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昆虫杆状病毒表达系统的研究进展与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫杆状病毒表达载体系统具有安全性好、重组蛋白表达量高、能同时表达多个基因、重组蛋白翻译后加工完整等特点,因而得到了广泛的应用。随着重组杆状病毒构建技术的不断发展,昆虫杆状病毒表达载体系统的操作在逐渐简化,重组杆状病毒获得的效率也在不断提高。昆虫细胞培养技术的改进和转基因昆虫细胞系的发展,进一步推动了昆虫杆状病毒表达载体系统在商品化药物、治疗性抗体、生物农药研发和基因治疗中的应用。尽管仍存在着重组蛋白降解的问题,但随着分子生物学技术的发展,对杆状病毒载体的研究与改造也会更加深入,未来昆虫杆状病毒表达载体系统的应用将更为广泛。  相似文献   

家蚕胚胎细胞系的DNA指纹图谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建立可靠的家蚕细胞系基因组DNA制备和PCR扩增技术体系的基础上,筛选具有稳定多态性位点的RAPD和ISSR引物,建立家蚕细胞系基因组DNA的ISSR和RAPD分子标记技术体系,检测家蚕细胞系的DNA分子标记多态性,构建细胞系的DNA指纹图谱。筛选出了26个ISSR引物和43个RAPD引物,通过PCR扩增在家蚕胚胎细胞系和传代昆虫细胞系等9个样品中分别获得了797条和1205条多态性条带,多态性达到89.9%和76.6%,不同细胞系的DNA多态性有较大差异,三个家蚕胚胎细胞系具有各自特有的DNA标记。测定了9个样品间的Nei's相似系数和遗传距离,构建了系统发育树,结果表明本实验室建立的3个家蚕胚胎细胞系和家蚕“夏芳×秋白”聚为一簇,亲缘关系较近,而来自不同物种的五个传代昆虫细胞系聚为一簇,它们之间的遗传距离比3个家蚕胚胎细胞系之间的遗传距离更小。  相似文献   

一株棕尾别麻蝇胚胎细胞系的建立及其特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王林华  黄翠  黎路林 《昆虫学报》2011,54(5):515-521
双翅目昆虫细胞系广泛应用于遗传学、发育生物学、分子生物学、人和动物体病原学以及昆虫抗微生物肽的研究。本研究建立了一株新的棕尾别麻蝇Sarcophaga peregrina胚胎细胞系。该细胞系的原代培养始于2008年11月17日, 取材于棕尾别麻蝇晚期胚胎组织, 在Shields & Sang M3昆虫培养基中于28℃恒温培养, 在第26天进行第1次传代, 至今已历时21个月, 传代72次, 生长状态稳定, 被命名为Sp-E-HNU11。该细胞系的细胞形态主要呈梭形和近圆形, 杂以少量巨型细胞, 紧密贴壁生长。细胞群体倍增时间为42 h。染色体数目一般为10条或12条, 为二倍体或亚二倍体细胞系; 除一对颗粒状微型染色体外, 其他染色体呈短杆状。细胞系的β-萘酯酶和谷草转氨酶同工酶谱上分别显示出1条和3条酶带。随机引物扩增多态性 (random amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD) 分析结果显示, 该细胞系与小菜蛾细胞系Px-E-HNU12、草地贪夜蛾细胞系IPLB-Sf-9和家蚕细胞系Bm-21E-HNU5呈现明显不同的带型特征。 Sp-E-HNU11细胞系的建立为昆虫抗微生物肽及其他相关的研究工作增添了新的研究工具和生产载体。  相似文献   

昆虫细胞系的建立在病毒学和昆虫学等领域的研究和应用中发挥着重要的作用。本研究由棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera胚胎组织建立了两株细胞系, 分别命名为QB-Ha-E-1和QB-Ha-E-5, 在含10%胎牛血清的TNM-FH培养基中已传代60余代。两株细胞系均以圆形和短梭形细胞为主。DAF鉴定结果表明, 两株细胞系均来源于棉铃虫胚胎, 其扩增谱带与其他几种昆虫细胞系明显不同; QB-Ha-E-1和QB-Ha-E-5的第30代细胞群体倍增时间分别为63.7 h和66.9 h。两株细胞系均能被棉铃虫核型多角体病毒(HaSNPV)感染, 4 d的感染率分别为86.6%和56.5%, 对甘蓝夜蛾Mamestra brassicae核型多角体病毒(MbNPV)7 d的感染率均为15%左右, 但对苜蓿银纹夜蛾Autographa californica核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)侵染的反应不同。DAPI染色和基因组DNA电泳结果表明, AcMNPV可诱导QB-Ha-E-5细胞发生凋亡, 极少数细胞内可形成多角体, 但不能诱导QB-Ha-E-1细胞发生凋亡, 其感染率为55.3%; 两株细胞系均可被1.25 μg/mL的放线菌素D诱导发生凋亡。两株细胞系具有相同的遗传背景, 但对AcMNPV侵染的反应不同, 可作为昆虫病毒和细胞之间相互关系以及细胞凋亡机制研究的理想材料。  相似文献   

