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PCR扩增近交系大鼠微卫星位点DNA多态性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验选取大鼠7条染色体上的微卫星位点合成了10对引物,利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增技术对国内北京和哈尔滨等4家单位提供的6个品系(SHR、SHRSP、LEW、RCS、WKY和F344)的8个近交系大鼠群体进行了DNA多态性分析的研究.结果表明:9个微卫星位点具有显著多态性;不同品系个体之间具有多态性;同一群体不同个体之间除SHR(哈)的SMST位点和WKY(哈)的AGT位点出现一定的差异外,其他均没有差异;不同地区同一品系的不同个体之间也存在一定的差异.该方法能有效地对近交系与杂交系、品系与品系、品系与亚系加以区分.因此,本实验为开展近交系大鼠遗传作图、基因定位和为实验动物的遗传背景监测提供可靠的信息,为大鼠遗传基因的研究提供了一个快捷简便、特异准确的方法。 Abstract:In the experiment,It were selected that 20 primers were assigned on 7 chromosomes of inbred rat.DNA polymorphism of 8 colonies from 6 inbred rat strains(SHR、SHRSP、WKY、LEW、RCS、F344)were studied in national Beijing and Harbin using PCR-analyzed microsatellites.The results indicated that there were remarkable polymorphism in 9 microsatellite loci;There is a polymorphism among the various rat strains;and no polymorphism in the same rat strains except SMST locus of SHR(Harbin)and AGT locus of WKY(Harbin)and there is a little difference among the same inbred rat strains in different areas.The method of PCR-analyzed microsatellites can be used for distinguishing between inbred and outbred、different strains、strain and substrain.and it provides a lot of information for genetic mapping,gene location and heredity probe of the inbred rat strains,and a speedy、convenient method for genetic research of the inbred rat.  相似文献   

近交系大鼠DNA指纹分析研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
目的建立DNA指纹技术对近交系大鼠遗传监测的方法.方法采用DNA指纹图法对国内已知的7个品系9个近交系大鼠群体进行了分析,并对相同DNA进行了多次DNA指纹图重复实验.结果(1)不同品系之间DNA指纹图差异较大,其平均图带数为16.360±2.178,共有带率为0.061±0.008,相似系数为0.062±0.008,相同DNA指纹图概率为3.691×10-23.(2)同一群体不同个体之间DNA指纹图带的相似系数和共有带率(除SHR(哈)和WKY(哈)小于0.7外),其他均在大于0.9.(3)不同地区同一SHR和同一WKY品系间DNA指纹图也存在不同,其相似系数和共有带率均小于0.6.(4)相同DNA不同次制作的DNA指纹图谱基本一致(P>0.05).结论证实了该方法在近交系大鼠遗传监测中的可行性.  相似文献   

目的 用24对引物对近交系HFJ和MIJ大鼠的微卫星位点进行多态性分析,并选用近交系Lewis和F344大鼠作为对照,进行比较分析.方法 用传统的酚-氯仿法分别提取4个近交系大鼠MIJ、HFJ、Lewis和F344 的基因组DNA,选取大鼠24个微卫星位点,通过PCR扩增,扩增产物经过非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染,根据电泳结果,比较分析4种品系近交系大鼠之间微卫星多态性.结果 4种品系及品系内不同个体的近交系大鼠在24个微卫星位点上的扩增产物均出现一个条带,MIJ和HFJ大鼠在品系间和品系内均表现为单态性,同Lewis 和F344的扩增结果比较,14个位点显示多态性,有10个位点显示单态性.结论 两个近交系大鼠品系MIJ和HFJ符合近交系要求,筛选出的14个多态性微卫星位点可用于有关近交系大鼠的遗传背景监测.  相似文献   

目的研究SNP在近交系大鼠遗传检测中的应用。方法 选取大鼠20号染色体MHC所在P12区上的9个SNP位点,应用新建立的高保真酶特异性检测SNP基因分型技术对五种常用近交系大鼠(BN、F344、WKY、LEW、SHR)和两种新培育近交系大鼠(MIJ和HFJ)进行SNP多态性分析。结果五种常用近交系的SNP检测结果与Rat Genome Database网站提供的基因型数据一致,并检测确立了新品系的SNP基因型。同时绘制出七种近交系大鼠在该9个SNP位点的遗传扩增图谱。结论运用所筛选的9个SNP位点进行大鼠多态性分析,能够快速、可靠地对BN、F344、WKY、LEW、SHR及MIJ、HFJ进行遗传监测。  相似文献   

