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氢气作为新发现的活性气体被广泛研究。在植物生长发育方面,氢气具有促进种子发芽、幼苗发育、不定根生长等作用;在植物遭受逆境胁迫过程中,氢气通过调控抗氧化酶活性、抗氧化物质的生成及其相应的转录本来应对胁迫带来的氧化损伤,提高植物对干旱、盐胁迫、重金属胁迫、除草剂、紫外照射等胁迫的抗性,同时氢气还可以调控与抗病虫害等胁迫相关基因的表达。该文对国内外有关氢气在促进植物生长发育和提高植物抗性方面的作用,以及逆境胁迫下氢气作为信号分子通过调控抗氧化防御系统提高植物抗逆性的机制进行综述,以期更好地了解和促进氢气在农业科学上的研究与应用。  相似文献   

植物的防御性萜类挥发信号分子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物生长发育过程中会合成大量萜类化合物,其中多数具有挥发性。这些挥发性萜类成分除参与保护光合器官免受光合作用产生的热量灼伤之外,还作为信号分子参与了大量的化学生态过程,例如对昆虫和其他动物的吸引以利于花粉和种子的传播。另一方面,自上世纪80年代以来,逐渐有研究工作表明,挥发性萜类化合物也可以作为信号介导植物对植食性昆虫的防御反应,以及在植物.害虫.天敌的三级营养关系中发挥作用。同时,研究工作还显示萜类化合物可以作为信号在同株植物的不同部位之间及邻近植物之间进行有效传递以促进对虫害的防御,并证明了这些萜类分子在细胞和分子水平上的调控作用。这些工作为利用化学生态学手段对虫害进行有效控制提供了新的策略。文章仅就近年来对植物萜类挥发信号分子在合成、识别、传输及其作用等方面的研究进展做简要回顾。  相似文献   

 植物和昆虫在长期的相互作用过程中形成了复杂的防御体系。近年来, 人们发现植物在受到外界伤害后, 它们邻近的健康植物能够感受到威胁来临, 并积极表达抗性基因和产生防御物质。这种现象被称为“植物-植物相互交流”。一系列的相关研究表明: 绿叶挥发物和萜烯类物质是受伤害植物对邻近健康植物发送的主要信号, 邻近的健康植物在接收到这些挥发性有机化合物信号后, 直接防御和间接防御能力都能够迅速提升。人们猜测植物挥发性有机化合物“启动”了邻近健康植物的多种防御反应, 使它们在面临真正威胁时迅速做出防御反应。然而, 植物-植物交流的分子机制至今尚不清楚。我们运用拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)全基因组芯片技术和突变体材料, 对植物-植物交流的分子机理进行了探讨。结果发现: 有效的挥发性有机化合物并不限于绿叶挥发物和萜烯类物质, 且挥发性有机化合物的种类和节律能够相互配合, 从而达到最佳效果; 邻近健康植物的乙烯信号途径在植物-植物交流过程中是不可或缺的, 茉莉酸信号起到了辅助和信号放大的作用。  相似文献   

植物挥发性物质对昆虫作用的研究进展   总被引:39,自引:7,他引:32  
不同植物的挥发性物质对昆虫行为有着不同的调节作用,部分对害虫表现为引诱作用,部分对害虫表现为驱避和致死作用,有的则表现为寄主植物与天敌昆虫之间的互惠引诱定位作用。本文综述了近年国内外有关植物挥发性物质的研究概况及其对昆虫的不同作用,展望了其在未来害虫综合治理中的应用。  相似文献   

激素对水生植物生理生态的影响及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
柯学莎  李伟 《生态学报》2006,26(5):1542-1549
激素代谢是植物传导信号和调节生长发育的重要途径.陆地植物五大类激素在水生植物中也有分布,尽管近年来环境污染导致水生植物衰退的问题日益得到重视,但水生植物激素的研究和应用却远滞后于陆生植物.在总结了近年来激素类物质在水生植物中的研究成果,分别从激素的种类、激素的生理生态作用、激素生物合成的途径及作用的部位和机制、激素之间的相互作用.激素类物质在实验和实践上的应用等进行了全面阐述,指出了水生植物激素生理生态学研究的发展方向,从利用激素类物质诱导水生植物抗性的表达,提高抗逆性,恢复水生植被,以及研究和开发适于水生植物生产和管理的生长调节剂等方面,就水生植物激素的进一步研究和应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

植物受到环境胁迫后体内会产生活性氧自由基等有害物质,破坏质膜透性,导致植物生长受到抑制。经研究发现脱落酸(ABA)和水杨酸(SA)作为植物的生长调节物质对于提高植物抗性,维持植物正常生长具有重要的意义。综述近年来国内外有关ABA和SA提高植物抗性的最新进展,为研究提高植物抗性提供理论参考。  相似文献   