昆虫差异蛋白质组: 进展和展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster、家蚕Bombyx mori、意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera和冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae等昆虫的基因组测序已经基本完成,蛋白质组学技术将是阐明这些基因组功能的重要工具。本文综述了应用差异蛋白质组学技术在昆虫诱导性免疫、抗性机制和分子病理研究方面取得的一些成果:(1) 细菌、真菌、脂多糖或机械损伤诱导的昆虫血淋巴或血细胞来源细胞系的蛋白质表达的改变; (2) Bt抗性昆虫中肠刷状缘膜和抗锥虫采采蝇Glossina morsitans唾液腺多种蛋白质表达的改变; (3)化学农药处理和姬蜂Chelonus inanitus携带的多分DNA病毒引起的昆虫蛋白质组的变化。最后讨论了昆虫差异蛋白质组学研究的瓶颈与对策。  相似文献   

动物细胞的培养技术是1907年哈里逊在淋巴块中对蛙的神经板培养成功开始的,其后近一个世纪以来,陆续成功地培养了哺乳动物、昆虫等各种动物细胞,并广泛用于生物科学的各个分支。鱼类的细胞培养的系统研究和建系实践大约起始于60年代,被公认的真骨鱼类的第一个永久性的细胞系——虹鳟性腺细胞系(RTG-2)是由Wolf建立的。随后各种鱼类细胞系相继建立,涉及的组织来源有吻端、肾脏、卵巢、尾鳍、性腺、肝脏、胚胎、囊胚、原肠胚、鳍条等,同时也进行了细胞体外培养条件、  相似文献   

李苗苗  郑桂玲  李长友 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1341-1347
昆虫细胞系在病毒生物学、基因功能的研究以及杆状病毒表达系统生产重组蛋白的应用中发挥着重要的作用.本研究由家蚕Bombyx mori“大造”品种反转期胚胎建立了一株细胞系Bm-Em-1,在含10%胎牛血清的TNMFH培养基中已传代40余代.显微观察表明,细胞形态主要为圆形和短梭形,细胞染色体呈短棒状和颗粒状,数量多、异倍...  相似文献   

昆虫细胞无血清培养基的研究进展余泽华,刘冬连,陈曲侯(华中师范大学昆虫学研究所)自Grace(196)首次建立天蚕蛾(Anther-aeaeucalypti)的四个细胞系以来[1],昆虫组织培养技术获得了极大的发展。离体培养的细胞为研究昆虫病原物,病原物的增殖,以及利用这些病原物作为杀虫剂提供了理想的体系。  相似文献   

昆虫数学形态学研究及其应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈佐锐  于新文 《昆虫学报》1998,41(-1):140-148
数学形态学是用数学方法描述或分析一个物体图象的形状的理论和方法,是图象处理和图象识别技术的发展,但在生物学当中的应用还很有限。本文介绍了一个新的分支学科——昆虫数学形态学,包括三方面的内容:①昆虫数学形态学技术研究,涉及昆虫图象数字化技术和昆虫图象处理与识别技术;②昆虫数学形态学理论研究,主要以昆虫图象的解释和理解研究及昆虫数学形态学与分类学等学科的关系研究为主;③昆虫和昆虫数学形态学应用基础研究,涉及昆虫数学形态学数据库及其分析软件开发,昆虫图象的机器学习和计算机视觉等内容。昆虫数学形态学理论和方法与计算机视觉技术相结合,在害虫虫情监测、昆虫多媒体专家系统的构建等方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

New approaches to insect tissue culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Baines D 《Cytotechnology》1996,20(1-3):13-22
Conclusion Current methods of insect cell culture have produced a limited variety of cell types in an ever expanding list of insect cell lines. In developing midgut epithelial cell lines, we found that traditional methods in insect cell culture failed to provide healthy cells from mature tissues. Examination of mammalian cell culture literature for this particular cell type provided the insight required to successfully develop a cell-specific line (Baines et al., 1994). The potential applications for cell-specific lines from insects are numerous. This paper is a compilation of ideas that will hopefully enable other researchers to develop additional cell-specific lines.  相似文献   

