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中国紫草科天芥菜亚科花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入研究紫草科Boraginaceae的分类问题,用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了中国紫草科天芥菜亚科Heliotropioideae天芥菜属Heliotropium 6种,砂引草属Messerschmidia 2种和紫丹属Tournefortia 1种植物的花粉形态.它们的花粉为长球形,赤道面观为椭圆形,极面观为六裂圆形或八裂圆形,少数为三角形.萌发孔有三种类型:(1)三孔沟与三假沟交替排列;(2)四孔沟和四假沟交替排列;(3)三孔沟.外壁表面具微弱的小穿孔,皱波状纹饰或表面近光滑.上述结果表明天芥菜亚科三个属之间有密切的亲缘关系.花粉特征表明紫丹属在天芥菜亚科中可能是比较原始的,天芥菜属的演化水平比紫丹属和砂引草属要高,而砂引草属介于其他两个属之间.花粉形态特征显示天芥菜亚科是厚壳树亚科Ehretioideae到紫草亚科Boraginaceae的过渡类型.紫丹属的花粉具三孔沟的萌发孔类型表明天芥菜亚科与破布木亚科Cordioideae有一定的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae山牵牛属Thunbergia(山牵牛亚科Thunbergioideae)6种、叉柱花属Staurogyne(瘤子草亚科Nelsonioideae)和老鼠簕属Acanthus(老鼠簕亚科Acanthoideae)各1种植物在扫描电镜下的花粉形态。山牵牛属植物的花粉粒为圆球形,均具螺旋状萌发孔,外壁纹饰以光滑或颗粒状为主,偶具棒状突起。具螺旋状萌发孔被认为是该科独特而较原始的花粉特征。叉柱花属的花粉粒为圆球形,具3孔沟,外壁平滑。老鼠簕属的花粉粒为长球形,具3沟,外壁具细网状纹饰或具小穿孔。花粉形态特征支持传统上将上述3属置于3个不同亚科的处理。  相似文献   

囊萼紫草属与滇紫草属花粉形态比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了囊萼紫草属3种和滇紫草属12种植物的花粉形态。囊萼紫草属的花粉为哑铃形或茧形,中等大小,P/E比为1.6一1.67,三孔沟,内孔横长;具小刺状纹饰。滇紫草属的花粉为近长球形或近卵球形,P/E为l—1.23;三孔沟或三合沟孔,内孔一般纵长,具皱波状纹饰,在皱波上具密集的小瘤或微颗粒。从花粉形态的角度,本文支持把囊萼紫草属从滇紫草属(广义)中分离出来的观点。值得注意的是,在滇紫草属的花粉中首次观察到了一种比较少见且特化的花粉即单极三合沟孔的花粉。  相似文献   

绣球亚科花粉形态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了绣球亚科9属31种植物的花粉形态.本亚科的花粉多为近球形至近长球形,少数为扁球形.多具三孔沟。在叉叶蓝属观察到了极度缩短的花粉沟.花粉外壁表面纹饰为具颗粒状或棱形突起、孔穴状或明显网纹,表现出一定程度的变异.花粉形态表明黄山梅属在本亚科与其它属具一致性,冠盖藤属和钻地风属亲缘较近.绣球属花粉形态所表现出来的变异范围大致将其它几属的都包括在内了,表明绣球属可能在本亚科演化上处于一个中心位置。花粉形态结合外部宏观形态又表明绣球亚科各属之间没有十分明确的界限,存在着复杂的性状上的重叠.  相似文献   

