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半干旱黄土丘陵区多元化草地建设技术研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
针对黄土丘陵区草地退化,水土流失严重,草地畜牧业生产力低等问题,于1995~2002年在半干旱黄土丘陵区的安塞县进行了多元化草地建设试验研究。引种、驯化生态经济型优良草种20余种(包括品种、类型),建设高产、优质单播及混播人工草地和利用耐牧草种改良天然草地,为在半干旱黄土丘陵区充分利用水土资源,改良大面积天然草地,提高其生产力和生态、经济效益,及在退耕坡地建设人工草地,为促进农牧业可持续发展提供物质基础及科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对野生草地早熟禾在黄土及沙壤土上的引种驯化研究。结果表明:野生草地早熟禾在试验地能够完成出苗、分蘖、拔节、抽穗、开花、种子成熟等年生育周期,年生长期241天;能通过播种及分株方法繁殖;具有较强的耐寒性及耐高温性;能够在黄土、沙壤土上正常生长。刈割处理能够显著提高野生草地早熟禾产量。草地早熟未是北京地区畜牧业及园林绿化中优良的野生乡土草种。  相似文献   

半干旱黄土丘陵区沙棘优良品种引种选育试验研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
1985-1998年先后在黄土高原半干旱区的陕西吴旗,安塞县进行了沙棘优良品种引种选育试验研究。通过引种国内不同地理种源20余种优良沙棘类型。引进俄罗斯优良沙棘品种,采用家系选择法进行试验研究,初步筛选出生态经济型5种沙棘类型,经济型2种类型。前者生长迅速,树冠好,根系发达,郁闭快,水土保持效益好,且果实较大(果径0.8-0.9cm,百果重20-31g),单株产果量为2-3.5kg,Vc和含油量较高,其生态,经济性状较当地野生沙棘为好。此种类型沙棘适于在黄土丘陵大面积荒沟,荒坡种植,通过引种俄罗斯大果,无刺沙棘为好。此种类型沙棘适于在黄土丘陵大面积荒沟,荒坡种植,通过引种俄罗斯大果,无刺沙棘优良品种与本地野生中国沙棘对比分析看,出,其适应性,抗性较中国沙棘差,经济性状较好,通过试验筛选出2种优良类型,果径为0.9-1.3cm,百果重46-52g,单株产果量2-3.5kg,无刺或少刺,此项研究为在半干旱黄土丘陵区大面积荒山,荒沟建造高产,优质沙棘林,高效,持续发展沙棘产业具重要意义,在引种试验中必须掌握好其关键技术,建立好采穗圃,种子园,并建立一定面积的集约经营的高产,优质沙棘园及良种繁育基地,掌握好抚育管理技术,特别是水,肥管理技术。  相似文献   

热带牧草种质圃资源收集、保存及分发利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了农业部儋州热带牧草种质圃概况,介绍了热带牧草种质资源收集、保存及分发利用状况。截止到2013年底,共收集国内外热带牧草种质7760份,先后从中选育出22个牧草及饲料作物新品种通过全国牧草品审会审定。圃内无性繁殖材料活体保存草种质1552份,隶属3科68属202种,其中禾本科牧草种质有60属186种,豆科牧草资源有6属42种,莎草科有4属5种,引进种质有378份。每年向国内外相关科研院所、大专院校及企业和个人提供实物草种质材料300余份,提供种质数据信息400余条,指出了今后热带牧草种质圃在热带牧草资源收集、保存、分发利用方面的研究重点和研究方向。  相似文献   

半干旱黄土丘陵区沙棘的水分生理生态及群落特性研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
1977~1998年在陕西吴旗、安塞半干旱黄土丘陵区对沙棘的水分生理生态及群落学特性进行了分析研究。试验结果表明:(1)沙棘有一定的耐旱能力,为广生态幅植物;(2)沙棘生长迅速,竞争力强,第3~4年即可形成茂密的单优群落,以后随着自然稀蔬,能形成良好的藻木一草本群落;(3)消棘适应半干旱黄土丘陵区陵区生境的水分生理生态特性是:棘缚水含量随灌木--草本群落;(3)沙棘适应半干旱黄土丘陵区生境的水分生  相似文献   

