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性诱剂在沙棘木蠹蛾监测和控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用性诱剂在全国7个省9个地区对沙棘木蠹蛾Holcocerus hippophaecolus Hua,Chou,Fang etChen进行连续3年的野外监测和控制,结果表明:沙棘木蠹蛾性诱剂具有较好的野外监测和诱集效果,其中,平均诱蛾量最高的达26.6头/诱捕器,日诱蛾量最高的为45.9头/d,诱捕器之间的最佳设置距离为120 m,诱捕效率达50%以上。沙棘木蠹蛾性诱剂已成为沙棘木蠹蛾控制中最重要的措施之一,具有广阔的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

报道了沙棘木蠹蛾性信息素的结构及组分,并报道了不同组分:顺-3-十四碳烯醇;反-3-十四碳烯醇;顺-3-十四碳乙酸酯;反-3-十四碳乙酸酯;顺-7-十四碳烯醇;顺-7-十四碳乙酸酯;顺-9-十四碳乙酸酯的室内触角电位反应和林间诱捕试验。林间诱蛾结果表明2组分和5组分的诱蛾活性高于其它组合。  相似文献   

为了解榆木蠹蛾Holcocerus vicarius (Walker)雌蛾性信息素分泌腺(性信息素释放系统)位置、 表面形态和超微结构及雄蛾触角感受器(性信息素接收系统)的种类、 形态、 分布及功能, 利用扫描电镜和透射电镜对榆木蠹蛾雌蛾性信息素分泌腺和雄蛾的触角进行观察。结果表明: 榆木蠹蛾雌蛾性信息素分泌腺位于腹尖末端第8~9节节间膜上的背面中央区域, 腺体表面分布着许多饱满的锥状突起, 2日龄处女雌蛾腺体细胞间有明显的胞连接, 细胞基底膜基褶较多, 质膜上分布着微绒毛, 并与内表皮连接, 内表皮上含有多层几丁质, 胞质中含有脂质粒、 大量空泡、 光面内质网、 粗面内质网及线粒体; 雄蛾触角鞭节上有5种感受器, 为毛形感器、 刺形感器、 锥形感器、 腔锥形感器和曲毛形感器, 其中毛形感器数量最多, 曲毛形感器最少。柄节和梗节被大量鳞片覆盖, 未观察到感器。榆木蠹蛾性信息素通讯系统的研究为榆木蠹蛾性信息素的生物合成、 性信息素的提取、 鉴定及成虫生殖交配生物学行为提供了依据。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在深入了解榆木蠹蛾Holcocerus vicarius(Walker)信息素通讯系统。【方法】在风洞中观察了榆木蠹蛾雄蛾对合成性信息素不同组分及其不同比例及剂量混合物的行为反应。【结果】单组分试验结果表明,仅有Z7-14:Ac能够引起少量雄蛾完成从兴奋到接触诱芯并出现预交尾的全部行为反应,其余4个单组分(E3-14:Ac,Z3E5-14:Ac,E3-14:OH和Z3-14:OH)只能引起雄蛾兴奋,均不能引起雄蛾向性信息素源定向飞行。二元混合物(Z7-14:Ac+E3-14:Ac)明显增加雄蛾完整的性行为反应比例,三元混合物(Z7-14:Ac+E3-14:Ac+Z3E5-14:Ac)比例为10∶4∶4,剂量为1 300μg时有71.7%雄蛾发生预交尾,剂量为1 000μg时有70.3%雄蛾发生预交尾,两者差异不显著(P0.05)。【结论】榆木蠹蛾风洞行为实验为进一步研究其性信息素相关生物学特性及应用性信息素对榆木蠹蛾进行综合防治奠定了基础。  相似文献   

