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将含有G138P单点突变和G138P-G247D双点突变的GI结构基因,分别克隆入E.coli-链霉菌穿梭载体pHZ-1272,成功构建了穿梭表达载体pHZGI1和pHZGI2。通过原生质体的转化,将穿梭表达载体异入变铅青链霉菌TK54菌株。30℃振荡培养24h,加入2μg/mL硫链丝菌素诱导表达12h。SDS-PAGE电泳表明,两个穿梭载体在TK54菌株内表达出42.5kD特异性条带。薄层扫描显示,突变体酶GIG138P和GIG138P-G247D分别约占可溶性蛋白的19%和22%。Western杂交进一步证实GIG138P和GIG138P-G247D在变铅青链霉菌TK54中获得了表达。  相似文献   

将含有G138P单点突变和G138P-G247D双点突变的GI结构基因,分别克隆入E.coli链霉菌穿梭载体pHZ1272,成功构建了穿梭表达载体pHZGI1和pHZGI2。通过原生质体的转化,将穿梭表达载体导入变铅青链霉菌TK54菌株。30℃振荡培养24h,加入2 μg/mL 硫链丝菌素诱导表达12h。SDSPAGE电泳表明,两个穿梭载体在TK54菌株内表达出425 kD特异性条带。薄层扫描显示,突变体酶GIG138P和GIG138PG247D分别约占可溶性蛋白的19%和22%。Western杂交进一步证实GIG138P和GIG138PG247D在变铅青链霉菌TK54中获得了表达。  相似文献   

生米卡链霉菌变株丙酰化酶基因的克隆和表达   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
麦迪霉素产生菌生米卡链霉菌(streptomyces mycarofaciens)变株具有丙酰化酶活性,可以将螺旋霉素转化为丙酰螺旋霉素。为了进行丙酰化酶基因克隆,本实验以质粒pIJ702为载体通过鸟枪克隆法将变株DNA片段克隆至变铅青链霉菌TK54(Streptomyces livdansTK54),经薄层层析和高压液相色谱分析结果表明,在转化子中,N0.9菌株可以将螺旋霉素转化为丙酰螺旋霉素,这证明丙酰化酶基因已在变铅青链霉菌TK54中克隆并得到初步表达,№.9重组质粒插入DNA片段为4.16kb,经southern杂交表明确实来源于变株。此外还构建了N0.9重组质粒的限制酶酶切图谱。  相似文献   

谭华荣  张其玫 《遗传学报》1990,17(5):390-397
本文用穿梭质粒载体pSE-3,进行了大肠杆菌葡萄糖异构酶基因在变铅青链霉菌中的克隆与表达。把含有1.6kb葡萄糖异构酶基因的pX1200(4.3kb)质粒与pGEM-3(2.9kb)质粒分别用EcoRI酶解,T4DNA连接酶连接,转化E.Coli HB101(Xy1~-,Neo(?)),得到的重组质粒被命名为pX1203(7.2kb);将pX1203与穿梭质粒载体pSE-3分别用HindⅢ酶解,T_4DNA连接酶连接,转化E.Coli HB101,在含有新霉素的木糖培养基上筛选到转化重组体,其重组质粒被命名为pSE×100(10.6kb);把pSE×100转化变铅青链霉菌TK54的原生质体,在硫链丝菌肽(50μg/ml)和新霉素(50μg/ml)的平皿上得到了重组体。经质粒提取,酶切分析,再转化和葡萄糖异构酶活性测定,结果表明,大肠杆菌的葡萄糖异构酶基因确实已在链霉菌中克隆和表达。  相似文献   

鲑鱼降钙素在链霉菌中的分泌表达   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
洪斌  李元 《遗传学报》1998,25(4):287-293
利用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术分别扩增鲑鱼降钙素的编码序列(sCT-Gly)和抗生链霉菌melCl的信号肽编码序列及其上游的调控序列,将鲑鱼降钙素编码序列融合在melCl信号肽编码序列后,定向克隆到链霉菌质粒载体pIJ680中的新霉素磷酸转移酶基因的启动子(Paph)下游,得到的表达质粒pMS680转化变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans TK54)进行分泌表达。酶联免疫测定法(EIA)显示重组菌株在YEME培养基中的分泌表达水平于96h达到最高,表达量大于100μ/L培养液。实验表明表达产物能降低大鼠血清钙的浓度。高压液相色谱(HPLC)结果表明,表达产物中主峰的保留时间与鲑鱼降钙素标准品的保留时间基本一致。以上结果提示,鲑鱼降钙素在链霉菌中获得了成功的分泌表达。  相似文献   