为了测度一年生和多年生豆禾混播草地的超产效应与植物多样性效应的关系, 明确一年生和多年生混播草地的高产优势, 探索豆禾混播草地多样性效应和超产效应对其生态功能的响应机制, 于2013-2015年在新疆伊犁地区昭苏盆地开展了3年的牧草产量观测试验。该试验设置3种牧草混播种类和混播比例, 分别为一年生豆禾混播草地(2种牧草混播, AM2)和多年生豆禾混播草地(2种牧草混播, PM2; 4种牧草混播, PM4; 6种牧草混播, PM6), 豆禾混播比例分别为6:4、5:5和4:6。结果表明: 1) 2013、2014年和3年平均值AM2的超产幅度小于PM2和PM6, 2015年AM2的超产幅度大于PM2、PM4和PM6; 混播群落生产力与群落组分中生产力最高产物种单产以及各组分种平均单产的差值表现出相似的规律。2) 2013、2014年和3年平均值AM2的互补效应大于PM2、PM4和PM6, AM2的选择效应则远小于互补效应, PM2、PM4和PM6的互补效应则比较稳定。3)物种丰富度和物种均匀度与牧草产量(群落生产力)大部分情况下呈单峰的“饱和上升型”模式, 分别在4种牧草混播和豆禾混播比例为5:5时, 具有较高生产力。4)多年生豆禾混播草地的互补效应、选择效应和多样性净效应均随生长年限的延长而呈下降趋势, 也导致了超产幅度、超产效应及其稳定性的下降。由此可见, 在建植初期, 互补效应和选择效应共同主导了多年生豆禾混播草地的超产效应, 而随着生长年限的延长, 选择效应则成为主要影响因素; 一年生豆禾混播草地的超产效应则一直受互补效应的影响。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区荞麦引种试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以解决黄土丘陵区荞麦品种老化问题为主题,通过1995-1997年3年对239个荞麦品种的试种,鉴定,筛选,选择出了5个适应黄土丘陵区生态条件且高产,稳产的荞麦品种,并提出了该区荞麦品种的生态类型。  相似文献   

中国主要天然草地产草量气象预测方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钱拴 《生态学杂志》2009,28(6):1201-1205
中国天然草地主要分布于北方干旱半干旱及青藏高原高寒气候区,牧草生长受着气象条件的极大制约。本文在构建的牧草生长气象条件指数的基础上,利用1994—2005年牧业气象站的牧草观测资料,通过相关分析,确定了影响牧草产量的关键气象条件指数和影响时段,建立了产草量预报模式。结果表明:2个主要草地年最高产草量与牧草生长季3—9月气象条件指数密切相关,其中北方干旱半干旱草地产草量与气象条件指数的相关时段为3—8月且整个时段相关程度均较高;青藏高原草地相关时段为3—5月、8—9月且后者与气象条件的相关程度高于前者;2个主要草地鲜草产量与气象条件的相关程度高于干草产量。所建产草量预报模式经过历史拟合和外推预报检验,准确率较高,可以满足应用需要。  相似文献   

为丰富黄土高原峁状丘陵区牧草种质资源,为退耕还林还草提供科技支撑,自1998年起从国内外陆续引进牧草品种4科、14属、36种100余份,经5年的适应性驯化,鉴选出了适宜该区生态条件的优质牧草4科9属21种.鉴选出的良种牧草抗旱、耐瘠薄、优质、高产,在坡地退耕还草中有重要意义.同时对其立地条件进行了研究,结果表明不同牧草对立地土壤水分利用强度及空间分布有很大的差异,提出了不同牧草混播比例及立地范围.  相似文献   

