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云南黄牛和大额年听mtDNA多态性研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
兰宏  熊习昆 《遗传学报》1993,20(5):419-425
本文以mtDNA限制性内切酶片段长度多态技术分析南牛的mtDNA多态性。结果表明云南黄牛有两种类型的mtDNA分子,一种是普通黄牛类型,另一种是瘤牛类型,两者的频率分别为33%和67%。没有发现过渡型和重组型。昆明黑白花奶牛的mtDNA与云南黄牛的似。云南黄牛可能具有两种起源,即普通黄牛起源和瘤牛起源。今天的牛群这两种类型的混合。大额牛的限制性类型与瘤牛相同,表明大额牛的起源与瘤牛有密切关系。  相似文献   

贵州黄牛品种间mtDNA的限制性片段长度多态性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以15种限制性内切酶,用限制性片段长度多态方法分析了贵州黄牛4个地方品种和1个育成品种-贵州黑白花奶牛的mtDNA多态性。发现贵州黄牛有两种类型mtDNA分子,即普通黄牛类型和瘤牛类型,两者的频率分别是44.07%和55.93%,没有发现重组和中间类型。贵州黑白花奶牛的mtDNA与贵州黄牛类似。贵州黄牛可能起源于普通牛和瘤牛。此外,根据品种间亲缘关系的推断,对“盘江黄牛”和“巫陵黄牛”两个品种的命  相似文献   

测定了13个黄牛品种125个个体的线粒体D-loop区段的全序列,包括12个中国地方黄牛品种的123个个体和德国黄牛2个个体,并进行了分析。结果显示,共检测到93个变异位点,57个单倍型,平均核苷酸差异(average number ofnucleotide differences,k)为22.708,核苷酸多样度(nucleotide diversity,π)为0.0251±0.00479,单倍型多样度(haplotypediversity,Hd)为0.888±0.026,表明我国黄牛品种遗传多样性非常丰富。构建的Neighbor-Joining进化树显示这13个品种主要分成两大类型:普通牛和瘤牛;新发现的特殊类型Ⅲ只有一个西藏阿沛甲咂牛的个体,它与牦牛D-loop序列最相近,证明西藏地区的黄牛与牦牛之间存在基因渗入现象。普通牛和瘤牛在日喀则驼峰牛中占的比例分别是64.3%和35.7%,在阿沛甲咂牛中占的比例分别是50.0%和50.0%,证明了西藏的黄牛也有瘤牛类型。云南牛品种的单倍型非常丰富证明了云南在中国黄牛起源上的重要地位;在27个中国黄牛品种中(本研究11个品种以及GenBank上的16个品种)找到了中国瘤牛的核心单倍型i1,并且对它进行了讨论。同时证明了西藏瘤牛独立于中国瘤牛核心类群的特殊性。  相似文献   

中国黄牛品种多样性及其保护   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
总结关于中国黄牛起源和品种多样的文献,依据头颅骨分类,毛色,血液蛋白多态性,体型体态,梁色体组型,线粒体DNA和考古论证的资料可知,在各地的牛种中,中国的无峰牛来自于两种原牛,在长城以北有长角型的普通牛的分支土雷诺蒙古利亚(truano-mognolia)和青藏高原有矮型的短角型普通牛(draft pimigenius),有峰牛来自于三种原牛,来自北非,西亚的瘤牛,印度瘤牛和东南亚瘤牛,这些牛的后裔大多以混血种形态存在,关中和中原地区牛受西亚瘤牛的影响,胸垂较发达,多皱折,体格圈套 ,云南部分高峰牛受印度瘤牛影响,东南地区高峰牛为古代准牛属爪哇牛被东南亚瘤牛吸收杂交的后裔,属矮小型,体躯体而皱折贫乏,肩峰属头位,耳端较尖而不下垂,在起源上,藏牛为原始种,海南高峰牛(zebu sinsis)为一个瘤牛的发源地,云南高峰牛是一个特殊种,击阳牛是含有非洲瘤牛血淮的特殊种,全国的黄牛在总体上可分为两大系统三大类型,根据体态特征分为无峰,低身和有峰三种,按地理分布为蒙古,黄淮和长珠三组,现代国民经济发展引进30个外国品种,加速了地方品种的灭绝,本文还提出了农牛保种应以特殊品种和边缘地区以及特有生态区牛种为主要的主张。  相似文献   

