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中国新分布种海伦兜兰的濒危状况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
海伦兜兰Paphiopedilum helenae Aver.为中国新记录种。本种中萼片黄色,花瓣橙色,狭长圆形或略带匙形,边缘直,唇瓣橙褐色,退化雄蕊为近圆形。文章首次报道了海伦兜兰在中国新分布点的居群大小和繁育现状,并对其生境、伴生植物等作了详细描述。海伦兜兰所在的森林群落目前保护状况良好,但由于该地靠近村寨和公路,又不在保护区内,海伦兜兰居群仍然面临潜在的威胁。考虑到海伦兜兰在越南已遭受过度采集,建议进一步加强对该新分布兜兰属Pahiopdeilum植物的保护和监测。  相似文献   

<正>海伦兜兰(Paphiopedilum helenae Aver.),为近年来新发现的兰科兜兰属植物,其突出的特点为中萼片黄色,花瓣橙色,狭长圆形或略带匙形,边缘直,唇瓣橙褐色,退化雄蕊为近圆形。1996年被首次报道,分布于越南北部高平省。我国2005年在广西西部发现有分布,并于2007年正式报道。海伦兜兰目前在我国的种群数量很少,报道的仅有35株,为地生兰,生长在石灰岩地貌近山顶处  相似文献   

兜兰是近年来渐受国人青睐的珍奇花卉。最近“兜兰”特种菱形邮票的发行,更使其深入人心。兜兰是兰科兜兰属Paphiopedilum植物的泛称。该属现已知66种左右,主要分布在亚州热带地区和一些太平洋岛屿上。兜兰为地生、半附生或附生草本。茎短。叶基生,呈二列排列,叶片上有各式斑纹。开花时,花葶从叶丛中长出。具一朵或数朵花。花的唇瓣囊状、球形、椭圆形或盔状,有红、紫红、粉红、棕、黄、绿等多种色调,上面还常带有斑点或纹饰。中萼片通常较大,常直立于唇瓣上方。两枚侧萼片通常完全合生成合萼片。花瓣形状多变:…  相似文献   

太白美花草(Callianthemum taipaicum W.T.Wang)又名重叶莲,隶属于毛茛科美花草属。为多年生草本,高8~10cm,全株无毛。基生叶3~6片,花期不完全展开;叶柄长2~10cm,基部抱茎;叶片深裂,小叶2~3对,再2~3裂。茎生叶1~2片,长1~2.5cm。花直径2.2~2.8cm。萼片5,蓝紫色。花瓣9~13,基部褐色,狭倒卵形或倒披针形,长11~14mm,宽3.5~6mm,先端截形。雄蕊长4~5mm;花丝狭线形;花药长圆形,长约0.8mm。心皮18~22个。花期6月。  相似文献   

报道了中国云南省兰科(Orchidaceae)兜兰属(Paphiopedilum)一新天然杂交种:哀牢山兜兰(Paphiopedilum×ailaoshanense B. Liu & S. P. Chen)。哀牢山兜兰与白旗兜兰(P. spicerianum)和沧源兜兰(P. gratrixianum var. cangyuanense)近缘,与前者的区别在于哀牢山兜兰花梗和子房有毛,中萼片带紫色晕以及紫色斑点,花瓣上侧暗绿色带紫色晕,下侧黄绿色;与后者的区别在于中萼片具1条宽阔的紫褐色中带,退化雌蕊紫色。哀牢山兜兰与天然杂种泸水兜兰(Paphiopedilum×lushuiense)相似,而哀牢山兜兰的中萼片下部边缘不后卷,近基部具紫红色晕,合萼片具2条明显紫色粗脉,花瓣匙形,上边缘波状,长6.0~6.2 cm,唇瓣长5.0~5.5 cm。为厘清哀牢山兜兰,沧源兜兰及白旗兜兰之间的关系,基于3个叶绿体基因片段(matK、rbcL、trnL),构建了兜兰属部分植物系统发育树。鉴于形态和分子数据,认为哀牢山兜兰是天然杂交种。凭证标本存放于福建农林大学标本馆。  相似文献   