中国紫草科紫草亚科琉璃草族花粉形态的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对中国紫草科Boraginaceae 紫草亚科Boraginoideae琉璃草族Trib.Cynoglosseae 7属16种的花粉形态进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,并对其中5种的花粉外壁超微结构进行了透射电镜观察。该族花粉为茧形,少数为近长球形、长球形或卵球形;体积很小,大小为7~15.7μm×3.5~13.9μm,P/E=1.6~2.02;三孔沟和三假沟相间排列;除斑种草属Bothriospermum Bge.外,均有赤道环带;外壁常光滑,两极具或不具穿孔,少数具小瘤状纹饰;外壁较薄,包括外壁外层和外壁内层,外壁外层又由完全覆盖层、柱状层和基层组成。以上表明该族花粉有很多共同特征,但属之间还是有区别。文中作了花粉分属检索表。在该族中,斑种草属的花粉没有赤道环带,表明它是比较原始的类群。它和齿缘草族的花粉更相似,因此把它放在齿缘草族Trib.Eritrichieae比放在琉璃草族似乎更合适。长蕊琉璃草属SolenanthusLedeb.由于花粉卵球形、亚等极,可认为是琉璃草族中最进化的属。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对国产无患子科(狭义,Sapindaceae)23属30种1变种植物的花粉形态进行了观察。结果显示,该科花粉粒多为扁球形,部分为长球形,少数为球形或近球形,极面观多为三角形;从花粉萌发孔类型看,大多数种类具三沟孔,有的形成合沟,少数仅具三孔而无沟;从花粉外壁纹饰看,多数花粉外壁具网状或条纹状雕纹,少数花粉的外壁具刺状或颗粒状纹饰。花粉形态特征支持文冠果亚科(Xanthoceroideae)以及广义鳞花木属(Lepisanthes)概念,并支持仍将茶条木属(Delavaya)置于车桑子亚科(Dodonaeoideae)。观察发现黄梨木(Boniodendron minus)与栾树属(Koelreuteria),龙眼属(Dimocarpus)、荔枝属(Litchi)与韶子属(Nephelium)从花粉形态上表现出较近的亲缘关系。基于花粉形态特征编制了国产无患子科分属检索表。  相似文献   

中国紫草科破布木属花粉形态和外壁超微结构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了深入探讨紫草科(Boraginaceae)的分类问题,用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了该科破布木属(CordiaL.) 10种植物的花粉形态和外壁超微结构。发现该属花粉具三孔、三孔沟、三拟孔沟和三合沟4种萌发孔类型。外壁表面具微刺状纹饰、刺状纹饰、网状纹饰和不规则的条纹网状纹状。破布木属的花粉特征表明,该属花粉在紫草科中既是独特的分类群,又是比较原始的属种。  相似文献   

新疆裸果木亚科植物花粉形态学研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
通过光镜和扫镜电镜对新疆产裸果木亚科3属6种植物的花粉形态进行了观察与观察。结果表明:花粉形态有三种类型,裸果木属为散孔类型,治疝草属为三孔类型,拟漆姑草属为三沟类型。具孔类型中,萌发孔边缘界限有不清楚,孔膜不明显,颗粒状纹饰;具沟类型中,萌发沟上有膜覆盖,具颗粒状纹饰。根据花粉形态,编出分属检索表,并讨论了花粉形态在分类中的作用以及各属之间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

槭树科花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
报道了槭树科(Aceraceae)槭属21组33种和金钱槭属2种植物的花粉形态。本科花粉近球形至长球形,极面观为三裂圆形。从花粉萌发孔类型看,金钱槭属Dipteronia具三孔沟,槭属(Acer)除4组具三孔沟外,其余均为三沟。从花粉外壁纹饰看,金钱槭属2个种和槭属的大多数种为条纹状,罕为细条纹-拟网状和皱波状。通过花粉形态分析,并结合其它方向的证据,我们认为:(1)Sect.Palmata,Sect.Spicata和Sect.Microcarpa可能是槭属中与金钱槭属关系最密切的类群;(2)A.distalum和A.nipponicum代表了近缘的两个单种组;(3)A.pseudoplatanus不同于Sect.Acer的其它4个种而与A.saccharum可能存在更为密切的关系;(4)Sect.Carpinifolia(细条纹-拟网状外壁纹饰)和Sect.Negundo(皱波状外壁纹饰)则可能代表了槭属中最特化的类群;(5)按槭树科花粉三孔沟到三沟的演化规律,Dipteronia较Acer原始。  相似文献   

