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广西百色盆地更新世樟科两种植物角质层研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述的具角质层的两块叶化石,产自广西百色盆地更新统长蛇岭组。经与现代植物的角质层对比研究后,确定这两块叶化石分属于樟科的两属两种,即油丹(近似种)(Alseoda-phne cf.hainanensis Merr.)和紫楠(近似种)[Phoebe cf.sheareri(Hemsl.)Gamble]。研究结果表明,角质层在鉴定被子植物化石中具有可靠的价值。  相似文献   

植物角质层分析术语新体系   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
目前,我国研究被子植物化石的工作更深入,除应用叶结构分析外,叶表皮角质层特征也日益受到重视。广泛的资料已证实,叶表皮特征的研究可提供很有价值的分类学证据;尤其是在近十几年的植物系统与进化研究领域,更发挥了独特的作用。例如,对地层中植物化石角质层的研究,结合叶形与叶脉结构的分析,提高了化石植物鉴定与分类的可靠性,对过去仅基于叶形相似而建立的原有进化概念也作了修正与深化。  相似文献   

古植物学是研究古代植物和它们生活的科学。重现植物界历史的方法之一是研究岩层中的化石植物。植物以各种形式保存在地壳之中,在保存期间发生了各种物理、化学变化。不同的环境和沉积过程也会导致化石出现种种不同的保存形式。针对不同的类型,必须采用不同的技术处理,以便从中提取信息,找出同一植物各分散器官之间的联系,从整体进行研究和重建。1 角质层的处理方法化石角质层为地质史上真正生活过的植物活体上的原物,它与植物生活的环境有一定的联系,可作为探讨属种间的自然亲缘关系的依据。化石角质层有几种处理方法(叶美娜,1…  相似文献   

通过光学、扫描电子和透射电子显微镜观察,对云南禄劝中泥盆世晚期角质残植煤层中的植物角质层进行再研究。禄劝的植物角质层定为Orestoviacf.devonica Ergolskaya,1936,具有两种类型:类型Ⅰ,角质层具有规则分布的孔状结构,分布密度为40—45个/mm2,表皮细胞呈不规则多边形或长条形;类型Ⅱ,角质层规则分布似气孔结构,分布密度为50—60个/mm2,表皮细胞呈长方形。根据大植物化石研究,结合生物地层资料,云南禄劝的植物角质残植煤层的成煤时代为中泥盆世晚期(late Givetian)。基于对当时古地理和古气候分析,云南禄劝角质残植煤层的形成主要受控于当时区域古地理环境及其局部古气候条件。  相似文献   

在云南腾冲上新统芒棒组中发现保存较好的植物分散角质层,共识别出7种:Reticutissolida,Reticutis tylotis,Fundicutis verriculis,Lusaticutis arizelis,Piliparicutis anfracta,Discrepoparicutis elongata,Enormicutis torquata,可归于6属,4亚类,4类,1个大类,表现出上叶角质层类型和下叶角质层类型的组合特征及上叶角质层类型的优先保存情况。从表皮细胞形态及气孔器等微观特征上看,具气孔的4种之间有着明显的差别,表明它们可能分别来自不同的母体植物;其中3种角质层的母体植物极有可能为被子植物,并处于优势地位。滇西当时温暖湿润的热带-亚热带、暖温带气候,为分散角质层的母体植物提供了良好的生存条件。而该区植物分散角质层的发现为分析其母体植物和重建古环境提供微体植物化石证据。  相似文献   

浙江东部馆头组一些坚叶杉新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹正尧 《古生物学报》1991,30(5):593-600
本文报道的Pagiophyllum属4新种,是在对它们的角质层构造进行了研究的基础上建立的,标本产自浙东新昌县苏秦村附近的馆头组,共生的植物化石尚有Ruffordia goepperti, Zamiophyllum buchianum, Pseudofrenelopsis parceTflogoso, P. papillosa, Cupressinocladus elegans等;另在苏秦村南面镜岭的相当层位中还找到双壳类化石Plicotounio(P.)zheijiangensts。这些化石都表明馆头组的地质时代为早白垩世。  相似文献   

