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Abstract It had been hypothesized that if daily CO2 assimilation is to be maximized at a given level of daily transpiration, stomatal apertures should change during the day so that the gain ratio (?A/?g)/(?E/?g) remains constant. These partial differentials describe the sensitivity of assimilation rate (A) and transpiration rate (E) to changes in stomatal conductance (g). Experiments were conducted to determine whether stomata respond to environment in a manner which results in constant gain ratios. Gas–exchange measurements were made of the stomatal and photosynthetic responses of Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. in controlled environments. Leaf conductance to water vapour responded to step changes in temperature and humidity so that for different steady-state conditions the gain ratio remained constant on all but one day. Depletion of water in the root zone resulted in day-to-day increases in gain ratio which were correlated with decreases in maximum leaf conductance to water vapour. The significance of the results for plant adaptation and stomatal mechanisms, and methods for measuring the gain ratio, are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the stomatal response to humidity relies on sensing of the transpiration rate itself rather than relative humidity or the saturation deficit per se. We used independent measurements of stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), and leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (V) in a hybrid poplar canopy to evaluate relationships between gs and E and between gs and V. Relationships between E, V and total vapour phase conductance or crown conductance (gc) were also assessed. Conductance measurements were made on exposed and partially shaded branches over a wide range of incident solar radiation. In exposed branches, gs appeared to decline linearly with increasing E and increasing V at both high and low irradiance. However, in a partially shaded branch, a bimodal relationship between gs and E was observed in which gs continued to decrease after E had reached a maximum value and begun to decrease. The relationship between gs and V for this branch was linear. Plots of gc against E always yielded bimodal or somewhat variable relationships, whereas plots of gc against V were invariably linear. It was not possible to derive a unique relationship between conductance and E or V because prevailing radiation partially determined the operating range for conductance. Normalization of data by radiation served to linearize responses observed within the same day or type of day, but even after normalization, data collected on partly cloudy days could not be used to predict stomatal behaviour on clear days and vice versa. An additional unidentified factor was thus also involved in determining operating ranges of conductance on days with different overall radiation regimes. We suggest that the simplest mechanism to account for the observed humidity responses is stomatal sensing of the epidermal or cuticular transpiration rate rather than the bulk leaf or stomatal transpiration rate.  相似文献   

Stomatal control of transpiration from a developing sugarcane canopy   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract. Stomatal conductance of single leaves and transpiration from an entire sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) canopy were measured simultaneously using independent techniques. Stomatal and environmental controls of transpiration were assessed at three stages of canopy development, corresponding to leaf area indices (L) of 2.2, 3.6 and 5.6. Leaf and canopy boundary layers impeded transport of transpired water vapour away from the canopy, causing humidity around the leaves to find its own value through local equilibration rather than a value determined by the humidity of the bulk air mass above the canopy. This tended to uncouple transpiration from direct stomatal control, so that transpiration predicted from measurement of stomatal conductance and leaf-to-air vapour pressure differences was increasingly overestimated as the reference point for ambient vapour pressure measurement was moved farther from the leaf and into the bulk air. The partitioning of control between net radiation and stomata was expressed as a dimensionless decoupling coefficent ranging from zero to 1.0. When the stomatal aperture was near its maximum this coefficient was approximately 0.9, indicating that small reductions in stomatal aperture would have had little effect on canopy transpiration. Maximum rates of transpiration were, however, limited by large adjustments in maximum stomatal conductance during canopy development. The product of maximum stomatal conductance and L. a potential total canopy conductance in the absence of boundary layer effects, remained constant as L increased. Similarly, maximum canopy conductance, derived from independent micrometeorological measurements, also remained constant over this period. Calculations indicated that combined leaf and canopy boundary layer conductance decreased with increasing L such that the ratio of boundary layer conductance to maximum stomatal conductance remained nearly constant at approximately 0.5. These observations indicated that stomata adjusted to maintain both transpiration and the degree of stomatal control of transpiration constant as canopy development proceeded.  相似文献   

Abstract According to computer energy balance simulations of horizontal thin leaves, the quantitative effects of stomatal distribution patterns (top vs. bottom surfaces) on transpiration (E) were maximal for sunlit leaves with high stomatal conductances (gs) and experiencing low windspeeds (free or mixed convection regimes). E of these leaves decreased at windspeeds > 50 cm s?1, despite increases in the leaf-to-air vapour density deficit. At 50 cm s?1 wind-speed, rapidly transpiring leaves had greater E when one-half of the stomata were on each leaf surface (amphistomaty; 10.16 mmol H2O m?2 s?1) than when all stomata were on either the top (hyperstomaty; 9.34 mmol m?2s?1) or bottom (hypostomaty; 7.02 mmol m?2s?1) surface because water loss occurred in parallel from both surfaces. Hyperstomatous leaves had larger E than hypostomatous leaves because free convection was greater on the top than on the bottom surface. Transpiration of leaves with large g, was greatest at windspeeds near zero when ~60–75% of the stomata were on the top surface, while at high windspeeds E was greatest with, 50% of the stomata on top. For leaves with low gs, stomatal distribution exerted little influence on simulated E values. Laboratory measurements of water loss from simulated hypo-, hyper-, and amphistomatous leaf models qualitatively supported these predictions.  相似文献   