本文报道了国产李亚科(Prunoideae)10属11种植物花粉形态。花粉近球形至长球形,极轴 20.00-44.12um,赤道轴门17.85-36.95um。极面观三裂圆形,赤道面观椭圆形至圆形。具三孔沟,内孔常为长方形。沟较长,两端较窄。但在 Sinoplagiospermum uniflora中除了3孔沟外,还有周孔沟。花粉外壁明显分化为覆盖层和柱状层,在光学显微镜下表面常模糊,扫描电镜下外壁纹饰均为条纹状。抱粉学结合形态学和细胞学证据说明本亚科为一单系发生的类群。Prinsepia utilis 和Sinoplagiospermum uniflora(Prinsepia uniflora)这两个种在花粉特征和外壁纹饰上差异很大,从而支持将 Prinsepia和 Sinopmplagiospermum分别处理为两个属但不支持将广义的Princepia(含Princepia和Sinoplagiospermum)独立为亚科。此外,由于Exochorda的外壁纹饰同Prunoideae中较原始的类群(如 Laurocerasus)相近,结合细胞学和形态学证据,支持将 Exochord移置至Prunoidea之下。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 16 Chinese species representing 7 genera in the tribe Cynoglosseae of Boraginoideae(Boraginaceae) was examined under LM and SEM, and 5 species under TEM. Pollen grains are cocoon-shaped, rarely subprolate, prolate or ovoid, very small, 7~ 15.7μm× 3.5 ~ 13.9 μm in size, P/E = 1.6~2.02; 3-colporate apertures alternate with 3-pseudocolpi, with equatorial endocingulus except those in Bothriospermum; exine surface is usually smooth, with or without perforations in two poles, rarely with tuberculate ornamentation; exine is rather thin and includes ectexine and endexine, while ectexine consists of imperforate tectum, columellae and foot-layer. The tribe Cynoglosseae has many common characters of pollen grains, but there are some differences among genera. A key to the genera is given based on pollen morphology. Bothriospermum, without endocingulus, may be a primitive genus in this tribe, and its pollen morphology is more similar to that of Eritrichieae than to Cynoglosseae, thus it seems more reasonable to put it into Eritrichieae. Solenanthus may be the most advanced genus in the tribe Cynoglosseae for its pollen grains of sub-isopolar and ovoid shape.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 62 species in Aconitum L. was investigated with light and scanning electron microscopies. The pollen grains in this genus are 3-colpate and exhibit spinulate surface pattern in all the species. According to the shape of pollen grains in equatorial view Aconiturn L. may be divided into three types. Type Ⅰ pollen grains are wide elliptic; Type Ⅱ are narrow-elliptic and type Ⅲ are rectangular or close to square in shape. The pollen characteristics among species are very similar. The morphological information of the pollen grains shows that species of Aconiturn L. are a natural taxon.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对茴芹属16种植物的花粉形态进行了观察,其中12种为首次报道。结果表明,茴芹属16种植物花粉大小为(19.75~33.03)μm×(11.52~17.41)μm,极轴与赤道轴的比值(P/E)为1.40~2.28,体积大小指数(P×E)1/2为16.71~23.97,属于中型花粉,具三孔沟,萌发孔位置为边萌发孔。花粉粒赤道面观有近矩形、赤道收缩形、椭圆形和近菱形等类型,其中近矩形和赤道收缩形占多数;极面观为三角形或三角圆形。扫描电镜下,其外壁表面纹饰赤道面观为脑纹状,极面观近光滑或为穴纹状。在伞形科芹亚科中,茴芹属植物的花粉具有中等进化、比较进化的形态特征。研究认为,花粉形态可为个别物种的分类处理提供孢粉学证据。  相似文献   

A palynological survey, including LM, SEM and TEM is presented for eight genera, nine species and 76 samples of the Monotropoideae which is composed of 10 genera and 13 species. On the basis of the aperture number and shape, the following six pollen types are recognized: 1) 3-colp(oroid) ate—Allotropa, 2) 2-colpor(oid)ate—Monotropsis andHemitomes, 3) 4-colpor(oid)ate—Pterospora, Sarcodes andPleuricospora, 4) 2- and 3-colpor(oid)ate—Monotropa hypopitys, 5) 3-colporate and-porate —Monotropa uniflora, 6) 3- to 4- porate—Monotropastrum humile. Relationships among taxa within the Monotropoideae are illustrated on the palynological characters including the aperture type, exine sculpture and structure. Both pollen grains with two and four apertures have evolved independently from pollen grains with three apertures, according to the infraspecific variation of aperture numbers and the usual occurrence of three-aperturate pollen grains in the Ericaceae. 3-colp(oroid)ate pollen ofAllotropa is the most primitive and occupies an isolated position in the subfamily, on the other hand 3- to 4-porate pollen ofMonotropastrum humile is most advanced in the subfamily, probably even in the Ericaceae. A reduced sexine inMonotropastrum humile appears to be a specialized pollen character. Infraspecific geographical difference in palynological characters is revealed in two species ofMonotropa for the first time.M. hypopitys is basically characterized by pollen grains with two apertures in the New World vs. three apertures in the Old World.M. uniflora is basically characterized by 3-porate pollen in the New World vs. 3-colporate in the Old World. In both species pollen grains with more primitive characters usually occur in the Old World.  相似文献   

紫草亚科附地菜族的花粉形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
席以珍 《植物研究》1984,4(3):69-81
本文用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜系统观察了附地菜族5个属26种植物花粉形态。五属是附地菜属、车前紫草属、滨紫草属、山茄子属和皿果草属。观察证明属间花粉形态有明显的差异。花粉资料为族内属的划分和皿果草属的建立提出了花粉学证据。  相似文献   

