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重庆大豆地方资源多样性评价及群体表型特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对收集于重庆市的103份大豆地方品种进行了表型遗传多样性分析,并利用主成分分析和聚类分析对其进行了群体表型特点的研究,研究结果表明,重庆地区大豆地方种质资源以灰色茸毛、黄粒、褐色脐居多,个体之间数量性状上存在较大变异。主成分分析以3个主成分反映了10个农艺性状的大部分信息,将主要农艺性状归纳成产量因子、生长势因子及籽粒因子。聚类分析将103份地方种质资源聚为6个类群, 同一地区的大部分地方品种表现较为相似,少部分地方品种差异大,品种类群间的表型分化与地理分布既有一定的联系又不绝对相关。利用这些种质选配育种亲本应关注各类群间性状差异作选择,而不能仅关注地理来源选择。  相似文献   

对173份不同来源的帚高粱种质资源及其杂交后代进行了表型性状的遗传多样性分析。结果表明,各来源的帚高粱品种主要在生育期、株高、穗长、单穗糜子数及伸出程度等性状上差异较大。杂交后的育种材料在多个性状上表现优良,与来源于不同国家的品种有很大差异,利用各来源品种特有的优异性状可有效进行帚高粱的品种改良。遗传距离为0. 64时将所有品种划分为5个类群。由于来源于各国的帚高粱品种间有一定的相似性,不能按其来源进行类群的明确划分,而改良后的育种材料类群划分比较集中。帚高粱的多个性状间存在显著相关性,在种质创新中要同时进行考虑,应选择生育期适宜、株高较矮、穗较长、单穗糜子数多、穗柄较粗以及脱粒后单穗重、单穗粒重、千粒重均高的性状,但伸出程度和穗柄不宜过长。  相似文献   

以国家种质库中保存的不同来源的大豆同名品种满仓金及与其有亲缘关系的种质共28份为实验材料,时其SSR分子标记及农艺性状进行比较分析,目的是检测种质库中保存的同名品种之间的差异程度,为大豆种质资源的保存、研究与利用以及构建大豆棱心种质提供理论依据。研究结果表明,在28份种质23个SSR位点共检测出151个等位变异,利用其中的5个位点可将28份种质区分开。通过对SSR数据及农艺性状的分析比较,发现利用两种不同类型数据对材料进行分析,既有相同的趋势又存在差异,将不同类型数据结合起来使用能比较全面地阐明品种之间的遗传关系。根据结果推测,全国统一编号分别为ZDD00078、ZDD00924的满仓金与黄宝珠和金元有密切的血缘关系,其他不同来源的满仓金之间差异较大,无遗传一致性,也具有保存价值。  相似文献   

鹰嘴豆种质资源农艺性状遗传多样性分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
以100份鹰嘴豆种质资源为材料,应用聚类分析和主成分分析方法,对15个主要农艺性状的遗传多样性进行分析。结果表明,参试材料存在广泛的遗传多样性。其中,多样性指数最高的是株高,其次是百粒重;性状变异系数最大的是单株荚数,其次是单株粒重;基于各种质间形态标记的遗传差异,将100份鹰嘴豆种质聚类并划分为4大类群。第Ⅰ类群可作为选育丰产中粒型和株高适中的品种,第Ⅱ类群可作为选育矮秆耐密及特异粒色(型)品种,第Ⅲ类群丰产性较差可作为选育子粒球型、光滑的品种,第Ⅳ类群可作为选育大粒型、适宜机械化收获的品种。9个数量性状的主成分分析结果表明,前4个主成分累计贡献率达73.91%,各主成分性状载荷值反映了主要数量性状的育种选择潜力。综合分析种质资源农艺性状,为鹰嘴豆的有效利用提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

摘要:本文对27份花生种质资源的10个主要农艺性状表现进行了变异和主成份分析,结果表明:单株秕果数、单株结果数、主茎高与单株双仁果数变异系数较大;前4个主成份对变异的累计贡献率达84.98%。根据各种质资源的主成份值判断其表现特点,选出了综合性状比较理想的10份品种作为育种亲本。利用各种质资源的前4个主成份值计算各品种间的遗传距离,按遗传距离大小在D2=3.21水平下将27份种质资源聚类划分为6大类群,其中Ⅱ类群品种数最多(16份),该类群品种综合性状也表现较好,大多可为育种亲本利用或推广种植提供选择。  相似文献   

