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白粉病是河北省小麦生产的重要常发病害,明确小麦审定品种和高代品系中所携带的抗病基因对合理利用和布局已知抗源、实现对小麦白粉病的有效防控具有重要意义。本研究结合人工接种白粉病菌株E09和E20与抗病基因连锁(或共分离)标记对1956-2018年间河北省371份小麦材料(含审定品种256份、高代品系115份)进行苗期抗白粉病鉴定和抗病基因检测。结果表明:供试材料中,抗E09的材料占6.2%,抗E20的占11.9%,兼抗两个菌株的材料占4.9%;部分材料携带Pm1c、Pm2、Pm4b、Pm21、Pm24和Pm35基因,未检测到Pm12基因。Pm8基因在供试材料中所占比例较高,接近50%。供试材料中抗病审定品种比例远大于高代品系,说明小麦抗白粉病种质创新仍为当务之急,需要引起重视。在用连锁或共分离标记进行抗病基因检测时,通过计算某基因对两个菌株抗病反应型与标记检测结果一致的材料比例,发现Pm12、Pm21和Pm35等基因的标记检测效率较高,同时这些基因的标记也方便使用,可优先考虑用这些标记检测目的基因。  相似文献   

小麦近缘种属来源的抗白粉病基因是培育小麦抗病品种,防治白粉病危害的最重要基因来源。Pm57是位于西尔斯山羊草2S^s#l染色体长臂上的一个外源基因,对小麦白粉病具有苗期和成株期广谱抗性。为了创制Pm57白粉病抗性丧失突变体,利用基于基因突变体的植物抗病基因克隆新兴技术分离Pm57基因,选用0.625%的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)对1万粒小麦-西尔斯山羊草Pm57易位系89(5)69种子进行了诱变处理,M1大田密播种植,收获了1598个M2可育株系。初步对其中300个M2株系进行苗期白粉病抗性接种鉴定,并利用2个Pm57基因特异分子标记X2L4g9P4/HaeⅢ和X284274及小麦全国区试品系DUS测试所用的42对SSR核心引物对Pm57抗性丧失突变体进行鉴定,筛选出来自27个M2株系的真实抗性丧失突变体70个,Pm57基因抗性丧失突变体频率达到9.0%。本研究所获得的白粉病抗性丧失突变体为Pm57基因的后续克隆与抗白粉病分子机理研究提供了重要的材料基础。  相似文献   

转Chi基因小麦的T1、T2及T3代植株的遗传分析、抗白粉病鉴定和考察外源基因影响植株农艺性状的结果表明,T1和T2代中外源Chi基因的分离比均接近3:1,符合孟德尔遗传规律,Southern blot检测外源基因均为单拷贝整合。导入Chi基因的小麦对白粉病田间混合菌种的抵抗能力增强。除了株高和生育期以外,转基因植株的其他性状与未转基因的植株基本上相同。  相似文献   

小麦白粉病抗性基因的聚合及其分子标记辅助选择   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
采用了在早代进行抗性鉴定、淘汰感病株、保留抗病株继续种植、较晚世代(F4代)进行抗性鉴定结合分子标记辅助选择的策略,提高了选到聚合抗性植株的效率。利用与Pm2、Pm4α、Pm8、Pm21紧密连锁或共分离的RFLP标记和PCR标记(SCAR标记),对含有这些基因的优良品系间配制的杂交组合的F4代进行了分子标记辅助育种选择,并结合抗性鉴定,筛选到14株Pm4α Pm2I的植株,16株Pm2 Pm4α的植株,6株Pm8 Pm21的植株。应该引起注意的是,Pm2 Pm4α对混合白粉病菌的抗性达到高抗至免疫水平,而Pm2和Pm4α单独存在时抗性较差,表明聚合抗病基因植株的抗性提高了,为培育具有持久性抗性的品系或品种提供了新思路,它在实践和理论研究上都将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病基因   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
到目前为止,小麦中已经鉴定出31个主效抗白杨病基因位点(Pm1-Pm31),对这些小麦抗白粉病基因位点的来源、染色体定位、遗传特点以及载体品种等方面进行了概括性综述。  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病基因Pm23对世界上很多麦区流行的白粉病表现高抗或免疫.本研究以Pm23和Chancellor为抗感亲本,用集群分离分析法对抗性基因Pm23进行了RAPD分析,从320个十碱基随机引物中筛选到一个与Pm23紧密连锁的相引相标记OPE051100. 对F2分离群体进行RAPD分析表明,该标记与Pm23基因之间的连锁距离为10.65±3.25 cM.该标记可以有效用于小麦育种分子标记辅助选择中.  相似文献   