目的比较上海地区7品系常用近交系小鼠核心群的遗传特性。方法将筛选到的48对多态性丰富的微卫星引物组合优化,形成11组多重荧光PCR引物混合体系,对来自上海地区两大实验小鼠供应商的7品系近交系小鼠核心群的DNA样进行分型检测。利用遗传分析软件进行数据分析。结果来自两大供应商的7品系近交系小鼠在48个微卫星位点上都为纯合子。同一种群内小鼠的STR位点结果均一致;不同种群小鼠无论品系是否相同,相互间均存在STR位点差异。但相同品系不同种群近交系小鼠间的遗传距离与不同品系小鼠种群间的遗传距离相比均较近。在UPGMA聚类树中,相同品系的不同种群均首先两两聚成一类。C57BL/6小鼠与其他6品系小鼠的亲缘关系均较远。结论上海地区不同供应商的7品系近交系小鼠核心群间均存在STR位点差异。  相似文献   

目的通过研究对RR-B、RW-H、BY-F三个近交系和非选育剑尾鱼的研究比较,建立近交系剑尾鱼的遗传生化标记检测技术。方法依照国标GB/T14927.1-2008的遗传操作规程优化实验条件,对三个近交品系及非选育群剑尾鱼的不同组织的6个遗传生化位点进行研究,以得到其遗传生化图谱。结果在6个生化位点中,同一品系剑尾鱼同工酶存在组织特异性,多数同工酶在肝中活性较强。同一生化位点在不同品系间存在差异。RR-B系在葡萄糖磷酸异构酶(Gpi)、6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(Gpd)位点表现出特异性条带,RW-H系在过氧化氢酶(Ce)位点表现出特异性条带。同一生化位点在各品系内表现较为一致,而在非选育剑尾鱼中在上述三个生化位点表现出多态性。在酯酶(ES)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)位点,各品系谱带不易区分其差异。结论建立了剑尾鱼近交系生化标记检测技术,可望用于近交系剑尾鱼的遗传质量监测。  相似文献   

目的利用微卫星技术对辽宁省6种近交系小鼠进行遗传质量分析。方法根据Mouse Genome Database和相关文献选取10个多态信息丰富的位点和引物,进行PCR扩增和PAGE电泳,对小鼠的遗传多态性进行研究。结果不同品系小鼠同一位点的扩增结果表现出多态性,同一品系同一位点表现单态性,所有小鼠的10个位点都处于纯合状态;遗传距离分析表明,C57BL/10与C57BL/6J小鼠之间的遗传距离最近,为0.1021,遗传距离最远的是BALB/c与C57BL/10、C57BL/6J,分别为0.1635和0.1614。结论运用所筛选的10个微卫星位点可以对近交系小鼠进行遗传质量检测,说明该方法具备可行性。  相似文献   

选用不同染色体上的8个微卫星位点,应用PCR技术对10个品系的近交系小鼠进行遗传分析,研究结果表明:在无任何亲缘关系的近交系小鼠品系之间,该8个微卫星位点均具有不同的等位基因。含有不同等位基目的微卫星位点所占的百分比从MSM/MS与C3H/HeJ的100%到(CxS)F与C57BL/6J间的25%,平均56.72%,在重组近交系间及重组近交系与亲本之间,此比率从(CxS)D或(CxS)M与BALB/CHeA间的50%到(CxS)D或(CxS)M与STS/A,(CxS)D与(CxS)M间的25%,此8个微卫星位点有可能做为在基因水平上进行近交系小鼠遗传监测的标记。  相似文献   

树鼩微卫星DNA的多态性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探索并建立一种检测树鼩群体遗传多样性的方法。方法利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增技术对30只树鼩个体的11个微卫星位点进行了遗传检测。结果所选的11个微卫星DNA位点中,有9个具有高度多态性,2个微卫星DNA位点多态性较差。结论所研究的树鼩微卫星位点中,有9个符合遗传标记特点,可用于检测树鼩群体的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

