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一种适合烟粉虱实验观察的微虫笼的改进及其制作   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
改进并制作了一种适合烟粉虱Bemisisa tobaci(Germadius)试验观察的新型微虫笼.该微虫笼由透明塑料杯、不锈钢夹子等材料制作而成,底部直径45 mm,高约20 mm,其优点在于制作简易、个体轻便(3.53-3.55g/个)、易于观察(透明度高).该微虫笼适用于烟粉虱的基本生物学特性、寄主植物适应性以及毒力测定等试验研究.  相似文献   

介绍了一种适合小花蝽实验观察的新型微养虫笼.该微养虫笼利用透明的塑料培养皿(直径9 cm,高1.5 cm)、离心管(直径1.5 cm,高5 cm)和尼龙纱网(120目)制成.用封口膜和皮筋将微养虫笼封严,微养虫笼的离心管上锥一个小孔,便于加水.可用于小花蝽的基本生物学特性、群体饲养密度的确定、交配行为以及捕食行为、捕食量等试验研究.  相似文献   

稻粉虱 Aleurocybolus indicus David etSubramaniam属于同翅目粉虱科 ,是危害水稻的新害虫。 1 996年在该省爆发成灾。它的为害影响水稻分蘖和灌浆结实 ,降低产量。笔者于1 997和 1 998年对稻粉虱的发育起点温度和有效积温进行了系统研究 ,现报道如下。1 材料与方法1 .1 材料田间养虫笼 2个 ,水稻育种缸 2个 ,室内养虫笼 3个 ,室内养虫盒 1 0个。1 .2 饲养方法每个田间养虫笼内放 1个水稻育种缸 ,缸内种水稻。在成虫发生期 ,在抹掉笼内稻叶上所有卵粒后 ,捕捉成虫放入笼内。每笼放 60~ 80头成虫 ,让其产卵。从卵一产下即编号 ,并记录…  相似文献   

对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci、温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum和禾粉虱Aleurocybotus indicus3种粉虱的触角、口针及跗节感受器的超微结构进行了观察。利用扫描电镜观察了烟粉虱、温室白粉虱和禾粉虱3种粉虱触角、口针及跗节化学感受器的类型和分布,进行了比较。3种粉虱触角上都有刚毛感受器、锥形感受器2种感受器和微毛,烟粉虱触角还有钟形感受器和腔锥感受器;温室白粉虱和禾粉虱触角均没有发现钟形感受器;3种粉虱的口针和跗节上均只有刚毛感受器和微毛,且形态结构相似。  相似文献   

小黑瓢虫对高氏瘤粉虱捕食作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在高氏瘤粉虱不同虫态共存的条件下,小黑标虫对高氏瘤粉虱各虫态的选择次序为卵>1龄若虫>2龄若虫>3龄若虫>4龄若虫和拟蛹,对卵的捕食率均最高,有明显的嗜好选择;小黑瓢虫幼虫捕食粉虱卵的数量,随着龄期的增长而递增,其中4龄幼虫的捕食量最大,4龄期捕食量平均为1565.42粒,占全幼虫期总食卵量的45.42%,整个幼虫期可捕食高氏瘤粉虱的卵数平均为3446.5粒。小黑瓢虫3龄幼虫对粉虱卵的捕食作用率在所给的猎物密度(1500粒/皿)条件下,随着自身密度的增加而降低。  相似文献   

螺旋粉虱在印度紫檀上的叶内分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
螺旋粉虱Aleurodicus dispersus Russell是海南岛的一种危害园艺作物、观赏植物和林荫树的热带害虫.本文应用聚集强度指数分析和地统计学研究螺旋粉虱卵、2~4龄若虫和成虫在海南岛印度紫檀上的叶内种群密度和空间分布图式的变化,并对其空间动态作出相应的生物学解释.结果表明:螺旋粉虱3种虫态在印度紫檀上叶内的分布均为聚集分布,不同虫态的空间异质性均由随机性因素引起,其变异曲线函数均为球状模型.利用Krigins插值法由地统计学软件Surfer 8.0绘制的密度等值线图可直观地反映螺旋粉虱在印度紫檀上的叶内分布动态.  相似文献   

