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生物大分子及纳米药物,比如,亚单位疫苗、DNA疫苗、以及针对真皮层的治疗药物,作为近年来新兴的治疗药物,在有些治疗领域有着透皮给药的需求。由于具有靶向性高,疗效显著等特点,生物大分子及纳米药物逐渐成为新的研究热点。微针作为一种新型的给药技术,不仅具有无痛、给药方便等优点,而且运用物理手段可大幅提高大分子甚至纳米药物的透皮吸收及皮层靶向,能够避过胃肠道消化作用以及肝脏首过效用。将微针技术与生物大分子药物相结合,能够同时发挥两者的优势,实现高靶向生物药物的无痛给药。本文简述微针透皮给药技术、以及生物大分子给药的研究进展,对微针技术用于生物大分子及纳米药物透皮给药的尝试研究做了介绍和总结,对存在的技术挑战进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

非侵入性脑内给药   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴少平  孙曼霁 《生命科学》2004,16(5):292-295
血脑屏障使许多具有中枢神经活性的药物无法到达脑部发挥作用,非侵入性脑内给药因对机体无创伤而受到研究者广泛关注。本文介绍了血脑屏障的物质转运系统以及经鼻粘膜、渗透性血脑屏障开放、纳米粒载体和转运载体法等非侵入性脑内给药方法的机制和特点。  相似文献   

寡核苷酸药物近10年发展迅速,已有多款应用于临床治疗。因其设计便捷、序列灵活、特异性高,有望解决许多靶点难成药的困境,并且其临床转化周期和成本较低,目前已成为新兴生物技术药物研发的前沿领域。脑部疾病包括多种目前无法治愈的疾病,如神经退行性疾病、胶质瘤、运动神经元疾病等,其中很多与年龄相关,被认为是衰老相关脑部疾病。因其病因复杂,许多靶点难成以药,同时由于脑部特殊屏障系统“血脑屏障”的存在,导致大部分药物无法实现脑部病灶的有效积累,众多小分子药物遭遇临床转化失败。寡核苷酸类药物的特异性和序列灵活性提供了新的成药可能性,但同样面临脑部递送的挑战。尽管目前已有多款寡核苷酸类药物应用于医疗市场,但脑靶向寡核苷酸药物仍然极为罕见,随着纳米递送和脑靶向基团研究的逐渐成熟,未来5~10年寡核苷酸药物用于脑部疾病治疗将成为可能。本文针对本领域重点话题如寡核苷酸药物临床批准的应用案例、脑靶向寡核苷酸药物的递送瓶颈和当前策略,以及衰老相关脑部疾病的寡核苷酸药物潜在靶点进行了梳理,同时对临床转化中的难点和面临的挑战展开了综述和讨论。  相似文献   

血脑屏障使大部分的活性药物很难由血液进入脑内发挥作用。载药纳米粒具有脑靶向性,可显著提高药物在脑内浓度,成为药物突破血脑屏障的有效途径。本文综述了近年来载药纳米粒透过血脑屏障的研究进展,并对纳米粒载中药入脑提出展望。  相似文献   

血脑屏障使大部分的活性药物很难由血液进入脑内发挥作用。载药纳米粒具有脑靶向性,可显著提高药物在脑内浓度,成为药物突破血脑屏障的有效途径。本文综述了近年来载药纳米粒透过血脑屏障的研究进展,并对纳米粒载中药入脑提出展望。  相似文献   

正如何穿过血脑屏障是医学治疗所面临的一个特别的挑战:由细胞紧密排列形成的血脑屏障将脑部与外部环境隔绝开来。虽然血脑屏障能够阻止有害化学物质以及细菌入侵我们的控制中心,但同时大约95%的口服和静脉注射药物也被血脑屏障所阻挡。这就导致医生在进行帕金森等神经退行性疾病的治疗过程中,只能选择直接将药物注射到脑部,而这种侵入性方法需要在颅骨上  相似文献   

