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高寒地区多年生禾草混播草地的群落学特征研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
对青藏高原高寒地区天祝县金强河地区的 3年龄禾草混播草地进行了群落学特征研究。结果表明 ,栽培禾草比天然禾草约提前 15d返青 ,推后 10d成熟 ,整个生长期延长 2 5d左右 ;建植多年生禾草混播草地可以增加草地植被覆盖率 ,提高草地初级生产力 ,改善草地基况 ;多叶老芒麦和垂穗披碱草在群落中占优势地位 ,9类混播组合可以归为多叶老芒麦 (或垂穗披碱草 )单优群落和多叶老芒麦和垂穗披碱草共优群落两大类 ;全生长季内混播草群的生长速度呈倒“V”字型和倒“U”字型分布 ,草群的平均生长速度介于 0 5 5~ 0 .70cm·d-1;群落的物种多样性和丰富度随组分草种数目的增加而增加 ,均匀度则随草种数目增加而下降 ;人工禾草群落间优势种群的重叠程度越大 ,群落的相似程度越高。  相似文献   

以青藏高原东北缘高寒草甸为对象,研究不同放牧强度下植物群落和土壤因子的变化,以及群落物种分布与土壤物理结构和化学养分因子的定量关系.结果表明: 放牧导致优势种为垂穗披碱草和大针茅的原植物群落发生分异,高强度放牧样地优势种变为矮生嵩草和阴山扁蓿豆,低强度放牧样地变为垂穗披碱草和冷地早熟禾.随放牧强度增加,物种丰富度、重要值和生物量均显著降低.各放牧强度样地重要值的物种序列均可用对数模型进行拟合;随放牧强度增加,植物重要值累积到占整个群落重要值50%时,需要的物种数降低.土壤速效P、速效K、紧实度、含水量、稳定入渗速率和大团聚体指标随放牧强度显著变化,但变化规律不一致.CCA排序表明,土壤紧实度是放牧作用下影响群落物种分布格局的最关键因子.方差分解表明,土壤因子共解释群落物种分布变异的30.5%,其中土壤物理性状单独解释群落物种分布的22.8%,对群落物种分布的贡献率最高,主要影响放牧干扰下高寒草甸植物群落物种的分布格局.  相似文献   

蚁丘作为高寒草甸上一种重要的生态干扰因子,对高寒草甸植物群落特征和生态位产生重要影响。2012年9月在四川红原县对蚁丘干扰后的高寒草甸植物群落进行了研究。结果表明:蚁丘干扰后高寒草甸植物群落的物种丰富度和多样性降低,但禾本科和莎草科的盖度、重要值和生态位宽度增加,尤其是禾本科的草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)与垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)的生态位宽度明显高于对照,成为优势种群。蚁丘干扰后高寒草甸植物种群生态位重叠程度普遍偏小,以保证占据较大生态位宽度的禾本科和莎草科优势种群与其他物种间在生态学上的长期共存适应,有利于受干扰的高寒草甸朝着增加优良牧草比例、增强可牧能力的方向发展。  相似文献   

山地是高寒草甸的主要分布区,地形变化引起了土壤温湿度和物种的差异性分布,进而影响到草地生态系统生产功能。为明晰高寒草甸山地环境因子(土壤温湿度)和物种多样性(丰富度、多度、均匀度、优势度)与初级生产力的关系,本研究以青藏高原东北缘马牙雪山支脉的高寒草甸山体为研究对象,选择阶地、阴坡、山脊和阳坡与3个海拔梯度段,调查了189个样方的植物群落组成和土壤温湿度。采用线性回归法分析土壤温湿度和物种多样性与初级生产力之间的关系。结果表明:(1)以山地高寒草甸整体为研究单元,初级生产力只随物种多度的增加而显著增加(R~2=0.07 P=0.01)。(2)坡向影响初级生产力的因素不同,阴坡初级生产力与物种丰富度正线性相关;山脊初级生产力与土壤湿度正线性相关,也随物种丰富度增加而显著增加;阳坡初级生产力与物种多度正线性相关;阶地初级生产力随均匀度增加而显著增加,随优势度增加而显著降低。(3)只有低海拔区(2860-2910 m)初级生产力随物种多度和丰富度的增加而显著增加。综上所述,山地高寒草甸土壤温湿度和物种多样性与初级生产力关系受坡向比海拔的影响更大,且物种多样性对初级生产力的影响大于土壤温湿度。建议山地高寒草甸生态系统生产和生态管理过程中要重点考虑坡向对植物多样性和初级生产力的影响。  相似文献   