以黄土丘陵区具有代表性的禾本科及豆科牧草无芒雀麦和沙打旺为材料,研究其对川台地土壤腐歼击质含量和组成,有关营养元素及后茬作物产量的不同影响。结果表明,种植禾本科及豆科牧草均能提高土壤中的腐殖质及氮磷营养的水平,其中禾本科牧草效果较豆科牧草更为明显。  相似文献   

利用大板山北坡 32 0 0 m~ 380 0 m的海拔梯度 ,分别在 32 0 0 m、340 0 m、360 0 m和380 0 m处选取矮嵩草 ( Kobresia humilis)、黑褐苔草 ( Carex alrofusca) 2种青藏高原重要莎草科牧草 ,并用二级离体培养法模拟测定其体外消化率 ,1 999和 2 0 0 0年的测定结果发现 ,随着海拔升高牧草体外消化率呈增加的趋势 ,海拔高度从 32 0 0 m升高到 380 0 m,矮嵩草叶、矮嵩草茎、黑褐苔草叶、黑褐苔草茎的体外消化率分别增加了 8.30和 4.48、8.45和 5 .0 3、1 0 .94和 9.5 8、7.85和 8.0 9个百分点。显著性分析结果表明 ,牧草体外消化率与牧草所生长的海拔  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of either long-term cutting with herbage removal or no management on the nutritional status of Agrostis capillaris and Festuca rubra meadows. We asked how management affected soil and herbage chemical properties, herbage yield and sward height. The experiment with cutting (C) and unmanaged (U) treatments was undertaken from 1999 to 2009 in the Jizera Mts., Czech Republic. Soil and herbage samples were taken from 2003 to 2009.Potassium was the only nutrient for which the soil concentration decreased under the C treatment. Soil K concentration was 175 and 210 mg kg?1 in the C and U treatments, respectively, in the last year of the experiment. Herbage yield as well as sward height were significantly higher in the unmanaged than in the cutting treatment in all years. Concentrations of P and K in the herbage biomass were lower in the cutting than in the unmanaged treatment, but concentrations of N were lower only in some years. Concentrations of Ca and Mg were not affected by the different treatments. A strong positive relationship between concentration in soil and herbage was recorded only for K.In contrast to K, ten years of contrasting management was too short a period to affect plant-available (Mehlich III) P, Ca and Mg concentrations, but it was long enough to affect herbage chemical properties and yield.  相似文献   

1 引 言新型高蛋白植物杂交酸模 (以下简称杂交酸模 ) ,最先是由前苏联乌克兰国家科学院中心植物园作物研究所的乌切乌什博士 ,于 2 0世纪 70年代利用天山酸模 (Rumextianschanicus)为父本及巴天酸模 (R .putientiu)为母本 ,通过杂交技术历时 1 0多年而育成的牧草新品种。在国外 ,俄罗斯、乌克兰、荷兰、波兰、英国、法国、德国、西班牙、挪威等欧洲国家 ,以及印度、非洲一些国家都在开展酸模的生产和利用的研究 ,包括生物特性、化学成分、营养价值、栽培技术以及加工利用等 ,并取得某种进展。例如俄罗斯的罗…  相似文献   

地植物多样性间的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用显微技术法分别在放牧率为 1 .33,4 .0 0和 6.67只 / hm2下对内蒙古细毛羊的食性进行了研究。结果表明 ,随着放牧率的增大 ,草场的植物种类组成及其相对比例发生了明显的变化。由于不同牧草的可利用性不同 ,其食性选择也发生了明显的变化。在重牧条件下 ,原先为随意采食的冷蒿和厌食的寸草苔则升级为“喜食”的植物 ,星毛委陵菜的选择性指数也有较大提高 ;且星毛委陵菜成为主要的食物资源 ,占全部食物的 80 %以上。这说明放牧率的增大和绵羊选择性的采食是草场植物种类组成发生变化的主要原因之一。食物的选择性主要与草地牧草的相对生物量、高度和频度显著相关 ;当草地植物多样性指数较高时 ,放牧绵羊的食物选择性较大。不同放牧率条件下 ,在以冷蒿和小禾草为主的退化草原上 ,草地植物多样性指数随放牧率的增大而显著降低 ,但食物多样性指数以放牧率 4 .0 0只 / hm2 的处理最高。  相似文献   

