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The mechanism of anion inhibition of the reaction of the pork heart extramitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (EC with erythro-β-hydroxy-l-aspartate was investigated. This reaction produces a mixture of complexes, one of which is characterized by an absorption maximum at 492 nm. Spectrophotometric analysis of equilibrium mixtures of aspartate aminotransferase and erythro-β-hydroxy-l-aspartate, in different buffers, indicated that acetate, chloride, and cacodylate were competitive inhibitors of hydroxyaspartate binding. Pyrophosphate, however, was not a competitive inhibitor. Between pH 4.5 and 9.0 the affinity of the enzyme for the monovalent anions decreased as the pH increased. The data indicated that the anion binding group had a pKa in the range from pH 6 to 7, depending upon the anion studied. From pH 4.5 to 9.0, the substrate dissociation constant and the distribution of enzyme-substrate complexes were both unaffected by pH. By stopped-flow spectrophotometry, an initial rapid relaxation (t12 = 2–8 ms) was associated with an increase in absorbance at 492 nm, and this rate depended upon both substrate and buffer concentrations. A slower relaxation (t12 = 180 ms) was associated with a decrease in the absorbance at 492 nm to approximately 70% of the value attained in the first rapid reaction. The rate of this slower reaction was largely independent of substrate and buffer concentrations. Kinetic analysis of the rates of the first relaxation in several different concentrations of Tris-acetate buffer of pH 8 showed that the rate of association decreased with increasing acetate concentration whereas the reaction rate for dissociation was unaffected. Thus, acetate appears to exert its inhibitory effect by preventing the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex rather than by displacing the substrate from the enzyme.  相似文献   

Alanine aminotransferase catalyzes exchange of the β-hydrogens of alanine with the solvent at a rate commensurate with the rate of exchange of the α-hydrogen. These methyl protons are lost sequentially and intermediates having protons on the α-carbon but deuterium on the β-carbon were detected by nuclear magnetic resonance. The overall rates of exchange of both α-hydrogen and β-hydrogen were less than the rate of transamination and did not vary from pH 6–8. The α-hydrogen of glutamate, on the other hand, was found to exchange at a greater rate than the overall transamination rate with ketoglutarate. However the β-hydrogens of glutamate are not removed during the enzymic reaction. It is concluded that a basic group on the enzyme removes the proton from the α-carbon of alanine at a rate at least as great as the rate of transamination. Because the proton is held on the enzyme, it appears to exchange more slowly in alanine. Labilization of the α-hydrogen of amino acids does not appear to be the ratelimiting reaction of alanine aminotransferase, but occurs at a rate comparable to that of the overall reaction.  相似文献   

An equation is found relating the fractional activity, (v/v0), of an enzyme assay mixture to the total concentrations of metalloenzyme, active site metal ion, metal-binding ligand and substrate and the stability constants of the complexes present. When (v/v0) is measured as a function of the total ligand concentration, this equation offers a way of data-plotting which yields straight lines and permits the calculation of the metal-binding constant KME from either the slope or the intercept, provided that mixed complexes (enzyme-metal ion-ligand) do not contribute significantly to the change in (v/v0). Since deviations from linearity occur in the latter case, the proposed inhibition plot serves as a diagnostic tool for the recognition of such complexes. Application to the inhibition of thermolysin by 1,10-phenanthroline gives a value of 2.1 × 1011m−1 for KZnE, the binding constant of the active site zinc ion, at pH 7.50, 25°C and ionic strength 0.1. The equation also allows the rapid calculation of the ligand concentration necessary to attain a desired degree of inhibition when the total enzyme and active site metal ion concentrations of the solution are known.  相似文献   

There are two inhibitors of protein synthesis which are related to the activity of interferon. One is a protein kinase which phosphorylates the α subunit of the eucaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2). The other is an enzyme which synthesizes an unusual oligonucleotide that in turn activates a RNA endonuclease. In nucleated cells the synthesis of the inhibitors is induced by interferon but they must be activated in a subsequent lysate by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Rabbit reticulocytes, however, contain the inactive forms of the inhibitors in a constitutive manner and require only dsRNA activation. We report here the effect of dsRNA on protein synthesis and the generation of ribosomal eIF-2α kinase and heat-stable (oligonucleotide) inhibitory activity in human reticulocyte lysates. Our findings indicate that human reticulocytes, in contrast to rabbit reticulocytes, do not contain the interferon-related inhibitors of protein synthesis in a constitutive manner. Addition of dsRNA to the human reticulocyte cell-free system does not result in significant inhibition. Furthermore, no generation of ribosomal eIF-2α kinase or heatstable inhibitory activity could be detected. Direct addition of oligonucleotide or eIF-2α kinase (of rabbit origin), however, does result in inhibition of the human system. Thus, the ultimate inhibition mechanisms do appear operative in the human reticulocyte lysates. The differences between the rabbit and human systems may be due to either basic differences in the mechanism of interferon action or simply to variation in the history or maturity of the cells studied.  相似文献   

