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Population genetics has been increasingly applied to study large sharks over the last decade. Whilst large shark species are often difficult to study with direct methods, improved knowledge is needed for both population management and conservation, especially for species vulnerable to anthropogenic and climatic impacts. The tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, is an apex predator known to play important direct and indirect roles in tropical and subtropical marine ecosystems. While the global and Indo‐West Pacific population genetic structure of this species has recently been investigated, questions remain over population structure and demographic history within the western Indian (WIO) and within the western Pacific Oceans (WPO). To address the knowledge gap in tiger shark regional population structures, the genetic diversity of 286 individuals sampled in seven localities was investigated using 27 microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes (CR, COI, and cytb). A weak genetic differentiation was observed between the WIO and the WPO, suggesting high genetic connectivity. This result agrees with previous studies and highlights the importance of the pelagic behavior of this species to ensure gene flow. Using approximate Bayesian computation to couple information from both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, evidence of a recent bottleneck in the Holocene (2,000–3,000 years ago) was found, which is the most probable cause for the low genetic diversity observed. A contemporary effective population size as low as 111 [43,369] was estimated during the bottleneck. Together, these results indicate low genetic diversity that may reflect a vulnerable population sensitive to regional pressures. Conservation measures are thus needed to protect a species that is classified as Near Threatened.  相似文献   

Knowledge of population structure, connectivity, and effective population size remains limited for many marine apex predators, including the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas. This large‐bodied coastal shark is distributed worldwide in warm temperate and tropical waters, and uses estuaries and rivers as nurseries. As an apex predator, the bull shark likely plays a vital ecological role within marine food webs, but is at risk due to inshore habitat degradation and various fishing pressures. We investigated the bull shark's global population structure and demographic history by analyzing the genetic diversity of 370 individuals from 11 different locations using 25 microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes (CR, nd4, and cytb). Both types of markers revealed clustering between sharks from the Western Atlantic and those from the Western Pacific and the Western Indian Ocean, with no contemporary gene flow. Microsatellite data suggested low differentiation between the Western Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, but substantial differentiation was found using mitochondrial DNA. Integrating information from both types of markers and using Bayesian computation with a random forest procedure (ABC‐RF), this discordance was found to be due to a complete lack of contemporary gene flow. High genetic connectivity was found both within the Western Indian Ocean and within the Western Pacific. In conclusion, these results suggest important structuring of bull shark populations globally with important gene flow occurring along coastlines, highlighting the need for management and conservation plans on regional scales rather than oceanic basin scale.  相似文献   

In order to properly manage and conserve exploited shark species, detailed analyses of their population structure is needed. Global populations of Galeorhinus galeus are in decline due to the exploitation of the fishery over the past 80 years. Currently, the genetic structure of eastern Pacific populations of G. galeus is not known and recent observations in the northeastern Pacific suggest an increase in numbers. To evaluate gene flow among populations of G. galeus , 116 samples were collected and analysed from six geographically dispersed locations: Australia, North America, South Africa, South America (Argentina and Peru), and the UK. Analysis of 968 to 1006 bp of the 1068-bp mitochondrial control region revealed 38 unique haplotypes that were largely restricted to their collecting locality. Significant genetic structure was detected among populations (ΦST = 0.84; P  < 0.000001) and migration estimates were low ( Nm  = 0.05–0.97). Due to an apparent lack of migration, populations of G. galeus appear to be isolated from each other with little to no gene flow occurring among them. As a consequence of this isolation, increasing numbers of G. galeus in the northeastern Pacific can be best explained by local recruitment and not by input from geographically distant populations.  相似文献   

Meng XF  Shi M  Chen XX 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(12):2880-2897
Chilo suppressalis (Walker) displays significant geographical differences in ecological preference that may be congruent with patterns of molecular variation. To test this, we collected and analysed 381 individuals of this species from cultivated rice at 18 localities in China during the rice-growing season of 2005–2006. We used four microsatellite DNA markers and four mitochondrial DNA gene fragments. We found that this species is highly differentiated, coupled with an estimated population expansion date of at least 60 000  bp . Phylogenetic analyses, Bayesian clustering, and phylogeographical analyses of statistical parsimony haplotype network consistently divided the populations into three clades: a central China (CC) clade, a northern plus northeastern China (NN) clade and a southwestern China (SW) clade. Analysis of molecular variance indicated a high level of geographical differentiation at different hierarchical levels [ F ST for microsatellite markers, COI, COII, 16S and ND1 is 0.06004 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.27607 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.22949 ( P  < 0.0001), 0.19485 ( P  < 0.0001) and 0.29285 ( P  < 0.0001), respectively]. Isolation by distance appeared among the samples from within China ( r  = 0.404, P  = 0.0002); Nem values estimated using a coalescent-based method were small (< 2 migrants per generation), suggesting that the observed levels of differentiation are a result of migration–drift equilibrium. Our results imply that the genetic differentiation of this borer, which is approximately in accordance with its observed number of generations per year in different Chinese geographical regions, is probably attributed to climatic and/or geological events (e.g. the last glacial maximum) and subsequently strengthened by the domestication of rice.  相似文献   

The spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) is a temperate, coastal squaloid shark with an antitropical distribution in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The global population structure of this species is poorly understood, although individuals are known to undergo extensive migrations within coastal waters and across ocean basins. In this study, an analysis of the global population structure of the spiny dogfish was conducted using eight polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers and a 566‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial ND2 gene region. A low level of genetic divergence was found among collections from the Atlantic and South Pacific basins, whereas a high level of genetic divergence was found among Pacific Ocean collections. Two genetically distinct groups were recovered by both marker classes: one exclusive to North Pacific collections, and one including collections from the South Pacific and Atlantic locations. The strong genetic break across the equatorial Pacific coincides with major regional differences in the life‐history characters of spiny dogfish, suggesting that spiny dogfish in areas on either side of the Pacific equator have been evolving independently for a considerable time. Phylogeographic analyses indicate that spiny dogfish populations had a Pacific origin, and that the North Atlantic was colonized as a result of a recent range expansion from the South American coast. Finally, the available data strongly argue for the taxonomic separation of the North Pacific spiny dogfish from S. acanthias and a re‐evaluation of the specific status of S. acanthias is warranted.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the mating systems of sharks and their relatives (Class Chondrichthyes) because these ancient fishes occupy a key position in vertebrate phylogeny and are increasingly in need of conservation due to widespread overexploitation. Based on precious few genetic and field observational studies, current speculation is that polyandrous mating strategies and multiple paternity may be common in sharks as they are in most other vertebrates. Here, we test this hypothesis by examining the genetic mating system of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, using microsatellite DNA profiling of 22 litters (22 mothers, 188 embryos genotyped at four polymorphic loci) obtained from multiple locations along the west coast of Florida. Contrary to expectations based on the ability of female S. tiburo to store sperm, the social nature of this species and the 100% multiple paternity observed in two other coastal shark species, over 81% of sampled bonnethead females produced litters sired by a single male (i.e. genetic monogamy). When multiple paternity occurred in S. tiburo, there was an indication of increased incidence in larger mothers with bigger litters. Our data suggest that sharks may exhibit complex genetic mating systems with a high degree of interspecific variability, and as a result some species may be more susceptible to loss of genetic variation in the face of escalating fishing pressure. Based on these findings, we suggest that knowledge of elasmobranch mating systems should be an important component of conservation and management programmes for these heavily exploited species.  相似文献   

Gagnon MC  Angers B 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(4):1051-1065
Phylogeographic studies have shed light on Pleistocene glaciations as a key factor in shaping present-day genetic structure of many organisms. In formerly glaciated regions, the combined action of several factors such as refuges origin, physiological capacities and demographic parameters have contributed importantly to this process but specifically for each species. Therefore, a fine-scale genetic structure is not expected to be similar for different species, unless it has been modulated by the action of a strong environmental pressure. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of postglacial environment on the genetic structure of fishes. To achieve this objective, three fish species (northern pike, lake whitefish and yellow perch) commonly found in sympatry in Laurentian Shield lakes but displaying different ecological and physiological characteristics were analysed. The comparison of these unrelated species was performed to identify the factors determining the organization of their genetic structure. Populations of all species mostly originated from the Mississippian refuge. Low genetic differentiation was observed among populations but significant structures were detected for the three species. Despite marked differences among species, these structures presented common characteristics: a lack of congruence with drainage and a longitudinal organization. This suggested that the dispersion of species occurred independently, leading to a species-specific structure. However, the settling of populations appeared to be mediated by a dynamic system of proglacial meltwater streams associated to the glacial Lake Ojibway-Barlow, providing such similarities among species.  相似文献   

