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细胞程序性死亡对于植物的正常生长发育及病理过程具有十分重要的生物学意义。现有的实验证据表明, 细胞程序性死亡在动物和植物中有许多相似之处, 但也各有特点。在植物中, VPEs、metacaspases和saspases 等酶类在细胞程序 性死亡过程中发挥了关键性作用。该文详细比较了动、植物细胞程序性死亡的差异, 并阐述了VPEs 、metacas pases 和saspases三种类caspases蛋白酶在植物程序性细胞死亡中所起的作用。  相似文献   

冉昆  马怀宇  杨洪强 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2564-2570
胱天蛋白酶(caspases)在动物细胞程序性死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)的起始、执行以及信号转导阶段起着关键作用,目前在植物中也发现有类胱天蛋白酶(caspase-like proteases,CLPs)的存在,并确认液泡加工酶(VPEs)、metacaspases和丝氨酸内肽酶(sapases)具有CLPs的作用,并证实CLPs参与植物的生长发育、抗病性及胁迫诱导的细胞程序性死亡等.本文对植物CLPs活性、生化结构及生理作用等方面的研究进展进行综述,并与动物caspases进行比较,为今后CLPs活性调节、作用方式及其在植物细胞程序性死亡中的作用等方面的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

植物细胞程序性死亡(PCD)在植物生长发育和逆境适应中发挥重要作用。半胱氨酸蛋白酶(caspase)调控动物PcD的启动、执行及信号转导。通过人工合成底物、动物caspase抑制剂等方法已证实在植物中存在类caspase,可分为metacas.pases、VPEs(vacuolar processing enzymes)和saspases等。本文综述了植物类caspase的种类、结构、定位、功能及其调控PCD的研究进展,提出植物PCD中类caspase作用的调控途径,为深入研究植物PCD提供参考。  相似文献   

细胞程序性死亡在植物适应逆境中的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细胞程序性死亡是近年来生命科学的研究热点之一,它不仅在植物生长发育中起重要作用,而且与植物适应逆境也密切相关。本文就细胞程序性死亡在植物适应逆境中的重要作用进行了综述,以期对细胞程序性死亡的研究进一步深入和对植物适应逆境的潜力有新的认识。  相似文献   

程序性细胞死亡是由基因调控的贯穿于真核细胞生理和发育过程的细胞自杀行为。动物细胞的程序性死亡分成3类凋亡、自噬和坏死;线粒体和溶酶体分别在前两个过程中起关键作用。关于植物细胞程序性死亡的分类还存在很多争议,焦点是植物是否有细胞凋亡这种形式,核心问题是植物细胞的线粒体外膜上没有Bcl-2家族的膜通透性调控蛋白。近年,程序性细胞死亡也在细菌中发现,LrgAB家族的膜通透性调控蛋白起着重要作用。最近的研究表明,植物叶绿体外被膜上也有LrgAB家族的同源蛋白,它们在控制叶绿体发育和程序性细胞死亡方面起重要作用。因此,叶绿体在植物细胞死亡调控中的作用应该更加受到关注。  相似文献   

植物细胞程序性死亡研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物细胞死亡分为坏死和程序性死亡。细胞程序性死亡是具有信号或一系列分子参与,并且由细胞内在的死亡程序介导的有序过程。它在植物生长发育和抵御外界胁迫中具有重要作用。简要介绍了植物PCD的特征,对植物PCD中的信号分子和类caspase的作用等进行了综述,并对植物PCD存在的问题进行分析和展望,为深入研究植物PCD提供参考。  相似文献   

细胞程序性死亡(PCD)是生物进化过程中受自身基因控制并受多种因子调控的一种细胞主动的死亡过程。PCD在植物的正常生长发育、对环境胁迫的反应和病原体入侵引发的过敏反应中起重要的作用。简要综述了植物PCD的特征、与此相关的蛋白和活性氧在PCD过程中的作用。  相似文献   

植物在生长发育和抵抗逆境时都会发生细胞程序性死亡,植物受体激酶在细胞死亡调控中发挥着十分重要的作用。植物细胞可以通过质膜表面的受体激酶感受细胞间及环境信号,并将信号传递到下游,诱导一系列级联反应,导致细胞程序性死亡。植物受体激酶BAK1在植物程序性死亡中发挥着关键的作用, BAK1与BRI1、FLS2、BIR1、EFR、BIK1等受体激酶互作,识别和转导胞外信号,共同调控细胞死亡。该文以BAK1为中心,综述了近年发现的参与植物细胞死亡调控的BAK1受体激酶复合物介导的信号转导机制,并提出需要深入研究的科学问题。  相似文献   

植物发育过程中的细胞程序性死亡   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
细胞程序性死亡(PCD)是植物发育过程中必不可少的一部分,近年来对植物发育过程中的细胞程序性死亡机制的研究已经广泛开展。植物发育过程中的PCD对植物自身形态建成和组织分化有重要意义。一般认为动、植物的PCD有很大的相似性,但植物发育过程也有着独特的PCD机制,例如依靠有裂解功能的液泡来参与PCD。通过比较植物和其他生物发育过程中的PCD,可对植物发育过程中PCD的特征有着更深入的了解。说明植物发育过程中PCD的研究将在理论和生产上有重大意义。  相似文献   

植物根内通气组织形成的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物能否在湿地或淹涝环境中生长,很大程度上取决于植物是否具有健全发达的通气组织。在结合形态学和分子生物学等方面研究的基础上,概述了植物根内通气组织的形成过程,主要涉及生理功能、诱导因子和相关酶等,推测细胞程序性死亡是溶生性通气组织形成的机理,乙烯在整体信号转导网络中起关键性中介作用。  相似文献   

