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典型草原区布氏田鼠的活动节律及其季节变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用标志重捕、染色标记和野外观测法研究典型草原区布氏田鼠野外实验种群,采用4 种活动模式指数(日活动差异指数θ,昼行性指数λ,峰型指数;活动强度指数η)分析田鼠昼夜活动节律及其季节变化。结果表明,布氏田鼠全年12 个月的昼行性指数λ 均高于0.542,为典型的昼行性种类。其活动节律的季节变化主要与环境温度有关:1、2、3、4、11、12 月,气温较低,布氏田鼠的活动模式呈典型的单峰型;5、6、7 月气温较高,为典型的双峰型;而8、9、10 月则属于单双峰过渡类型。田鼠的峰型指数 在冬季最低,夏季最高,与月均气温呈显著的正相关关系(r=0.89,n = 12,P<0.05)。活动强度指数η与气温也存在显著的正相关(r=0.94,n = 12,P < 0.05)。5~9 月,布氏田鼠的活动强度最高,每日活动时间在6 h 以上;冬季布氏田鼠的日活动量骤降,很少外出活动,尤其在1~2 月,布氏田鼠日均地面活动时间不足1min。另外,室内实验表明,布氏田鼠具有在黑暗环境中活动能力,但在野外条件下,夜间活动极少发生。  相似文献   

内蒙古地处我国北部边疆,全境以高原为主,西部为戈壁沙漠,东部为宽阔草原,绝大多数地区属于温带大陆性气候;动物地理区划属于古北区中亚细亚区的内蒙河西干草原区。该区现已知草蛉3属16种(包括本文所记述的5新种和2新记录种),其分布特点是以狭义的草蛉属Chrysopa为主,而且以广布于华北地区的叶色草蛉Chrysopaphyllochroma Wesmeal为代表种,新种的模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所及北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

为探究内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区中有蹄类动物日活动节律与行为的季节变化对生存环境和捕食者的适应,2013年3—12月,在保护区采用红外相机技术对狍Capreolus pygargus进行了行为特征监测研究。共得到3 439份野生动物有效影视数据,鉴别出狍个体共693只次。数据显示:(1)狍具有明显的晨昏活动习性,每日相对活动强度的2个高峰期分别为04∶00—06∶00和17∶00—19∶00;与其他季节相比,夏季相对活动强度高峰均推迟,主要受夏季高温以及捕食者的胁迫因素影响。(2)狍的日活动强度不存在季节差异,但春季的相对活动强度(49.64%)最大,其次为冬季(27.99%),夏季(10.68%)与秋季(11.69%)接近,温度、捕食风险、发情期和食物需求等可能是造成这一现象的主要原因。(3)狍的行为以取食、舔食营养盐和警戒为主,行为比例在不同季节的差异无统计学意义。本研究结果有助于了解野生狍的生活习性,为保护区有蹄类动物的有效管理提供数据支持。  相似文献   

2017年6月—2019年3月,以天津八仙山国家级自然保护区为研究地点,首次应用红外相机技术综合关注野生狍Capreolus pygargus的集群模式和时空活动规律。结果发现,狍表现出5种集群模式,以单雄和单雌模式为主;各种集群模式的出现频次呈显著的季节差异(χ~2=10.867,df=3,P=0.012)、温度区段差异(χ~2=12.141,df=4,P=0.016)和海拔区段差异(χ~2=13.286,df=3,P=0.004);狍的日活动曲线整体呈双峰型,活动高峰期集中在05∶00—07∶00和18∶00—20∶00;日活动节律不存在显著季节差异;狍全年相对活动强度的高峰出现在温度为11~20℃、海拔为501~700 m时;狍在不同季节的相对活动强度之间的差异有高度统计学意义(χ~2=49.535,df=3,P 0.000 1),其中秋季显著高于其他3季。综上所述,季节在不同程度上影响野生狍的集群模式和时空活动规律。本研究为野生狍的生态保护及相关自然保护地的综合管理提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

