST资源的SSR信息,为开发EST-SSR标记奠定基础.从GenBank中获得鲫鱼EST序列,然后用Sequencher 4.8软件进行序列拼接得到Uni-EST序列,再通过SciRoKo 3.4软件扫描Uni-EST序列中的SSR,最后得出EST-SSR的分布特征、频率和重复基元类型等特征.通过搜索共获得9 230条鲫鱼EST原始序列,通过使用计算机软件进行预处理共得到全长为3.81×106 bp的无冗余Uni-EST 7 092条.在这些序列中共搜索出597个SSR位点,分布在545条Uni-EST序列中,发生频率为8.13%,EST-SSR的平均长度为(19.34±6.23) bp,平均每Mb含156.55个SSR位点.单核苷酸重复在鲫鱼EST-SSR中占主导地位,发生频率为39.53%,其次为二核苷酸重复,发生频率为36.68%以及三核苷酸重复的15.41%.在所有非单核苷酸重复基元中,AC基元出现频率最高,其次为AG.设计出引物404对.最后得出结论鲫鱼EST中SSR出现的频率较高,并且类型较为丰富,为进行遗传多样性分析和重要经济性状筛选等方面的研究提供了基础和指导.  相似文献   

梅EST-SSR标记的开发及利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用MISA软件对10 123条梅EST序列进行SSR位点查找,得到含SSR位点的序列935条,SSR位点1233个,平均每100条EST序列中含有12.18个SSR位点.2核苷酸、3核苷酸重复是最主要的重复类型,分别占35.52%和41.36%.设计了40对EST-SSR引物并进行扩增,有24对引物能扩增出理想的PCR 产物,其中17对引物具有较好的扩增多态性.测序后发现13对引物中有73.08%的片段具有相应的SSR位点,对杏DNA指纹中部分谱带的测序结果也证明了是梅扩增出的相应的SSR位点.根据本研究含有SSR位点的测序结果推算,从梅EST中开发真实SSR位点的数目为901.随机选择13对引物对杏和梅进行DNA指纹构建与遗传多样性分析,结果发现,来源于梅的EST-SSR引物在杏中有很高的通用性,这些引物把梅和杏分成了两大群体,说明他们是遗传差异明显的两种植物.  相似文献   

【目的】为了获得星天牛Anoplophora chinensis的SSR位点信息并开发其SSR分子标记技术,进一步为其遗传多样性以及综合治理提供理论依据。【方法】利用MISA软件,对星天牛转录组数据进行简单重复序列(SSR)位点筛选与分析;使用Primer3软件设计引物,采用PCR扩增以及电泳检测,筛选SSR引物,开发星天牛SSR分子标记技术。【结果】在9 325条unigene序列中共挖掘到2 360个SSR位点,出现频率为25.31%,涉及SSR位点序列1 758条,发生频率为18.85%。星天牛转录组中SSR的主要重复类型为单碱基重复,其次是三碱基重复,分别占总数的79.03%、12.54%。在核苷酸重复类型中,A/T基元种类数目最多,所占比例高达99.30%。SSR长度为10-11 bp的占比最高,为56.10%;重复次数为10次的数量最多,SSR位点数为1 188(50.34%)。重复次数和长度的分析结果对SSR位点的多态性获得了初步验证。在随机挑选序列设计的60对引物中,53对扩增产物达到预期大小,候选引物可用率高达88%,可在今后的研究中利用。【结论】本文对星天牛SSR位点的信息分析以及引物的设计与验证将有助于星天牛基因挖掘、种群遗传结构、遗传多样性、进化关系和综合治理的研究。  相似文献   

中华蜜蜂是东方蜜蜂的一个亚种,也是我国的特有蜂种。本研究基于已获得的中华蜜蜂幼虫肠道转录组数据预测SSR分子标记,并进行SSR位点的信息分析和SSR引物的发掘。利用MISA软件对幼虫肠道转录组中数据组装得到的43557条unigenes进行搜索,共预测出13448个SSR位点,它们分布于7763条unigene中,其中最主要的重复类型为二核苷酸重复(58.03%),其次为三核苷酸重复(28.23%)和四核苷酸重复(9.72%)。二核苷酸重复中的基序主要是AT/AT(占总量的30.4%)。对于所有的SSR位点,利用Primer Premier 5软件成功设计出21627对引物,随机选取48对引物对5个不同来源的中华蜜蜂幼虫肠道样品进行SSR位点扩增,共有15对成功扩增出符合预期的目的片段。研究结果表明利用转录组数据大规模开发中华蜜蜂幼虫的SSR引物是可行的,本研究开发出的SSR引物为研究中华蜜蜂分子遗传学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