载药脂质体的研究与应用进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
载药脂质体给药系统已成为国内外的研究热点。传统脂质体经修饰和改良后表现出良好的生物相容性,缓释性和靶向性。新型脂质体在经皮给药,肺部给药,脑部靶向治疗,基因治疗等方面的应用研究结果显示,集药物缓释、靶向于一体的具有良好生物安全性的脂质体给药系统具有很大发展潜力。本文综述了该领域中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

随着重组DNA技术和分子生物学的发展,以蛋白质和多肽为主的大分子成为一类新型药物,并越来越受到重视,新兴的基因治疗技术使得核酸大分子也有可能成为药物。目前,绝大部分大分子药物都是通过注射途径给药,病人在医院注射费用昂贵且不方便,因而许多注射替代给药途径成为研究热门,通过肺部吸入给药就是一种很有吸引力的非侵入性给药途径。本介绍了肺吸收大分子的可能机制和大分吸入治疗的临床与基础研究以及面临的问题。  相似文献   

神经药物通过血脑屏障的有关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王帅  黄秉仁 《生命的化学》2001,21(4):311-314
随着世界人口老龄化的日趋加快 ,神经系统的疾病正日益成为威胁人类健康的主要问题。尽管新的神经药物已经能够治疗多种神经疾病 ,但是血脑屏障的存在使 95%的药物不能从血液进入脑部[1] 。未来神经疾病的治疗只有通过中枢神经系统 (CNS)药物的发明和CNS药物的传送两方面同时获得发展才能够取得突破。CNS药物传送所面临的问题在于如何使药物有效的通过血脑屏障 (bloodbrainBarri er,BBB)。1 .血脑屏障的结构与功能血脑屏障由脑毛细血管内皮细胞、基膜和神经胶质膜构成。脑部血循环的毛细血管内皮细胞相互接触…  相似文献   

脑胶质瘤在成人原发脑肿瘤中居首位,目前的治疗手段疗效较差,手术切除后复发率高,而化疗药物不能有效的穿透血脑屏障并聚集在肿瘤部位。纳米材料作为载药体为其治疗开辟了新的思路,纳米材料在保持药物稳定性,增加其血液循环时间方面有明显优势。但目前纳米材料还存在着一些亟待解决的问题,如穿透血脑屏障(BBB)、准确靶向于脑胶质瘤细胞等。本文简略论述了纳米材料载药的特性及优势,重点就目前纳米材料载药所面临的问题进行综述,总结了纳米药物穿透血脑屏障的多种策略及纳米药物靶向于脑胶质瘤的不同方式,并详细讨论了目前纳米材料载药多重靶向策略,对其未来的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

Drug and gene delivery to the brain: the vascular route   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Pardridge WM 《Neuron》2002,36(4):555-558
Brain drug development of either small molecule or large molecule (recombinant proteins, gene medicines) neurotherapeutics has been limited, owing to the restrictive transport properties of the brain microvasculature, which forms the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vivo. Widespread drug delivery to the brain, while not feasible via craniotomy and intracerebral injection, is possible if the drug is delivered to brain via the transvascular route through the BBB. Novel brain drug delivery and drug targeting strategies can be developed from an understanding of the molecular and cellular biology of the brain microvascular and BBB transport processes.  相似文献   

聚乳酸纳米粒穿透血脑屏障的分析电镜研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观察以聚乳酸 (D ,L-polylacticacid,PLA)为材料制备、经吐温-80(T-80)表面改性的纳米粒对血脑屏障的穿透效果并探讨其机制 ,分别将FITC-Dextran、叶绿素铜作为PLA纳米粒的示踪标记 ,应用荧光显微镜、透射电镜及分析电镜观察经静脉注射入小鼠体内的PLA纳米粒在脑组织中的分布、穿透血脑屏障的特性。荧光显微镜观察到小鼠脑组织中散在及沿毛细血管壁分布的荧光颗粒 ,透射电镜可观察到小鼠脑毛细血管内皮细胞及周围脑组织中圆形或类圆形的外源性纳米粒 ;进一步采用分析电镜对颗粒处组织进行能谱分析证实其为叶绿素铜标记的PLA纳米粒。证实了T-80修饰的PLA纳米粒具有穿透血脑屏障的特性 ,机制可能是毛细血管内皮细胞的胞吞转运作用 ,同时 ,为研究纳米粒在组织内的定位提供了新的标记方法.  相似文献   