黄矮病是禾本类作物的主要病害之一,该病主要由大麦黄矮病毒侵染所致,侵染该病毒后植株生理活动紊乱,叶片黄化至红化,结实率低,严重影响农作物的产量。大麦黄矮病毒最早发现于大麦作物中,对大麦抗黄矮病的研究较早,但至今仍未从大麦克隆到黄矮病抗病基因。利用病毒诱导基因沉默系统和转基因技术,TIRB基因被验证具有抗黄矮病功能,是小麦抗黄矮病的关键基因。我们通过用小麦TIRB基因序列,在谷子、高粱和大麦基因库进行BLAST比对,发掘了谷子、高粱和大麦抗黄矮病候选基因,并运用生物信息学软件,分析、比较了这些基因所表达蛋白的理化性质,蛋白的亲疏水性及亚细胞定位,信号肽预测及三级结构等。不同物种中的这些蛋白相似的性质暗示着它们可能执行相近的抗病机制。总之,三种候选基因的发现,对于通过生物信息手段发掘作物抗病基因具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

小麦白粉病是由布氏禾白粉菌(Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici)引起,在小麦生产上发生最广泛的世界性病害之一。普通小麦品种农大399(系谱为Torino/2*2552//9516/3/5*石4185)是利用"滚动式加代回交转育"育成的高产、抗白粉病新品种。利用农大399和高感白粉病小麦品种石4185进行杂交,获得农大399/石4185的F1、F2分离群体和F2:3家系。对F1、F2分离群体和F2:3家系进行了苗期抗白粉病鉴定和遗传分析,结果表明:农大399对白粉菌生理小种E09的抗性受l对显性基因控制,暂命名为MlND399。通过BSA和分子标记分析,获得了与MlND399连锁的1个SSR标记Xcfd81和2个AFLP-SCAR标记SCAR203和SCAR112。其中MlND399与Xcfd81的遗传距离为0.2 cM,与SCAR203的遗传距离为1.0 cM,与SCAR112的遗传距离为1.2 cM。根据SSR标记在中国春缺体-四体、双端体和缺失系中的定位结果,将MlND399定位在小麦染色体臂5DSBin 0.67~0.78区间上。根据对抗白粉病基因的染色体定位结果,推测MlND399是Pm2基因。这些与MlND399连锁分子标记为利用农大399的抗白粉病基因进行抗病基因聚合和分子标记辅助选择育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

普通冬小麦品系99-2439在郑州连续4年对田间白粉菌(Blumeria graminis sp. tritici)表现高抗,但其抗性基因来源不清。通过染色体C-分带和1RS染色体特异性SCAR标记鉴定, 表明它是一个小麦-黑麦(Triticum aestivum - Secale cereale)1BL/1RS异易位系。通过对中国春×99-2439杂交F2代分离群 体抗性鉴定和1RS染色体臂检测结果分析, 证明该抗病基因不在1RS染色体臂上。用单孢小麦白粉菌分离株对其抗性遗传进行研究, 结果表明, 99-2439的白粉病抗性由一对小种专化、隐性抗病基因控制。由于携带Pm5a的Hope/8Cc对中国的21个小麦白粉菌分离菌株均高度感病, 而99-2439高抗混和白粉菌和5个单孢分离菌株, 所以, 99-2439所携带的抗白粉病基因不同于Pm5a。  相似文献   