基于遗传和表型特征的海岛棉遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据海岛棉种质资源的遗传及表型特征对其遗传多样性进行研究非常重要,可为海岛棉杂交育种选配亲本、引进新的种质资源拓宽优异基因范围以及培育海岛棉新品种提供理论根据。本研究通过利用125对SSR分子标记鉴定结果和13个农艺性状2年田间表型调查结果,对94份海岛棉种质资源进行遗传多样性分析,将这些材料按照遗传和表型特征进行类群的划分和比较,结果表明:(1)通过标记分析共检测到420个位点,其中249个为多态性位点,并应用Nei-Li相似系数法对94份材料间的遗传相似系数进行评估,发现94份海岛棉资源材料的遗传相似系数在0.46~0.95之间浮动,同时利用SSR分子标记将94份海岛棉资源材料划分为4大类群,分类结果与系谱分析基本吻合。(2)对94份海岛棉资源材料进行13个农艺性状及品质性状2年调查分析,发现供试材料品质性状的变异范围较广,而产量性状的变异范围相对较小。其中,各品种中马克隆值的多样性指数最高,最小的是单铃重。聚类分析发现,第Ⅰ类群产量性状的平均值较高;第Ⅱ类群虽在产量性状上不占优势,但其品质性状的表现较其他组别优异;第Ⅲ类群多为低产低质品种;第Ⅳ类群品种品质较优,产量变化范围较大。(3)利用SSR标记和农艺性状分析2种方法对94份海岛棉资源材料进行分析,结果均显示出较丰富的遗传多样性;2种方法的聚类结果基本一致,聚类结果与地理分布有明显的联系。  相似文献   

为筛选火龙果(Hylocereus undatus)优良种质资源,对22份种质资源果实的表型性状、农艺性状、品质性状进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,火龙果种质资源果实的表型性状、农艺性状和品质性状具有丰富的遗传多样性和较高的变异性,表型性状的多样性指数(H′)为0~1.04,品质性状为0.40~2.01;农艺性状的变异系数(CV)为0.06~0.38,品质性状为0.01~0.62。聚类分析表明,在遗传距离为15时,火龙果22份种质资源可分为5类,说明不同资源间亲缘关系较远。这为发掘火龙果的育种潜力,筛选优异基因资源,改良种质奠定了基础。  相似文献   

云南苦荞种质资源主要性状的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了从云南苦荞种质资源中挖掘优异种质资源,拓宽苦荞遗传基础,以48份苦荞种质资源为材料研究了6个主要农艺性状和5个品质性状的遗传多样性。结果表明,云南的苦荞资源存在着丰富的遗传多样性,6个农艺性状中株粒重的变异系数为34.4%最大,品质性状中总黄酮含量的变异系数为51.72%最大。聚类结果表明,将48份材料聚为3大类,可区分为低产型、矮秆高产型和中秆高产型。6个主要农艺性状和5个品质性状的主成分分析结果表明,前3个累计贡献率分别达84.105%和80.332%,各主成分性状载荷值反映了主要数量性状的育种选择潜力。综合分析种质资源的主要农艺性状,可为云南苦荞种质资源的利用提供有效的科学依据。  相似文献   

平榛种质资源坚果农艺性状鉴定与评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平榛是我国重要的榛属植物资源,为鉴定、评价和保护平榛种质资源,提高其利用效率,采用主成分分析和聚类分析方法对99份平榛种质资源坚果的主要农艺性状进行了鉴定和综合评价。结果表明:平榛种质资源坚果的24个性状具有丰富的遗传多样性;10个数量性状的主成分分析确定了4类影响因子,反映了育种选择方向及潜力;基于各种质间形态性状的遗传差异,将99份平榛种质划分为5大类群,第Ⅰ类群可作为选育果面光滑品种的育种和候选亲本材料,第Ⅱ类群可作为选育大粒型、适宜机械化加工的育种和候选亲本材料,第Ⅲ类群具有作为市场产品的潜力,第Ⅳ类群可作为选育圆形、果面无条纹的育种和候选亲本材料,第Ⅴ类群可作为选育高丰产性品种的育种和候选亲本材料。上述研究为平榛种质资源的评价、保护和选优工作提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

旨在利用形态指标、农艺指标和品质性状指标探讨引进紫花苜蓿( M.sativa.)种质资源遗传多样性,为紫花苜蓿品种改良和选择亲本提供科学依据。研究了不同地理来源的75份紫花苜蓿种质资源的21项指标,利用主成分分析和聚类方法,了解其多样性。结果表明:不同紫花苜蓿种质的各特征存在广泛变异,农艺性状变异最大,随后是形态性状和品质性状;主成分分析结果显示前八个主成分累计贡献率达到82.77%,其中茎秆干重、叶干重、单株鲜重、单株干重4个性状是造成紫花苜蓿种质表型差异的主要因素;以21个性状为基础的聚类分析将所研究的75份种质材料分为5类。  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum has the potential to become a versatile feedstock for large-scale bioenergy production given its sugar from stem juice, cellulose/hemicellulose from stalks, and starch from grain. However, for researchers to maximize its feedstock potential a first step includes additional evaluations of the 2,180 accessions with varied origins in the US historic sweet sorghum collection. To assess genetic diversity of this collection for bioenergy breeding and population structure for association mapping, we selected 96 accessions and genotyped them with 95 simple sequence repeat markers. Subsequent genetic diversity and population structure analysis methods identified four subpopulations in this panel, which correlated well with the geographic locations where these accessions originated or were collected. Model comparisons for three quantitative traits revealed different levels of population structure effects on flowering time, plant height, and brix. Our results suggest that diverse germplasm accessions curated from different geographical regions should be considered for plant breeding programs to develop sweet sorghum cultivars or hybrids, and that this sweet sorghum panel can be further explored for association mapping.  相似文献   