近年来温室白粉虱大发生原因的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)是近年来在我国京、津、冀等地区蔬菜上造成严重危害的一种昆虫,尤其是保护地生产受到威胁更大,此虫严重发生时可使作物减产40—60%。为控制粉虱为害,我们进行了调查研究,并做了一些防治试验。本文仅就近年来粉虱大发生的原因进行分析,谈一些粗浅看法如下。 如何解释近年来粉虱大发生的原因,目前主要有二种观点。一种观点认为近年来由国外传入;一种观点认为与保护地生产的发展有关。通过调查研究,我们认为后一种观点的理由更为充足。主要依据是:其一,据有关研究人员观察记载,在北京五十年代、天津六十年代均见到此虫,这说明粉虱不是近年来由国外传入的。其二,调查中发现此虫在天津地区室外不能越冬,而露地作物上粉虱发生的轻重程度与距离有粉虱发生温室的远近及温室中越冬粉虱的虫量多少有关。基于上述二点,结合调查研究,现提出如下见解。 七十年代以前,粉虱在北方地区仅以少数个体找  相似文献   

通过田间采集调查、室内饲养和鉴定,得出福州地区48种植物上的粉虱17种,5种为福建新记录。其中果树上的粉虱有11种,农作物上的粉虱3种,花卉上的粉虱7种,其他植物上的粉虱10种。  相似文献   

螺旋粉虱成虫触角的感器   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)对螺旋粉虱Aleurodicus dispersus Russell雌雄成虫触角感器的外部形态结构数量和分布进行观察。结果表明螺旋粉虱成虫触角存在着以下5种感器,即毛形感器、板状感器、腔锥感器、刚毛形感器和锥形感器。腔锥感器仅在雌成虫触角中发现。雌、雄虫的板状感器和锥形感器数量差异不显著。本文试图确定螺旋粉虱成虫触角感器的功能,以了解该粉虱寄主选择行为的嗅觉基础。  相似文献   

粉虱拟青霉对黑刺粉虱的侵染过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过扫描电镜和透射电镜 ,观察了粉虱拟青霉对黑刺粉虱的侵染过程。用粉虱拟青霉分生孢子接种于黑刺粉虱幼虫后 ,12h孢子萌芽 ,36h菌丝穿透寄主表皮进入体腔 ,在虫体内进行生长繁殖 ,逐渐充满虫体内部 ,5d后 ,菌丝穿透寄主表皮长出体外 ,并继续生长 ,逐渐将整个虫体包裹 ,形成一个半球形的子痤 ,颜色也由白色变为栗褐色或棕红色。  相似文献   

Nomikou M  Janssen A  Sabelis MW 《Oecologia》2003,136(3):484-488
Evidence is accumulating that herbivorous arthropods do not simply select host plants based on their quality, but also on the predation risk associated with different host plants. It has been suggested that herbivores exclude plant species with high predation risk from their host range. This assumes a constant, predictable predation risk as well as a rather static behaviour on the part of the herbivore; plants are ignored irrespective of the actual predation risk. We show that adult females of a small herbivore, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, can learn to avoid plants with predatory mites that attack only juvenile whiteflies, while they accept host plants of the same species without predators. Predatory mites disperse more slowly than whiteflies; they cannot fly and walk from plant to plant. Hence, by avoiding plants with predators, the whiteflies create a temporary refuge for their offspring. We suggest that the experience of arthropod herbivores with risks associated with host plants plays an important role in their host plant selection.  相似文献   