鳜鱼消化道黏液细胞和6种酶的组织化学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用阿利新蓝-过碘酸雪夫氏(AB-PAS)染色和酶组织化学方法对鳜鱼消化道各部位黏液细胞和6种酶的分布与定位进行了研究。结果显示,黏液细胞可为分为4种类型,食道黏液细胞多数为Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型,未见Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型;胃贲门和胃幽门黏膜上皮仅有Ⅰ型黏液细胞;胃体黏膜上皮则以Ⅲ型细胞为主;幽门盲囊中主要为Ⅱ型细胞;前肠和中肠中Ⅳ型黏液细胞最多,Ⅰ型最少;后肠黏液细胞则以Ⅳ型和Ⅱ型为主。酸性磷酸酶(ACP)主要分布于幽门盲囊和前肠的黏膜上皮;碱性磷酸酶(ALP)主要分布于食道、幽门盲囊和整个肠道黏膜上皮;非特异性酯酶(NSE)主要分布于胃幽门、中肠和后肠黏膜上皮;过氧化物酶(POX)在胃幽门黏膜上皮中活性较高;琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)主要分布于胃腺中;腺苷三磷酸酶(ATPase)在消化道各部位均有较多分布。鳜鱼消化道黏液细胞和酶的分布型与其它动物有相似之处,也有其一定的特异性,与消化道不同部位的消化吸收机能相适应。  相似文献   

不同相机布放模式在古田山兽类资源监测中的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2010年6月-2011年8月,利用一字型、十字型、随机型和海拔垂直型4种相机布放模式在古田山国家级自然保护区拍摄兽类独立照片(independent photograph,IP)共2551张,能识别物种的兽类IP有1240张,占整体IP的48.6%,不能识别物种的兽类(松鼠科以外的啮齿动物)IP1167张,占45.8%;无效IP144张,占5.6%。所拍能识别物种的兽类共有14种,隶属4目9科,其中黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)为国家Ⅰ级保护动物,鬛羚(Naemo-rhedus sumatraensis)和黑熊(Selenarctos thibetanus)为国家Ⅱ级保护动物。在种-监测日曲线当中,4种监测模式随监测日的不断延长,兽类种类大体呈现半年左右趋于稳定的规律,建议监测时间以半年为一个周期较为合适。研究发现,兽类IP和单相机拍摄率在一字型、十字型和随机型之间不存在显著差异(P>0.05),但与海拔垂直型存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。海拔垂直型由于相机分布均匀,在拍摄种类、拍摄率等各项监测指标上都显著高于其他3种模式。  相似文献   

2015年7月至2017年11月,我们利用红外相机对贵州习水国家级自然保护区的鸟类及兽类进行监测。结果表明:(1)共记录到鸟类5目20科56种、兽类5目12科28种,其中国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物有林麝(Moschus berezovskii),国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物有红腹角雉(Tragopan temminckii)、白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、鹰雕(Nisaetus nipalensis)、中华鬣羚(Capricornis milneedwardsii)等13种。鹰雕为贵州省新记录,白腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus amherstiae)、白眉鸫(Turdus obscurus)等10种为保护区新记录。(2)从中国动物地理区划来看,保护区物种以东洋型(41.67%)为主,南中国型(29.76%)次之;东北型(2.38%)最少。(3)区内4种主要兽类中,毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus)主要在傍晚活动;赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)日活动节律呈季节性变化,春秋季集中在午间活动,夏季集中在早上活动,冬季则呈现活动双峰,分别是在8:00–10:00及16:00–18:00之间;豪猪(Hystrix brachyura)主要在20:00–24:00之间活动;藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana)秋冬季集中在14:00–16:00活动,而春季则在早上10:00–12:00之间较活跃,夏季也有2个活动高峰,分别是在12:00–14:00及16:00–18:00。2种主要雉类的活动节律明显不同,红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)春夏季都较为集中在午间活动,而秋季主要在6:00–8:00之间;红腹角雉春夏两季活动高峰在早上,秋冬季则是在14:00–16:00之间活动频繁。本监测结果有利于进一步了解和促进此区域的生物多样性及其保护。  相似文献   

生存和繁衍是动物的本能,交配则是营有性繁殖动物成功繁殖的前提,亦是自然选择和性选择的重要作用环节。由于在自然条件下较难观察交配行为,故而相对缺乏有关野生动物交配行为的量化分析。本研究以济源五龙口地区的太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis) WLK-1A群为对象,利用焦点动物取样法,采集了太行山猕猴交配行为数据,并对其进行了量化分析,进而与近缘物种作了比较。研究结果显示,(1)太行山猕猴的交配前行为以社会理毛为主(49.8%),且多由雌性发起(61.8%);(2)太行山猕猴的交配模式属于多次爬跨射精型,一次完整的交配过程包括12个爬跨回合和1次射精,持续时长平均为(719.4±43.3) s;(3)交配后行为以社会理毛(19.4%)和休息(18.1%)为主,雌雄个体交配关系可持续平均(2.1±2.03) d;(4)猕猴属(Macaca)物种的交配参数存在种间差异,交配模式与系统发育关系和分类群组基本吻合,但与社会风格关系不甚明显。本研究结果为全面理解猕猴属物种的繁殖生态学特征提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