青藏高原多年冻土区不同草地生态系统恢复能力评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
草地生态系统恢复能力是评价人类工程活动对青藏高原多年冻土生态系统影响的重要组分.分析了不同草地生态系统干扰带和非干扰带群落特征、植物多样性、草地初级生产力和经济类群,综合评价了青藏高原多年冻土区地上植被在受工程活动干扰后的综合恢复能力.结果表明:经过近20多年的自然恢复,青藏苔草草原、紫花针茅草原、扇穗茅草原、高山嵩草草甸、矮蒿草草甸和藏蒿草沼泽化草甸6种草地的盖度和物种组成均有一定程度的恢复,且草原群落的恢复程度好于草甸群落,但干扰群落仍低于未干扰群落;紫花针茅草原分布区物种多样性恢复好于其他草地类型分布区;干扰带由最初的地上植物生物量全部为0恢复到148.8~489.6 g·m-2,其中藏嵩草沼泽化草甸干扰带恢复最好,生物量达489.6 g·m-2;除藏嵩草恢复群落的饲用植物类群组成相对稳定外,干扰后的其他5种草地类型饲用价值降低.高寒草原生态系统的植被综合恢复能力显著高于草甸生态系统.  相似文献   

侯春雨  魏雪  周磊  马金豪  任晓  王玉英  吴鹏飞 《生态学报》2023,(24):10104-10118
为了查明青藏高原地区建植多年生禾本科人工草地对土壤线虫群落的影响及土壤线虫群落随人工草地建植年限增加的变化趋势,以川西北红原县2018年建植的垂穗披碱草样地(Elymus nutans)和老芒麦样地(Elymus sibiricus)为研究对象,以天然草地(Natural grassland)为对照,于2018—2020每年9月对土壤线虫群落、植被和土壤因子等进行连续监测。研究共分离到土壤线虫38470条,隶属于2纲8目65科172属,平均密度2482条/100g干土;食细菌线虫是研究样地的主要营养类群。垂穗披碱草和老芒麦样地的土壤线虫群落组成结构与天然草地间存在明显差异,但差异性随建植年限增加逐渐降低。线虫群落密度和多样性指数在垂穗披碱草、老芒麦和天然草地间均无显著差异。随建植年限增加,土壤线虫群落密度显著上升,Pielou指数显著下降,丰富度和Shannon指数无显著变化;植物寄生线虫密度和比例在第2年显著增加,并成为优势营养类群。线虫群落生态指数在不同草地类型间无显著差异,但垂穗披碱草和老芒麦样地的线虫基础指数随建植年限增加先增加,在第3年时显著降低(P<0.05)。冗余分...  相似文献   

封育是天然草地管理的一种有效措施,利于草地生产力提高和退化草地恢复。该研究通过对青藏高原高寒草甸放牧和封育草地物种多样性、植被构成、植物种生态位特征、草地演替度等分析,解析高寒草甸植物种间关系及草地演替方向。结果表明:(1)封育显著降低了草地群落植物物种数以及α和β多样性指数,显著增加了草地1年生植物种数、地面芽植物种数和地上生物量。(2)放牧草地地上生物量以莎草科(59.7%)和禾本科(23.9%)为主,封育草地地上生物量以禾本科(85.0%)为主;放牧草地优势种为矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)和线叶嵩草(K.capillifolia),封育草地优势种为垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和早熟禾(Poasp.)。(3)放牧和封育草地的群落植物种重要值均与各自的生态位宽度变化规律一致。(4)草地植物种间竞争主要发生在不同科属植物种之间,封育增加了群落植物种整体生态位重叠值和植物种间竞争。(5)草地群落演替度为封育地放牧地,封育群落处于较稳定状态。研究认为,封育促进了高寒草甸由莎草+杂类草群落向禾草+杂类草群落演替。  相似文献   

