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川西亚高山森林是我国西南亚高山水源涵养林的重要组成部分.随着20世纪中叶以来农业人口的增加和森林的开发利用,受干扰强度、频度和干扰时间的影响,原始暗针叶林退化为耕地、草地、灌丛、次生阔叶林或人工林.1998年后,该区相继启动天然林保护工程和退耕还林工程.为评价工程效益,确定长江上游水源涵养林的恢复与重建模式,需要进行不同土地利用类型之间生态水文效应的对比分析.通过野外调查与室内实验,对比分析了川西亚高山林区农田、草地、退耕还林地、灌丛、次生桦木林、人工云杉林和老龄针叶林的地被物(苔藓与枯落物)和土壤持水特征,结果表明:不同土地利用与覆盖类型间地被物和土壤持水性能差异显著.随着干扰程度的增加,苔藓、枯落物蓄积量及最大持水量下降,土壤容重增加,土壤持水性能下降.苔藓最大持水量排序是老龄针叶林>人工云杉林>天然次生林>灌丛.枯落物最大持水量排序是老龄针叶林>天然次生林>人工云杉林>灌丛>草地>退耕还林地.人工云杉林与天然次生林之间、草地与退耕还林地之间苔藓和枯落物最大持水量没有显著差异.土壤0~40cm最大持水量排序是天然次生林>老龄针叶林>人工云杉林>灌丛>农田>草地>退耕还林地,其中天然次生林显著高于人工云杉林,草地与退耕还林地之间没有显著差异.对于森林恢复途径和树种的选择,需要考虑未来林分的多种生态系统服务功能.  相似文献   

孙红阳  王庆成 《植物研究》2015,35(4):590-596
对五常凤凰山林场皆伐迹地上45年生不同起源(人工更新、人天混更新、天然更新)形成的次生阔叶林、落叶松与阔叶树混交林和人工更新土壤碳输入和输出的季节动态进行研究,探讨不同起源对林分土壤碳收支的影响。结果表明:(1)不同起源土壤有机碳含量为针阔混交林显著高于落叶松纯林(P<0.05),次生阔叶林居中,且与二者差异不显著(P>0.05);(2)不同起源林分叶凋落物总量表现出次生阔叶林>针阔混交林>落叶松纯林,且次生阔叶林显著高于落叶松纯林(P<0.05);(3)3种起源林分凋落物分解速率顺序为次生阔叶林>针阔混交林>落叶松纯林;(4)不同起源林分不同季节土壤呼吸速率均以次生阔叶林最高,落叶松人工林最低;(5)不同起源林分土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)、土壤易氧化碳(ROC)6~10月平均值表现出针阔混交林>次生阔叶林>落叶松纯林,而土壤水溶性有机碳(WSOC)则为次生阔叶林>针阔混交林>落叶松纯林;(6)不同起源林分凋落物分解失重率与3种土壤活性碳的相关性均显著(P<0.05),土壤呼吸速率与ROC和WSOC呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。综合分析土壤碳收支过程表明,人天混更新更利于土壤碳的周转和贮存。  相似文献   

米亚罗林区不同森林恢复方式下中小型土壤动物多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了查明川西不同森林恢复方式下中小型土壤动物多样性,2008年11月对米亚罗林区的次生红桦林、人工云杉林和次生冷杉林的中小型土壤动物进行了调查.共获得中小型土壤动物15234个,隶属于3门9纲10目97科144个类群.线虫纲个体数占总体的71.85%,弹尾目占13.16%,蜱螨目占9.49%,其他类群占0.36%.3种森林中小型土壤动物群落的类群数和个体密度大小顺序均为次生红桦林>次生冷杉林>人工云杉林;Shannon多样性指数为次生红桦林>次生冷杉林=人工云杉林;Margalef丰富度指数和密度-类群指数为次生红桦林>次生冷杉林>人工云杉林;Pielou均匀性指数为人工云杉林>次生红桦林>次生冷杉林;Simpson优势度指数为次生冷杉林>次生红桦林=人工云杉林.不同群落间的个体密度无显著差异(P>0.05),但相似性系数表明人工云杉林的中小型土壤动物群落结构组成与天然次生林有较大差异.红桦林土壤动物的垂直分布的表聚性程度低于云杉林和冷杉林.研究表明,次生红桦林比人工云杉林和次生冷杉林能更有效地提高土壤动物多样性,促进地下生态功能恢复.  相似文献   