[目的]初步鉴定六星黑点豹蠹蛾Zeuzera leuconotum Butler (Lepidoptera,Cossidae)雌蛾性信息素活性成分.[方法]采用正己烷溶剂浸提法提取六星黑点豹蠹蛾性信息素腺体中的化学组分,利用毛细管气相色谱(GC)和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析性腺提取物,并运用触角电位技术(EAG)测定提取物及标准化合物的电生理活性.[结果]GC结果显示六星黑点豹蠹蛾性腺体提取物中主要存在7种成分,其中G组分在加入标准化合物反-2-顺-13-十八碳烯醇-1-乙酸酯(E2,Z13-18:Ac)后,峰高和峰面积均相应增加.GC-MS分析结果证明G组分为E2,Z13-18:A.EAG结果显示7种组分均能引起雄蛾触角电位反应,其中对E2Z13-18:Ac的反应值最大.[结论]本研究初步鉴定出E2,Z13-18:Ac是六星黑点豹蠹蛾的性信息主要组分,为使用性信息素防治六星黑点豹蠹蛾奠定了基础.  相似文献   

[目的]初步鉴定六星黑点豹蠹蛾Zeuzera leuconotum Butler (Lepidoptera,Cossidae)雌蛾性信息素活性成分.[方法]采用正己烷溶剂浸提法提取六星黑点豹蠹蛾性信息素腺体中的化学组分,利用毛细管气相色谱(GC)和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析性腺提取物,并运用触角电位技术(EAG)测定提取物及标准化合物的电生理活性.[结果]GC结果显示六星黑点豹蠹蛾性腺体提取物中主要存在7种成分,其中G组分在加入标准化合物反-2-顺-13-十八碳烯醇-1-乙酸酯(E2,Z13-18:Ac)后,峰高和峰面积均相应增加.GC-MS分析结果证明G组分为E2,Z13-18:A.EAG结果显示7种组分均能引起雄蛾触角电位反应,其中对E2Z13-18:Ac的反应值最大.[结论]本研究初步鉴定出E2,Z13-18:Ac是六星黑点豹蠹蛾的性信息主要组分,为使用性信息素防治六星黑点豹蠹蛾奠定了基础.  相似文献   

[目的]初步鉴定六星黑点豹蠹蛾Zeuzera leuconotum Butler (Lepidoptera,Cossidae)雌蛾性信息素活性成分.[方法]采用正己烷溶剂浸提法提取六星黑点豹蠹蛾性信息素腺体中的化学组分,利用毛细管气相色谱(GC)和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析性腺提取物,并运用触角电位技术(EAG)测定提取物及标准化合物的电生理活性.[结果]GC结果显示六星黑点豹蠹蛾性腺体提取物中主要存在7种成分,其中G组分在加入标准化合物反-2-顺-13-十八碳烯醇-1-乙酸酯(E2,Z13-18:Ac)后,峰高和峰面积均相应增加.GC-MS分析结果证明G组分为E2,Z13-18:A.EAG结果显示7种组分均能引起雄蛾触角电位反应,其中对E2Z13-18:Ac的反应值最大.[结论]本研究初步鉴定出E2,Z13-18:Ac是六星黑点豹蠹蛾的性信息主要组分,为使用性信息素防治六星黑点豹蠹蛾奠定了基础.  相似文献   

蛾类性信息素研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
韦卫  赵莉蔺  孙江华 《昆虫学报》2006,49(5):850-858
蛾类是昆虫性信息素中研究较多的类群,已有565种的性信息素成份被鉴定,其相关研究在害虫监测和防治上得到实际应用的同时,已涉及到生态、生化、遗传等诸多方面,特别是在物种多样性的化学表达及物种的生殖隔离现象的分子水平的表达上,提供了研究的典范。本文将介绍蛾类性信息素的多样性、性信息素化学结构鉴定、微量成分的作用、合成性信息素的利用、性信息素生物合成酶、性信息素生产的调节机制及性信息素的感受机制等方面的研究现状和存在的问题。  相似文献   