Calcrete aquifers from the Yilgarn region of arid central Western Australia contain an assemblage of obligate groundwater invertebrate species that are each endemic to single aquifers. Fine-scale phylogeographic and population genetic analyses of three sympatric and independently derived species of amphipod (Chiltoniidae) were carried out to determine whether there were common patterns of population genetic structure or evidence for past geographic isolation of populations within a single calcrete aquifer. Genetic diversity in amphipod mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene) and allozymes were examined across a 3.5 km2 region of the Sturt Meadows calcrete, which contains a grid of 115 bore holes (=wells). Stygobiont amphipods were found to have high levels of mitochondrial haplotype diversity coupled with low nucleotide diversity. Mitochondrial phylogeographic structuring was found between haplogroups for one of the chiltoniid species, which also showed population structuring for nuclear markers. Signatures of population expansion in two of the three species, match previous findings for diving beetles at the same site, indicating that the system is dynamic. We propose isolation of populations in refugia within the calcrete, followed by expansion events, as the most likely source of intraspecific genetic diversity, due to changes in water level influencing gene flow across the calcrete.  相似文献   

The Indo-West Pacific (IWP), from South Africa in the western Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean, contains some of the most biologically diverse marine habitats on earth, including the greatest biodiversity of chondrichthyan fishes. The region encompasses various densities of human habitation leading to contrasts in the levels of exploitation experienced by chondrichthyans, which are targeted for local consumption and export. The demersal chondrichthyan, the zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum , is endemic to the IWP and has two current regional International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List classifications that reflect differing levels of exploitation: 'Least Concern' and 'Vulnerable'. In this study, we employed mitochondrial ND4 sequence data and 13 microsatellite loci to investigate the population genetic structure of 180 zebra sharks from 13 locations throughout the IWP to test the concordance of IUCN zones with demographic units that have conservation value. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets from samples collected throughout northern Australia and Southeast Asia concord with the regional IUCN classifications. However, we found evidence of genetic subdivision within these regions, including subdivision between locations connected by habitat suitable for migration. Furthermore, parametric F ST analyses and Bayesian clustering analyses indicated that the primary genetic break within the IWP is not represented by the IUCN classifications but rather is congruent with the Indonesian throughflow current. Our findings indicate that recruitment to areas of high exploitation from nearby healthy populations in zebra sharks is likely to be minimal, and that severe localized depletions are predicted to occur in zebra shark populations throughout the IWP region.  相似文献   

African wild dogs are large, highly mobile carnivores that are known to disperse over considerable distances and are rare throughout much of their geographical range. Consequently, genetic variation within and differentiation between geographically separated populations is predicted to be minimal. We determined the genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences and microsatellite loci in seven populations of African wild dogs. Analysis of mtDNA nucleotide diversity suggests that, historically, wild dog populations have been small relative to other large carnivores. However, population declines due to recent habitat loss have not caused a dramatic reduction in genetic diversity. We found one historical and eight recent mtDNA genotypes in 280 individuals that defined two highly divergent clades. In contrast to a previous, more limited, mtDNA analysis, sequences from these clades are not geographically restricted to eastern or southern African populations. Rather, we found a large admixture zone spanning populations from Botswana, Zimbabwe and south-eastern Tanzania. Mitochondrial and microsatellite differentiation between populations was significant and unique mtDNA genotypes and alleles characterized the populations. However, gene flow estimates (Nm) based on microsatellite data were generally greater than one migrant per generation. In contrast, gene flow estimates based on the mtDNA control region were lower than expected given differences in the mode of inheritance of mitochondrial and nuclear markers which suggests a male bias in long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

The marine environment provides an opportunity to examine population structure in species with high dispersal capabilities and often no obvious barriers to genetic exchange. In coastal waters of the western North Atlantic, common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, are a highly mobile species with a continuous distribution from New York to Florida. We examine if the highly mobile nature coupled with no obvious geographic barriers to movement in this region result in a large panmictic population. Mitochondrial control region sequences and 18 microsatellite loci indicate dolphins are partitioning the habitat both latitudinally and longitudinally. A minimum of five genetically differentiated populations were identified among 404 samples collected in the range of New Jersey to northern Florida using both genetic marker types, some inhabiting nearshore coastal waters and others utilizing inshore estuarine waters. The genetic results reject the hypothesis of a single stock of coastal bottlenose dolphins put forth after the 1987–1988 epizootic that caused a large‐scale die‐off of dolphins and suggest instead the disease vector was transferred from one population to the next as a result of seasonal migratory movements of some populations. These coastal Atlantic populations also differ significantly from bottlenose dolphin samples collected in coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico, implying a long‐term barrier to movement between the two basins.  相似文献   