A comparison of the different methods of the estimation of genetic diversity is important to evaluate their utility as a tool in germplasm conservation and plant breeding. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), microsatellites or SSR and morphological traits markers were used to evaluate 45 sorghum germplasm for genetic diversity assessment and discrimination power. The mean polymorphism information content (PIC) values were 0.65 (AFLPs) and 0.46 (SSRs). The average pairwise genetic distance estimates were 0.57 (morphological traits), 0.62 (AFLPs) and 0.60 (SSRs) markers data sets. The Shannon diversity index was higher for morphological traits (0.678) than AFLP (0.487) and SSR (0.539). The correlation coefficients obtained by the Mantel matrix correspondence test, which was used to compare the cophenetic matrices for the different markers, showed that estimated values of genetic relationship given for AFLP and SSR markers, as well as for morphological and SSR markers were significantly related (p <0.001). However, morphological and AFLP data showed non-significant correlation (p >0.05). Both data sets from AFLP and SSR allowed all accessions to be uniquely identified; two accessions could not be distinguished by the morphological data. In summary, AFLP and SSR markers proved to be efficient tools in assessing the genetic variability among sorghum genotypes. The patterns of variation appeared to be consistent for the three marker systems, and they can be used for designing breeding programmes, conservation of germplasm and management of sorghum genetic resources.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is a type of cultivated sorghums and has been recognized widely as potential alternative source of bio-fuel because of its high fermentable sugar content in the stalk. A substantial variation of sugar content and related traits is known to exist in US sweet sorghum. The objectives of the study were to assess the genetic diversity and relationship among the US sweet sorghum cultivars and lines using SSR markers and to examine the genetic variability within sweet sorghum accessions for sugar content. Sixty-eight sweet sorghum and four grain sorghum cultivars and lines were genotyped with 41 SSR markers that generated 132 alleles with an average of 3.22 alleles per locus. Polymorphism information content (PIC) value, a measure of gene diversity, was 0.40 with a range of 0.03–0.87. The genetic similarity co-efficient was estimated based on the segregation of the 132 SSR alleles. Clustering analysis based on the genetic similarity (GS) grouped the 72 sorghum accessions into 10 distinct clusters. Grouping based on clustering analysis was in good agreement with available pedigree and genetic background information. The study has revealed the genetic relationship of cultivars with unknown parentage to those with known parentage. A number of diverse pairs of sweet sorghum accessions were identified which were polymorphic at many SSR loci and significantly different for sugar content as well. Information generated from this study can be used to select parents for hybrid development to maximize the sugar content and total biomass, and development of segregating populations to map genes controlling sugar content in sweet sorghum.  相似文献   

分子标记由于能够反映DNA水平上的遗传变异而成为研究遗传多样性的重要方法。本文综述了利用分子标记分析高粱遗传多样性的研究进展,并阐述了遗传多样性分析在种质创新中的应用方向,提出了利用分子标记分析高粱遗传多样性研究中尚需进一步加强的研究内容。  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of sweet sorghum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sweet sorghum has substantial potential as a biofuel feedstock, with advantages in some environments over alternatives such as sugarcane or maize. Gene technologies are likely to be important to achieve yields sufficient for food, fuel and fibre production from available global croplands, but sorghum has proven difficult to transform. Tissue culture recalcitrance and poor reproducibility of transformation protocols remain major challenges for grain sorghum, and there has been no reported success for sweet sorghum. Here we describe a repeatable transformation system for sweet sorghum, based on (1) optimized tissue culture conditions for embryogenic callus production with >90% regenerability in 12-week-old calli, and (2) an effective selection regimen for hygromycin resistance conferred by a Ubi-hpt transgene following particle bombardment. Using this method, we have produced sixteen independent transgenic lines from multiple batches at an overall efficiency of 0.09% transformants per excised immature embryo. Co-expression frequency of a non-selected luciferase reporter was 62.5%. Transgene integration and expression were confirmed in T0 and T1 plants by Southern analysis and luciferase assays. This success using the major international sweet sorghum cultivar Ramada provides a foundation for molecular improvement of sweet sorghum through the use of transgenes. Factors likely to be important for success with other sweet sorghum cultivars are identified.  相似文献   

