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胡冬梅 《生物学通报》2005,40(10):29-29
“种子呼吸时呼出二氧化碳”的演示实验,按照书上的装置(见义务教育课程标准实验教科书《生物学》,7年级上册第84页,北京师范大学出版社)操作,存在一定局限.经过在教学中不断研究改进,在材料、时间、对照不变的前提下,笔者摸索出了一种简便易行、成功率较高的方法.  相似文献   

种子萌发条件演示实验的改进装置--"四折"阶梯网架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人教版初中《生物》第1册(上)设计的种子萌发条件演示实验中(图1),使用玻璃棒和绳子固定种子,存在4个不足:捆绑种子操作困难,种子稳固性差;种子吸水膨胀后,易被绳子勒断,导致材料损坏,影响观察;玻璃棒位置不固定,当其滑动时,中层种子的水位会发生变化;中层只采用1粒种子处理,难以保证它一定萌发。而重复多做几套装置,又增加了操作的麻烦。我设计制做了“四折”阶梯网架代替玻璃棒和绳子来托载种子。  相似文献   

“种子呼吸时释放CO_2”实验装置的改进在儿年义务教育生物第一册(上)课本60页上,有一演示种子呼吸时释放CO;的装置,笔者按此方法实验时,效果不甚理想。此装置在实验中存在2.大缺点:()注水前,漏斗口必。须用棉花塞住以防co。逸出,但在使用时,操作?..  相似文献   

GA3对小麦种子α-淀粉酶诱导形成实验通过外加赤霉素溶液与清水(对照)处理小麦种子24h后萌发1d,比较其α-淀粉酶活性,可了解赤霉素在种子萌发过程中有诱导α-淀粉酶形成的作用。但是,在教学中,我们发现按照张志良和瞿伟菁(2003)主编的《植物生理学实验指导》一书中的方法各用一个调零校对对2组样品进行测定会导致实验结果的可比性降低,  相似文献   

条锈菌侵染过程中小麦叶片水分关系的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以条绣茵29号小种(CY-29)及其弱毒突变菌系(CY29-mut  相似文献   

人教社初中《生物》(上)演示种子和叶片在呼吸作用中释放CO2的实验中,笔者在实验操作中发现漏斗口不易密封,容易漏气;因CO2能溶于水,所以在用清水将广口瓶内气体排出时造成少量CO2气体的损耗,影响实验效果。笔者对此实验改进后,不仅操作简单易行,而且现象明显。  相似文献   

以杂种小麦新品种‘西杂一号'及其亲本为试验材料,利用A-PAGE和RAPD技术,对其进行了研究与分析.A-PAGE分析表明,亲本西农Fp-1和西农Mp-1有4条醇溶蛋白差异带,并在‘西杂一号'中表现出3对互补条带.从128个具有多态性随机引物中筛选出1个扩增带稳定、清晰且为双亲互补型的特征引物.并将这两种方法对‘西杂一号'种子纯度鉴定的结果与田间鉴定相比较,结果表明两种方法都可以用于杂种小麦杂交种及其亲本种子纯度的鉴定.  相似文献   

从大豆植物根际分离的氢氧化细菌对植物的生长有促进作用,但是关于其他的豆科植物根际分离的氢氧化细菌是否也有促生作用的研究甚少。从紫花苜蓿根际土壤分离氢氧化细菌,并进行其对小麦种子促生实验的研究,判断氢氧化细菌是否有促生作用,从而丰富具有促生作用的根际微生物资源。采用MSA培养基,从铜川新区紫花苜蓿根际土壤中分离得到氢氧化细菌疑似菌株,对其进行TTC法检测菌株氢化酶活性和自养能力的特性,以获得氢氧化细菌;通过小麦种子的萌发进行促生实验验证。结果表明,16株菌株处理过的小麦根长分别增加25%~128%,芽长增长27%~73%,鲜重增加48%~103%。从苜蓿根际土壤分离出的氢氧化细菌均具有较明显的促生作用。  相似文献   

依据《义务教育生物课程标准》编写的生物学教材突出探究性学习,教材的体系和结构以活动为中心,注重学生能力体系的构建。在实施新课程的过程中,要求生物学教师要学习新的课程理念,转变教育观念、更新教学方法,在活动中传授知识、发展学生的能力、培养情感态度与价值观。活动组织和开展得好坏是生物学教学成败的关键所在。  相似文献   