We have previously engineered transgenic insect cell lines to express mammalian glycosyltransferases and showed that these cells can sialylate N-glycoproteins, despite the fact that they have little intracellular sialic acid and no detectable CMP-sialic acid. In the accompanying study, we presented evidence that these cell lines can salvage sialic acids for de novo glycoprotein sialylation from extracellular sialoglycoproteins, such as fetuin, found in fetal bovine serum. This finding led us to create a new transgenic insect cell line designed to synthesize its own sialic acid and CMP-sialic acid. SfSWT-1 cells, which encode five mammalian glycosyltransferases, were transformed with two additional mammalian genes that encode sialic acid synthase and CMP-sialic acid synthetase. The resulting cell line expressed all seven mammalian genes, produced CMP-sialic acid, and sialylated a recombinant glycoprotein when cultured in a serum-free growth medium supplemented with N-acetylmannosamine. Thus the addition of mammalian genes encoding two enzymes involved in CMP-sialic acid biosynthesis yielded a new transgenic insect cell line, SfSWT-3, that can sialylate recombinant glycoproteins in the absence of fetal bovine serum. This new cell line will be widely useful as an improved host for baculovirus-mediated recombinant glycoprotein production.  相似文献   

Summary A series of five discrete virus replicating insect cell lines were isolated from the ovarian and fat body tissues ofHeliothis zea pupae. Two of these cell lines (IPLB-HZ-1075 and-HZ-1079) were studied in depth as to their growth and virus replication responses to specific nutrients (acetyl-β-methylcholine, fresh glutamine) in a number of media. The same two cell lines were identified to species by serological (microimmunodiffusion) and isozyme (phosphoglucoisomerase and peptidase:glycyl-leucine) techniques. Distinguishing comparisons were made with other cell lines that have been confused with the present lines in the literature and with cell line and host pupal extracts from the same and other lepidopteran species studied concurrently in this laboratory. Sterility culture tests were negative for mycoplasmas. The present fiveH. zea lines were the first insect cell lines to replicate polyhedra from a unicapsid multiple embedded nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Baculovirus Group A), in this case the homologous virus obtained from larvae ofH. zea.  相似文献   

Although numerous insect cell lines have been developed over the past three decades, few of these have been from the order Hymenoptera. This report describes two new continuous cell lines from trichogrammid wasps. The extremely small size of these insects has made physiological and biochemical studies difficult. Now, with the development of the cell lines, a limitless supply of biologically active material is available for a wide variety of basic biological studies. The Trichogramma confusum and T. exiguum cell lines (designated IPLB-Tcon1 and IPLB-Tex2) were characterized by chromosome and isozymes techniques. Evidence of their utility is shown by morphological response to the developmental hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. The morphological change in IPLB-Tex2 is accompanied by an induction of highly contractile cells which indicates this cell line may be composed of myoblast cells.  相似文献   

Cell lines derived from Trichoplusia ni (Tn) are widely used as hosts in the baculovirus-insect cell system (BICS). One advantage of Tn cell lines is they can produce recombinant proteins at higher levels than cell lines derived from other insects. However, Tn cell lines are persistently infected with an alphanodavirus, Tn5 cell-line virus (TnCLV), which reduces their utility as a host for the BICS. Several groups have isolated TnCLV-negative Tn cell lines, but none were thoroughly characterized and shown to be free of other adventitious viruses. Thus, we isolated and extensively characterized a new TnCLV-negative line, Tn-nodavirus-negative (Tn-NVN). Tn-NVN cells have no detectable TnCLV, no other previously identified viral contaminants of lepidopteran insect cell lines, and no sequences associated with any replicating virus or other viral adventitious agents. Tn-NVN cells tested negative for >60 species of Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Spiroplasma, and Ureaplasma. Finally, Tn-NVN cells grow well as a single-cell suspension culture in serum-free medium, produce recombinant proteins at levels similar to High Five™ cells, and do not produce recombinant glycoproteins with immunogenic core α1,3-fucosylation. Thus, Tn-NVN is a new, well-characterized TnCLV-negative cell line with several other features enhancing its utility as a host for the BICS.  相似文献   