普通小麦99-2439中的白粉病抗性遗传   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
普通冬小麦品系99-2439在郑州连续4年对田间白粉菌(Blumeria graminis sp.tritici)表现高抗,但其抗性基因来源不清.通过染色体C-分带和IRS染色体特异性SCAR标记鉴定,表明它是一个小麦-黑麦(Triticum aestivum-Secale cereale)lBL/1RS异易位系.通过对中国春×99-2439杂交F2代分离群体抗性鉴定和1RS染色体臂检测结果分析,证明该抗病基因不在1RS染色体臂上.用单孢小麦白粉菌分离株对其抗性遗传进行研究,结果表明,99-2439的白粉病抗性由一对小种专化、隐性抗病基因控制.由于携带Pm5a的Hope/8Cc对中国的21个小麦白粉菌分离菌株均高度感病,而99-2439高抗混和白粉菌和5个单孢分离菌株,所以,99-2439所携带的抗白粉病基因不同于Pm5a.  相似文献   

一些小麦白粉病抗源抗性基因鉴定分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究鉴定了我国37份小麦白粉病抗源的抗性基因,19份材料不具有任何抗性基因;6份材料具有来自1BL/1RS易位系的抗性基因Pm8;5份材料具有抗性基因Pm5a;3份分别具有对目前欧洲所有生理小种均抗的抗性基因Pm21、Pm16和Pm12;4份材料具有新的抗性基因。  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most serious wheat diseases. The rapid evolution of the pathogen's virulence, due to the heavy use of resistance genes, necessitates the expansion of resistance gene diversity. The common wheat line D57 is highly resistant to powdery mildew. A genetic analysis using an F(2) population derived from the cross of D57 with the susceptible cultivar Yangmai 158 and the derived F(2:3) lines indicated that D57 carries two dominant powdery mildew resistance genes. Based on mapping information of polymorphic markers identified by bulk segregant analysis, these two genes were assigned to chromosomes 5DS and 6DS. Using the F(2:3) lines that segregated in a single-gene mode, closely linked PCR-based markers were identified for both genes, and their chromosome assignments were confirmed through linkage mapping. The gene on chromosome 5DS was flanked by Xgwm205 and Xmag6176, with a genetic distance of 8.3 cM and 2.8 cM, respectively. This gene was 3.3 cM from a locus mapped by the STS marker MAG6137, converted from the RFLP marker BCD1871, which was 3.5 cM from Pm2. An evaluation with 15 pathogen isolates indicated that this gene and Pm2 were similar in their resistance spectra. The gene on chromosome 6DS was flanked by co-segregating Xcfd80 and Xmag6139 on one side and Xmag6140 on the other, with a genetic distance of 0.7 cM and 2.7 cM, respectively. This is the first powdery mildew resistance gene identified on chromosome 6DS, and plants that carried this gene were highly resistant to all of the 15 tested pathogen isolates. This gene was designated Pm45. The new resistance gene in D57 could easily be transferred to elite cultivars due to its common wheat origin and the availability of closely linked molecular markers.  相似文献   