植物挥发性物质及其代谢工程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
植物挥发性物质在植物之间和植物与昆虫间的化学通讯中起着重要作用.有关这些次生物质的生物合成、代谢调控、生理功能以及与环境相互作用的研究近十多年来取得了重要进展.迄今为止,已经有3 0多种植物挥发性物质的合成酶基因被克隆.这些基因调控着植物萜类、芳香化合物、脂肪酸衍生物这三大类主要挥发性物质的生物合成.由于潜在的应用价值,近几年该领域颇受注目,特别是应用基因工程技术设计植物释放特殊气味物质,诸如特定的驱避剂或者其它控制植物或昆虫行为的特殊气味乃至与人类健康相关的药用气味物质.该文就植物挥发性物质的生物合成、生理和生态功能以及基因工程方面的研究进展作一概述.  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌JA脂肽类及挥发性物质抑菌效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
枯草芽孢杆菌JA产生的脂肽类抗生素对植物病原真菌有广谱抗性。将发酵液经过酸沉淀、甲醇抽提以及反相高效液相色谱等步骤, 分离得到脂肽类抗生素的纯品。经IC50实验和抗菌谱测定, 考察了脂肽类抗生素对多种植物病原菌的作用, 确定了脂肽类抗生素的抗菌谱。深入研究表明, 枯草芽孢杆菌JA还产生未知成分的挥发性抑菌物质, 能够抑制灰霉病菌孢子的萌发和菌丝的生长。脂肽类抗生素和挥发性抑菌物质的协同作用, 有助于提高枯草芽孢杆菌的生物防治效果。  相似文献   

硅对植物抗虫性的影响及其机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硅不是植物必需营养元素,但硅在提高植物对一系列非生物和生物胁迫的抗性方面都具有重要作用。综述了硅对植物抗虫性的影响及其机制。在多数植物中,增施硅肥可增强其抗虫性;所增强的抗性与硅肥种类和施用方式之间存在关系。植物组织中沉积的硅可增加其硬度和耐磨度,降低植物可消化性,从而增强植物组成性防御,包括延缓昆虫生长发育、降低繁殖力、减轻植物受害程度;植物体内的硅含量以及硅沉积的位点和排列方式影响组成性防御作用的强度。此外,硅可以调节植物诱导性防御,包括直接防御和间接防御,直接防御涉及增加有毒物质含量、产生局部过敏反应或系统获得抗性、产生有毒化合物和防御蛋白,从而延缓昆虫发育;间接防御主要通过释放挥发性化合物吸引植食性昆虫的捕食性和寄生性天敌而导致植食性昆虫种群下降。  相似文献   

夏海威  施国新  黄敏  吴娟 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3139-3147
一氧化氮(NO)作为一种重要的信号分子,在调节植物重金属胁迫抗性方面上起着非常重要的作用。综述了NO在植物体内的产生途径,重金属胁迫下植物体内内源NO含量的变化以及外源NO与内源NO对植物重金属胁迫抗性的影响。大量研究表明外源NO能够增强植物对重金属胁迫的抗性,一方面是通过增强植物细胞的抗氧化系统或直接清除活性氧,另一方面是通过影响植物对重金属的吸收以及重金属在植物细胞内的分布。然而内源NO在调节植物重金属胁迫抗性上的功能角色仍存在争议。有些研究表明内源NO是有益的,能够缓解重金属胁迫诱导的毒性;但是也有证据表明内源NO是有害的,能够通过促进植物对重金属的吸收以及对植物螯合素进行S-亚硝基化弱化其解毒功能,从而参与重金属诱导的毒害反应和细胞凋亡过程。  相似文献   

左照江  张汝民  王勇  温国胜  侯平  高岩 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5131-5139
采用GC-MS测定损伤冷蒿VOCs的主要成分,并通过生物测定的方法研究损伤冷蒿VOCs对牧草幼苗根系生长发育的影响。结果表明:损伤冷蒿释放30种VOCs,包含萜烯类、醇类、酯类、醛类和酮类等5类化合物,其中相对含量高于1%的化合物共占VOCs总量的97.37%,桉树脑含量最高(22.43%)。损伤冷蒿释放的VOCs极显著(P0.01)的抑制草木樨、苏丹草、披碱草和冰草幼根的伸长,以及苏丹草侧根与冰草须根的发育,抑制率分别为51.55%、55.34%、37.57%、48.68%、93.04%和25.00%;同时也极显著抑制4种牧草幼根生物量的积累(P0.01)。损伤冷蒿VOCs影响牧草根部中柱组织结构的分化,使草木樨中柱内木质部、韧皮部与形成层不能正常分化;苏丹草、披碱草和冰草的凯氏带发育不完整。由此可见,损伤冷蒿VOCs对牧草根系生长发育具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