六星黑点豹蠹蛾成虫生殖行为特征与性趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
六星黑点豹蠹蛾Zeuzera leuconotum Butler (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)是一种重要的园林害虫。在光周期L:D=14:10、温度19-32 ℃、相对湿度75%-85%条件下,对六星黑点豹蠹蛾的羽化、性比、交配行为及能力进行了观察,利用风洞技术和林间诱蛾试验验证了其性趋向。结果表明:六星黑点豹蠹蛾羽化期60 d左右,6月下旬为羽化高峰期,日羽化高峰出现在傍晚17:00-18:00,占全天羽化量的55.4%;雌雄性比为1:1.03;交配高峰期发生在进入暗期5-7 h,成虫1日龄后性成熟,一生交配1次;随雌蛾日龄增加,其交配率逐渐下降,交配时间提前,交配持续时间逐渐加长;雌蛾一生平均产卵378个,孵化率80%,未交配雌蛾平均产卵426个,孵化率0%;未交配雌蛾和雄蛾的平均寿命分别为5.56 d和3.83 d,交配过的雌蛾和雄蛾平均寿命分别为5.66 d和2.41 d,交配缩短雄蛾寿命;六星黑点豹蠹蛾种内个体间引诱作用主要为雌蛾引诱雄蛾,同性间不存在聚集行为;2-3日龄未交配雌蛾林间诱蛾量最高,显著高于1日龄和4-6日龄(P<0.01)。依据研究结果,分析讨论了应用性信息素防治六星黑点豹蠹蛾的可行性,说明六星黑点豹蠹蛾是可利用性信息素进行防控的理想对象。  相似文献   

榆木蠹蛾生殖行为及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过室内饲养与野外观察榆木蠹蛾Holcocerus vicarius (Walker)成虫的羽化、交尾、产卵行为,触角电位反应测定处女雌蛾性信息素产生与释放节律,旨在为榆木蠹蛾性信息素的鉴定和合成奠定基础。结果表明:榆木蠹蛾羽化行为全天可见,主要集中在15:00-19:00。成虫羽化当日即可交尾,21:30-0:30进行婚飞和交尾,交尾高峰出现在晚23:00左右,光期未见交尾。随着日龄的增加,召唤时间前移并且延长,2~3日龄处女雌蛾召唤时间早于1日龄雌蛾,交尾时间较短;雌蛾在羽化1 d后达到性成熟,2日龄雌蛾交尾百分率最高,达41.8%。雌蛾将产卵器伸出寻找缝隙处产卵,分多处产卵,雌虫最高产卵量达720粒,最低产卵量为105粒,卵期为12~22 d不等,孵化率为72%~88%。羽化当晚的雌蛾体内性信息素含量较低,第2天最高,以后逐日下降;2日龄榆木蠹蛾处女雌蛾性信息素的产生量从晚17:00起逐渐增加, 21:30-22:00时最高, 22:00后逐渐减小。雄蛾触角电位反应在22:30最强。21:30-23:00是雌蛾产生和释放性信息素的高峰期。榆木蠹蛾的羽化、交尾存在一定的时辰节律,通过处女雌蛾的野外诱集试验证实了性信息素释放与交配行为在时辰节律上的一致性。  相似文献   

Carpenterworm (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) larvae bore into trunks of the oak Quercus acutissima, thereby promoting sap exudation, and prey on insects attracted to tree sap. We examined the interactions between carpenterworms and sap-attracted insects to elucidate community-level consequences of carpenterworms and to estimate the relative magnitudes of their direct and indirect effects on community structure. Species richness, total abundance, and Simpson’s index of diversity (1/D) in tree sap communities were all significantly higher in carpenterworm-associated patches (sap-exuding patches that contained either larvae or larval nests) than in patches without evidence of carpenterworms. Abundance was also significantly higher in carpenterworm-associated patches for 10 out of 14 taxonomic groups, and this difference was much greater in the following groups that are sensitive to resource increases: drosophilid flies (Drosophilidae), sap beetles (Nitidulidae), and rove beetles (Staphylinidae). These results indicate that carpenterworms increase community size indirectly by increasing resource abundance, which is supported by the results of structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM also revealed that the direct effect of carpenterworms on species richness was weaker than their indirect effect, suggesting that predation by carpenterworms does not determine community structure. Similarly, carpenterworms can increase the abundance of some taxa by increasing resource abundance, and the predation pressure from carpenterworms on most taxa may be minor. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