Summary Albumins, globulins, gliadins and glutenins presumably comprising 100 percent of the wheat seed proteins were sequentially extracted and electrophoresed on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The SDS-electrophoretic patterns within each of the four fractions from T. boeotiaum, T. urartu, T. turgidum, T. timopheevii, T. aestivum, Ae. speltoides and Ae. squawosa were similar. They differed from one species to another only in a few minor components or density of certain components. Similarity in MW's of components, as indicated by the SDS-electrophoretic patterns, suggests that the wheats and Aegilops exhibit no variability for structural genes coding seed proteins. A minimum of 60 to 70 and a maximum of 360 to 420 structural genes with major or minor effects control the total seed protein in T. aestivum. Presumably, only one or the other homoeoallele was expressed in the polyploids. Different components of albumins and globulins presumably had distinct MW's and amino acid composition, while the components of gliadins and glutenins could be classified into a few groups each containing one or more components with the same MW and nearly identical amino acid composition. The genes for components with similar MW's and amino acid composition arose through multiplication of a single original gene and perhaps share the same regulatory mechanism. Seed protein content and quality in wheat might be improved through the incorporation of structural genes, coding for polypeptides with distinct MW's, from distantly related species, rather than by manipulation of the structural genes within the Triticum-Aegilops group. Regulatory mutants similar to opaque-2 of corn could be used to alter the proportion of gliadins in relation to albumins and globulins, to improve amino acid composition of wheat proteins.  相似文献   

Ingestion of small amounts of some types of condensed tannins (CTs) by ruminant livestock can provide nutritional, environmental and economic benefits. However, practical methods are needed to make these tannins more available to ruminant livestock. Results from previous trials with crude quebracho and black wattle tannin indicated that cattle and/or sheep would not preferentially drink water containing these tannins. Therefore, we conducted preference trials to determine if cattle and sheep would learn to prefer water containing purified grape seed tannin (GST) that provided up to 2% of their daily dry matter (DM) intake. After gradual exposure to increasing amounts of this tannin in water during a pre-trial period, five adult ewes and five yearling heifers fed lucerne (Medicago sativa) pellets (19% CP) were offered water and several concentrations of GST solutions for either 15 (sheep trial) or 20 days (cattle trial). We measured intake of all liquids daily. Concentrations of blood urea were also measured for heifers when they drank only tannin solutions or water. Both sheep and cattle developed preferences for water with GST in it over water alone (P < 0.01) although this preference appeared earlier in the trial for sheep than for cattle. For the sheep, mean daily intake of water alone and all tannin solutions (in total) was 0.6 and 6.1 l, respectively. For the cattle, mean daily intake of water and all tannin solutions in total was 21.8 and 20.6 l, respectively, in the first half of the trial and 10.8 and 26.1 l, respectively, in the second half of the trial. Compared with the other tannin solutions, both sheep and cattle drank more of the solution with the highest tannin concentration (2% of daily DM intake as GST) than of water on more trial days (P < 0.05). Ingestion of water with the highest concentration of GST reduced blood plasma urea concentration in the cattle by 9% to 14% (P ⩽ 0.10) compared with ingestion of water alone. Results from the trials suggest that providing grape seed and perhaps other CTs via drinking water may be a practical way to introduce CTs into sheep and cattle diets.  相似文献   

This investigation was performed to study the effect on plant water relations and growth when some of roots grow into dry soil. Common spring water (Triticum aestivum) plants were grown from seed in soil in 1.2 m long PVC (polyvinyl chloride) tubes. Some of the tubes had a PVC partition along their center so that plants developed a split root system (SPR). Part of the roots grew in fully irrigated soil on one side of the partition while the rest of the roots grew into a very dry (-4.1 MPa) soil on the other side of the partition. Split root plants were compared with plants grown from emergence on stored soil moisture (STOR) and with plants that were fully irrigated as needed (IRR). The experiment was duplicated over two temperature regimes (10°/20°C and 15°/25°C, night/day temperatures) in growth chambers. Data were collected on root dry matter distribution, soil moisture status, midday leaf water potential (LWP), leaf relative water content (RWC) and parameters of plant growth and yield.Some roots were found in the dry side of SPR already at 21 DAE (days after emergence) at a soil depth of 15 to 25 cm. Soil water potential around these roots was -0.7 to -1.0 MPa at midday, as compared with the initial value of -4.1 MPa. Therefore, water apparently flowed from the plant into the dry soil, probably during the night. Despite having most of their roots (around 2/3 of the total) in wet soil, SPR plants developed severe plant water stress, even in comparison with STOR plants. Already at 21 DAE, SPR plants had a LWP of -1.5 to -2.0 MPa, while IRR and STOR had a LWP of -0.5 MPa or higher. As a consequence of their greater plant water stress, SPR as compared with IRR plants were lower in tiller number, ear number, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total biomass, plant height and grain yield and had more epicuticular wax on their leaves.It was concluded that the exposure of a relatively small part of a plant root system to a dry soil may result in a plant-to-soil water potential gradient which may cause severe plant water stress, leading to reduced plant growth and yield.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is an important agronomic trait: low levels can cause premature germination, while too much can inhibit uniform germination. As an approach to controlling the seed dormancy level in crops, we used Triticeae DOG1-like genes as transgenes. DOG1 is an Arabidopsis gene that underlies natural variation in seed dormancy. We previously showed that although their sequence similarities to DOG1 were low, some cereal DOG1-like genes enhanced seed dormancy in Arabidopsis. Here, we introduced two DOG1-like genes, TaDOG1L4 from wheat and HvDOG1L1 from barley, individually into the wheat cultivar Fielder. Their overexpression under the control of a maize ubiquitin promoter enhanced the seed dormancy level while leaving other traits unchanged. TaDOG1L4 was more effective than HvDOG1L1, which accords with the previously revealed difference in the effectiveness of these two genes in Arabidopsis seed dormancy. Knockdown of endogenous TaDOG1L4 in Fielder using double-strand RNA interference decreased the seed dormancy level by several tens of percent. This result indicates that some degree of seed dormancy inherent in wheat is imparted by DOG1-like genes.  相似文献   

