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小五台山是河北省最高峰,具有较完整的暖温带植被垂直带谱。本文通过野外群落植被调查,结合由TM遥感影像解译1:50000地形图制作的DEM数据而得到的植被图,分析了小五台山主要植被群落的分布状况及其与地形的关系。结果表明,小五台山从低海拔到高海拔,依次出现灌丛、阔叶林、针阔混交林、暗针叶林、矮林、灌丛、草甸等植被类型。森林景观的面积最大,占总面积的60.7%;平均斑块面积最大的是阔叶林和亚高山草甸,斑块破碎化最严重的是水体和针阔混交林。不同的植被类型在不同的地形条件下分布特点不同,林地在北坡所占面积比例(占总面积的75%)远大于南坡(46%),说明水分条件是小五台山森林分布的限制因子之一;灌丛和草甸与林地相反。随海拔高度的变化,不同植被类型的分布面积比例发生变化,出现替代现象,形成植被垂直带谱。由于坡度的影响,增加了带谱内植被组成的复杂性。  相似文献   

In subalpine forests near the forest limit on Mt. Fuji in central Japan, slush avalanches occasionally destroy forest-floor vegetation through an influx of volcanic gravel from bare upper sites. The vegetation structure of Larix kaempferiAbies veitchii forests near and distant from avalanche paths was investigated to determine the effects of forest-floor disturbance on successional processes. The Larix population in a forest near an avalanche path, where there had been signs of forest-floor disturbance by avalanches, had a discontinuous age structure with three age groups, indicating that Larix seedlings established under the Larix canopy after the forest-floor disturbance. In contrast, the Larix population in a forest distant from avalanche paths, where there had been no forest-floor disturbance, had a continuous age structure, with no plants younger than the 90-year-old trees, indicating that this population had established on bare ground over a long period. These data suggest that the primary requirement for the regeneration of L. kaempferi on the forest floor is a mineral substrate. Conversely, A. veitchii had a continuous age structure in both forests. However, forest-floor disturbances by avalanche(s) may exclude A. veitchii from the forest because A. veitchii is very sensitive to scoria deposition. In conclusion, forest-floor disturbance by avalanche(s) provides L. kaempferi with an opportunity to establish on the forest floor, resulting in the maintenance of Larix forests alongside avalanche paths in the upper subalpine area on Mt. Fuji.  相似文献   

Aims Mountains contain broad environmental gradients, which are to be an outstanding universal value representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of zonal vegetation along the elevation gradients. Exploring the biological and ecological value of the vegetation zonation along the elevation gradients of Chinese mountain natural heritage site is important for biodiversity conservation and management. Methods Based on the community survey data of the six vegetation zonation along the elevational gradients in Shennongjia, the global land use dataset, and the literature data of the communities along the altitudinal gradients of other natural heritage sites and the nominated world natural heritage sites in Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographic Province by Udvardy, we explored the outstanding universal value of the zonal vegetation along the altitude gradients by the methods of spatial analysis. Important findings Shennongjia heritage site preserves the intact vegetation zonation of the typical Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographical Province in the Classification of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World by Udvardy, including evergreen broad-leaved forests (South Slope of the Heritage Site), evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mixed forests, deciduous broad-leaved forests, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, coniferous forests and subalpine shrub and meadow along the elevation gradients. The altitudinal zonation of vegetation in the Shennongjia heritage site represented a variety of bio-ecological processes, such as the turnover of the dominant trees along the altitudinal gradients, and is an outstanding example of the ongoing ecological processes occurring in the development of intact subtropical mixed broadleaved evergreen and deciduous forest in the Northern Hemisphere. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

岷江冷杉林皆伐后次生群落结构和物种多样性的演替动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缪宁  周珠丽  史作民  冯秋红 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3661-3671
为阐明岷江冷杉林皆伐后次生群落的演替过程,采用空间代替时间的方法,在川西米亚罗林区海拔3100—3600 m的阴坡选择岷江冷杉林皆伐后次生演替10、20、30、40和50a阶段的次生群落作为研究对象,对其群落结构和物种多样性的动态进行了研究。不同演替阶段的树木均呈显著聚集分布。按群落中优势种的重要值将该演替序列划分为3个类型:悬钩子-蔷薇灌丛、白桦阔叶林和桦木-岷江冷杉针阔混交林。随次生演替,乔木和灌木种的物种丰富度趋于增加,而草本种的物种丰富度趋于减少;乔木和灌木种的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数趋于增大,而草本的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数趋于减小;乔木、灌木和草本层的Pielou均匀度指数均趋于增大;乔木层的Simpson优势度指数趋于减小,灌木和草本层的Simpson优势度指数在演替0—40年阶段趋于增大,而在演替50a阶段趋于减小。在该演替序列中,乔木、灌木和草本层的物种组成均呈耐荫种替代非耐荫种的趋势。  相似文献   