临安区不同森林类型竞争指数比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杜秀芳  汤孟平  潘建勇  沈钱勇  杨帆 《生态学报》2020,40(12):4064-4072
竞争对树木生长有重要影响,通常用竞争指数定量描述树木之间的竞争关系。以浙江省杭州市临安区的乔木林为对象,利用2004年临安区森林资源监测数据,基于Voronoi图的Hegyi竞争指数,在区域尺度上对临安区多种森林类型的竞争关系进行分析。结果表明:在单木水平上,不同森林类型单木的总竞争指数、种内竞争指数、种间竞争指数在胸径5-10 cm最大;单木平均竞争指数随着胸径的增大而降低,胸径 > 30 cm的竞争压力得以缓解;临安区林木的竞争主要来源于种内竞争,天然林的种内竞争占总竞争指数的比例 > 50%,人工林的种内竞争占总竞争指数的比例 > 60%。径级平均总竞争指数、种内竞争指数、种间竞争指数与胸径的关系均服从对数函数关系。在林分水平上,不同森林类型的林分总竞争指数、种内竞争指数、种间竞争指数存在显著差异。平均总竞争顺序为:天然阔叶林 > 天然针阔混交林 > 人工针叶林 > 天然针叶林 > 人工针阔混交林 > 人工阔叶林。种内平均竞争顺序为:人工针叶林 > 天然阔叶林 > 天然针叶林 > 天然针阔混交林 > 人工针阔混交林 > 人工阔叶林。种间平均竞争顺序为:天然针阔混交林 > 人工针阔混交林 > 天然阔叶林 > 天然针叶林 > 人工针叶林 > 人工阔叶林。人工阔叶林的平均总竞争指数、种内竞争指数和种间竞争指数均为最小,该森林类型以山核桃经济树种为优势树种,说明为提高山核桃产量,人为控制低种植密度的经营措施有效降低了林分竞争强度。  相似文献   

刘彦春  张远东  刘世荣  张笑鹤 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5810-5820
川西亚高山针阔混交林是该地区云冷杉暗针叶林大规模采伐后自然恢复形成的主要次生林类型之一,是由采伐迹地向顶极暗针叶林演替过程中的重要阶段。采用样地调查与异速生长模型相结合的方法,研究了川西亚高山林区4个海拔梯度(A:2900—3050m;B:3150—3300m;C:3300—3450m;D:3450—3550m)40a生针阔混交林的生物量与生产力变化。结果表明,林分乔木层生物量、生产力随海拔上升而不断下降,分别由A梯度的157.07t/hm2、3.43t·hm-·2a-1下降到D梯度的54.65t/hm2、1.36t·hm-·2a-1,气温的海拔间差异以及林分密度的递减是影响林分生物量、生产力变化的主要原因;阔叶类树种单株平均生物量、生产力随海拔升高而显著下降,由A梯度的200.55kg、4.96kg/a下降到D梯度的47.86kg、1.19kg/a;而针叶类树种单株平均生物量、生产力则逐渐上升,由A梯度的51.57kg、1.28kg/a上升到D梯度的73.88kg、1.84kg/a,但未达显著水平,阔、针叶类树种生物量、生产力变化分异是物种的生物学特性和林分环境共同作用的结果。相关分析显示,该地区阔叶类树种对海拔梯度的响应比针叶树种更为敏感和显著。  相似文献   