角质层微细构造是鉴定植物属种的重要特征之一,近年来又在古气候恢复中得到广泛应用。从甘肃永昌下二叠统采获了角质层保存较好的两种科达叶化石,详细分析了表皮微细构造特征,并结合其外形特征进行了属种鉴定:其中一种鉴定为淮南科达(Cordaites huainanensis Chen),另建立了一新种,命名为永昌科达(Cordaites yongchangensis sp.nov.)。本文选取与化石标本的宏观形态和角质层微观形态较为相似的长叶竹柏(Podocarpus fleuryi Hickel)作为其现存最近对应种,初次尝试利用化石气孔特征重建了甘肃永昌早二叠世的古大气CO2浓度。  相似文献   

鄂西中侏罗世香溪组几种本内苏铁   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1985年秋,笔者在长江三峡东部参观三叠、侏罗系剖面时,采获了一批植物化石.其中有些标本保存良好,它们不但外形完整,而且叶角质层等微观构造也有较好的保存;有的尚为本区或我国首次发现.本文研究报道保存叶角质层的3种本内苏铁.标本均产自湖北秭归县香溪镇香溪组(狭义)下部.它们是 Nilssoniopteris vittata(Brongn.)Florin, Otozamites hsiangchiensis Sze, Otozamites of. mimetes Har-  相似文献   

浙江下白垩统几种裸子植物化石及其表皮构造研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
曹正尧 《古生物学报》1989,28(4):435-446
在浙江广泛分布的早白垩世火山沉积岩系中,含有较多的各门类化石。植物化石虽颇丰富,但几乎全为印痕化石,且一般保存较差;比mosa (Fontaine) Watson和M.(Manica) papillosa Chow et Tsao两种产自新昌苏秦的松柏类标本(周志炎、曹正尧,1979)。本文记述苏铁类1新种和松柏类叶枝化石3种(其中较完整的标本不多,具有角质层的更是稀罕。至今对植物化石角质层的工作做得很少,已发表的仅有原定为 Manica (Manica) parcera-1旧种、2新种)。它们分别隶属于蕉羽叶(Nilssonia Brongn.),假拟节柏(Pseudofrelopsis  相似文献   

化石采自云南腾冲上新统芒棒组.通过对比叶结构和角质层微细构造特征,从宏观和微观两个角度将化石鉴定为樟科植物樟(相似种)Cinnamomum cf.camphora(L.)Presl.化石叶片为卵状椭圆形,基部宽楔形,全缘,离基三出脉;上表皮无气孔器,表皮细胞为不规则四边形或多边形;下表皮细胞为不规则多边形,脉络上可见少...  相似文献   

ARCHANGELSKY, S., TAYLOR, T. N. & KURMANN, M. H., 1985. Ultrastructural studies of fossil plant cuticles: Ticoa harrisii from the early Cretaceous of Argentina. The fine structure of fossil plant cuticles of Cretaceous age demonstrates well preserved layers that are topographically equivalent to those in some extant plants. Cuticle stratification on specialized structures (stomatal apparatus and trichomes) is presented, together with an account of the fine structure of both the upper and lower cuticular membrane. Levels of cuticle stratification are compared with those of extant plants.  相似文献   

水杉属和红杉属化石叶表皮鉴定参照系的特殊性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杉科植物的许多属种在小枝的形态和叶片排列上相似,而杉科植物的化石标本多保存为枝叶形式。表皮的特征作为压型化石枝叶标本细胞信息的重要来源,甚至是惟一来源。一直作为杉科植物化石分类鉴定的主要依据。水杉和北美红杉分别是水杉属和红杉属植物化石的惟一现存最近亲缘种,以往关于北美红杉的气孔分布和排列等方面的报道存在分歧,根据作者的研究,北美红杉的表皮特征变异幅度非常广。水杉的气孔分布也与以往报道有差异。利用表皮的特征鉴定杉科植物化石时;不同的处理方法和处理时间,角质层的完整程度和观察数量等均可以影响植物表皮特征的正确获取。  相似文献   