太白美花草(Callianthemum taipaicum W.T.Wang)又名重叶莲,隶属于毛茛科美花草属。为多年生草本,高8~10cm,全株无毛。基生叶3~6片,花期不完全展开;叶柄长2~10cm,基部抱茎;叶片深裂,小叶2~3对,再2~3裂。茎生叶1~2片,长1~2.5cm。花直径2.2~2.8cm。萼片5,蓝紫色。花瓣9~13,基部褐色,狭倒卵形或倒披针形,长11~14mm,宽3.5~6mm,先端截形。雄蕊长4~5mm;花丝狭线形;花药长圆形,长约0.8mm。心皮18~22个。花期6月。  相似文献   

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封面植物介绍——太白美花草太白美花草(Callianthemum taipaicum W.T.Wang)又名重叶莲,隶属于毛茛科美花草属。为多年生草本,高8~10cm,全株无毛。基生叶3~6片,花期不完全展开;叶柄长2~10cm,基部抱茎;叶片深裂,小叶2~3对,再2~3裂。茎生叶1~2片,长1~2.5cm。花直径2.2~2.8cm。萼片5,蓝紫色。花瓣9~  相似文献   

邹贤桂  邹琦丽   《广西植物》1993,(3):197-198
<正> 带叶兜兰(Pahiopedilum hirsutissimum(Lindl.)Pfitzer),叶基生,长20—25厘米,宽约2—3厘米,无毛。花茎绿色被深紫色毛,长约25匣米,几与叶等长,具1花。花直径可达10厘米,中萼片宽卵形,花瓣长匙形,边缘曲折有缘毛,唇瓣兜状,绿色有紫色小斑点。分布于印度亚萨姆,和我国广西、云  相似文献   

太白美花草(Callianthemum taipaicum W.T.Wang)又名重叶莲,隶属于毛茛科美花草属。为多年生草本,高8~10cm,全株无毛。基生叶3~6片,花期不完全展开;叶柄长2~10cm,基部抱茎;叶片深裂,小叶2~3对,再2~3裂。茎生叶1~2片,长1~2.5cm。花直径2.2~2.8cm。萼片5,蓝紫色。花瓣9~,基部褐色,狭倒卵形或倒披针形,长,宽,先端截形。雄蕊长;花丝狭线  相似文献   

大花兜兰,柬埔寨兰科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文所描述的兰科新种大花兜兰 (PaphiopedilummacranthumZ .J .LiuetS .C .Chen)是采自柬埔寨东部靠近越南边界的。据采集者说此种植物很久以前已被发现并送到国外去了 ,此次系再次被采集到的。根据该植物的形态特征 ,显然是属于兜兰组 (Sect.Paphiopedilum)的 ,与紫毛兜兰 (Paphiopedilumvillosum (Lindl .)Stein)有某种亲缘关系 ,但巨大而密生斑点的中萼片非常美丽 ,似乎可以在一些杂交品种 ,如PaphiopedilumChrysostom与…  相似文献   

The ionophore A23187 is a potent inhibitor of oxalate supported calcium uptake if added before uptake is initiated by ATP and is a much weaker inhibitor of uptake once uptake has been initiated. This observation is shown to be due to a failure of oxalate to capture the transported calcium at the beginning of uptake because the rate of calcium oxalate crystallization is initially slow, thereby allowing the ionophore to release the accumulated calcium. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that calcium oxalate crystallization shows a lag phase which is absent when calcium oxalate seeds are in the reaction system. Once calcium uptake has progressed, calcium oxalate seeds are present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium oxalate crystallization proceeds sufficiently rapidly that the ionophore cannot compete successfully for calcium. That A23187 and oxalate compete for intravesicular ionic calcium is shown by the stimulation which each produces in ATPase activity and by the dependence of ionophore activity on oxalate concentration.The failure of calcium oxalate crystallization to reach equilibrium during the early phase of calcium uptake caused us to examine whether at any time during calcium uptake, crystallization reaches equilibrium. Skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum accumulated calcium at such a high rate that oxalate, in concentrations up to 20mM, was unable to clamp intravesicular calcium at equilibrium values. The lower rate of calcium accumulation by cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and/or perhaps its greater permeability to oxalate apparently allows intravesicular calcium to be clamped by oxalate.  相似文献   

Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, a new orchid genus, is established based on the new species S. malipoensis Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen found in southeast Yunnan, China. The new genus is related to Pteroceras, from which it differs by having a lip with its basal margins immovably adnate to the lower part of the pendent column foot, a thin-walled spur, and very unequally and deeply split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle. In addition to a discussion on Ascocentrum pusillum, a species of questionable placement, another new genus, namely Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is set up and a new combination, namely G. pusilla (Aver.) Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is made. The new genus Gunnaria differs from its allyAscocentrum by having a cross-shaped pollinarium, sulcate or split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle attached to a common linear stipe much longer than either pollinia or viscidium, and strongly incurved side lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

报道了中国蓼属两新种。蜀蓼(Polygonum shuense)与大理蓼(P.subscapsum)相似,但基生叶的基部渐狭,沿叶柄下延,边缘具圆齿,花白色,花柱3,离生,瘦果长卵形,无光泽可以区别。察隅蓼(P.chayuum)产西藏,这个新种的茎不分枝,自基部至中部无叶,仅有托叶鞘,叶着生于茎的上部,这些特征奇特,明显不同于其它种类。  相似文献   

This study evaluates and projects the effect of experimental removal of two species of wrasses, Thalassoma bifasciatum and Halichoeres bivittatus, on the demographic structure of the Caribbean sea urchin Diadema antillarum. For census periods ‘before’ and ‘after’ fish removal at treatment and un-manipulated control sites, size-based matrix population projections revealed the most important change in the sea urchin demography was increased survival of the medium size-class following removal of wrasses. The asymptotic growth rate (λ) exhibited no differences between periods for the control; however, the treatment displayed a significant increase in λ from 0.94 to 1.0. During the before period, the treatment population displayed lower λ than the control population, indicating site differences in urchin recruitment from the outset of the experiment, however after one year of maintenance of the predator removal treatment, the treatment population exhibited and increased growth rate to become similar to the control population; indicating predatory-release for the treatment population. Physiological status of sea urchins, as determined by righting times, exhibited no difference between treatment and control populations, or through time. Nil correlation was evident between righting activity and urchin size, indicating that urchin physiological status was not influenced by predation. Long-term demographic simulation indicated that the sea urchin population growth at the treatment site was negative and thus unviable predatory wrasse. However, only one year after fish removal, sea urchin population growth rate became positive. Therefore local population recovery for D. antillarum appears enhanced when abundance of wrasses is kept low.  相似文献   

Modern anthropogenic modifications to aquatic environments, specifically hydrodynamic alterations, play a major role in cyanobacterial bloom potential. In shallow-water ecosystems, salinity is a driver of microbial communities and increases in salinity may facilitate the bloom potential of competitive cyanobacteria. This study investigated the osmotic response and mortality rate of a persistent bloom-forming (18 months) cyanobacterium, Cyanothece sp., isolated from Lake St Lucia (South Africa), after sudden hypo-osmotic shock. Laboratory experiments were performed with Cyanothece sp. cells to observe osmotic responses and to determine mortalities during salinity reductions. In general, Cyanothece sp. cells conformed to the external medium at all salinity levels used in the treatments, reducing their intracellular osmolality in response to salinity downshifts. There were limits to this, however, as successful downshift was not observed during the freshwater exposure treatment. Highest mortality rates occurred in cultures that were grown at high salinities (i.e. 180, 240 and 300 units), as well as in treatments with large salinity downshifts (e.g. 120 salinity unit reduction and direct freshwater exposure). Cyanothece sp. has been shown to sustain bloom status for long periods. Its ability to tolerate high salinities and respond to sudden salinity downshifts is an important factor in its bloom success. However, it is still susceptible to reductions in salinity that may occur due to heavy rainfall and floods, which highlights the importance that freshwater plays in the bloom ecology of a persistent bloom-forming halotolerant cyanobacterium, as freshwater inputs markedly influence the physiology of the cells and their survival ability.  相似文献   

