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张筱英  黄锦源  谭洁英  蒋三元  黄莉婷 《蛇志》2010,22(1):15-16,25
目的观察灯盏花素粉针剂在不同pH值溶液中的稳定性。方法在室温(20℃)下,将5%、10%葡萄糖注射液及0.9%氯化钠注射液的pH值调整为3.3、3.6、3.9、4.2后,再分别加入灯盏花素粉针剂,并采用紫外分光光度法在6 h内的不同时间取样测定其含量。结果灯盏花素粉针剂在溶液pH值为3.3时,含量下降很快;pH值为3.6、3.9时,含量下降变缓;pH值为4.2时,含量趋于稳定,无明显变化。结论影响灯盏花素粉针剂稳定性的主要因素是稀释溶媒的pH值。当pH值在3.3~3.6时,灯盏花素易产生浑浊沉淀现象,故建议临床不用葡萄糖注射液作灯盏花素粉针剂的稀释溶媒为好。  相似文献   

目的:评价灯盏花素注射液对鼠尾再植辅助治疗的效果和可行性.方法:90只雄性SD大鼠,30只为一组随机分为三组进行再植,术后分别予灯盏花素注、肝素、丹参注射液注射,术后观察再植鼠尾的血液循环情况.结果:灯盏花素注射液组28条再植尾成活,伤口1期愈合,术后2周内,28条再植尾色泽红润,毛细血管返流时间正常,皮肤弹性正常,皮温状况良好.超声Dopple及血管造影显示尾动脉血循通畅,而高于丹参注射液组和肝素组.结论:灯盏花素注射液在促进断尾血液循环方面相对丹参注射液、肝素而言具有明显的优越性.  相似文献   

酒精酵母在连续发酵中的振荡行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步分析酒精酵母在连续发酵中的振荡行为的产生条件及产生机理。通过改变稀释率、pH值、溶氧和进料葡萄糖浓度等条件 ,观察不同操作条件对酒精酵母菌生长和代谢行为的影响。在 10~ 15 g/L的较低葡萄糖浓度 ,0 .10~ 0 .2 0h-1的较低稀释率 ,以及 70 %左右的适度的溶氧浓度等发酵条件下 ,酒精酵母会出现同步的代谢振荡现象。一定条件下 ,菌体浓度处于振荡状态 ,残余葡萄糖浓度不可测或在很低水平振荡 ,这些发现预示着控制机制的新发展。  相似文献   

通过实验考察疏血通等10种中药注射剂与5种不同溶媒配伍后的稳定性,为临床安全合理使用中药注射剂提供依据。将10种中药注射剂分别与临床常用的静脉输液:质量分数0. 9%NaCl注射液、质量分数5%葡萄糖注射液、质量分数10%葡萄糖注射液、质量分数5%葡萄糖氯化钠注射液和果糖注射液配伍。在配制0、1、2、4和8h后,分别观察性状,测定pH和不溶性微粒数。研究发现:上述注射液与溶媒配伍后性状稳定,pH变化符合要求,不同溶媒中产生的不溶性微粒数各有差异,且会随放置时间发生变化。由此可知:上述中药注射剂与适宜的溶媒配伍,在一定时间内具有较好的稳定性,实验结果可供临床调配使用作为参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究探讨盐酸胺碘酮注射液与其他输液(包括浓度分别为5%与10%的葡萄糖注射液,浓度为0.9%的氯化钠注射液,以及葡萄糖氯化钠注射液四种)配伍过程中具有的稳定性。方法:以当前的临床用药标准为依据,将四种注射液分别注入到一次性灭菌注射器中,随后分别往灭菌注射器中加入20ml的舒血宁注射液后摇匀倒置,在配伍8h内观察混合液外观性状、含量以及PH的变化情况。结果:通过实验,观察到在完成与浓度为10%的葡萄糖注射液,浓度为0.9%的氯化钠注射液,以及葡萄糖氯化钠注射液配伍后,盐酸胺碘酮的PH值与含量均出现比较明显的变化,但是在与5%葡萄糖注射液配伍后,溶液的各项指标并未发生明显的变化,溶液相对比较稳定。结论:在临床用药中,将盐酸胺碘酮与5%葡萄糖注射液配伍后,保持溶液在常温下的一段时间内使用,可有效保证混合溶液的性质,药效不会发生改变。  相似文献   