A review of our current understanding of resistant biomacromolecules derived from present and past algae and higher plants is presented. Insight in the nature of recent and fossil macromolecules is strongly hampered by the difficulties in obtaining the material in pure and unaltered form. For the extant material, avoiding artificial condensation and structural alteration as a result of chemical isolation and purification of biomacromolecules requires constant attention. To date, several types of sporopollenin seem to occur. One type is characterised by oxygenated aromatic building blocks, in particular p-coumaric acid and ferrulic acid. The other type is thought to consist predominantly of an aliphatic biopolymer. In this review it is concluded that extant sporopollenin consists of the aromatic type, whereas the aliphatic component of fossil sporopollenin is due to early-diagenetic oxidative polymerization of unsaturated lipids. The cuticles of most higher plants contain the aliphatic biopolyester cutin. Additionally, cuticles of drought-adapted, mostly CAM plants, seem to contain the non-hydrolysable aliphatic biopolymer cutan. Only a very few algae are able to biosynthesize resistant, (fossilisable) cell walls: some Chlorophyta, Eustigmatophyta and Prasinophyta produce the aliphatic biopolymer algaenan. Some Dinophyta are also capable of producing algaenan cell walls. Additionally, some taxa produce highly resistant cyst-walls with a high proportion of aromatic moieties. For the morphologically well-preserved fossil material, contamination by organic particles other than the target taxon is hard to eliminate and can contribute to either the aliphatic or aromatic signal. Furthermore, post-mortem migration of aliphatic moieties into, and their condensation onto the macromolecule might occur, e.g. by oxidative polymerization. These phenomena hamper the evaluation of the aliphatic signature of fossil plant material and may for example explain the preservation of initially cutin-based cuticles or non-algaenan containing algae. The extent to which migration and in situ formation of aromatic moieties plays a role in modifying resistant algal macromolecules, notably under elevated temperature and/or pressure conditions, still remains an open question.  相似文献   

The nature of organic material and the environment in which it is deposited exert a major influence on the extent to which biomacromolecules are preserved in the fossil record. The role of these factors is explored with a particular focus on the cuticle of arthropods and leaves. Preservation of the original chemistry of arthropod cuticles is favoured by their thickness and degree of sclerotization, and the presence of biominerals. Decay and burial in terrestrial as opposed to marine, and anoxic rather than oxygenated conditions, likewise appear to enhance preservation. The most important factor in the long-term preservation of the chemistry of both animal and plant cuticles, however, is diagenetic alteration to an aliphatic composition. This occurs even in amber, which encapsulates the fossil, eliminating almost all external factors. Some plants contain an original decay-resistant macromolecular aliphatic component but this is not the case in arthropods. It appears that the aliphatic components of many plant as well as animal fossils may be the result of diagenetic polymerization. Selective preservation as a result of decay resistance may explain the initial survival of organic materials in sediments, but in many cases longer-term preservation relies on chemical changes. Selective preservation is only a partial explanation for the origin of kerogen.  相似文献   

The cuticles of many extant seed plants display distinct surface microreliefs, which represent adaptations to certain habitat conditions or mechanical defences against herbivores and phytopathogenic microorganisms. Although microreliefs have variously been noted in fossil cuticles, hypotheses relating to the effectiveness of these structures in fossil plants have not been advanced to date. A surface microrelief composed of longitudinally orientated idiocuticular striae occurs on the leaves of the enigmatic Carnian (Late Triassic) gymnosperm (?ginkgophyte) Glossophyllum florinii Kräusel from the Northern Calcareous Alps of lower Austria. Most striae originate from the tips of the papillae on the stomatal subsidiary cells. The G. florinii surface microrelief may have (1) reduced leaf wettability, (2) produced or enhanced the self‐cleaning effect of the leaf, (3) prevented the formation of a water film on the leaf surface, and/or (4) mechanically stabilized the leaf. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 153 , 87–95.  相似文献   