Otolith abnormality has been reported for a wide range of freshwater and marine fish species. In this study, the sagittal otolith morphology and mineralogy of juvenile European flounder, Platichthys flesus, were examined to describe the incidence and types of structural deformities in this species. Juvenile flounder were collected over the years 2013–2015 in the tidal freshwater section of an estuarine nursery (Minho estuary, NW Portugal). Otolith abnormality was found in 43% of the individuals and, in most cases, occurred in both otoliths. Despite an abnormal mineralogy confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, the morphometry and the mineral polymorph composition of abnormal otoliths did not differ from normal ones (i.e. aragonite). This contrasts with other studies where vaterite and/or calcite were found to replace aragonite in abnormal otoliths. Further studies are needed to elucidate whether abrupt salinity changes associated with habitat transitions may have played a role in the abnormal otolith biomineralization in this species.  相似文献   

The study examines the current invasive status of the barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite on natural populations of two native oyster species (the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica and the mangrove oyster C. rhizophorae) in a estuary of the southern Gulf of Mexico. The spatio-temporal variability of the frequency of occurrence, density and coverage of A. amphitrite on shells of each oyster species was examined and compared with those of other native congeners (A. eburneus, A. venustus and A. improvisus) with which it coexists. These three variables were significantly higher in C. rhizophorae than in C. virginica and were within the range recorded for its congeners. The density of this invasive barnacle varied significantly at spatial and temporal scales. Its highest overall mean density occurred in February (at temperatures 26–27°C and salinities 29–32). Multivariate analyses showed a separation of Amphibalanus assemblages into three main groups according to variations in their composition and abundance among sampling sites and dates. It was also determined that salinity and sedimentation rate were the variables that best explain the distribution of the Amphibalanus species within the estuary. The limited presence of A. amphitrite on C. virginica reefs is likely due to (amongst other factors) the relatively higher sedimentation loads (370–5709?g?m?2?d?1) and lower salinities (9–23) recorded in these sites. This study can act as a reference point for the subsequent monitoring of this invasive species, since possible increases in its population density and competitive ability could threaten the integrity of oyster populations and other organisms in the southern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Larval fish composition and abundance have been studied in fjords of south Patagonia. However, the ichthyoplankton of the adjacent shelf and slope waters of the Pacific Ocean, which is an important spawning and nursery ground for demersal fishery species (e.g. austral hake and Patagonian grenadier), remains largely unknown. To compare ichthyoplankton occurrence with environmental conditions in August 2013 and 2014 (austral winter), two bio-oceanographic cruises were carried out between 43° and 51°S. Conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) data and ichthyoplankton samples were collected. The highest frequency of occurrence (FO) was observed for eggs of lightfish Maurolicus parvipinnis (84 and 91% FO in 2013 and 2014, respectively) and larvae of the myctophid Lampanyctodes hectoris (60 and 94% FO, respectively). Ichthyoplankton composition and abundance varied significantly between years, and richness varied from 10 (2013) to 18 taxa (2014). Only larval L. hectoris showed a significant increase in abundance during the winter of 2014. Water column temperature and salinity were significantly different between years; the water was warmer and saltier in 2013. Canonical Correspondence Analysis detected positive relationships between temperature and salinity with egg abundance and larval distribution of Merluccius australis. The highest abundance of eggs of M. australis was found at ~6–10°C, mainly off south Guafo Island. Additionally, ichthyoplankton from the shelf-break area off south Patagonia showed a wider latitudinal distribution in the winter of 2014 than in 2013.  相似文献   

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