放归已被广泛应用于濒危物种的保护和管理。作为重要环境因子之一,天气条件对动物活动有重要影响。了解不同天气条件下放归动物的活动特点,对于改进放归技术和提高放归成功率具有重要意义。本研究利用GPS项圈数据对5只人工繁育大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca放归后的行为进行研究,比较不同天气条件下放归个体日移动距离、日活动率和日活动强度的差异。研究结果显示,放归个体在晴/多云天活动性更强,日移动距离(426.74 m±17.54 m)更长、日活动率(32.60%±0.60%)和日活动强度(21.00±0.49)更高,而长时间降雨(小雨、中/大雨)会导致放归个体活动性降低(日移动距离:359.32 m±18.95 m、338.19 m±32.36 m,日活动率:24.38%±0.71%、23.25%±1.28%,日活动强度:15.22±0.56、12.97±0.79),阴天的活动性(日移动距离:345.83 m±14.27 m,日活动率:27.79%±0.56%,日活动强度:18.15±0.47)总体介于晴天和长时间降雨天之间。短时间降雨(阵雨)对日活动率(28.78%±1.81%)和日活动强度(17.82±1.46)影响较小,大熊猫活动性更接近晴/多云天。结果表明,天气条件对放归大熊猫个体的活动有显著影响。此外,尽管大熊猫属食肉目Carnivora,但是放归大熊猫在不同天气条件下的活动模式更接近杂食动物。  相似文献   

基于红外相机技术的黑麂活动节律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动物的活动节律是行为生态学中的一个重要内容,它主要研究动物在不同时间内的活动强度及变化规律(原宝东和孔繁繁,2011).黑麂(Muntiacus crinifron)隶属偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)鹿科(Cervidae)麂属(Muntiacus),属国家一级保护动物,其分布范围十分狭小,目前该种群仅存于安徽、浙江、江西和福建4省,且栖息地成小种群岛屿状分布(盛和林,1987).  相似文献   

Ecological indicators or indices have been widely used to simplify and measure complex ecosystems. It is critical to identify suitable indicators or indices to improve monitoring and understanding of complex natural systems. Camera trapping is an objective technique that can provide a large amount of information on wildlife. The purpose of our study is to explore the effective ecological indices for wildlife diversity analysis and monitoring in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve of Shaanxi Province, China. Since July 2009, a total of 18 cameras were installed in the reserve from August 2009 to July 2011, collecting 2115 photo captures during these 24 months. We developed five abundance indices, including relative abundance index (RAI), monthly relative abundance index (MRAI), time-period relative abundance index (TRAI), night-time relative abundance index (NRAI) and species abundance index (N) to integrate the information derived from captures. Results are: (1) 27 species were detected and 6 species had high RAI values of over 79.3%, including takin (Budorcas taxicolor), common goral (Naemorhedus goral), tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), and mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis). (2) MRAI shows a consistent monthly activity pattern of all animals being active in June and July and inactive in February. (3) TRAIs of the most abundant six species show that takin, tufted deer and common goral have the similar daily activity pattern with one peak at dawn and one peak at dusk. The daily activity patterns of golden pheasant and wild boar show that they are most active during the day time, with wild boar being particularly active at noon. NRAIs of mainland serow show the highest nocturnality and of golden pheasant the lowest nocturnality. (4) We estimated abundance of takin, tufted deer and wild boar by using our developed index. The abundance for the three species shows an increasing trend during the 2-year study period, particularly for wild boar. Our results provided an interesting comparison of species diversity and their activity patterns. As trapping continues we will have a consistent source of monitoring data to evaluate changes in species abundance and activities. Therefore, the conclusion is that the methods we used and the indices we developed are capable to estimate species activity patterns and abundance dynamics which are useful for future wildlife management in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to determine whether differences in non-exercise daily energy expenditure (Md,ne) exist between trained and untrained individuals. The data from seven cross-country skiers were compared with those from eight sedentary men. Daily energy expenditure (Md) was determined using the heart rate-oxygen consumption relationship; resting metabolic rate (Mr) was measured using indirect calorimetry. A physical activity questionnaire and ratios of Md or Md,ne to Mr were used as indices of physical activity. Md and Mr were significantly higher in the trained subjects whereas Md,ne was identical in the two groups. The ratio of Md,ne to Mr and the data from the physical activity questionnaire showed that there was no significant difference in daily energy expenditure and physical activity pattern during the non-exercise time. These results suggest that the exercise-induced increase in daily energy requirements is not compensated by a more sedentary life during the other daily activities in these trained men.  相似文献   