目的:铵离子是细胞内合成各种核酸、氨基酸和辅助因子等含氮化合物的重要原料之一。微生物细胞膜上的铵载体蛋白介导了铵离子的转运。通过异源表达刺糖多孢菌中铵载体蛋白基因,研究其对链霉菌产孢能力和次级代谢产物产量的影响。方法:从刺糖多孢菌S04-41菌株中克隆铵载体蛋白基因amt S,通过接合转移导入天蓝色链霉菌M145和变铅青链霉菌TK24中,分析比较amt S基因的异源表达对其产孢能力和次级代谢产物产量的影响。结果:天蓝色链霉菌重组菌株M145/p MF-amt S和变铅青链霉菌重组菌株TK24/p MF-amt S中放线紫红素的产量分别提高了2.85倍和30.02倍。结论:刺糖多孢菌中的铵载体蛋白能够提高链霉菌中次生代谢产物的产量,为进一步研究该基因的功能与对刺糖多孢菌中多杀菌素合成的作用奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

与链霉菌分化有关的whiG结构基因已亚克隆到链霉菌表达载体pAK203的tipA启动子下游.该启动子能被硫链丝菌素诱导.whiG基因的诱导表达不仅可使天蓝色链霉菌孢子形成缺陷突变株C71恢复产生孢子的能力,而且也能使天蓝色链霉菌野生型菌株J1501和变铅青链霉菌TK54的孢子形成更为丰满.Western杂交也进一步证实了诱导表达后whiG基因产物——σ~(whiG)产量的增加.这为依赖于σ~(whiG)RNA多聚酶的发育调控启动子体外转录的研究提供了有利条件.  相似文献   

胰蛋白酶作为一种重要的丝氨酸蛋白酶被广泛应用于食品、医药和皮革等工业领域.本文成功实现了灰色链霉菌来源的胰蛋白编码基因在变铅青链霉菌中的高效活性表达,并对其酶学性质进行分析比较.以灰色链霉菌ATCC10137基因组为模板,获得胰蛋白酶编码基因sprT并克隆至表达质粒pIJ86,成功构建了重组链霉菌工程菌TK24/pIJ86-sprT.以R2YE和SELF为发酵培养基,最高酶活分别达9.21 U/mL和8.61 U/mL.酶学性质分析表明,和牛胰蛋白酶(BT)相比,重组链霉菌胰蛋白酶(rSGT)的耐酸能力强,具有较广的pH;且rSGT对酰胺键具有更高的特异性;此外,Zn2+和有机溶剂分别对rSGT的酯酶活力和酰胺酶活力具有促进作用;本研究结果为rSGT的性质改造以及工业应用提供了依据.  相似文献   

用PCR方法扩增变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans)TK24氨肽酶N基因,体外插入卡那霉素抗性基因进行失活,然后利用不含链霉菌复制起点的重组质粒pPEPN-KAN进行同源重组,获得了氨肽酶N缺失的菌株PEPN-.突变株的胞外氨肽酶N活性与原株基本相同,而胞内氨肽酶N的活性明显低于原株,为原株的42.5±5.7%.  相似文献   

用PCR方法扩增变铅青链霉菌 (Streptomyceslividans)TK2 4氨肽酶N基因 ,体外插入卡那霉素抗性基因进行失活 ,然后利用不含链霉菌复制起点的重组质粒 pPEPN KAN进行同源重组 ,获得了氨肽酶N缺失的菌株PEPN- 。突变株的胞外氨肽酶N活性与原株基本相同 ,而胞内氨肽酶N的活性明显低于原株 ,为原株的 42.5± 5.7%。  相似文献   

Yang Y  Xu C  Ge F  Lu Z  Zhu G  Li H  Liao J  Teng M  Niu L  Wang Y 《Current microbiology》2001,42(4):241-247
A 1.3-kb PstI-BamHI fragment containing the single-mutation glucose isomerase (GIG138P, GI1) gene and its natural promoter was inserted into PstI-BglII linearized Streptomyces vector pIJ702. The ligation mixture was then introduced into Streptomyces lividans TK54 protoplasts; transformants were identified based on their thiostrepton resistance (ThR) and insertional inactivation of the melanin phenotype; and three white colonies, XY-2, 6, and 9, harboring recombinant expression plasmid pYH703, were obtained. Enzyme assay and SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the GI1 gene was expressed, the intracellular GI1 specific activity was 6 U/mg, and GI1 accounted for 20% of the soluble proteins in S. lividans. Restriction analysis and Southern blot of pYH703 showed the existence of plasmid deletion, presumably owing to the interaction between the mel and GI1 sequences. Continuous liquid cultures of the recombinant strain demonstrated that the GI1 specific activity and GI1 expression in S. lividans decreased, and more obviously under non-selective conditions. Received: 10 August 2000 / Accepted: 5 September 2000  相似文献   