火因子对荒漠化草原草本层片植物群落组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火烧是世界许多地区关键的生态因子,也是人工和自然生态系统重要的干扰因素和管理工具,对格局与过程有着深刻的影响。采用人为放火试验研究了春季不同时间火烧对典型温带荒漠化草原草本植物群落组成的影响,结果表明:晚春火烧后当年,草本植物层片物种多度显著高于未火烧样地(P<0.05),而晚春火烧后第2年和早春火烧当年草本植物层片物种多度与未火烧样地差异不显著(P>0.05);晚春火烧后当年和第2年及早春火烧后当年,草本植物物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度均有所降低,且晚春火烧对植物群落组成的影响大于早春火烧。晚春火烧当年草本植物层片地上部分生物量显著大于未火烧样地(P<0.05),而晚春火烧后第2年和早春火烧当年草本植物层片地上部分生物量大于未火烧样地,但差异不显著(P>0.05);不同物种多度、高生长对火因子的响应不同。表明春季不同时间火烧处理对荒漠化草原草本植物层片植物群落组成的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

Organic agriculture is developing worldwide, and organic rabbit production has developed within this context. It entails raising rabbits in moving cages or paddocks, which enables them to graze grasslands. As organic farmers currently lack basic technical information, the objective of this article is to characterize herbage intake, feed intake and the growth rate of rabbits raised on grasslands in different environmental and management contexts (weather conditions, grassland type and complete feed supplementation). Three experiments were performed with moving cages at an experimental station. From weaning, rabbits grazed a natural grassland, a tall fescue grassland and a sainfoin grassland in experiments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Rabbit diets were supplemented with a complete pelleted feed limited to 69 g dry matter (DM)/rabbit per day in experiment 1 and 52 g DM/rabbit per day in experiments 2 and 3. Herbage allowance and fiber, DM and protein contents, as well as rabbit intake and live weight, were measured weekly. Mean herbage DM intake per rabbit per day differed significantly (P<0.001) between experiments. It was highest in experiment 1 (78.5 g DM/day) and was 43.9 and 51.2 g DM/day in experiments 2 and 3, respectively. Herbage allowance was the most significant determinant of herbage DM intake during grazing, followed by rabbit metabolic weight (live weight0.75) and herbage protein and fiber contents. Across experiments, a 10 g DM increase in herbage allowance and a 100 g increase in rabbit metabolic weight corresponded to a mean increase of 6.8 and 9.6 g of herbage DM intake, respectively. When including complete feed, daily mean DM intakes differed significantly among experiments (P<0.001), ranging from 96.1 g DM/rabbit per day in experiment 2 to 163.6 g DM/rabbit per day in experiment 1. Metabolic weight of rabbits raised on grasslands increased linearly over time in all three experiments, yielding daily mean growth rates of 26.2, 19.2 and 28.5 g/day in experiments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The highest growth rate was obtained on the sainfoin grassland despite lower concentrate supplementation. Thus, it seems possible to reduce complete feed supplementation without reducing animal performance. This possibility requires improving our knowledge about organic rabbit production systems and especially grazing and animal health management.  相似文献   

