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鼓风对城市污泥好氧堆肥温度变化的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用强制通风静态垛和温度反馈自动测控堆肥工艺,研究了鼓风过程对城市污泥好氧堆肥温度的影响。当城市污泥和调理剂比例为1:1时(体积比),处于鼓风口远端(风向远点)各个层次的堆体温度基本上不会随鼓风过程而变化,处于鼓风方向中部(风向中点)、鼓风口近端(风向近点)的堆体,其中层、上层的温度将会下降,平均下降速度分别为0.05℃/min、0.04℃/min,但是温度下降的速率在整个鼓风过程中并不均匀,温度下降速度在0-10min较快,在10-40min较慢;当混合堆料中调理剂含量较低时(3:2),堆体上层温度在鼓风过程中将会上升,上升速率约为0.022-0.05℃/min,中层温度下降,在鼓风开始阶段(0-10min),下降速率较快,约为0.12℃/min,随后变化速率较小,约为0.01℃/min。对于不同调理剂比例的堆体,处于风向远点、中点的下层温度基本不受鼓风作用的影响;处于风向近点的堆体,其下层温度会随着鼓风过程而下降,平均下降速率约为0.025-0.03℃/min。  相似文献   

填充料和通气对污泥堆肥过程的影响   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
试验研究了不同配比的以料和通气状况对污泥堆肥起始升温的影响。结果表明,填充料含是量高的配比升温速度明显比填充料含量低的配比快;高填充料配比的堆体(填充料占堆料的1/2~1/3)在超始升温阶段可以不进行氢气的供给;低填充料的配比和加入回流堆肥的配比(填充料占堆料的1/4~1/9),由于堆体的孔隙少,则必须进行通气量的调节。  相似文献   

沼渣与污泥混合高温堆肥效果及氮素控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以锯木屑为调理剂,以Mg(OH)2与H3PO4的混合液为高温堆肥过程中的氮素抑制剂,研究沼渣与啤酒厂污泥混合堆肥效果。结果表明:混合物经好氧发酵处理后,均达到腐熟。添加氮素固定剂处理和对照处理的最高温度都可达65℃以上,在堆肥过程中添加氮素固定剂处理可提高堆体中有机物质的转化速率,对氮素的固定率达18%以上,添加固氮剂处理的堆肥结束后P元素增加了51%,堆肥品质得到了大幅度提高。堆肥过程中的物料的种子发芽指数不断提高,达到0.9;添加固氮剂的处理堆肥的种子发芽指数为1.0,明显高于对照。可见采用高温堆肥和氮素固定技术可有效地实现沼渣及啤酒厂污泥的混合资源化,该研究为后期沼渣和啤酒厂污泥堆肥的规模化应用提供了技术参数。  相似文献   

复合微生物菌剂在剩余污泥堆肥中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用复合微生物菌剂对剩余污泥进行堆肥试验,较系统地研究了复合微生物菌剂在剩余污泥堆肥系统中的作用。结果表明:接种复合微生物菌剂进行剩余污泥堆肥,与对照组相比,不但能够提高堆肥温度,而且高温持续时间长,堆肥反应速率加快,腐熟时间缩短,当接种量为7%(体积比)时,腐熟时间比对照组提前了12 d。  相似文献   

猪粪好氧堆制不同阶段氧气含量变化特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了不同堆肥阶段氧气浓度和耗氧速率的变化特征.结果表明,不同堆肥阶段通风补充氧气所需的时间很短,各阶段通风后氧气浓度都恢复到17%以上.堆肥升温阶段、高温阶段初期耗氧速率高,达900μl·L^-1·s^-1以上;随着堆肥的进行,耗氧速率逐渐降低,经过5~7d的持续高温期后,耗氧速率下降到100μl·L^-1·s^-1以下,堆肥基本腐熟.根据耗氧堆肥的氧气动态变化特征,提出了相应的通风策略.  相似文献   

目的利用堆肥处理技术对大庆油田原油污染土壤进行生物修复处理研究,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。方法比较堆肥过程中不同碳氮比对石油烃降解效果的影响,分析堆制过程中各理化参数和总石油烃降解的变化趋势,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。结果 3种比例的堆肥处理,总碳含量呈下降趋势而总氮含量呈上升趋势,当C∶N约为30∶1时,堆肥温度9d持续在50℃以上,土壤中石油烃降解率达到最高。60d后,土壤中总石油烃的降解率可达78%。结论堆肥C∶N为30∶1时为最佳的堆制比例。  相似文献   

添加竹炭对猪粪堆肥过程中升温脱水及氮素损失的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄向东  薛冬 《生态学杂志》2014,25(4):1057-1062
堆肥是实现畜禽粪便处理及资源化利用的有效途径,但传统堆肥过程存在升温脱水效果不佳及氮素损失的问题.本文利用猪粪进行堆肥试验,探讨了堆肥过程中添加不同比例竹炭对堆肥升温脱水及氮素损失的影响.结果表明: 与不添加竹炭的对照相比,添加竹炭处理可以使堆体升温时间缩短24~48 h,脱水率提高13.6%~21.4%,堆肥高温期持续时间延长216~264 h;添加竹炭处理可以增加堆肥铵态氮、硝态氮及总氮含量,使氮素固定率提高28.3%~65.4%.