植物源VOCs及其对陆地生态系统碳循环的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何念鹏  韩兴国  潘庆民 《生态学报》2005,25(8):2041-2048
综述了近20a来国内外关于植物源VOCs的研究进展。分析了植物源VOCs主要组成成分、生理-生态基础,以及影响植物VOCs释放速率的主要因素。重点探讨了植物源VOCs对陆地生态系统碳循环的潜在重要性,提出一些值得关注的问题。  相似文献   

Ecological functions of volatile organic compounds in aquatic systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In terrestrial ecosystems, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are widely acknowledged as an important group of infochemicals. They play a major role in pollinator attraction by terrestrial plants and as insect pheromones. Furthermore, they are the mediating agent of so-called 'tritrophic interactions'. When plants are attacked by herbivorous insects, volatile signal substances are emitted, which act as attractants for parasitoids that kill the herbivores, thereby protecting the plant from herbivory. Despite the generally acknowledged importance of VOCs in terrestrial chemical ecology, their functions in aquatic food webs are largely unknown. VOCs produced by algae and cyanobacteria are a major concern in water processing, since aquatic primary producers are the reason for regularly encountered taste and odour problems in drinking water. Only very recently, research in aquatic chemical ecology has started to investigate possible ecological functions for the production of VOCs by algae and cyanobacteria. Volatile aldehydes released by wounded cells of marine planktonic diatoms seem to act as defensive compounds against herbivorous copepods on the population level. Just recently, it was found that VOCs released from benthic algae and cyanobacteria can be utilised as food and/or habitat finding cues by aquatic invertebrates such as freshwater gastropods and nematodes. Here, I review concepts and recent experimental studies on the ecological functions of such VOCs in aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the factors that lead to the liberation of volatile compounds is an essential prerequisite to properly assessing their ecological functions. It appears that (similar to terrestrial plant-herbivore interactions) VOCs can also play a steering role for both attraction and defence in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Plant‐emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs) mediate interactions within a plant community. Typically, receiving a signal from a damaged neighbour enhances the defensive attributes of a receiver plant. The mechanisms underlying plant–plant interactions may be divided into active and passive processes, both of which involve transit of VOCs between plants and are vulnerable to environmental perturbation. Numerous studies have documented between‐plant interactions, but the specific effects on a receiver plant's interactions with herbivores have received little attention. Moreover, the relative contributions of active and passive processes to plant defence and the effects of environmental pollutants on the processes have been largely unexplored. We used a system comprising Brassica oleracea var. italica (broccoli) and the specialist herbivore Plutella xylostella to test whether plants previously exposed to herbivore‐damaged neighbours differed from nonexposed plants in their susceptibility to oviposition. We then investigated the roles of active and passive mechanisms in our observations and whether differences in susceptibility remained under elevated ozone concentrations. Plants exposed to herbivore‐damaged neighbours were more susceptible to oviposition than plants exposed to undamaged neighbours, which indicates associational susceptibility. Mechanistically, active and passive volatile‐mediated processes occurred in tandem with the passive process – involving adsorption of sesquiterpenes to receiver plants – appearing to structure the oviposition response. Exposure to ozone rapidly degraded the sesquiterpenes and eliminated the associational susceptibility. Plant volatiles have typically been thought to play roles in between‐plant interactions and to promote receiver plant defence. Here, we show that receiver plants may also become more susceptible to oviposition and thus more likely to be damaged. Extensive disruption of volatile‐mediated interactions by an atmospheric pollutant highlights the need to consider the pervading environment and changes therein when assessing their ecological significance.  相似文献   

Assessment of host plant specificity is a critical step in the evaluation of classical biological control agents of weeds which is necessary for avoiding possible damage to non-target plants. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by plants likely play an important role in determining which plants attract and are accepted by a prospective arthropod agent. However, current methods to evaluate host plant specificity usually rely on empirical choice and no-choice behavioural experiments, with little knowledge about what chemical or physical attributes are stimulating the insect. We conducted experiments to measure the quantitative and qualitative effects on emission of VOCs caused by simple mechanical damage to leaves of plants known to differ in suitability and attractiveness to a prospective agent. More VOCs were detected from damaged than from undamaged leaves for all three species tested. Discriminant analysis was able to correctly distinguish the taxonomic identity of all plants based on their VOC profiles; however, the VOCs that discriminated species among undamaged leaves were completely different from those that discriminated among damaged leaves. Thus, damaged and undamaged plants present different VOC profiles to insects, which should be considered when conducting host plant specificity experiments. An unacceptable non-target plant, Centaurea cineraria, emitted all except one of the VOCs that were emitted by its preferred host plant, Centaurea solstitialis, indicating the importance of compounds that are repellant in host plant specificity. Centaurea cyanus emitted fewer VOCs than C. solstitialis, which suggests that it lacked some VOCs important for host plant recognition.  相似文献   