广西柿种质资源果实性状多样性分析与模糊综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步揭示广西柿种质资源信息,运用多样性分析和模糊综合评价法对不同生态气候区的柿种质资源果实性状进行研究和评价。结果表明:不同柿种质的果实性状存在丰富的多样性。86份柿种质的模糊综合评价指数FCI值在1.849~3.947之间,平均2.835。根据FCI取值范围将所调查的柿种质分成5个等级,FCI值最高的第5级种质数量最少,占所调查种质的3.49%;FCI值最低的第1级种质数量最多,占所调查种质的48.84%。月柿、牛心柿、大方柿、京柿、鸡心柿、小方柿和火柿等柿品种及一些实生单株的模糊综合评价指数较高,它们的果实综合性状表现较优,建议作为优良品种和单株加以开发和利用。部分单个性状比较优良的实生单株虽不适合于直接推广种植,但可作为柿品种改良的资源加以利用。  相似文献   


In the present study, we used 12 genotypes of sorghum originated from different countries (five sweet, four grain and three forage). These different genotypes and types of sorghum were evaluated for the agro-morphological traits that are associated with the estimated sugar and bioethanol yield to estimate their phenotypic diversity. Analysis of variance showed significant differences between different types of sorghum for all the evaluated traits. Sweet sorghum genotypes, however, showed better performance with respect to all studied traits than the other genotypes. A positive significant correlation was observed between plant height, leaf number, leaf area, biomass yield, cane and bagasse yields, and the predicted bioethanol yield. Both, cluster and principal component analysis were performed to group the genotypes according to their agro-morphological and molecular similarity coefficients. For analytical approaches, the Iranian grain and forage genotypes clustered separately from the other genotypes. The clustering patterns obtained from the molecular dominant markers had higher discriminatory power than using morphological characters to separate sweet genotypes from the forage and grain sorghum ones. The results clearly indicated that sweet sorghum can be grown in Germany and maintains its superiority in biomass production and sugar yield over grain and forage sorghum types.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are increasingly being used in crop plants to discriminate among genotypes and as tools in marker-assisted selection. Here we evaluated the use of microsatellite markers to quantify the genetic diversity within as well as among accessions sampled from the world germplasm collection of sorghum. Considerable variation was found at the five microsatellite loci analysed, with an average number of alleles per locus equal to 2.4 within accessions and 19.2 in the overall sample of 25 accessions. The collection of sorghum appeared highly structured genetically with about 70% of the total genetic diversity occurring among accessions. However, differentiation among morphologically defined races of sorghum, or among geographic origins, accounted for less than 15% of the total genetic diversity. Our results are in global agreement with those obtained previously with allozyme markers. We were also able to show that microsatellite data are useful in identifying individual accessions with a high relative contribution to the overall allelic diversity of the collection. Received: 10 August 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

The Piedmont System is a collection of equipment for efficiently removing the juice from sweet sorghum stalks for the production of ethanol. The concept is to separate the whole stalks into pith and rind-leaf fractions, pass only the pith fraction through a screw press, and thus achieve an improvement in juice-expression efficiency and press capacity. An energy analysis was done for two options of this proposed harvesting/processing system: (Option 1) The juice is evaporated to syrup and used throughout the year to produce ethanol, and the by-products are used as cattle feed. (Option 2) The juice is fermented as it is harvested, and the by-products (along with other cellulosic materials) are used as feedstock for the remainder of the year. Energy ratios (energy output/energy input) of 0·9, 1·1 and 0·8 were found for sweet sorghum Option 1, sweet sorghum Option 2, and corn, respectively, as feedstocks for ethanol. If only liquid fuels are considered, the ratios are increased to 3·5, 7·9 and 4·5.  相似文献   

A Rouamba  T Robert  A Sarr  A Ricroch 《Génome》1996,39(6):1128-1132
Genetic erosion is observed in traditional populations of onion in West Africa. The present study aimed to assess the agronomical potential for six important traits of 14 landraces collected in West Africa. A multivariate procedure was used to establish a classification within this germplasm on the basis of these traits. The phenotypic variability both within and between landraces is considerable but could be due to traditional agricultural practices still occurring in this area. Three statistically coherent clusters have been identified despite the great phenotypic variation between landraces and could be a basis for building a core collection of West African onion germplasm. This first analysis of traditional onion landraces provides convincing information regarding their agronomic potential. Key words : Allium cepa L., onion, genetic resources, diversity.  相似文献   

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