[目的]利用转录组数据开发白沙蒿的SSR分子标记,探索其分布特点并对SSR引物进行有效性检测。[方法]以9个不同样品白沙蒿转录组数据为基础,利用MISA软件对1kb以上的Unigenes进行筛选;把重复序列单元相同、重复次数存在差异、侧翼序列长度完全相同的SSR位点作为引物合成的标准,采用PCR技术和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术对其有效性进行初步验证。[结果]在20 149条Unigenes中共检测出5 692个SSR位点,发生频率为22.95%,平均每隔6.66 kb出现1个位点。优势重复单元单、三、二核苷酸分别占总SSR位点的52.09%、28.30%和17.38%。经过验证筛选出具有多态性且扩增条带清晰的引物18对。[结论]印证了利用白沙蒿转录组测序产生的Unigene信息可作为开发SSR标记的有效来源,且开发的有效SSR引物可用于后续群体的相关研究中。  相似文献   

利用NCBI数据库进行漆树EST-SSR引物开发,从NCBI数据库中共下载漆树EST序列87 856条。利用MISA软件进行序列处理、拼接及聚类后,从87 856条漆树EST序列中拼接组装成3 979条非冗余序列,含SSR位点的EST序列出现频率占EST序列总数的4.5%,从3 979条非冗余序列中检测到487个SSRs微卫星位点,出现频率为12.2%。这些SSR位点中,三核苷酸和二核苷酸重复基元所占比例较高。采用Primer5.0软件,共成功设计50对EST-SSR引物,50对EST-SSR引物在25个漆树个体上均能扩增出清晰的电泳条带,其中18对引物检测出了多态性条带,扩增率达36%。  相似文献   

Microsatellites, as the tracts of repetitive DNA, are an essential constituent of the plant genome that holds important evolutionary significance, and have been extensively used to develop molecular makers for genetic analysis. To understand the microsatellite dynamics of quinoa genome and its relatives, in this study we performed a genome‐wide analysis of microsatellites in five Amaranthaceae species using available genome sequences. The results demonstrated that the microsatellites of the five Amaranthaceae species were characterised by relatively high proportions of mono‐, di‐ and trinucleotide repeats with A/T rich motifs, implying conservative organisation and composition of microsatellites in this family. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation between microsatellite frequencies and GC contents (r = ?.87) were observed. In total, 533,961 (89.57%) and 542,601 (89.86%) microsatellite loci could be used to develop simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers, of which 7,178 were found to be polymorphic between the two sequenced quinoa cultivars, QQ74 and Real Blanca, through in silico PCR analysis. Finally, 15 SSR markers were randomly selected to validate their polymorphism across 12 quinoa accessions by wet‐lab PCR amplification. The newly developed genome‐wide SSR markers provide a useful resource for population genetics, gene mapping and molecular breeding studies in quinoa and beyond.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci are an important marker type for population genetic studies despite the limitation that development of novel loci requires construction and screening of genomic DNA libraries. The common practice of size fractioning genomic DNA before cloning could lead to differential representation of SSR loci within genomic libraries. In addition, linkage mapping studies have shown that small numbers of SSR markers are not randomly distributed within the genomes from which they are isolated. From attempts to clone five SSR repeat sequences in two wild plant species we show that the numbers and repeat type of potential SSR markers depend on the restriction endonuclease used to sample the genome when constructing DNA libraries. This observation is consistent with unequal sampling of the genome by different restriction enzymes. However, as a group the five SSR repeat sequences are not associated with a given restriction enzyme, suggesting they are not clumped within the genome. Use of multiple restriction enzymes to construct DNA libraries may help ensure that cloned SSR loci are drawn from diverse locations in the genome, helping to meet the assumption of randomly located marker loci required for population genetic inferences.  相似文献   