Insect cells, like other eucaryotic cells, modify many of their proteins by N-glycosylation. However, the endogenous insect cell N-glycan processing machinery generally does not produce complex, terminally sialylated N-glycans such as those found in mammalian systems. This difference in the N-glycan processing pathways of insect cells and higher eucaryotes imposes a significant limitation on their use as hosts for baculovirus-mediated recombinant glycoprotein production. To address this problem, we previously isolated two transgenic insect cell lines that have mammalian beta1,4-galactosyltransferase or beta1,4-galactosyltransferase and alpha2,6-sialyltransferase genes. Unlike the parental insect cell line, both transgenic cell lines expressed the mammalian glycosyltransferases and were able to produce terminally galactosylated or sialylated N-glycans. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structures of the N-glycans produced by these transgenic insect cell lines in further detail. Direct structural analyses revealed that the most extensively processed N-glycans produced by the transgenic insect cell lines were novel, monoantennary structures with elongation of only the alpha1,3 branch. This led to the hypothesis that the transgenic insect cell lines lacked adequate endogenous N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II activity for biantennary N-glycan production. To test this hypothesis and further extend the N-glycan processing pathway in Sf9 cells, we produced a new transgenic line designed to constitutively express a more complete array of mammalian glycosyltransferases, including N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II. This new transgenic insect cell line, designated SfSWT-1, has higher levels of five glycosyltransferase activities than the parental cells and supports baculovirus replication at normal levels. In addition, direct structural analyses showed that SfSWT-1 cells could produce biantennary, terminally sialylated N-glycans. Thus, this study provides new insight on the glycobiology of insect cells and describes a new transgenic insect cell line that will be widely useful for the production of more authentic recombinant glycoproteins by baculovirus expression vectors.  相似文献   

This report shows how the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) can be used to determine the species identity of insect cell lines and to distinguish between cell lines derived from closely related insect species. A PCR‐RFLP method with the endonucleases HincII and PstI produces restriction fragment profiles that could distinguish between insect cell lines at the species level. Another PCR‐based method used three species‐specific primer sets, Ly‐ITS1/Ly‐ITS2, ITS1‐1/Ld‐ITS1 and Sf9‐F2/ITS4, to identify the cell lines from Lymantria xylina, L. dispar and Spodoptera frugiperda, respectively. This method also detected cell‐line cross‐contaminations (CLCC) with contamination levels as low as 1% (10 cells in a population of 1000 cells) even when the contaminating cells were from a closely related species. Compared with conventional methods used for cell‐line identification and CLCC detection, the methods presented here are fast and sensitive and could easily be applied to other cell culture laboratories.  相似文献   

八字地老虎血球细胞系的建立   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
由八字地老虎Xestia c-nigrum血细胞建立了一株细胞系,命名为NEAU-Xc-960716H,原代培养90余天,现已传至70余代。细胞多为圆形,部分梭形,细胞群体倍增时间约为63 h。具有典型的鳞翅目昆虫染色体特征,数量多,形态为短杆状和球形。酯酶同工酶谱为5条主带,与同种昆虫(八字地老虎)的胚胎细胞系(NEAU-Xc-730E)酯酶图谱稍有不同,而与草地夜蛾细胞系(IPLB-SF-21)的酯酶图谱完全不同。该细胞系可以被八字地老虎核型多角体病毒XcNPV感染,但感染率较低。  相似文献   

Cell lines provide a tool for investigating basic biological processes that underlie the complex interactions among the tissues and organs of an intact organism. We compare the evolution of insect and mammalian populations as they progress from diploid cell strains to continuous cell lines, and review the history of the well-characterized Aedes albopictus mosquito cell line, C7-10. Like Kc and S3 cells from Drosophila melanogaster, C7-10 cells are sensitive to the insect steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), and express 20E-inducible proteins as well as the EcR and USP components of the ecdysteroid receptor. The decrease in growth associated with 20E treatment results in an accumulation of cells in the G1 phase of the cycle, and a concomitant decrease in levels of cyclin A. In contrast, 20E induces a G2 arrest in a well-studied imaginal disc cell line from the moth, Plodia interpunctella. We hypothesize that 20E-mediated events associated with molting and metamorphosis include effects on regulatory proteins that modulate the mitotic cell cycle and that differences between the 20E response in diverse insect cell lines reflect an interplay between classical receptor-mediated effects on gene expression and non-classical effects on signaling pathways similar to those recently described for the vertebrate steroid hormone, estrogen.  相似文献   

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