The acetolysed pollen of 33 species of the genus Justicia in Thailand is investigated using both light and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen of the genus is characterised as being isopolar, bilaterally or radially symmetrical, with mostly prolate or prolate spheroidal shape. Based on characters with high factor loading in the cluster analysis and principal components analysis, the studied species are divided into two major groups; one with 3-colporate with six pseudocolpi and the other with 2-porate or 2–3-colporate with aperture areas. The pollen morphology of each group is described and illustrated. Pollen characters are useful for taxonomic delimitation and relationships among Thai species.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of seven species in two genera in the Ruelliinae, three species in one genus in the Barlerinae and 34 species in 16 genera in the Strobilanthinae (Ruellieae, Acanthaceae), were observed under SEM. Pollen grains in Ruellieae, particularly in Strobilanthinae (including Strobilanthes s.l.) exhibit great diversity and are most eurypalynous in the family. In light of the aperture types and exine ornamentation patterns, pollen grains of the genera examined fall into three major types: 1. 3-porate pollen, which includes, (1) pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Pararuellia); (2) pollen with gemmate exine ornamentation (Championella); (3) pollen with echinate exine ornamentation (Paragutzlaffia, Diflugossa and Pteroptychia). 2. 3-colporate pollen or 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi, which includes, (1) 3-colporate pollen with reticulate exine ornamentation (Eranthemum and Barleria); (2) 3-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and ribbed or banded, and septate exine ornamentation, the lumina rounded, finely reticulate inside and arranged in longitudinal rows (Perilepta, Pteracanthus, Goldfussia, Sympagis and some species of Strobilanthes); (3) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed or banded yet not septate exine ornamentation, the lumina neither distinctly rounded and finely reticulate inside, nor conspicuously arranged in longitudinal rows (Aechmanthera, Baphicacanthus, Semnostachya and some species of Pteracanthus); and (4) 3-colporate pollen with ribbed and finely reticulate exine ornamentation but with broader bands, each band with two ridges (Strobilanthes cycla). 3. (4-)5-colporate pollen with pseudocolpi and reticulate or ornate exine ornamentation (Adenacanthus). No distinct apertures were observed in three genera, Parachampionella, Gutzlaffia and Tarphochlamys. Pollen morphological characters in the Acanthaceae can be used not only to distinguish taxa of higher ranks (subfamily, tribe and subtribe) and elucidate their relationships, but sometimes can also be used to distinguish genera and species.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 11 species and 1 variety in the genus Lespedeza and its allied genera (Campylotropis, Kummerowia) from NE China was examined under light and scanning electron microscopes. 1. Lespedeza Michx. (plate 1:1-6; 2:1-6; 3:1-6; 4:1-2) Pollen grains prolate, rarely subprolate or spheroidal, elliptic or rarely suborbicular in equatorial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, tricolporate, colpus margins smooth or jagged. Polar axis 20.7-33.1μm long, equatorial axis 15.4-20.9 μm long. Exine reticulate or foveolate, lumina verrucose or smooth under SEM. 2. Campylotropis Bge. (plate 4:3-4) One species in NE China, C. macrocarpa (Bge.) Rehd. Pollen grains prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, 3-colporate, colpus linear, 25.1μm long, 1.79μm broad, colpus margins jagged, with a series of verrucae equal in size along one side visible under SEM. Polar axis 19.7μm long, equatorial axis 14.6μm long. Exine reticulate, lumina nearly rounded, verrucose at periphery under SEM. 3. Kummerowia Schindl. (plate 4:5-6) Pollen grains spheroidal, oblate or prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, obtuse-triangular in polar view, tricolporate, colups linear, 25.1μm long, 2.01μm broad, colpus margins sinuate. Polar axis 24.7-27.9μm long, equatorial axis 19.7-26.6μm long. Exine reticulate or subreticulate, lumina nearly rounded, with verrocae visible under SEM. According to the pollen morphology of Lespedeza and its allied genera, the division of Lespedeza (s. lat.) into Lespedeza (S. str.), Campylotropis and Kummarowia by Schindler (1912) is reasonable. The subdivision of Lespedeza (s. str.) into Sect. Macrolespedeza and Sect. Lespedeza by many botanists, and the treatment of Lespedeze juncea (L. f.) Pers. var. inschanica Maxim. as an independent species (i.e. Lespedeza inschanics (Maxim). Schindl.) are also supported by the pollen morphology shown in the present work.  相似文献   

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