在链霉菌中表达透明颤菌血红蛋白需要异源启动子   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建了质粒pIJ4083Mpro、pIJ4083\|pro\,pWLD8和pFW3。在浅青紫链霉菌TK24中,启动子探针质粒pIJ4083上的邻苯二酚双加氧酶基因(xylE)不能被透明颤菌血红蛋白基因(vgb)的启动子带动转录,表明vgb启动子在链霉菌中无作用。TK24中,pWLD8和pFW3均能表达透明颤菌血红蛋白(VHb),pWLD8上可能是由Plac带动vgb的表达;pFW3上vgb基因去掉了非必要部分,克隆在PCR扩增得到的glnA启动子下游,两者连成嵌合基因。  相似文献   

A lignin peroxidase gene was cloned from Streptomyces viridosporus T7A into Streptomyces lividans TK64 in plasmid pIJ702. BglII-digested genomic DNA (4-10 kb) of S. viridosporus was shotgun-cloned into S. lividans after insertion into the melanin (mel+) gene of pIJ702. Transformants expressing pIJ702 with insert DNA were selected based upon the appearance of thiostrepton resistant (tsrr)/mel-colonies on regeneration medium. Lignin peroxidase-expressing clones were isolated from this population by screening of transformants on a tsr-poly B-411 dye agar medium. In the presence of H2O2 excreted by S. lividans, colonies of lignin peroxidase-expressing clones decolorized the dye. Among 1000 transformants screened, 2 dye-decolorizing clones were found. One, pIJ702/TK64.1 (TK64.1), was further characterized. TK64.1 expressed significant extracellular 2,4-dichlorophenol (2.4-DCP) peroxidase activity (= assay for S. viridosporus lignin peroxidase). Under the cultural conditions employed, plasmidless S. lividans TK64 had a low background level of 2.4-DCP oxidizing activity. TK64.1 excreted an extracellular peroxidase not observed in S. lividans TK64, but similar to S. viridosporus lignin peroxidase ALip-P3, as shown by activity stain assays on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. The gene was located on a 4 kb fragment of S. viridosporus genomic DNA. When peroxidase-encoding plasmid, pIJ702.LP, was purified and used to transform three different S. lividans strains (TK64, TK23, TK24), all transformants tested decolorized poly B-411. When grown on lignocellulose in solid state processes, genetically engineered S. lividans TK64.1 degraded the lignocellulose slightly better than did S. lividans TK64. This is the first report of the cloning of a bacterial gene coding for a lignin-degrading enzyme.  相似文献   

王晓沁  李元 《遗传学报》1999,26(4):288-294
以分离提取的HeLa细胞总RNA为模板,通过RT-PCR反应扩增得到了1017bp的人可溶性白细胞介素6受体(sIL-6R)cDNA片段,将扩增片段克隆到pUC19质粒中进行序列测定。结果证明该片的序列与文献报道的sIL-6RcDNA的序列完全一致,将sIL-6RcDNA与链霉素信号肽melCl的编码序列融合后得到的融合基因mel/sIL-6R克隆到链霉菌质粒pLJ459中,构建成重组表达质粒pL  相似文献   

A recombinant expression plasmid pYH12, containing the double-mutation glucose isomerase (GIG138PG247D, GI2) coding gene and its natural regulatory sequence, was constructed for site-specific integration in Streptomyces. The resulting plasmid was introduced into Streptomyces lividans TK54 by protoplast transformation and two apramycin-resistance (AmR) transformants, designated GY2 and BY7, respectively, were obtained further based on enzyme assays. These results for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Dot blot, and recovery of cloned fragments from the transformant chromosome indicated that the GI2 gene was integrated into the S. lividans chromosome by site-specific recombination, and which was further verified by Southern blot. We found that the free form of plasmid pYH12 co-existing with the integrated form was present in S. lividans. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the GI2 gene was expressed in S. lividans. The intracellular GI2 specific activity was 1.15 U/mg. The stability of integrants demonstrated that the cloned GI2 gene was stably integrated and expressed even in the absence of selective pressure. Received: 28 March 2001 / Accepted: 14 May 2001  相似文献   