浙江天童地区常绿阔叶林退化对土壤养分库和碳库的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
闫恩荣  王希华  陈小勇 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1646-1655
为了解常绿阔叶林退化对土壤碳库和养分库的影响,采用空间代替时间的研究方法,以常绿阔叶林顶级群落为参照,选择了次生常绿阔叶幼年林、次生针阔混交林、次生针叶林、灌丛和灌草丛代表不同的退化类型,分别对其土壤氮磷养分库、碳库进行了调查和分析。结果表明:土壤氮库贮量从大到小依次为,成熟常绿阔叶林、次生常绿阔叶幼年林、灌丛、次生针叶林、灌草丛和次生针阔混交林;土壤总磷含量也是在成熟林最高,次生针阔混交林和次生针叶林的总磷含量显著高于次生常绿阔叶幼年林和灌丛;土壤有机碳含量从高到低依次为:成熟常绿阔叶林,次生针叶林、次生常绿阔叶幼年林、灌丛、灌草丛和次生针阔混交林;土壤铵态氮在成熟林、灌丛和灌草丛的库容量最大,其次分别为次生幼年常绿阔叶林、次生针阔混交林,最小的为次生针叶林;硝态氮则在灌草丛的库容量最大,其次分别为次生针叶林、次生针阔混交林和成熟林针叶林,最小的为次生常绿阔叶幼年林和灌丛。统计显示,常绿阔叶林退化不仅导致土壤有机碳库含量的显著下降,也使得土壤氮磷养分库含量显著下降。可以认为,砍伐导致的大量生物量输出和森林管理措施的影响,植物种类组成的改变,土壤物理性质的改变以及养分和有机碳的主要生物化学转化环节发生改变是导致此类变化的主要因素,常绿阔叶林顶极群落土壤是该地区土壤的最大养分库和碳库。  相似文献   

李其斌  张春雨  赵秀海 《生态学报》2022,42(17):7147-7155
基于长白山3个5.2hm2针阔混交林永久监测样地的野外调查数据,以胸径(DBH)≥1cm的乔木树种为对象,运用R4.0.3软件计算物种多样性指数以及进行物种多样性相关性分析和多元回归分析,以探讨生物和非生物因素对不同演替阶段针阔混交林物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)3个典型针阔混交林的4个物种多样性指数均随演替的正向进行而下降,其中物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数在3个演替阶段存在显著性差异,而Pielou均匀度指数在次生杨桦林与次生针阔混交林阶段差异不显著。(2)胸径结构变量是影响物种多样性变化的主要驱动因子,随着演替的进行,林分密度对物种多样性产生的影响越来越大。(3)所有土壤因子在针阔混交林阶段对物种多样性指数均表现出显著的影响,而在次生杨桦林只有土壤全氮与物种多样性指数存在显著相关关系,土壤全磷在原始椴树红松林阶段是影响物种多样性的主要因素。综上,研究认为在各演替阶段,生物和非生物因素均影响着森林群落的物种多样性,胸径结构和林分密度是影响群落物种多样性的主要因素,林分中的土壤因子受到不同群落特征的影响产生不同变化,从而对群落的物种多样性产生影响也有所不同。  相似文献   

利用连续收获法研究了川西亚高山老龄林(VF)、桦木林(BF)、次生针阔混交林(MF)、人工云杉林(AF)及高山栎灌丛(AO) 5种主要森林类型的凋落物组成及其动态,目的在于探索不同恢复途径对森林凋落物组成和产量的影响。结果表明,5种森林类型的全年凋落产量大小依次为VF(4.32 t/hm~2)、MF(4.10 t/hm~2)、BF(3.52 t/hm~2)、AO(3.01 t/hm~2)、AF(2.34 t/hm~2)。AF全年凋落量显著小于其他3种乔木森林类型(VF,BF,MF)(P 0. 05)。各森林类型的叶片年凋落量占总量比例均超过70%。VF、AF、AO均在生长前期(前一年10月至当年5月)达到最大凋落量2.41,1.29,1.63 t/hm~2; BF、MF凋落产量在生长季后期(当年7月至10月)到达最大值,分别为1.34,1.80 t/hm~2。常绿针叶树为主的VF、AF叶片凋落物样地间变异显著高于落叶阔叶树为主的BF、MF,表明其对立地条件的响应更为敏感。林分密度与胸高断面积组合因子更能反映凋落物特征。  相似文献   