中国黄牛品种资源丰富,尚有28个地方固有品种.为了进一步深入了解这些宝贵遗传资源,本研究通过mtDNA变异特征与多态性分析揭示这些来自中国不同地域地方黄牛的母系起源与分子系统学特征.在17个品种84个体的mtDNA D-loop全序列中,一共检测到了102个核苷酸替代突变位.由此定义的53个单倍型被类聚为2个明显的单倍群:普通牛和瘤牛.mtDNA D-loop全序列变异的第一个特征是转换发生的频率远高于颠换;第二个特征是缺失与替代突变共存;第三个特征是缺失突变率比较高.所有D-loop全序列的核苷酸多样性和单倍型多样性分别为0.026 78±0.000 50和0.919±0.027.普通牛D-loop单倍型在北方牛种群中占有优势(80%~100%),而瘤牛单倍型在南方牛种群中占有优势(42.9%~100%),2种不同单倍型在中原牛种群中的分布也存在差异.2种不同单倍型在中国不同地域17个黄牛品种中的差异性分布揭示出了瘤牛mtDNA基因在中国黄牛中自南而北、由高到低的流动模式,这种基因流动模式的形成可能是由历史事件、地理隔离以及气候环境差异等造成的.  相似文献   

中国地方黄牛的Y染色体遗传多样性及其进化起源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国黄牛的进化起源与遗传多样性一直是国内外动物遗传学家感兴趣的课题之一.本文主要从Y染色体的形态多样性和Y染色体特异性微卫星标记遗传多态性两个方面对中国地方黄牛的遗传多样性和进化起源进行了综述.中国地方黄牛Y染色体具有中着丝粒、亚中着丝粒和近端着丝粒3种类型,这说明中国地方黄牛起源于普通牛和瘤牛.利用Y染色体特异性微卫星标记对中国地方黄牛Y染色体单倍型分布特征及Y染色体基因流模式的分析表明,北方种群中普通牛单倍型频率最高,瘤牛单倍型在南方种群中占优势;在中国不同地域,瘤牛Y染色体单倍型频率呈现自南而北、自东而西逐渐降低的趋势,这再次证实了中国黄牛主要来源于普通牛和瘤牛,这可能是这两类牛群在长期的历史进化过程中,分别从东南方向和西北方向进入我国,并在中原地区汇合的结果.本文为中国地方黄牛品种资源保护和杂交育种工作提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

中国部分黄牛品种mtDNA遗传多态性研究   总被引:53,自引:4,他引:49  
对我国8个黄牛品种22个个体的mtDNA D-loop区910bp全序列进行了分析。结果表明:8个黄牛品种D-loop区序列中,A T平均含量为61.65%;经比对,共检测到66个核苷酸多态位点,约占核苷酸总数的7.25%;D-loop全序列突变类型有5种,即转换、颠换、插入、缺失及转换与颠换共存,它们分别占核苷酸多态位点的81.82%、6.06%、7.57%、3.03%及1.52%。以欧洲牛mtDNA D-loop全序列为标准,8个黄牛群体D-loop的平均核苷酸变异率分3个层次:西镇牛、蒙古牛、黑白花牛及秦川牛的核苷酸变异率最低,分别为0.37%、0.44%、0.52%和0.66%;南阳牛与郏县红牛的核苷酸变异率居中,分别为1.91%和2.02%;晋南牛与岳阳牛的核苷酸变异率最高,分别为4.47%和4.73%。中国黄牛品种内D-loop区序列歧异度为0.55%~5.39%,品种间序列歧异度为1.21%~6.59%。在所测黄牛个体中,mtDNA D-loop序列由19种单倍型组成,单倍型比例为86.36%,说明中国黄牛mtDNA遗传多态性很丰富。由此构建了中国8个黄牛品种的NJ分子系统树,聚类分析表明:所测黄牛的mtDNA D-loop序列表现为3个单倍型组,从而揭示中国黄牛可能有3个母系起源,以普通牛起源和瘤牛起源为主。  相似文献   