糖质溶液中发酵生产灰树花胞外多糖的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了葡萄糖浓度和pH值调控对糖质溶液中发酵生产灰树花胞外多糖的影响。葡萄糖浓度为5%时胞外多糖产量最高;发酵液pH控制为3.5-4.0时有利于胞外多糖的合成;并守试了重复使用菌丝体在糖质溶液中发酵生产灰树花胞外多糖的新方法。  相似文献   

本研究采用一个标准高效液相色谱质谱(HPLC-PDA-ESI/MS)分析方法和酚类成分定量方法确定了灯盏花中的33个肉桂酸衍生物和16个黄酮类化合物,灯盏花素中18个黄酮类化合物。使用干燥后的绿原酸(326 nm)作为标准品,根据326 nm处紫外吸收峰相对强度和克分子(mole)相对响应因子(MRRF)确定了每个肉桂酸衍生物的含量。以同样的方式,使用干燥后的芹菜素(336 nm)和芦丁(354 nm)确定了8个芹菜素,3个木犀草素,3个黄酮醇3-糖苷和7-葡萄糖醛酸苷的含量。这是首次报道十余微量黄酮类化合物存在于灯盏花素,以及灯盏花全植物中每个酚类化合物的含量。  相似文献   

不同碳源对三种溶磷真菌溶解磷矿粉能力的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过液体培养法 ,对 3种溶磷真菌利用葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、淀粉和纤维素等碳源溶解宜昌产磷矿粉的试验 ,结果表明 ,菌株P2 3在供给葡萄糖时的溶磷能力最高 ,并在一定程度上能够利用长链碳源淀粉和纤维素为营养而溶磷 ;而高效溶磷菌株P6 6和P39溶磷的最佳碳源是果糖和麦芽糖 ,该两菌株利用淀粉和纤维素的溶磷效果很小 ,甚至不溶磷。 3种溶磷真菌培养滤液 pH值、可滴定酸含量与其溶磷量之间的相关性因菌株而异 ,差别很大。菌株P2 3培养滤液pH值、可滴定酸含量与其溶磷量之间相关性很低 ,但菌株P6 6和P39培养滤液pH值、可滴定酸含量与其溶磷量之间相关性却达到极显著水平 (P <0 0 1)。结果表明 ,不同碳源对溶磷菌溶解磷矿粉能力影响很大 ,分析推断 3种菌株产生的有机酸活化磷矿粉能力为P6 6>P39>P2 3。  相似文献   

目的:研究探讨炎琥宁注射液与6中输液的配伍稳定性。方法:将炎琥宁注射液与5%葡萄糖氯化钠注射液、0.9%氯化钠注射液、复方氯化钠注射液、葡萄糖氯化钠注射液、右旋糖酐40葡萄糖注射液配伍后,观察混合溶液的外观、PH值、炎琥宁注射液的含量以及不溶性微粒的变化。结果:观察实验结果发现,将炎琥宁注射液与6种注射液配伍6h后,混合溶液的PH值、含量并无明显变化,但是在配伍4h后,除去复方氯化钠注射液不溶性微粒符合临床应用规定外,另外的混合液不溶性微粒均不符合使用规定。结论:在临床中,将炎琥宁注射液与其他注射液配伍使用的过程中,应最好与复方氯化钠注射液配伍使用,这样使用符合临床应用标准。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药灯盏花素注射液对脑出血患者氧化应激的影响。方法:实验分成两组,以30例健康人为对照组,以25例早期脑出血患者为实验组,采用灯盏花素进行治疗,观察治疗前后两组血液中SOD、LDH的活性及MDA的含量。结果:与对照组相比,治疗前实验组SOD活性降低,而LDH的活性和MDA的含量升高。采用灯盏花素治疗后,实验组SOD显著升高,LDH的活性和MDA的含量降低;与对照组相比,无明显差异。结论:灯盏花素可通过抑制中性粒细胞产生呼吸爆发,增强机体清除氧自由基的能力,并降低脂质过氧化损伤,可应用于治疗早期脑出血。  相似文献   