青藏高原区退化高寒草甸植被和土壤特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高寒草甸约占青藏高原草地的46.7%,是我国草地生态系统重要的组成部分。近年来,在气候变化和人为活动的影响下,高寒草甸生态系统退化严重,植被和土壤均呈现出不同的退化趋势。在大空间尺度上表现为草地覆盖度下降,杂草类植被增加,土壤退化甚至沙化;在微观尺度上,退化高寒草甸的土壤粒径、土壤微生物和土壤酶也发生改变。本研究从高寒草甸物种多样性、植物群落结构、植被生物量、土壤物理性质、土壤微生物、土壤酶和土壤养分等方面,分析了高寒草甸生态系统退化过程中植被和土壤的变化特征,提出当前研究中存在的一些不确定性和有待深入研究的问题,为全面了解高寒草甸的退化机制和规律、有效干预高寒草甸生态系统和恢复生态功能提供科学依据。  相似文献   

高寒草甸放牧扰动与两种植物的反应研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对不同放牧强度下矮嵩草草甸植物垂穗披碱草和鹅绒委陵菜的生长和繁殖特性进行了5年研究。结果表明,垂穗披碱草株高、分蘖数、地上物量、地下生物量、有性繁殖效力在不放牧或轻度放牧下最大,营养生长效力在重度放牧中最大,而贮藏效力在重度放牧中最小。鹅绒委陵菜叶数、匍匐茎长度、地上生物量、匍匐茎生物量、开花数、生殖生物量、有性繁殖效力及营养繁殖效力在放牧区显著高于不放牧的对照区。说明适当的放牧干扰有利于垂穗披碱草营养生长,但放牧过重会抑制其有性繁殖;由于放牧采食减少了种间竞争影响,从而提高了鹅绒委陵菜营养,生长效力和有性繁殖效力。两物种地下贮藏物的比例随着放牧强度增加显著减少。放牧强度对高寒草甸的群落演替方向有显著影响。  相似文献   

甘南亚高山草甸人工草地的演替和质量变化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
甘南亚高山草甸不同时间建立的垂穗披碱草(Elym us nutans)人工草地植物群落结构和草地质量变化及其原因的研究结果表明: 1. 垂穗披碱草人工草地只有在播种后第二年的产量最高,而草地质量指数IGQ (index ofgrassland quality)在七年生群落中最低; 2. 垂穗披碱草人工草地群落的种类数量和种多样性随年龄而增加,但其增加的模式各不相同; 3. 人工草地中垂穗披碱草地上部生物量的下降和草地质量指数的下降与土壤中速效磷含量的下降有关,而速效氮的含量对其影响不明显。因此,施磷可延长垂穗披碱草人工草地的使用寿命  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统功能之间的关系及其形成的内在机制还存在很多争议。为了揭示植物群落生产力形成的生态学机制, 采用盆栽方法探讨了物种多样性、物种属性以及施肥水平与植物群落生产力之间的关系。研究结果显示: 在不施肥和每盆施5.0 g磷酸二铵的条件下, 随着物种多样性的增加, 地上生物量增加不显著; 在每盆施10.0 g磷酸二铵的条件下, 随着物种多样性的增加, 地上生物量显著增加。相对于中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)而言, 垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和垂穗鹅观草(Roegneria nutans)对群落生产力的贡献较大, 但在不同施肥水平和播种密度下, 其影响不完全相同。这表明物种多样性对群落生产力的影响随着土壤肥力的变化而变化; 并且植物群落生产力受组成群落的物种属性影响较大, 而物种属性又与特定时间和特定生境下资源的利用方式相联系。在高肥力水平下, 物种多样性之所以对群落生产力具有正效应, 可能是因为高肥力水平增加了可利用的生态位空间, 最终仍体现在物种组合上。因此, 植物群落的生产力与物种多样性之间没有必然的联系, 而与土壤肥力和土壤肥力决定的物种属性有关。  相似文献   