目的研究国内食蟹猴种群的遗传背景特性,建立食蟹猴种群遗传质量监测方法。方法采用微卫星DNA遗传标记技术对50只食蟹猴种群个体进行遗传质量监测及DNA多态性分析。结果从100个微卫星DNA位点中筛选出20个多态性高的位点,其食蟹猴种群个体的等位基因数目为5-10条,个体间均呈现高度的多态性;其观察等位基因数(Na)为5.0~10.0,有效等位基因数(Ne)为4.6118~8.3404,基因多样性(H)为0.7832~0.8801和香隆信息指数(I)为1.5651~2.1592。结论本实验有效地分析了食蟹猴种群的遗传多态性,为今后筛选特异性微卫星位点来建立食蟹猴种群遗传质量监测方法提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat strain is a traditional control for the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). We found trait differences between two inbred normotensive WKY strains, derived originally from different vendors, and compared these two strains from La Jolla-Taconic Farms (WKY/lj-tf) and La Jolla-Charles River (WKY/lj-cr) with the inbred SHR/lj-cr for cardiovascular, diurnal, and activity traits under normal and high (8%) NaCl diets. Marked genetic diversity was found between the two vendor-derived WKY. By using an extended study design and radiotelemetry, we compared WKY/lj-cr, WKY/lj-tf, and SHR/lj-cr with the following results: systolic pressure (120 +/- 1, 133 +/- 1, 168 +/- 3 mmHg, respectively); diurnal variation in heart rate (DeltaHR: 46 +/- 3, 71 +/- 4, 57 +/- 2 beats/min, respectively); and salt sensitivity of arterial pressure (Deltasystolic: 10 +/- 1, 21 +/- 1, 20 +/- 1 mmHg, respectively). The WKY/lj-tf genotype apparently results in compromised control of arterial pressure and heart rate, especially during high NaCl intake, and greater susceptibility to high pressure (i.e., high NaCl-induced secondary changes). WKY/lj-tf thus constitutes a new inbred borderline hypertensive WKY substrain offering unique opportunities for genomic studies into the development of genetic hypertension.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cell (SMC) growth may play an important role in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. Recent studies have demonstrated that, under different growth stimuli in vivo, SMC may respond by proliferation of diploid cells, polyploidization to the tetraploid (or even octaploid) state, or both. In this study, we used flow cytometry to evaluate the intrinsic tendencies of aortic SMC and nonarterial cells from rats of different strains, ages, and blood pressures to polyploidize in response to in vitro growth stimulation. Significant strain-related differences in polyploidization of aortic SMC were found (P less than 0.001): highest in WKY (normotensive inbred rat related to SHR), intermediate in SHR (genetically hypertensive rat), and lowest in Sprague-Dawley and Fischer (normotensive outbred and inbred rats). Animal age had less or no effect on the degree of polyploidization. Nonarterial cells (venous SMC and lung cells) from WKY and SHR remained essentially diploid, suggesting tissue specificity of in vitro polyploidization. Studies of the growth kinetics of uncloned and clonal populations of aortic SMC revealed decreased proliferation as the ploidy increased in WKY, SHR, and Sprague-Dawley. These findings suggest that genetic strain factors as well as cell type/site of origin significantly influence in vitro polyploidization, whereas animal age and blood pressure do not. The findings also emphasize the need to consider ploidy changes when evaluating in vitro SMC growth kinetics. Further studies will improve understanding of SMC growth regulation and the functional significance of vascular polyploidy.  相似文献   

Sitosterolemia is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ABCG5 or ABCG8 half-transporter genes. These mutations disrupt the mechanism that distinguishes between absorbed sterols and is most prominently characterized by hyperabsorption and impaired biliary elimination of dietary plant sterols. Sitosterolemia patients retain 15-20% of dietary plant sterols, whereas normal individuals absorb less than 1-5%. Normotensive Wistar Kyoto inbred (WKY inbred), spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) strains also display increased absorption and decreased elimination of dietary plant sterols. To determine if the genes responsible for sitosterolemia in humans are also responsible for phytosterolemia in rats, we sequenced the Abcg5 and Abcg8 genes in WKY inbred, SHR, and SHRSP rat strains. All three strains possessed a homozygous guanine-to-thymine transversion in exon 12 of the Abcg5 gene that results in the substitution of a conserved glycine residue for a cysteine amino acid in the extracellular loop between the fifth and sixth membrane-spanning domains of the ATP binding cassette half-transporter, sterolin-1. The identification of this naturally occurring mutation confirms that these rat strains are important animal models of sitosterolemia in which to study the mechanisms of sterol trafficking.  相似文献   

Isozyme patterns of nucleoside phosphorylase (NP) in 16 inbred strains, two recombinant inbred, one congenic, and three species of wild mice were studied. Evidence is provided for a genetic locus, Np-2, encoding an electrophoretic variant which is expressed exclusively in erythrocytes of certain inbred strains. This finding establishes the occurrence of genetic polymorphism of NP among inbred strains of mice. In addition, the Npla allele previously reported only in inbred strains has been observed in one of the species of wild mice (Mus musculus castaneus) studied.  相似文献   