Dry matter accumulation and IAA level of grains in various positions within the wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cvs Solo and Kolibri) ear were investigated during the grain filling period. Main shoot ears were partitioned into basal, central and apical regions and further into proximal and distal grains. Results from a two-year experiment with two wheat cultivars of different grain size are presented. The IAA level increased rapidly from about 8 until 20 to 30 days after anthesis, and then decreased dependent upon year and cultivar. The differences in IAA levels, both among spikelets in different regions of the ear (i.e. basal, central and apical) and also among florets within a spikelet (i.e. proximal and distal), were positively correlated with the differences in dry matter accumulation. Although the correlations held true within cultivars in a particular year, differences in dry matter between cvs Solo and Kolibri or differences from year to year were not well correlated with the corresponding changes in IAA levels. Possible interactions between dry matter accumulation and IAA levels are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究了不同烯效唑干拌种剂量对3个不同筋力小麦品种植株氮素积累、运转和籽粒蛋白质品质的影响,结果表明,基因型、环境及烯效唑处理对小麦品质的影响效应依次减小,且均达到了极显著水平,但三者的互作效应较小。烯效唑处理后提高了不同生态点下不同小麦品种籽粒蛋白质含量和产量,处理后的面筋含量和沉淀值增加,面团形成时间和稳定时间延长;干拌种增加了开花期各营养器官中的氮素含量和单株氮素积累量,花后氮素总转移量、总转移率及其对籽粒氮的贡献率极显著提高,且处理后旗叶中可溶性蛋白质含量在花后15 d内均显著高于对照;对籽粒中氮含量而言,烯效唑处理后提高了灌浆初期籽粒中的非蛋白氮含量,花后5—20 d内均高于对照,灌浆期间籽粒蛋白氮含量均高于对照,因而处理后的粗蛋白质含量变化动态特点为谷底高、回升快。研究认为,烯效唑处理如同基因、环境一样独立影响小麦籽粒品质,而烯效唑处理后提高了开花初期旗叶中的可溶性蛋白质含量和花前营养器官中氮素含量及花后氮素转运量,可能是其提高籽粒非蛋白氮含量、促进籽粒蛋白质含量增加和蛋白质质量提高的重要原因之一,烯效唑干拌种对小麦籽粒蛋白质品质的改善具有广适性。  相似文献   

全球气候变化和频繁人类活动导致水文序列的二阶矩变异现象日益凸显,样本的“一致性”内涵发生了变化,只考虑均值一阶矩变异的非一致性水文序列分析方法不再适用于所有的非一致性问题,基于样本一致性的传统最低通航水位综合历时曲线设计方法给枯水期低水位下的船舶通航带来了更大的安全隐患,使得最低通航水位更加不能满足航运设计需求.本文运用水文变异诊断系统分别检验水文序列的均值和方差二阶矩变异,在此基础上,结合时间序列的分解合成原理,提出枯水期非一致性最低通航水位综合历时曲线设计法.并以澜沧江流域的允景洪站为计算实例,比较分析现状与过去远期、过去近期不同时期的设计水位值,以及考虑二阶矩变异、仅考虑均值变异、未考虑变异3种不同情况下的设计水位值.结果表明: 方差变异成分改变了允景洪站设计水位值的变化趋势,并且与仅考虑均值变异的设计水位值的差值低至-1.11 m,与未考虑变异的设计水位值的差值低至-1.01 m,从而揭示了方差变异对设计水位的影响以及二阶矩变异分析在航道规划设计中的重要意义.  相似文献   

A simple aspirating device is described which permits repeated samples of biological materials to be taken near or at the microscopic level. It features an inner coaxial tube which delivers a harvesting fluid into the very tip of the collecting needle, permitting metabolic activity in the sample to be quenched immediately. The device is easily constructed from common laboratory material.  相似文献   

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