Aims Mountains contain broad environmental gradients, which are to be an outstanding universal value representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of zonal vegetation along the elevation gradients. Exploring the biological and ecological value of the vegetation zonation along the elevation gradients of Chinese mountain natural heritage site is important for biodiversity conservation and management.Methods Based on the community survey data of the six vegetation zonation along the elevational gradients in Shennongjia, the global land use dataset, and the literature data of the communities along the altitudinal gradients of other natural heritage sites and the nominated world natural heritage sites in Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographic Province by Udvardy, we explored the outstanding universal value of the zonal vegetation along the altitude gradients by the methods of spatial analysis.Important findings Shennongjia heritage site preserves the intact vegetation zonation of the typical Oriental Deciduous Forest Biogeographical Province in the Classification of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World by Udvardy, including evergreen broad-leaved forests (South Slope of the Heritage Site), evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mixed forests, deciduous broad-leaved forests, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, coniferous forests and subalpine shrub and meadow along the elevation gradients. The altitudinal zonation of vegetation in the Shennongjia heritage site represented a variety of bio-ecological processes, such as the turnover of the dominant trees along the altitudinal gradients, and is an outstanding example of the ongoing ecological processes occurring in the development of intact subtropical mixed broadleaved evergreen and deciduous forest in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The Sanjiang Plain is the biggest freshwater wetland locating in northeastern China. Due to climate change and human activities, that wetland has degraded to a successional gradient from the original flooded wetland to dry shrub vegetation and a forest area with lower ground water level, which may result in changes in soil microbiologic structure and functions. The present study investigated the microbial diversity and community structure in relation to soil properties along that successional gradient. The soil physico‐chemical properties changed significantly with degradation stage. The Shannon diversity index of both soil bacteria (5.90–6.42) and fungi (1.7–4.19) varied significantly with successional stage (both p < .05). The community structures of soil bacteria and fungi in the early successional stages (i.e., the wetland) were significantly determined by water content, total nitrogen, and available nitrogen concentrations in soils, while those in the later successional stages (i.e., forests) were significantly structured by soil organic carbon, soil pH, and available phosphorus concentrations. These results suggest that the soil microbial structure is mainly determined by soil properties rather than by plant community such as plant species composition along successional stages.  相似文献   

 在川西亚高山米亚罗林区海拔3 100~3 600 m 阴坡、半阴坡, 以立地条件基本一致的箭竹和藓类林型不同恢复阶段 (20~40 a生的箭竹阔叶林、50 a生的箭竹针阔混交林、160~200 a生的箭竹原始暗针叶老龄林; 20~40 a生的藓类阔叶林、50 a生的藓类针阔混交林、160~200 a生的藓类原始暗针叶老龄林) 的群落为研究对象, 共设置了50个样方 (20 m×20 m ), 采用空间代时间的方法分析了岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)的天然更新状况, 并采用通径分析法对其影响因子进行分析。结果表明: 箭竹和藓类两种森林类型岷江冷杉幼苗、幼树和小树的密度偏低。对于箭竹林型不同恢复阶段, 岷江冷杉幼苗密度<幼树密度<小树密度; 对于藓类林型不同恢复阶段, 藓类阔叶林幼树密度大于幼苗和小树密度, 藓类针阔混交林小树密度大于幼苗和幼树密度, 而藓类原始暗针叶老龄林幼苗密度大于幼树和小树密度。藓类林型岷江冷杉天然更新状况好于箭竹林型。对箭竹林型而言, 影响岷江冷杉天然更新的关键因子为母树密度、倒木蓄积量、箭竹盖度和苔藓层厚度, 其中母树密度和倒木蓄积量对岷江冷杉天然更新起着促进作用, 箭竹盖度和苔藓层厚度对岷江冷杉天然更新起着阻碍作用; 对于藓类林型而言, 影响岷江冷杉天然更新的关键因子为灌木盖度和苔藓层厚度。灌木和苔藓有利于幼苗的发生, 但不利于幼苗向幼树、小树的过渡。  相似文献   