Amphistomatous C3 (Nicotiana tabacum L., Datura stramonium L.) and C4 (Sorghum saccharatum Pers. and Zea mays L.) species were examined to find how (if at all) their inherent differences in water-use economy are reflected in apparent cuticular transpiration or vice versa. Transpiration efficiency (TE) was calculated from steady state photosynthesis (A) and transpiration (E) rates estimated for the upper side of the leaf after light induction of stomata opening. Apparent cuticular transpiration (’Ec) was measured as the part of transpiration which was not eliminated by convective counteraction of the air stream passing across the amphistomatous leaf: total pressure difference (AP) across the leaf was increased and the minimal value of EΔPτ0 was taken as the apparent cuticular transpiration rate (’Ec). ’Ec was treated relative to E at AP equal to zero (EGDP=0), E’cr. Measurements were carried out under two leaf-air vapour pressure differences (VPD). Er (i.e. EGDPτ0/EGDP=0) versus GDP patterns differed qualitatively between the investigated C3 and C4 plants. TE increased and ’Ecr decreased from tobacco, stramony, maize to sorghum for both VPD of air. ’Ecr and TE were approximately linearly related, the slope being dependent on VPD. The increase in VPD resulted in larger E and slightly smaller epidermal conductance (g) at GDP equal to zero. Both E’cr and E’cr decreased markedly at the same time especially, for species with high TE. The results were considered as an indirect confirmation that E’c values estimated by the technique used reflect species-specific differences in external peristomatal and cuticular vapour loss, at least in a relative sense.  相似文献   

Stomatal control of crown transpiration was studied in Anacardium excelsum, a large-leaved, emergent canopy species common in the moist forests of Central and northern South America. A construction crane equipped with a gondola was used to gain access to the uppermost level in the crown of a 35-m-tall individual. Stomatal conductance at the single leaf scale, and transpiration and total vapour phase conductance (stomatal and boundary layer) at the branch scale were measured simultaneously using the independent techniques of porometry and stem heat balance, respectively. This permitted the sensitivity of transpiration to a marginal change in stomatal conductance to be evaluated using a dimensionless coupling coefficient (1-ω) ranging from zero to 1, with 1 representing maximal stomatal control of transpiration. Average stomatal conductance varied from 0.09 mol m?2 s?1 during the dry season to 0.3 mol m?2 s?1 during the wet season. Since boundary layer conductance was relatively low (0.4 mol m?2 s?1), 1-ω ranged from 0.46 during the dry season to only 0.25 during the wet season. A pronounced stomatal response to humidity was observed, which strongly limited transpiration as evaporative demand increased. The stomatal response to humidity was apparent only when the leaf surface was used as the reference point for measurement of external vapour pressure. Average transpiration was predicted to be nearly the same during the dry and wet seasons despite a 1 kPa difference in the prevailing leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference. The patterns of stomatal behaviour and transpiration observed were consistent with recent proposals that stomatal responses to humidity are based on sensing the transpiration rate itself.  相似文献   