The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique has been used to enhance marker density in a large set of recombinant inbred strains (H × B and B × H) derived from a spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR/OlaIpcv) and a Brown-Norway (BN.lx/Cub) inbred strain. Thirteen different primer combinations were tested and a total of 191 polymorphic bands were detected. From these polymorphic bands 89 AFLP markers could be assigned to specific chromosomes. Several of these AFLP markers were mapped to regions with low marker density, thus filling up gaps in the existing genetic map of these recombinant inbred strains. These results substantiate the value of the AFLP technology in increasing marker density in genetic maps.  相似文献   



Elevated plant sterol accumulation has been reported in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) and the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat. Additionally, a blood pressure quantitative trait locus (QTL) has been mapped to rat chromosome 6 in a New Zealand genetically hypertensive rat strain (GH rat). ABCG5 and ABCG8 (encoding sterolin-1 and sterolin-2 respectively) have been shown to be responsible for causing sitosterolemia in humans. These genes are organized in a head-to-head configuration at the STSL locus on human chromosome 2p21.


To investigate whether mutations in Abcg5 or Abcg8 exist in SHR, SHRSP, WKY and GH rats, we initiated a systematic search for the genetic variation in coding and non-coding region of Abcg5 and Abcg8 genes in these strains. We isolated the rat cDNAs for these genes and characterized the genomic structure and tissue expression patterns, using standard molecular biology techniques and FISH for chromosomal assignments.


Both rat Abcg5 and Abcg8 genes map to chromosome band 6q12. These genes span ~40 kb and contain 13 exons and 12 introns each, in a pattern identical to that of the STSL loci in mouse and man. Both Abcg5 and Abcg8 were expressed only in liver and intestine. Analyses of DNA from SHR, SHRSP, GH, WKY, Wistar, Wistar King A (WKA) and Brown Norway (BN) rat strains revealed a homozygous G to T substitution at nucleotide 1754, resulting in the coding change Gly583Cys in sterolin-1 only in rats that are both sitosterolemic and hypertensive (SHR, SHRSP and WKY).


The rat STSL locus maps to chromosome 6q12. A non-synonymous mutation in Abcg5, Gly583Cys, results in sitosterolemia in rat strains that are also hypertensive (WKY, SHR and SHRSP). Those rat strains that are hypertensive, but not sitosterolemic (e.g. GH rat) do not have mutations in Abcg5 or Abcg8. This mutation allows for expression and apparent apical targeting of Abcg5 protein in the intestine. These rat strains may therefore allow us to study the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the human disease of sitosterolemia.  相似文献   

Rat Gene Mapping Using Pcr-Analyzed Microsatellites   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
One hundred and seventy-four rat loci which contain short tandem repeat sequences were extracted from the GenBank or EMBL data bases and used to define primers for amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the microsatellite regions, creating PCR-formatted sequence-tagged microsatellite sites (STMSs). One hundred and thirty-four STMSs for 118 loci, including 6 randomly cloned STMSs, were characterized: (i) PCR-analyzed loci were assigned to specific chromosomes using a panel of rat x mouse somatic cell hybrid clones. (ii) Length variation of the STMSs among 8 inbred rat strains could be visualized at 85 of 107 loci examined (79.4%). (iii) A genetic map, integrating biochemical, coat color, mutant and restriction fragment length polymorphism loci, was constructed based on the segregation of 125 polymorphic markers in seven rat backcrosses and in two F2 crosses. Twenty four linkage groups were identified, all of which were assigned to a defined chromosome. As a reflection of the bias for coding sequences in the public data bases, the STMSs described herein are often associated with genes. Hence, the genetic map we report coincides with a gene map. The corresponding map locations of the homologous mouse and human genes are also listed for comparative mapping purposes.  相似文献   

The locus ceruleus (LC) contains a high density of angiotensin II (All) receptors. The role of All receptors at the LC in genetic hypertension and organ function is unclear. Spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were studied, and blood pressure of animals was measured using the tail-cuff method. Animals were decapitated and the heart weight (HW) and testicular weight (TW) of animals measured. All receptor binding was carried out by incubating the LC tissue sections with 200 pM [125I]-All receptor ligand, and measured using quantitative autoradiography. Results showed that the HW/BW ratio was significantly higher in SHR rats than WKY rats. However, the TW/BW ratio was higher in SHR rats than WKY rats only at two hypertensive stages, whereas All receptor binding capacity in the LC was also statistically higher in SHR rats than WKY rats. Results indicated that cardiac and testicular hypertrophies were related to higher All receptor binding in the LC of SHR rats, when compared with WKY rats. Interestingly, the literature shows that there is an LC-testes axis. In conclusion, this study indicated that All receptors in the LC are associated with genetic hypertension, and testicular weight could be a reasonable index for essential hypertension.  相似文献   

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