植食性金龟子信息化学物质的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
王广利  孙凡 《昆虫学报》2005,48(5):785-791
金龟子信息化学物质包括性信息素、聚集信息素和植物源引诱剂。目前已鉴定出的性信息素大多集中于丽金龟科和鳃金龟科,犀金龟科只鉴定出了几种聚集信息素,有关植物源引诱剂方面的研究则集中于丽金龟科和花金龟科。本文总结了金龟子信息化学物质的化学结构特点,并评述了金龟子化学通讯中独特的手性性信息素相互拮抗作用及性信息素生物合成的研究。  相似文献   

Spider sex pheromones: emission, reception, structures, and functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spiders and their mating systems are useful study subjects with which to investigate questions of widespread interest about sexual selection, pre- and post-copulatory mate choice, sperm competition, mating strategies, and sexual conflict. Conclusions drawn from such studies are broadly applicable to a range of taxa, but rely on accurate understanding of spider sexual interactions. Extensive behavioural experimentation demonstrates the presence of sex pheromones in many spider species, and recent major advances in the identification of spider sex pheromones merit review. Synthesised here are the emission, transmission, structures, and functions of spider sex pheromones, with emphasis on the crucial and dynamic role of sex pheromones in female and male mating strategies generally. Techniques for behavioural, chemical and electrophysiological study are summarised, and I aim to provide guidelines for incorporating sex pheromones into future studies of spider mating. In the spiders, pheromones are generally emitted by females and received by males, but this pattern is not universal. Female spiders emit cuticular and/or silk-based sex pheromones, which can be airborne or received via contact with chemoreceptors on male pedipalps. Airborne pheromones primarily attract males or elicit male searching behaviour. Contact pheromones stimulate male courtship behaviour and provide specific information about the emitter's identity. Male spiders are generally choosy and are often most attracted to adult virgin females and juvenile females prior to their final moult. This suggests the first male to mate with a female has significant advantages, perhaps due to sperm priority patterns, or mated female disinterest. Both sexes may attempt to control female pheromone emission, and thus dictate the frequency and timing of female mating, reflecting the potentially different costs of female signalling and/or polyandry to both sexes. Spider sex pheromones are likely to be lipids or lipid soluble, may be closely related to primary metabolites, and are not necessarily species specific, although they can still assist with species recognition. Newer electrophysiological techniques coupled with chemical analyses assist with the identification of sex pheromone compounds. This provides opportunities for more targeted behavioural experimentation, perhaps with synthetic pheromones, and for theorising about the biosynthesis and evolution of chemical signals generally. Given the intriguing biology of spiders, and the critical role of chemical signals for spiders and many other animal taxa, a deeper understanding of spider sex pheromones should prove productive.  相似文献   

金龟子化学通讯与信息化学物质   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
孟宪佐  闫晓华 《生命科学》1999,11(5):232-234
本文综述了金龟子的化学通讯与信息化学物质研究与应用的新进展,重点评述了丽金龟科和鳃金龟科性信息素的鉴定与化学结构。迄今,已有14种金龟子的性信息素被鉴定,还有一些金龟子的聚集信息素和两性引诱剂被报道。对金龟子性信息素、聚集信息素和引诱剂等信息化学物质的应用也作了概述。  相似文献   