Cerebral tissues possess highly selective and dynamic protection known as blood brain barrier (BBB) that regulates brain homeostasis and provides protection against invading pathogens and various chemicals including drug molecules. Such natural protection strictly monitors entry of drug molecules often required for the management of several diseases and disorders including cerebral vascular and neurological disorders. However, in recent times, the ischemic cerebrovascular disease and clinical manifestation of acute arterial thrombosis are the most common causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. The management of cerebral Ischemia requires immediate infusion of external thrombolytic into systemic circulation and must cross the blood brain barrier. The major challenge with available thrombolytic is their poor affinity towards the blood brain barrier and cerebral tissue subsequently. In the clinical practice, a high dose of thrombolytic often prescribed to deliver drugs across the blood brain barrier which results in drug dependent toxicity leading to damage of neuronal tissues. In recent times, more emphasis was given to utilize blood brain barrier transport mechanism to deliver drugs in neuronal tissue. The blood brain barrier expresses a series of receptor on membrane became an ideal target for selective drug delivery. In this review, the author has given more emphasis molecular biology of receptor on blood brain barrier and their potential as a carrier for drug molecules to cerebral tissues. Further, the use of nanoscale design and real-time monitoring for developed therapeutic to encounter drug dependent toxicity has been reviewed in this study.KEY WORDS: blood brain barrier (BBB), cerebral ischemic disorders, drug delivery, earthworm protease, neurodegenerative disorder, thrombolytic  相似文献   

The role of peptides in blood-brain barrier nanotechnology.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) regulates the passage of molecules between the bloodstream and the brain. Overcoming the difficulty of delivery drugs to specific areas of the brain is a major challenge. The BBB exerts a neuroprotective function as it hinders the delivery of diagnostic and therapeutic agents to the brain. Here, we provide an overview of the way in which peptides and nanotechnology are being exploited in tandem to address this problem. Peptides can be used as specialised coatings able to transport nanoparticles with specific properties, such as targeting. The nanoparticle can also carry a peptide drug. Furthermore, peptides can be used in less conventional approaches such as all-peptide nanoparticles. In summary, the combined use of peptides and nanotechnology offers tremendous hope in the treatment of brain disorders.  相似文献   

Prediction of convection-enhanced drug delivery to the human brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The treatment for many neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) involves the delivery of large molecular weight drugs to the brain. The blood brain barrier, however, prevents many therapeutic molecules from entering the CNS. Despite much effort in studying drug dispersion with animal models, accurate drug targeting in humans remains a challenge. This article proposes an engineering approach for the systematic design of targeted drug delivery into the human brain. The proposed method predicts achievable volumes of distribution for therapeutic agents based on first principles transport and chemical kinetics models as well as accurate reconstruction of the brain geometry from patient-specific diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. The predictive capabilities of the methodology will be demonstrated for invasive intraparenchymal drug administration. A systematic procedure to determine the optimal infusion and catheter design parameters to maximize penetration depth and volumes of distribution in the target area will be discussed. The computational results are validated with agarose gel phantom experiments. The methodology integrates interdisciplinary expertise from medical imaging and engineering. This approach will allow physicians and scientists to design and optimize drug administration in a systematic fashion.  相似文献   