Resistance (R) genes protect plants very effectively from disease, but many of them are rapidly overcome when present in widely grown cultivars. To overcome this lack of durability, strategies that increase host resistance diversity have been proposed. Among them is the use of multilines composed of near-isogenic lines (NILs) containing different disease resistance genes. In contrast to classical R-gene introgression by recurrent backcrossing, a transgenic approach allows the development of lines with identical genetic background, differing only in a single R gene. We have used alleles of the resistance locus Pm3 in wheat, conferring race-specific resistance to wheat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), to develop transgenic wheat lines overexpressing Pm3a, Pm3c, Pm3d, Pm3f or Pm3g. In field experiments, all tested transgenic lines were significantly more resistant than their respective nontransformed sister lines. The resistance level of the transgenic Pm3 lines was determined mainly by the frequency of virulence to the particular Pm3 allele in the powdery mildew population, Pm3 expression levels and most likely also allele-specific properties. We created six two-way multilines by mixing seeds of the parental line Bobwhite and transgenic Pm3a, Pm3b and Pm3d lines. The Pm3 multilines were more resistant than their components when tested in the field. This demonstrates that the difference in a single R gene is sufficient to cause host-diversity effects and that multilines of transgenic Pm3 wheat lines represent a promising strategy for an effective and sustainable use of Pm3 alleles.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew significantly affects grain yield and end-use quality of winter wheat in the southern Great Plains. Employing resistance resources in locally adapted cultivars is the most effective means to control powdery mildew. Two types of powdery mildew resistance exist in wheat cultivars, i.e., qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative resistance is controlled by major genes, is race-specific, is not durable, and is effective in seedlings and in adult plants. Quantitative resistance is controlled by minor genes, is non-race-specific, is durable, and is predominantly effective in adult plants. In this study, we found that the segregation of powdery mildew resistance in a population of recombinant inbred lines developed from a cross between the susceptible cultivar Jagger and the resistant cultivar 2174 was controlled by a major QTL on the short arm of chromosome 1A and modified by four minor QTLs on chromosomes 1B, 3B, 4A, and 6D. The major QTL was mapped to the genomic region where the Pm3 gene resides. Using specific PCR markers for seven Pm3 alleles, 2174 was found to carry the Pm3a allele. Pm3a explained 61% of the total phenotypic variation in disease reaction observed among seedlings inoculated in the greenhouse and adult plants grown in the field and subjected to natural disease pressure. The resistant Pm3a allele was present among 4 of 31 cultivars currently being produced in the southern Great Plains. The genetic effects of several minor loci varied with different developmental stages and environments. Molecular markers associated with these genetic loci would facilitate incorporating genetic resistance to powdery mildew into improved winter wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (PM), caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), has become a serious disease and caused severe yield losses in the wheat production worldwide. Resistance gene(s) in wheat cultivars can be quickly overcome by newly evolved pathogen races when these genes are employed for long time or in a large area. It is urgent to search for new sources of resistance to be used in wheat breeding. Tabasco is a German resistant cultivar and a new source of resistance gene(s) to PM. An F(2) population was developed from a cross between Tabasco and a Chinese susceptible cultivar Ningnuo 1. Infection types in 472 F(2) plants and 436 F(2-3) families were evaluated by inoculating plants with isolate Bgt19. Results showed that a single dominant gene, designed Pm46, controlled powdery mildew resistance in Tabasco. This gene was located to the short arm of chromosome 5D (5DS) and flanked by simple sequence repeat markers Xgwm205 and Xcfd81 at 18.9?cM apart. Because another resistance gene Pm2 was also located on 5DS, 15 Bgt isolates were used to inoculate Tabasco and Ulka/8*Cc (Pm2 carrier). The results showed that Tabasco was highly resistant to all of the 15 isolates tested, while Ulka/8*Cc was susceptible to 4 of the isolates, suggesting that Tabasco may carry resistant gene(s) different from Pm2 gene in Ulka/8*Cc. To test the allelism between Pm46 and Pm2, an F(2) population between Tabasco and Ulka/8*Cc was developed. Isolate Bgt2, avirulent to both parents, was used to evaluate the F(2) population and two susceptible plants were identified from 536 progenies with F(2) plants. This result indicated that Pm46 is not allelic to Pm2. Therefore, Pm46 is a new gene for PM resistance identified in this study.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by Erysiphe graminis DM f. sp. tritici (Em. Marchal), is one of the most important diseases of common wheat world-wide. Chinese wheat variety 'Fuzhuang 30' carries the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm5e and has proven to be a valuable resistance source of powdery mildew for wheat breeding. Microsatellite markers were employed to identify the gene Pm5e in a F(2) progeny from the cross 'Nongda 15' (susceptible) x 'Fuzhuang 30' (resistant). The gene Pm5e was mapped in the distal region of chromosome 7BL. Seven microsatellite markers were found to be linked to the gene Pm5e, of which two codominant markers Xgwm783 and Xgwm1267 were relatively close to Pm5e with a linkage distance of 11.0 cM and 6.6 cM, respectively. It is possible to use the 136-bp allele of Xgwm1267 in 'Fuzhuang 30' for marker-assisted selection during the wheat resistance breeding process for facilitation of gene pyramiding. The mapping information in the present study provides a starting point for fine mapping of the Pm5 locus and map-based cloning to clarify the molecular structure and function of the different alleles at the Pm5 locus. A microsatellite linkage map of chromosome 7B was constructed with 20 microsatellite loci, nine on the short arm and 11 on the long arm. This information will be very useful for further mapping of agronomically important genes of interest on chromosome 7B.  相似文献   

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