Studies on lidocaine-induced kindling.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Lidocaine HCl, injected 5 times weekly, produces pharmacological kindling in rats. The aims of the present study were to: 1) approximate the threshold dose for the effect in mice and 2) determine if injections given less frequently than 5 times weekly produces kindling. Mice were injected (IP) either 5 times weekly for 4 weeks or 2 times weekly for 10 weeks, with doses ranging from 30 to 50 mg/kg. Kindling was defined as the appearance of convulsions on each of 5 consecutive injections. The estimated threshold dose for kindling was approximately 40 mg/kg, as suggested by the observation that 2 of 8 and 8 of 8 mice were kindled at 40 and 50 mg/kg respectively when injected 5 times each week. Whether mice were injected (50 mg/kg) 5 times weekly, or, only twice weekly, 80% of them were kindled by the fifteenth injection. Thus, it would appear that pharmacological kindling might be as much a function of number of injections as it is of frequency of injections.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have definitively shown that exopolymer-producing bacteria have the potential to modify the flow of fluids in oil reservoirs to enhance oil production. Once injected into the reservoir, they will be subjected to a wide range of pH values and to starvation resulting from nutrient depletion. For successful field implementation it is necessary to have a fundamental understanding of these effects on the viability of bacteria. This paper addresses the effects of pH and trace minerals on cell viability of Leuconostoc mesenteroides during carbon source depletion. Two different carbon sources were used to grow cells before transferring the cells to starvation conditions: sucrose and a combination of glucose and fructose. These substrates were chosen because L. mesenteroides produces a significant amount of water-insoluble exopolymers (dextran) under sucrose-fed conditions, which may enhance cell survival under harsh conditions. The effects of dextran on the cell viability were tested at different pH values with and without trace minerals. The rate of cell death followed an exponential-decay law for different values of the solution pH. The optimal solution pH for survival was pH 5, whereas cells died rapidly at pH 3 and below and at pH 13 and above. The sucrose-fed cells showed a greater viability than cells fed glucose and fructose for all pH ranges tested. The results indicated that water-insoluble exopolymers help cells survive for longer periods of time under starvation conditions. The effects of trace minerals on cell culturability were tested at two pH values, 4.5 and 7. For both cases, cells showed a greater culturability (smaller decay rate constant) in the presence of trace minerals than without trace minerals. It was also found that the effects of trace minerals on cell culturability were greater for glucose-fructose-fed cells than for sucrose-fed cells. The Michaelis pH function theory was used for comparing the relationships between the cell decay rate and pH.  相似文献   

Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) is a chronic disease characterized by the inability of the pancreas to produce sufficient amounts of insulin. Daily compensation of the deficiency requires 4-6 insulin injections to be taken daily, the aim of this insulin therapy being to maintain normoglycemia - i.e., a blood glucose level between 4 and 7 mmol/l. To determine the quantity and timing of these injections, various different approaches are used. Currently, mostly qualitative and semi-quantitative models and reasoning are used to design such a therapy. Here, an attempt is made to show how system identification and control may be used to estimate predictive quantitative models to be used in design of optimal insulin regimens.The system was divided into three subsystems, the insulin subsystem, the glucose subsystem and the insulin-glucose interaction. The insulin subsystem aims to describe the absorption of injected insulin from the subcutaneous depots and the glucose subsystem the absorption of glucose from the gut following a meal. These subsystems were modeled using compartment models and proposed models found in the literature. Several black-box models and grey-box models describing the insulin/glucose interaction were developed and analyzed. These models were fitted to real data monitored by an IDDM patient. Many difficulties were encountered, typical of biomedical systems: Non-uniform and scarce sampling, time-varying dynamics and severe nonlinearities were some of the difficulties encountered during the modeling. None of the proposed models were able to describe the system accurately in all aspects during all conditions. However, all the linear models shared some dynamics. Based on the estimated models, short-term blood glucose predictors for up to two-hour-ahead blood glucose prediction were designed. Furthermore, we explored the issues that arise when applying prediction theory and control to short-term blood glucose prediction.  相似文献   

