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我国陕南寒武纪初期的宽川铺组(距今大约535百万年)以盛产磷酸盐化的微体小壳化石和球状动物胚胎化石而闻名于世,是探索早期动物门类起源和寒武纪生命大爆发研究中的一个非常重要的窗口。在宽川铺组中寻找微体化石新类型主要依赖显微镜下人工挑选的传统方法日趋低效,迫切需要新的技术手段来解决这些问题。而微体化石数量庞大,大小接近,形态简单,非常适合于采用机器学习的手段进行人工智能分类。我们在宽川铺组微体化石中尝试使用机器学习的手段来进行化石图像识别和机器分拣。采用方向梯度直方图来提取化石图像的主要向量特征,并设计了二叉树型多分类识别器进行化石数字分类。目前处理了5 000多张微体化石照片的人工智能识别,已经取得了较高的准确率。  相似文献   

我国华南扬子板块埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪的含磷地层中产有丰富的呈现分裂特征的多细胞球状化石。由于有效信息的缺乏,长期以来,这些球状化石的生物属性及分类存在争议。我们在陕南寒武系宽川铺组获得的一些保存精美的分裂型球状化石,具有明显的多级四分体结构,通过与同层位产出的动物卵裂期胚胎化石、瓮安生物群中四分体结构的藻类化石对比,结果表明这些分裂球形化石很可能为多细胞藻类。  相似文献   

陕南早寒武世早期磷酸盐化Punctatus发育模式研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在陕南宁强宽川铺地区早寒武世早期灯影组宽川铺段地层中发现了数十枚呈三维立体精美保存的磷酸盐化Punctatus动物化石,包括花冠状口部,5辐射锥体及不同发育阶段的胚胎化石标本和2枚罕见的完整Punctatus化石.研究表明,这些胚胎标本中的部分类型与Punctatus有关,通过对这些Punctatus及与Punctatus有关的胚胎化石认真观察,对Punctatus的生长方式和发育模式进行了研究,提出两极生长发育模式.腔肠动物的出现标志着真后生动物的开始,所以腔肠动物一直在生物起源与演化研究方面占据显要地位,上述研究为"化石胚胎学"这一新的研究领域增添了新内容.  相似文献   

陕南寒武系底部宽川铺组不仅保存了大量的小壳化石,还以磷酸盐化的方式立体保存了多种软躯体动物的胚胎和成体化石,为研究早期动物矿化模式、个体发育方式以及动物躯体构型的早期辐射过程提供了非常关键的信息。然而宽川铺生物群的研究大多聚焦于化石系统分类及亲缘关系探索,对生物群的沉积背景、埋藏过程和保存模式的分析甚少。本文以宽川铺生物群的核心产出层位——陕西省西乡县大河镇宽川铺组下部磷质碎屑灰岩为研究对象,对其中的一类管状化石圆管螺及其围岩进行了显微结构学和显微谱学综合分析,获得了化石显微结构和关键结构对应的元素、矿物成分等信息,讨论了管状化石圆管螺的埋藏过程和保存模式,并在此基础上对其生物学特征进行了初步探讨。该研究对理解宽川铺生物群的埋藏机制提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

陕南早寒武世宽川铺生物群三维立体保存了大量结构精美的磷酸盐化胚胎及小壳化石,为后生动物演化及化石胚胎学的研究提供了珍贵的实证材料。目前的研究主要集中在化石分类学及演化生物学上,而对沉积环境及埋藏机制的研究却很少涉及。文中通过对大量野外岩石照片、岩石薄片、小壳化石SEM照片的综合研究后认为,宽川铺生物群不是原地埋藏的产物,而是事件沉积的结果。该研究对于探讨宽川铺生物群化石的埋藏环境及保存机制具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

陕南早寒武世具口部的磷酸盐化Punctatus及其胚胎化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道陕西南部灯影组宽川铺段地层中发现的Punctatus锥体标本、保留精美软组织特征的口部标本和可能的胚胎标本。对Punctatus软组织及整体形态功能研究表明,Punctatus在分类上可能更接近于腔肠动物的水螅型,代表初具原始触手的腔肠动物早期演化类型。在上万枚与Punctatus共生的球状化石中,发现若干枚可能的原肠期胚胎及胚胎发育晚期标本,在此基础上提出PunctatusemeiensisHe,1980花冠状口部可能经历的胚胎发育序列。  相似文献   