In this study we asked whether, in the context of a trap crop system, differential predation risks among plants influence host choice patterns of adult whiteflies, Bemisia argentifolii. We investigated whether adult whiteflies avoid natural enemies inhabiting poinsettia (a cash crop) and whether this behavior can be used to increase the movement of whiteflies to cucumber (a trap crop). The potential of cucumber as a trap crop was first evaluated and we found that significantly more whiteflies were attracted to cucumber when the whiteflies were released between the two plants. However, the accumulation of whiteflies on cucumber substantially diminished if the insects had first settled on poinsettia. Under such circumstances, we investigated whether movement of adult whiteflies to cucumber could be increased by creating conditions that would cause the whiteflies that had settled on poinsettia to leave the plant. A mechanical disturbance, consisting of shaking the plant, was first used to test this hypothesis. The shaking caused more whiteflies to leave poinsettia and move onto the trap crop, compared to undisturbed whiteflies. We then asked whether the presence of natural enemies on the cash crop could induce whiteflies to leave the cash crop and move onto the trap crop. Three natural enemies were tested: two predators, Amblyseius swirskii and Delphastus catalinae, and a parasitoid Encarsia formosa. The presence of D. catalinae on poinsettia induced significantly more whiteflies to disperse to cucumber compared to poinsettia with no natural enemies, whereas A. swirskii and E. formosa did not result in a significant increase. Predator avoidance behavior by adult whiteflies should be investigated further in the context of trap cropping and other crop-habitat alterations designed to help manage whitefly abundance.  相似文献   

Whereas prey are known to avoid habitats with their predators, it is less well established whether they are triggered to emigrate to new habitats when exposed to predators in their current habitat. We studied plant-to-plant dispersal of adult whiteflies in response to the presence of predatory mites on the plant on which the whiteflies were released. These predators attack whitefly eggs and crawlers, but not the adults, which can fly to other plants and can learn to avoid plants with predators. Being tiny and wingless, the predatory mites are slow dispersers compared to adult whiteflies. This offers the whiteflies the opportunity to escape from plants with predatory mites to plants without predators, thus avoiding predation of their offspring. To test for this escape response, a greenhouse experiment was carried out, where whiteflies were released on the first of a row of 5 cucumber plants, 0.6 m or 2 m apart, and predators either on the same plant, on the next plant, or nowhere (control). Adult whiteflies dispersed significantly faster from plants with predatory mites onto neighbouring plants when the plants were 0.6 m apart, but not when plants were 2 m apart. However, the final numbers of whiteflies that had successfully dispersed at the end of the experiments did not differ significantly for either of the two interplant distances. Overall, the proportion of whiteflies that did disperse was low, suggesting that adult whiteflies were apparently reluctant to disperse, even from plants with predators. Our results suggest that this reluctance increases with the distance between the plants, so most likely depends on the uncertainty to find a new plant. Thus, whiteflies do not always venture to fly even when they can easily bridge the distance to another plant.  相似文献   

Whiteflies, Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae, Bemisia tabaci, a complex of morphologically indistinquishable species5, are vectors of many plant viruses. Several genera of these whitefly-transmitted plant viruses (Begomovirus, Carlavirus, Crinivirus, Ipomovirus, Torradovirus) include several hundred species of emerging and economically significant pathogens of important food and fiber crops (reviewed by9,10,16). These viruses do not replicate in their vector but nevertheless are moved readily from plant to plant by the adult whitefly by various means (reviewed by2,6,7,9,10,11,17). For most of these viruses whitefly feeding is required for acquisition and inoculation, while for others only probing is required. Many of these viruses are unable or cannot be easily transmitted by other means. Therefore maintenance of virus cultures, biological and molecular characterization (identification of host range and symptoms)3,13, ecology2,12, require that the viruses be transmitted to experimental hosts using the whitefly vector. In addition the development of new approaches to management, such as evaluation of new chemicals14 or compounds15, new cultural approaches1,4,19, or the selection and development of resistant cultivars7,8,18, requires the use of whiteflies for virus transmission. The use of whitefly transmission of plant viruses for the selection and development of resistant cultivars in breeding programs is particularly challenging7. Effective selection and screening for resistance employs large numbers of plants and there is a need for 100% of the plants to be inoculated in order to find the few genotypes which possess resistance genes. These studies use very large numbers of viruliferous whiteflies, often several times per year.Whitefly maintenance described here can generate hundreds or thousands of adult whiteflies on plants each week, year round, without the contamination of other plant viruses. Plants free of both whiteflies and virus must be produced to introduce into the whitefly colony each week. Whitefly cultures must be kept free of whitefly pathogens, parasites, and parasitoids that can reduce whitefly populations and/or reduce the transmission efficiency of the virus. Colonies produced in the manner described can be quickly scaled to increase or decrease population numbers as needed, and can be adjusted to accommodate the feeding preferences of the whitefly based on the plant host of the virus.There are two basic types of whitefly colonies that can be maintained: a nonviruliferous and a viruliferous whitefly colony. The nonviruliferous colony is composed of whiteflies reared on virus-free plants and allows the weekly availability of whiteflies which can be used to transmit viruses from different cultures. The viruliferous whitefly colony, composed of whiteflies reared on virus-infected plants, allows weekly availability of whiteflies which have acquired the virus thus omitting one step in the virus transmission process.  相似文献   