Most explanations for the positive effect of plant species diversity on productivity have focused on the efficiency of resource use, implicitly assuming that resource supply is constant. To test this assumption, we grew seedlings of Echinacea purpurea in soil collected beneath 10-year-old, experimental plant communities containing one, two, four, eight, or 16 native grassland species. The results of this greenhouse bioassay challenge the assumption of constant resource supply; we found that bioassay seedlings grown in soil collected from experimental communities containing 16 plant species produced 70% more biomass than seedlings grown in soil collected beneath monocultures. This increase was likely attributable to greater soil N availability, which had increased in higher diversity communities over the 10-year-duration of the experiment. In a distinction akin to the selection/complementarity partition commonly made in studies of diversity and productivity, we further determined whether the additive effects of functional groups or the interactive effects of functional groups explained the increase in fertility with diversity. The increase in bioassay seedling biomass with diversity was largely explained by a concomitant increase in N-fixer, C4 grass, forb, and C3 grass biomass with diversity, suggesting that the additive effects of these four functional groups at higher diversity contributed to enhance N availability and retention. Nevertheless, diversity still explained a significant amount of the residual variation in bioassay seedling biomass after functional group biomass was included in a multiple regression, suggesting that interactions also increased fertility in diverse communities. Our results suggest a mechanism, the fertility effect, by which increased plant species diversity may increase community productivity over time by increasing the supply of nutrients via both greater inputs and greater retention.  相似文献   

采用7种播种方式(3种单播和4种混播)和3种刈割留茬高度裂区试验,测定了青藏高原高寒地区人工建植3年的垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)和羊茅(Festuca ovina)草地地上生物量、物种丰富度以及杂草生物量,以分析刈割对青藏高原人工草地初级生产力和物种丰富度的影响。结果显示:(1)在草地建植第2年,不刈割与刈割留茬60和20 mm的草地初级生产力均有显著差异;留茬60和20 mm刈割使单播草地的平均初级生产力分别降低20%和27%,使混播草地的平均初级生产力分别降低29%和37%。(2)草地建植第3年,不刈割、留茬60和20 mm 3个处理间的草地生产力均差异极显著;留茬60和20 mm刈割使单播草地的平均生产力分别降低19%和36%,使混播草地的平均生产力分别降低4%和18%。研究表明,刈割显著降低了人工草地的初级生产力,同时显著增加了垂穗披碱草单播草地的物种丰富度和杂草生物量以及3种牧草混播草地物种丰富度,其他播种草地的物种丰富度和杂草生物量与不刈割草地均无显著差异。  相似文献   

The abundance of microbes in soil is thought to be strongly influenced by plant productivity rather than by plant species richness per se. However, whether this holds true for different microbial groups and under different soil conditions is unresolved. We tested how plant species richness, identity and biomass influence the abundances of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), saprophytic bacteria and fungi, and actinomycetes, in model plant communities in soil of low and high fertility using phospholipid fatty acid analysis. Abundances of saprophytic fungi and bacteria were driven by larger plant biomass in high diversity treatments. In contrast, increased AMF abundance with larger plant species richness was not explained by plant biomass, but responded to plant species identity and was stimulated by Anthoxantum odoratum. Our results indicate that the abundance of saprophytic soil microbes is influenced more by resource quantity, as driven by plant production, while AMF respond more strongly to resource composition, driven by variation in plant species richness and identity. This suggests that AMF abundance in soil is more sensitive to changes in plant species diversity per se and plant species composition than are abundances of saprophytic microbes.  相似文献   