Geographical patterns of altitudinal zonation, floristic composition, and structural features of tropical montane rain forests were examined along latitudinal gradients in south and east Asia. On equatorial mountains, the tropical montane rain forests occur above 1000 m. Toward middle latitudes, they come farther down and reach sea level at c. 35° N. Thus, the forests are equivalent to the subtropical rain forests of the latitudinal, horizontal zonation series. They exhibit gradual changes in floristic composition and structure along both altitudinal and latitudinal gradients. On equatorial mountains, they are divided into three types, i.e. tropical lower montane, upper montane, and subalpine forests. The three tree regeneration types, having emergent, sporadic and inverse-J type stem-diameter class frequency distributions, coexist in the lower montane forests, but the upper and subalpine forests display only the inverse-J type species with a few species of the sporadic type. Toward the northern latitudinal limit, the distinction between the three tropical montane forest zones in equatorial mountains becomes less clear. This can be explained by temperature conditions: on equatorial mountains, a temperature sum of 85° C months which controls the upper limit of the lower montane forests, and a coldest month mean temperature of-1° C which controls the evergreen broad-leaved trees, appear at c. 2500 and c. 4000 m respectively. The altitudinal range between 2500 m and 3800 m, which is the upper forest limit, is covered by upper montane and subalpine forests. On the other hand, at the latitudinal northern limit, the tropical upper montane and subalpine forests cannot exist because the above mentioned two temperature conditions occur at nearly the same point. Thus, at the northern latitudinal limit of the tropical montane forests, the three zones of equatorial mountains amalgamate into a single subtropical lowland forest community. This is due to the seasonal temperature climate in middle latitudes in, e.g., central Japan and central China.A part of this paper was presented as an oral presentation at the Vth International Congress of Ecology, Yokohama 23–30.8.1990.  相似文献   

Tang  Cindy Q.  Ohsawa  Masahiko 《Plant Ecology》1997,133(1):63-78
Altitudinal zonation of evergreen, deciduous and coniferous forests on Mt. Emei (3099 m asl, 29°34.5' N, 103°21.5' E), Sichuan, China was studied to understand the transition of vegetation zonation from tropical to temperate mountains in humid Asia. On the basis of quantitative data on floristic composition and community structure sampled at ten plots selected in different altitudes on the eastern slope of the mountain, forest zonation and the inter-relationships among different life-forms of trees in each zonal forest community were studied quantitatively. Three forest zones were identified physiognomically along the altitudinal gradient, viz. (i) the evergreen broad-leaved forest zone (660–1500 m asl), (ii) the mixed forest zone (1500–2500 m asl), and (iii) the coniferous forest zone (2500–3099 m asl). Great compositional changes were observed along elevation, and the zonal forest communities were characterized by their dominants and floristic composition. Maximum tree height decreased from 33 m at lower middle altitude (965 m asl) to 13 m near the summit (2945 m asl). There was no apparent deciduous forest zone along the altitudinal gradient, but true mixed forests of three life-forms (evergreen, deciduous, and coniferous) were formed around 2000–2500 m asl. Patches of deciduous forest were found in a lower part of the mixed forest zone, particularly on scree slopes, between 1450 m and 1900 m asl. These patches were dominated by the Tertiary relic deciduous trees, such as Davidia involucrata, Tetracentron sinense, and Cercidiphyllum japonicum var. sinense. High species diversity in the mixed forest zone resulted from the overlapping of different life-forms at middle altitudes, which is partly due to wider variety of temperature-altitude correlations. A comparison of the altitudinal zonation with the other east Asian mountain vegetation clarified that Mt. Emei is located exactly at the ecotone between tropical and temperate zonation types in eastern Asia.  相似文献   

通过沿海拔梯度的系统调查,对小寨子沟自然保护区大熊猫生境的植物群落种类组成和结构进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)小寨子沟大熊猫生境的植被类型有2种:阔叶林和针叶林;(2)小寨子沟自然保护区内分布有青川箭竹、缺苞箭竹、华西箭竹、冷箭竹等多种箭竹,这些作为大熊猫食料的箭竹广布在各种植被类型中,尤其是针阔混交林和亚高山针叶林;(3)大熊猫对生境的群落结构有较广的适宜性,阔叶林、针阔混交林、亚高山针叶林均可作为它的适宜生境;(4)小寨子沟自然保护区内的植被类型是随海拔的升高而自然过渡的,呈现出受人类活动影响较小的自然状态。  相似文献   

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