Bacterial volatiles induce systemic resistance in Arabidopsis   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, in association with plant roots, can trigger induced systemic resistance (ISR). Considering that low-molecular weight volatile hormone analogues such as methyl jasmonate and methyl salicylate can trigger defense responses in plants, we examined whether volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with rhizobacteria can initiate ISR. In Arabidopsis seedlings exposed to bacterial volatile blends from Bacillus subtilis GB03 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IN937a, disease severity by the bacterial pathogen Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora was significantly reduced compared with seedlings not exposed to bacterial volatiles before pathogen inoculation. Exposure to VOCs from rhizobacteria for as little as 4 d was sufficient to activate ISR in Arabidopsis seedlings. Chemical analysis of the bacterial volatile emissions revealed the release of a series of low-molecular weight hydrocarbons including the growth promoting VOC (2R,3R)-(-)-butanediol. Exogenous application of racemic mixture of (RR) and (SS) isomers of 2,3-butanediol was found to trigger ISR and transgenic lines of B. subtilis that emitted reduced levels of 2,3-butanediol and acetoin conferred reduced Arabidopsis protection to pathogen infection compared with seedlings exposed to VOCs from wild-type bacterial lines. Using transgenic and mutant lines of Arabidopsis, we provide evidence that the signaling pathway activated by volatiles from GB03 is dependent on ethylene, albeit independent of the salicylic acid or jasmonic acid signaling pathways. This study provides new insight into the role of bacteria VOCs as initiators of defense responses in plants.  相似文献   

LAZAR  THOMAS 《Annals of botany》2003,91(6):750-751
Plant physiology is part of the essential core curriculum everybotanist has to master. As usually non-motile organisms thatare, in most cases, fixed to a single locality for their entirelifetime, plants have special needs to cope with widely disparate,and often highly changeable environmental conditions. Physiologicaladaptations play as great a role in  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are common among plants, both as attractants for pollinators and as defence against herbivores. While much studied among flowering plants, the prevalence and function of VOCs among ferns is little known. Using headspace sorption and gas chromatography, we analysed the VOCs of dried specimens of six species of grammitid fern (Polypodiaceae), including two species of the genus Melpomene, which is characterised by a distinctive sweet smell. We identified 38 VOCs, including 22 not previously recorded among ferns. The two species of Melpomene had distinct VOC cocktails, including 12 substances not found in the other four studied genera, mainly involving fatty acid derivatives (FADs) and aromatics. We propose that these VOCs have, at least in part, a function in herbivore defence, but note that the VOC bouquet of Melpomene is distinct from that typically found in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Plant uptake is an important process in phytoremediation. The robust uptake of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by plants offers opportunities to establish quantitative relationships between VOCs in plant tissues and in groundwater for the purpose of phytoscreening or phytomonitoring. Most previous research pertaining to phytoremediation neglected the competitive effects of co-contaminants on the uptake of VOCs by plants, yet recent studies appeared to indicate high competitive effects of co-contamination. This study investigated the competitive uptake of three chlorinated compounds in the presence and absence of other co-contaminants by Redosier dogwood in a greenhouse and examined the implications of this competitive phenomenon for phytomonitoring of contaminant mixtures in groundwater. Concentrations of VOCs in stems decreased along the height in both single and bi-solute systems, in agreement with previous observations in the literature. Examination of the VOCs in single and bi-solute systems showed that concentrations of individual compounds are comparable in single and bi-solute systems, yet the ratios of contaminants along the height in bi-solute systems revealed interesting trends. TCE/PCE ratio increased along height while TCE/1,1,2-TCA ratio was roughly constant. The result indicated that sampling point as well as the physicochemical properties of co-contaminants is highly important in phytomonitoring of contaminant mixtures.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plants not only influence plant community composition, biodiversity and ecosystem structure and function, but also have severe impacts on soil nitrogen transformation processes. The effects of invasive alien plants on nitrogen (N) cycling have been one of the hot topics in invasion ecology. Litter decomposition and its nutrient release play an important role in nutrient cycling. In addition, invasive alien plants have the potential to influence soil N transformation through allelopathy. All these processes are tightly related to soil microbes. Therefore, this review mainly focuses on litter decomposition and its nutrient release, and allelopathy to understand the effects of plant invasion on soil N transformation. Changes in soil N transformation and soil microbes (esp. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria and Ammonia oxidizing archaea) due to plant invasion, as well as the feed-backs of these changes to further invasion of alien plants were discussed. Finally, the interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant invasion were reviewed. © Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology  相似文献   

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