1. Egg albumin when injected into an ameba or discharged into the solution about it raises the apparent pH of the cytoplasm of the ameba. 2. With time the cytoplasm returns to the original pH 6.9 if the nucleus is present. Amebae that have received repeated injections of albumin in some cases extrude their nuclei. In these cells the cytoplasm remains at the more alkaline pH induced by the albumin for at least 12 hours. 3. When a 2 per cent solution of albumin is introduced into a suspension of amebae there is a temporary marked rise in the rate at which CO2 is given off with no corresponding rise in O2 uptake. 4. The results observed can be explained if the albumin discharged onto the surface of the ameba rapidly enters the cell and there becomes distributed in a phase of the cytoplasm other than the one which contains the phenol red.  相似文献   

Summary To elucidate the role of muscle glycogen storage on regulation of GLUT4 protein expression and whole-body glucose tolerance, muscle glycogen level was manipulated by exercise and insulin administration. Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats were evenly separated into three groups: control (CON), immediately after exercise (EX0), and 16 h after exercise (EX16). Rats from each group were further divided into two groups: saline- and insulin-injected. The 2-day exercise protocol consisted of 2 bouts of 3-h swimming with 45-min rest for each day, which effectively depleted glycogen in both red gastrocnemius (RG) and plantaris muscles. EX0 rats were sacrificed immediately after the last bout of exercise on second day. CON and EX16 rats were intubated with 1 g/kg glucose solution following exercise and recovery for 16 h before muscle tissue collection. Insulin (0.5 μU/kg) or saline was injected daily at the time when glucose was intubated. Insulin injection elevated muscle glycogen levels substantially in both muscles above saline-injected group at CON and EX16. With previous day insulin injection, EX0 preserved greater amount of postexercise glycogen above their saline-injected control. In the saline-injected rats, EX16 significantly increased GLUT4 protein level above CON, concurrent with muscle glycogen supercompensation. Insulin injection for EX16 rats significantly enhanced muscle glycogen level above their saline-injected control, but the increases in muscle GLUT4 protein and whole-body glucose tolerance were attenuated. In conclusion, the new finding of the study was that glycogen overload by postexercise insulin administration significantly abolished the exercise-induced increases in GLUT4 protein and glucose tolerance.  相似文献   

Aspects of a possible involvement of hydrogen ions in the electrophysiological responses to light of Limulus ventral photoreceptors were investigated. A 1 M solution of either a zwitter-ionic pH buffer or a weakly-buffering control substance was pressure injected through a micropipette into a ventral photoreceptor cell. To estimate the amount injected, 35SO4 was included in the solution. Membrane currents induced by light flashes were measured by a voltage-clamp technique. The buffer-filled micropipette passed current and a 3M KCl filled micropipette monitored membrane voltage. The sensitivity (peak light-induced current/stimulus energy) was measured, after dark adaptation, before and after injection. Injections of buffers, pH 6.3-7.2, to intracellular concentrations of at least 40-200 mM produced only a small mean decrease in sensitivity, approximately equal to that caused by injections of control substances. Excitation, therefore, apparently is not mediated by a change in intracellular pH. Buffers with pH values 5.4-8.4 were also injected. The time to peak of the response depended on pH, being shortened by up to 20% at pH values below 7.7 and lengthened at higher pH values. The time to peak of the response appeared to be shortened by an increase in intracellular pH-buffering capacity even when there was no change in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

A biosensor for the measurement of glucose in serum has been developed, based on a screen-printed carbon electrode modified with Meldola’s Blue-Reinecke salt, coated with the enzyme glucose dehydrogenase (from Bacillus sp.), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide coenzyme (NAD+). A cellulose acetate layer was deposited on top of the device to act as a permselective membrane. The biosensor was incorporated into a commercially available, thin-layer, amperometric flow cell operated at a potential of only +0.05 V versus Ag/AgCl. The mobile phase consisted of 0.2 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 0.1 M potassium chloride solution, and a flow rate of 0.8 ml min−1 was used throughout the investigation. The biosensor response was linear over the range of 0.075-30 mM glucose, with the former representing the detection limit. The precision of the system was determined by carrying out 20 repeat injections of a 5-mM glucose standard, and the calculated coefficient of variation was 3.9%. It was demonstrated that this biosensor system could be applied to the direct measurement of glucose in serum without pretreatment. Therefore, this would allow high-throughput analysis, at low cost, for this clinically important analyte.  相似文献   