森林生态系统通过响应环境波动和干扰而产生时间变化, 对其稳定性机制的研究有利于生态系统服务。温带针阔混交林是全球森林生态系统的重要组成部分, 该研究致力于探索超产效应、林分结构、物种异步性及优势物种稳定性对温带天然针阔混交林群落稳定性的影响, 以明确主要影响机制。该研究分别设定物种丰富度、胸径变异系数、物种异步性和优势物种稳定性为解释变量, 群落生物量稳定性、生物量平均值和生物量标准差为响应变量, 构建3个结构方程模型, 比较各变量间直接与间接效应的相对大小。主要结果为: (1)结构方程模型提供了良好的拟合效果, 并占群落生物量稳定性变化的40.6%; (2)物种丰富度与生物量平均值、生物量标准差均呈显著负相关关系, 路径系数分别为-0.103和-0.061; (3)胸径变异系数与群落生物量稳定性及生物量平均值均呈显著负相关关系, 路径系数分别为-0.123和-0.097; (4)物种异步性与群落生物量稳定性、生物量平均值、生物量标准差均呈显著正相关关系, 路径系数分别为0.055、0.085和0.055; (5)优势物种稳定性与群落生物量稳定性和生物量平均值呈显著正相关关系, 路径系数分别为0.623和0.085, 与生物量标准差间显著负相关, 路径系数为-0.608。研究结果表明尽管林分结构和物种异步性对温带针阔混交林群落生物量稳定性均有显著影响, 但优势物种稳定性是最主要的直接影响因素。  相似文献   

黄泥河林区鼠类群落演替的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨春文  陈荣海 《兽类学报》1993,13(3):205-210
本文研究了吉林省黄泥河林区5个次生植被类型的鼠类群落结构和生物量的变化。原始针阔混交林采伐后,大林姬鼠数量减少,棕背(鼠平)数量增加,黑线姬鼠侵入。形成次生阔叶林和人工落叶松林后,鼠类群落仍为原始针阔混交林中的大林姬鼠+棕背(鼠平)群落类型。人工红松林的形成使棕背(鼠平)数最明显减少,成为大林姬鼠群落。森林开垦成农田,相应形成黑线姬鼠+大林姬鼠群落。草甸发展成草甸森林,鼠类群落由东方田鼠+棕背(鼠平)演变成棕背(鼠平)群落。并分析了环境因素对鼠类演替的影响。  相似文献   

亚高山针叶林人工恢复过程中生物量和材积动态研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
研究了近70年不同林龄亚高山人工云杉林的地上部分生物量及材积变化规律.结果表明,20年林龄前的云杉单株生物量增长缓慢,以小枝和叶生长为主,约占50%;20年以后,单株生物量增长加快,以树干积累为主,大体上超过60%;30年后增长速度相对减慢,自40年开始并保持快速增长.云杉种群生物量表现出类似的增长,但林龄在30至50年间增长速度减慢.群落生物量总体上持续增长,但灌木层生物量在初期快速增长,从20年林龄后逐渐减少;草本层生物量则一直减少,到70年时仅占不足0.2%.在近70年人工恢复过程中,云杉单株材积平均生长量和连年生长量都逐渐增大,越在后期生长越迅速;林分蓄积则在30至50年林龄之间有一段连年生长量相对减小的时期.根据树干解析资料,建立了70年人工云杉林的单株材积与胸径和树高的数学模型.  相似文献   