Remains of secretory cavities, so-called resin or secretion bodies, in pinnules of Stephanian pteridosperms from the Blanzy-Montceau Basin (Central France) are examined from cuticles of four species: Dicksonites leptophylla, D. pluckenetii, Pseudomanopteris paleaui , and P. ribeyronii . The distribution of the secretion bodies in pinnules may be (1) simple and in consistent patterns, (2) random, but topographically unequal, or (3) completely random. Differences in the morphology of the bodies may be related to different modes of development of the secretory cavities, i.e. schizogenous or (schizo-) lysigenous development. The value of using these features in fossil plant taxonomy is discussed. Finally, some comments on possible ecological functions of the secretion of lipophilic substances in pteridosperm pinnules are suggested. The secretion of lipophilic substances is abundant among taxa with a vine-like life-form, and this may be related to special demands on protection of climbing or scrambling plants.  相似文献   

阜新海州组侧羽叶属一新种及其表皮构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了辽宁西部阜新地区下白垩统海州组本内苏铁类植物侧羽叶属的一个新种,即阜新侧羽叶(新种)[Pterophyllum fuxinense(sp.nov.)]。讨论了海州组植物群的性质。并对新种的形态特征及其表皮构造进行了描述。  相似文献   

植物角质层生物学特性及水分渗透性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物角质层作为植物体与外界环境的第一道保护屏障, 其最主要的功能是防止植物体过度失水。揭示植物角质层的生物学功能及其原理将为现代农业的发展以及仿生材料的开发应用提供科学指导。该文综述了植物角质层的生物学特性及其与水分渗透性关系的研究进展, 并展望了角质层水分渗透研究的应用前景。  相似文献   

Abstract: Bennettites are an abundant and frequently well‐preserved component of many Mesozoic fossil floras, often playing an important ecological role in flood plain vegetation communities. During a recent study focusing on stomatal indices of Triassic–Jurassic fossil plants, it became evident that the leaf fragments of two bennettite genera Anomozamites Schimper (1870) emend. Harris (1969) and Pterophyllum Brongniart (1825) display a significant overlap of leaf shape as well as cuticular characters. Owing to the preference of recognition of single taxa (ideally species) for the stomatal method, we use a database of 70 leaf fragments of Anomozamites and Pterophyllum compressions from five isotaphonomic Late Triassic sedimentary beds of Astartekløft in East Greenland to test whether leaf and cuticle fragments of the two genera can be separated using a range of quantitative and qualitative morphological and statistical analyses. None of the observed characters – including stomatal frequencies – could be applied to separate the fragments of the two genera into well‐defined groups. Our results therefore indicate that fragmented material and dispersed cuticles cannot be utilized to distinguish between Anomozamites or Pterophyllum at the genus level, but that instead these cuticle fragments may be used interchangeably as stomatal proxies. Classification of fossil leaves into either of these genera is thus only possible given adequate preservation of macro‐morphology and is not possible based solely on cuticle morphology. We suggest that this large inter‐ and intra‐generic morphological variation in both leaf and cuticle traits within Anomozamites and Pterophyllum may be related to the bennettites’ role as understory plants, experiencing a range of micro‐environmental conditions, perhaps depending mainly on sun exposure. Based on the results obtained in this study, we conclude that Anomozamites and Pterophyllum cuticle fragments can be employed interchangeably in palaeo [CO2] reconstructions based on the stomatal method, thus potentially annexing a plethora of bennettitalean fossil plant material as CO2 proxies, including dispersed cuticles.  相似文献   

Dispersed cuticles with surface ornamentation recovered from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Gedinnian) of Hereford and Worcester, England, are described, named and placed in an artificial, morphologically based classification system. Four species of the new genus Cosmochlaina are distinguished on the nature of the ornament. The affinities of the plants covered by such cuticles remain unknown: the cuticles are named to facilitate their use in biogeographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

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