We assessed the spatial pattern of genetic structure of smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena in 10 localities from the Northern Mexican Pacific. A total of 35 haplotypes were identified in 129 sequences of the mtDNA control region. The results showed slight but significant genetic structure among localities (ΦST = 0.044, P < 0.001). In addition, the localities with highest number of juveniles were genetically different (ΦST = 0.058, P < 0.024), which may be representative of nursery areas. The genetic differentiation pattern can be associated to female philopatry and preference for particular birthing sites. Finally, historical demography shows that S. zygaena populations present a recent demographic expansion that occurred during glacial events in the late Pleistocene to early Holocene.  相似文献   

Two putative populations of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) occur in the North Atlantic. The Greenland Sea population pup and breed on the pack ice near Jan Mayen ('West Ice') while the Northwest Atlantic population is thought to pup in the Davis Strait, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (the 'Gulf'), and off southern Labrador or northeast Newfoundland (the 'Front'). We used microsatellite profiling of 300 individuals at 13 loci and mitochondrial DNA sequencing of the control region of 123 individuals to test for genetic differentiation between these four breeding herds. We found no significant genetic differences between breeding areas, nor evidence for cryptic nor higher level genetic structure in this species. The Greenland Sea breeding herd was genetically most distant from the Northwest Atlantic breeding areas; however, the differences were statistically nonsignificant. Our data therefore suggest that the world's hooded seals comprise a single panmictic genetic population.  相似文献   

Highly migratory, cosmopolitan oceanic sharks often exhibit complex movement patterns influenced by ontogeny, reproduction, and feeding. These elusive species are particularly challenging to population genetic studies, as representative samples suitable for inferring genetic structure are difficult to obtain. Our study provides insights into the genetic population structure one of the most abundant and wide‐ranging oceanic shark species, the blue shark Prionace glauca, by sampling the least mobile component of the populations, i.e., young‐of‐year and small juveniles (<2 year; N = 348 individuals), at three reported nursery areas, namely, western Iberia, Azores, and South Africa. Samples were collected in two different time periods (2002–2008 and 2012–2015) and were screened at 12 nuclear microsatellites and at a 899‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region. Our results show temporally stable genetic homogeneity among the three Atlantic nurseries at both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, suggesting basin‐wide panmixia. In addition, comparison of mtDNA CR sequences from Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific locations also indicated genetic homogeneity and unrestricted female‐mediated gene flow between ocean basins. These results are discussed in light of the species' life history and ecology, but suggest that blue shark populations may be connected by gene flow at the global scale. The implications of the present findings to the management of this important fisheries resource are also discussed.  相似文献   

The relative importance of factors that may promote genetic differentiation in marine organisms is largely unknown. Here, contributions to population structure from a biogeographic boundary, geographical distance and the distribution of suitable habitat were investigated in Axoclinus nigricaudus, a small subtidal rock-reef fish, throughout its range in the Gulf of California. A 408-bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced from 105 individuals. Variation was significantly partitioned between 28 of 36 possible combinations of population pairs. Phylogenetic analyses, hierarchical analyses of variance and a modified Mantel test substantiated a major break between two putative biogeographic regions. This genetic discontinuity coincides with an abrupt change in ecological characteristics, including temperature and salinity, but does not coincide with known oceanographic circulation patterns or any known historic barriers. There was an overall relationship of increasing genetic distance with increasing geographical distance between population pairs, in a manner consistent with isolation-by-distance. A significant habitat-by-geographical-distance interaction term indicated that, for a given geographical distance, populations separated by discontinuous habitat (sand) are more distinct genetically than are populations separated by continuous habitat (rock). In addition, populations separated by deep open waters were more genetically distinct than populations separated by continuous habitat (rock). These results indicate that levels of genetic differentiation among populations of A. nigricaudus cannot be explained by a single factor, but are due to the combined influences of biogeography, geographical distance and availability of suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Bonobos are large, highly mobile primates living in the relatively undisturbed, contiguous forest south of the Congo River. Accordingly, gene flow among populations is assumed to be extensive, but may be impeded by large, impassable rivers. We examined mitochondrial DNA control region sequence variation in individuals from five distinct localities separated by rivers in order to estimate relative levels of genetic diversity and assess the extent and pattern of population genetic structure in the bonobo. Diversity estimates for the bonobo exceed those for humans, but are less than those found for the chimpanzee. All regions sampled are significantly differentiated from one another, according to genetic distances estimated as pairwise FSTs, with the greatest differentiation existing between region East and each of the two Northern populations (N and NE) and the least differentiation between regions Central and South. The distribution of nucleotide diversity shows a clear signal of population structure, with some 30% of the variance occurring among geographical regions. However, a geographical patterning of the population structure is not obvious. Namely, mitochondrial haplotypes were shared among all regions excepting the most eastern locality and the phylogenetic analysis revealed a tree in which haplotypes were intermixed with little regard to geographical origin, with the notable exception of the close relationships among the haplotypes found in the east. Nonetheless, genetic distances correlated with geographical distances when the intervening distances were measured around rivers presenting effective current-day barriers, but not when straight-line distances were used, suggesting that rivers are indeed a hindrance to gene flow in this species.  相似文献   