Concurrent, independent measurements of stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E) and microenvironmental variables were used to characterize control of crown transpiration in four tree species growing in a moist, lowland tropical forest. Access to the upper forest canopy was provided by a construction crane equipped with a gondola. Estimates of boundary layer conductance (gb) obtained with two independent methods permitted control of E to be partitioned quantitatively between gs and gb using a dimensionless decoupling coefficient (Ω) ranging from zero to 1. A combination of high gs (c. 300–600 mmol m?2 s?1) and low wind speed, and therefore relatively low gb (c. 100–800 mmol m?2 s?1), strongly decoupled E from control by stomata in all four species (Ω= 0.7–0.9). Photosynthetic water-use efficiency was predicted to increase rather than decrease with increasing gs because gb was relatively low and internal conductance to CO2 transfer was relatively high. Responses of gs to humidity were apparent only when the leaf surface, and not the bulk air, was used as the reference point for determination of external vapour pressure. However, independent measurements of crown conductance (gc), a total vapour phase conductance that included stomatal and boundary layer components, revealed a clear decline in gc with increasing leaf-to-bulk air vapour pressure difference (Va because the external reference points for determination of gc and Va were compatible. The relationships between gc and Vc and between gs and Vs appeared to be distinct for each species. However, when gs and gc were normalized by the branch-specific ratio of leaf area to sapwood area (LA/SA), a morphological index of potential transpirational demand relative to water transport capacity, a common relationship between conductance and evaporative demand for all four species emerged. Taken together, these results implied that, at a given combination of LA/SA and evaporative demand scaled to the appropriate reference point, the vapour phase conductance and therefore transpiration rates on a leaf area basis were identical in all four contrasting species studied.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to establish whether the quantity and the quality of light affect growth and development of Withania somnifera plantlets. We have studied growth and histo-physiological parameters [stomatal characteristics, chloroplastic pigments concentrations, photosynthesis, and transpiration (E)] of W. somnifera plantlets regenerated under various light intensities, or monochromatic light or under a mixture of two colors of light in tissue culture conditions. Plantlets grown under a photon flux density (PFD) of 30 μmol m-2 s-1 showed greater growth and development than those raised under other PFDs. Chlorophylls and carotenoids, numbers of stomata, rate of photosynthesis (PN) and transpiration (E), stomatal conductance (gs), and water use efficiency (WUE) increased with increasing the PFD up to 60 μmol m-2 s-1. Light quality also affected plantlets growth and physiology. Highest growth was observed under fluorescent and in a mixture of blue and red light. Very few stomata were developed in any of the monochromatic light but under fluorescent or under a mixture of two colors stomatal numbers increased. Similarly, gs, E, PN, and WUE were also higher under fluorescent light and under a mixture of red and blue light. Regressional analysis showed a linear relationship between PN (r 2 = 70) and gs and between E (r 2 = 0.95) and gs. In conclusion, both the quality and the quantity of light affect growth of plantlets, development of stomata and physiological responses differently depending on the intensity and the wavelength of light.  相似文献   

Environmental and physiological regulation of transpiration were examined in several gap-colonizing shrub and tree species during two consecutive dry seasons in a moist, lowland tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Whole plant transpiration, stomatal and total vapor phase (stomatal + boundary layer) conductance, plant water potential and environmental variables were measured concurrently. This allowed control of transpiration (E) to be partitioned quantitatively between stomatal (g s) and boundary layer (g b) conductance and permitted the impact of invividual environmental and physiological variables on stomatal behavior and E to be assessed. Wind speed in treefall gap sites was often below the 0.25 m s–1 stalling speed of the anemometer used and was rarely above 0.5 m s–1, resulting in uniformly low g b (c. 200–300 mmol m–2 s–1) among all species studied regardless of leaf size. Stomatal conductance was typically equal to or somewhat greater than g b. This strongly decoupled E from control by stomata, so that in Miconia argentea a 10% change in g s when g s was near its mean value was predicted to yield only a 2.5% change in E. Porometric estimates of E, obtained as the product of g s and the leaf-bulk air vapor pressure difference (VPD) without taking g b into account, were up to 300% higher than actual E determined from sap flow measurements. Porometry was thus inadequate as a means of assessing the physiological consequences of stomatal behavior in different gap colonizing species. Stomatal responses to humidity strongly limited the increase in E with increasing evaporative demand. Stomata of all species studied appeared to respond to increasing evaporative demand in the same manner when the leaf surface was selected as the reference point for determination of external vapor pressure and when simultaneous variation of light and leaf-air VPD was taken into account. This result suggests that contrasting stomatal responses to similar leaf-bulk air VPD may be governed as much by the external boundary layer as by intrinsic physiological differences among species. Both E and g s initially increased sharply with increasing leaf area-specific total hydraulic conductance of the soil/root/leaf pathway (G t), becoming asymptotic at higher values of G t. For both E and g s a unique relationship appeared to describe the response of all species to variations in G t. The relatively weak correlation observed between g s and midday leaf water potential suggested that stomatal adjustment to variations in water availability coordinated E with water transport efficiency rather than bulk leaf water status.  相似文献   

On the basis of measurements or stand transpiration and microclimate, the bulk stomatal or bulk leaf conductance (gL) of a beech forest in northern Germany was calculated for periods in which leaves were fully expanded and the canopy was dry. This conductance depends strongly on light and humidity conditions above the forest. During periods with photosynthetic photon flux densities Q > 1200 μmol m?2s?1, gL was reduced from 1500mmol m?2s?1 at a vapour pressure deficit D= 0.5kPa to 500 mmol m?2s?1 at D= 2kPa. Light saturation of gL was not reached until Q= 1200 μmol m?2s?1 at low D, or until even higher Q at higher D. The dependence of gL, on Q and D was described mathematically by a non-linear equation that requires two empirical parameters. Values for gL as simulated by this equation provided a satisfactory agreement with independent porometer data collected on single leaves and scaled up to the canopy. A comparison of stomatal and aerodynamic conductances showed a strong coupling between the forest canopy and the atmosphere, indicating that transpiration of the beech forest is controlled mainly by the stomata.  相似文献   

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