Mating disruption of the carpenter moth, Cossus insularis Staudinger (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), with a synthetic version of its sex pheromone, a mixture of (E)-3-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)-3-tetradecenyl acetate, was tested for three successive years in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta) orchards. Pheromone trap catches, percentage mating of tethered females, and tree damage were measured in both the pheromone-treated and untreated control orchards. The attraction of male adults to pheromone traps was completely disrupted, and the mating of the tethered females was completely inhibited by the treatment of synthetic pheromones. The percentage of damaged trees in the pheromone-treated orchard decreased over the course of the experiment, while the damage percentage did not decrease in the untreated orchard. These results show that mating disruption with the synthetic sex pheromone is promising for the reduction of damage caused by C. insularis in apple and Japanese pear orchards.  相似文献   

白蚁信息素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程冬保 《昆虫学报》2013,56(4):419-426
白蚁是最古老的社会性昆虫, 其社会性的维持需要信息素的相互作用。本文回顾了近年来国内外白蚁信息素研究的最新进展, 内容涉及白蚁踪迹信息素、 性信息素、 告警信息素和促食信息素的功能、 化学成分及产生信息素的外分泌腺。白蚁分泌信息素的腺体主要有背板腺、 腹板腺、 后腹板腺、 额腺和唾腺。绝大多数白蚁信息素是挥发性物质。白蚁在化学通讯上存在节俭策略, 即同一种化合物由不同的白蚁种类的不同外分泌腺分泌, 可具有不同的功能。总结了各类信息素在白蚁物种间、 同一物种的品级间和性别间的异同和作用方式, 强调了白蚁信息素的反应阈值、 最佳浓度、 有效期和物种特异性对其功能的影响。目前对白蚁信息素的研究尚处于起步阶段, 其研究成果对等翅目系统发育研究和白蚁防治具有重要的意义。文章最后展望了白蚁信息素在白蚁防治上的应用前景。  相似文献   

【目的】为了寻找湖北省老河口梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)的最佳防治时期,推广使用无公害防控技术,减少化学药剂的使用。【方法】分别调查了梨小食心虫在梨园及桃园的发生规律,释放赤眼蜂的生物防治效果,糖醋酒液、三角形诱捕器、黄板的物理防治效果,以及性信息素迷向防治效果。【结果】结果表明,桃园梨小食心虫最佳防治时期在4月中下旬,梨园梨小食心虫最佳防治时期在5月下旬、6月上旬、8月中旬前。防治效果上,释放赤眼蜂生物防治措施、配比为红糖∶白酒∶食用醋:水=3∶1∶3∶80的糖醋酒液诱捕器的物理防治措施、迷向丝及迷向素的迷向措施均有替代化学防治措施的潜力。【结论】综合防治能够有效控制梨园梨小食心虫发生量,减少化学防治频次,为建立稳定的梨园生态系统及生产无公害水果提供了帮助。  相似文献   

After mating, females may experience a decline in sexual receptivity and attractiveness that may be associated with changes in the production and emission of sex pheromones. In some cases, these changes are produced by chemical substances or structures (e.g., mating plugs) produced by males as a strategy to avoid or reduce sperm competition. In scorpions, sex pheromones may be involved in finding potential mates and starting courtship. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the males of Urophonius brachycentrus, a species that produces a mating plug, use chemical communication (sex pheromones) to detect, localize, and discriminate females according to their mating status (virgin or inseminated), aided by chemical signaling. We also explored the effect of extracting of the mating plug on chemical communication and mating acceptance. We used Y‐maze olfactometers with different stimuli to analyze male choice and exploration time. To evaluate mating acceptance, we measured the attractiveness and receptivity of females of different mating status. We found that chemical communication occurs through volatile pheromones, but not contact pheromones. Males equally preferred sites with virgin or inseminated females with removed mating plug. In turn, females with these mating statuses were more attractive and receptive for males than inseminated females. This study suggests that the mating plug significantly affects female chemical attractiveness with an effect on volatile pheromones and decreasing sexual mating acceptance of females. The decline in the female's sexual receptivity is a complex process that may respond to several non‐exclusive mechanisms imposed by males and strategically modulated by females.  相似文献   

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