大麦基因组中的微卫星标记及其应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
冯宗云  张义正  凌宏清 《遗传》2002,24(6):727-733
微卫星是以少数几个核苷酸为单位多次串联重复的DNA序列,是一种简单序列重复(simple sequence repeats,SSR),两侧一般是保守序列。由于它具有多态性高、共显性、容易用PCR检测和结果稳定可靠等特点,因此是一种十分理想的分子标记。大麦的微卫星DNA随机分布于基因组中,平均每一个微卫星基因座有3~18个等位基因,最高可达37个。SSR标记已广泛用于分子遗传图谱的构建、遗传多样性研究、种质鉴定、主要性状基因的定位及分子标记辅助选择育种等。大多数SSR标记集中在着丝粒附近区域,1HL、5HL和6HS明显缺乏SSR标记。大麦的SSR标记还有待进一步的开发。 Microsatellite Markers and Applications in the Barley Genome FENG Zong-yun1,2,3,ZHANG Yi-zheng1,LING Hong-qing3 1.College of Life Sciences,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China; 2.College of Agronomy,Sichuan Agricultural University,Ya'an 625014,China; 3.The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell & Chromosome Engineering,Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China Abstract:Microsatellites,also called simple sequence repeats (SSR),are simple,tandemly repeated DNA sequences with a repeat length of a few base pairs,and are very ideally used as molecular markers because of their abundance,high level of polymorphism,co-dominance and ease of assay with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by selecting primers as the conserved DNA sequences flanking the SSRs,as well as better stability.The experiments showed that SSRs are randomly distributed throughout the barley genome,and there are 3~18 alleles at a single SSR locus,up to 37 alleles/locus.SSR markers have being widely applied in the construction of molecular genetic map,the study of genetic diversity,the identification of germplasm,gene mapping for important traits and molecular marker-assisted selection.Meanwhile,most of markers are strongly clustered around the centromeric regions of all seven linkage groups.As a result of the clustering,genome coverage with SSRs remains incomplete with an obvious lack of markers on the long arms of chromosomes 1H and 5H and short arm of chromosome 6H.Therefore,it is very potential and necessary to further develop SSR markers in barley. Key words:barley;microsatellite marker;simple sequence repeats;genetic diversity;molecular mapping  相似文献   

We have explored the possible role of SSR density in genome to generate biological information. In our study, we have checked the SSR (simple sequence repeats) status in virulent and non virulent genes of enteric bacteria to see whether the SSRs distribution contributes to virulence. The genome, plasmid and virulent genes sequences in fasta format were downloaded from NCBI GenBank and VFDB. The sequences were subjected to SSR analysis using software tool ssr.exe. The resulting data was pasted in excel sheet and further analyzed for percentage of each type of SSR. Higher nucleotide repeats have been observed in our study. Overall high density of SSRs can enhance antigenic variance of the pathogen population in a strategy that counteracts the host immune response. Frequency of A and T repeats is higher in the chromosome, plasmid and the virulence genes. However, in dinucleotide repeats the frequencies of GC/CG repeats are higher in genome, whereas plasmid has more of AT/TA repeats. Genome has trinucleotide repeats having predominantly G and C whereas plasmid has trinucleotide repeats having predominantly A and T. The repeat number obtained and percentage of repeats is higher in virulence genes as compared to other gene families. Due to the presence of this large number of SSRs, the organism has an enormous potential for generating this genomic and phenotypic diversity.  相似文献   

小麦A/B染色体组SSR标记在新小麦合成前后的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微卫星分子标记已广泛用于普通小麦遗传和进化研究。由于人工合成小麦与小麦品种之间存在高的遗传多样性,人工合成小麦已被大量应用于小麦分子标记工作中。但是,目前还缺乏人工合成小麦的异源六倍化过程对微卫星影响的研究。本研究直接比较了四倍体小麦与节节麦远缘杂交并经染色体加倍获得人工合成小麦前后,位于普通小麦A/B染色体组不同染色体臂上的66个特异引物揭示的微卫星位点的保守性和可转移性。结果表明,除了一个引物在新合成小麦中扩增出供体亲本没有的新带,一个引物在节节麦扩增出的产物在新合成小麦中消失,其他的所有微卫星引物的扩增产物在小麦合成前后是保守的,没有变异发生。所有的引物能够在四倍体小麦中扩增出微卫星产物,四倍体小麦中的扩增产物也出现在新的人工合成小麦中;有70%的引物能够在节节麦扩增出产物,其中的绝大多数产物也出现在新的人工合成小麦中。因此,普通小麦A/B染色体组的这些微卫星引物除了在人工合成小麦的A/B染色体组中扩增出产物,还能在其D染色体组中扩增出产物,也就是说,这些引物对人工合成小麦而言,并非是A/B染色体组特异的。根据该研究结果,讨论了小麦微卫星的可转移性和特异性问题,重点讨论了在应用人工合成小麦构建的遗传群体进行微卫星分子标记中的应用价值及其应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