Climate change projections anticipate increased frequency and intensity of drought stress, but grassland responses to severe droughts and their potential to recover are poorly understood. In many grasslands, high land‐use intensity has enhanced productivity and promoted resource‐acquisitive species at the expense of resource‐conservative ones. Such changes in plant functional composition could affect the resistance to drought and the recovery after drought of grassland ecosystems with consequences for feed productivity resilience and environmental stewardship. In a 12‐site precipitation exclusion experiment in upland grassland ecosystems across Switzerland, we imposed severe edaphic drought in plots under rainout shelters and compared them with plots under ambient conditions. We used soil water potentials to scale drought stress across sites. Impacts of precipitation exclusion and drought legacy effects were examined along a gradient of land‐use intensity to determine how grasslands resisted to, and recovered after drought. In the year of precipitation exclusion, aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in plots under rainout shelters was ?15% to ?56% lower than in control plots. Drought effects on ANPP increased with drought severity, specified as duration of topsoil water potential ψ < ?100 kPa, irrespective of land‐use intensity. In the year after drought, ANPP had completely recovered, but total species diversity had declined by ?10%. Perennial species showed elevated mortality, but species richness of annuals showed a small increase due to enhanced recruitment. In general, the more resource‐acquisitive grasses increased at the expense of the deeper‐rooted forbs after drought, suggesting that community reorganization was driven by competition rather than plant mortality. The negative effects of precipitation exclusion on forbs increased with land‐use intensity. Our study suggests a synergistic impact of land‐use intensification and climate change on grassland vegetation composition, and implies that biomass recovery after drought may occur at the expense of biodiversity maintenance.  相似文献   

Moderate grazing intensity is considered the basic requirement to enhance ecosystem function in grasslands. Yet, deterioration by overgrazing is common in many biomes, including Campos grasslands in South America. Understanding how grazing management can lead to recovery of ecosystem function is essential to design and implement effective strategies for sustainable use of this resource. In a long‐term field experiment carried out in Southern Brazil, we studied the effects of temporal grazing exclusions (spring or fall) at moderate and severe livestock grazing intensities (maintained by adjusting contrasting forage allowances) on the species richness, botanical composition, forage mass, sward height, and photosynthetic active radiation intercepted. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications of grazing exclusions, applied simultaneously at moderate and severe grazing intensities. Moderate grazing intensity showed a bimodal structure of shorter and taller canopies, and high species richness. Severe grazing created a shorter and homogeneous sward structure characterized by less standing biomass and species loss. In response to grazing exclusions, sward height, standing biomass, and light interception recovered almost to the levels of moderate grazing. Further, within 2 years grass species richness increased and botanical composition changed toward grasses with erect habit prevailing in moderate grazing intensity. Our study confirms that (1) moderate grazing intensities allow the coexistence of high number of species and (2) spring grazing exclusions of long‐term overgrazed grasslands can lead to a quick start to recover the grass species richness, primary productivity, and species composition like that prevailing in well‐managed grasslands.  相似文献   

The investigation dealt with the changes of the community structure as well as its cause of change, also with the quality of the artificial grassland sown with Elymus nutans at different time in the subalpine meadow in Gannan. The results are described as follows. 1. The aboveground biomass of E. nutans in the 2 year-old artificial grassland was highest and the index of grassland quality (IGQ) was highest in the 2 and 3 year-old communities, whereas it decreased in the other communities. IGQ was the lowest in the 7 year- o1d community. 2. The number and diversity of E. nutans species in the artificial grassland communities increased with the age increase of the communities but differed in their patterns of increase. 3. The decrease in biomass of E. nutans and IGQ correlated with the decrease of available phosphorus and not with the concentration of nitrogen in soil. The time for utilization of the artificial grassland with E. nutans could be lengthened by additional phosphorus supplement in soil.  相似文献   

Seminatural grasslands provide habitats for various species and are important for biodiversity conservation. The understanding of the diverse responses of species and traits to different grassland managenient methods is therefore urgently needed. We disentangled the role of grassland management (fertilization and irrigation), vegetation structure (biomass, sward height) and plant quality (protein and fiber content) for Orthoptera communities in lowland hay meadows in Germany. We found vegetation structure to be the most important environmental category in explaining community structure of Orthoptera (species richness, total individuals, fiinctional diversity and species composition). Intensively used meadows (fertilized, irrigated, high plant biomass) were characterized by assemblages with few species, low functional diversity, and low conservation value. Thereby, the relatively moderate fertilizer inputs in our study system of up to -75 kg N/ha/year reduced functional diversity of Orthoptera, while this negative effect of fertilization was not detectable when solely considering taxonomic aspects. We found strong support for a prominent role of plant quality in shaping Orthoptera communities and especially the trait composition. Our findings demonstrate the usefulness of considering both taxonomic and functional comp on ents (functio nal diversity) in biodiversity research and we suggest a stronger involvement of plant quality measures in Orthoptera studies.  相似文献   

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