城市污泥堆肥温度的空间变异性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用半变异函数对城市污泥堆肥温度的空间变异特性进行了研究 ,对堆体温度进行了克里格法 ( KRIGING)插值。采用通风静态垛堆肥工艺 ,试验了 0 .79、2 .0 3m3 / ( min·m3 )两种通风量。沿着堆肥池长度方向设定 2个纵剖面 ,每个纵剖面的面积为 6 .0 m× 1 .0 m,按 0 .5 m× 0 .1 m布设网格。结果表明 ,在水平方向上堆肥温度的半变异函数用球状模型进行拟合效果较好 ,而在垂直方向上的半变异函数用线性模型进行拟合效果较好 ;在水平方向上两个剖面的温度变程 ( range)分别为 0 .90 m、1 .2 5 m,在垂直方向上的变程分别为 0 .75 m、1 .0 0 m;利用克里格法进行最优内插估值得到的温度等值线图表明 ,高温区域一般位于堆体中层 0 .4~ 0 .6 m,低温区域一般位于堆体下层 0~ 0 .4 m;从温度剖面等值线图判断 ,中试规模的城市污泥堆肥 ,其合理通风量小于 0 .79m3 / min· m3 。  相似文献   

城市污泥强制通风堆肥过程中的生物学和化学变化特征   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
采用间竭式强制通风堆肥法进行的肥堆体积约4m3,堆肥时间为53d的污泥堆肥试验表明,堆肥的第2天即达高温阶段(≥55℃)并能保持8d,平均最高温度达68℃,局部温度达74℃.粪大肠杆菌由开始时的1.41×105个·g-1降至试验结束时的2.32×101个·g-1.污泥堆肥过程中挥发性固体,总有机C、水溶性有机C、固体有机 C/N比和水溶性有机 C/有机 N比下降明显,而 N、P及重金属含量有所升高.随着堆肥的进程,在前1周堆肥过程中产生的氨氮大幅下降,硝酸盐含量随之升高.相应地,pH在第1周内升高,随后降低.堆肥40d左右,水芹(Lepidiumsativum L.)种子发芽指数即可达 80%.综合堆肥过程中堆温和化学与生物学变化特点,表明污泥堆肥在40d左右基本上接近腐熟,50d后达到完全腐熟.产品外观呈黑褐色,蓬松,无明显异味.  相似文献   

堆肥中氮的循环在很大程度上依赖微生物驱动的氮素转化。传统高温堆肥最高堆温普遍在55-60℃,温度的提高有利于缩短堆肥周期和提高堆肥品质。超高温堆肥作为近年来快速发展的新兴技术,不但能突破传统堆肥工艺堆温低的局限,并且持续的超高温调控了堆肥微生物组、堆肥环境与氮素的互作,减少了氮素的损失。本文综述了堆体的氮循环过程及超高温堆肥技术在保氮方面的显著优势,以及超高温堆肥过程中具有氮代谢功能的优势微生物种群及其影响因素,重点介绍有关超高温堆肥控制氮素损失的作用机制研究进展,同时对超高温堆肥现有研究中存在的问题进行分析并探讨解决途径。  相似文献   

Summary Population changes in the levels of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes during composting of spruce-bark were studied. The composting rate was determined as a function of the amount of CO2 developed per unit of time. Composting was performed under controlled conditions of the various environmental parameters in a bench scale composter. Temperature was controlled at 45°C during the process. Inoculation with bark compost and determination of the content of carbo-hydrates during spruce-bark composting were studied.  相似文献   

Summary Population changes in the levels of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes during composting of spruce-bark were studied. The composting rate was determined as a function of the amount of CO2 produced per unit of time. Composting was performed under controlled conditions of the various environmental parameters in a bench-scale composter. Temperature influence on composting was studied with a view to accelerating the process. The most favourable influence was found at a controlled temperature of 45°C. Inoculation with raw bark compost had a positive effect.  相似文献   