Aspects of a possible involvement of hydrogen ions in the electrophysiological responses to light of Limulus ventral photoreceptors were investigated. A I M solution of either a zwitter-ionic pH buffer or a weakly-buffering control substance was pressure injected through a micropipette into a ventral photoreceptor cell. To estimate the amount injected, 35SO4 was included in the solution. Membrane currents induced by light flashes were measured by a voltage-clamp technique. The buffer-filled micropipette passed current and a 3 M KCl filled micropipette monitored membrane voltage. The sensitivity (peak light-induced current/stimulus energy) was measured, after dark adaptation, before and after injection. Injections of buffers, pH 6.3–7.2, to intracellular concentrations of at least 40–200 mM produced only a small mean decrease in sensitivity, approximately equal to that caused by injections of control substances. Excitation, therefore, apparently is not mediated by a change in intracellular pH. Buffers with pH values 5.4–8.4 were also injected. The time to peak of the response depended on pH, being shortened by up to 20% at pH values below 7.7 and lengthened at higher pH values. The time to peak of the response appeared to be shortened by an increase in intracellular pH-buffering capacity even when there was no change in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

A polyethylene-g-acrylic acid (PE-g-AA) graft copolymer was prepared via gamma-ray-irradiation-induced postirradiation procedures, and was used as support material for the immobilization of glucose oxidase. Soluble carbodiimides were used as the coupling agent. Reasonable yields were obtained with CMC but not with EDAC, EEDQ, or WRK. A number of factors were studied. (1) The use of water-soluble carbodiimides as condensing agent was attempted and the optimum condition for coupling glucose oxidase to PE-g-AA was established; (2) the effect of pH and temperature on the reactivity of native and immobilized glucose oxidase was studied. When exposed to temperatures in excess of 60 degrees C, the immobilized glucose oxidase was less sensitive to thermal inactivation than the native enzyme. The optimum pH value for the performance of the enzyme-immobilized membrane was 5. 6. For 200 tests, the response error of glucose sensor was less than 4% and its linear detected range was 0-1000 ppm. The obtained glucose oxidase-immobilized PE-g-AA membranes were kept in pH 5. 6 acetate buffer solution at 4 degrees C. The glucose oxidase activity of the membrane was determined at sevenday intervals. The membranes still have 92% glucose oxidase activity even after eight weeks of storage.  相似文献   

Cellobiase has been isolated from the crude cellulase mixture of enzymes of Trichoderma viride using column chromatographic and ion-exchange methods. The steady-state kinetics of the hydrolysis of cellobiose have been investigated as a function of cellobiose and glucose concentrations, pH of the solution, temperature, and dielectric constant, using isopropanol-buffer mixtures. The results show that (i) there is a marked activation of the reaction by initial glucose concentrations of 4 X 10(-3) M to 9 X 10(-2) M and strong inhibition of the reaction at higher initial concentrations, (ii) the log rate -pH curve has a maximum at pH 5.2 and enzyme pK values of 3.5 and 6.8, (iii) the energy of activation at pH 5.1 is 10.2 kcal mol-1 over the temperature range 5-56 degrees C, and (iv) the rate decreases from 0 to 20% (v/v) isopropanol. The hydrolysis by cellobiase (EC of p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside was examined by pre-steady-state methods in which [enzyme]0 greater than [substrate]0, and by steady-state methods as a function of pH and temperature. The results show (i) a value for k2 of 21 S-1 at pH 7.0 (where k2 is the rate constant for the second step in the assumed two-intermediate mechanism (formula: see text), (ii) a log rate -pH curve, significantly different from that for hydrolysis of cellobiose, in which the rate increases with decreasing pH below pH 4.5, is constant in the region pH 4.5-6, and decreases above pH 6 (exhibiting an enzyme pK value of 7.3), and (iii) an activation energy of 12.5 kcal mol-1 at pH 5.7 over the temperature range 10-60 degrees C.  相似文献   

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