Tropical forests undergoing restoration can present high biomass accumulation rates, especially in the first 20 years. However, native species reforestations often present a bias toward fast growth, low wood density, and small maximum adult size species, contrasting with most mature forest species. Since tree species adult size and wood density are key traits that influence biomass accumulation, these induce uncertainty regarding carbon uptake capabilities of restoration projects in the long term. We compared the density of individuals (DI), basal area (BA), aboveground biomass (AGB), and weighted average wood density (WDW) in 13–14-year-old restoration sites and in mature seasonal Atlantic Forest fragments. We also assessed the contribution of pioneer and non-pioneer and planted and non-planted species on these variables at restoration sites. Furthermore, we investigated the DI and WDW for saplings and seedlings, in order to foresee changes in forest structure that may result from natural recruitment of dense-wood mature species. The BA and WDW at restoration sites were similar to forest fragments, except for large trees (DBH ≥50 cm). Restoration sites recovered AGB to the level of forest fragments only for the smaller size class (DBH 5–19.9 cm). Planted pioneer and non-pioneer species accumulated the greatest AGB (93%), BA (94%), and DI (90%) at restoration sites. The DI of non-planted non-pioneer species with higher WDW increased among saplings and seedlings at restoration sites. The presence of species with a larger adult size and higher WD may indicate long-term increase in biomass accumulation at restoration sites.  相似文献   

广西主要树种(组)异速生长模型及森林生物量特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于广西11类主要树种(组)5个龄组(245株样木、345块样地)的生物量实测调查,建立了各树种(组)的生物量优化异速生长模型,探讨广西森林生态系统总生物量及不同森林类型、不同龄组、不同层次的生物量组成与分配。结果表明:(1)广西11类树种(组)叶、枝、干、根、全株生物量(除了杉树叶、桉树叶生物量)、地上-地下、胸径-树高的优化回归模型均为幂函数,经t检验均达到显著水平(P0.05),其中11类树种(组)以全株生物量的模拟效果最好;(2)广西森林总生物量为1425.37 Tg,平均生物量为105.36 Mg/hm2,各森林类型总生物量为松树林(366.14 Tg)硬阔(291.08 Tg)软阔(239.75 Tg)石山林(165.51 Tg)杉木林(164.01 Tg)桉树林(99.55 Tg)栎类(46.34 Tg)八角林(20.21 Tg)油茶林(19.59 Tg)竹林(13.19 Tg),均随年龄的增加而增加,各层次生物量均以乔木层占绝对优势,所占比例为78.30%—97.47%,各龄组地上生物量均大于地下生物量;(3)考虑统计学与实际应用之间的平衡及异速生长模型的可解释量、回归系数的显著性,以胸径为变量的生物量模型能有效估算广西主要树种(组)各器官及总生物量;(4)优化筛选的广西各树种(组)的地上-地下优化异速生长模型及推算的地上-地下生物量比,对于估计广西森林地下生物量具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Accuracy of a stand reconstruction technique was examined by comparing the estimated values of the aboveground biomass, total stem volume, stem volume growth, and stand density of Abies sachalinensis stands to those observed between 1980 and 1998 in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Census data from two stands established in 1973, one fertilized and the other unfertilized, were used for the examination. The stand statistics in the past were estimated from the DBH and height of individual trees measured in 1998, data on the aboveground biomass and stem volume with bark for nine living trees of various sizes harvested in each plot in 1998 or in 1999, and data from the stem analysis of the same harvested trees. We showed that the reconstructed patterns of the frequency distribution in aboveground biomass and in stem volume were generally the same as those observed in both plots and in any year in the past (except for 1982 and/or 1980), and that the reproduced patterns of stand development over time were similar to those observed directly in the past. Accuracy in predicting stand statistics was generally in the order of ±10% relative error. We consider that the present method of stand reconstruction could be used to estimate aboveground biomass, total stem volume, and stem volume growth of a stand in the past. Interpretation of results for the early years (1982 and 1980) and for the stand density requires caution.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in stand structure, tree species richness, and tree species diversity in relation to population density in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. Tree data were obtained from a 1997 forest inventory involving 60 clusters (540 plots) systematically distributed over 30% of the provincial forest area. Spatially referenced population data were obtained from the 1998 national population census. The average number of trees per cluster was 356/ha, the average basal area, 23 m2/ha, the average stand volume, 217 m3/ha, and the average aboveground biomass, 273 Mg/ha for all trees of DBH 10 cm and larger. The average species richness per cluster was 37 species, while average species diversity was measured as 0.916 using Simpson’s index and 2.98 by Shannon’s index. Significant negative correlations were generally found between population density surrounding clusters and tree density, basal area, stand volume, aboveground biomass, and species richness and diversity for three examined diameter classes (DBH of 10–30, ≥30, and ≥10 cm). As the distance from clusters for calculating population density increased, the correlation levels increased up to 5 or 7 km, depending on the variables and diameter class, and then stayed relatively constant for stand structure variables and decreased for species richness and diversity. The results indicate that evidence of disturbance was more pronounced at higher population density up to around 5 to 7 km. We suggest that introduction of greater controls on human disturbance should be a high priority for resource management and conservation in Kampong Thom Province and, presumably, Cambodia as a whole.  相似文献   