城市污泥好氧堆肥过程中积温规律的探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对城市污泥好氧堆肥稳定化过程的温热条件进行了探讨 ,将物候学中的积温概念应用于堆肥稳定化 (腐熟 )过程。它同时兼顾到堆肥过程中的温度强度和持续时间两个参数。对于采用的强制通风静态垛堆肥工艺 ( CTB自动控制堆肥工艺 ) ,建议以 1 5℃作为生物学零度 ,积温指标为 1 0 0 0 0℃· h左右。堆肥原料的性质、堆肥工艺、微生物种群、生物学零度、外界环境等因素可能会对积温产生一定影响  相似文献   

This study measured the environmental variability which exists in a commercial aerobic composting process. The specific process studied is carried out in six decomposition cells which present six different phases of the process. Temperature, pH, and moisture content were determined in several randomly chosen sample sites in each cell, both at the beginning and at the end of the time the material was left in the cell. Temperature and pH varied greatly from one sample site to another in each cell, whereas moisture content was less varied. A significant rise in both temperature and pH was observed at two stages of degradation.  相似文献   

To determine how much heat may be recovered from a composting process, first it is necessary to know the heat production during the high temperature phase and characteristic values of the thermal conductivity coefficient for compost. The composting process was monitored in laboratory experiments. During the high temperature phase an average 1136kJ/kg of heat was released (but generally it was around 900kJ/kg). An average of 37.4% of that heat resulted from total bio-oxidation of organic compounds, assumed to be carbohydrates. The values of conductivity coefficient were from 0.150 to 0.309W/mK and depended on the temperature, humidity, density and age of compost.  相似文献   

Summary The time courses for the important factors in the composting process for activated sludge, that is the amount of CO2 generated, the temperature, weight change and water content of the composting materials, were simulated by means of regression analysis. Furthermore, we could accurately estimate the temperature change of the composting materials in the early phase of composting from the heat balance including microbial heat generation estimated by regression analysis. Combining this simulation method with the Simplex method, we determined the optimum aeration regimen that minimized the time required for the temperature to increase to 65°C, at which most pathogens in compost materials are killed, to be 16.7 h.
Résumé L'évolution chronologique au cours du compostage des facteurs importants (quantité de CO2 produite, température, poids, et teneur en eau) a été simulée par une analyse de regression linéaire. D'autre part, la variation de température pendant la première phase du compostage a pu être éstimée de façon précise d'après le bilan thermique de la production microbienne de chaleur, déterminé par analyse de regression linéaire. En combinant cette simulation avec la méthode Simplex, on a déterminé un taux optimum d'aération réduisant à 16,7 h le temps nécessaire pour que la température s'élève à 65°C, c'est à dire au niveau où la plupart des bactéries pathogènes du compost sont tuées.

Nomenclature A Area of heat transfer (m2) - C pg Specific heat capacity of humid inlet air (kcal/°C kg dry air) - C ps Specific heat capacity of solid material in the compost (kcal/kg °C) - E Euclid distance - F Aeration rate (kg dry air/h) - H Humidity of inlet air (kg H2O/kg dry air) - H * Humidity at saturation at the inside temperature of the rotating drum (kg H2O/kg dry air) - CO2 evolution rate (l/h) - M Total weight of composting material (kg) - M 0 Initial total weight of composting materials (kg) - P Number of independent variables - Q W Latent heat of water vaporization (kcal/kg) - q a Rate of heat loss carried away in the aerating gas (kcal/h) - q l Rate of heat loss by conduction through the wall of the rotating drum (kcal/h) - q r Rate of heat generation by microorganisms in the composting process (kcal/h) - q w Rate of heat loss through evaporation of water (kcal/h) - R Evaporation rate of water (kg/h) - t Composting time (h) - T c Temperature of composting material (°C) - T d Temperature in condenser (°C) - t f Final time of composting (h) - t g,in Temperature of inlet gas (°C) - t g,out Temperature of outlet gas (°C) - t out Temperature outside of the rotating drum (°C) - U Overall heat transfer coefficient for the heat loss through the wall of the rotating drum (kcal/m2 °C h) - w c Water content (%) - W c Amount of water in the composting materials (kg) - x i Independent variable - a 0,a 1, ...,e 3,e 4 Regression coefficient - a 0,a 1...,e 3,e 4 Standard deviation  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this work was to study the effect of high temperatures generated during composting process, on the phytopathogen fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis. This investigation was achieved by both in vivo (semipilot-scale composting of horticultural wastes) and in vitro (lab-scale thermal treatments) assays. METHODS AND RESULTS: Vegetable residues infected with F. oxysporum f.sp. melonis were included in compost piles. Studies were conducted in several compost windrows subjected to different treatments. Results showed an effective suppression of persistence and infective capacity, as this process caused complete fungal elimination after 2-3 days of composting. In order to confirm the effect of high temperature during this process, in vitro experiments were carried out. Temperature values of 45, 55 and 65 degrees C were tested. All three treatments caused the elimination of fungal persistence. Treatment at 65 degrees C was especially effective, whereas 45 degrees C eliminated fungal persistence only after 10 days. CONCLUSIONS: The composting process is an excellent alternative for the management of plant wastes after harvesting, as this procedure is able to suppress infective capacity of several harmful phytopathogens such as F. oxysporum f.sp. melonis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis is a plant pathogen fungus specially important in the province of Almería (south-east Spain), where intensive greenhouse horticulture is very extended. High temperatures reached during composting of horticultural plant wastes ensure the elimination of phytopathogen microorganisms such as F. oxysporum f.sp. melonis from vegetable material, providing an adequate hygienic quality in composts obtained.  相似文献   