抗癌药物的毒副作用限制了其临床应用,纳米药物载体可实现药物在病灶部位的聚集而不影响正常组织,从而降低药物毒副作用.在药物载体表面修饰靶向配体,以提高药物载体主动靶向进入到细胞的能力,可有效地将药物释放到靶细胞,大大提高药效.核酸适配体(aptamer)作为一种新型的靶向分子,近几年已被运用到靶向药物传递的研究中.本文介绍了几种适配体靶向载药体系,如适配体-药物、适配体-脂质体、适配体-聚合物胶束、适配体-聚合物纳米颗粒、适配体-金属颗粒以及适配体-支化聚合物等载药体系,并对当前研究的热点以及存在的问题和不足进行了评述.  相似文献   

The demonstration that dendritic cell (DC)-derived exosomes can be exploited for targeted RNAi delivery to the brain after systemic injection provides the first proof-of-concept for the potential of these naturally occurring vesicles as vehicles of drug delivery. As well as being amenable to existing in vivo targeting strategies already in use for viruses and liposomes, this novel approach offers the added advantages of in vivo safety and low immunogenicity. Fulfilment of the potential of exosome delivery methods warrants a better understanding of their biology, as well as the development of novel production, characterisation, targeting and cargo-loading nanotechnologies. Ultimately, exosome-mediated drug delivery promises to overcome important challenges in the field of therapeutics, such as delivery of drugs across otherwise impermeable biological barriers, such as the blood brain barrier, and using patient-derived tissue as a source of individualised and biocompatible therapeutic drug delivery vehicles.  相似文献   

Inadequate drug delivery to the brain, caused by an intact or partially intact blood-brain barrier (BBB), probably accounts for poor therapeutic responsiveness to cytoreductive drugs by malignant metastatic and primary brain tumors. Drug delivery can be enhanced in normal brains and brains with tumors by administering drugs into the carotid or vertebral circulation after osmotic opening of the BBB. The osmotic procedure in humans involves infusion into the carotid or vertebral arteries of a 25% mannitol solution for 30 s. The procedure is reversible, can be accomplished without long-term neurological deficits, and can be monitored in dogs and humans by means of enhanced computerized tomography. Osmotic BBB disruption, when combined with multiple drug administration, has proved effective in treating brain tumors in a small number of clinical cases.  相似文献   

Current efforts toward improving the effectiveness of drug therapy are increasingly relying on drug-targeting strategies to effectively deliver bioactive molecules to their molecular targets. Pharmaceutical nanocarriers represent a major tool toward this aim, and our efforts have been directed toward achieving nanocarrier-mediated subcellular delivery of drug molecules with mitochondria as the primary subcellular target. Meeting the need for specific subcellular delivery is essential to realizing the full potential of many poorly soluble anticancer drugs. In this article, we report that mitochondria-targeted liposomes significantly improve the apoptotic and cytotoxic action of sclareol, a poorly soluble potential anticancer drug. The results support the broad applicability of our nanocarrier-mediated subcellular targeting approach as a means to improve the effectiveness of certain anticancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

Biopharmaceuticals, including recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibody therapeutics, and antisense or RNA interference drugs, cannot be developed as drugs for the brain, because these large molecules do not cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Biopharmaceuticals must be re-engineered to cross the BBB, and this is possible with genetically engineered molecular Trojan horses. A molecular Trojan horse is an endogenous peptide, or peptidomimetic monoclonal antibody (mAb), which enters brain from blood via receptor-mediated transport on endogenous BBB transporters. Recombinant neurotrophins, single chain Fv antibodies, or therapeutic enzymes may be re-engineered as IgG fusion proteins. The engineering of IgG-avidin fusion proteins enables the BBB delivery of biotinylated drugs. The IgG fusion proteins are new chemical entities that are dual or triple function molecules that bind multiple receptors. The fusion proteins are able both to enter the brain, by binding an endogenous BBB receptor, and to induce the desired pharmacologic effect in brain, by binding target receptors in the brain behind the BBB. The development of molecular Trojan horses for BBB drug delivery allows the re-engineering of biopharmaceuticals that, owing to the BBB problem, could not otherwise be developed as new drugs for the human brain.  相似文献   

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