繁殖是生物体产生子代的现象,是生物体最基本的特征之一.最近作者在陕南宁强宽川铺地区早寒武世最早期的宽川铺生物群中发现了数十枚管柱状生物化石,首次发现这些管柱状生物化石具可能的"断裂生殖"特征.在部分管柱状生物化石上可清晰分辨出"收缢带"、"收缢纹"和"新生单节"等断裂生殖特征,据此建立可能的管柱状生物"断裂生殖"生殖发育序列.  相似文献   

陕南西乡张家沟剖面寒武系下部统宽川铺组发现了大量特异埋藏化石,这些珍贵化石为三维磷酸盐化精美保存,在探索早期生命起源与演化方面意义重大,也是早寒武世前三叶虫时代生物地层对比的重要依据。本文主要对其中一类保存有软躯体的特异埋藏Olivooides multisulcatus Qian,1977进行描记,该类化石1977年曾在陕西宁强宽川铺生物群首次报道,与本文描记的化石类型相同,产地不同,因而具有地层对比意义。根据在西乡生物群发现的新材料,与Olivooides multisulcatus进行特征对比,对属征及种内变异特征进行了补充。  相似文献   

以宽川铺生物群中获取的磷酸盐化立体保存的胚胎化石为研究材料,对胚胎化石表面超微结构和内部解剖结构进行观察并对比分析。结果显示,大部分胚胎化石表面被一单层光滑卵膜结构所包裹,卵膜之下胚胎形态多样;刺状结构位于卵膜之下,为原生质胚胎分泌而成的保护层,出现在不同大小和不同类型的胚胎中。结果表明:1)单一依靠胚胎大小或者表面结构不能作为胚胎的分类依据;2)与现生海葵等动物胚胎表面微绒毛相似,Olivooides表面刺状结构可能具有保护胚胎和生态扩散的功能;3)带刺Olivooides很可能发育成为动物演化早期最简单的带刺幼虫形式,是动物间接发育的证据。  相似文献   

寒武纪大爆发是生命演化史上重要的创新事件。我国澄江动物群(距今约5.18亿年)代表了寒武纪大爆发的高潮,而产自寒武系最底部,时代上早于澄江动物群的宽川铺生物群(距今约5.35亿年)则为研究寒武纪大爆发的第一幕提供了重要的埋藏窗口。宽川铺生物群产自陕南宁强、西乡等地寒武系底部宽川铺组钙质磷块岩和磷质碎屑灰岩中,以保存了大量动物胚胎和软躯体微型动物而闻名。其中四方塔型壳(Quadrapyrgites)是宽川铺生物群中常见的软躯体动物化石,因与同层位的橄榄蛋(Olivooides)在发育过程和形态上具有相似性而被认为是后者的姐妹群。但它们在动物树上的位置仍然存在争议。为检验前人提出的各种亲缘关系假说,本文综合使用电子扫描显微镜成像和超高分辨率X射线显微断层成像技术,重建了四方塔型壳胚胎标本的三维结构,首次揭示了其内陷式原肠作用类型。新的数据支持了四方塔型壳属于刺细胞动物而非环神经动物的观点。  相似文献   

Samples from the Huns Limestone Member, Urusis Formation, Nama Group, at two adjacent localities in southern Namibia contain thin foliose to arched, sheet-like carbonate crusts that are 100-500 micrometers thick and up to 5 cm in lateral dimension. Morphologic, petrographic, and geochemical evidence supports the interpretation of these delicate crusts as biogenic, most likely the remains of calcified encrusting metaphytes. The original sediments of the fossiliferous samples contained aragonitic encrusting algae, botryoidal aragonite cements, and an aragonite mud groundmass. Spherulites within the precursor mud could represent bacterially induced mineral growths or the concretions of marine rivularian cyanobacteria. Original textures were severely disrupted during the diagenetic transition of aragonite to low-magnesian calcite, but some primary structures remain discernible as ghosts in the neomorphic mosaic. Gross morphology, original aragonite mineralogy, and hypobasal calcification indicate that the crusts are similar to late Paleozoic phylloid algae and extant peyssonnelid red algae. Structures interpreted as possible conceptacles also suggest possible affinities with the Corallinaceae. Two species of Cloudina, interpreted as the remains of a shelly metazoan, are also known from limestones in the Nama Group. It is possible, therefore, that skeletalization in metaphytes and animals arose nearly simultaneously near the end of the Proterozoic Eon.  相似文献   

埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪转换时期动物的起源、演化和"寒武纪大爆发"一直是国际古生物学界研究的热点问题,其中寒武纪早期小壳化石群与埃迪卡拉纪化石群和寒武纪早期澄江化石库之间的内在关系是古生物学界研究的难题,其主要原因是寒武纪早期与小壳化石群伴生的宏体动、植物化石的缺乏。发现于峡东地区的寒武纪早期岩家河生物群填补了这一缺失环节,该生物群包含宏体动物、宏观藻类、小壳化石、球形化石(可能的胚胎化石)、微古植物和蓝菌类等化石,部分宏体化石显示了从埃迪卡拉纪向寒武纪过渡色彩。化石保存方式有碳质膜、黄铁矿化、磷酸盐化、硅化。因此对岩家河生物群生物多样性和埋藏学进行综合研究,将可提供纽芬兰世(梅树村期)碳酸盐台地—碳酸盐台地内部的局部凹陷盆地相的一个较完整的生物景观图,对探索"寒武纪大爆发主幕"前夕生物的辐射、演化模式及保存机制具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Phosphatized fossils from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation have provided valuable insight into the early evolution of metazoans, but the preservation of these spectacular fossils is not yet fully understood. This research begins to address this issue by performing a detailed specimen-based taphonomic analysis of the Doushantuo Formation phosphatized metazoan embryos. A total of 206 embryos in 65 thin sections from the Weng'an Phosphorite Member of the Doushantuo Formation were examined and their levels of pre-phosphatization decay estimated. The data produced from this examination reveal a strong taphonomic bias toward earlier (2-cell and 4-cell) cleavage stages, which tend to be well-preserved, and away from later (8-cell and 16-cell) cleavage stages, which tend to exhibit evidence for slight to intense levels of organic decay. In addition, the natural abundances of these embryos tend to decrease with advancement in cleavage stage, and no evidence of more advanced (beyond 16-cell) cleavage stages or eventual adult forms were found in this study. One possible explanation for this taphonomic bias toward early cleavage stages is that later cleavage stages and adult forms were more physically delicate, allowing them to be more easily damaged during burial and reworking, allowing for more rapid decay. The spectacular preservation of these embryos was probably aided by their likely internal enrichment in phosphate-rich yolk, which would have caused their internal dissolved phosphate levels to reach critical levels with only miniscule organic decay, thereby hastening phosphatization. If internal sources of phosphate did indeed play a role in the phosphatization of these embryos, it may explain their prolific abundance in these rocks compared to other phosphatized fossils as well as indicating that metazoans lacking such internal phosphate sources were likely much more difficult to preserve. The phosphatic fossils of the Doushantuo Formation, therefore, provide an indispensable, yet restricted, window into Neoproterozoic life and metazoan origins.  相似文献   