Increased fire activity within boreal forests could affect global terrestrial carbon (C) stocks by decreasing stand age or altering tree recruitment, leading to patterns of forest regrowth that differ from those of pre-fire stands. To improve our understanding of post-fire C accumulation patterns within boreal forests, we evaluated above- and belowground C pools within 17 Cajander larch (Larix cajanderi) stands of northeastern Siberia that varied in both years since fire and stand density. Early-successional stands (<20-year old) exhibited low larch recruitment, and consequently, low density, aboveground larch biomass, and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPPtree). Mid-successional stands (21- to 70-year old) were even-aged with considerable variability in stand density. High-density mid-successional stands had 21 times faster rates of ANPPtree than low-density stands (252 vs. 12?g?C?m?2?y?1) and 26 times more C in aboveground larch biomass (2,186 vs. 85?g?C?m?2). Density had little effect on total soil C pools. During late-succession (>70-year old), aboveground larch biomass, ANPPtree, and soil organic layer C pools increased with stand age. These stands were low density and multi-aged, containing both mature trees and new recruits. The rapid accumulation of aboveground larch biomass in high-density, mid-successional stands allowed them to obtain C stocks similar to those in much older low-density stands (~8,000?g?C?m?2). If fire frequency increases without altering stand density, landscape-level C storage could decline, but if larch density also increases, large aboveground C pools within high-density stands could compensate for a shorter successional cycle.  相似文献   


Uncertainty in past and future anthropogenic carbon emissions obscures climate change modelling. Available allometrics are insufficient for regional-level accounting of old-growth, pre-logging carbon stocks. The project goal was to determine the aboveground carbon (biomass and necromass) for a typical old-growth Eucalyptus delegatensis-dominated mixed-forest in Tasmania. Allometrics were developed for aboveground biomass of Eucalyptus delegatensis and generic rainforest understorey species. A total of 207 eucalypts with DBH 0.21–4.5 m, and 897 rainforest understorey trees with DBH 0.01–2.52 m were measured across 7.7 ha. DBH frequency distribution of E. delegatensis showed at least two age cohorts and distinct positive skew, whereas its DBH carbon distribution showed distinct negative skew. Half of the eucalypt biomass was from trees with DBH > 2.4(0.1) m, and 16% with DBH ≥ 3.5 m (from ~1.1 trees ha?1) – indicating the importance of allometrics for high DBH. Aboveground carbon was 622(180) Mg ha?1, with ~20% from understorey and ~25% from necromass. The carbon in aboveground biomass was above the median value for temperate forests. The long-term aboveground-carbon emissions from clearfelling the same forest type from 1999 to 2009 is likely to be 2.9(±1.3) Tg, depending on the growth and seral stages of the forest logged.  相似文献   