Human urinary protease inhibitor was isolated from freshly collected male urine by a single chromatographic step utilizing bovine α-chymotrypsin (EC covalently bound to cross-linked agarose. The adsorbent was prepared by a new series of chemical reactions using trichloro-s-triazine as coupler. Study of chromatographic parameters, including pH, temperature, and ionic strength, led to a simplified elution system for removing contaminants. The antitryptic-antichymotryptic activity of the inhibitor appeared to be unaltered by chromatography.  相似文献   

The mixture of chromium, nicotinic acid and the amino acids glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine which stimulates the rate of CO2 production in a yeast bioassay system was subjected to the separation scheme based on ion-exchange chromatography which has been used to separate the chromium- containing fractions in brewer's yeast, [S.J. Haylock, P.D. Buckley and L.F. Blackwell, J. Inorg. Biochem., 18, 195 (1983)]. Four chromium-containing fractions (C2 to C5) were obtained by salt gradients and two further fractions (G1 and G2) were obtained using a pH gradient. All were amino acid-containing complexes of chromium and all except C5 also contained nicotinic acid. However, none of the isolated chromium fractions showed any activity in a yeast bioassay. On the basis of previous work, the activity of the original mixture was attributed to the presence of an oxygen-coordinated trans chromium(III)-dinicotinate complex. Biologically- inactive chromium complexes such as Cr(glu)2(H2O)+2 and Cr(gly)2(H2O)+2 after elution by ammonium hydroxide from Dowex 50W-X12 cation- exchange columns, stimulated the rate of CO2 production in the yeast bioassay. Elution with other bases, such as lithium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide led to inactive fractions in all cases. A warning is therefore given that the use of ammonium hydroxide-elution of ion-exchange columns to isolate glucose tolerance factor fractions from biological samples (such as brewer's yeast) can lead to active fractions which do not relate to the native material.  相似文献   

The lactate dehydrogenase-catalyzed reduction of pyruvate by NADH was studied using a spectroscopic method. The inhibitory effect exhibited by high concentrations of pyruvate was investigated in phosphate and 2,2-diethylmalonate buffers. Kinetic studies were carried out in which the rate of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction was monitored at various stages of pyruvate hydration, H2O + CH3COCO2? ? CH3C(OH)22C02?. Buffered solutions of different initial relative amounts of ketopyruvate and hydrated pyruvate (2,2-dihydroxypropanoic acid) were also preincubated with the enzyme and NAD+. Kinetic runs were initiated in the resultant solutions at various stages of incubation by the introduction of NADH. The results of the present investigation indicate that hydrated pyruvate is a major inhibitor of lactate dehydrogenase and forms an inhibitory complex with the enzyme and oxidized coenzyme.  相似文献   

By combining sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-gel electrophoresis with a new chilling technique for visualization of protein-SDS complexes in polyacrylamide gels, a process has been developed which will permit the isolation of milligram quantities of pure polypeptides. Using this technique, we have isolated two molecular weight classes of polypeptides from coconut storage globulins and determined the amino acid composition of each. When the two amino acid compositions were summed on a molar basis, the result agreed reasonably well with the amino acid composition of the starting material with the exception of cystine. Apparently, some contaminant from the polyacrylamide caused its destruction to be accelerated during hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A soluble enzyme preparation obtained from young sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves catalyzes the conversion of neryl pyrophosphate to (+)-borneol and the oxidation of (+)-borneol to (+)-camphor. Attempts to purify the borneol synthetase activity by gel permeation column chromatography resulted in the apparent loss of catalytic capability; however, subsequent recombination of column fractions demonstrated that two separable enzymatic activities were required for the conversion of neryl pyrophosphate to borneol. Several lines of evidence indicated that a water-soluble, dialyzable intermediate was involved in this transformation. The intermediate was isolated and subsequently identified as bornyl pyrophosphate by direct chromatographic analysis and by the preparation of derivatives and chromatographic analysis of both the hydrogenolysis (LiAlH4) and enzymatic hydrolysis products of bornyl pyrophosphate. The results presented indicate that borneol is derived by cyclization of neryl pyrophosphate to bornyl pyrophosphate, followed by hydrolysis. This is the first demonstration of a cyclic pyrophosphorylated intermediate in the biosynthesis of bicyclic monoterpenes.  相似文献   

The oxidation of uric acid and 3-N-ribosyluric acid by hydrogen peroxide and methemoglobin was stimulated by the addition of sodium nitrite, which alone has no effect on the urates. The urates were not oxidized by either hydrogen peroxide alone or hydrogen peroxide and sodium nitrite unless methemoglobin was present. t-Butyl hydroperoxide also oxidized the urates in the presence of methemoglobin, but the reaction was not stimulated by sodium nitrite. The addition of either sodium azide or potassium cyanide reduced the rate of the reaction with either hydrogen peroxide or t-butyl hydroperoxide both in the presence and absence of sodium nitrite. Possible explanations for the stimulation by nitrite of peroxide-induced degradation of urates are presented.  相似文献   

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