Various physical and chemical parameters were monitored to evaluate their influence on the microbial communities present in composting municipal sewage sludge. Temperature, moisture content, depth, pH, protein content, total nitrogen, total carbon, lipid phosphate biomass, and the rates of microbial incorporation of substrates into lipids were measured at several times throughout the 17- to 19-day composting runs. Temperature was found to have the most consistent and dramatic effect on microbial activity and biomass. When temperatures exceeded 55 to 60°C, microbial activity fell dramatically, usually by more than 1 order of magnitude. Microbial activity was generally greatest in samples taken from the 35 to 50°C areas of the composting piles. Changes in the composition of the compost over time included increased pH, increased protein content, and decreased total organic content. The changes in these parameters appeared to reflect the microbial activity and biomass present. The results of this study indicate that the rate of composting may best be optimized by controlling the composting temperatures, provided that the other parameters fall within reasonable limits in the starting material.  相似文献   

Physical Modeling of the Composting Ecosystem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A composting physical model with an experimental chamber with a working volume of 14 × 103 cm3 (0.5 ft3) was designed to avoid exaggerated conductive heat loss resulting from, relative to field-scale piles, a disproportionately large outer surface-area-to-volume ratio. In the physical model, conductive flux (rate of heat flow through chamber surfaces) was made constant and slight through a combination of insulation and temperature control of the surrounding air. This control was based on the instantaneous conductive flux, as calculated from temperature differentials via a conductive heat flow model. An experiment was performed over a 10-day period in which control of the composting process was based on ventilative heat removal in reference to a microbially favorable temperature ceiling (temperature feedback). By using the conduction control system (surrounding air temperature controlled), 2.4% of the total heat evolved from the chamber was through conduction, whereas the remainder was through the ventilative mechanisms of the latent heat of vaporization and the sensible temperature increase of air. By comparison, with insulation alone (the conduction control system was not used) conduction accounted for 33.5% of the total heat evolved. This difference in conduction resulted in substantial behavioral differences with respect to the temperature of the composting matrix and the amount of water removed. By emphasizing the slight conduction system (2.4% of total heat flow) as being a better representative of field conditions, a comparison was made between composting system behavior in the laboratory physical model and field-scale piles described in earlier reports. Numerous behavioral patterns were qualitatively similar in the laboratory and field (e.g., temperature gradient, O2 content, and water removal). It was concluded that field-scale composting system behavior can be simulated reasonably faithfully in the physical model.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to evaluate the use of different bulking agents in different ratios as a means to control, optimise and eventually reduce the duration of the thermophilic period in two-phase olive oil mill sludge (OOMS) composting. The bulking agents used were: (i) olive tree leaves (OTL), (ii) olive tree shredded branches (OTB) and (iii) woodchips (WDC). The selection of these materials was based on their abundance and availability on the island of Crete, the southernmost point of Greece. The ratios studied were: Pile 1, OOMS:OTL in 1:1 v/v; Pile 2, OOMS:WDC in 1:1.5 v/v; Pile 3, OOMS:OTL in 1:2 v/v; Pile 4, OOMS:OTL:OTB in 1:1:1 v/v; and Pile 5, OOMS:OTL:OTB in 1:1:2 v/v. The composting system used was that of windrows with the volume of each pile approximately 20–25 m3. The experiments took place over two consecutive years. A composting turner was used and turnings were performed at one and two week intervals. In each pile a variety of physiochemical parameters were monitored. Temperature remained high in all five trials. Piles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 temperatures recorded values of above 50 °C for 106, 158, 160, 175 and 183 days, respectively. Volumes were reduced by approximately 67%, 62%, 63%, 80% and 84%, respectively. Temperature remained high, mainly due to the presence in large amounts of oily substances which during their complete oxidation release important amounts of energy and aid the cometabolism of more stable molecules such as lignin. This process is better described as the slow “burning” of a “fuel” mixture in an “engine” than composting. This approach is based on the extensive similarities of this process to that of crude oil sludge or similar waste composting.  相似文献   

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