Programmed cell death(PCD) is an essential process for development, and shows conserved cytological features in both plants and animals. Caspases are well-known critical components of the PCD machinery in animals. However, currently few typical counterparts have been identified in plants and only several caspase-like proteases are known to be involved in plant PCD, indicating the existence of great challenge for confirming new caspase-like proteases and elucidating the mechanisms regulating plant PCD. Here, we report a novel cysteine protease, NtTPE8, which was extracted from tobacco seeds and confirmed as a new caspase-like protease.Recombinant NtTPE8 exhibited legumain and caspase-like proteolytic activities, both of which could be inhibited by the pan-caspase inhibitor(Z-VAD-FMK). Notably, NtTPE8 possessed several caspase activities and the capacity to cleave the cathepsin H substrate FVR, indicating a unique character of NtTPE8. NtTPE8 was exclusively expressed in the integumentary tapetum and thus, is the first specific molecular marker reported to date for this cell type. Downregulation of NtTPE8 caused seed abortion, via disturbing early embryogenesis, indicating its critical role in embryogenesis and seed development. In conclusion, we identified a novel caspase-like cysteine protease, NtTPE8,exclusively expressed in the integumentary tapetum that is involved in seed development.  相似文献   

The investigations performed over recent few years have proved the existence of caspase-like proteases in plants. Three groups of caspase-like proteases: metacaspases, legumain family proteases (VPEs) and saspases have been identified and characterized in plants so far. A considerable amount of evidence supports the role of these enzymes in programmed cell death (PCD) occurring during plant development, their organ senescence as well as hypersensitive response (HR) after pathogen attack. Current knowledge of these enzyme molecular and biochemical structures is summarized in the paper. The homology of caspase-like proteases to animal caspases has been also indicated. Some future perspectives of research concerning the signal pathway during PCD, the regulation of activity and mode of action of these proteases are presented in the article.  相似文献   

Activation of aspartate-specific cysteine proteases (caspases) plays a crucial role in programmed cell death (PCD) in animals. Although to date caspases have not been identified in plants, caspase-like activity was described in tobacco during a hypersensitive response to pathogens and in Arabidopsis and tomato cell cultures during chemical-induced PCD. Caspase-like activity was also detected in the course of plant development during petal senescence and endosperm PCD. It is shown here that caspase-like proteases play a crucial role in the developmental cell death of secondary shoots of pea seedlings that emerge after removal of the epicotyl. Caspase-like activity was induced in senescing secondary shoots, but not in dominant growing shoots, in contrast to the papain-like cysteine protease activity that was stronger in the dominant shoot. Revitalization of the senescing shoot by cutting of the dominant shoot reduced the caspase-like activity. Injection of caspase or cysteine protease inhibitors into the remaining epicotyl tissue suppressed the death of the secondary shoots, producing seedlings with two equal shoots. These results suggest that shoot selection in pea seedlings is controlled by PCD, through the activation of caspase-like proteases.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically-controlled disassembly of the cell. In animal systems, the central core execution switch for apoptotic PCD is the activation of caspases (Cysteine-containing Aspartate-specific proteases). Accumulating evidence in recent years suggests the existence of caspase-like activity in plants and its functional involvement in various types of plant PCD, although no functional homologs of animal caspases were identified in plant genome. In this mini-review, we will cover the recent results on the existence of plant caspase-like proteases and introduce major technologies used in detecting the activation of caspase-like proteases during plant PCD.Key words: caspase-like proteases, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, programmed cell death  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is a process aimed at the removal of redundant, misplaced, or damaged cells and it is essential to the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. In contrast to the relatively well-described cell death pathway in animals, often referred to as apoptosis, mechanisms and regulation of plant PCD are still ill-defined. Several morphological and biochemical similarities between apoptosis and plant PCD have been described, including DNA laddering, caspase-like proteolytic activity, and cytochrome c release from mitochondria. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have emerged as important signals in the activation of plant PCD. In addition, several plant hormones may exert their respective effects on plant PCD through the regulation of ROS accumulation. The possible plant PCD regulators discussed in this review are integrated in a model that combines plant-specific regulators with mechanisms functionally conserved between animals and plants.  相似文献   

The morphological features of programmed cell death (PCD) and the molecular machinery involved in the death program in animal cells have been intensively studied. In plants, cell death has been widely observed in predictable patterns throughout differentiation processes and in defense responses. Several lines of evidence argue that plant PCD shares some characteristic features with animal PCD. However, the molecular components of the plant PCD machinery remain obscure. We have shown that plant cells undergo PCD by constitutively expressed molecular machinery upon induction with the fungal elicitor EIX or by staurosporine in the presence of cycloheximide. The permeable peptide caspase inhibitors, zVAD-fmk and zBocD-fmk, blocked PCD induced by EIX or staurosporine. Using labeled VAD-fmk, active caspase-like proteases were detected within intact cells and in cell extracts of the PCD-induced cells. These findings suggest that caspase-like proteases are responsible for the execution of PCD in plant cells.  相似文献   

The modern concepts of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants are reviewed as compared to PCD (apoptosis) in animals. Special attention is focused on considering the potential mechanisms of implementation of this fundamental biological process and its participants. In particular, the proteolytic enzymes involved in PCD in animals (caspases) and plants (phytaspases) are compared. Emphasis is put on elucidation of both common features and substantial differences of PCD implementation in plants and animals.  相似文献   

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