Jun TH  Michel AP  Mian MA 《Génome》2011,54(5):360-367
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites are very useful molecular markers, owing to their locus-specific codominant and multiallelic nature, high abundance in the genome, and high rates of transferability across species. The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) has become the most damaging insect pest of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in North America, since it was first found in the Midwest of the United States in 2000. Biotypes of the soybean aphid capable of colonizing newly developed aphid-resistant soybean cultivars have been recently discovered. Genetic resources, including molecular markers, to study soybean aphids are severely lacking. Recently developed next generation sequencing platforms offer opportunities for high-throughput and inexpensive genome sequencing and rapid marker development. The objectives of this study were (i) to develop and characterize genomic SSR markers from soybean aphid genomic sequences generated by next generation sequencing technology and (ii) to evaluate the utility of the SSRs for genetic diversity or relationship analyses. In total 128 SSR primer pairs were designed from sequences generated by Illumina GAII from a reduced representation library of A. glycines. Nearly 94% (120) of the primer pairs amplified SSR alleles of expected size and 24 SSR loci were polymorphic among three aphid samples from three populations. The polymorphic SSRs were successfully used to differentiate among 24 soybean aphids from Ohio and South Dakota. Sequencing of PCR products of two SSR markers from four aphid samples revealed that the allelic polymorphism was due to variation in the SSR repeats among the aphids. These markers should be particularly useful for genetic differentiation among aphids collected from soybean fields at different localities and regions. These SSR markers provide the soybean aphid research community with the first set of PCR-based codominant markers developed from the genomic sequences of A. glycines.  相似文献   

为探讨观赏竹叶片异质性的机理,根据麻竹(Dendrocalamus latiflorus)和绿竹(Bambusa oldhamii)叶绿体基因组序列开发SSR分子标记。结果表明,在麻竹和绿竹叶绿体基因组中分别存在87和86个SSR位点,其中三核苷酸重复类型最多,其次为单核苷酸重复类型。根据SSR位点设计21对引物,其中11对引物对6竹种能够扩增出稳定、清晰的条带,且具有多态性,引物有效率达到52.4%。聚类分析表明,6竹种可分为两大类群,与形态学分类结果基本一致。有4对引物在菲白竹(Pleioblastus fortunei)和白纹椎谷笹(Sasaella glabra f.albo-striata)的花叶中具有多态性,可作为区分观赏竹叶片异质性的分子标记。  相似文献   

Characterizing the walnut genome through analyses of BAC end sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) is an economically important tree for its nut crop and timber. To gain insight into the structure and evolution of the walnut genome, we constructed two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries, containing a total of 129,024 clones, from in vitro-grown shoots of J. regia cv. Chandler using the HindIII and MboI cloning sites. A total of 48,218 high-quality BAC end sequences (BESs) were generated, with an accumulated sequence length of 31.2?Mb, representing approximately 5.1% of the walnut genome. Analysis of repeat DNA content in BESs revealed that approximately 15.42% of the genome consists of known repetitive DNA, while walnut-unique repetitive DNA identified in this study constitutes 13.5% of the genome. Among the walnut-unique repetitive DNA, Julia SINE and JrTRIM elements represent the first identified walnut short interspersed element (SINE) and terminal-repeat retrotransposon in miniature (TRIM) element, respectively; both types of elements are abundant in the genome. As in other species, these SINEs and TRIM elements could be exploited for developing repeat DNA-based molecular markers in walnut. Simple sequence repeats (SSR) from BESs were analyzed and found to be more abundant in BESs than in expressed sequence tags. The density of SSR in the walnut genome analyzed was also slightly higher than that in poplar and papaya. Sequence analysis of BESs indicated that approximately 11.5% of the walnut genome represents a coding sequence. This study is an initial characterization of the walnut genome and provides the largest genomic resource currently available; as such, it will be a valuable tool in studies aimed at genetically improving walnut.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) have been widely used in maize genetics and breeding, because they are co-dominant, easy to score, and highly abundant. In this study, we used whole-genome sequences from 16 maize inbreds and 1 wild relative to determine SSR abundance and to develop a set of high-density polymorphic SSR markers. A total of 264 658 SSRs were identified across the 17 genomes, with an average of 135 693 SSRs per genome. Marker density was one SSR every of 15.48 kb. (C/G)n, (AT)n, (CAG/CTG)n, and (AAAT/ATTT)n were the most frequent motifs for mono, di-, tri-, and tetra-nucleotide SSRs, respectively. SSRs were most abundant in intergenic region and least frequent in untranslated regions, as revealed by comparing SSR distributions of three representative resequenced genomes. Comparing SSR sequences and e-polymerase chain reaction analysis among the 17 tested genomes created a new database, including 111 887 SSRs, that could be develop as polymorphic markers in silico. Among these markers, 58.00, 26.09, 7.20, 3.00, 3.93, and 1.78% of them had mono, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexa-nucleotide motifs, respectively. Polymorphic information content for 35 573 polymorphic SSRs out of 111 887 loci varied from 0.05 to 0.83, with an average of 0.31 in the 17 tested genomes. Experimental validation of polymorphic SSR markers showed that over 70% of the primer pairs could generate the target bands with length polymorphism, and these markers would be very powerful when they are used for genetic populations derived from various types of maize germplasms that were sampled for this study.  相似文献   

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