大鼠α-酰胺酶在变铅青链霉菌中的克隆及表达研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
α-酰胺酶(α-amidase,α-AE)催化神经和内分泌系统中活性多肽的C-端酰胺化,多多肽的生物活性至关重要。以大鼠心房组织的总RNA为模板,采用RT-PCR技术扩增获得编码α-酰胺酶的cDNA,并进行了克隆和测序。为了使α-酰胺酶能在链霉菌中分泌表达,将其cDNA与链霉菌酷氮酶酶(melC1)信号的编码序列融合得到融合mel/AE,将mel/AE插入链霉菌质粒pIJ680,获得重组质粒pIJ  相似文献   

H Krügel  G Fiedler  I Haupt  E Sarfert  H Simon 《Gene》1988,62(2):209-217
A gene (nat) conferring resistance to the streptothricin antibiotic nourseothricin (Nc) was cloned from the producer Streptomyces noursei into Streptomyces lividans on the vector pIJ702 to form pNAT1. The nat gene was localized on a 1-kb SalI-MboI fragment, which also carries the nat promoter. Divergent promoter activity from the nat promoter region was identified on the cloned fragment using promoter probe plasmids pIJ486 and pIJ487. The nat gene is not expressed from its own promoter in Escherichia coli as shown by its failure to promote cat expression in promoter-less plasmid pBB100 and by the expression of NcR in only one orientation, when cloned in pUC19. In S. lividans 7A, harbouring plasmid pNAT1, an Nc-acetylating activity (NAT) was associated with the cloned resistance gene. The substrate specificity of NAT correlated well with the substrate range of the acetyltransferase in S. noursei and Tn1825-determined streptothricin resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. Moreover, an extract of S. lividans carrying pNAT1 showed specific serological cross-reactivity with an extract of E. coli carrying Tn1825.  相似文献   

洪斌  李元  Jozef Anné 《遗传学报》2003,30(3):209-214
以变铅青链霉菌为宿主研究了人INFβ(hTNFβ)的异源表达。应用链霉菌S.VENEZUELAC cbs762.70分泌产生的枯草杆菌蛋白酶抑制剂vsi基因的启动子、表达调控序列和分泌信号肽序列,分别对hTNFβ进行了直接分泌表达、分泌融合表达和胞内表达。将hTNFβ的cDNA分别直接融合于vsi信号肽序列下游2个氨基酸处、vsi全长基因之后以及vsi起始密码子ATG的下游,获得的表达盒分别克隆至链霉菌高拷贝质粒pIJ486,转化Streptomyces lividans TK24,获得了重组菌株S.lividans(pIJ486-hTNFβ),s.LIVIDANS(PIJ486-vsi-hTNFβ)和S.lividans(pIVPA-hTNFβ)。分别对不同的重组菌株进行摇瓶培养,对其培养的上清液和细胞裂解液进行SDS—PAGE和Westen杂交,结果表明:hTNFβ在重组菌株中均获得了表达,且直接分泌产物和胞内表达产物均具有生物学活性。hTNFβ直接分泌表达产物的分子量约为16kDa,NB培养基中培养48h时表达水平约为0.7mg/L。胞内表达产物分子量与对照重组hTNFβ一致(18.7kDa),但随培养时间的延长远步降解为16kDa,NB培养基中培养48h时的表达水平(25.1mg/L)远高于其直接分泌表达水平。  相似文献   

Leucine and histidine biosynthetic genes from Streptomyces rochei HP1 that complemented auxotrophic mutations in S. lividans TK54 were cloned in pIJ61. DNA from one leucine recombinant plasmid was subcloned into pBR322. From the latter, a recombinant plasmid was obtained that complemented the leuA mutation in Escherichia coli CV512 but not other leucine markers in E. coli. Analysis of this and several subclones, including mutant plasmids constructed in vitro, established that the cloned S. rochei gene was expressed in E. coli from the tetracycline promoter of pBR322 to produce a polypeptide of 67 kDa; the corresponding coding region was shown to be within a 1.7 kbp DNA fragment. Blot hybridization revealed corresponding homologous genes in several other streptomycetes.  相似文献   

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