This study examined habitat use patterns by adult whiteflies, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring, in response to predators, Delphastus catalinae (Horn), at different spatial scales. When female whiteflies were confined to small arenas with leaf discs from which they could not escape, whiteflies significantly delayed settling on leaf discs when predators were present compared to when no predators were introduced. The presence of D. catalinae altered the vertical distribution of adult whiteflies (sex ratio = 1:1) on cucumber plants; adult whiteflies moved upward faster over time within the plant canopy when predators were present mainly on the lower leaves of the plants compared to whiteflies on plants without predators. Most D. catalinae remained in the lower parts of the plants during the experiment. Therefore, we inferred that female whiteflies more quickly moved to the upper plant strata to reduce the risk of predation of their progeny; this would induce subsequent movement of males seeking mates. Introduction of D. catalinae onto a cucumber plant with high whitefly density did not cause increased dispersal of adult whiteflies (sex ratio = 1:1) into neighboring uninfested plants. The results indicate that predator-avoidance behaviors by adult B. argentifolii differed at different spatial scales. The predator-avoidance behavior may have a negative impact at the within-plant scale by inducing more whiteflies to move into upper plant strata. However, the effect of predators on the among-plant dispersal of whiteflies was not significant.  相似文献   

The electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique was used to determine what part of stylet penetration behavior by the whitefly vector, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), is lettuce chlorosis virus (LCV) inoculated in the host plant Malva parviflora L. LCV is a semipersistently-transmitted closterovirus. Since closteroviruses generally are found in the phloem of their plant hosts, this study tested the hypothesis that virus inoculation occurs during the phloem phase of stylet penetration behavior. Virus-exposed whiteflies were allowed to feed on uninfected host plants, and the whiteflies were divided into two experimental groups: group 1 attained phloem phase on the uninfected plants, and group 2 did not attain phloem phase. Two series of tests were conducted, one where whiteflies were manipulated so that the amount of time spent in non-phloem phase stylet penetration behaviors was similar between group 1 and group 2, and a second series of tests where whiteflies were manipulated so that the number of intracellular punctures made during stylet penetration was similar between group 1 and group 2. Both series of tests indicated that virus inoculation took place primarily during phloem phase. Considering only individual whiteflies shown to be capable of transmitting virus, 11 of 23 whiteflies (48%) in the phloem phase treatment successfully inoculated the virus whereas only one of 19 whiteflies (5%) in the non-phloem phase treatment successfully inoculated the virus (P=0.00008).  相似文献   

Field monitoring revealed that the infection ratio of the bacterial symbiont Cardinium in the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci MED) was relatively low in northern China. However, the role of this symbiont and the symbiont–whitefly–host plant interaction mechanism are poorly understood. We investigated the influence of Cardinium on the competitiveness of the host whitefly and the physiological interaction between the host plants and host whiteflies. Cardinium-infected whiteflies were displaced by uninfected whiteflies after 5 generations, which showed that Cardinium infection reduced whitefly competitiveness. The defense response genes of cotton significantly decreased under infestation by infected whiteflies compared to uninfected whiteflies. The expression of detoxification metabolism genes, especially the uridine 5ʹ-diphospho-glucuronyltransferase and P450 genes, in infected whiteflies significantly decreased. These results demonstrated that Cardinium could inhibit the defense response of the host plant and decrease the detoxification metabolism ability of the host whitefly. The reduced competitiveness of infected whiteflies may be associated with the inhibition of the whitefly detoxification metabolism by Cardinium, resulting in the reduced performance of infected whiteflies. However, Cardinium infection can suppress plant defenses, which may benefit both infected and uninfected whiteflies when they coexist. This research illustrates the symbiont–whitefly–host plant interaction mechanism and the population dynamics of the whitefly.  相似文献   