Forest structure is strongly related to forest ecology, and it is a key parameter to understand ecosystem processes and services. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is becoming an important tool in environmental mapping. It is increasingly common to collect ALS data at high enough point density to recognize individual tree crowns (ITCs) allowing analyses to move beyond classical stand‐level approaches. In this study, an effective and simple method to map ITCs, and their stem diameter and aboveground biomass (AGB) is presented. ALS data were used to delineate ITCs and to extract ITCs’ height and crown diameter; then, using newly developed allometries, the ITCs’ diameter at breast height (DBH) and AGB were predicted. Gini coefficient of DBHs was also predicted and mapped aggregating ITCs predictions. Two datasets from spruce dominated temperate forests were considered: one was used to develop the allometric models, while the second was used to validate the methodology. The proposed approach provides accurate predictions of individual DBH and AGB (R2 = .85 and .78, respectively) and of tree size distributions. The proposed method had a higher generalization ability compared to a standard area‐based method, in particular for the prediction of the Gini coefficient of DBHs. The delineation method used detected more than 50% of the trees with DBH >10 cm. The detection rate was particularly low for trees with DBH below 10 cm, but they represent a small amount of the total biomass. The Gini coefficient of the DBH distribution was predicted at plot level with R2 = .46. The approach described in this work, easy applicable in different forested areas, is an important development of the traditional area‐based remote sensing tools and can be applied for more detailed analysis of forest ecology and dynamics.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区油松水土保持林生长过程与直径结构   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
应用标准木树干解析法,研究了黄土丘陵沟壑区阴坡和阳坡两种21年生(密度为2 222株·hm-2)油松林分的生物量、林木生长过程和直径结构.结果表明:两种林分树高、林木直径和材积生长过程明显不同,阴坡林分的生物量、生长状况和直径结构优于阳坡林分.两种林分树高速生期出现在9~13年生之间,13年生以后,阴坡林分的生长量明显高于阳坡林分(21年生时,前者的连年生长量约在0.26 m·a-1,后者在0.1 m·a-1左右).两种林分的胸径生长量在13年生以后明显降低,但阴坡林分的降幅明显小于阳坡林分;17年生以后,前者的连年生长量明显大于后者(21年时,前者约在0.46 cm·a-1,后者只有0.27 cm·a-1左右).两种林分单株材积生长量在13年生之前差异较小,13年生之后,阴坡林分的连年生长量明显大于阳坡林分(21年生时,前者为0.0023 m3·a-1,后者只有0.0015 m3·a-1).两种林分直径分布都呈现顶峰左偏(林分密度偏大)的现象,但阴坡林分的偏度系数(SK为0.75)小于阳坡林分(SK为1.03)、而峰度系数(K为1.05)大于阳坡林分(K为0.94),说明阳坡林分密度偏大的程度大于阴坡林分.  相似文献   

运用非线性联立方程组建模理论建立红松立木相容性生物量模型,然后利用模型计算出人工红松各个样地林木各器官和样地总生物量。以林分年龄、林分平均胸径、林分密度等因素为制约条件,讨论分析林分生物量在林木各器官之间的分配规律,并且探究林分年龄、林木大小和林分密度的变化对林分生物量的影响。结果表明:幼龄红松人工林林分生物量与平均胸径成正相关关系;林分密度对林分生物量影响较大,并且随着密度的增大而增大,且最适合的林分密度范围是1 000~1 400株·ha-1;红松人工幼、中龄林林分生物量各器官分配规律相同,表现为树干树根树枝树叶,地上生物量占林分生物量79%左右;林分地上和地下生物量大概呈3.8∶1的比例。  相似文献   

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