Summary Mechanistic principles from engineering, meteorology, and soil physics are integrated with ecology and physiology to develop models for prediction of animal behavior. The Mojave Desert biome and the desert iguana are used to illustrate these principles.A transient energy balance model for animals in an outdoor environment is presented. The concepts and relationships have been tested in a wind tunnel, in a simulated desert, and in the field. The animal model requires anatomical information and knowledge of the thermoregulatory responses of the animal. The micrometeorological model requires only basic meteorological parameters and two soil physical properties as inputs. Tests of the model in the field show agreement between predicted and measured temperatures above and below the surface of about 2 to 3°C.The animal and micrometeorological models are combined to predict daily and seasonal activity patterns, available times for predator-prey interaction, and daily, seasonal and annual requirements for food and water. It is shown that food, water and the thermal environment can limit animal activity, and furthermore, the controlling limit changes with season. Actual observations of activity patterns and our predictions show close agreement, in many cases, and pose intriguing questions in those situations where agreement does not exist. This type of modeling can be used to further study predator-prey interactions, to study how changes in the environment might affect animal behavior, and to answer other important ecological and physiological questions.  相似文献   

In most species of vertebrates, teeth play a central role in the long-term performance of individuals. However, patterns of tooth development have been little investigated as an indicator of animal performance. We filled this gap using data collected during long-term capture-mark-recapture monitoring of 1152 roe deer fawns at Chizé, western France. This population fluctuated greatly in size during the 27 years of monitoring, offering a unique opportunity to assess how the eruption patterns of front teeth perform as indicator of animal performance. We used three indices of the eruption of permanent front teeth, the simplest being whether or not incisor I2 has erupted, and the most complex being a 12-level factor distinguishing the different stages of tooth eruption. We also assessed the relevance of these indices as compared to fawn body mass, a widely used indicator of animal performance of deer populations. Dental indices and body mass were positively correlated (all r > 0.62). Similarly to body mass, all indices based on tooth eruption patterns responded to changes of population size and can be reliably used to assess the relationship between roe deer and their environment. We found a linear decrease in body mass with increasing population size (r2 = 0.54) and a simultaneous delay in tooth development (r2 = 0.48–0.55 from the least to the most accurate indicator). However, tooth development would be not further delayed in years with the highest densities (>15 adult roe deer/100 ha). A path analysis supported the population density effect on tooth eruption patterns being mainly determined by the effect of population size on body mass. Our study provides managers with simple indices (e.g., presence-absence of I2) that provide a technically more easy way to standardize measurements of deer density-dependent responses over large geographical and temporal scales than would be possible with body mass.  相似文献   

王言一  张屹美  夏灿玮 《生物多样性》2023,31(1):22369-2107
通过声学指数量化声音的特征反映生物的组成和生境信息,是一种高效率、低干扰的监测方式。该研究领域在近十多年来得到了快速的发展,不断有新的声学指数被提出,同时也有大量的实证研究。声学指数可分为反映录音内信息的alpha声学指数和比较不同录音之间差异的beta声学指数,其中alpha声学指数的实证研究较多。本文在汇总已有研究数据的基础上进行meta分析,关注alpha声学指数与动物多样性、生境质量、动物活跃性之间关联的方向和程度。基于文献调研,本文对8个常用的声学指数进行了总结分析:声学复杂度指数(acoustic complexity index,ACI)、声学熵指数(acoustic entropy index,H)、生物声学指数(bioacoustic index,BI)、标准化声景差异指数(normalized difference soundscape index,NDSI)、声学多样性指数(acoustic diversity index,ADI)、声学均匀度指数(acoustic evenness index,AEI)、声学丰富度指数(acoustic richness ind...  相似文献   