A 3-yr project was initiated in 1993 to examine the effects of insecticides and sustained whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring [aka. B tabaci Gennadius (Strain B)], feeding on alfalfa plant growth and vigor in greenhouse cage studies, and to determine the impact of natural Bemisia whitefly populations on alfalfa forage yields and quality in a large-plot field experiment. Alfalfa plant growth and vigor after exposure to imidacloprid and a mixture of fenpropathrin and acephate insecticides did not differ from untreated plants in the greenhouse. Consequently, foliar and soil applied insecticides were used to manipulate whitefly densities on alfalfa plants to measure whitefly feeding effects on plant growth and forage yield. Heavy whitefly densities on untreated alfalfa plants in the greenhouse resulted in significant reductions in relative growth rates and net assimilation rates as compared with imidacloprid-treated plants that were maintained relatively whitefly-free. Reductions in alfalfa plant growth measured between infested and treated plants were proportional to whitefly densities. Field plot results derived from three crop seasons were relatively consistent with our greenhouse trials. Both experimental approaches clearly showed that alfalfa plants exposed to high densities of whitefly immatures and adults grew at a significantly slower rate and produced less foliage. As a result of reduced growth rates, alfalfa maturity in the naturally infested plots was estimated to be approximately 7-10 d behind managed plots. Delays in maturity resulted in significant reductions in forage yields of 13-18% during August-September harvests when whitefly populations reached peak abundance. Whitefly feeding stresses also effected hay quality through the reduction of crude protein content and contamination of foliage with honeydew and sooty mold. The status of the Bemisia whiteflies as an economic pest to alfalfa is clearly evident from these studies, but the damage potential of whiteflies in the southwestern United States appears to be restricted to one or two harvest periods during the summer coinciding with peak adult populations and their dispersal from alternate host crops.  相似文献   

采用甘兰叶片浸液法测定了吡蚜酮对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)成虫、卵、1龄若虫和3龄若虫的致死作用。在所测试的浓度范围(9.38~300mg/L)内,烟粉虱若虫和成虫的校正死亡率均随吡蚜酮浓度的增大而顺次显著增大。取食75~150mg/L、9.38~37.5mg/L吡蚜酮处理叶片和清水处理叶片的存活成虫个体单头蜜露量(分别为0.37~0.42、0.59~0.72、1.48mm2)间存在显著差异(P<0.05)。用EPG技术研究了吡蚜酮对烟粉虱口针刺吸的不同阶段和取食活性的影响。接触低浓度吡蚜酮(75mg/L)时,最初粉虱能够正常开始取食,但不能从韧皮部正常吸取汁液。高浓度的吡蚜酮(300mg/L)抑制了口针向植物的插入。综合上述结果,说明吡蚜酮可望成为防治番茄黄曲叶病毒病载体-烟粉虱的重要药剂之一。  相似文献   

生物测定是检测害虫抗药性的一项重要技术。利用100mL插口圆底聚丙烯离心管对现在应用较多的粉虱成虫生物测定方法——琼脂保湿浸叶法进行了改进。改进后的方法不影响粉虱成虫的持续取食,具有操作简单、结果重复性好及无需对成虫麻醉等优点。同时发现茄子叶片对于B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)B-biotype和温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)成虫均是一种非常适合的生测材料。利用该方法分3次独立测定了烯啶虫胺对B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱混合日龄成虫的毒力,结果具有很好的重复性。  相似文献   

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