本研究对牦牛(九龙牦牛)的生肌决定因子5(Myf-5)基因进行了T-A克隆测序和分析,并与多个物种的相应基因编码区核苷酸序列、氨基酸序列进行了比对分析,构建了物种间的系统进化树.结果 表明:①牦牛的Myf-5基因大小为3313 bp,由3个外显子和2个内含子组成,与普通牛等9个物种比较,在基因大小上有较大的差异,但外显子和内含子的组成一致.②牦牛、大额牛、瘤牛、水牛、普通牛、人、恒河猴、黑猩猩、狗、家鼠、软体贝壳、鸡、斑马鱼等物种间Myf-5基因编码区的核苷酸序列同源性较高,其中,牦牛、大额牛、瘤牛、水牛、普通牛间的同源性最高,达98.4%以上,说明Myf-5基因编码区核苷酸序列在动物物种间具有较高的保守性.③牦牛、大额牛、瘤牛、水牛、普通牛、黑猩猩、恒河猴、人、狗、家鼠、软体贝壳、鸡、斑马鱼等物种间Myf-5基因编码蛋白的氨基酸序列具有较高的同源性,保守性强,这一结果与编码区核苷酸序列的比对结果基本一致.④根据核苷酸序列,用NJ法构建的牦牛、大额牛、瘤牛、水牛、普通牛、人、恒河猴、黑猩猩、狗、家鼠、软体贝壳、鸡、斑马鱼等13个物种的分子系统进化树显示:牦牛、普通牛、瘤牛、水牛和大额牛在较近的亲缘关系下聚为一大类,人、黑猩猩和恒河猴聚为另一大类,然后这两类再和其他物种相聚.这一分类结果与各物种的动物学分类结果和血液蛋白、mtDNA水平上的聚类结果基本一致,支持牦牛、普通牛和瘤牛3个物种间不应该是属间或亚属间关系,而应是同一属下的不同种,将牦牛、普通牛和瘤牛划分在同一个属--牛属(Bos),而将水牛划分在另一个单独的属的观点.同时也显示该基因序列适合用于动物学分类.  相似文献   

黄牛(Bos taurus)的驯养作为农耕文化重要内容之一,在我国历史悠久,长久以来形成的役用型逐步被肉用型所替代。为了揭示平凉地方牛群体的遗传背景,分析其是否具有生产优质牛肉的遗传基础,本研究测定了88头平凉地方牛群体mtDNA D-loop HVS序列,并对包括平凉地方牛群体在内的我国23个地方牛群体单倍型分布及系统发生关系进行了分析。结果表明,mtDNA D-loop 高变区,在平凉地方牛群体共有52个单倍型,而23个地方牛群体共有95个单倍型,这些单倍型在系统发生树和中介网络关系中分布于两个分枝,即瘤牛型和普通牛进化枝。因此,我们认为平凉地方牛群体和我国其他牛种一样,存在普通牛和瘤牛两个母系起源的遗传背景。  相似文献   

贵州黄牛mtDNA D-loop 遗传多样性研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
对贵州4个地方黄牛品种共计82个个体的线粒体DNA D-loop区全序列910 bp进行分析,检测到31种单倍型,其核苷酸多态位点65个,约占所测核苷酸总长的7.14%,其中有62个转换,2个颠换,1个转换/颠换共存。贵州4个黄牛品种mtDNA D-loop区核苷酸多样度(π值)为2.16%~2.61%,单倍型多样度(H)为0.695~0.909,表明贵州黄牛mtDNA遗传多样性比较丰富。根据单倍型构建了贵州4个黄牛品种的NJ分子系统树。聚类表明,贵州黄牛有普通牛和瘤牛2大母系起源,其影响较为均一。并探讨了用核苷酸多样度π值的大小来衡量黄牛群体遗传分化程度的可行性。   相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA variation in cattle of South China: origin and introgression   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Y Yu  L Nie  Z Q He  J K Wen  C S Jian  Y P Zhang 《Animal genetics》1999,30(4):245-250
Ten restriction endonucleases were used to investigate the mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) of 11 native cattle breeds and one cultivated cattle breed in South China. Twenty-three restriction morphs were detected, which can be sorted into five haplotypes. A phylogenetic tree of the haplotypes was constructed by using the 'upgMa' method. Our study showed that haplotype I and II are identical to the zebu (Bos indicus) and taurine (Bos taurus) haplotypes, respectively. Zebu and taurine were the two major origins of cattle populations in South China, and the zebu probably had more influence on the native cattle population than taurine did. Haplotype III is identical to haplotype I of yak (Bos grunniens), which was only detected in the Diqing cattle breed. Haplotype IV was detected for the first time. This haplotype, found only in Dehong cattle, might be from an independent domestication event, probably from another Bos indicus population. Divergence of haplotypes I and IV occurred about 268,000-535,000 years ago, much earlier than the 10,000-year history of cattle husbandry. Our results also suggest a secondary introgession of mtDNA from yak to Diqing cattle.  相似文献   