We describe a new assemblage of small carbonaceous fossils (SCFs) from diagenetically minimally altered clays and siltstones of Terreneuvian age from the Lontova and Voosi formations of Estonia, Lithuania and Russia. This is the first detailed account of an SCF assemblage from the Terreneuvian and includes a number of previously undocumented Cambrian organisms. Recognizably bilaterian‐derived SCFs include abundant protoconodonts (total‐group Chaetognatha), and distinctive cuticular spines of scalidophoran worms. Alongside these metazoan remains are a range of protistan‐grade fossils, including Retiranus balticus gen. et sp. nov., a distinctive funnel‐shaped or sheet‐like problematicum characterized by terminal or marginal vesicles, and Lontohystrichosphaera grandis gen. et sp. nov., a large (100–550 μm) ornamented vesicular microfossil. Together these data offer a fundamentally enriched view of Terreneuvian life in the epicratonic seas of Baltica, from an episode where records of non‐biomineralized life are currently sparse. Even so, the recovered assemblages contain a lower diversity of metazoans than SCF biotas from younger (Stage 4) Baltic successions that represent broadly equivalent environments, echoing the diversification signal recorded in the coeval shelly and trace‐fossil records. Close comparison to the biostratigraphical signal from Fortunian small shelly fossils supports a late Fortunian age for most of the Lontova/Voosi succession, rather than a younger (wholly Stage 2) range.  相似文献   

We investigated the origin of organic matter and paleoceanographic conditions of the embryo-bearing lowermost Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation in Shaanxi Province, China, in terms of sedimentary facies, fossil morphometry, and organic geochemistry, including biomarker compositions. The results indicated the abundance of algae and eukaryotic phytoplankton that fueled a diverse ecosystem including cnidarians and small shelly fossils. The water column contained enough oxygen to provide habitat for benthic cnidarians such as Olivooides. On the other hand, low pristane/phytane ratios, detection of squalane, and hopane composition indicate reductive conditions within the sediments, and that the redox front was likely near the water-sediment interface. Common occurrences of pyrite and barite indicate that redox reactions of sulfur species were activated at the water-sediment interface. Such circumstances and the high phosphate concentration in ambient water may recall the presence of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria that promoted the phosphatization of animal embryos, as suggested for in the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient for primary productivity, and the high phosphate concentration in the ocean promoted the phosphatization of animal embryos at the reductive water–sediment interface.  相似文献   

早寒武世和埃迪卡拉纪中的球状化石,一些已被归入可能的后生动物胚胎化石,由于具较为完好的三维保存方式以及近乎完美的胚胎发育序列,为早期后生动物的起源、分类、谱系演化及发育生物学提供了难得的实证材料。然而随着研究的深入,多数寒武纪胚胎的生物学分类位置未定;而数量异常巨大、又有独自的保存方式的晚元古代陡山沱组胚胎的真伪和生物学归属,更是争议未消。通过对现生生物胚胎的实验埋藏研究,可以揭示出各类生物胚胎在腐解、埋藏各阶段的保存潜力,而现代胚胎在各实验埋藏阶段形态、结构的变化,也能为化石胚胎的研究提供重要的实证材料。本文就是通过对虾卵胚胎各发育阶段腐解保存潜力的实验模拟研究,试图为球状化石的形成机制和化石归属提供一些实验室依据。  相似文献   

本文描述了陕西镇巴下寒武统水井沱组中的小壳化石3新属5新种。样品采自镇巴小洋坝曾家坡,共生化石有三叶虫、古介形虫、海绵骨针和大量软舌螺等。化石组合面貌表明其地质时代属筇竹寺期。另外,在峡东水井沱组中发现了微网虫(Microdictyonsp.)化石骨片(图版I,图18,19),可与云南筇竹寺组及陕南水井沱组对比,说明Microdictyon广泛分布于扬子地台区。  相似文献   

Lower Cambrian phosphorite samples from Maotianshan, Yunnan Province, South China, yielded a variety of small shelly fossils. Sclerites of the second pre-trilobite faunal assemblage of Meishucun, the Paragbborilus-Siphogonuchites–Lapworthella association of Nemakit–Daldynian to Tommotían age, were dominant. They comprise previously unknown spine-bearing specimens of Ocruranus finial Liu, 1979, and new morphotypes of Eohalobia diandongensis Jiang, 1982. Well-preserved sclerites reveal a laminated, composite fine structure with marginal, incremental growth. Each lamella consists of radial series of minute growth elements. The shells are phosphatically preserved, but micropetrographic evidence from drill-core samples indicates calcium carbonate as primary shell material. In the light of this new evidence, Ocruranus–Eohalobia group fossils are interpreted as parts of coeloscleritophoran scleritomes.  相似文献   

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