Plant biodiversity theory suggests that increased plant species diversity contributes to the stability of ecosystems. In managed grasslands, such as pastures, greater stability of herbage production would be beneficial. In this retrospective study, I used data from three reports from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1960s to determine whether increasing mixture complexity contributed to yield stability with time. Yield data from a total of 175 mixtures of grasses and legumes (two to seven species per mixture) in experiments of 3–6 year duration in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Utah, USA, were used in the analysis. Regression was used to examine relationships among herbage yield, stability of yield [measured as the interannual coefficient of variation (CV)], and diversity measures [Shannon diversity index (H), species richness (S), and evenness (J)]. In several instances there was no relationship between herbage yield or yield stability and the complexity (number of species) of the mixture. In one experiment, the proportion of legume in the sward seemed to be the controlling factor regarding herbage yield and yield stability. Monocultures and binary mixtures frequently had the highest interannual CV (e.g., less yield stability) than more complex mixtures. Within forage mixtures, however, there was no consistent relationship between herbage yield or yield stability and measures of species diversity. Species identity and composition of forage mixtures may be more important determinants of herbage yield than simply the number of species.  相似文献   

Inorganic sediments of terrestrial origin may impact stream macroinvertebrate communities. Although input of terrestrial sediments to streams may occur naturally, human-induced activities in the catchment amplify this input greatly. We used an in-stream experiment to investigate whether short-term additions of terrestrial sediments of two size classes affected stream macroinvertebrates. The experiment was designed in blocks to minimize the influence of flow velocity and other environmental variables. Four treatments were employed: (i) addition of fine sand (0–0.24 mm), (ii) coarse sand (0.25–0.8 mm), (iii) fine+coarse sand, and (iv) control (water only). Macroinvertebrates were sampled immediately after the addition of sediments (or water). The experiment consisted of 20 blocks. We analyzed the response of the macroinvertebrate fauna in terms of abundance and species richness. Since species richness is strongly dependent on number of individuals sampled, we also analyzed rarefied species richness. Community structure was evaluated using a distance-based Manova on presence/absence and abundance data. The addition of coarse and fine+coarse sand reduced the abundance and species richness of macroinvertebrates in relation to the control. The response in terms of rarefied species richness in the treatments did not differ from the control, indicating that reduction in species richness was a sampling artifact resulting from decreased sample abundance. The Manova analyses indicated that coarse-sand addition caused changes in both species composition and community structure. Addition of fine and fine+coarse sand affected only slightly species composition and community structure. We concluded that even short-term input of terrestrial sediments causes impacts on benthic macroinvertebrates, and recommend that land-use management of tropical catchments should employ practices that reduce input of terrestrial sediments to streams. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Aims Grasslands are widely used for production of livestock, which depend on the nutritive value of herbage species. However, there are still large uncertainties as to how grazing, precipitation and growing season interactively affect herbage nutritive value.Methods Here, based on a grazing experiment with seven grazing intensities in an Inner Mongolian grassland since the year 2005, we analysed nutritive value of four dominant grass species from June to September in both a relatively wetter year (2008) and a drier year (2010). Herbage with high nutritive value is characterized by high concentration of crude protein, high concentration of cellulase digestible organic matter and low concentration of neutral detergent fibre.Important findings We found that (i) grazing significantly increased the nutritive value of Leymus chinensis, Agropyron michnoi and Cleistogenes squarrosa but had minor effects on the nutritive value of Stipa grandis. (ii) For all species, nutritive values were greater in the wetter year than in the drier year and were greatest in the early growing season (June) and lowest at the end of the growing season (September). Inter-annual and inter-seasonal variations in nutritive value were much greater for L. chinensis and A. michnoi than for C. squarrosa and S. grandis, suggesting higher water use efficiency for the latter two species. (iii) Grazing significantly decreased the drought resistance of three species, but not of S. grandis. (iv) Grazing significantly increased inter-month variation in nutritive value for L. chinensis and A. michnoi but had relatively minor or no effects on that of C. squarrosa and S. grandis. Therefore, grazing effects on species nutritive values showed strong inter-annual and seasonal patterns, and species-specific responses might be related to species traits (i.e. water use efficiency, digestibility). Our results have important implications for ecosystem management of arid and semi-arid grasslands under intense grazing and global climatic change.  相似文献   

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