Using nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b and SRY genes, we examined the genetic status of two major groups of domestic cattle, the humpless taurine (Bos taurus) and humped zebu (B. indicus), using 10 cattle populations in Asia. Several sequence polymorphisms specific for each major group were found, although the frequency of these polymorphisms varied in each population. Six major mtDNA-SRY composite types were observed. The Mishima, Mongolian, Korean, Chinese Yellow and Sri Lanka cattle populations had a full match between the mtDNA and SRY sequences, specifically the taurine/taurine type or zebu/zebu type. A non-match type (zebu/taurine type) was found at a high frequency in the Bangladesh (83.4%) and Nepal populations (83.3%). Our results suggest that these non-match type populations developed from genetic hybridization of different strains. Also, the domestication history of modern Asian domestic cattle could be explained by male-mediated introgression. Additionally, our results suggest the occurrence of introgression of mtDNA from other Bibos or Poephagus species into native cattle populations. The existence of other mtDNA-SRY composite types, such as the Bali-zebu and yak-zebu types in Indonesia (85.7%) and Nepal (16.7%), respectively, suggests that genetic introgression also occurred from other genera into domestic cattle during the process of domestication.  相似文献   

Cai X  Chen H  Lei C  Wang S  Xue K  Zhang B 《Genetica》2007,131(2):175-183
In order to clarify the origin and genetic diversity of indigenous cattle breeds in China, we carried out phylogenetic analysis of representatives of those breeds by employing mitochondrial gene polymorphism. Complete cyt b gene sequences, 1140 bp in length, were determined for a total of 136 individuals from 18 different breeds and these sequences were clustered into two distinct genetic lineages: taurine (Bos taurus) and zebu (Bos indicus). In analysis of the cyt b gene diversity, Chinese cattle showed higher nucleotide (0.00923) and haplotype diversity (0.848) than the reports from other studies, and the animals from the taurine lineage indicated higher nucleotide diversity (0.00330) and haplotype diversity (0.746) than the ones from the zebu lineage (0.00136; 0.661). The zebu mtDNA dominated in the southern breeds (63.3–100%), while the taurine dominated in the northern breeds (81.8–100%). Six cattle breeds from the central area of China exhibited intermediate frequencies of zebu mtDNA (25–71.4%). This polymorphism revealed a declining south-to-north gradient of female zebu introgression and a geographical hybrid zone of Bos taurus and Bos indicus in China.  相似文献   

We examined the cytogenetics of mithun (Bos frontalis), a domesticated version of the Asian gaur, and hybrids (F(1) generation) produced by artificial insemination of Brahman cows (Bos indicus) with mithun semen. Reproductive potential was also examined in the F(1) generation and a backcrossed heifer for utilization of heterosis. Metaphase chromosome spreads were examined by conventional staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization hybridized with the entire chromosome 1 of mithun as a specific probe. Chromosome 1 of mithun was found to be equivalent to Bos taurus chromosomes 2 and 28. The karyotype of the female mithun (N = 4) comprised 58 chromosomes, including 54 acrocentric and four large submetacentric chromosomes, without the four acrocentric chromosomes found in the domesticated species B. indicus. However, one of the four female mithuns with a normal mithun phenotype had an abnormal karyotype (2n = 59), indicating introgression from B. taurus or B. indicus. The F(1) karyotypes (N = 6, 3♂3♀) of the mithun bull × Brahman cow cross had 2n = 59, intermediate between their parents; they were consistent heterozygous carriers with a centric fusion involving rob(2;28), as expected. Two pronounced red signals were seen in the mithun karyotypes, three red signals in the mithun × Brahman hybrids, and four red signals in the Brahman cattle, in good agreement with centric fusion of bovine rob(2;28). The female backcross hybrid (N = 1) with 2n = 59 had a similar chromosome configuration to the F(1) karyotypes and had rob(2;28). Such female backcross hybrids normally reproduce; however, the F(1) bulls (N = 3) had not yet generated normal sperm at 24 months.  相似文献   