对于活动隐秘、难以直接观察的野生猫科动物, 红外相机与卫星追踪颈圈是目前研究其日活动节律的两种主要采样工具。日活动节律基于对动物活跃状态(即活跃或不活跃)的判断, 由于获取数据的机制不同, 两种方法所获得的动物日活动节律模式之间可能存在差异, 但缺乏基于野外实地调查的系统对比评估和分析。荒漠猫(Felis bieti)分布于青藏高原东部, 是唯一的中国特有猫科动物, 被列为国家I级重点保护野生动物。本研究以荒漠猫为例, 使用红外相机和卫星追踪颈圈两种工具, 于2020年6月至2021年12月对青海祁连山地区的荒漠猫进行调查, 分别基于放置在荒漠猫洞口(相机位点2个, 独立有效探测173次)、兽径(相机位点23个, 独立有效探测423次)两种红外相机布设方式和卫星追踪颈圈(追踪个体10只, 总有效定位点62,942个)所得的数据, 评估了该物种的日活动节律, 并对不同途径所得的活动节律模式间的差异进行了对比。结果显示, 荒漠猫全天都有活动, 在黄昏17:00-19:00时段存在一个活动高峰。全部红外相机探测数据与颈圈活动量数据获得的活动曲线重叠系数最高, 为0.89。与卫星追踪颈圈方法相比, 红外相机数据反映出16:00-21:00的活动水平更高; 这一时间段较高的活动主要来自洞口位点的红外相机探测数据。荒漠猫行为谱的对比分析结果显示, 不同方法所判断的动物“活跃”状态所对应的行为类型不同: 安装在洞口处的红外相机记录以繁殖、育幼相关的社会行为为主; 安装在兽径处的红外相机记录以移动、觅食等行为为主; 而卫星追踪颈圈只能相对粗略地区分荒漠猫的移动和静止。本研究的结果表明, 不同方法所获得的野生猫科动物的“活动节律”之间存在差异; 在不同方法记录到的数据中, 二元化的“活跃”或“不活跃”分类背后所反映的动物行为类别和含义是不同的。在对比不同方法获得的活动节律时需要谨慎, 应在对动物的行为模式和规律深入全面了解的基础上, 对数据做出恰当、准确的解读。  相似文献   

Animals show daily rhythms in most bodily functions, resulting from the integration of information from an endogenous circadian clock and external stimuli. These rhythms are adaptive and are expected to be related to activity patterns, i.e., to be opposite in diurnal and nocturnal species. Melatonin is secreted during the night in all mammalian species, regardless of their activity patterns. Consequently, in diurnal species the nocturnal secretion of melatonin is concurrent with the resting phase, whereas in nocturnal species it is related to an increase in activity. In this research, we examined in three diurnal and three nocturnal rodent species whether a daily rhythm in anxiety-like behavior exists; whether it differs between nocturnal and diurnal species; and how melatonin affects anxiety-like behavior in species with different activity patterns. Anxiety-like behavior levels were analyzed using the elevated plus-maze. We found a daily rhythm in anxiety-like behavior and a significant response to daytime melatonin administration in all three nocturnal species, which showed significantly lower levels of anxiety during the dark phase, and after melatonin administration. The diurnal species showed either an inverse pattern to that of the nocturnal species in anxiety-like behavior rhythm and in response to daytime melatonin injection, or no rhythm and, accordingly, no response to melatonin.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described by which a numerical value can be assigned to the amount of DNA-synthesis shown graphically by population-histograms obtained by Feulgen cytophotometry. The index appeared to give a reasonable measure of DNA-synthetic activity in populations having very low, moderate and high mitotic indices and closely followed labelling indices obtained by autoradiography. Thus the advantage of a numerical value is that the DNA-synthetic activities in different populations can be compared for statistical analysis.  相似文献   

“Smart”-scales are a new tool for frequent monitoring of weight change as well as weigh-in behavior. These scales give researchers the opportunity to discover patterns in the frequency that individuals weigh themselves over time, and how these patterns are associated with overall weight loss. Our motivating data come from an 18-month behavioral weight loss study of 55 adults classified as overweight or obese who were instructed to weigh themselves daily. Adherence to daily weigh-in routines produces a binary times series for each subject, indicating whether a participant weighed in on a given day. To characterize weigh-in by time-invariant patterns rather than overall adherence, we propose using hierarchical clustering with dynamic time warping (DTW). We perform an extensive simulation study to evaluate the performance of DTW compared to Euclidean and Jaccard distances to recover underlying patterns in adherence time series. In addition, we compare cluster performance using cluster validation indices (CVIs) under the single, average, complete, and Ward linkages and evaluate how internal and external CVIs compare for clustering binary time series. We apply conclusions from the simulation to cluster our real data and summarize observed weigh-in patterns. Our analysis finds that the adherence trajectory pattern is significantly associated with weight loss.  相似文献   

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