基于mtDNA-COI基因序列的雷氏按蚊分子群体遗传结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨曼尼  马雅军 《昆虫学报》2009,52(9):1000-1007
【目的】探讨我国雷氏按蚊Anopheles lesteri的群体差异和分化程度。【方法】采用PCR方法, 从分子水平鉴别了采自我国和韩国的雷氏按蚊共9个群体139个样本, 扩增其线粒体DNA细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ基因, 并进行序列测定和分析。【结果】本研究共获得49个单倍型, 各单倍型呈高水平的平行演化, 来自云南群体的单倍型显示是扩张的源头。分子变异等级分析(AMOVA)的计算结果显示, 群体内变异占总变异的比例(64.95%)大于群体间(35.05%), FST值为0.3504, 各群体间出现遗传分化。Mantel检验结果显示基因流水平与地理距离呈负相关关系(R2=0.1322), 群体遗传结构符合距离隔离模型。【结论】雷氏按蚊韩国和辽宁群体与其他分布地群体间差异大, 已出现明显分化, 我国其他分布地群体间的遗传差异小。  相似文献   

Landscape genetic approaches offer the promise of increasing our understanding of the influence of habitat features on genetic structure. We assessed the genetic diversity of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia) across their breeding range in central Texas and evaluated the role of habitat loss and fragmentation in shaping the population structure of the species. We determined genotypes across nine microsatellite loci of 109 individuals from seven sites representing the major breeding concentrations of the species. No evidence of a recent population bottleneck was found. Differences in allele frequencies were highly significant among sites. The sampled sites do not appear to represent isolated lineages requiring protection as separate management units, although the amount of current gene flow is insufficient to prevent genetic differentiation. Measures of genetic differentiation were negatively associated with habitat connectivity and the percentage of forest cover between sites, and positively associated with geographic distance and the percentage of agricultural land between sites. The northernmost site was the most genetically differentiated and was isolated from other sites by agricultural lands. Fragmentation of breeding habitat may represent barriers to dispersal of birds which would pose no barrier to movement during other activities such as migration.  相似文献   

Populations from different parts of a species range may vary in their genetic structure, variation and dynamics. Geographically isolated populations or those located at the periphery of the range may differ from those located in the core of the range. Such peripheral populations may harbour genetic variation important for the adaptive potential of the species. We studied the distribution‐wide population genetic structure of the Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus using 13 microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. In addition, we estimated whether genetic variation changes from the core towards the edge of the breeding range. We used the results to evaluate the management needs of the sampled populations. Distribution‐wide genetic structure was negligible; the only population that showed significant genetic differentiation was the geographically isolated Dnieper River basin population in Eastern Europe. The genetic variation of microsatellites decreased towards the edge of the distribution, supporting the abundant‐centre hypotheses in which the core area of the distribution preserves the most genetic variation; however, no such trend could be seen with mtDNA. Overall genetic variation was low and there were signs of past population contractions followed by expansion; this pattern is found in most northern waders. The current effective population size (Ne) is large, and therefore global conservation measures are not necessary. However, the marginal Dnieper River population needs to be considered its own management unit. In addition, the Finnish population warrants conservation actions due to its extremely small size and degree of isolation from the main range, which makes it vulnerable to genetic depletion.  相似文献   

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