In the context of biochemical marker research and in order to add new information on native breeds, the present work focuses on a local Southern Italy cattle, namely Italian Podolic. We provide the complete structural characterisation of alpha-lactalbumins and beta-globin chains isolated from Podolic cattle (Bos taurus). Given the unavailability of the complete sequence for alpha-lactalbumin A of taurine cattle in the literature, we intended to check its structure in order to ascertain the absence of any possible silent mutation. Screening the Podolic cattle, we found a new beta-globin variant not detectable by conventional methods. The presence of such a new variant might be helpful in the study of the Podolic population genetic structure and for a better knowledge of the gene pool per se, and in comparison with the other breeds. Structural analyses showed that the new beta-globin Podolic variant exhibited the same sequence as beta-globin Azebu. The alpha-lactalbumin A was the same as that isolated from zebu cattle (Bos indicus). The results are discussed in relation to the possible involvement of the two markers in the debate on the origin of the Podolic breed.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in cattle and buffaloes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from two breeds of cattle, viz., [Hariana (Bos indicus), Holstein (Bos taurus)] and Indian water buffalo (Bubalis bubalus), was analyzed using 13 restriction endonucleases which recognized an average of about 40 six-base sites. Polymorphism among cattle was detected with six of these enzymes. The two Holstein differed at six sites, whereas the Hariana breed (Bos indicus) did not show any site polymorphism. Surprisingly, the Hariana type differed by only one site from one of the Holstein types. The total size of buffalo mtDNA was estimated to be 16.4 kb. Polymorphism within the Murrah buffalo breed was observed with respect to aBglI site. Scarcely any of the restriction fragments of buffalo mtDNA matched those of cattle mtDNA.  相似文献   

We sequenced the 16S rRNA gene in mitochondrial DNA to characterize mithun located in Bhutan and to increase our understanding of its origin. We compared mithun with yak, European cattle, Bhutanese zebu and Indian zebu. Sequencing revealed low nucleotide diversity within the mithun population and their phylogenetic proximity to gaur. A close relationship between Bhutanese mithun and gaur was confirmed by an additional comparison with wild gaur specimens from three locations in Bhutan. Direct domestication of mithun from gaur was supported, while maternal contribution from the cattle lineage during domestication was not supported.  相似文献   

Indigenous cattle of India belong to the species, Bos indicus and they possess various adaptability and production traits. However, little is known about the genetic diversity and origin of these breeds. To investigate the status, we sequenced and analyzed the whole mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of seven Indian cattle breeds. In total, 49 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) were identified among the seven breeds analyzed. We observed a common synonymous SNV in the COII gene (m.7583G?>?A) of all the breeds studied. The phylogenetic analysis and genetic distance estimation showed the close genetic relationship among the Indian cattle breeds, whereas distinct genetic differences were observed between Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle. Our results indicate a common ancestor for European Zwergzebu breed and South Indian cattle. The estimated divergence time demonstrated that the Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle lineages diverged 0.92 million years ago. Our study also demonstrates that ancestors of present zebu breeds originated in South and North India separately ~30,000 to 20,000 years ago. In conclusion, the identified genetic variants and results of the phylogenetic analysis may provide baseline information to develop appropriate strategies for management and conservation of Indian cattle breeds.  相似文献   

The MspI allelic variation in intron III of the bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene was explored using PCR-RFLP in 750 animals belonging to 17 well-recognized breeds of Indian zebu cattle (Bos indicus) reared in different geographic locations of the country. Restriction digestion analysis of a 329-bp PCR fragment of the bGH intron III region with MspI restriction enzyme revealed two alleles (MspI− and MspI+) and two genotypes (−/− and +/−) across the 17 cattle breeds studied. The allelic frequency varied from 0.67 to 0.94 for MspI (−) and from 0.06 to 0.33 for MspI (+) across the 17 breeds, with a combined average frequency of 0.87 and 0.13, respectively. No animal with +/+ genotype was detected across the samples analyzed. The chi-square test showed that the difference in MspI allelic frequency was not significant (p > 0.05), regardless of the geographic origin, coat color, or utility of the cattle breed. The high MspI (−) allele frequencies obtained for Indian zebu cattle in this study are in sharp contrast to those reported for taurine breeds from northern Europe, Mediterranean countries, and America. Findings of this study further substantiate the hypothesis that the MspI (−) allele has an Indian origin.  相似文献   

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